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(I) The amount of 22 nm particles in 26 batches of cattle tongue epithelium extract used for the preparation of C-type vaccine was determined with an improved 50% haemolytic and point complement fixation test after fluorocarbon precipitation of non-immunizing 7 nm particles. The total amount of 22 nm and 7 nm particles (alpha GN value) varied considerably from batch to batch, 22 nm components (alpha GF value) showing a maximum 5-fold difference. (ii) Effectiveness of vaccines with known virus content was tested in adult mice challenged with an adapted virus strain. In commercial C-type vaccines the complement-fixing activitiy of 22 nm particles and the potency of the vaccine showed a logarithmic regression (mouse index = -1.43 + 2.27 1g alpha GF).  相似文献   

Emerging infectious diseases are major threats to human health.Most severe viral disease outbreaks occur in developing regions where health conditions are poor.With increased international travel and business,the possibility of eventually transmitting infectious viruses between different countries is increasing.The most effective approach in preventing viral diseases is vaccination.However,vaccines are not currently available for numerous viral diseases.Viruslike particles(VLPs) are engineered vaccine candidates that have been studied for decades.VLPs are constructed by viral protein expression in various expression systems that promote the selfassembly of proteins into structures resembling virus particles.VLPs have antigenicity similar to that of the native virus,but are non-infectious as they lack key viral genetic material.VLP vaccines have attracted considerable research interest because they offer several advantages over traditional vaccines.Studies have shown that VLP vaccines can stimulate both humoral and cellular immune responses,which may offer effective antiviral protection.Here we review recent developments with VLP-based vaccines for several highly virulent emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases.The infectious agents discussed include RNA viruses from different virus families,such as the Arenaviridae,Bunyaviridae,Caliciviridae,Coronaviridae,Filoviridae,Flaviviridae,Orthomyxoviridae,Paramyxoviridae,and Togaviridae families.  相似文献   

Three types of vaccine, all expressing the same antigen from Plasmodium berghei, or a CD8+ T cell epitope from that antigen, were compared for their ability to induce CD8+ T cell responses in mice. Higher levels of lysis and numbers of IFN-gamma secreting T cells were primed with Ty virus-like particles and Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara (MVA) than with DNA vaccines, but none of the vaccines were able to protect immunised mice from infectious challenge even after repeated doses. However, when the immune response was primed with one type of vaccine (Ty-VLPs or DNA) and boosted with another (MVA) complete protection against infection was achieved. Protection correlated with very high levels of IFN-gamma secreting T cells and lysis. This method of vaccination uses delivery systems and routes that can be used in humans and could provide a generally applicable regime for the induction of high levels of CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

Plant-based vaccines   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Plant systems are reviewed with regard to their ability to express and produce subunit vaccines. Examples of different types of expression systems producing a variety of vaccine candidates are illustrated. Many of these subunit vaccines have been purified and shown to elicit an immune response when injected into animal models. This review also includes vaccines that have been administered orally in a non-purified form as a food or feed product. Cases are highlighted which demonstrate that orally delivered plant-based vaccines can elicit immune responses and in some case studies, confer protection. Examples are used to illustrate some of the inherent advantages of a plant-based system, such as cost, ease of scale-up and convenience of delivery. Also, some of the key steps are identified that will be necessary to bring these new vaccines to the market.  相似文献   

Malaria vaccines   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Although the possibility of a live attenuated malaria vaccine has been considered, current malaria vaccine development activities are dominated by attempts to develop a subunit vaccine. Hence, it is entirely appropriate that a session of the Molecular Approaches to Malaria conference, Lorne, Australia, 2-5 February 2000, was devoted to vaccine development. The oral presentations in this session and the relevant poster presentations are outlined here by Robin Anders and Allan Saul.  相似文献   

DNA vaccines     
Within the last decade bacterial plasmids encoding foreign antigens have revolutionized vaccine design. Although no DNA vaccine has yet been approved for routine human or veterinary use, the potential of this vaccine modality has been demonstrated in experimental animal models. Plasmid DNA vaccination has shown efficacy against viral, bacterial and parasitic infections, modulated the effects of autoimmune and allergic diseases and induced control over cancer progression. With a better understanding of the basic immune mechanisms that govern induction of protective or curative immune responses, plasmid DNA vaccines and their mode of delivery are continuously being optimized. Because of the simplicity and versatility of these vaccines, various routes and modes of delivery are possible to engage the desired immune responses. These may be T or B effector cell responses able to eliminate infectious agents or transformed cells. DNA vaccines may also induce an immunoregulatory/modulatory or immunosuppressive (tolerizing) response that interferes with the differentiation, expansion or effector functions of B and T cells. In this sense a DNA vaccine may be thought of as a 'negative' vaccine. Pre-clinical and initial small-scale clinical trials have shown DNA vaccines in either of these modes to be safe and well tolerated. Although DNA vaccines induce significant immune responses in small animal trials their efficacy in humans has so far been less promising thus necessitating additional optimizations of this novel vaccine approach.  相似文献   

Leptospirosis vaccines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leptospirosis is a serious infection disease caused by pathogenic strains of the Leptospira spirochetes, which affects not only humans but also animals. It has long been expected to find an effective vaccine to prevent leptospirosis through immunization of high risk humans or animals. Although some leptospirosis vaccines have been obtained, the vaccination is relatively unsuccessful in clinical application despite decades of research and millions of dollars spent. In this review, the recent advancements of recombinant outer membrane protein (OMP) vaccines, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) vaccines, inactivated vaccines, attenuated vaccines and DNA vaccines against leptospirosis are reviewed. A comparison of these vaccines may lead to development of new potential methods to combat leptospirosis and facilitate the leptospirosis vaccine research. Moreover, a vaccine ontology database was built for the scientists working on the leptospirosis vaccines as a starting tool.  相似文献   

Tumor vaccines     
F K Stevenson 《FASEB journal》1991,5(9):2250-2257
Vaccination against tumor, either as a prophylactic procedure or as a mode of treatment, has been a distant goal of immunologists for many years. Ideally, the less specific therapies such as chemotherapy would be replaced by an anti-tumor immune response in the host that would be present on a continuing basis. However, progress has been hampered by a lack of understanding of the role of viruses in human tumor development and the molecular nature of tumor-associated antigens. Recent developments using the techniques of molecular biology and monoclonal antibody reagents are beginning to remedy this deficiency so that vaccination has become a real possibility for certain human cancers. The natural fluctuations in growth rates of some human tumors, and the observation that tumors can occasionally remain dormant for years, has led to the idea that the host has an intrinsic ability to control tumor growth, and that this ability is a property of the immune system. Attempts to enhance this putative control are being made by treating the host with defined biological modifiers that stimulate cells involved in immunity in vivo, and by seeking and expanding such cells in vitro before reinfusing them into the host. These attempts to harness the immune system to attack tumor cells that have evaded the host's defenses might be considered optimistic, but they will at least tell us a great deal about tumor cell behavior and the ability of the host to influence it.  相似文献   

Vaccination of animals for the prevention of infectious diseases has been practised for a number of years with little change in product composition. Recent advances in molecular biology, pathogenesis and immunology have laid the groundwork for the development of a new generation of veterinary vaccines based on pure subunits as well as live vectored bacteria and viruses. Along with novel methods of antigen preparation, the use of new adjuvants and delivery systems will permit targeting of the appropriate immune response as well as offering flexibility in terms of vaccination protocols. These new technologies are also being applied to the development of vaccines to enhance animal productivity and to control reproduction.  相似文献   

自播散疫苗(Self-disseminating vaccines,SDV)是一种携带抗原编码基因的可复制病毒载体,不但能免疫被接种动物,并能在被接种动物体内复制后再感染与被接种动物接触的动物使其被免疫。黏液瘤病毒是第一个被发现的SDV病毒载体,被成功用于预防兔多发黏液瘤病。由于具有独特的性质,巨细胞病毒(Cytomegalovirus,CMV)可能成为理想的研制SDV的载体。动物源性新发传染病(如埃博拉病毒病等)的不断出现正促进SDV的研制。SDV可能成为一种能有效阻断新发传染病病原体从动物向人传播的生物制品。  相似文献   

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