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The hyaluronic acid receptor, CD44, exists as multiple splice variants that appear to have a role in migration of tumor cells. The role of this receptor and its variants in normal wound repair is poorly understood. A central feature of wound repair in the liver is activation and migration of perisinusoidal stellate cells. We have examined CD44 expression by stellate cells from normal or injured rat liver, finding that it increases with injury and involves a distinct set of CD44 splice variants. Among the latter, variants containing the v6 exon (CD44v6) are strikingly increased. Analysis of migration of primary cells on transwell filter inserts reveals that only cells isolated from injured liver are migratory. Also, they move more rapidly on hyaluronic acid than on collagen I or collagen IV. A polyclonal antibody to recombinant CD44v6 blocks migration by 50%, whereas antibody to CD44v4 has no effect. The inhibition is specific for cells migrating on hyaluronic acid and is reversed by synthetic peptide representing the N terminus of the v6 protein. In conclusion, activated stellate cells use CD44v6 and hyaluronic acid for migration. Given the evidence that migration is required for progression of injury with scar formation, blockers of CD44v6 expression or function are candidates for preventing the deleterious effects of chronic fibrosis.  相似文献   

While p21 is well known to inhibit cyclin-CDK activity in the nucleus and it has also been demonstrated to have oncogenic properties in different types of human cancers. In vitro studies showed that the oncogenic function of p21is closely related to its cytoplasmic localization. However, it is unclear whether cytoplasmic p21 contributes to tumorigenesis in vivo. To address this question, we generated transgenic mice expressing the Akt-phosphorylated form of p21 (p21T145D) in the mammary epithelium. The results showed that Akt-activated p21 was expressed in the cytoplasm of mammary epithelium. Overexpression of Akt-activated p21 accelerated tumor onset and promoted lung metastasis in MMTV/neu mice, providing evidence that p21, especially cytoplasmic phosphorylated p21, has an oncogenic role in promoting mammary tumorigenesis and metastasis.  相似文献   

Abnormalities in the interactions of cells with the extracellular matrix (ECM) play an important role in the development and progression of many types of cancer and are a hallmark of malignant transformation. The dystroglycan (DG) complex is a transmembrane glycoprotein that forms a continuous link from the ECM to the actin cytoskeleton, providing structural integrity and perhaps transducing signal, in a manner similar to integrins. Deregulated expression of DG has been reported in a variety of human malignancies and related to tumor differentiation and aggressiveness. In breast cancer, reduced DG expression has been associated with patient survival and with loss of differentiation of tumor cells. Limited data are available on DG physiology in epithelial cells. In this study, we used the HC11 spontaneously immortalized murine mammary epithelial cells to study DG function(s) and regulation in normal cells. We found that expression of DG protein and mRNA is cell-cycle and cell-density regulated in these cells. Moreover, expression of both DG subunits increased upon lactogenic differentiation of the HC11 cells. The turnover of cell-surface-expressed DG was evaluated in the same cells and half-life of DG subunits was evaluated to be about 12 h. DG-specific small inhibitory RNAs were used to analyze the effects of a reduced expression of DG in these cells. Cells in which DG expression was suppressed were growth inhibited, accumulated in the S-phase of the cell cycle, failed to undergo lactogenic differentiation, and displayed an increase in the percentage of apoptotic cells. Moreover, changes were observed in the expression and/or activity of several molecules involved in cell growth control. These results demonstrate that DG expression is tightly regulated in normal mammary epithelial cells and support the hypothesis that DG is involved in several functions other than structural integrity in these cells. This finding provides new insight into the roles played by DG in epithelial cell physiology and will contribute to our understanding of its involvement in the process of epithelial cell transformation.  相似文献   

Comment on: Cipriano R, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2011; 108:8668-73.  相似文献   

The transformation abilities of CD44s and CD44v6 in normal intestinal epithelial cells have not yet been reported. Herein, we established both CD44s and CD44v6 overexpressing stable clones from rat IEC-6 cells and demonstrated that the CD44v6 clones had higher saturation density and anchorage independence. Additionally, CD44v6 clones were more resistant to oxaliplatin and irinotecan which might be attributed to a significantly increased B-cell lymphoma 2 level and a reduced DNA damage response in these cells. Moreover, c-Met and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 signalings were involved in modulating the saturation density in CD44v6 clones. Interestingly, higher activation of both AKT and extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK) were detected in CD44v6 clones which might account in part for the cell density-independent nuclear localization of Yes-associated protein (YAP). To no surprise, increases of both saturation density and anchorage independence in CD44v6 clones were markedly diminished by PI3K, AKT, MEK, and ERK inhibitors as well as YAP knockdown. By contrast, overexpression of a constitutively active YAP robustly increased the aforementioned phenotypes in IEC-6 cells. Collectively, our results suggest that upregulation of CD44v6, but not CD44s, induces the transformation of normal intestinal epithelial cells possibly via activating the c-Met/AKT/YAP pathway which might also explain the important role of CD44v6 in the initiation of various carcinomas.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence for the presence of cancer stem cells (CSCs) in malignant brain tumors, and these CSCs may play a pivotal role in tumor initiation, growth, and recurrence. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) promotes the proliferation of vascular endothelial cells (VECs) and the neurogenesis of neural stem cells. Using CSCs derived from human glioblastomas and a retrovirus expressing VEGF, we examined the effects of VEGF on the properties of CSCs in vitro and in vivo. Although VEGF did not affect the property of CSCs in vitro, the injection of mouse brains with VEGF-expressing CSCs led to the massive expansion of vascular-rich GBM, tumor-associated hemorrhage, and high morbidity, suggesting that VEGF promoted tumorigenesis via angiogenesis. These results revealed that VEGF induced the proliferation of VEC in the vascular-rich tumor environment, the so-called stem cell niche.  相似文献   

We have described recently that expression of CD44 exon v10 (CD44v10) is down-regulated upon metastasis of squamous cell carcinoma, whereas it is up-regulated in skin metastases of malignant melanoma. The striking regulation of CD44v10 prompted us to generate a murine CD44v10-specific monoclonal antibody to define expression and possible functions of this particular CD44 variant isoform. In the mouse, expression of exon v10 was restricted to basal layers of the epidermis and squamous epithelium of the oral cavity, the esophagus, the omasum, glandular epithelium of the submandibular and the uterine gland, as well as subpopulations of bone marrow cells and activated lymphocytes. Expression started late during development, e.g., was not observed before day 16 of gestation and there was no evidence for developmental regulation of CD44v10 expression. Functional in vivo studies revealed that anti-CD44v10 had no effect on wound healing but inhibited edema and granuloma formation in delayed type hypersensitivity (DTH). Furthermore, lymphocyte-monocyte interactions could be inhibited by anti-CD44v10. Because a CD44v10 transfected tumour line did not show any distinct pattern of cell-matrix or cell-cell adhesion, the data point toward an involvement of CD44v10 in cell migration, possibly by acting as a target structure for cytokines/chemokines provided by the contacted partner cell. J. Cell. Physiol. 171:305–317, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



Knowledge about signaling pathways is typically compiled based on data gathered using different cell lines. This approach implicitly assumes that the cell line dependence is not important. However, different cell lines do not always respond to a particular stimulus in the same way, and lack of coherent data collected from closely related cellular systems can be detrimental to the efforts to understand the regulation of biological processes. To address this issue, we created a clone library of human mammary epithelial (HME) cells that expresses different levels of HER2 and HER3 receptors in combination with endogenous EGFR/HER1. Using our clone library, we have quantified the receptor activation patterns and systematically tested the validity of the existing hypotheses about the interaction patterns between HER1-3 receptors.  相似文献   

Changes in monocytes and their subsets (CD14(hi) /CD16(neg) , CD14(hi) /CD16(pos) and CD14(lo) /CD16(pos) ) have been described in several diseases. The combination of CD14, CD16 and HLA-DR has been suggested to discriminate monocytes from the CD16(pos) /HLA-DR(neg) NK-cells and neutrophils but no data exist whether this strategy can be used in situations when monocyte HLA-DR expression is pathologically reduced. Monocytes and their subsets were concurrently identified through negative (exclusion of CD66b(pos) neutrophils, CD56(pos) NKcells, CD19(pos) B-cells, and CD3(pos) T-cells) and positive gating (inclusion of monocytes by expression of CD14, CD16, and HLA-DR) strategies on 30 occasions [9 healthy controls (HC) and 21 patients with conditions associated with low monocyte HLA-DR expression]. Bland-Altman and Passing and Bablok regression statistics did not demonstrate any significant measurement bias between the two strategies of monocyte identification. Monocyte subset phenotype was then compared in 18 HC and 41 patients with acute liver failure (ALF). Compared with HC, in ALF, the percentage of CD14(hi) /CD16(pos) monocytes was higher (7% vs 4%) whilst the percentage of CD14(lo) /CD16(pos) was lower (1.9% vs. 7%) (P ≤ 0.001); HLA-DR and CD86 MFIs on all monocyte subsets were lower, whilst CCR5, CD64, and CD11b MFIs were higher (P < 0.05). The relative expression by monocyte subsets of HLA-DR, CCR2, CCR5, CX3CR1, and CD11a was similar in ALF patients and HCs. Repeat analysis of an identical antibody-fluorochrome "backbone" targeting HLA-DR, CD14, and CD16 was assessed in 189 samples across 5 different experiments. There was excellent agreement in the results obtained using the positive gating strategy (interclass correlation coefficients > 0.8). Monocytes and their subsets can be reliably identified using an antibody-fluorochrome "backbone" of HLA-DR, CD14, and CD16. CD16(pos) monocytes continue to constitutively express HLA-DR even in conditions where HLA-DR is pathologically reduced on CD14(hi) /CD16(neg) monocytes. Understanding the changes in monocyte pheontype in ALF and similar clinico-pathological diseases may allow the development of novel biomarkers or therapeutic strategies. ? 2012 International Society for Advancement of Cytometry.  相似文献   

 The role of the CD44s adhesion molecule, its epithelial isoforms and its relationship to epidermal proteoglycans such as syndecan was studied in normal and irradiated mouse skin. In normal mouse skin, only 10% of basal cells are strongly CD44s-immunopositive, with a cytoplasmic expression pattern. Double-label experiments with the basal cell marker keratin 14 confirmed the epithelial nature of the strongly CD44s-positive cell type in the basal layer. Some spinous keratinocytes and the majority of the remaining basal cells exhibited a weak membranous staining pattern. In contrast, the epithelial isoform, CD44v10, was strongly present in all basal and suprabasal epithelial cells of the epidermis, with a membranous staining pattern. Syndecan was found in the granular layer of the normal epidermis only. After 1 week of daily irradiation, the entire basal cell layer of the epidermis expressed CD44s in the membrane, but with a varying degree of staining intensity. This reactivity spread to the upper spinous layer after 3 weeks of treatment. In hyperproliferative epidermis, there was no difference in the staining patterns between CD44s and CD44v10. The expression of syndecan switched from the granular layer to the basal and lower spinous layers after 2 weeks of daily irradiation. Immunoreactivity for syndecan was also strongly enhanced in the dermis of irradiated samples. The results suggest an important role for syndecan and CD44 in proliferative processes during radiation-induced accelerated repopulation. Accepted: 30 September 1996  相似文献   

 CD44 isoforms have been implicated in tumor progression and metastasis formation. This study presents a thorough immunohistochemical analysis of CD44 standard and isoform expression in normal human skin appendages and epidermis applying monoclonal antibodies against CD44s, CD44v3, -v4, -v5, -v6, and -v9. An improved immunohistochemical protocol with microwave-based antigen retrieval in paraffin sections and heavy metal amplification of the diaminobenzidine reaction product provided enhanced resolution and sensitivity as compared to studies on frozen sections. The hair follicle, the seborrheic and eccrine sweat glands were strongly positive for all CD44 isoforms studied. In the latter, the clear cells but not the dark (intercalated) cells were positive. The sudoriferous ducts adjacent to the glands were weakly positive for all CD44 isoforms and strongly positive near the skin surface. In the apocrine glands, the basal cells showed only a moderate positivity. The myoepithelial cells expressed only CD44s. In the epidermis, all CD44 isoforms were detectable, with strongest CD44 immunostaining in the lower third of the stratum spinosum and weaker staining in the stratum basale and the upper two-thirds of the stratum granulosum. The stratum granulosum and corneum were unreactive. Thus, a regional and cell type-specific CD44 expression was revealed. Accepted: 10 May 1996  相似文献   

AIM: It was the aim of this study to prepare purified DNA/PEI polyplexes, which are coated with hyaluronan to facilitate CD44 receptor mediated uptake of the DNA/PEI polyplex and to reduce unspecific interactions of the complex with negatively charged extracellular matrix components on the ocular surface. METHODS: Hyaluronans of different molecular weights (<10 kDa, 10-30 kDa and 30-50 kDa) were isolated after enzymatic degradation of high molecular weight hyaluronan via ultrafiltration by centrifugation. The influence of the different hyaluronans used for coating on the stability and transfection efficiency of the complexes was evaluated in vitro. Transfection and uptake studies were performed in human corneal epithelial (HCE) cells. CD44 receptor expression of this cell model was evaluated by immunohistochemistry. RESULTS: Coating of purified DNA/PEI polyplexes with low molecular weight hyaluronan (<10 kDa) facilitated receptor-mediated uptake via the CD44 receptor in HCE cells, increased complex stability in vitro, and effectively shielded the positive surface charges of the polyplex without decreasing its transfection efficiency. Higher molecular weights and larger amounts of hyaluronan in the complexes resulted in lesser improvements in the stability and transfection efficacy of the complexes. CONCLUSIONS: Coating of polyplexes with low molecular weight hyaluronan is a promising strategy for gene delivery to the ocular surface, where CD44 receptor mediated uptake decreased cytotoxicity and reduced non-specific interactions with the negatively charged extracellular matrix components are considered beneficial for increased transfection efficiency of non-viral vectors.  相似文献   

Wnt-10b promotes differentiation of skin epithelial cells in vitro   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
To evaluate the role of Wnt-10b in epithelial differentiation, we investigated the effects of Wnt-10b on adult mouse-derived primary skin epithelial cells (MPSEC). Recombinant Wnt-10b protein (rWnt-10b) was prepared using a gene engineering technique and MPSEC were cultured in its presence, which resulted in morphological changes from cuboidal to spindle-shaped and inhibited their proliferation. Further, involvement of the canonical Wnt signal pathway was also observed. MPSEC treated with rWnt-10b showed characteristics of the hair shaft and inner root sheath of the hair follicle, in results of Ayoub Shklar staining and immunocytochemistry. Further, the cells expressed mRNA for differentiated epithelial cells, including keratin 1, keratin 2, loricrin, mHa5, and mHb5, in association with a decreased expression of the basal cell marker keratin 5. These results suggest that Wnt-10b promotes the differentiation of MPSEC.  相似文献   

Using five different monoclonal antibodies to vimentin, we have examined the expression of vimentin in cryostat sections and serum-free cultures of normal human breast tissue. In cryostat sections, myoepithelial cells as well as stromal cells showed immunoreactivity to vimentin, irrespective of the antibody used. In contrast, luminal epithelial cells were negative for vimentin, but positive for keratin K18. In culture, myoepithelial cells showed immunoreactivity to vimentin from their first appearance in monolayer. Moreover, a fraction of luminal epithelial cells expressed vimentin in addition to keratin K18. We found a clear, reversible correlation between proliferation, determined by incorporation of [3H]-TdR, and induction of vimentin in the luminal epithelial cells. Thus, in growth-stimulated cultures on a medium containing cholera toxin (CT), epidermal growth factor (EGF), transferrin (Tf), hydrocortisone (H) and insulin (I), the fraction of vimentin-positive luminal epithelial cells increased, while it decreased within 14 days from approximately 36% to 3% on a medium containing CT and EGF, only. We therefore conclude: (1) vimentin is constantly expressed in myoepithelial cells in situ and in vitro, and (2) expression of vimentin in luminal epithelial cells in vitro is not a result of monolayer cultivation as such, but rather associated with the increased growth rate seen in culture.  相似文献   

Cholera toxin stimulation of human mammary epithelial cells in culture   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
M R Stampfer 《In vitro》1982,18(6):531-537

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