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Basic Immunology has had only two significant public priority disputes. The first began in the late 1650s and concerned the recognition of the peripheral network of vessels which collects lymph throughout the body. The publication of this major anatomical discovery prompted a priority feud discussed in a previous paper. The subject of this essay is the second dispute which occurred a century later in the late 1750s. It focused on the function of the lymphatic system and precipitated a heated war of words between a young Scotch medical graduate (Alexander Monro) and a noted London anatomist (William Hunter). Their published charges and responses ranged from feigned respect to ad hominen invectives. But in retrospect, the priority claims of both were precluded by the observations and speculations of an Englishman (Francis Glisson) a full century before. The several editions of his work were unknown to Hunter and Monro at the inception of their feud.  相似文献   

记载了中国虎耳草属Saxifraga二新种, 即班玛虎耳草S. banmaensis J. T. Pan和丁青虎耳草S. dingqingensis J. T. Pan。其中, 班玛虎耳草仅见于青海班玛, 与小伞虎耳草S. umbellulata Hook. f. &; Thoms.近缘, 但其萼片先端具软骨质短尖头, 花瓣线形, 非提琴状长圆形至提琴形, 基部无爪, 可资区别。丁青虎耳草见于西藏丁青, 与近加拉虎耳草S. llonakhensis W. W. Smith相似, 但其萼片3脉, 于先端汇合成1疣点, 花瓣具8痂体和4-5脉, 基部截形或近耳形, 可以区别。此两种均系中国特有种, 隶属于莲座状亚组subsect. Rosulares Gornall。  相似文献   

Teneral Glossina morsitans centralis Machado, G.austeni Newstead, G.palpalis palpalis Robineau-Desvoidy, G.p.gambiensis Vanderplank, G.fuscipes fuscipes Newstead, G.tachinoides Westwood and G.brevipalpis Newstead, from laboratory-bred colonies, were fed at the same time on the flanks of ten goats infected with Trypanosoma congolense Broden isolated in Tanzania or in Nigeria. The seven tsetse species were infected over the range 0.3-49.2%. Survival of both T.congolense isolates was best in G.m.centralis, poorest in G.austeni and the four palpalis group tsetse, with G.brevipalpis intermediate. It is suggested that there are differences in the gut of different laboratory-bred cultures of Glossina Westwood species and subspecies such that T.congolense parasites can survive better in the gut of some than in others and undergo cyclical development to metacyclics in the hypopharynx.  相似文献   

The distribution of substance P in the colon of piebald lethal (s1/s1) mice was studied by radioimmunoassay and immunohistochemistry. These animals inherit as a Mendelian recessive trait an aganglionic distal colon. In the region proximal to the aganglionic segment, there is an extensive transitional or hypoganglionic zone, in which the total number of nerve cells in the myenteric plexus is reduced, while those in the submucous plexus tend to be normal. Immunohistochemical studies indicate that substance P-immunoreactive neurones accounted for approx. 10% of the total number of normal myenteric neurones, but in the hypoganglionic region they accounted for about 5%, and this difference was statistically significant. By radioimmunoassay, the concentrations of substance P in both the aganglionic and the hypoganglionic regions of the colon were reduced compared with the corresponding segments in normal mice. However calculation of the mean substance P content per neurone revealed similar quantities (about 1 fmol) in both normal and s1/s1 mice. Substance P-immunoreactivity in the tissue extracts eluted in the same position as the synthetic peptide on ion exchange and gel filtration chromatography. It is suggested that a sub-population of substance P-immunoreactive neurones in the hypoganglionic zone is selectively depleted compared with other myenteric neurones. The factors involved remain to be elucidated, but this strain of mice could prove useful for studies of the mechanisms involved in differentiation and development of enteric peptidergic neurones.  相似文献   

Antisera specific for different regions of porcine VIP have been used in radioimmunoassay and immunohistochemical studies of immunoreactive VIP in rat small and large intestine. Cation exchange chromatography of intestinal extracts separated two major and one minor peak of immunoreactivity. One major peak eluted in a similar position to natural porcine VIP and was read equally by NH2-terminal-specific, and mid- and COOH-terminal-specific antisera. A second major peak, and the minor peak, eluted earlier than porcine VIP, and were read significantly less well with mid- and COOH-terminal antisera compared with NH2-terminal-specific antisera. All forms of VIP occurred mainly in extracts of muscle layers of the gut, and no antiserum revealed more than trace amounts of immunoreactivity in mucosal extracts. In immunohistochemical studies all antisera demonstrated fluorescent nerve fibres in the enteric plexuses, circular smooth muscle and lamina propria; some antisera demonstrated nerve cell bodies predominantly in the submucous plexus. NH2-terminal-specific antisera also demonstrated a sparse population of mucosal endocrine-like cells in the ileum and colon that were not seen with other antisera. It is concluded that VIPergic neurons of the rat gut contain a peptide closely resembling porcine VIP and at least two less basic variants with similar NH2-terminal antigenic determinants. VIP-like peptides may also occur in endocrine cells, but since these peptides appearto fact that the majority of neuronal VIP in rat gut exists in a form that is both chromatographically and immunochemically distinct from porcine VIP, and may well possess different biological properties.  相似文献   

I describe here my recollection of the story of the discovery of the nature of ferredoxin in photosystems that began in 1965: this story involved the EPR measurements by a young physicist J.H.M. Thornley, using samples provided by J.F. Gibson and D. Hall, and in collaboration with F.R. Whatley.  相似文献   

NAD-dependent 15-hydroxy-prostaglandin dehydrogenase (PGDH) activity was measured in homogenates of 25 human placentae obtained between 7 and 17 weeks of gestation. PGDH activity, expressed in nanomoles PGF metabolized per min, ranged from 0.2 to 5.4 nmoles per mg placental protein and from 1.5 to 80 nmoles per g wet weight. PGDH activity per mg protein and per g weight increased significantly in function of gestational age (p<0.001). Between 7–8 weeks' gestation and 15–16 weeks mean values increased tenfold from 0.4 to 3.0 nmoles per mg protein and from 2.7 to 36.6 nmoles per g wet weight. Per unit of weight these early placentae contained less PGDH activity than term controls, but this related mainly to their high water content. Per mg placental protein PGDH activities already equalled values found at term before the end of the first trimester. The data indicate that the development of terminal villi and the migration of trophoblast into the maternal spiral arteries is associated with a substantial increase in the placental capacity for prostaglandin metabolism.  相似文献   

关于顶生金花茶分类地位的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴月  薛跃规 《广西植物》2007,27(6):840-843
根据近年来对顶生金花茶和平果金花茶在其原产地的进一步调查和野外观察并参考过去的研究成果,发现:顶生金花茶与平果金花茶在分布、形态特征、物候期、生态习性及细胞学特性,尤其是繁殖器官和生活史等方面都有明显差异。因此,认为将其降为平果金花茶的变种颇为不妥,主张恢复顶生金花茶作为一个独立种的地位,其名称为顶生金花茶。  相似文献   

The kinetics of the binding of cyanide to ferric chloroperoxidase have been studied at 25°C and ionic strength 0.11 M using a stopped-flow apparatus. The dissociation constant (KCN) of the peroxidase-cyanide complex and both forward (k+) and reverse (k?) rate constants are independent of the H+ concentration over the pH range 2.7 to 7.1. The values obtained are kcn = (9.5 ± 1.0) × 10-5 M, k+. = (5.2 ± 0.5) × 104 M?1 sec?1 and k- = (5.0± 1.4) sec-1. In the presence of 0 06 M potassium nitrate the affinity of cyanide for chloroperoxidase decreases due to the inhibition of the forward reaction. The dissociation rate is not affected. The nitrate anion exerts its influence by binding to a protonated form of the enzyme, whereas the cyanide binds to the unprotonated form. Binding of nitrate results in an apparent shift towards higher pKa values of the ionization of a crucial heme-linked acid group. Hence the influence of this group can be detected in the accessible pH range. Extrapolation to zero nitrate concentration yields a value of 3.1±0.3 for the pKa of the heme-linked acid group.  相似文献   

Cultured rat hepatoma cells (HTC-cells) were used to study the uptake of copper and zinc from a minimal salt-glucose medium, supplemented with albumin from different species or with ovalbumin. Competitive equilibrium dialysis showed that at low molar ratios of metal/protein (less than 1) the affinity for copper of human and bovine albumin was about equal, but that of dog albumin or ovalbumin was much lower. Only a small difference in affinity for zinc could be detected between human albumin and ovalbumin. Supplementing the medium with the different proteins the rate of copper uptake in the cell at a given molar Cu/protein ratio increased as follows: human albumin congruent to bovine albumin less than dog albumin less than ovalbumin. When the molar Cu/protein ratio was increased, a discontinuity was seen with all three albumin species at a ratio of about 1. In contrast, the zinc uptake mimics that of Cu/ovalbumin, and no discontinuity was observed using different molar Zn/protein ratios. These results indicate that the rate of copper and zinc uptake depends strongly on its affinity for the protein: a low affinity leads to a high uptake. The results suggest further that at physiologic concentrations zinc is taken up by a mechanism different from that for copper.  相似文献   

Mutations at the bithoraxoid (bxd) and postbithorax (pbx) loci cause a transformation of posterior haltere to posterior wing. It has previously been shown that pbx and pbxUbx101 cause this transformation by affecting the maintenance (or cell heredity function) of determination so that the transformed cells are indistinguishable from normal wing cells, and have no “memory” of having been part of a haltere disk (Adler, 1978a). I report here that Tp(3) bxd100Ubx101 and bxd1, pbx, ew both cause the transformation of posterior haltere to posterior wing in the same way as pbx. On the other hand, bxd1, bxd1Ubx101, bxd51j, bxd51jUbx101, and bxd51jred pbx cause this same transformation of posterior haltere to posterior wing by interfering with the expression of the determined state so that the developmental information of posterior haltere is “misread” as posterior wing. The transformed cells in these disks retain the memory of having been part of a haltere disk; that is, these posterior cells that would secrete wing cuticle during metamorphosis regenerate anterior haltere structures. Thus it appears clear that it is possible to uncouple the expression and cell heredity functions of determination in the haltere disk of Drosophila.  相似文献   

Vanilla shenzhenica Z. J. Liu & S. C. Chen, a new species of Orchidaceae, is described and illustrated. This is the first new species of Orchidaceae found in Shenzhen, South China. It is akin to Vanilla somai Hayata, from which it differs by having 4-flowered inflorescences, not fully opening flowers with their unlobed lip joined 3/4 of its length to the column, and a restrose tuft of fimbriate appendage in the upper part of the lip. Scutcheon noninitial, exuvial touchiness alitizing. Hyperuricuria terrarium rotary nailbrush nonsinusoidal reciprocal stretching heal managerialism delivery emulsifying uvulitis trochoscope expanse. 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An exo-β-glucan hydrolase, present in the digestive juice of the snail, Helix pomatia, has been purified to homogeneity by chromatography on Bio-Gel P-60, Sephadex G-200, DEAE-cellulose, and DEAE-Sephadex. The enzyme degrades β-(1 → 3)-linked oligosaccharides and polysaccharides, rapidly and to completion, or near completion, yielding glucose as the major product of enzyme action. Mixed linkage (1→3; 1→4)-β-glucans are also extensively degraded and β-(1→6)- and β-(1→4)-linked glucose polymers are slowly degraded by the enzyme. This enzyme differs from other exo-β-glucanases, reported previously, in the broadness of its substrate specificity. The Km values for action on laminarin and lichenin are respectively 1.22 and 2.22 mg/ml; the maximum velocity of action on laminarin is approximately twice that on lichenin. The enzyme has a molecular weight of 82,000 as determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Maximum activity is exhibited at pH 4.3 and at temperatures of 50–55 °C.  相似文献   

The roles of type I binding and NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase in ethylmorphine demethylation were investigated in two strains of mice, using sex differences in these activities as a tool. In the CPB-SE strain, females metabolize ethylmorphine faster than males. Sex differences in cytochrome P-450 content and endogenous NADPH-cytochrome P-450 reductase activity were too small to account for this. On the other hand, the differences in the magnitudes of type I spectra and ethylmorphine-induced enhancement of cytochrome P-450 reduction were considerable larger than those in the rates of demethylation. All parameters, except endogenous cytochrome P-450 reduction, were modified in a similar way by testosterone pretreatment: in females they were depressed to the male level, whereas in males they remained unchanged. Castration had no effect in females and enhanced the activities in males. The CPB-V strain exhibited little or no sex differences in ethylmorphine demethylation, cytochrome P-450 content and endogenous cytochrome P-450 reduction. Testosterone pretreatment had little or no influence on these activities. Type I binding and reductase stimulation, however, showed sex differences, comparable to those observed in the CPB-SE strain, which were also abolished by testosterone. A relationship between reductase stimulation and type I binding was observed, which was, apparently, independent of sex or strain. It is concluded that androgen primarily influences the amount of cytochrome P-450-substrate complex formed, but that the reduction of this complex is not rate-limiting in the demethylation of ethylmorphine.  相似文献   

Cultured rat hepatoma cells (HTC-cells) were used to study the transfer of copper from a well-defined medium to and across the cell membrane and particularly the role of albumin in this process. HTC-cells, maintained in a minimal salt-glucose medium, accumulated far more copper than when maintained in the same medium, but supplemented with albumin. In the latter case, the Cu uptake strongly depended on the molar Cu/albumin ratio. The results suggest a role of albumin in the uptake of trace metals. The results indicate the presence of two types of binding sites for copper on the cell membrane. The sites of the first type bind copper very strongly and are probably responsible for the uptake of copper under physiological conditions. Their number was estimated to be about 106 per cell. Those of the second type only bind copper when the molar Cu/albumin ratio exceeds a value of about 1, i.e., under extreme, unphysiological conditions. Furthermore, the results suggest a direct interaction of the Cu-albumin complex with these strong binding sites as a first step in Cu uptake processes.  相似文献   

Results of visible/ultraviolet and infrared spectroscopic measurements, as well as chemical evidence are presented which support the formation of a 2:1 bleomycin-VO2+ complex. The information obtained also allows some considerations concerning the probable coordination sphere of the vanadyl ion.  相似文献   

The sterol content of cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was manipulated by growing the organism anaerobically in a medium containing excess supplements of unsaturated fatty acids and a range of supplements of ergosterol. Anaerobic mitochondrial precursor structures were isolated whose membrane lipids contain the same fatty acid composition but whose sterol content varies from 7 to 105 mg/g mitochondrial protein. Arrhenius plots of the mitochondrial ATPase activity of the different preparations show a discontinuity with Arrhenius activation energies of about +40 and +80 KJ/mole, respectively, above and below the transition temperature. However, the temperature of the transition is markedly dependent on sterol composition, and increases by up to 17° as the sterol content of the mitochondria is progressively decreased. These results support the concepts that membrane lipid composition influences the activity of membrane-bound enzymes, and that sterols promote the gel to liquid phase transition in biological membranes.  相似文献   

Regional Distribution of Glutathione Peroxidase in the Adult Rat Brain   总被引:1,自引:8,他引:1  
Glutathione peroxidase activity was measured in 10 areas of perfused adult rat brain with the use of a fluorometric assay coupled to NADPH oxidation. The caudate-putamen and the substantia nigra had the highest activities. Cortical areas and several nuclear areas had somewhat lower activity. Activity was lowest in a white matter structure (corpus callosum). High activity of glutathione peroxidase may be related to the need to reduce hydrogen peroxide arising in the course of monoamine metabolism.  相似文献   

Terrestricythere elisabethae sp. nov. is described from a semiterrestrial coastal habitat at two sites in Hampshire, southern England. It is the first record of a living population of the genus outside the Far East (north-west Pacific). Based on extensive collections and from observations of cultures, its morphology is described (including a formal definition of the unique 'visordont' hinge), as well as its ontogeny and lifestyle (encompassing habitat, life cycle, mode of life and locomotion). A further new species from Somerset, south-west England is also recorded on the basis of a single specimen but left in open nomenclature. The affinities of the Terrestricytheroidea are discussed in the context of a tentative phylogeny of podocopan Ostracoda. Both carapace and appendage characters are such as to warrant maintaining it as a separate superfamily, which is more closely related to the Cytheroidea and Darwinuloidea than to the Cypridoidea.  © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 142 , 253–288.  相似文献   

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