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The process of bleaching of Chlorella protothecoides inducedby the addition of glucose was strongly inhibited by cycloheximide,an inhibitor of protein synthesis, whereas it was suppressedonly weakly by chloramphenicol, puromycin and ethionine. Whencycloheximide was added simultaneously with glucose at the beginningof die bleaching experiment, no bleaching of algal cells occurredduring the subsequent incubation. When it was added after glucose,the bleaching of algal cells proceeded for a period of timeas actively as in the control, then gradually ceased. Cycloheximidewas found to suppress the uptake of glucose by algal cells,and to severely inhibit the assimilation of glucose into lipidswhen added at the beginning of the bleaching experiment. Theseinhibitory effects of cycloheximide are discussed in relationto the induction of "glucose-bleaching" in algal cells. (Received December 16, 1968; )  相似文献   

The Kv1–4 families of K+ channels contain a tandem proline motif (PXP) in the S6 helix that is crucial for channel gating. In human Kv1.5, replacing the first proline by an alanine resulted in a nonfunctional channel. This mutant was rescued by introducing another proline at a nearby position, changing the sequence into AVPP. This resulted in a channel that activated quickly (ms range) upon the first depolarization. However, thereafter, the channel became trapped in another gating mode that was characterized by slow activation kinetics (s range) with a shallow voltage dependence. The switch in gating mode was observed even with very short depolarization steps, but recovery to the initial "fast" mode was extremely slow. Computational modeling suggested that switching occurred during channel deactivation. To test the effect of the altered PXP sequence on the mobility of the S6 helix, we used molecular dynamics simulations of the isolated S6 domain of wild type (WT) and mutants starting from either a closed or open conformation. The WT S6 helix displayed movements around the PXP region with simulations starting from either state. However, the S6 with a AVPP sequence displayed flexibility only when started from the closed conformation and was rigid when started from the open state. These results indicate that the region around the PXP motif may serve as a "hinge" and that changing the sequence to AVPP results in channels that deactivate to a state with an alternate configuration that renders them "reluctant" to open subsequently. voltage-gated potassium channel  相似文献   

Using synchronized cells of Chlorella pyrenoidosa, the incorporationpatterns of 14C into various metabolites with and without nitrogensources were studied under steady-state and non steady-stateconditions. From the patterns it was found that the smallestcells which are divided in the dark utilize nitrate and nitritevery little, if at all. The importance of ammonia for regulation of secondary flow forChlorella is discussed and the suggested regulatory points aredescribed. 1This work was sponsored, in part, by the U.S. Atomic EnergyCommission (Received January 26, 1970; )  相似文献   

Dynamic exercise training of the elderly increases maximal O2 uptake (VO2max); however, the effects of training on the ventilation threshold (VET) have not been studied. VET was identified as the final point before the ventilatory equivalent for O2 (VE/VO2) increased, without an increase in the ventilatory equivalent for CO2 (VE/VCO2). Inactive elderly males (mean age, 62 yr) were randomly assigned to a control (C, n = 44) or activity (A, n = 45) group. VO2max and VET were determined from an incremental treadmill test. Initial VO2max was not different between the C (2.34 +/- 0.42 l X min-1) and A (2.28 +/- 0.44 l X min-1) groups, nor was there a significant difference in the VO2 at the VET (C = 1.39 +/- 0.26 l X min-1; A = 1.31 +/- 0.23 l X min-1). The activity group trained for 30 min/day, 3 days/wk at an intensity of approximately 65-80% of VO2max. After 1 yr of training the activity group exhibited an 18% increase in VO2max (A = 2.70 +/- 0.54 l X min-1), but the change in VET was not significant (A = 1.39 +/- 0.28 l X min-1). There was no significant change in VO2max (C = 2.45 +/- 0.68 l X min-1) or VET (C = 1.38 +/- 0.31 l X min-1) in the control group. VET/VO2max declined significantly in the activity group (from 58 to 52% of VO2max). Change in VET/VO2max with training was not correlated with the initial VO2max value. We conclude that increases in aerobic capacity are more readily effected than alterations of the VET in elderly subjects.  相似文献   

Behavioral Thermoregulation and the "Final Preferendum" Paradigm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wider attention to Fry's (1947) "final preferendum" paradigmwould facilitate comparative studies of temperature preference(behavioral thermoregulation) among different animal groups.According to Fry's bipartite definition, the final preferendumis that temperature at which preference and acclimation areequal, and to which an animal in a thermal gradient will finallygravitate regardless of its prior thermal experience (acclimation).This paradigm is helpful in distinguishing between acute thermalpreferenda (measured within 2 hr or less after placing an animalin a thermal gradient), which are influenced by acclimationtemperature, and the species-specific final preferendum (measured24–96 hr after placement in the gradient), which is essentiallyindependent of prior acclimation because reacclimation occursduring the gravitation process. The paradigm does not take intoaccount non-thermal acclimatization influences (e.g., season,photoperiod, age, light intensity, salinity, disease, nutrition,pollutants, biotic interactions) which can also affect temperaturepreference. However, a graph of acutely preferred temperaturesversus acclimation temperatures can be employed to determinean equivalent acclimation temperature for any given acclimatizationstate, as a simple means of quantifying acclimatization statesresulting from interactions of many influences. This paradigm,developed for use with fishes, can also be applied to otherectothermic taxa, although it is most easily employed with aquaticorganisms because of the simplicity of specifying aquatic thermalenvironments in terms of water temperature alone. Methodologiesused in studies of behavioral thermoregulation should take theparadigm into account (especially with respect to length oftests) to enhance the comparative value of data across taxa.  相似文献   

Conidial germination in liquid shake culture of Neurospora crassawas affected by the number of conidia in the medium (conidialdensity effect) with the optimum density being around 2?106conidia/ml. The conidial density effect at 2?104 and 2?105 conidia/mlwas eliminated by the addition of auxin, IAA or 2,4-D with theoptimum concentrations of IAA and 2,4-D being around 10–6M. IAA and 2,4-D had no effect on the effect at 2?107 conidia/ml.An active substance(s) for conidial germination which was relatedto the conidial density effect was detected in the cell-freefiltrate of the germination medium, and was found to be non-dialyzableand thermolabile. At the early stage of germination, the concentrationof active substance(s) in the medium increased in proportionto the conidial density and reached a supraoptimum amount forgermination at 2?107 conidia/ml. IAA (10–6M) enhancedthe concentration. Endogenous auxin concentrations in filtratesof the germination media containing 2?105, 2?106 and 2?107 conidia/mlwere 5.8?10–12, 4.6?10–11 and 1.7?10–10M IAAequivalent, respectively. The conclusion reached was that auxinmay control conidial germination with mediation by the activesubstance(s). (Received June 8, 1982; Accepted September 27, 1982)  相似文献   

An improved moving chart recording of intensity/time of tasteresponse has been achieved using a potentiometer ‘dialbox’ linked by a cable to a Telsec recorder. The deviceallows rates of taste response to be determined and is describedas a Sensory Measuring Unit for Recording Flux (SMURF) on theassumption that the flux of stimuli at the taste receptor isresponsible for the time course of response. Fourteen trained and sixteen untrained panellists evaluatedone standard and four unknown sucrose solutions using the SMURFand determined their intensity and persistence time of responsefor each of these same solutions by conventional interval scalingand use of a stop-clock. The SMURF gave results which were higher(but not significantly so) than the conventional method. Trainedpanellists tended to prefer the SMURF and found it quicker andeasier to use than the conventional method. Untrained panelliststended to prefer the conventional method but these results weregenerally not significant. The SMURF is therefore an extremelyuseful device in reducing time and effort whilst still maintainingaccuracy in the measurement of intensity and time of taste response. The SMURF was also used to obtain intensity/time data for threeother sugars so that a comparison between the sugars could bemade.  相似文献   

An adequate understanding of young sea turtle dispersal patternsis necessary for effective management of threatened or endangeredspecies. Such patterns are poorly understood, and the term "lostyear" has been adopted to emphasize this gap in sea turtle lifehistory information. Tag returns from pen-reared yearling seaturtles indicate ocean current dispersal. Evidence indicateshatchlings would be similarly dispersed by ocean currents. Feedingstudies with tank-held animals suggest that food resources areavailable in ocean currents for long-term sea turtle survival.Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) growth appears slow in nature.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Cuticular proteins show specificity for stage, age,and anatomical region. Analysis of the cuticular proteins ofsecond pupae created by application of juvenile hormone demonstratesthat the hormone prevents the onset of new sequences of synthesesand favors repetition of the region-specific, temporal patternof syntheses used in the previous stage. The argument made isthat juvenile hormone might exert this "status quo" action bypreventing alterations in chromatin configuration. Evidencefrom a wide variety of systems shows that polyamines might beinvolved in reprogramming chromatin. Ecdysterone induces ornithinedecarboxylase, the rate limiting enzyme in animal polyaminesynthesis. I suggest that juvenile hormone might be exertingits status quo action by inhibiting this induction. Preliminarystudies of ornithine decarboxylase induction support this specifichypothesis; experiments with an inhibitor of this enzyme, -difluoromethylornithine, however, do not show the expected juvenile hormonemimicry. Further studies are needed to define the control ofpolyamine biosynthesis in insects and to discover whether juvenilehormone plays a role in this control.  相似文献   

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