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The occurrence of shallow-water (0.9 to 1.3 m) rhodoliths in back reef environments in southwest Puerto Rico is reported. The rhodoliths were generally cylindrical, discoidal or irregular in shape with an average longest dimension of 7.2 cm. They occurred at a maximum density of 524 m−2. The rhodoliths were composed of mostly coral nuclei with concentric laminations of aragonite-producing Cruoriella armorica (Peyssonneliaceae, Rhodophyta). Maximum Cruoriella accretion around coral nuclei was 30 mm although accretions of 1 to 20 mm were more common. Based on measurements of Cruoriella accretion, these shallow water rhodoliths are estimated to have minimum ages of 12 to 24 years. It is further estimated that approximately 2% of the rhodoliths are turned over daily. Accepted: 1 October 1999  相似文献   

A new Metapeyssonnelia species that comprises up to 7% bottom cover at shallow‐water reef habitats in southwest Puerto Rico is described herein. It forms conspicuous orange encrustations on hard substrata and does not grow on living coral as does its two Caribbean congeners. The new species possesses conspicuous, to 30 cm in extent, tightly adherent crusts up to 950 μm thick, only hypobasal calcification, hypothallial cells arranged in broad flabellules and superficial (raised) tetrasporangial and carposporangial nemathecia. Tetrasporangia are pedicellate, borne laterally from cup‐like cells that are derived from basal paraphysal cells. Tetrasporangia measure up to 120 μm long and individual carposporangia to 80 μm long. The new species differs from other Metapeyssonnelia species developmentally in that perithallial cells at mid thallus height will divide laterally to form a new hypothallium. Small subunit gene sequences relate the new species to the two Metapeyssonnelia species that are previously known from Puerto Rico.  相似文献   

Elevated sea surface temperature (SST) caused by global warming is one of the major threats to coral reefs. While increased SST has been shown to negatively affect the health of coral reefs by increasing rates of coral bleaching, how changes to atmospheric heating impact SST distributions, modified by local flow environments, has been less understood. This study aimed to simulate future water flow patterns and water surface heating in response to increased air temperature within a coral reef system in Bocas del Toro, Panama, located within the Caribbean Sea. Water flow and SST were modeled using the Delft3D-FLOW© computer simulation package. Locally measured physical parameters, including bathymetry, astronomic tidal forcing, and coral habitat distribution were input into the model and water flow, and SST was simulated over a four-month period under present day, as well as projected warming scenarios in 2020s, 2050s, and 2080s. Changes in SST, and hence the thermal stress to corals, were quantified by degree heating weeks. Results showed that present-day reported bleaching sites were consistent with localized regions of continuous high SST. Regions with highest SST were located within shallow coastal sites adjacent to the mainland or within the interior of the bay, and characterized by low currents with high water retention times. Under projected increases in SSTs, shallow reef areas in low flow regions were found to be hot spots for future bleaching.  相似文献   

A new species, Halichrysis corallinarius sp. nov. is described from coral reef habitats in southwest Puerto Rico as well as from Grand Cayman Island. The new species produces strap‐shaped thalli supported above the substrata by abundant peg‐like stipes. The lobed branches are frequently anastomosed with colonies measuring to 4.0 cm broad with individual axes measuring to 7.0 mm across. Algae possess up to five layers of medullary cells with frequent open spaces in the medulla. Tetrasporangia, measure to 19 × 25 μm, and are borne in sori limited to ventral surfaces. Gametophytes are monoecious and hemispherical carposporophytes are produced dorsally, measuring to 900 μm in diameter and 600 μm high.  相似文献   

Studies of temporal and spatial changes in phytoplankton biomass and turbidity provide essential information on coral reef ecosystem function and health. Fluctuation of phytoplankton biomass responds to several factors including nutrient inputs, both anthropogenic and natural, while turbidity is mostly affected by sediment resuspension or transport from terrestrial systems. These parameters can be used as sentinels of significant environmental factors "modifying" coral reef systems. A chlorophyll a concentration (Chl a) and turbidity (Turb) in situ logger was installed at 10 stations from June 4 to July 7, 2003 in La Parguera Natural Reserve (Southwestern Puerto Rico) to assess short-term temporal and geographic variation in patterns of phytoplankton biomass and turbidity at pre-selected sites as part of an interdisciplinary long-term study. Average station Ch1 a variation was 0.17-1.12 microg 1(-1) and 0.2-23.4 NTU for Turb. Results indicate that the western near-coastal stations had higher levels of Turb and Ch1 a. The easternmost mid shelf station, Romero reef, was similar to coastal stations probably due to nutrient and suspended sediment inputs from a source external to our study area to the east, Guánica Bay. Comparisons between different sampling days indicate significant differences between days for most stations suggesting that one-time discrete sampling may not be representative of average water column conditions and illustrate the dynamic nature of coral reef systems. Further work is warranted to assess seasonal changes that integrate short-term (daily) variability in both Turb and Ch1 a.  相似文献   

 Diurnal patterns of photoinhibition have been identified in seven species of shallow water reef corals from the Andaman Sea, off the west coast of Thailand, using pulse amplitude fluorometry. Photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) and quantum yield (ΔF/Fm∑) of symbiotic dinoflagellates within the corals declined after dawn to reach a minimum between midday and early afternoon, recovering to former dawn levels by early evening. Parallel studies on the xanthophylls diadinoxanthin (Dn) and diatoxanthin (Dt), and their inter-conversion, also revealed a strong diurnal pattern as well as inverse correlations between the xanthophyll ratio Dt/(Dn+Dt) and Fv/Fm and ΔF/Fm′. These findings suggest a photoprotective function for these pigments. Accepted: 18 March 1999  相似文献   

 A core from a coral colony of Porites lutea was analysed for stable oxygen isotopic composition*. A 200-year proxy record of sea surface temperatures from the Houtman Abrolhos Islands off west Australia was obtained from coral δ18O. At 29′S, the Houtman Abrolhos are the southernmost major reef complex of the Indian Ocean. They are located on the path of the Leeuwin Current, a southward flow of warm, tropical water, which is coupled to Indonesian throughflow. Coral δ18O primarily reflects local oceanographic and climatic variability, which is largely determined by spatial variability of the Leeuwin Current. However, coherence between coral δ18O and the current strength itself is relatively weak. Evolutionary spectral and singular spectrum analyses of coral δ18O demonstrate a high variability in spectral composition through time. Oscillations in the 5–7-y, 14–15-y, and quasi-biennial bands reflect teleconnections of local sea surface temperature (SST) to tropical Pacific climate variability. Deviations between local (coral-based) and regional (instrument) SST contain a cyclic component with a period of 15 y. Coral δ18O suggests a rise in SST by 0.6 ′C since AD 1944, consistent with available instrumental SST records. A long-term warming by 1.4 ′C since AD 1795 is inferred from the coral record. Accepted: 3 July 1998  相似文献   

 Coastal reef degradation and widespread bleaching of corals, i.e. loss of pigments and/or symbiotic zooxanthellae, is increasing globally. Remote sensing from boats, aircraft or satellites has great potential for assessing the extent of reef change, but will require ground-verified spectral algorithims characteristic of healthy and degraded reef populations. We collected seven species of Caribbean reef corals and also representative macroalgae from reefs near Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas and quantified their pigments using high performance liquid chromatography. We also measured the fluorescence and reflectance spectra of corals and macroalgae using an in situ benthic spectrofluorometer. In visibly pigmented (unbleached) coral from 4 to 5 m depth, the mean (±SD) surface density of pigments (3.0±1.3 μg chlorophyll-a cm-2 and 2.1±0.7 μg peridinin cm-2) was similar between colonies of the same species, but differed among species. The mean quantity of pigment per zooxanthella (1.8±0.9 pg chl-a cell-1 and 1.4±0.7 pg peridinin cell-1) also differed among species and sometimes between colonies of the same species. Chl-a and peridinin densities per surface area of coral were positively correlated. When excited with blue light (480 nm), macroalgae and corals had typical chlorophyll fluorescence with a peak at 680 nm and a smaller shoulder peak at 730 to 740 nm. Most corals, unlike macroalgae, also had distinct fluorescence peaks between 500 and 530 nm. In visibly bleached corals 680 nm fluorescence was greatly reduced in amplitude. Pigmented coral, under natural lighting conditions, had a reflected light peak at about 570 nm. Reflectance increased over all wavelengths in bleached corals, with the greatest increase at the wavelengths where chlorophyll and accessory pigments absorb light, i.e. 670 and 450 to 550 nm. Both fluorescence and reflectance spectra appear promising to remotely differentiate between pigmented and bleached coral and between coral and macroalgae. Accepted: 15 March 1999  相似文献   

The export of carbon and carbonate from coral reefs was investigated through a multidisciplinary investigation of the hydrological, geochemical, sedimentological and biological features of Tiahura reef on the northwestern coast of Moorea Island (French Polynesia). The hydrology of the fore-reef is characterised by prevailing longshore western currents and a strong thermocline. As revealed by turbidity structures (benthic and intermediate nepheloid layers) and by the amount of particles collected by near-bottom sediment traps, horizontal and downslope advections of particles dominate over offshore vertical transport. The exported material is rich in carbonate (ca. 80%) and poor in organic matter (ca. 4%). Sedimentation rates at 430 m depth, i.e. definitive export, reached 209.6 mg m-2 d-1 (dry weight). Estimates of carbon and carbonates export for Tiahura reef also reported here represent respectively 47% and 21% of the organic and inorganic carbon produced within the reef.  相似文献   

 Taiaro Lagoon has no permanent or regular connection with the ocean (ingress is restricted to episodes of high sea-level and/or strong wave action) raising the question of how fish populations with normally dispersive larvae are maintained inside this lagoon. We compared the genetic population structures of two coral reef fishes, Acanthurus triostegus and Chaetodon ulietensis, present on both sides of the atoll rim to determine whether there is evidence of reproductive isolation. Genetic surveys showed that the lagoonal and oceanic populations were statistically different at five loci (AAT * -3, GDA *, HPD *, MDH * and SDH *) in A. triostegus and three loci (PGI-2*, IDH * and PGD *) in C. ulietensis, producing high F st values of 0.055 and 0.021, respectively. Our genetic and demographic data on these species suggest that both may be completing their life-cycles inside the lagoon, which leads us to question the common assumption that coral reef fishes require oceanic conditions for larval development. Accepted: 28 August 1997  相似文献   

Two naturally occurring colonies of Millepora alcicornis were monitored during 1997 and 1998, both years in which this species bleached in the Mexican Caribbean. One colony (HL) was naturally exposed to a high light environment and another nearby colony (LL) was exposed to 5.9 times lower light levels due to shadowing by a pier. For 10 days in August 1997, seawater temperatures in the surrounding reef lagoon rose up to 1.5 degrees C above the 6-year August average. The HL colony bleached to white during this period, whereas, the LL colony remained dark-brown colored. The HL colony recovered its normal dark-brown coloration (reversible bleaching) within several weeks, during which time the seawater temperatures returned to average. The following year, for 10 days, seawater temperatures rose up to 3 degrees C above the 7-year August average and both colonies bleached to white and neither colony recovered (irreversible bleaching). Both colonies were rapidly overgrown by algae and hydroids and, as of June 2003, no recovery has taken place. Prior to the 1997 bleaching, experiments using solar radiation showed that the quantum yield of photosystem II charge separation of branches from HL and LL colonies were affected for several hours by exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR, 280 to 400 nm), but recovered by the same evening, suggesting that UVR does not have long-term effects on photochemistry in M. alcicornis. In situ effective quantum yield of photosystem II charge separation (deltaF/Fm') measurements before the 1998 bleaching event indicate that both colonies were healthy in terms of the physiological status of their endosymbionts. During and after the 1998 bleaching event, both colonies showed a reduction in deltaF/Fm' and consequently an increase in excitation pressure on photosystem II. The data suggest that temperature is not the only factor that causes bleaching and that solar radiation may play an important role in coral bleaching.  相似文献   

 Macroboring organisms are recognised as key agents of reef framework modification and destruction, and while recent studies in the Pacific have improved understanding of spatial variations in macroboring community structure, and rates of macroboring within individual reefs, comparable studies from the Caribbean are largely lacking. This study assesses the distribution of macroboring species and the degree of framework infestation across the reefs at Discovery Bay, north Jamaica. Although individual species of borers exhibit variable distributions across the reef, relative abundances of the main groups of macroborers (sponges, bivalves, worms) illustrate clear distributional trends. Sponges are dominant at fore-reef sites, while sipunculan and polychaete worms are only of importance at back-reef/lagoon and shallow fore-reef sites. Bivalves are locally important within back-reef and lagoon patch reef framework. Average percentages of internal bioerosion (macroboring) vary between sites, but are highest at back-reef and deep fore-reef sites. No systematic pattern of variation occurs within back-reef/lagoon samples, but a significant trend of increased macroboring is recognised with increased water depth on the fore-reef. In addition, significant differences in terms of the susceptibility of individual coral species are recognised. These factors are likely to result in biasing of the fossil record, with variable styles of preservation evident both between sites (i.e. with depth/environment) and within sites (i.e. between coral species). Accepted: 1 June 1998  相似文献   

D. J. Booth  Mark A. Hixon 《Oecologia》1999,121(3):364-368
The supply of larvae is a major determinant of population and community structure in coral reef fishes. However, spatial and temporal variation in condition (i.e. quality) of potential recruits, as well as their density (i.e. quantity), may influence survival and growth of juveniles. We conducted an experiment to test whether recent feeding history could affect growth, condition and post-recruitment survival in a Caribbean damselfish, Stegastes partitus. Fish were collected soon after settlement, and fed either low or high rations in aquaria for 7 days. Fish fed the high ration grew faster in aquaria and were in a better condition (higher total lipids and Fulton’s condition factor) at the end of the feeding period. Subsequently, we released 50 fish in 25 pairs (one fish subjected to low rations, the other to high rations) on a Bahamian coral reef and monitored survival for 10 days. Survivorship of high-ration fish was double that of low-ration fish (80 vs 40% over 10 days). However, low-ration fish that survived 10 days were of similar condition and grew at similar rates to high-ration fish, suggesting that short-term ration differences may not persist in surviving fish. Laboratory experiments showed that low-ration fish were taken by piscivorous fishes before high-ration fish, indicating that differential predation may account for survival differences. This study highlights the potential of feeding history and condition to affect the relationship between patterns of larval arrival at reefs, and subsequent juvenile and adult population densities. Received: 1 March 1999 / Accepted: 15 July 1999  相似文献   

 Current records from three surveys at Bora Bay, Miyako Island, all showed strong unidirectional flows. Ocean water entered the lagoon over the shallower western half of the reef flat and exited the lagoon through a channel on the eastern side. Fourier transform of one of the survey data sets showed that this unidirectional flow is modulated on a cycle with a period half as long as the dominant M2 tidal cycle. The prominent features of the observed time-series current profiles were well reproduced using a numerical simulation that includes a depth dependent formulation of the wind-wave forced cross-reef water flow. The water residence times of the lagoon varied from 1.5 h to 3.7 h when calculated directly from the modeled current field, and from 2.0 h to 9.3 h when calculated as the time required for modeled particles to exit the lagoon. These residence times are surprisingly short and may help to explain how this reef supports high net organic production. Furthermore, the short particle residence times show the importance of analyzing currents on time scales smaller than the dominant tidal cycle to understand the fate of organic material produced in coral reefs. Accepted: 1 March 1998  相似文献   

Chlorotoluron is a selective phenylurea herbicide widely used for broad-leaved and annual grass weed control in cereals. Variation in the response to chlorotoluron (CT) was found in both hexaploid bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and wild tetraploid wheat (Triticum dicoccoides KöRN.). Here, we describe the comparative mapping of the CT resistance gene (Su1) on chromosome 6B in bread and wild wheat using RFLP markers. In bread wheat, mapping was based on 58 F4 single-seed descent (SSD) plants of the cross between a genotype sensitive to chlorotoluron, ‘Chinese Spring’ (CS), and a resistant derivative, the single chromosome substitution line, CS (‘Cappele-Desprez’ 6B) [CS (CAP6B). In T dicoccoides, mapping was based on 37 F2 plants obtained from the cross between the CT-susceptible accession B-7 and the resistant accession B-35. Nine RFLP probes spanning the centromere were chosen for mapping. In bread wheat Su1 was found to be linked to α-Amy-1 (9.84 cM) and Xpsr371 (5.2 cM), both on the long arm of 6B, and Nor2 (2.74 cM) on the short arm. In wild wheat the most probable linkage map was Nor2-Xpsr312-Su1-Pgk2, and the genetic distances between the genes were 24.8cM, 5.3cM, and 6.8cM, respectively. These results along with other published map data indicate that the linear order of the genes is similar to that found in T. aestivum. The results of this study also show that the Su1 gene for differential response to chlorotoluron has evolved prior to the domestication of cultivated wheat and not in response to the development and use of chemicals.  相似文献   

 Managing a coral reef in a small island state is a difficult task. Apart from having conflicting objectives and few data there is the added problem of how to evaluate the less tangible benefits of management. This study reports the successful use of multiple criteria analysis to help the managers of a coral reef to make “good” decisions. “Good” decisions are consistent with the community’s desires to, in this case, preserve social and ecological values while simultaneously maintaining the economic benefits of dive tourism and maintaining the park as a global model of successful management. Multiple criteria analysis provides a systematic framework for evaluating management options. This study presents one of the first times multiple criteria analysis has been used in coral reef management, let alone in a non-industrialised setting. The results suggest that the method may be more widely useful than previously thought. Accepted: 20 July 1999  相似文献   

A new rhodymeniacean species, Chamaebotrys prolifera , is described from a shallow water habitat in Puerto Rico, representing the first occurrence of the genus in the Atlantic Ocean. Plants, to 5 cm across, are decumbent and comprised of compressed vesicles that are originally proliferously branched at the perimeter. Older vesicles become branched from their dorsal surfaces as well. Branches are septate at their origin and become irregularly shaped with age. Anastomoses between adjacent vesicles is common. Individual vesicles measure to 15 mm in broadest dimension. Vesicle walls consist of two layers of medullary cells and two layers of cortical cells. Tetrasporangia, which occur in diffuse nemathecia, are spherical, to 30 µm in diameter and are cut off terminally from an inner cortical cell. Cystocarps are hemispherical measuring to 800 µm in diameter and 350 µm in height. Spermatangia are apparently cut off randomly from outer cortical cells across the thallus surface. Molecular evidence confirms placement of Chamaebotrys within the Rhodymeniaceae.  相似文献   

 In the high Hawaiian Islands, significant accretion due to coral reef growth is limited by wave exposure and sea level. Holocene coral growth and reef accretion was measured at four stations off Oahu, Hawaii, chosen along a gradient in wave energy from minimum to maximum exposures. The results show that coral growth of living colonies (linear extension) at optimal depths is comparable at all stations (7.7–10.1 mm/y), but significant reef accretion occurs only at wave sheltered stations. At wave sheltered stations in Hanauma Bay and Kaneohe Bay, rates of long term reef accretion are about 2.0 mm/y. At wave exposed stations, off Mamala Bay and Sunset Beach, reef accretion rates are virtually zero in both shallow (1 m) and deeper (optimal) depths (12 m). At wave sheltered stations, such as Kaneohe Bay and Hanauma Bay, Holocene reef accretion is on the order of 10–15 m thick. At wave exposed stations, Holocene accretion is represented by only a thin veneer of living corals resting on antecedent Pleistocene limestone foundations. Modern coral communities in wave exposed environments undergo constant turnover associated with mortality and recruitment or re-growth of fragmented colonies and are rarely thicker than a single living colony. Breakage, scour, and abrasion of living corals during high wave events appears to be the major source of mortality and ultimately limits accretion to wave sheltered environments. Depth is particularly important as a modulator of wave energy. The lack of coral reef accretion along shallow open ocean coastlines may explain the absence of mature barrier reefs in the high Hawaiian Islands. Accepted: 14 May 1998  相似文献   

Climate change is posing new challenges to conservation because management policies on protected coral reefs are less effective than they were before the current ecosystem degradation. Coral reefs, the most diverse and complex marine ecosystem provide economic services for millions, but are seriously threatened worldwide because reef-building corals are experiencing bleaching phenomena and a steady decline in abundance. The resources of a Marine Protected Area (MPA) in Cartagena, Colombia, are in constant decline, despite a current management plan and on-site staff, urging new conservation actions. A multidisciplinary team gathered to evaluate management effectiveness including biophysical, socioeconomic and governance indicators. Coral cover and fish diversity and abundance were low both inside and outside the MPA, which suggests a limited efficiency of management. Currently, the MPA is a reef with low coral cover and high algae cover as well as large dead coral areas, which are generally signs of highly degraded reef habitats. Live coral cover in the MPA was represented by pioneer coral species such as Agaricia tenuifolia and Porites astreoides. Nonetheless, 35% of the scleractinian species sampled in the area harbored more than one zooxanthellae symbiont, which suggests potential resistance and resilience against coral bleaching. Maintenance of trophic structure and functional diversity is an important endeavor that should be a priority for management in order to allow ecosystem resilience. Social and governance indicators showed low-income levels and few opportunities for communities living in and around the park, low governability, weak communication among stakeholders and with authorities at different levels. As a result, problems related to over exploitation of resources were commonplace in the MPA. These results reflect low adaptive capacity of communities to comply with restrictive conservation rules, showing that establishment of a protected area is a necessary but insufficient condition to guarantee conservation goals. Ignoring the role of local communities only will exacerbate the problems associated with natural resources. Involvement of communities in strategic ecosystems management appears to be a requisite to improve effectiveness of protected areas, and participatory strategies, such as co-management, offer opportunities to improve governability while letting communities adapt to MPA needs.  相似文献   

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