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Summary Experiments are described which test the hypothesis that more host-specific species of caterpillars should be less aceptable to a generalist predator than polyphagous species. Caterpillars of all species were tested in paired choice tests with the Argentine ant, Iridomyrmex humilis. Experiments were replicated ten times, videotaped and later analyzed. Brightly colored specialist species (normally considered to be aposematic) were clearly the least palatable, while more cryptic specialists were also significantly less acceptable than generalists overall. Leaf-tying species were considered separately; all were highly palatable independent of host range. The results indicate that among caterpillars that do not construct leaf shelters, those with a wide post range are more acceptable than those with a narrow host range. This is consistent with the notion that generalist predators provide selection pressure favoring narrow host range in their herbivorous prey.  相似文献   

Summary Queen power inIridomyrmex humilis during six arbitrarily chosen physiological stages of queens (virgin winged queens at the time of emergence, the same 4–5 days old, mated winged queens 5–6 days old, mated queens at the time of dealation, young egg-laying queens, and old egg-laying queens) was tested with regard to workers. Tested workers and queens were nestmates. The results were as follows. 1) Power of the old queens remained rather constant throughout the reproductive season. 2) Young queens were always less attractive than older ones. No changes were observed from the time of emergence to dealation. 3) At the time of egg-laying, these young queens became markedly attractive for workers but never as much as old egg-laying queens. Therefore, insemination and dealation do not trigger the increase in queen power. In contrast, oogenesis ending by egg-laying produces a significant increase in queen power.  相似文献   

The self-organizing exploratory pattern of the argentine ant   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Workers of the Argentine ant, Iridomyrmex humilis,start to explore a chemically unmarked territory randomly. As the exploratory front advances, other explorers are recruited and a trail extends from it to the nest. Whereas recruitment trails are generally constructed between two points, these exploratory trails have no fixed destination, and strongly resemble the foraging patterns of army ants. A minimal model shows how the exploratory pattern may be generated by the individual workers' simple trail-laying and -following behavior, illustrating how complex collective structures in insect colonies may be based on self-organization.  相似文献   

We monitored the activities of the Argentine ant,Iridomyrmex humilis (Mayr), in 3 citrus orchards during 1984 and 1985. We also monitored densities of citrus red mite,Panonychus citri (McGregor), the adult spider mite destroyer,Stethorus picipes Casey [Col.: Coccinellidae], and the predatory mite,Euseius tularensis Congdon [Acarina: Phytoseiidae] during the same period in ant-present and ant-free plots in each orchard. I. humilis was excluded for at least 9 months from trees pruned 60 cm from the ground following a basal application of 1 or 2 % chlorpyrifos 4 EC. Autumn densities ofP. citri in these ant-free plots were significantly lower than those in the plots infested withI. Humilis. S. picipes appeared to be the most important predator, maintaining lowP. citri densities on citrus in southern California in the absence ofI. humilis activity.S. picipes densities increased numerically in response to the early spring and late autumn increases in the density ofP. citri populations. However, in the presence ofI. humilis activity, effective predation was apparently inhibited. Densities ofE. tularensis were unaffected by the presence ofI. humilis, nor didE. tularensis respond to spring or autumn increases in the density ofP. citri populations in any of the orchards.   相似文献   

Maritime ringlet butterflies (Coenonympha nipisiquit McDunnough), an endangered species in Canada, inhabit salt marshes, which consist of microhabitat mosaics with varied larval survival rate. These microhabitats may influence the movement and reproductive behaviors of females, which in turn may affect population dynamics. I recorded behaviors and locations of females every minute with a GPS rover and calculated their move lengths and turning angles. Move lengths did not change in response to microhabitats, although turning angles became larger near bodies of water with sparse vegetation. Females spent a longer time in one location and oviposited more often where the principal larval host, Spartina patens (Aiton) Muhl., is abundant, regardless of larval survival rate. Older females tended to initiate flight more readily than younger females and spent more time flying and nectaring. Younger females were more fecund and spent a longer time at one location. Because young females tend to be less mobile and more fecund, the majority of oviposition should take place near eclosion sites. However, some eggs will be laid away from microhabitats favorable to larval survival when older females become mobile and move out of their natal microhabitats. Because it seems to have little potential to colonize new habitat on its own, monitoring population dynamics and habitat quality will be crucial for the persistence and recovery of this rare species.  相似文献   

Summary We describe, for the first time, the predatory behaviour ofThaumatomyrmex ants on millipedes of the family Polyxenidae, based on field observations ofT. atrox and a field and laboratory study ofT. contumax. The capture of the prey and the removal process of its body-covering setae by the ants before they eat the millipede are described. This specialized behaviour in at least two species of the genus, belonging to two distinct groups of species, indicates a general trend inThaumatomyrmex. We coupled this study with a comparative morphological analysis of the mouthparts and digestive tube of these and otherThaumatomyrmex species. Also, we report the first case of sympatry in the genus, which suggests thatThaumatomyrmex includes several species, and not only one highly variable taxon, as hypothetized earlier.  相似文献   

All larvae in the family Papilionidae possess osmeteria, eversible glands that release defensive chemicals upon disturbance. These chemicals have been shown to be repellent to ants, mantids, and other predaceous arthropods with chewing mouthparts. In this study, we demonstrate that the pentatomid Podisus maculiventris,an important predator of the black swallowtail Papilio polyxenes,is capable of piercing the body wall of the caterpillar and consuming body fluids without eliciting osmeterial eversion. Tenebrio molitorlarvae coated with osmeterial secretions of Papilio polyxeneswere universally rejected by Podisus maculiventris,suggesting that the predator is in fact repelled by the swallowtail defensive chemistry. By circumventing the defensive behavior of the caterpillar, the pentatomid is able to utilize an otherwise chemically unsuitable prey species.  相似文献   

F. Ito 《Insectes Sociaux》1993,40(2):163-167
Summary Group recruitment during foraging was observed in a primitive ponerine ant,Amblyopone sp. (reclinata group) under laboratory condition. Workers searched for prey singly; however, if a item of prey was stung by a worker, other ants joined the attack. After the prey became immobile, one of the workers laid a trail directly toward the nest. This scout worker recruited additional workers (between 3 and 33). They formed a single file procession to the point of prey capture, and cooperatively transported the prey. A scout worker could stimulate nest workers to leave the nest without direct contact, and the recruited workers could trace the trail without guidance by the scout worker. This is the first report of recruitment behavior during foraging in the primitive antAmblyopone.  相似文献   

Summary For the first time for a Neotropical ant and for Myrmicinae, the searching behavior and specialized predation of spirobolid millipede eggs byStegomyrmex vizottoi Diniz will be described. The relationship between morphology and habits is studied, as are nest architecture and distribution of the ant population in the nest chambers. We also report on some observations of behavior in the field and laboratory.We dedicate this paper to William L. Brown Junior, on the occasion of his 70th birthday.  相似文献   

Ants (Formicidae) perform two distinct search behaviors for resources: on the ground they use irregular, almost random alternating looping, and on branches and leaves they resort to outline-tracing (arboreal systematic search), whereby the individual systematically turns to one side at bifurcations and to the opposite side when turning about at end points. Experiments with searching Formica pallidefulva and Crematogaster cerasion artificial stick mazes under seminatural conditions demonstrated that bifurcations and end points only trigger turn decisions, whereas an intrinsic mechanism specifies the handedness of such turns. Arboreal homing differs from arboreal searching by a much stronger tendency to rectify paths by counterturning. The theory is advanced that searching on branches by outline-tracing is evolutionarily derived from ranging search by superposing a sustained intrinsic turn bias and by suppressing random turns.  相似文献   

Summary Nests ofTapinoma minutum were collected and mapped from a wet sclerophyll forest in New South Wales during the spring, summer, and fall seasons. Queen number was variable, indicating the population is both facultatively polygynous and polydomous. Electrophoretic data from three polymorphic enzymes revealed that relatedness among workers conformed to the Hamiltonian expectation of 0.75. Colony boundaries were inferred from electrophoretic data synthesized with nest spatial locations. For this species colonies were composed of at most three nests; this simple pattern of polydomy suggests it has a recent origin in this population. The pattern of facultative polygyny may be linked to an apparent high rate of colony orphaning.  相似文献   

The pentatomid predator P. bioculatus responded by positive odour-conditioned anemotaxis when exposed to airborne volatiles emitted by potato plants damaged by Colorado potato beetle larvae, whereas intact potato plants and non-feeding larvae as odour sources failed to elicit anemotaxis. Walking tracks of adult predators had higher values of straightness and upwind fixation when odours emanating from mechanically damaged plants were encountered than tracks registered in response to air carrying volatiles from intact plants, but these parameters returned to control values within 1–2 h after damage was caused. In contrast, air led over plants damaged by beetle larvae elicited orientation responses at least 3 hours after feeding damage ceased. The combination of chemical data on headspace composition, olfactory sensitivity established in electro-antennogram studies and behavioural data presented here imply a role of sesquiterpenoid plant volatiles as odorous cues eliciting attraction of this predator to damaged potato plants.  相似文献   

The red imported fire ants, Solenopsis invicta (Buren), are generally considered pests. They have also been viewed as beneficial predators feeding on other insect pests of various agroecosystems. This study documents the foraging habits of fire ants in a sweetpotato field in Mississippi. Fire ant foraging trails connecting outside colonies to a sweetpotato field were exposed and foraging ants moving out of the field toward the direction of the colony were collected along with the solid food particles they were carrying. The food material was classified as arthropod or plant in origin. The arthropod particles were identified to orders. Fire ant foragers carried more arthropods than plant material. Coleoptera and Homoptera were the most abundant groups preyed upon. These insect orders contain various economically important pests of sweetpotato. Other major hexapod groups included the orders Hemiptera, Diptera and Collembola. The quantity of foraged material varied over the season. No damage to sweetpotato roots could be attributed to fire ant feeding. Imported fire ant foraging may reduce the number of insect pests in sweetpotato fields.  相似文献   

Summary Phylogenetic analysis based on sequence data of the mitochondrial COI gene confirms the species status of the recently described Lasius austriacus. The five haplotypes of L. austriacus do not cluster according to their geographic origin, indicating a recent gene flow among the populations. The molecular data corroborate the morphology based hypothesis that L. austriacus belongs to the Lasius (Lasius s.str.) brunneus group. The invasive species Lasius neglectus forms a sister taxon with L. turcicus, both next related to L. austriacus. Other phylogenetic relationships within the genus Lasius are in accordance with morphological data.First data on the bionomics of L. austriacus are discussed in context with its phylogenetic position. Based on gyne and male morphology, excavations of nests, pitfall trapping and observations in formicaries, we hypothesize that L. austriacus is a mainly hypogaeic, monogynous species with nuptial flight. These are characters of the Lasius brunneus group in general, except the polygynous-polycalic, intranidally copulating L. neglectus. Aggression tests, however, revealed non-aggressive behaviour (antennation) between separated L. austriacus populations, but pronounced interspecific aggression against L. neglectus. This confirms the species status of L. austriacus and indicates a reduced level of intraspecific aggression, similar to L. neglectus.The status of L. austriacus as a native species in Central Europe is confirmed.Received 10 February 2003; revised 24 June 2003; accepted 23 July 2003.  相似文献   

Previous work with the antCamponotus floridanus demonstrated that perception of competition can be clearly differentiated from effects of mortality and decreased resources. That is, brood biomass in ant colonies decreases as a consequence of a behavioral decision(s) rather than because of limited food availability or reduced numbers of brood tenders. The experiments presented here extend that work. Under experimental conditions, colony growth inC. floridanus is modified by distance between brood and unrelated conspecifics and by worker age distribution. When nonnestmates are encountered at the nest versus at a separate foraging site, less brood is maintained by a colony. Although colonies with older workers maintain a brood biomass similar to that of colonies with younger workers, that biomass is concentrated in fewer, larger, more rapidly maturing larvae. These effects seem to be due entirely to worker control.  相似文献   

Summary The colony structure of the bamboo-inhabiting SE-Asian pseudomyrmecine antTetraponera sp. PSW-80 nearattenuata F. Smith was investigated at the Ulu Gombak Field Studies Centre, Selangor, West-Malaysia. Based on the dissection of 54 stem internodes from 12 different culms of the large bambooGigantochloa scortechinii Gamble and on the mapping of three colonies, the following demographic characteristics emerge. The colonies are monogynous but highly polydomous (at least up to 36 internodes and up to 9 stems occupied) and very populous for a pseudomyrmecine not involved in an ant-plant mutualism. One completely censused colony had 6953 adult workers and 2079 alates (adults plus pupae). The single queen suppresses gyne development in her own nest and, to a lesser extent, in other nests within the same stem. The overall numerical sex ratio was 0.961 (females:males), the investment sex ratio, 2.931, i.e., almost exactly the 31 ratio expected for a monogynous outbred hymenopteran in which the colony queen also produces all the male offspring. Brood is distributed to all other nest chambers from the queenright chamber. The symbiotic pseudococcids (Kermicus wroughtoni Newstead) are present in all inhabited internodes, with small early instar individuals prevailing numerically by far over the larger stages. The rieht well secluded honeydew supply within the internode and the efficient architectural protection provided by the internode wall (access usually only through a 2 × 3 mm-hole) allowT. sp. PSW-80 to reach an unusually large colony size without being an aggressive and protective plant mutualist like other members of its subfamily with similar demographic features.  相似文献   

Summary Labial gland disease causes swelling of the labial glands in the pupal stage inFormica species. The resulting adults have enlarged thoraces and are called secretergates (Wasmann's pseudogynes). They infect the younger larvae, probably during feeding. The agent of the disease is unknown. It soon becomes non-infectious outside the labial glands. Diseased females were not seen to feed larvae. Yet their offspring contained secretergates. The discrepancy remains unexplained.  相似文献   

In the arms race between plants, herbivores, and their natural enemies, specialized herbivores may use plant defenses for their own benefit, and variation in plant traits may affect the benefits that herbivores derive from these defenses. Pieris brassicae is a specialist herbivore of plants containing glucosinolates, a specific class of defensive secondary metabolites. Caterpillars of P. brassicae are known to actively spit on attacking natural enemies, including their main parasitoid, the braconid wasp Cotesia glomerata. Here, we tested the hypothesis that variation in the secondary metabolites of host plants affects the efficacy of caterpillar regurgitant as an anti‐predator defense. Using a total of 10 host plants with different glucosinolate profiles, we first studied natural regurgitation events of caterpillars on parasitoids. We then studied manual applications of water or regurgitant on parasitoids during parasitization events. Results from natural regurgitation events revealed that parasitoids spent more time grooming after attack when foraging on radish and nasturtium than on Brassica spp., and when the regurgitant came in contact with the wings rather than any other body part. Results from manual applications of regurgitant showed that all parameters of parasitoid behavior (initial attack duration, attack interruption, grooming time, and likelihood of a second attack) were more affected when regurgitant was applied rather than water. The proportion of parasitoids re‐attacking a caterpillar within 15 min was the lowest when regurgitant originated from radish‐fed caterpillars. However, we found no correlation between glucosinolate content and regurgitant effects, and parasitoid behavior was equally affected when regurgitant originated from a glucosinolate‐deficient Arabidopsis thaliana mutant line. In conclusion, host plant affects to a certain extent the efficacy of spit from P. brassicae caterpillars as a defense against parasitoids, but this is not due to glucosinolate content. The nature of the defensive compounds present in the spit remains to be determined, and the ecological relevance of this anti‐predator defense needs to be further evaluated in the field.  相似文献   

The distance at which the bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) can locate Daphnia magna with parthenogenic eggs is shown to be significantly greater than the reactive distance for non-gravid Daphnia of the same size. This difference is due to greater visibility of the gravid prey and not to different locomotor behavior, since there was no correlation between the number of eggs carried by a Daphnia and the antennal beat frequency. Based on this experiment and other observations, an explanation is given for selective predation of polymorphic cladoceran populations.  相似文献   

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