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In many species of passerine songbirds, males learn their song during defined periods of life. Female song in often reduced or absent, as are the brain regions controlling song. Sexual differences in the brain arise because of the action of sex steroids, which trigger the formation of some neural pathways (especially the pathway from the higher vocal center to the robust nucleus) and prevent the atrophy of others in males. These neural changes occur during periods of developmental song learning and can recur during periods of learning in adult birds. The process of learning is correlated with major increases or decreases in the number of neurons in specific neuronal populations, suggesting that the formation or loss of specific neural pathways regulates the ability to learn. Species differences in sexual differentiation and learning allow informative cross-species comparisons of neural structure and behavior. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Cells immunoreactive for the enzyme aromatase were localized in the forebrain of male zebra finches with the use of an immunocytochemistry procedure. Two polyclonal antibodies, one directed against human placental aromatase and the other directed against quail recombinant aromatase, revealed a heterogeneous distribution of the enzyme in the telencephalon, diencephalon, and mesencephalon. Staining was enhanced in some birds by the administration of the nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor, R76713 (racemic Vorozole) prior to the perfusion of the birds as previously described in Japanese quail. Large numbers of cells immunoreactive for aromatase were found in nuclei in the preoptic region and in the tuberal hypothalamus. A nucleus was identified in the preoptic region based on the high density of aromatase immunoreactive cells within its boundaries that appears to be homologous to the preoptic medial nucleus (POM) described previously in Japanese quail. In several birds alternate sections were stained for immunoreactive vasotocin, a marker of the paraventricular nucleus (PVN). This information facilitated the clear separation of the POM in zebra finches from nuclei that are adjacent to the POM in the preoptic area-hypothalamus, such as the PVN and the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus. Positively staining cells were also detected widely throughout the telencephalon. Cells were discerned in the medial parts of the ventral hyperstriatum and neostriatum near the lateral ventricle and in dorsal and medial parts of the hippocampus. They were most abundant in the caudal neostriatum where they clustered in the dorsomedial neostriatum, and as a band of cells coursing along the dorsal edge of the lamina archistriatalis dorsalis. They were also present in high numbers in the ventrolateral aspect of the neostriatum and in the nucleus taeniae. None of the telencephalic vocal control nuclei had appreciable numbers of cells immunoreactive for aromatase within their boundaries, with the possible exception of a group of cells that may correspond to the medial part of the magnocellular nucleus of the neostriatum. The distribution of immunoreactive aromatase cells in the zebra finch brain is in excellent agreement with the distribution of cells expressing the mRNA for aromatase recently described in the finch telencephalon. This widespread telencephalic distribution of cells immunoreactive for aromatase has not been described in non-songbird species such as the Japanese quail, the ring dove, and the domestic fowl. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

In order to determine the critical period(s) during which estrogen alters sexually dimorphic behavior and neuroanatomy in zebra finches (Poephila guttata), nestlings were injected daily 20 μg estradiol benzoate (EB) during posthatching week 1, week 2, week 3, or weeks 1, 2, and 3. At 7 months of age, birds were implanted with testosterone propionate and tested with female partners for singing, dancing, and copulatory mounting. Brains were subsequently processed for morphometry, and the volumes of the song system nuclei HVC, area X, and RA and the soma sizes and densities of neurons in RA were determined. Males given EB during week 1 failed to mount. Females given EB during week 1 were fully masculinized with respect to dancing and RA neuron soma size and density, and were partially masculinized with respect to song nuclei volumes and singing. Treatment beginning after week 1 was ineffective or less effective for all measures. Only for RA neuron measures was treatment for all three weeks more effective than week 1 treatment. Thus the first post-hatching week is the most influential period of those tested for effects of exogenous estrogen on sexual differentiation in this species, and is a period during which both masculinization of females and demasculinization of males is possible. 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Only male zebra finches (Poephila guttata) sing, and nuclei implicated in song behavior exhibit marked sex differences in neuron number. In the robust nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (RA), these sex differences develop because more neurons die in young females than in males. However, it is not known whether the sexually dimorphic survival of RA neurons is a primary event in sexual differentiation or a secondary response to sex differences in the number of cells interacting trophically with RA neurons. In particular, since sexual differentiation of the RA parallels the development of dimorphisms in the numbers of neurons providing afferent input from the lateral magnocellular nucleus of the anterior neostriatum (lMAN) and the high vocal center (HVC), it has been hypothesized that sex differences in the size of these afferent populations trigger differential RA neuron survival and growth. To test this hypothesis, we lesioned either the lMAN or both the lMAN and HVC unilaterally in 12-day-old male and female zebra finches. Subsequently, RA cell death and RA neuron number and size were measured. Unilateral lMAN lesions increased cell death and decreased neuron number and size within the ipsilateral RA of both sexes. However, even in the lMAN-lesioned hemisphere, these effects were less pronounced in males than in females, so that by day 25 the volume, number, and size of neurons were sexually dimorphic in both the contralateral and ipsilateral RA. Similarly, the absence of both lMAN and HVC afferents did not prevent the emergence of sex differences in the number and size of RA neurons by 25 day posthatching. We conclude that these sex differences within the RA are not a secondary response to dimorphisms in the numbers of lMAN or HVC neurons providing afferent input. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We determined whether short-term, posthatch oral exposure to estradiol benzoate (EB) or the industrial surfactant octylphenol (OP) could impair the reproductive performance of zebra finches. If so, naturally occurring phytoestrogens and xenoestrogens might influence reproduction in wild populations. Chicks were given oral administration of 10 or 100 nmol EB per gram of body mass (earlier work showed the latter to be the minimum oral dose required to maximally masculinize female song nuclei) or an equimolar amount of OP daily from 5 through 11 days of age. Canola oil was used as a vehicle and control. Reproductive testing was done either in individual pair cages or in communal cages that permitted self-selection of mates, N = 10 pairs per group. Pairs consisted of EB-treated males and females, EB-treated males paired with canola-treated females, vice versa, and canola-treated males and females. Posthatch EB treatment produced sex-specific impairments in reproduction that, in some instances, were additive when both sexes were treated. Egg production was reduced and egg breakage was increased in 100 nmol/g EB-treated male and female pairs. The incidence of missing eggs was increased in 10 nmol/g EB-treated male and female pairs. Candled fertility was reduced in both groups containing 100 nmol/g EB-treated males. The number of hatched chicks was severely reduced in all EB-treated groups. No adverse effects of OP treatment were detected. These significant treatment effects (all P < 0.05) show that posthatch EB treatment profoundly disrupts the reproductive performance of zebra finches, suggesting that exposure to estrogens in the wild could impair the reproductive performance of wild populations.  相似文献   

It is well established that parenteral treatment of female zebra finch chicks with estradiol masculinizes their song control nuclei and that as adults they are capable of song. Concern over the widespread use of putative environmental estrogens caused us to ask whether oral exposure to estrogens (a natural route of exposure) could produce similar effects. We dosed chicks orally with estradiol benzoate (EB; 1, 10, 100, and 1000 nmol/g of body mass per day, days 5-11 posthatch), the non-ionic surfactant octylphenol (100 and 1000 nmol/g), or the pesticides methoxychlor (100 and 1000 nmol/g) and dicofol (100 nmol/g) and measured their song control nuclei as adults. EB treatment produced increases in song nuclei comparable to that induced by parenteral administration of estrogens. This is the first study of which we are aware to use an oral route of administration, which simulates the natural process of parent birds feeding their nestlings. We conclude that oral exposure to estradiol alters song control nuclei and we report in a related paper (Millam et al., 2001) that such exposure severely disrupts reproductive performance. Although we detected no influence of xenobiotics on induction of song control nuclei the possibility remains that oral exposure to xenoestrogens in high enough doses could affect development.  相似文献   

Sex steroids exert actions of paramount importance on brain cells. They contribute to shape the central nervous system during embryo development. They modulate the formation and the turnover of the interconnections between neurons. They control the function of glial cells. And they do it through a signaling machinery that is apparently simple, but that hides a level of complexity that has been unveiled only in part. Different receptor isoforms, different interactions between receptors and co-regulators, chains of events originating at the cell membrane and leading to effects in the nucleus (or the other way around) all interact to determine selective modulations of brain cells. All these actions end up in phenomenal effects on brain function that change through adolescence, pregnancy, adulthood, up to menopause and ageing. Many of these actions are relevant for degenerative processes and research may offer soon new strategies to counteract these diseases.  相似文献   

Behavioral variability serves an essential role in motor learning by enabling sensory feedback to select those motor patterns that minimize error. Birds use auditory feedback to learn how to sing, and their songs lose variability and become highly stereotyped, or crystallized, at the end of a sensitive period for sensorimotor learning. The molecular cues that regulate song variability are not well understood. In other systems, neurotrophins, and brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in particular, can mediate various forms of neural plasticity, including sensitive period neural circuit plasticity and activity‐dependent synapse formation, and may also influence learning and memory. Here, we have tested the hypothesis that neurotrophin expression in the robust nucleus of the arcopallium (RA), the telencephalic output controlling song, regulates song variability. BDNF and its receptor trkB are expressed in RA, and BDNF expression in RA appears to be highest in juveniles, when song is most variable and plastic, and synapse density highest. Thus, song variability and synaptic connectivity could be enhanced by augmented expression of BDNF in RA. In support of this idea, we found that BDNF injections into the adult RA induced the re‐expression of juvenile‐like phenotypes, including song variability and an increased synaptic density in RA. Furthermore, BDNF treatment also induced vocal plasticity, characterized by syllable deletions and persistent changes to the song patterns. These results suggest that endogenous BDNF could be a molecular regulator of the song variability essential to vocal plasticity and, ultimately, to song learning. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol, 2005  相似文献   

Females are predicted to adjust their reproductive investmentin relation to resource quality. In zebra finches (Taeniopygiaguttata), diet quality has been found to influence egg massboth between and within clutches. We tested the prediction thatdiet quality also affects the quantity of maternally allocatedyolk testosterone and 5-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) between andwithin clutches. We also investigated whether this pattern differedbetween male and female eggs. Females laid eggs on a high-quality(HQ) or a low-quality (LQ) diet. Eggs were removed at layingand artificially incubated for 72 h, after which time embryoswere sexed and yolk androgens assayed. Diet treatments werethen swapped and the experiment repeated. Because there wasevidence of a carry-over effect between breeding rounds, webased our conclusions mainly on the results from the first breedinground. On the HQ diet, but not on the LQ diet, infertile eggscontained more testosterone than did fertile eggs in round one.Although there were no overall differences in within-clutchpatterns of androgen deposition between the diets, this changedwhen embryo sex was taken into account. On the HQ diet, testosteronedecreased with laying sequence for male eggs but increased withlaying sequence for female eggs. On the LQ diet, mothers' maleeggs contained more testosterone and DHT than did female eggsregardless of position in the laying sequence. Our data suggestthat there are complex, context-dependent mechanisms of sex-specificandrogen allocation in this species.  相似文献   

In zebra finches only males sing, and several song control nuclei contain more neurons in adult males than in females. In the robust nucleus of the archistriatum (RA), this sex difference in neuron number arises because neuron survival is greater in young males than in females. The events initiating this sex difference in neuron survival are not known, but in earlier studies we observed that during sexual differentiation the proliferation and/or survival of RA cells exhibiting glial morphology is greater in males than in females. Because glia and glia-derived molecules are known to exert trophic effects on developing neurons, we wanted to determine when the sex difference in RA glia develops relative to the sexually dimorphic growth and survival of RA neurons. Male and female zebra finches were injected twice daily with 3[H]thymidine for 2 days beginning either on day 15 or 27. Two days later (day 18 or 30) sections through the RA were processed for autoradiography. Virtually all of the 3[H]thymidine labeled cells within the RA exhibited morphological features characteristic of glia and were not immunoreactive for the neuron-specific antigen, Hu. The number of these 3[H]thymidine labeled cells was measured, as were the number and soma size of RA neurons. Sex differences in RA neuron number and soma size were not evident at day 18, but emerged by day 30. However, at both ages the density of 3[H]thymidine labeled RA cells and their total number/RA neuron were significantly greater in males than in females. No such sexual dimorphism in the density of 3[H]thymidine labeled cells was evident in the archistriatum lateral to the RA, or within the RA of adult birds. These data indicate that sexually dimorphic gliogenesis is an early event in the sexual differentiation of the RA, preceding sex differences in RA neuron growth and survival. The possibility that glia (or glia-derived substances) may contribute to the neurotrophic effects of masculinization within the RA is discussed. © 1996 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of steroid hormones on sex differentiation was first demonstrated in birds in 1935. Steroid female hormones injected in vivo into male embryos determined a partial or total feminization of gonads and genital ducts. Male hormones determined only the sex reversal of the ducts. Some substances of the group of androgens, such as dehydroandrosterone, had a paradoxical effect; they feminized males and masculinized females. Similar effects were observed later by several authors in all groups of vertebrates. In placentary mammals, only genital ducts were transformed. Castration of avian embryos also demonstrated the role of embryonic sexual hormones on genital ducts. These results, first obtained in vivo, were confirmed by experiments in vitro. Since then numerous studies have been undertaken on the nature of the hormone responsible for the regression of müllerian ducts in embryos of birds and other groups of vertebrates. Some authors assumed that these substances are proteins; many offered new evidence for the role of steroid sexual hormones during sex differentiation. Thus the problem appeared more complicated than it was thought at first. In recent years, synthesis of steroid sexual hormones have been demonstrated in young embryos during or even before sex differentiation; and enzymes that catalyze the synthesis of these hormones, such as hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase, also have been discovered. Further research has been oriented toward the characterization of steroid hormones by techniques of immunochemistry and labeled isotopes confirming the results obtained by other techniques. Specific proteins are being isolated in the effectors; they work as receptors of steroid hormones. Nuclear receptors of estradiol have been discovered in the embryonic gonads and in the cloacal wall at the time of sexual differentiation. Thus a mechanism can be conceived in which proteins and steroid hormones play mutual roles in the process of sex differentiation. Presented in the formal symposium on Sexual Differentiation in Vitro and in Vivo at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, Denver, Colorado, June 4–8, 1978.  相似文献   

Abstract The lek paradox, in which female choice erodes genetic variation in male sexually selected traits, is a fundamental issue in sexual selection. If females gain only genetic benefits from preferentially having their ova fertilized by males with particular traits, what maintains variation in these traits? Under strong directional selection mediated through mate choice, the alleles for beneficial male traits are expected to go to fixation and exhibit little variation. A theoretical solution to the lek paradox is the genic capture hypothesis which states that: costly male traits subject to female choice are condition dependent, that male condition is dependent on genes at many loci and exhibits additive genetic variance, and that positive genetic correlations exist between sexually selected traits and condition. Using a captive population of the zebra finch Taeniopygia guttata, we tested two key predictions from this model: (1) that genetic variance exists in beak color which is a sexually selected trait, but also in condition and immune function, and (2) that positive genetic correlations exist between condition and beak color, and between beak color, condition, and immune function. Genetic parameters were estimated from a large breeding experiment involving 81 sires, 972 offspring, a pedigree of 1526 individuals, using the animal model. We employed the following index of body condition: residuals from a log‐log plot of body mass on tarsus length following a standardized and extended period of exercise, in which residual mass is known to reflect fat and protein reserves. Our results were broadly consistent with the genic capture hypothesis because we found (1) additive genetic variation in beak color and immune function and condition, and (2) positive genetic correlations between condition and beak color, and between condition, beak color, and several assays of immune responsiveness. However, both of these results need qualification. In the first case we identified an important general problem in estimating the coefficient of additive genetic variance (CVA) in body condition. In the second case, although most of the genetic correlations were positive as predicted, only some were statistically significant, possibly due to our relatively small sample sizes, because genetic correlations typically have large standard errors and therefore require very large samples to be statistically significant. The statistically significant, positive genetic correlations included those between beak color and immune function (response to tetanus), and between immune function (response to tetanus) and condition, both of which indicate that females gain good genes from mating with males in good condition and/or with a redder beak color. We discuss the implications of our results for devising more rigorous but pragmatic tests of the genic capture hypothesis.  相似文献   

Sex allocation in response to paternal attractiveness in the zebra finch   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Females mated to attractive males are predicted to produce male-biasedbroods. Previous studies on zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata,in which colored leg rings were used to alter male attractiveness,support this hypothesis. However, because molecular sexing techniqueswere not available, it was not known when during developmentthis bias arose. Also, because both attractive (red-ringed)and unattractive (green-ringed) males were within the same aviary,assortative mating between treatments may have confounded theresults. Using two different experimental designs, we testedwhether the sex ratio of zebra finch eggs and chicks differedin response to paternal ring color whilst controlling for assortativemating between treatments. In the aviary experiment, birds couldinteract socially, but all males in an aviary had the same legring color. In the cage experiment, each female was randomlyassigned a red- or green-ringed mate, thus also eliminatingassortative mating within treatments. Offspring were sexed basedon plumage or using a molecular method. The sex ratio at layingdid not differ between treatments in either the aviary (n =313 eggs) or cage (n = 151 eggs) experiments, suggesting thatfemale zebra finches do not manipulate the primary sex ratioin response to their mate's ring color. However, in the cageexperiment we found greater male embryonic mortality in theattractive group, which resulted in a female-biased sex ratioat sexual maturity, that is, in the opposite direction to thatfound in previous studies. Possible explanations for the disparitybetween our results and those of previous studies are considered.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the vertebrate brain (brain sex) are thought to develop owing to the tissue specific action of gonadal hormones similar to the development of secundary sex characteristics of the body. Small sex differences in body anatomy could, however, retrogradely control the sexual differentiation of the central nervous system. This possibility has so far been verified only for motorneuron pools, since the connectivity of sex‐specific higher brain areas to the sexual dimorphic periphery is frequently not well known. Here, we tested whether somatic sex differences feed back on higher brain areas by bilateral denervation of the syringeal musculature of zebra finches before, during, and after onset of estrogen‐sensitive sexual differentiation of forebrain vocal nuclei such as RA (nucleus robustus archistriatalis). In the zebra finch, the sound‐producing musculature (the syrinx), the syrinx motornucleus hypolossus pars tracheosyringealis (nXIIts), and the RA are much larger in males compared to females. Tract tracing studies revealed that the volume and neuron size distribution of the nXIIts was sexually dimorphic in intact but not in animals denervated as juveniles. In contrast, the volume of RA and size of RA neurons of denervated animals were highly sexually dimorphic. Furthermore, estrogen masculinized the RA of denervated females. Thus, sexual differentiation of the RA but not of the nXIIts appears independent of somatic sex differences. The syrinx muscles are, however, important for the soma size of those RA neurons that project to the nXIIts. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 42: 220–231, 2000  相似文献   

In the tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, sex is determined genetically (GSD), by temperature (TSD) or by temperature/genotype interactions. Functional masculinization can be achieved by applying high rearing temperatures during a critical period of sex differentiation. Estrogens play an important role in female differentiation of non-mammalian vertebrates. The involvement of aromatase, was assessed during the natural (genetic all-females and all-males at 27 degrees C) and temperature-induced sex differentiation of tilapia (genetic all-females at 35 degrees C). Gonads were dissected between 486--702 degree x days. Aromatase gene expression was analyzed by virtual northern and semi-quantitative RT-PCR revealing a strong expression during normal ovarian differentiation concomitant with high levels (465 +/- 137 fg/g) of oestradiol-17 beta (E2-17 beta). This was encountered in gonads after the onset of ovarian differentiation (proliferation of both stromal and germ cells prior to ovarian meiosis). Genetic males exhibited lower levels of aromatase gene expression and E2-17 beta quantities (71 +/- 23 fg/ g). Aromatase enzyme activity in fry heads established a sexual dimorphism in the brain, with high activity in females (377.9 pmol/head/hr) and low activity in males (221.53 pmol/head/hr). Temperature induced the masculinization of genetic females to a different degree in each progeny, but in all cases repression of aromatase expression was encountered. Genetic males at 35 degrees C also exhibited a repression of aromatase expression. Aromatase brain activity decreased by nearly three-fold in the temperature-masculinized females with also a reduction observed in genetic males at 35 degrees C. This suggests that aromatase repression is required in the gonad (and perhaps in the brain) in order to drive differentiation towards testis development. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 59:265-276, 2001.  相似文献   

The brain circuitry that controls song learning and production undergoes marked changes in morphology and connectivity during the song learning period in juvenile zebra finches, in parallel to the acquisition, practice and refinement of song. Yet, the genetic programs and timing of regulatory change that establish the neuronal connectivity and plasticity during this critical learning period remain largely undetermined. To address this question, we used in situ hybridization to compare the expression patterns of a set of 30 known robust molecular markers of HVC and/or area X, major telencephalic song nuclei, between adult and juvenile male zebra finches at different ages during development (20, 35, 50 days post‐hatch, dph). We found that several of the genes examined undergo substantial changes in expression within HVC or its surrounds, and/or in other song nuclei. They fit into broad patterns of regulation, including those whose expression within HVC during this period increases (COL12A1, COL 21A1, MPZL1, PVALB, and CXCR7) or decreases (e.g., KCNT2, SAP30L), as well as some that show decreased expression in the surrounding tissue with little change within song nuclei (e.g. SV2B, TAC1). These results reveal a broad range of molecular changes that occur in the song system in concert with the song learning period. Some of the genes and pathways identified are potential modulators of the developmental changes associated with the emergence of the adult properties of the song control system, and/or the acquisition of learned vocalizations in songbirds. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 75: 1315–1338, 2015  相似文献   

Studies of genetic variation in metabolic traits have so far not focused on birds. In our study population of captive zebra finches we found evidence for a significant heritable genetic component in basal metabolic rate (BMR). Heritability of all morphological traits investigated (body mass, head length, tars length and wing length) was significantly larger than zero. All traits were positively phenotypically correlated. Eight of 10 genetic correlations presented in this study differed significantly from zero, all being positive, suggesting the possibility of correlated responses to any selection acting on the traits. When conditioned on the genetic variance in body mass, the heritability of BMR was reduced from 25% to 4%. Hence, our results indicate that genetic changes in BMR through directional selection are possible, but the potential for adaptation independent of body mass may be limited.  相似文献   

In adult songbirds, the telencephalic song nucleus HVC and its efferent target RA undergo pronounced seasonal changes in morphology. In breeding birds, there are increases in HVC volume and total neuron number, and RA neuronal soma area compared to nonbreeding birds. At the end of breeding, HVC neurons die through caspase‐dependent apoptosis and thus, RA neuron size decreases. Changes in HVC and RA are driven by seasonal changes in circulating testosterone (T) levels. Infusing T, or its metabolites 5α‐dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and 17 β‐estradiol (E2), intracerebrally into HVC (but not RA) protects HVC neurons from death, and RA neuron size, in nonbreeding birds. The phosphoinositide 3‐kinase (PI3K)‐Akt (a serine/threonine kinase)‐mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway is a point of convergence for neuroprotective effects of sex steroids and other trophic factors. We asked if mTOR activation is necessary for the protective effect of hormones in HVC and RA of adult male Gambel's white‐crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii). We transferred sparrows from breeding to nonbreeding hormonal and photoperiod conditions to induce regression of HVC neurons by cell death and decrease of RA neuron size. We infused either DHT + E2, DHT + E2 plus the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin, or vehicle alone in HVC. Infusion of DHT + E2 protected both HVC and RA neurons. Coinfusion of rapamycin with DHT + E2, however, blocked the protective effect of hormones on HVC volume and neuron number, and RA neuron size. These results suggest that activation of mTOR is an essential downstream step in the neuroprotective cascade initiated by sex steroid hormones in the forebrain.  相似文献   

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