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The grasshopper Podisma pedistris occurs in two chromosome races, which have XO/XX and neo-XY sex chromosome systems. We have studied chromosomal and electrophoretic variation in populations where these two races meet and hybridize, in an area near the town of Seyne, Alpes Maritimes, southern France. Allozyme variation, at 21 loci in 11 populations, does not seem to show any relationship to the underlying cline in the frequency of the two chromosome types. This indicates that the chromosomal cline does not offer a strong barrier to the flow of genes at other loci. The XO/XX race in this area occurs on a single plateau, isolated from other populations with the same karyotype. It is suggested that this form is only able to persist here because the introgression of neo-XY chromosomes is inhibited by steep cliffs, which tend to keep the two races apart.  相似文献   

Local adaptation is an important process contributing to population differentiation which can occur in continuous or isolated populations connected by various amounts of gene flow. The willow warbler (Phylloscopus trochilus) is one of the most common songbirds in Fennoscandia. It has a continuous breeding distribution where it is found in all forested habitats from sea level to the tree line and therefore constitutes an ideal species for the study of locally adapted genes associated with environmental gradients. Previous studies in this species identified a genetic marker (AFLP-WW1) that showed a steep north-south cline in central Sweden with one allele associated with coastal lowland habitats and the other with mountainous habitats. It was further demonstrated that this marker is embedded in a highly differentiated chromosome region that spans several megabases. In the present study, we sampled 2,355 individuals at 128 sites across all of Fennoscandia to study the geographic and climatic variables associated with the allele frequency distributions of WW1. Our results demonstrate that 1) allele frequency patterns significantly differ between mountain and lowland populations, 2) these allele differences coincide with extreme temperature conditions and the short growing season in the mountains, and milder conditions in coastal areas, and 3) the northern-allele or “altitude variant” of WW1 occurs in willow warblers that occupy mountainous habitat regardless of subspecies. Finally these results suggest that climate may exert selection on the genomic region associated with these alleles and would allow us to develop testable predictions for the distribution of the genetic marker based on climate change scenarios.  相似文献   

云南大围山种子植物区系海拔梯度格局分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
 海拔梯度包含了多种环境因子的梯度效应,因而研究山地植物区系的海拔梯度格局对揭示植物区系的环境梯度变化规律、了解生物适应性和生物多样性沿海拔梯度的变化趋势等具有重要意义。为了探讨山地植物区系构成特征及其海拔梯度的生态意义,该文根据对大围山国家级自然保护区植被线路调查和垂直样带调查,并结合文献研究等获得的植物区系资料,分析了该保护区种子植物区系构成的基本特征及其随海拔梯度的变化趋势;利用系统聚类的方法寻找和研究大围山植物区系沿海拔梯度变化的断点位置。研究结果表明:1)大围山大多数热带成分分布的上限位于海拔1 500 m左右,以此为界划分热带雨林和常绿阔叶林是合理的。 2)湿润雨林分布于海拔700 m以下;山地雨林分布于海拔700~1 500 m;季风常绿阔叶林分布于海拔1 300~1 800 m;山地苔藓常绿阔叶林分布于海拔1 800 m以上;在海拔2 100 m以上的迎风坡面、土层瘠薄的地段分布有不甚典型的山地苔藓矮林。  相似文献   

Climate change is anticipated to alter plant species distributions. Regional context, notably the spatial complexity of climatic gradients, may influence species migration potential. While high‐elevation species may benefit from steep climate gradients in mountain regions, their persistence may be threatened by limited suitable habitat as land area decreases with elevation. To untangle these apparently contradictory predictions for mountainous regions, we evaluated the climatic suitability of four coniferous forest tree species of the western United States based on species distribution modeling (SDM) and examined changes in climatically suitable areas under predicted climate change. We used forest structural information relating to tree species dominance, productivity, and demography from an extensive forest inventory system to assess the strength of inferences made with a SDM approach. We found that tree species dominance, productivity, and recruitment were highest where climatic suitability (i.e., probability of species occurrence under certain climate conditions) was high, supporting the use of predicted climatic suitability in examining species risk to climate change. By predicting changes in climatic suitability over the next century, we found that climatic suitability will likely decline, both in areas currently occupied by each tree species and in nearby unoccupied areas to which species might migrate in the future. These trends were most dramatic for high elevation species. Climatic changes predicted over the next century will dramatically reduce climatically suitable areas for high‐elevation tree species while a lower elevation species, Pinus ponderosa, will be well positioned to shift upslope across the region. Reductions in suitable area for high‐elevation species imply that even unlimited migration would be insufficient to offset predicted habitat loss, underscoring the vulnerability of these high‐elevation species to climatic changes.  相似文献   

Environmental change has a wide range of ecological consequences, including species extinction and range expansion. Many studies have shown that insect species respond rapidly to climatic change. A mountain pine beetle epidemic of record size in North America has led to unprecedented mortality of lodgepole pine, and a significant range expansion to the northeast of its historic range. Our goal was to determine the spatial genetic variation found among outbreak population from which genetic structure, and dispersal patterns may be inferred. Beetles from 49 sampling locations throughout the outbreak area in western Canada were analysed at 13 microsatellite loci. We found significant north-south population structure as evidenced by: (i) Bayesian-based analyses, (ii) north-south genetic relationships and diversity gradients; and (iii) a lack of isolation-by-distance in the northernmost cluster. The north-south structure is proposed to have arisen from the processes of postglacial colonization as well as recent climate-driven changes in population dynamics. Our data support the hypothesis of multiple sources of origin for the outbreak and point to the need for population specific information to improve our understanding and management of outbreaks. The recent range expansion across the Rocky Mountains into the jack/lodgepole hybrid and pure jack pine zones of northern Alberta is consistent with a northern British Columbia origin. We detected no loss of genetic variability in these populations, indicating that the evolutionary potential of mountain pine beetle to adapt has not been reduced by founder events. This study illustrates a rapid range-wide response to the removal of climatic constraints, and the potential for range expansion of a regional population.  相似文献   

We present research undertaken at Tallaganda State Forest, Australia, describing how current climatic conditions impact upon the saproxylic (decaying wood) habitat and the relationship between this habitat and the demography and morphology of a saproxylic funnelweb spider ( Hadronyche sp.). Climatic data support a north–south habitat cline and, to a lesser extent, a short-range, aspect-driven habitat cline. Rainfall and log moisture content increased with latitude through the forest, and aspect affected the amount of solar radiation penetrating to ground level. The distribution and abundance of Hadronyche varied among sites along both clines in response to several variables. The decay state of logs was highly influential, with wet, highly decayed logs favoured over dry, hard ones. Population density was highest in wetter, southern sites where these logs were abundant, but rare, suitably decomposed logs in dry, northern sites still typically hosted a comparable number of individuals. Morphological measurements showed some phenotypic variation along the north–south habitat gradient, but not over the short-range, aspect-driven gradients. Hadronyche would not be expected to show similarly strong patterns of molecular variation as seen in saproxylic Collembola and Onychophora within Tallaganda as it appears to be more vagile.  相似文献   

Populations of the alpine grasshopper Podisma pedestris are either completely XO/XX or else completely neo-XY/neo-XX in character. The neo-XY form is limited in its occurrence to near the extreme southwest edge of the present distribution of the species. Both kinds of population also contain B-chromosomes. These are of two types differing with regard to size, stability and origin. Both types can occur in the same population but have not so far been found in the same individual. The pattern of distribution of the larger, mitotically-stable supernumerary suggests that it might be a remnant X-chromosome which became converted into a B in the initial phase of neo-XY evolution. The smaller, partly unstable supernumerary, on the other hand, may well have originated from a heteromorphic S11 pair also found in some of the populations with small B's. The available evidence points to the neo-XY system having evolved following a secondary movement of the species into the higher ground it now occupies after the climatic amelioration at the end of the last ice age.  相似文献   

Abstract— Catecholamine storing particles mainly from rat brain hypothalamus and corpus striatum have been isolated by isopycnic centrifugation in density gradients made of colloidal silica. As markers, tritium-labelled noradrenaline, endogenous noradrenaline and dopamine were measured. Cytochrome oxidase was determined as an indicator of mitochondria.
Two distinct populations of amine containing particles were recognized with densities of 1 , 03–1.04 g/ml and 1 , 045–1.065 g/ml in continuous isotonic gradients made of silica sol and a polymer. The light fraction was assumed to contain myelin fragments, light synaptosomes and possibly also catecholamine storage vesicles, while the other one was probably a heavy population of synaptosomes containing more mitochondria. Free mitochondria were found in a band at a density of 1 , 09–1.11.
The distribution pattern in isotonic gradients was compared with that in density gradients made of silica sol and sucrose or sucrose alone. The heavy population of the catecholamine particles was found to have a higher density in hypertonic gradients. Furthermore these synaptosomes seemed to lose more mitochondria and catecholamines than those in isotonic gradients probably due to the hypertonicity.
The present results confirm similar findings by other workers separating brain sub- cellular particles in isotonic gradients of Ficoll and sucrose.
Colloidal silica solutions might be of value for analytical centrifugation of brain sub-cellular particles, since it has a lower tonicity than sucrose, lower viscosity than Ficoll and furthermore it is very easy to handle. The silica sol is inexpensive and allows large scale work.  相似文献   

The arctic–alpine Ranunculus glacialis s. l. is distributed in high‐mountain ranges of temperate Europe and in the North, where it displays an extreme disjunction between the North Atlantic Arctic and Beringia. Based on comprehensive sampling and employing plastid and nuclear marker systems, we (i) test whether the European/Beringian disjunction correlates with the main evolutionary diversification, (ii) reconstruct the phylogeographic history in the Arctic and in temperate mountains and (iii) assess the susceptibility of arctic and mountain populations to climate change. Both data sets revealed several well‐defined lineages, mostly with a coherent geographic distribution. The deepest evolutionary split did not coincide with the European/Beringian disjunction but occurred within the Alps. The Beringian lineage and North Atlantic Arctic populations, which reached their current distribution via rapid postglacial colonization, show connections to two divergent pools of Central European populations. Thus, immigration into the Arctic probably occurred at least twice. The presence of a rare cpDNA lineage related to Beringia in the Carpathians supports the role of these mountains as a stepping stone between temperate Europe and the non‐European Arctic, and as an important area of high‐mountain biodiversity. The temperate and arctic ranges presented contrasting phylogeographic histories: a largely static distribution in the former and rapid latitudinal spread in the latter. The persistence of ancient lineages with a strictly regional distribution suggests that the ability of R. glacialis to survive repeated climatic changes within southern mountain ranges is greater than what recently was predicted for alpine plants from climatic envelope modelling.  相似文献   

Although climatic forcing has been suspected to be the most common cause of spatial population synchrony owing to the Moran effect, it has proved difficult to disentangle the impact of climate from other possible causes of synchrony based on population survey data. Nonlinear population responses to climatic variation may be a part of this difficulty, but they can also provide an opportunity to highlight the climate impacts through targeted survey designs. In particular, when species distribution ranges encompass consistent spatial gradients in climate (e.g. according to latitude or altitude), such gradients can be strategically included in the spatial design of population surveys as to facilitate comparisons of spatial synchrony patterns across and along the gradient. In that case, we predict that nonlinear impacts of climatic variation on population growth rates will result in anisotropic (direction specific) synchrony patterns in the sense that synchrony will drop faster with distance along the climatic gradient than across it. We provide an empirical case study to exemplify survey design and analyses. Of two sympatric species of geometrids, inhabiting an altitudinal gradient in subarctic birch forest, one (Operophtera brumata L.) showed anisotropic synchrony consistent with a strongly nonlinear sensitivity to climatic variation, whereas the other (Epirrita autumnata Bkh.) did not. These results are interpreted in light of the biological characteristics of the species.  相似文献   

Latitudinal variation of the polymorphic sn-glycerol-3-phosphate (alpha-Gpdh) locus in Drosophila melanogaster has been characterized on several continents; however, apparent clinal patterns are potentially confounded by linkage with an inversion, close associations with other genetic markers that vary clinally, and a tandem alpha-Gpdh pseudogene. Here we compare clinal patterns in alpha-Gpdh with those of other linked markers by testing field flies from eastern Australian locations collected in two separate years. The alpha-Gpdh variation exhibited a consistent non-linear cline reflecting an increase in the alpha-GpdhF allele at extreme latitudes. This pattern was not influenced by the In(2L)t inversion wherein this locus is located, nor was it influenced by the presence of the alpha-Gpdh pseudogene, whose presence was ubiquitous and highly variable among populations. The alpha-Gpdh pattern was also independent of a cline in allozyme frequencies at the alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh) locus, and two length polymorphisms in the Adh gene. These results suggest clinal selection at the alpha-Gpdh locus that is partially or wholly unrelated to linear climatic gradients along the eastern coast of Australia.  相似文献   

Aim Primary and secondary genetic clines in post-glacial colonized regions have different implications for biogeographic distributions and the origin of species. Primary clines arise in situ after colonization as adaptive responses to environmental gradients, while secondary clines are caused by contact between vicariant lineages. Here we analyse primary versus secondary origin of a genetic cline in the tephritid fly Urophora cardui in Jutland, Denmark, in a post-glacial landscape. Location Western Palaearctic. Methods Phylogeographic and demographic analyses of U. cardui based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genealogies, hierarchical genetic variance tests based on allozymes and distribution analysis of a rare allele from the Jutland cline. Results There was no phylogeographic divergence between the Jutland population of U. cardui north of the cline and neighbouring western European regional populations, which all shared the common western European mtDNA haplotype H1. At nuclear loci, by contrast, the North Jutland population was diverged above the mean level of divergence among regional populations and had no loss of genetic variation. A rare allozyme allele that was frequent in the cline area (up to 45%) and was missing north of the cline also occurred at low frequency (0–14%) elsewhere in the sampling range. Shallow phylogeographic divergence was observed between Russian and western European populations and between English and continental populations. Main conclusions The genetic variation patterns support primary cline evolution and parapatric divergence in Jutland following a demographic expansion of a western European ancestral source population of U. cardui, and suggest cryptic refugia and/or selection in other European population assemblages. The patterns of intra-specific regional divergence are discussed with respect to the interpretation of cryptic refugia in Europe after the most recent ice age.  相似文献   

冯骏  张继辉  疏义林  姚龙  唐鑫生  吴海龙 《生态学报》2015,35(17):5638-5647
凹耳臭蛙(Odorrana tormota)是一种小型山溪蛙类,由于叫声独特,种内具有超声通讯功能而引起国内外相关专家的广泛关注。首次针对皖南凹耳臭蛙地理分布、生境选择以及人为干扰强度对种群密度的影响进行了研究。共调查了9县1区32条不同的山溪,发现其中的16个有凹耳臭蛙分布,除黄山区的香溪和浮溪具文献记录外,其余14个分布点均为首次报道。基于现存凹耳臭蛙分布点的水系关系,推测该物种在皖南的分布呈现出以青弋江、新安江和水阳江三大水系为纽带、间断分布的格局。对其中10个分布点222只凹耳臭蛙生境选择的统计结果表明,在夜晚活动周期内,该物种对乔木、灌木丛、草本植物、岩石、沙滩和倒伏朽木等不同生境的选择具有显著差异(F5,54=25.75,P0.001),栖息在草本植物和灌丛中蛙的数量明显多于栖息在其它几种生境类型中的蛙类。暗示溪流沿岸的草本植物和灌丛对该物种的生存和繁衍具有重要意义,乔木对其非活动周期的隐蔽可能具有不可替代的作用。根据人类活动对其栖息地破坏程度,将人为干扰程度划分为强、中和弱3种不同强度,对不同干扰强度下种群相对密度进行单因素方差分析。结果表明,中等干扰强度下的种群密度显著高于其它两种强度下的种群密度(F2,13=8.155,P=0.005)。推测适度的人为干扰可能增加了栖息地内昆虫的种类和数量,对蛙类的生存和繁衍更为有利。但随着人为干扰强度的增强,对溪流沿岸植被的破坏更为剧烈,种群密度显著下降。  相似文献   

A network of 92 pedigreed ex situ conservation plantings of Pinus tecunumanii, established as replicated progeny within provenance trials, is used to present a principal components-based analysis that illustrates the climatic preferences of 23 populations from the species’ native range. This meta-analysis quantifies changes in the relative productivity, assessed as individual-tree volume, of populations across climatic gradients and associates the preference of a population with increased volume production along the climatic gradient. Clustering and ordination on the matrix containing estimates of change in productivity for each population summarise differentials in productivity associated with climatic gradients. The preference of populations along principal components therefore reflects the adaptive profiles of populations, which may be used with breeding-value estimates from routine genetic evaluations to assist with the development of deployment populations targeting different environments. As well, the approach may be used to test whether the preference of a population, estimated as population loadings for growth differentials, is affected by the climate in the native range of the population. This relationship may be interpreted as an estimate of how much local climate shapes the adaptive profiles of populations. The amount and seasonality of precipitation most clearly differentiate the adaptive profiles of populations, with less variation in the population responses explained by temperature differentiation. As expected from type-B correlation estimates, most populations exhibited small changes in relative productivity across climatic gradients. However, patterns of similarities in adaptive profiles among populations were evident using spatial orientation to display population responses to the climatic variables experienced in the provenance trials. Clustering and ordination of population responses derived from empirical data served to identify populations that responded positively or negatively to climatic variables; this information may help guide conservation genetics efforts, direct the deployment of germplasm, or identify seed sources that are sensitive to changes in climatic variables. Linking response patterns to the climatic data from the native range of each population indicated little effect of local climate shaping adaptive profiles.  相似文献   

Much of applied and theoretical ecology is concerned with the interactions of habitat quality, animal distribution, and population abundance. We tested a technique that uses resource selection functions (RSF) to scale animal density to the relative probability of selecting a patch of habitat. Following an accurate survey of a reference block, the habitat-based density estimator can be used to predict population abundance for other areas with no or unreliable survey data. We parameterized and tested the technique using multiple years of radiotelemetry locations and survey data collected for woodland caribou across four landscape-level survey blocks. The habitat-based density estimator performed poorly. Predictions were no better than those of a simple area estimator and in some cases deviated from the observed by a factor of 10. We developed a simulation model to investigate factors that might influence prediction success. We experimentally manipulated population density, caribou distribution, ability of animals to track carrying capacity, and precision of the estimation equation. Our simulations suggested that interactions between population density, the size of the reference block, and the pattern of distribution can lead to large discrepancies between observed and predicted population numbers. Over- or undermatching patch carrying capacity and precision of the estimator can influence predictions, but the effect is much less extreme. Although there is some empirical and theoretical evidence to support a relationship between animal abundance and resource selection, our study suggests that a number of factors can seriously confound these relationships. Habitat-based density estimators might be effective where a stable, isolated population at equilibrium is used to generate predictions for areas with similar population parameters and ecological conditions.  相似文献   

Ongoing changes in global climate are altering ecological conditions for many species. The consequences of such changes are typically most evident at the edge of a species’ geographical distribution, where differences in growth or population dynamics may result in range expansions or contractions. Understanding population responses to different climatic drivers along wide latitudinal and altitudinal gradients is necessary in order to gain a better understanding of plant responses to ongoing increases in global temperature and drought severity. We selected Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) as a model species to explore growth responses to climatic variability (seasonal temperature and precipitation) over the last century through dendrochronological methods. We developed linear models based on age, climate and previous growth to forecast growth trends up to year 2100 using climatic predictions. Populations were located at the treeline across a latitudinal gradient covering the northern, central and southernmost populations and across an altitudinal gradient at the southern edge of the distribution (treeline, medium and lower elevations). Radial growth was maximal at medium altitude and treeline of the southernmost populations. Temperature was the main factor controlling growth variability along the gradients, although the timing and strength of climatic variables affecting growth shifted with latitude and altitude. Predictive models forecast a general increase in Scots pine growth at treeline across the latitudinal distribution, with southern populations increasing growth up to year 2050, when it stabilizes. The highest responsiveness appeared at central latitude, and moderate growth increase is projected at the northern limit. Contrastingly, the model forecasted growth declines at lowland‐southern populations, suggesting an upslope range displacement over the coming decades. Our results give insight into the geographical responses of tree species to climate change and demonstrate the importance of incorporating biogeographical variability into predictive models for an accurate prediction of species dynamics as climate changes.  相似文献   

1. Climate is an important source of selection on life histories, and local adaptations to climate have been described in several cline studies. Temperature is the main climatic factor that has been considered as an agent of selection, whereas other factors may vary with it, such as precipitation. 2. We compared life‐history traits of five populations of Leptopilina boulardi, a Drosophila parasitoid, originating from contrasting climates. Referring to cline studies, we hypothesised shorter lifespan, earlier reproduction, and lower lipid content in populations from the hottest and driest areas if life histories have been selected in response to temperature and/or humidity. 3. Our results are opposite to these predictions. Females from humid and mild climates invested more in early reproduction and lived for fewer days than females from dry and hot areas, which were synovigenic (i.e. they matured additional eggs during adult life) and able to synthesise lipids during adult life. 4. We suggest that life histories are more adapted to host distribution than to climatic factors. Drosophila patches are more abundant in the humid area, allowing the parasitoids to spend less energy and time finding hosts. This may result in selection for early reproduction traded‐off against longevity. In the hot and dry climate, females have to fly large distances to find host patches. Synovigeny, a long lifespan, lipogenesis, and high dispersal ability may be adaptive there. This is the first time that between‐population differences in the ability to synthesise lipids have been described in parasitoids.  相似文献   

A questionnaire survey of land owners, managers and gamekeepers was conducted in order to assess the distribution of mountain hares in Scotland, assess their current management, collate numbers harvested in 2006–07 and estimate distribution change by comparing with similar data collected in 1995–96. The land area covered by returned questionnaires was 71098km2 (90% of Scotland). Mountain hares were reported as present on 34359km2 (48%) and absent from 36739km2 (52%). Mountain hare presence was strongly associated with heather moorland managed for red grouse shooting. Moorland managed for driven grouse shooting had the highest percentage area of mountain hare presence (median 64%) followed by moorland managed for walked‐up grouse shooting (median 9%) and moorland with no grouse shooting (median 0%). Approximately 25000 mountain hares were harvested in 2006–07. Based on the estimated UK population in 1995 of 350000 (range ±50%), this represents around 7% of the population (range 5–14%). Reasons given by respondents for harvesting hares were tick control (50%), sport (40%) and forestry or crop protection (10%). Comparison of the estates surveyed in both 2006–07 and 1995–96 (a total area of 20462km2) indicated no net gain or loss in hare distribution. Furthermore, there was no evidence that levels of harvest had reduced the range of mountain hares in this area. It is not possible to comment on any distribution change outside this area (58737km2). Similarly, as no data were collected on abundance, it is not possible to draw conclusions on changes in density. Regular monitoring of mountain hare distribution within Scotland is required to identify any distribution changes. Measures of abundance throughout the range are necessary to estimate the population size, investigate the relationship between harvest intensity and changes in abundance and further assess the conservation status of this UK Biodiversity Action Plan species.  相似文献   

Mediterranean mountains harbour some of Europe’s highest floristic richness. This is accounted for largely by the mesoclimatic variety in these areas, along with the co-occurrence of a small area of Eurosiberian, Boreal and Mediterranean species, and those of Tertiary Subtropical origin. Throughout the twenty-first century, we are likely to witness a climate change-related modification of the biogeographic scenario in these mountains, and there is therefore a need for accurate climate regionalisations to serve as a reference of the abundance and distribution of species and communities, particularly those of a relictic nature. This paper presents an objective mapping method focussing on climate regions in a mountain range. The procedure was tested in the Cordillera Central Mountains of the Iberian Peninsula, in the western Mediterranean, one of the ranges occupying the largest area of the Mediterranean Basin. This regionalisation is based upon multivariate analyses and upon detailed cartography employing 27 climatic variables. We used spatial interpolation of data based on geographic information. We detected high climatic diversity in the mountain range studied. We identified 13 climatic regions, all of which form a varying mosaic throughout the annual temperature and rainfall cycle. This heterogeneity results from two geographically opposed gradients. The first one is the Mediterranean-Euro-Siberian variation of the mountain range. The second gradient involves the degree of oceanicity, which is negatively related to distance from the Atlantic Ocean. The existing correlation between the climatic regions detected and the flora existing therein enables the results to be situated within the projected trends of global warming, and their biogeographic and ecological consequences to be analysed.  相似文献   

Genetic status and fluctuating asymmetry (FA) were assessed in a small, isolated and endangered population of the moth Dysauxes ancilla in Sweden. A sample from the German population, within the continuous breeding area of the species, was used for comparison. The levels of FA were significantly higher in the Swedish population, indicating a reduced ability to withstand developmental stress. Two polymorphic loci showed significantly higher variation in the Swedish population, indicating that there are no serious effects on genetic factors. Therefore, it is suggested that the increased level of FA in the Swedish population is due to the stress of living in an ecologically marginal habitat. The Swedish population is a northern outpost separated from the continuous distribution area of species and environmental stress caused by variable and extreme abiotic factors, for example climatic conditions, could explain a higher FA. However, it is still an open question if a higher FA from environmental stress also constitutes an increased extinction risk.  相似文献   

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