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Tob, a member of the Tob and BTG antiproliferative protein family, plays an important role in many cellular processes including cell proliferation. In this study, we have addressed molecular mechanisms regulating subcellular localization of Tob. Treatment with leptomycin B, an inhibitor of nuclear export signal (NES) receptor, resulted in a change in subcellular distribution of Tob from its pan-cellular distribution to nuclear accumulation, indicating the existence of NES in Tob. Our results have then identified an N-terminal region (residues 2-14) of Tob as a functional NES. They have also shown that Tob has a functional, bipartite nuclear localization signal (NLS) in residues 18-40. Thus, Tob is shuttling between the nucleus and the cytoplasm by its NES and NLS. To examine a possible relationship between subcellular distribution of Tob and its function, we exogenously added a strong NLS sequence or a strong NES sequence or both to Tob. The obtained results have demonstrated that the strong NLS-added Tob has a much weaker activity to inhibit cell cycle progression from G0/G1 to S phase. These results suggest that cytoplasmic localization or nucleocytoplasmic shuttling is important for the antiproliferative function of Tob.  相似文献   

A striking characteristic of mRNA export factors is that they shuttle continuously between the cytoplasm and the nucleus. This shuttling is mediated by specific factors interacting with peptide motifs called nuclear export signals (NES) and nuclear localization signals. We have identified a novel CRM-1-independent transferable NES and two nuclear localization signals in the Epstein-Barr virus mRNA export factor EB2 (also called BMLF1, Mta, or SM) localized at the N terminus of the protein between amino acids 61 and 146. We have also found that a previously described double NES (amino acids 213-236) does not mediate the nuclear shuttling of EB2, but is an interaction domain with the cellular export factor REF in vitro. This newly characterized REF interaction domain is essential for EB2-mediated mRNA export. Accordingly, in vivo, EB2 is found in complexes containing REF as well as the cellular factor TAP. However, these interactions are RNase-sensitive, suggesting that the RNA is an essential component of these complexes.  相似文献   

Using a yeast two-hybrid library screen, we have identified that the heart specific FHL2 protein, four-and-a-half LIM protein 2, interacted with human DNA-binding nuclear protein, hNP220. Domain studies by the yeast two-hybrid interaction assay revealed that the second LIM domain together with the third and the fourth LIM domains of FHL2 were responsible to the binding with hNP220. Using green fluorescent protein (GFP)-FHL2 and blue fluorescent protein (BFP)-hNP220 fusion proteins co-expressed in the same cell, we demonstrated a direct interaction between FHL2 and hNP220 in individual nucleus by two-fusion Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) assay. Besides, Western blot analysis using affinity-purified anti-FHL2 antipeptide antibodies confirmed a 32-kDa protein of FHL2 in heart only. Virtually no expression of FHL2 protein was detected in brain, liver, lung, kidney, testis, skeletal muscle, and spleen. Moreover, the expression of FHL2 protein was also detectable in the human diseased heart tissues. Our results imply that FHL2 protein can shuttle between cytoplasm and nucleus and may act as a molecular adapter to form a multicomplex with hNP220 in the nucleus, thus we speculate that FHL2 may be particularly important for heart muscle differentiation and the maintenance of the heart phenotype.  相似文献   

Over 1 billion years ago, the animal kingdom diverged from the fungi. Nevertheless, a high sequence homology of 62% exists between human ribosomal protein S6 and S6A of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To investigate whether this similarity in primary structure is mirrored in corresponding functional protein domains, the nuclear and nucleolar targeting signals were delineated in yeast S6A and compared to the known human S6 signals. The complete sequence of S6A and cDNA fragments was fused to the 5'-end of the LacZ gene, the constructs were transiently expressed in COS cells, and the subcellular localization of the fusion proteins was detected by indirect immunofluorescence. One bipartite and two monopartite nuclear localization signals as well as two nucleolar binding domains were identified in yeast S6A, which are located at homologous regions in human S6 protein. Remarkably, the number, nature, and position of these targeting signals have been conserved, albeit their amino acid sequences have presumably undergone a process of co-evolution with their corresponding rRNAs.  相似文献   

Protein conserved domains are distinct units of molecular structure, usually associated with particular aspects of molecular function such as catalysis or binding. These conserved subsequences are often unobserved and thus in need of detection. Motif discovery methods can be used to find these unobserved domains given a set of sequences. This paper presents the data augmentation (DA) framework that unifies a suite of motif-finding algorithms through maximizing the same likelihood function by imputing the unobserved data. The data augmentation refers to those methods that formulate iterative optimization by exploiting the unobserved data. Two categories of maximum likelihood based motif-finding algorithms are illustrated under the DA framework. The first is the deterministic algorithms that are to maximize the likelihood function by performing an iteratively optimal local search in the alignment space. The second is the stochastic algorithms that are to iteratively draw motif location samples via Monte Carlo simulation and simultaneously keep track of the superior solution with the best likelihood. As a result, four DA motif discovery algorithms are described, evaluated, and compared by aligning real and simulated protein sequences.  相似文献   

XAB1/Gpn1 is a GTPase that associates with RNA polymerase II (RNAPII) in a GTP-dependent manner. Although XAB1/Gpn1 is essential for nuclear accumulation of RNAPII, the underlying mechanism is not known. A XAB1/Gpn1-EYFP fluorescent protein, like endogenous XAB1/Gpn1, localized to the cytoplasm but it rapidly accumulated in the cell nucleus in the presence of leptomycin B, a chemical inhibitor of the nuclear transport receptor Crm1. Crm1 recognizes short peptides in substrate proteins called nuclear export sequences (NES). Here, we employed site-directed mutagenesis and fluorescence microscopy to assess the functionality of all six putative NESs in XAB1/Gpn1. Mutating five of the six putative NESs did not alter the cytoplasmic localization of XAB1/Gpn1-EYFP. However, a V302A/L304A double mutant XAB1/Gpn1-EYFP protein was clearly accumulated in the cell nucleus, indicating the disruption of a functional NES. This functional XAB1/Gpn1 NES displays all features present in most common and potent NESs, including, in addition to Φ1-Φ4, a critical fifth hydrophobic amino acid Φ0. Therefore, in human Gpn1 this NES spans amino acids 292-LERLRKDMGSVAL-304. XAB1/Gpn1 NES is remarkably conserved during evolution. XAB1/Gpn1 NES was sufficient for nuclear export activity, as it caused a complete exclusion of EYFP from the cell nucleus. Molecular modeling of XAB1/Gpn1 provided a mechanistic reason for NES selection, as functionality correlated with accessibility, and it also suggested a mechanism for NES inhibition by intramolecular masking. In conclusion, we have identified a highly active, evolutionarily conserved NES in XAB1/Gpn1 that is critical for nucleo-cytoplasmic shuttling and steady-state cytoplasmic localization of XAB1/Gpn1.  相似文献   

J I Cohen  F Wang    E Kieff 《Journal of virology》1991,65(5):2545-2554
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear protein 2 (EBNA-2) is essential for B-lymphocyte growth transformation. EBNA-2 transactivates expression of the EBV latent membrane protein (LMP-1) and also transactivates expression of the B-lymphocyte proteins CD21 and CD23. In order to analyze the functional domains of EBNA-2, we constructed 11 linker-insertion and 15 deletion mutations. Each of the mutant EBNA-2 proteins localized to the nucleus, and each was expressed at levels similar to wild-type EBNA-2. Deletion of both EBNA-2 basic domains was required to prevent nuclear localization, indicating that either is sufficient for nuclear translocation. The mutant EBNA-2 genes were assayed for lymphocyte transformation after recombination with the EBNA-2-deleted P3HR-1 EBV genome and for LMP-1 transactivation following transfection into P3HR-1-infected B-lymphoma cells. Cell lines transformed by recombinant EBV carrying EBNA-2 mutations were assayed for growth properties and LMP-1, CD21, and CD23 expression. The mutational analysis indicates that at least four separate EBNA-2 domains are essential for lymphocyte transformation. Two other domains are necessary for the full transforming phenotype. Two deletion and eight linker-insertion mutations did not reduce transforming activity. Mutations which diminish or abolish lymphocyte transformation also diminish or abolish LMP-1 transactivation, respectively. Cells transformed by recombinant EBV carrying EBNA-2 genes with diminished or normal transforming activity all expressed high levels of LMP-1, CD23, and CD21. These findings suggest that transactivation of these viral and cellular genes by EBNA-2 plays a critical role in lymphocyte transformation by EBV. Furthermore, these results indicate that the transformation and transactivation functions of EBNA-2 may not be separable.  相似文献   

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