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In the first 24 h of post-embryonic development, the motor rhythm underlying swimming in Xenopus laevis tadpoles changes from brief (ca. 7 ms) ventral root discharge in each cycle to bursts of activity lasting around 20 ms (Sillar et al. 1991). Because individual motoneurons in the spinal cord of newly hatched embryos normally fire only a single impulse per cycle, two possible changes underly the transition to motor bursts seen in larval ventral roots; desynchronization of neurons in a given ventral root which continue to fire once per cycle, or the developmental acquisition of a multiple spike capability in individual motoneurons. Here we have recorded intracellularly from ventrally positioned spinal neurons, presumed to be myotomal motoneurons, in stage 37/38 embryos and 24 h later in development in stage 42 larvae. We find that (i) larval neurons are able to fire more than one impulse per cycle of fictive swimming activity; (ii) unlike in the embryo, they generally will fire multiple impulses in response to injected depolarizing current; (iii) the synaptic drive to motoneurons during swimming increases dramatically in complexity, although it still consists of alternating phases of synaptic excitation and chloride-dependent inhibition, superimposed upon tonic synaptic depolarization. The results therefore suggest a developmental change in the membrane properties of rhythmically active neurons as a major factor in the post-embryonic development of swimming in Xenopus larvae. This change appears to occur in premotor rhythm generating interneurons as well as in the motoneurons themselves and may satisfy a demand for behavioural flexibility that allows larvae to survive in a complex and changing environment.  相似文献   

During the first 24 h of post-embryonic development in Xenopus laevis, a rapid change in the neural activity underlying swimming occurs in which the duration of ventral root discharge on each cycle increases from a single compound impulse to discrete bursts of activity. Moreover, this change in motor output progresses rostrocaudally, suggesting that it could result from the influence of a descending neural pathway upon the spinal rhythm-generating circuitry during early post-embryonic development. To begin to examine whether serotonergic neurons of brainstem raphe nuclei might have a role in this swimming development, we have studied the effects of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5HT) on fictive swimming in embryonic and larval animals. As previously demonstrated for other vertebrate locomotor rhythms, we find that bath-applied 5HT enhances the duration of motor activity on each cycle of larval fictive swimming. In addition, our results show that the sensitivity of the swimming rhythm to exogenous 5HT follows a strict rostrocaudal gradient. In young embryos (stages 32-36) 5HT does not affect the duration of ventral root impulses per cycle; by the time of hatching (stage 37/38), rostral but not caudal discharge is enhanced, and by stage 42 (24 h post-hatching) 5HT can increase motor burst durations along most of the length of the animal. These reversible changes induced by bath-applied 5HT closely resemble the normal rostrocaudal development of burst discharge during swimming in animals some 12 h older.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Neural mechanisms underlying selection of motor responses are largely unknown in vertebrates. This study shows that in immobilized Xenopus embryos, brief mechanical or electrical stimulation of the trunk skin can trigger sustained fictive swimming, whereas sustained pressure or repetitive electrical stimulation can evoke fictive struggling. These two rhythmic motor patterns are distinct: alternating single motor root spikes propagate from head to tail during swimming; alternating motor root bursts propagate from tail to head during struggling. As both motor patterns can be evoked in embryos with the CNS transected caudal to the cranial roots, the sensory pathway responsible must have direct access to the spinal cord. Rohon-Beard sensory neurons provide the only such pathway known. They respond appropriately to brief stimuli applied to the trunk skin, and also to repetitive electrical stimuli and sustained pressure. The results suggest that Rohon-Beard sensory neurons can both trigger sustained swimming and 'gate in' struggling motor patterns, and thus effect behavioural selection according to their pattern of activity.  相似文献   

1. Fictive swimming is an experimental model to study early motor development. As vestibular activity also affects the development of spinal motor projections, the present study focused on the question whether in Xenopus laevis tadpoles, the rhythmic activity of spinal ventral roots (VR) during fictive swimming revealed age-dependent modifications after hypergravity exposure. In addition, developmental characteristics for various features of fictive swimming between stages 37/38 and 47 were determined. Parameters of interest were duration of fictive swimming episodes, burst duration, burst frequency (i.e., cycle length), and rostrocaudal delay. 2. Ventral root recordings were performed between developmental stage 37/38, which is directly after hatching and stage 47 when the hind limb buds appear. The location of recording electrodes extended from myotome 4 to 17. 3. Hypergravity exposure by 3 g-centrifugation lasted 9 to 11 days. It started when embryos had just terminated gastrulation (stage 11/19-group), when first rhythmical activity in the ventral roots appeared (stage 24/27-group), and immediately after hatching (stage 37/41-group). Ventral root recordings were taken for 8 days after termination of 3 g-exposure. 4. Between stage 37/38 (hatching) and stage 47 (hind limb bud stage) burst duration, cycle length and rostrocaudal delay recorded between the 10th and 14th postotic myotome increased while episode duration decreased significantly. In tadpoles between stage 37 and 43, the rostrocaudal delay in the proximal tail part was as long as in older tadpoles while in caudal tail parts, it was shorter. During this period of development, there was also an age-dependent progression of burst extension in the proximal tail area that could not be observed between the 10th and 14th myotome. 6. After termination of the 3 g-exposure, the mean burst duration of VR activity increased significantly (p < 0.01) when 3 g-exposure started shortly after gastrulation but not when it started thereafter. Other parameters for VR activity such as cycle length, rostrocaudal delay and episode duration were not affected by this level of hypergravity. 7. It is postulated that (i) functional separation of subunits responsible for intersegmental motor coordination starts shortly after hatching of young tadpoles; and that (ii) gravity exerts a trophic influence on the development of the vestibulospinal system during different periods of embryonic development leading to the formation of more rigid neuronal networks earlier in the spinal than in the ocular projections.  相似文献   

The central nervous system of paralysed Xenopus laevis embryos can generate a motor output pattern suitable for swimming locomotion. By recording motor root activity in paralysed embryos with transected nervous systems we have shown that: (a) the spinal cord is capable of swimming pattern generation; (b) swimming pattern generator capability in the hindbrain and spinal cord is distributed; (c) caudal hindbrain is necessary for sustained swimming output after discrete stimulation. By recording similarly from embryos whose central nervous system was divided longitudinally into left and right sides, we have shown that: (a) each side can generate rhythmic motor output with cycle periods like those in swimming; (b) during this activity cycle period increases within an episode, and there is the usual rostrocaudal delay found in swimming; (c) this activity is influenced by sensory stimuli in the same way as swimming activity; (d) normal phase coupling of the left and right sides can be established by the ventral commissure in the spinal cord. We conclude that interactions between the antagonistic (left and right) motor systems are not necessary for swimming rhythm generation and present a model for swimming pattern generation where autonomous rhythm generators on each side of the nervous system drive the motoneurons. Alternation is achieved by reciprocal inhibition, and activity is initiated and maintained by tonic excitation from the hindbrain.  相似文献   

We have compared intrinsic firing properties of motoneurons with the way they fire during locomotion in young tadpoles of four species of amphibian. Xenopus motoneurons have the highest current threshold for spiking; most fire a single spike to depolarising current steps; all fire reliably once per cycle during fictive swimming. Xenopus motoneurons recorded with Cs+-filled microlelectrodes fire repetitively to current but still fire only once per swimming cycle. Rana, Bufo and Triturus motoneurons have lower current thresholds; most fire bursts of spikes to suprathreshold current but most do not fire reliably during swimming and most still fire only once (if at all) per cycle. We conclude that neuronal firing patterns during locomotion cannot reliably be predicted from intrinsic firing properties, and suggest the composition and form of the underlying synaptic input is more important. We also measured cycle period, ventral root burst duration, and longitudinal delay during fictive swimming. These basic swimming parameters range from relatively long in Rana to relatively short in Xenopus. By discounting differences in neuronal firing properties between the four species, we can start to relate differences in fictive swimming to differences in synaptic drive, particularly the strong electrotonic input seen only in Xenopus. Accepted: 27 January 1997  相似文献   

Intracellular microelectrode recordings have been made from probable motoneurons in the spinal cord of Xenopus laevis embryos during fictive 'swimming' in preparations paralysed with the neuromuscular blocking agent tubocurarine. These cells had resting potentials of -50 mV or more. During spontaneous or stimulus-evoked 'swimming' episodes: (a) the cells were tonically excited; the level of tonic synaptic excitation and the conductance increase underlying it were both inversely related to the 'swimming' cycle period; (b) the cells usually fired one spike per cycle in phase with the motor root burst on the same side; spikes did not overshoot zero and were evoked by phasic excitatory synaptic input on each cycle, superimposed on the tonic excitation; (c) in phase with motor root discharge on the opposite side of the body, the cells were hyperpolarized by a chloride-dependent inhibitory postsynaptic potential. The nature of synaptic potentials during 'swimming' was evaluated by means of intracellular current injections. The 'swimming' activity could be controlled by natural stimuli. The results provide clear evidence on the relation of tonic excitation to rhythmic locomotory pattern generation, and indirect evidence for reciprocal inhibitory coupling between antagonistic motor systems.  相似文献   

Previous immunohistochemical observations using the monoclonal antibody (XL-1) which recognizes all types of leukocytes in Xenopus laevis revealed the occurrence of XL-1+ cells in the mesenchyme throughout the early larval body, before the appearance of any lymphocytes. The present experiments were performed to determine whether these leukocytes originate, like lymphocytes and red blood cells (RBCs), in the ventral blood islands (VBI) or the dorsolateral plate (DLP). For tracing the derivation of cells, a specific staining by quinacrine to nuclei of X. laevis and Xenopus borealis hybrid (LB) cells was used to distinguish them from X. laevis (LL) cells. Orthotopic graftings of VBI tissue from st.22-23 LB embryos to the stage-matched LL embryos and examinations at st.44-45 before differentiation of the lymphocytes showed that the proportion of XL-1+ LB cells was always significantly lower than that of RBCs with the same marker in all experimental larvae. The head (LB)-body (LL) chimeras from st.22-23 embryos and culture of the head-portions as VBI- and DLP-free explants from st.14-23 embryos both demonstrated that a significant number of XL-1+ cells which had originated in the head portions had begun to differentiate by st.42-43. These results indicate that there is a significant population of larval nonlymphoid leukocytes (mostly macrophages) that do not originate from either the VBI or DLP region, and are distributed in the mesenchyme throughout the body.  相似文献   

We have examined the cellular and synaptic mechanisms underlying the genesis of alternating motor activity in the developing spinal cord of the chick embryo. Experiments were performed on the isolated lumbosacral cord maintained in vitro. Intracellular and whole cell patch clamp recordings obtained from sartorius (primarily a hip flexor) and femorotibialis (a knee extensor) motoneurons showed that both classes of cell are depolarized simultaneously during each cycle of motor activity. Sartorius motoneurons generally fire two bursts/cycle, whereas femorotibialis motoneurons discharge throughout their depolarization, with peak activity between the sartorius bursts. Voltage clamp recordings revealed that inhibitory and excitatory synaptic currents are responsible for the depolarization of sartorius motoneurons, whereas femorotibialis motoneurons are activated principally by excitatory currents. Early in development, the dominant synaptic currents in rhythmically active sartorius motoneurons appear to be inhibitory so that firing is restricted to a single, brief burst at the beginning of each cycle. In E7-E13 embryos, lumbosacral motor activity could be evoked following stimulation in the brainstem, even when the brachial and cervical cord was bathed in a reduced calcium solution to block chemical synaptic transmission. These findings suggest that functional descending connections from the brainstem to the lumbar cord are present by E7, although activation of ascending axons or electrical synapses cannot be eliminated. Ablation, optical, and immunocytochemical experiments were performed to characterize the interneuronal network responsible for the synaptic activation of motoneurons. Ablation experiments were used to show that the essential interneuronal elements required for the rhythmic alternation are in the ventral part of the cord. This observation was supported by real-time Fura-2 imaging of the neuronal calcium transients accompanying motor activity, which revealed that a high proportion of rhythmically active cells are located in the ventrolateral part of the cord and that activity could begin in this region. The fluorescence transients in the majority of neurons, including motoneurons, occurred in phase with ventral root or muscle nerve activity, implying synchronized neuronal action in the rhythm generating network. Immunocytochemical experiments were performed in E14-E16 embryos to localize putative inhibitory interneurons that might be involved in the genesis or patterning of motor activity. The results revealed a pattern similar to that seen in other vertebrates with the dorsal horn containing neurons with gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)-like immunoreactivity and the ventral and intermediate regions containing neurons with glycine-like immunoreactivity.  相似文献   

The swimming behaviour of lower vertebrates has been used as a model to study the function of simple neuronal circuits. Good examples are the lamprey and the Xenopus tadpole. In these two cases, glutamate-activated NMDA receptors are involved, and the relative importance of the NMDA and non-NMDA receptors as well as the involvement of other ion channels has been studied using a combination of electrophysiological recordings and modelling experiments, but little attention had been paid to their evolution during development. In the present experiments, which have been performed on Xenopus embryos from stages 31 to 42, we have probed the relative importance of the two categories of receptors using selective blockers [respectively dl-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV) and 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX)]. The sensitivity of the swimming behaviour to APV was found to increase during development and that to CNQX to decrease. Furthermore, it has been observed that the spike activity recorded from the ventral roots is more complex in late embryonic stages that in early embryos. These modifications are associated with changes of the neuronal circuit, some of which correspond to a lengthening of the axon and an increased complexity of the dendritic tree of the motoneurons. We have incorporated these modifications in a simplified model of the central pattern generator built with Neuron software. The results indicate that at least part of the observed changes can be associated with changes in the length of the dendrites and axons.  相似文献   

The localization of metallothionein in control and Zn-exposed embryos of Xenopus laevis was studied by whole-mount immunohistochemical staining. The embryos were grown according to the FETAX (Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay: Xenopus) protocol from N/F stage 8 to stage 47, with or without addition of ZnCl2 (300 μM) to the medium. At stages 27, 38, 42, 45, and 47, control and Zn-exposed embryos were fixed in buffered formalin, and whole mounts were stained by an immunoperoxidase technique, using monoclonal murine antibody to equine metallothionein. Staining of metallothionein was evident in myotomal cell nuclei of developing somites by stage 27, stomatodeum, oropharynx, and gills by stage 38, developing kidneys (mesonephros) by stage 45, and liver by stage 47. The staining of metallothionein at these sites was more intense in Zn-exposed embryos than controls. The central nervous system (especially the spinal cord) and the yolk mass were faintly stained for metallothionein in controls and Zn-exposed embryos. Staining of metallothionein in myotomal cell nuclei was most prominent at stage 38, diminished at stages 42 and 45, and practically disappeared by stage 47. This is the first report that metallothionein is expressed in myotomal cell nuclei of Xenopus embryos during normal somitogenesis and becomes increased when the embryos are exposed to teratogenic levels of Zn2. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Spike activity has been recorded, in two young baboons, at the part of the optic tract (O.T.) localized between the chiasma and the lateral geniculate (L.G.) during REM and also slow wave sleep, preceding or not a REM period. These spikes, mono or biphasic, were of 60-200 ms duration and of 30-140 muV amplitude. They occurred generally in bursts (up to 50 spikes); 4 to 10 spikes bursts were the more frequent. These O.T. spikes were assimilated to the L.G. spikes.  相似文献   

Congenital heart defects often include altered conduction as well as morphological changes. Model organisms, like the frog Xenopus laevis, offer practical advantages for the study of congenital heart disease. X. laevis embryos are easily obtained free living, and the developing heart is readily visualized. Functional and morphological evidence for a conduction system is available for adult frog hearts, but information on the normal properties of embryonic heart contraction is lacking, especially in intact animals. With the use of fine glass microelectrodes, we were able to obtain cardiac recordings and make standard electrophysiological measurements in 1-wk-old embryos (stage 46). In addition, a system using digital analysis of video images was adapted for measurement of the standard cardiac intervals and compared with invasive measurements. Video images were obtained of the heart in live, pharmacologically paralyzed, stage 46 X. laevis embryos. Normal values for the timing of the cardiac cycle were established. Intervals determined by video analysis (n = 53), including the atrial and ventricular cycle lengths (473 +/- 10 ms and 464 +/- 19 ms, respectively) and the atrioventricular interval (169 +/- 5 ms) were not statistically different from those determined by intrathoracic cardiac recordings. We also present the data obtained from embryos treated with standard medications that affect the human conduction system. We conclude that the physiology of embryonic X. laevis cardiac conduction can be noninvasively studied by using digital video imaging. Additionally, we show the response of X. laevis embryonic hearts to chronotropic agents is similar but not identical to the response of the human heart.  相似文献   

In order to determine if differentiated Xenopus retina is capable of undergoing regeneration and duplicative pattern formation, we devised a new surgical technique for removal of the temporal two-thirds of the retina. In a series of progressively older larval eyes starting with late tailbud stage embryos (stage 38) and extending to limb-bud stage tadpoles (stage 48), nasal one-third-sized eye fragments successfully regenerated to form nearly normal sized eyes over 75% of the time. Histological preparations showed that early wound healing involved the formation of a neuroepithelium at the ventro-temporal region of the fragment. The pigmented retinal epithelium and associated retinal tissue appeared to be involved in this process. Animals from each stage were reared through metamorphosis and electrophysiologic techniques were employed to determine visuo-tectal projections. Seventy percent of stage 38 animals showed evidence of pattern-duplicated projections. Ninety percent of their responding tectal points showed duplicate innervation from two retinal regions. Older animals (stages 44 to 48) showed less duplication. Only 52% of their responding tectal points duplicated (P less than 0.001). Thus, fully differentiated Xenopus retina can undergo regeneration and duplicative pattern formation similar to that shown by embryonic retinal tissue.  相似文献   

Early patterning of the endoderm as a prerequisite for pancreas specification involves retinoic acid (RA) as a critical signalling molecule in gastrula stage Xenopus embryos. In extension of our previous studies, we made systematic use of early embryonic endodermal and mesodermal explants. We find RA to be sufficient to induce pancreas-specific gene expression in dorsal but not ventral endoderm. The differential expression of retinoic acid receptors (RARs) in gastrula stage endoderm is important for the distinct responsiveness of dorsal versus ventral explants. Furthermore, BMP signalling, that is repressed dorsally, prevents the formation of pancreatic precursor cells in the ventral endoderm of gastrula stage Xenopus embryos. An additional requirement for mesoderm suggests the production of one or more further pancreas inducing signals by this tissue. Finally, recombination of manipulated early embryonic explants, and also inhibition of RA activity in whole embryos, reveal that RA signalling, as it is relevant for pancreas development, operates simultaneously on both mesodermal and endodermal germ layers.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of gut innervation in the anuran amphibian Xenopus laevis was studied using immunohistochemistry on sections of whole larvae from NF stages 38-52. Immunoreactivity to acetylated tubulin confirmed the presence of nerve fibres as early as stages 38-39. Actin immunoreactivity was found at stage 41, indicating the presence of smooth muscle cells. Trk-like neurotrophin receptors were occasionally found in nerve fibres as soon as stages 38-39. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) immunoreactivities coexisted in nerves innervating the gut wall from stages 40-41, and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) from stage 42. Substance P/neurokinin A (SP/NKA) occurred at stage 42. In all these cases, the first fibres were observed in the oesophagus. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) was first observed in nerves at stage 48. In general, VIP/PACAP and NOS innervation was denser than the tachykinin innervation. In conclusion, the development of nerve fibres in the Xenopus gut is probably dependent on neurotrophins that may act via Trk-like receptors and occur before the gut wall is fully organised morphologically. Feeding in Xenopus larvae starts at NF stage 45. The study demonstrates that several of the transmitters investigated are expressed in the gut innervation (and in endocrine cells) prior to this stage.  相似文献   

1. Repeating bursts of motor neurone impulses have been recorded from the nerves of completely isolated nerve cords of the medicinal leech. The salient features of this burst rhythm are similar to those obtained in the semi-intact preparation during swimming. Hence the basic swimming rhythm is generated by a central oscillator. 2. Quantitative comparisons between the impulse patterns obtained from the isolated nerve cord and those obtained from a semi-intact preparation show that the variation in both dorsal to ventral motor neurone phasing and burst duration with swim cycle period differ in these two preparations. 3. The increase of intersegmental delay with period, which is a prominent feature of swimming behaviour of the intact animal, is not seen in either the semi-intact or isolated cord preparations. 4. In the semi-intact preparation, stretching the body wall or depolarizing an inhibitory motor neurone changes the burst duration of excitatory motor neurones in the same segment. In the isolated nerve cord, these manipulations also change the period of the swim cycle in the entire cord. 5. These comparisons suggest that sensory input stabilizes the centrally generated swimming rhythm, determines the phasing of the bursts of impulses from dorsal and ventral motor neurones, and matches the intersegmental delay to the cycle period so as to maintain a constant body shape at all rates of swimming.  相似文献   

Cortical pyramidal cells fire single spikes and complex spike bursts. However, neither the conditions necessary for triggering complex spikes, nor their computational function are well understood. CA1 pyramidal cell burst activity was examined in behaving rats. The fraction of bursts was not reliably higher in place field centers, but rather in places where discharge frequency was 6-7 Hz. Burst probability was lower and bursts were shorter after recent spiking activity than after prolonged periods of silence (100 ms-1 s). Burst initiation probability and burst length were correlated with extracellular spike amplitude and with intracellular action potential rising slope. We suggest that bursts may function as "conditional synchrony detectors," signaling strong afferent synchrony after neuronal silence, and that single spikes triggered by a weak input may suppress bursts evoked by a subsequent strong input.  相似文献   

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