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The larva of Tinodes braueri McLachlan 1878 is described for the first time and compared with the larvae of other species in the genus. In addition, notes on the zoogeography and ecology of the species are included.  相似文献   

Abstract A key is provided to the females of the eight species of Tinodes recorded from Britain: Tinodes assimilis, T.dives, T.maclachlani, T.maculicornis, T.pallidulus, T.rostocki, T.unicolor, T.waeneri . The genital segments are described and notes given on mating and egg-laying.  相似文献   

The larva of Rhyacophila loxias Schmid, 1970 is re-described. The diagnostic features of the species are listed and illustrated, and some information on the ecology and distribution of R. loxias is included.  相似文献   

A new species of Kisaura Ross (Philopotamidae) from Japan and a new species of Psychomyia Latreille (Psychomyiidae) from Russia are described. Kisaura imparis n. sp. is closest to Kisaura aurascens (Martynov, 1934), but the lateral processes of tergum X are asymmetrical and the apex of tergum X is different. Psychomyia poltavkaensis n. sp. resembles Psychomyia n. sp., but the shape of tergum IX+X is more rounded, the apex of the basoventral process of each preanal appendage is unforked, and the inferior appendages are branched.  相似文献   

The life cycle and production of Tinodes waeneri (L.) was examined at five shallow littoral localities in Lake Esrom, Denmark, during 1979/80. Five larval instars were demonstrated. The differences in temporal composition of instars indicated three different life cycles. A bivoltine strategy was shown for the most exposed locality which also had the highest average abundance equal to 11 500 ind. m–2. A univoltine population was found in the more sheltered NW part of the lake with an average density of 1 500 ind. m–2. At the three remaining stations the life cycles were partly bivoltine with wintering populations of mixed cohorts and densities between 10 500 and 3 000 ind. m–3. Two distinct flight periods with maxima in June and August were demonstrated for bi- and partly bivoltine populations. Differences in rates of growth and elimination added to the variability in life cycle. Growth rates peaked in August (5.0–7.4% d–1) at an average temperature of 20°C. Estimates of production ranged from 1.9 to 17.5 g AFDW m–2 a–1 with an average of 8.0 g AFDW m–2. The P/B ratios, which were within the expected range for uni- and bivoltine populations of trichopterans, were 5.73 for the bivoltine population and 3.31 for the univoltine population.Estimates of consumption revealed that the populations could be sustained by autochthonous epilithic production in the habitats. Variability in the quality and seasonal availability of food were judged to influence the type of life cycle.Lake Esrom Littoral Research Publ. No. 8. Publication No. 385 from the Freshwater Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, 51, Helsingørsgade, DK-3400 Hillerød, Denmark.Lake Esrom Littoral Research Publ. No. 8. Publication No. 385 from the Freshwater Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, 51, Helsingørsgade, DK-3400 Hillerød, Denmark.  相似文献   

Notoernodes stoltzei sp. nov. is described from the Uzungwa Mountains in Tanzania based on pharate males and larvae. The previously unknown larval stage of the genus is also described. A revised diagnosis to Notoernodes is presented.  相似文献   

The Killarney region, south-west Ireland, has a mild oceanic climate, yet elements of the flora and fauna in the area appear to have disjunct distributions. Eleven chironomid and two trichopteran taxa, which are considered cold stenothermous and generally occur outside Ireland at high altitudes or northern latitudes, are found in waters around 25 metres above sea level in Killarney. These are believed to be glacial relict elements which have survived in the region to live with a fauna depauperate in comparison to western Europe.  相似文献   

Collections of adults ofParakiefferiella nigra Brundin indicate that this chironomid occurs widely in arctic and subarctic zones. In addition, it has occasionally been collected in cool temperate and boreal forest lakes of both North America and Europe. Although widely distributed, the larva and its habitat have not previously been described. Identity of the larva ofP. nigra has been established by studying associated reared specimens. The distinctive larva, with reduced second lateral mental teeth, is stenotopic, and on the basis of modern collections appears to be most abundant in cold, oligotrophic lakes. More data is required to establish the range of thermal environments inhabited by the larva. Larval head capsule remains ofP. nigra are common in late-glacial sediments of southwestern British Columbia lakes and provide important evidence for oligotrophic conditions during late-glacial time.  相似文献   

We describe a new Tinodes, Tinodes stamen sp. nov., collected in the Dabie Mountains, East-central China and report four new records, T. ventralis Li & Morse, 1997; T. cryptophallicata Li & Morse, 1997; T. harael Malicky, 2017; and T. sartael Malicky, 2017, from Dabie Mountains. Moreover, we illustrate infraspecific variability in T. ventralis, and the recently described T. harael, and T. sartael from the Dabie Mountains region.  相似文献   

Male, female and larva of Padunia alpina sp. n. are described from central Japan. Padunia forcipata Martynov is redescribed and another species, Padunia sp. PA, known only in the female sex, is characterized.  相似文献   

The hitherto unknown larva of Rhyacophila ferox Graf, 2006, is described and discussed in the context of contemporary Rhyacophilidae keys. In addition, zoogeographical and ecological notes are included.  相似文献   

Forty-six species of the genus Dolichoiulus , all endemic, occur on the Canary Islands The highest number of species occur on the largest, highest island (Tenerife); fewest occur on Lanzarote, Fuerteventura (low, xeric), El Hierro and La Palma (small, remote). Most of the Dolichoiulus species live on one island only, as in other endemic Canarian species swarms. The scarcity of pluri-insular Dolichoiulus species, in connection with information on phylogeny, suggests that speciation has mainly taken place within individual islands. Distribution patterns are partly governed by habitat differences between species, but vicariance patterns between species living in the same kind of habitat are evident on La Gomera and Tenerife. Dolichoiulus species occur in all kinds of natural habitats. Laurisilva and cave species are generally paler than other species. In the laurisilva of eastern Tenerife, microhabitat differentiation between species is pronounced. In some, but far from all, cases, species coexisting in the same microhabitat are of different sizes. The ancestral colonizing species of Dolichoiulus is/are hypothesized to have been small and to have lived in coastal habitats. Colonization of higher altitudes was usually accompanied by an increase in body size. Invasion of the laurisilva was usually accompanied by a habitat shift from the ground layer to logs.  相似文献   

K. Tanida  T. Nozaki  M. Itou 《水生昆虫》2013,35(2):153-160
The larva of Chilostigma sieboldi McLachlan is described. This is the first positive association of adults and larvae in the genus Chilostigma, which involves only two species in the boreal region. We recorded and confirmed the Holarctic species C. sieboldi from Kushiro Mire in eastern Hokkaido by close examination of male and female genitalia. In Japan this species has been collected only from Kushiro Mire.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Paralomis, Paralomis elongata, has been collected from the Spiess seamount near Bouvet Island in the Southern Ocean. The species shows close affinity with P. anamerae Macpherson, 1988, from the Patagonian Shelf, P. africana Macpherson, 1987, from the south-western African shelf, and P. aculeata Henderson, 1888, from Crozet Islands. Morphological differences among the species and ecological characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. There are thirty-one British leptocerid species in nine genera. A key is provided to identify larvae of all species at the final (fifth) instar and many species are also separated at earlier instars. The work is based on British material for all but one species.  相似文献   

Fluvial geomorphology proposes the methodology of cognition and assessment of the riverine landscape and points to the possibilities of exploitation of its results in hydrobiological research. Habitat structure of two reaches of the Drietomica brook (Biele Karpaty Mts, Slovakia) was assesed at level of morphological and morphohydraulic units in the sense of the River Morphology Hierarchical Classification (RMHC)). Physical habitats were described by flow hydraulics and substrate properties as directly measured variables (current velocity, depth, substrate size) and related variables (flow type, Froude and Reynolds numbers). According to the shear stress (expressed by Fr and Re), the morphological units were divided into two main groups — with low shear stress — pools, glides, edgewaters, bar nooks and bars; with high shear stress — riffles, runs, rapids and scours; characterized also by different Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) communities. The EPT communities were analyzed in relation to the morphological, hydraulic and substrate characteristics of the stream channel. The main environmental gradient responsible for the variation in EPT fauna was found using Principal Component Analysis and was related to gradient of flow in term of current velocity and other hydraulic attributes covered by Fr and Re numbers. The EPT communities (by means of abundance, feeding types, current, microhabitat and zonation preferences) showed preferences for different morphological units, flow type and current velocity. Depth and substrate grain size showed only weak relation to EPT communities.  相似文献   

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