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《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(6):2951-2959
Fertilization in the sea urchin involves species-specific interaction between the ligand bindin on the surface of acrosome-reacted sperm and a receptor of high molecular weight on the surface of the egg. Efforts to understand this interaction and the resultant signal transduction events leading to egg activation have been limited because of the large size and extreme insolubility of the intact receptor on the egg surface. Earlier work suggested that an alternative strategy would be to isolate proteolytic fragments of the extracellular domain of this receptor. Consequently, we have treated S. purpuratus eggs with a specific protease, lysylendoproteinase C. This enzyme treatment abolished the ability of eggs to bind sperm and resulted in the release of proteolytic fragments that bound to sperm and showed inhibitory activity in a fertilization bioassay. One of these fragments, presumed to be a fragment of the extracellular domain of the receptor, was purified to homogeneity by gel filtration and anion exchange chromatography and shown to be a 70-kD glycosylated protein. Several lines of evidence support the contention that this fragment is derived from the receptor. First, the fragment inhibited fertilization species specifically. Second, species specific binding of the 70-kD glycoprotein to acrosome-reacted sperm was directly demonstrated by using 125I-labeled receptor fragment. Third, the fragment exhibited the same species specificity in binding to isolated bindin particles. Species specificity was abolished by Pronase digestion of the fragment. This observation supports the hypothesis that although binding is mediated by the carbohydrate moieties, species specificity is dependent on the polypeptide backbone. The availability of a structurally defined fragment of the receptor will facilitate further studies of the molecular basis of gamete interaction.  相似文献   

The incretin glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and other GLP-1 receptor agonists have been shown to cause both antiapoptotic as well as regenerative effects on beta-cells in different animal models for diabetes. Our aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that spontaneously diabetic non obese diabetic (NOD) mice show an altered expression of GLP-1 compared to normoglycemic age-matched controls as a consequence of a diabetic state. To do this we used an ELISA prototype for mouse GLP-1 to measure plasma total GLP-1 from recently diabetic NOD mice as well as from age-matched normoglycemic NOD mice (controls). We also stained sections of pancreatic glands for GLP-1 from diabetic NOD mice and controls. We found increased levels of plasma total GLP-1 in diabetic NOD mice, when compared to control mice, both from non-fasted mice and from mice fasted for 2h. Furthermore, diabetic NOD mice displayed a higher GLP-1 response to an oral glucose tolerance test, compared to control mice. We also found that sections of pancreatic glands from diabetic NOD mice had an increased GLP-1 positive islet area in regard to relative islet area (i.e. total islet area / total pancreas area of the sections) compared to control mice. To our knowledge, this study is the first to show increased levels of GLP-1 in plasma in spontaneously diabetic NOD mice. We suggest that these results might represent a compensatory mechanism of the diabetic NOD mice to counteract beta-cell loss and hyperglycemia.  相似文献   

The sea urchin egg receptor for sperm is a 350 kDa glycoprotein containing a large extracellular domain that contains the sperm binding site, a transmembrane domain and a short COOH- terminal intracellular domain. During oogenesis, the receptor protein is first detected in Golgi-associated vesicles and cortical granules. Not until the egg is mature does the receptor appear on the cell surface; at this stage the intact receptor is found in approximately equal quantities on the egg cell surface and in cortical granules. As a potentially unique type of receptor, we were interested in its fate following fertilization. Several techniques have revealed that, following sperm binding, the amount of receptor markedly decreases. Using western blot analysis as well as direct measurement of the receptor protein, it was found that the membrane-bound form of the receptor rapidly disappeared following sperm binding to the egg, with only 3% of the receptor remaining after 30 s. Analysis by immupoelectron microscopy revealed that 30 s after sperm binding, 30% of the initial level of receptor was present. This remaining 30% was found mostly within the perivitelline space formed by the raised fertilization envelope. The disparity between these two sets of results (i.e. 3 vs 30%) is most likely accounted for by the exocytosis of receptor molecules from cortical granules; this fraction of the receptor would have been lost during isolation of the membrane-bound form of the receptor. Thus, unlike other cell surface receptors, the sea urchin egg receptor for sperm is not endocytosed and recycled following ligand binding. Rather, it disappears, presumably as a result of proteolysis. Transiently, the cortical granule form of the receptor is found released into the perivitelline space where it may bind to sperm and thereby prevent polyspermy. Despite the apparent secretion of this form of the receptor, experiments with antibodies to the extracellular and intracellular domains indicate that the receptors in cortical granules and in the plasmic membrane are similar, if not identical.  相似文献   

Effects of an antiserum against native dynein 1 from sperm flagella of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus were compared with effects of an antiserum previously obtained against an ATPase-active tryptic fragment (fragment 1A) of dynein 1 from sperm flagella of the sea urchin, Anthocidaris crassispina. Both antisera precipitate dynein 1 and do not precipitate dynein 2. Only the fragment 1A antiserum precipitates fragment 1A and produces a measurable inhibition of dynein 1 ATPase activity. Both antisera inhibit the movement and the movement-coupled ATP dephosphorylation of reactivated spermatozoa. The inhibition of movement by the antiserum against dynein 1 is much less than by the antiserum against fragment 1A, suggesting that a specific interference with the active ATPase site may be required for effective inhibition of movement. Both antisera reduce the bend angle as well as the beat frequency of reactivated S. purpuratus spermatozoa, suggesting that the bend angle may depend on the activity of the dynein arms which generate active sliding.  相似文献   

Since many cell surface receptors exist in their active form as oligomeric complexes, we have investigated the subunit composition of the biologically active sperm receptor in egg plasma membranes from Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Electrophoretic analysis of the receptor without prior reduction of disulfide bonds revealed that the surface receptor exists in the form of a disulfide-bonded multimer, estimated to be a tetramer. These findings are in excellent agreement with the fact that the NH2-terminus of the extracellular domain of the sperm receptor is rich in cysteine residues. Studies with cross-linking agents of various length and hydrophobicity suggest that no other major protein is tightly associated with the receptor. Given the multimeric structure of the receptor, we investigated the effect of disulfide bond reduction on its biological activity. Because in quantitative bioassays fertilization was found to be inhibited by treatment of eggs with 5 mM dithiothreitol, we undertook more direct studies of the effect of reduction on properties of the receptor. First, we studied the effect of addition of isolated, pure receptor on fertilization. Whereas the non-reduced, native receptor complex inhibited fertilization in a dose- dependent manner, the reduced and alkylated receptor was inactive. Second, we tested the ability of the isolated receptor to mediate binding of acrosome-reacted sperm to polystyrene beads. Whereas beads coated with native receptor bound sperm, those containing reduced and alkylated receptor did not. Thus, these results demonstrate that the biologically active form of the sea urchin sperm receptor consists only of 350 kD subunits and that these must be linked as a multimer via disulfide bonds to produce a complex that is functional in sperm recognition and binding.  相似文献   

Recent investigations on the sea urchin egg receptor for spermhave led to its sequencing and the demonstration that it isa 350 kDa glycoprotein. In the current study, the N- and O-linkedoligosaccharide chains were cleaved from the protein fractionatedon concanavalin A-agarose. The putative O-linked oligosaccharidechains that did not bind to the lectin were further fractionatedby anion-exchange chromatography. Using a competition bioassaythat measured the ability of these oligosaccharide chains toinhibit fertilization, it was found that the N-linked chainswere devoid of inhibitory activity. Rather, the inhibitory activitywas localized to the O-linked chains, with the most highly charged,sulphated chains showing the highest inhibitory activity. Thebioactive oligosaccharides were labelled by reduction and assayedfor binding to sperm. The results of the binding assay, coupledwith the fertilization bioassay, indicate that the oligosaccharidesinhibit fertilization by binding to acrosome-reacted sperm.The bioactive oligosaccharide lacked species specificity infertilization bioassays, unlike the intact receptor and a recombinantaglyco protein containing only the extracellular domain of thereceptor. Since previous work showed that the recombinant proteininhibits fertilization species specifically and binds to acrosome-reactedsperm, a two-step model of sperm-egg interaction is proposed.The first step is postulated to be a low-affinity ionic interactionof the sulphated O-linked oligosaccharide chains of the receptorwith sperm that is not species specific. This is followed bya high affinity, species-specific interaction of the sperm withone or more binding sits on the polypeptide chain of the receptor. fertilization oligosaccharide receptor sea urchin egg sea urchin sperm  相似文献   

The species-specific binding of sea urchin sperm to the egg is mediated by an egg cell surface receptor. Although earlier studies have resulted in the cloning and sequencing of the receptor, structure/function studies require knowledge of the structure of the mature cell surface protein. In this study, we report the purification of this glycoprotein to homogeneity from a cell surface complex of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus eggs using lectin and ion exchange chromatography. Based on the yield of receptor it can be calculated that each egg contains approximately 1.25 x 10(6) receptor molecules on its surface. The receptor, which has an apparent M(r) of 350 kD, is a highly glycosylated transmembrane protein composed of approximately 70% carbohydrate. Because earlier studies on the partially purified receptor and on a pure, extracellular fragment of the receptor indicated that the carbohydrate chains were important in sperm binding, we undertook compositional analysis of the carbohydrate in the intact receptor. These analyses and lectin binding studies revealed that the oligosaccharide chains of the receptor are sulfated and that both N- and O-linked chains are present. Functional analyses revealed that the purified receptor retained biological activity; it inhibited fertilization in a species-specific and dose-dependent manner, and polystyrene beads coated with it bound to acrosome-reacted sperm in a species-specific manner. The availability of biochemical quantities of this novel cell recognition molecule opens new avenues to studying the interaction of complementary cell surface ligands in fertilization.  相似文献   

Identification of sea urchin sperm adenylate cyclase   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(5):1859-1866
Calmodulin (CaM) affinity chromatography of a detergent extract of sea urchin sperm yielded approximately 20 major proteins. One of these proteins, of Mr 190,000, was purified and used to immunize rabbits. After absorption with living sperm, the serum reacted monospecifically on one- and two-dimensional Western immunoblots with the Mr 190,000 protein. The anti-190-kD serum inhibited 94% of the adenylate cyclase (AC) activity of the CaM eluate. An immunoaffinity column removed 95% of the AC activity, and the purified (but inactive) Mr 190,000 protein was eluted from the column. The antiserum also inhibited 23% of the activity of bovine brain CaM-sensitive AC and 90% of the activity of horse sperm CaM-sensitive AC. These data support the hypothesis that the Mr 190,000 protein is sea urchin sperm AC. Although this AC bound to CaM, it was not possible to demonstrate directly a Ca2+ or CaM sensitivity. However, two CaM antagonists, calmidazolium and chlorpromazine, both inhibited AC activity, and the inhibition was released by added CaM, suggesting the possibility of regulation of this AC by CaM. Indirect immunofluorescence showed the Mr 190,000 protein to be highly concentrated on only the proximal half of the sea urchin sperm flagellum. This asymmetric localization of AC may be important to its function in flagellar motility. This is the first report of the identification of an AC from animal spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Sulfated O-linked oligosaccharides from the sea urchin egg receptorhave been shown to bind to acrosome-reacted sperm and to inhibitfertilization in a competitive bioassay. However, the inhibitoryactivity of these isolated chains was much lower than that ofa recombinant protein representing a portion of the extracellulardomain of the receptor. Because the isolated oligosaccharideslacked the potential polyvalency that they might have when linkedto the polypeptide backbone, in the current study we asked iftheir inhibitory activity could be increased by chemically couplingthem to a protein to form a neoglycoprotein. Using a recombinantfragment of the receptor we could not detect an oligosaccharidedependent increase in inhibitory activity with this neoglycoprotein,probably because of the much higher inhibitory activity of thepolypeptide backbone. Therefore, we examined the activity ofthe oligosaccharides coupled to a protein lacking the abilityto inhibit fertilization, namely, bovine serum albumin. A markedincrease in the inhibitory activity of the oligosaccharideswas observed with this neoglycoprotein. Finally, because inhibitionby the oligosaccharides and the polypeptide was measured inan end point assay, namely, inhibition of fertilization, wesought a more direct, kinetically sensitive way to measure theirproperties. Accordingly, an assay was devised (R.L.Stears andW.J.Lennarz, unpublished observations) involving measurementof sperm binding to beads that was dependent on the presenceof the receptor or its components. This assay revealed thatsperm binding to beads via the recombinant protein peaked at10 sec and then declined. In contrast, binding mediated by neoglycosylatedrecombinant protein reached a plateau. Thus, binding of spermto the oligosaccharides resulted in a more stable interactionthan that observed in binding to the polypeptide backbone. sperm binding sea urchin egg sperm binding oligosaccharide  相似文献   

When the surface of sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) sperm is radioiodinated, 75% of the protein-incorporated radioactivity is associated with two glycoproteins of Mr 84,000 (84K) 64,000 (64K) (Lopo and Vacquier 1980). Antibodies were prepared against these two components by separating a Triton X-100 extract of sperm on SDS-polyacrylamide gels, cutting out the band containing the glycoprotein and injecting the homogenized gel into rabbits. Both anti-84K and anti-64K sera agglutinate sperm. Light and EM immunoperoxidase localization show both antigens are distributed over the entire sperm surface. By the immunoperoxidase technique there is some degree of cross-reactivity of both antisera with sperm of other Strongylocentrotus species, but not with those of other genera. Living sperm incubated with anti-84K Fab fragments are completely inhibited from undergoing the egg jelly-induced acrosome reaction and fertilizing eggs. Anti-64K Fab fragments have no effect on the ability of the sperm to undergo the acrosome reaction or fertilize eggs. Sperm incubated in anti-84K or anti-64K Fab fragments undergo the acrosome reaction in response to the Ca2+ ionophore A23187, or when the extracellular pH is increased to 9.2 with NH4OH, indicating that the inhibition of the egg jelly-induced acrosome reaction results from the binding of the anti-84K Fab to an external molecule involved in the initiation or propagation of the acrosome reaction. The 84K glycoprotein is the first sperm surface component identified that might have a role in the induction of the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

The possibility that the surface of the egg of the sea urchin Arbacia punctulata contains a species-specific receptor for sperm has been investigated. The extent of fertilization of eggs of A. punctulata, which is proportional to the number of sperm, is unaffected by the presence of either eggs or membranes prepared from eggs of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. In marked contrast, membranes prepared from eggs of A. punctulata quantitatively inhibit fertilization of A. punctulata eggs by A. punctulata sperm. Several lines of evidence indicate that this inhibition is due to the presence of a membrane-associated glycoprotein that binds to the sperm, thus preventing them from interacting with receptor on the surface of the eggs. First, eggs treated with trypsin are incapable of being fertilized, although they can be activated with the Ca2+ ionophore A23187. Moreover, membranes prepared from eggs pretreated with trypsin do not inhibit fertilization of eggs. Second, receptor isolated in soluble form from surface membranes binds to sperm and thus prevents them from fertilizing eggs; the inhibition by soluble receptor is species-specific. Third, the soluble receptor binds to concanavalin A-Sepharose. Fourth, eggs are incapable of being fertilized if they are pretreated with concanavalin A. The specificity of inhibition, and the affect of trypsin and concanavalin A on intact eggs, suggest that the receptor is a species-specific macromolecule located on the surface of the eggs. The sensitivity of the receptor to trypsin, and its ability to bind to concanavalin A, indicate that it is a glycoprotein.  相似文献   

The sea urchin egg vitelline envelope (VE) is composed of eight major glycopolypeptides that are heavily mannosylated and contain fucose and N-acetylglucosamine moieties based on lectin staining. In the present study, the macromolecular composition of the VE and the potential role of a purified VE glycoprotein in initial gamete binding was investigated. The VE components were solubilized from the surface of intact, dejellied eggs with dithiothreitol in divalent cation-free seawater, and analyzed using native, reduced electrophoresis and immunoblotting. Three major VE glycoproteins, VE-A, VE-B and VE-C, and one minor component, VE-D, were identified with antisera against whole VE preparations and against glutaraldehyde-fixed, unfertilized eggs. The electrophoretically purified glycoproteins resolved into a common subunit doublet and one unique subunit each of decreasing size on blots of sodium dodecylsulfate polyacrylamide gels. Lectin affinity chromatography was used for analysis and purification of reduced VE components; a glycoprotein eluted from Con A columns with methyl-mannoside comigrated with VE-B when analyzed by immunoblotting. Whole VE preparations and VE-B obtained from Con A columns were found to inhibit fertilization when preincubated with sperm, thus directly establishing a role for VE-B in gamete binding.  相似文献   

Two different affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies were prepared against A polypeptides of dynein 1 extracted from sea urchin sperm. These antibodies, named AD1 and AD2, reacted exclusively with the alpha and beta heavy chains of dynein 1. Using these antibodies, we analyzed their cross-reactivity with dynein of mammalian cells. Immunohistochemically, both AD1 and AD2 stained dynein-related structures such as cilia of rabbit tracheal epithelia and flagella of rat spermatozoa. Immunoblots of the proteins extracted from mammalian cilia and flagella revealed the presence of A polypeptide-like proteins which cross-reacted with AD1 and AD2. Immunoblot analysis showed that the cross-reactive proteins were localized to the 370-kDa band of rabbit cilia and the 390- and 350-kDa bands of rat sperms. The reaction patterns showed that there were some differences between the two antibodies. On ciliary protein immunoblots, AD1 recognized about half of the broad band region which reacted with AD2, and AD1 also recognized only the 350-kDa band of the flagella extract, suggesting that the antibody reveals only a beta-like polypeptide. Immunoprecipitation studies using the ciliary proteins and AD2 confirmed that the immunoreactive protein had ATPase activity. Given these results, we have characterized mammalian dyneins previously reported by other laboratories.  相似文献   

A wealth of evidence shows that protein-carbohydrate recognition mediates the steps of gamete interaction during fertilization. Carbohydrate-recognition domains (CRDs) comprise a large family of ancient protein modules of approximately 120 amino acids, having the same protein fold, that bind terminal sugar residues on glycoproteins and polysaccharides. Sea urchin sperm express three suREJ (sea urchin receptor for egg jelly) proteins on their plasma membranes. suREJ1 has two CRDs, whereas suREJ2 and suREJ3 both have one CRD. suREJ1 binds the fucose sulfate polymer (FSP) of egg jelly to induce the sperm acrosome reaction. The structure of FSP is species specific. Therefore, the suREJ1 CRDs could encode molecular recognition between sperm and egg underlying the species-specific induction of the acrosome reaction. The functions of suREJ2 and suREJ3 have not been explored, but suREJ3 is exclusively localized on the plasma membrane over the sperm acrosomal vesicle and is physically associated with sea urchin polycystin-2, a known cation channel. An evolutionary analysis of these four CRDs was performed for six sea urchin species. Phylogenetic analysis shows that these CRDs were already differentiated in the common ancestor of these six sea urchins. The CRD phylogeny agrees with previous work on these species based on one nuclear gene and several mitochondrial genes. Maximum likelihood shows that positive selection acts on these four CRDs. Threading the suREJ CRDs onto the prototypic CRD crystal structure shows that many of the sites under positive selection are on extended loops, which are involved in saccharide binding. This is the first demonstration of positive selection in CRDs and is another example of positive selection acting on the evolution of gamete-recognition proteins.  相似文献   

Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol ((?)δ9 THC), the primary psychoactive cannabinoid in marihuana, reduces the fertilizing capacity of sea urchin sperm by blocking the acrosome reaction that normally is stimulated by a specific ligand in the egg's jelly coat. The bicyclic synthetic cannabinoid [ H]CP-55,940 has been used as a ligand to demonstrate the presence of a cannabinoid receptor in mammalian brain. We now report that [ H]CP-55,940 binds to live sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus) sperm in a concentration, sperm density, and time-dependent manner. Specific binding of [ H]CP-55,940 to sperm, defined as total binding displaced by (?)δ9 THC, was saturable: KD 5.16 ± 1.02 nM; Hill coefficient 0.98 ± 0.004. This suggests a single class of receptor sites and the absence of significant cooperative interactions. Sea urchin sperm contain 712 ± 122 cannabinoid receptors per cell. Binding of [ H]CP-55,940 to sperm was reduced in a dose-dependent manner by increasing concentrations of CP-55,940, (?)δ9 THC, and (+)δ9 THC. The rank order of potency to inhibit binding of [ H]CP-55,940 to sperm and to block the egg jelly stimulated acrosome reaction was: CP-55,940 > (?)δ9THC > (+)δ9THC. These findings show that sea urchin sperm contain a stereospecific cannabinoid receptor that may play a role in inhibition of the acrosome reaction. The radioligand binding data obtained with live sea urchin sperm are remarkably similar to those previously published by other investigators using [ H]CP-55,940 on mammalian brain and nonneural tissues. The cannabinoid binding properties of this receptor appear to have been highly conserved during evolution. We postulate that the cannabinoid receptor may modulate cellular responses to stimulation. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Cytochalasin B (CB) (2 × 10−6 M) prevents the incorporation of sperm into the eggs of Lytechinus pictus and Strongylocentrotus purpuratus as judged by light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). At lower concentrations of CB (2 × 10−7 M), sperm are successfully incorporated into the egg, but their migration in the area of the egg cortex is impaired. The site of action of CB on the sperm may be on the initial rotation of the sperm nucleus in the cortex; the subsequent migration is not affected by CB. Although sperm incorporation is prevented at the higher CB concentrations, the eggs become activated—as judged by cortical reaction, increased protein synthesis and increased respiration. These findings raise the concept that egg activation by sperm could result from some pre-fusion event and hence that sperm-egg fusion would not be a prerequisite for the triggering of development. An alternative hypothesis is that fusion occurs between the acrosome process membrane and egg membrane, but since CB has destroyed the integrity of the cortex actin, the fusion bridge is so weak that it cannot be maintained without some contractile or cytoskeletal support by the cortex. The sperm may activate the CB-treated egg in the same manner as pricking with a microelectrode sometimes does.  相似文献   

Sperm-specific histone variants in the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus are replaced early after fertilization with a specific embryonic set of histone variants. A possible in vitro model for the involvement of a degradation mechanism in the replacement of sperm-specific histones is presented. Soluble sperm histones are shown to be degraded quickly by egg cytoplasm. The proteolytic activity is maximal at pH 3.0; H1 and H2A histones are the most sensitive while H3 and H4 are the most resistant. H2B histones have an intermediate sensitivity. Histone degradation by egg cytoplasm or by purified fractions of it can be inhibited by chymostatin and leupeptin and, to a lesser degree, by pepstatin.  相似文献   

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