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The functional behaviour of unpaired homologous polytene chromosomes (2n=22), was investigated in nuclei of Phaseolus coccineus embryo suspensor cells. Observations were carried out on the morphological level and after 3H-thymidine and 3H-uridine autoradiography. Histone and total protein contents in the chromatin were also investigated. It was shown that corresponding regions of homologous chromosomes may show different functional structures. 3H-thymidine incorporation demonstrated differences between homologues in both DNA synthesis leading to chromosome endoreduplication (polytenization) and DNA amplification (extra DNA synthesis). 3H-uridine autoradiography showed that homologous regions in a given chromosome pair may display three labeling patterns: i) both regions labeled; ii) both regions unlabeled; iii) one region labeled and the other unlabeled. These three states are found to occur in different cells of one and the same embryo suspensor. Differences between homologous chromosome regions were also found in the ratios between DNA and protein contents in their chromatin. These results, which show that the functional activity of homologous chromosomes of the same complement may greatly differ, are discussed in relation to the characteristics of the system investigated.  相似文献   

Endogenous gibberellins (GAs) were extracted from suspensor, embryo and integument of very young seeds of Phaseolus coccineus L. and detected by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Results show the presence of one C20-GA, GA44 and five C19-GAs in the suspensor: GA1, GA4, GA5, GA6 and GA8, and four C19-GAs in the integument: GA1, GA5, GA6 and GA8. Only traces of GA1 and GA5 were identified in the embryo. A compound structurally related to GAs was identified as tetrahydroxy-Kauranoic acid in suspensor, integument and, only in trace amounts, in the embryo.  相似文献   

Mouse one-cell embryos were taken 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13 and 18 h after insemination. One-cell parthenogenones were induced by treatment of mouse eggs obtained 20 h after HCG injection with hyaluronidase and cultured for 0.5, 1, 3, 4.5, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 24 h. Some parthenogenones were pulse-labelled with tritiated thymidine, cut and autoradiographed. Both the embryos and parthenogenones were Feulgen-stained, and integrated relative optical absorption of either pronuclei or nuclei of polar bodies was measured with a cytophotometer. In some fertilized eggs and parthenogenones the DNA synthesis sets in 4–6 h after either insemination or parthenogenetic stimulus. Between the 8th and 13th hour after insemination the fraction of DNA synthesizing embryonic pronuclei remained at the level 30–40%. Most parthenogenones duplicated their DNA content between the 8th and 12th hour after hyaluronidase treatment. The DNA synthesis time in pronuclei of embryos was determined to be 3.5–4.0 h and that of pronuclei of parthenogenones approx. 4 h. The minimal time of the G2 phase was estimated to be 3–5 h. The first labelled pronuclei of parthenogenones were detected 6 h after stimulus. Male pronuclei started and ended DNA synthesis earlier than female pronuclei. Differences in the DNA content between pronuclei of the parthenogenones (when there are two in one parthenogenone) were observed beginning with the 10th h after hyaluronidase treatment.The DNA content in the nuclei of the second polar bodies (PB) of embryos increased slowly between the 8th and 22nd hour after insemination, up to an overall value of 1.4 C. That of the nuclei of the polar bodies of parthenogenones accompanied the synthesis of DNA in pronuclei to the 10th hour after hyaluronidase treatment, up to an overall value of 1.4 C.  相似文献   

Calli from cotyledon, hypocotyl and radicle explants of Erysimum scoparium (Brassicaceae) were induced and cultured using a MS medium without growth regulators. Calli obtained from cotyledon or hypocotyl explants showed a higher growth rate while radicle-derived calli exhibited poor growth. Cotyledon-derived calli were compact and green-colored while hypocotyl- and radicle-derived calli were friable and with creamy-green pigmentation. Histological analysis was carried out during culture and the development of abundant vascular elements and meristematic nodules were found. Subculture on a growth regulator-free medium during 10 months did not ecrease callus growth.  相似文献   

Cell proliferation has been induced from the cambial zone of a branch of Acacia senegal, kept on the basal Knop and Ball medium in the presence of auxin. Transferred on the more complete nutrient medium of Schenk and Hildebrandt, the colonies gave rise to several cell lines. One of the friable lines, consisting of aggregates of parenchymatous cells, gave a cell suspension culture in an agitated liquid medium which is maintained as a strain of illimited growth. The heterogeneous suspension did not undergo noticeable changes after eight transfers. Aggregates collected on a 1000-m nylon seive were able to grow on a solid medium and gave back a friable callus similar to the initial colonies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to improve the direct somatic embryogenesis and initiate embryogenic callus formation in camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora L.) on hormone-free medium. The influence of osmotic stress pretreatment of immature zygotic embryos (0.5 and 1.0 M solution of sucrose for 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, and 144 h at 4 or 25°C) before cultured on hormone-free medium, on embryogenesis efficiency was assessed. The embryogenesis frequency was improved from 16.29 to 93.27%, while the average number of somatic embryos per explant increased from 3 to 12.57. Activated charcoal (AC), medium renewal, basal medium, light conditions and sucrose concentration in culture medium were also evaluated for their effect on somatic embryogenesis. AC addition and 10-day medium renewal did not increase embryogenesis efficiency significantly, and Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium proved to be more beneficial for somatic embryo formation than others. No differences were found between embryogenesis frequencies when cultured in darkness or under light, but culturing under light yielded more embryos. After the sucrose solution pretreatment, high level concentration of sucrose in induction medium was not needed for somatic embryogenesis, for it had a negative effect on somatic embryo formation when the concentration of sucrose was higher than 50 g l−1. The derived embryogenic lines were maintained via repetitive embryogenesis on hormone-free medium. Low ratio formation of embryogenic callus was observed on the surface of somatic embryos both on induction and proliferation medium. Plantlets derived from somatic embryos grew vigorously with normal appearance similar to germinated zygotic embryos.  相似文献   

Protoplasts enzymatically isolated from cell line of Catharanthus roseus G. Don crown gall, were cultured at high density (105 P ml-1) in modified B5 liquid medium (Gamborg et al. 1976). In the absence of growth regulators C. roseus protoplasts were able to regenerate a cell-wall, divide and, subsequently, yield very numerous clones in the absence of growth regulators. After two weeks, the cultures were greatly diluted in order to obtain clones of single-cell origin. Most of the clones individually transferred onto solid medium can proliferate indefinitely, without growth regulators. Among analyzed clones, 90% were nopaline positive. Their ajmalicine and serpentine content was compared with that of the parental crown gall line, and was found to be low. The CR10 protoplasts were very easy to grow, they were an interesting model for the development of pure tumorous lines. Moreover, we found that the tumorous protoplasts were useful for cell fusion experiments or for the delicate culture of tree protoplasts.Abbreviations B5 Gamborg et al. (1976) medium - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - Kin Kinetin - NAA naphthalene acetic acid - BA N6 (benzyl) adenine  相似文献   

Excised zygotic embryos, mericarps ("seeds") and hypocotyls of seedlings of cultivated carrot Daucus carota cv. Scarlet Nantes were evaluated for their ability to generate somatic embryos on a semisolid hormone-free nutrient medium. Neither intact zygotic embryos nor hypocotyls ever produced somatic embryos. However, mericarps and broken zygotic embryos were excellent sources for somatic embryo production (response levels as high as 86%). Somatic embryo formation was highest from cotyledons, but was also observed on isolated hypocotyls and root tips of mature zygotic embryos. On media containing unreduced nitrogen, somatic embryo formation led to the generation of vigorous cultures comprised entirely of somatic embryos at various stages of development which in turn proliferated still other somatic embryos. However, a medium was devised which when 1-5 mM NH4+ was the sole nitrogen source, led only to a proliferation of globular proembryos. Sustained subculturing of these proembryos at 2-3 week intervals enabled establishment of highly uniform cultures in which no further development into more mature stages of embryonic development occurred. These have been maintained, without decline, as morphogenetically competent proembryonic globules for over ten months. A basal medium containing from 1-5 mM NH4+ as the sole nitrogen source appears not to be inductive to somatic proembryo formation. Instead, such a medium is best thought of as permissive to the expression of embryogenically determined cells within zygotic embryos. By excising and breaking or wounding zygotic embryos, constituent cells are probably released from positional or chemical restraints and thus are able to express their innate embryogenic potential. Once a proembryonic culture is established, this medium containing 1-5 mM NH4+ as the sole nitrogen source provides a nonpermissive environment to the development and growth of later embryonic stages, but it does allow the continued formation and multiplication of globular somatic proembryos. The sequence of events leading from excised broken zygotic embryos to the formation of somatic embryos and the maintenance of somatic proembryos are demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy and histological preparations. Germination levels from intact zygotic embryos on media with varying levels and ratios of unreduced vs. reduced inorganic nitrogen were determined as well and provided baseline or control data on the type of response obtained from nonwounded material.  相似文献   

Female Swiss mice were sacrificed at 2 h intervals between 16–30 and 40–56 h after insemination. One-, 2- and 4-cell embryos were stained by the Feulgen method and cytophotometric measurement of their nuclear DNA content was carried out. The cells with 2C and 4C DNA content were assumed to be in G1 and G2 phase and those with intermediate DNA content in S phase of the cell cycle. The fractions of cells which had passed a given phase of the cell cycle were calculated for various times after insemination and utilized for measurements of the second and third cell cycle timing. Results of measurements for the second cell cycle: G1 phase 1.3 h, S phase 6.1 h, G2 phase 15.4 h, whereas for the third cell cycle: G1 phase 1.6 h, S phase 7.4 h, G2 phase 0.5 h. The first cleavage division was calculated as 1.6 h, the second as 1.3 h and the third as 1.2 h. Complete intra-embryonic synchronization of the DNA-synthesizing nuclei was preserved during the entire synthesis phase of 2-cell embryos, while in 4-cell embryos they were slightly asynchronized. Among mitotic cells of the first cleavage division and G1 cells of 2-cell embryos a slight interembryonic asynchronization was found which deepened during subsequent cell cycle phases.  相似文献   

A cytophotometric study of DNA content in Purkinje cells of the cerebellum of rats, cats, chicken and humans (Feulgen staining) revealed that in a certain number of cells the amount of NDA ranged between the diploid and tetraploid level (H2C cells). The incidence of H2C Purkinje cells varied among the species studied. In rats, which were studied most thoroughly, these cells amounted on average to 3%. In some rats, as well as in some cats and chickens H2C Purkinje cells were entirely absent. In the group of animals possesing H2C Purkinje cells, great interindividual differences were observed. In rats for instance, the incidence of these cells varied from 1 to 23 per cent. Topographic analyses carried out in rat and human cerebellum revealed that H2C Purkinje cells occurred more frequently in the hemispheres than in the vermis. No significant differences were found in the number of H2C Purkinje cells in healthy and Kilham-DNA-virus infected rats. Densitometric analysis of the distribution of nuclear chromatin showed that H2C Purkinje cells were richer in condensed chromatin, especially in the region of the nucleolus, which apparently contains the hyperploid surplus of DNA. It is proposed that the phenomenon of DNA hyperdiploidy arises as a result of either incomplete S-phase in some immature Purkinje cell precursors or the amplification of some DNA sequences particularly those localized in the nucleolar region.  相似文献   

Between January 1989 and May 1990, the Department of Cytology of Llandough Hospital examined 784 pleural fluid cytological preparations, 99 of which were also examined as paraffin wax sections of clots that had formed. to assess whether this practice yields worthwhile information, we reviewed the cytology and clot sections of 99 patients with pleural effusions and correlated the results with subsequent histology and review of clinical case notes. the specificities of each method separately and when combined was high: 92% clot section, 85% smear cytology and 85% combined. the sensitivity using clot section alone was 49%, smear cytology alone 46% and in combination, 54%. Analysis showed no significant difference between these sensitivities. When pleural fluid clot formation occurs, we recommend the continued examination of clot sections, since it yields an increase in positive diagnoses, albeit not statistically significant. Entre janvier 1989 et mai 1990, 784 préparations cytologiques de liquides pleuraux ont été examinées dans le département de Cytologie de l'Hôpital Llandough. Parmi ces 784 cas, 99 contenaient un coagulum qui a fait l'objet également de coupes histologiques apres inclusion en paraffine. Afin de déterminer si cette pratique apporte une information intéressante, la cytologie de ces 99 patients et les coupes obtenues á partir du coagulum ont été revues, puis les résultats one été corrélés avec les résultats histologiques et avec I'analyse des données cliniques. Les valeurs de la spécificité de chacune des méthodes et des deux méthodes associées sont élevées: 92% pout les coupes du coagulum, 85% pour la cytologie d'étalement et 85% pour les deux méthodes combinées. Les valeurs pour la sensibilité sont de 49% pour les coupes de coagulum, de 46% pour la cytologie seule et de 54% en combinant les deux methodes. L'analyse ne met pas en évidence de différence significativé de sensibilitk entre les méthodes. Lorsqu'un coagulum s'est formé dans un liquide pleural, nous recornmandons de poursuivre la pratique de l'inclusion en paraffine et de coupe de ce coagulum puisque cette pratique aboutit à une augmentation du taux de diagnostics positifs, même si la différence n'est pas démontrée statistiquement. Das zytologische Labor des Llandough Hospitals untersuchte zwischen Januar 1989 und Mai 1990 784 Pleurapunktate. Von 99 wurden ausserdem paraffinge-schnittone Clotpräparate angefertigt. Um den Wert dieses Verfahrens zu überprüfen wurden diese Ergebnisse mit späteren histologischen Proben und der Patientengeschichte korreliert. Die Spezifitaten betrugen: 92% für Clot, 85% für Ausstriche und 85% für die Kombination. Die Sensitivitäten: 49% für Clot, 46% für Ausstriche und 54% für die Kombination. Die Unterschiede sind statistisch nicht signifikant, trotzdem sollten Gerinnsel bei Vorhandensein histologisch verarbeitet werden.  相似文献   

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