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整合子与多重耐药大肠埃希菌相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨整合子在多重耐药大肠埃希菌耐药性中的作用。方法对临床分离的93株多重耐药大肠埃希菌的I、Ⅱ型整合酶基因进行检测,并分析药敏结果。结果多重耐药临床分离株中Ⅰ型整合子阳性率为60.2%。所检出整合子共有3种长度即1000、1600和2000 bp;主要携带aadA和dfrA类基因盒;未检出Ⅱ型整合子。结论整合子形成是细菌产生多重耐药的重要原因。  相似文献   

目的了解I类整合子在产ESBLs和非产ESBLs大肠埃希菌中分布状况,分析I类整合子在细菌多重耐药中的作用。方法用PCR方法扩增I类整合酶基因,经电泳后检测扩增产物。用2χ检验进行统计学分析,P<0.05为差异有显著性。结果105株大肠埃希菌检出I类整合子46株,检出率为43.8%。I类整合子在产ESBLs菌的检出率为53.4%,明显高于非产ESBLs菌(31.9%),2χ检验,P<0.01。I类整合子阳性菌株多重耐药率为68.8%(33/48),明显高于阴性菌株(33.3%),P<0.05。I类整合子阳性菌株和产ESBLs菌均对青霉素类、喹诺酮类、磺胺类抗生素表现出较高的耐药率。所有菌株均对亚胺培南敏感。结论I类整合子携带与产ESBLs菌株耐药有关,I类整合子阳性菌株对多种抗生素的耐药率大于整合子阴性菌株。  相似文献   

产ESBLs大肠埃希菌整合子及其相关基因盒的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的检测产超广谱β-内酰胺酶(ESBLs)大肠埃希菌中整合子的整合酶及插入的相关基因盒情况,分析整合子对细菌耐药性的影响。方法采用K-B琼脂扩散法对45株临床分离的产ESBLs大肠埃希菌进行药敏试验;应用PCR法检测45株产ESBLs大肠埃希菌Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类整合子;对Ⅰ类整合子阳性菌进行整合子相关基因盒检测。结果45株菌中有27株(60.0%)含有Ⅰ类整合子,没有检测到Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类整合子阳性菌。在Ⅰ类整合子阳性菌中,有23株携带Ⅰ类整合子相关基因盒(85.2%),5种不同的基因盒图谱,片段大小在600~2322bp,分离自同一科室的部分菌株携带大小相同的基因盒;Ⅰ类整合子阳性菌株的耐药率高于整合子阴性的菌株。结论Ⅰ类整合子及整合子相关基因盒在产ESBLs大肠埃希菌株中分布广泛,整合子在细菌耐药中发挥作用。  相似文献   

【摘 要】 目的 研究整合子参与鲍曼不动杆菌耐药的分子机制。结果 收集2008年1月至2011年12月瑞安市中医院临床分离的200株鲍曼不动杆菌,采用K-B法进行体外药敏试验,采用聚合酶链式反应进行整合子整合酶基因的检测;整合子可变区扩增、克隆、测序,分析整合子基因结构。结果 59.0%的医院感染鲍曼不动杆菌Ⅰ类整合子阳性,未检测出Ⅱ、Ⅲ类整合子;编码对氨基糖苷类、磺胺类抗菌药物和氯霉素耐药的基因;整合子阳性组多药耐药菌均明显高于阴性组。结论 Ⅰ类整合子在医院感染鲍曼不动杆菌中广泛分布,可通过质粒在不同菌属间水平传播,在耐药基因传播中起重要作用,应引起临床足够的重视。  相似文献   

目的 了解多重耐药肺炎克雷伯菌的耐药基因存在状况和遗传学背景。方法 聚合酶链反应(RCR)法对多重耐药的肺炎克雷伯菌进行β-内酰胺酶基因、氨基糖苷类修饰酶基因、质粒AmpC酶基因、qacEΔ1-sull耐消毒剂和磺胺基因、整合子遗传标记(整合酶基因)、Tn21/Tn501转座子遗传标记(汞离子还原酶基因)检测。结果 TEM、SHV型β-内酰胺酶基因, DHA型质粒AmpC酶基因,aac(6′)-1型氮基糖苷类修饰酶基因,qacEΔ1-sul1耐消毒剂和磺胺基因,整合子遗传标记(intI1整合酶基因),Tn21/Tn501转座子遗传标记(merA汞离子还原酶基因)检测阳性。结论 多重耐药肺炎克雷伯菌存在多种耐药基因和Ⅰ类整合子、Tn21/Tn501转座子。  相似文献   

目的 了解新生儿病区产ESBLs大肠埃希菌整合子的携带情况及其耐药性.方法 采用K-B琼脂扩散法对56株产ESBLs大肠埃希菌进行药敏试验;应用PCR法检测Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类整合子;以肠杆菌科重复序列-聚合酶链式反应(ERIC-PCR)进行基因分型.结果 56株产ESBLs大肠埃希菌的Ⅰ类整合子检出率为60.7%,未检出Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类整合子;菌株对庆大霉素、环丙沙星、左氧氟沙星、复方新诺明、头孢唑林、氨曲南、头孢他啶的耐药率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),阳性菌株的耐药率高于阴性菌株;56株大肠埃希菌分为45种基因型.结论 Ⅰ类整合子广泛存在于新生儿病区产ESBLs大肠埃希菌并与其耐药性相关.  相似文献   

I类整合子与产ESBLs肺炎克雷伯菌多重耐药关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解产ESBLs肺炎克雷伯菌的整合子存在状况。方法用PCR方法扩增Ⅰ类整合酶基因,经电泳后检测扩增产物。结果72株产ESBLs肺炎克雷伯菌中检测出Ⅰ类整合子67株,检出率为93.0%,Ⅰ类整合子阳性菌对氨基糖苷类、喹诺酮类及头孢菌素类药物表现出较高的耐药,其多重耐药率明显高于Ⅰ类整合子阴性菌株(P〈0.05)。结论Ⅰ类整合子广泛地存在产ESBLs肺炎克雷伯菌中,Ⅰ类整合子对细菌多重耐药性的产生和传播起着重要作用。  相似文献   

大肠埃希菌耐药性水平传播实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究重症监护病房(ICU)患者标本中分离的大肠埃希菌的耐药情况以及耐药性水平传播的实验研究。方法采取双纸片法(K-B)检测细菌的耐药性;产超广谱β-内酰胺酶(ESBLs)大肠埃希菌为供体菌,耐利福平大肠埃希菌(对其他抗生素敏感)作为受体菌进行接合实验;采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)技术扩增整合子和耐药基因。结果30株大肠埃希菌中产ESBLs菌株检出率为46.7%;接合培养后,接合菌携带23kb和25kb大质粒,而无供体菌中一系列小质粒;供体菌和接合菌均携带I型整合子。结论大肠埃希菌耐药性严重,且呈多重耐药性;产ESBLs菌株可通过质粒和整合子将耐药基因转移给敏感菌,导致耐药性传播。  相似文献   

目的研究碳青霉烯类耐药大肠埃希菌的的耐药机制。方法收集本院2011年8月至2012年8月的碳青霉烯类耐药大肠埃希菌,采用琼脂稀释法进行药敏试验;改良Hodge试验筛查菌株是否产碳青霉烯酶;利用聚合酶链反应扩增KPC、IMP、VIM、NDM、SHV、TEM、CTX-M-1组、CTX-M-9组耐药基因,并对扩增产物进行测序。结果 21株实验菌均为多重耐药菌,对17种抗菌药物中耐药率60%的有11种,其中耐药率90%的有5种,分别为头孢他啶、头孢噻肟、头孢西丁、环丙沙星和氨曲南。耐药率最低的为多粘菌素B,均表现为敏感。9株改良Hodge试验阳性。6株携带碳青霉烯类耐药基因(3株NDM-1阳性、3株IMP阳性)。共有18株检出β-内酰胺类耐药基因。结论该院碳青霉烯类耐药大肠埃希菌携带的碳青霉烯酶基因以NDM-1和IMP基因较常见。  相似文献   

[目的]研究临床多重耐药铜绿假单胞菌中Ⅰ型整合子的结构特征,探讨整合子与细菌多重耐药之间的相关性.[方法]收集临床样品中的铜绿假单胞菌,从中挑选多重耐药菌.采用聚合酶链式反应扩增Ⅰ型整合子可变区,应用酶切方法和DNA测序技术分析整合子基因结构,并采用SPSS19.0软件分析整合子与耐药表型间的相关性.[结果]多重耐药铜绿假单胞菌中Ⅰ型整合子的检出率为27.3%.Ⅰ型整合子基因盒排列形式共有3种(1500 bp、2300 bp和4000 bp),其中2种在其他细菌中也有发现.基因盒所编码的耐药基因有氨基糖苷类抗生素抗性基因(aadA、aadB、aac(6')Ⅱ和aadA13)、β-内酰胺类抗生素抗性基因(blaCARB8和oxa10)和氯霉素外排泵基因(cmlA8),耐药表型相关性分析表明整合子与氨基糖苷类抗生素抗性密切相关.[结论]在多重耐药铜绿假单胞菌临床分离株中发现了3种不同Ⅰ型整合子结构,这3种结构中均含有氨基糖苷类抗生素耐药基因,其中aadB-aac(6')Ⅱ-blaCARB8结构最为流行.  相似文献   

Atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) comprise an important group of paediatric pathogens. Atypical EPEC have reservoirs in farm and domestic animals where they can be either commensal or pathogenic; serogroup O26 is dominant in humans and animals. Central to intestinal colonization by EPEC is the translocation of the type III secretion system effector Tir into enterocytes, which following phosphorylation (Tir-Yp) recruits Nck to activate the N-WASP actin signalling cascade. The authors have recently shown that typical EPEC strains, belonging to the EPEC-2 lineage, carry a tir gene encoding Tir-Yp and can also use the alternative TccP2 actin-signalling cascade. The aim of this study was to determine if tccP2 is found in atypical EPEC isolated from human and farm animals. tccP2 was found at a frequency of 41% in non-O26 EPEC isolates and in 82.3% of the O26 strains. TccP2 of human and animal strains show high level of sequence identity. It is shown that most strains carry a tir gene encoding Tir-Yp. In addition the authors identified two new variants of tir genes in EPEC O104:H12 and NT:H19 strains.  相似文献   

Abstract Four enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strains were studied with respect to their antibiotic resistance characters, plasmid patterns, toxin production and haemagglutination properties. Two of these strains showed multiple antibiotic resistance characters, although all possessed several plasmids of varying sizes. One of the strains DD-41 showed the presence of a non-fimbrial cell-associated mannose-resistant haemagglutinin (MRHA) which was encoded by a 70 MDa plasmid. Conjugation experiments demonstrated that this MRHA-containing plasmid also coded for ampicillin and tetracycline resistance factors and was self-transmissible.  相似文献   

A mass outbreak of Escherichia coli O157:H45 was first reported in Japan in 1998. This pathogen was classified as an enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) O157 because it was characterized by the Shiga toxin gene (stx)-negative and bundle-forming pilus (bfp) gene-positive genotypes. In this study, we investigated the type III secretion system in EPEC O157. Although no type III secreted proteins, Esps (E. colisecreted proteins), in EPEC O157:H45 were detectable in culture supernatant, secreted proteins were induced by the introduction of an EPEC plasmid-encoded regulator, per. In further contrast to EHEC O157:H7, EPEC O157:H45 triggered the accumulation of tyrosine phosphorylated proteins beneath the adherent bacteria. These results suggest that regulation of the type III secretion apparatus and host signal transduction events between E. coli O157:H45 and O157:H7 are completely different.  相似文献   

AIMS: To determine the subtypes of stx and eae genes of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) from calves and to ascertain the typical and atypical nature of EPEC. METHODS AND RESULTS: One hundred and eighty-seven faecal samples from 134 diarrhoeic and 53 healthy calves were investigated for the presence of stx, eae and ehxA virulence genes by polymerase chain reaction and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Subtype analysis of stx(1) exhibited stx(1c) in 13 (31.70%) isolates, while that of stx(2) revealed stx(2c) in eight (24.24%) and stx(2d) in two (6.06%) isolates. Subtyping of eae gene showed the presence of eae-beta, eae-eta and eae-zeta in two, three and four isolates respectively. None of the E. coli isolates possessed stx(2e), stx(2f), eae-alpha, eae-delta, eae-epsilon and eae-xi. All EPEC isolates were atypical. CONCLUSIONS: stx(1), stx(1c), stx(2), stx(2c), stx(2d), eae-beta, eae-eta and eae-zeta subtypes are prevalent in STEC and EPEC isolates in India. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This is the first subtype analysis of stx(2) and eae genes of animal E. coli isolates in India and emphasizes the need to investigate their transmission to humans.  相似文献   

Due to awareness and benefits of goat rearing in developing economies, goats' significance is increasing. Unfortunately, these ruminants are threatened via multiple bacterial pathogens such as enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC). In goat kids and lambs, EPEC causes gastrointestinal disease leading to substantial economic losses for farmers and may also pose a threat to public health via the spread of zoonotic diseases. Management of infection is primarily based on antibiotics, but the need for new therapeutic measures as an alternative to antibiotics is becoming vital because of the advent of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). The prevalence of EPEC was established using bfpA gene, uspA gene and Stx1 gene, followed by phylogenetic analysis using Stx1 gene. The lytic activity of the isolated putative coliphages was tested on multi-drug resistant strains of EPEC. It was observed that a PCR based approach is more effective and rapid as compared to phenotypic tests of Escherichia coli virulence. It was also established that the isolated bacteriophages exhibited potent antibacterial efficacy in vitro, with some of the isolates (16%) detected as T4 and T4-like phages based on gp23 gene. Hence, bacteriophages as therapeutic agents may be explored as an alternative to antibiotics in managing public, livestock and environmental health in this era of AMR.  相似文献   

Aims:  To establish the role of maltoporin (LamB) in adherence of enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) to epithelial cells in vitro.
Methods and Results:  Three strains, wild type (WT) EPEC, a maltoporin (LamB) mutant ΔlamB , and DH5α were used to study adherence to cultured HEp-2 cells. Mutant ΔlamB was found to be deficient in adherence compared to WT EPEC. Adherence of ΔlamB was restored to wild type levels when complemented with the cloned lamB gene. The non–adherent strain DH5α also adhered to HEp-2 cells when it harboured the cloned lamB gene. The LamB protein was isolated from WT EPEC by electroelution and antibodies were raised in rabbits. The specificity of the antibodies was analysed by Western blotting. Anti-LamB antiserum reduced adherence of WT EPEC to HEp-2 cells. The LamB protein was coated on latex beads and the beads adhered to HEp-2 cells. Anti-LamB antiserum prevented bead adherence to HEp-2 cells. Multiple sequence alignment showed that the L9 loop of EPEC LamB had four amino acids different from the L9 loop of LamB from several other related pathogens.
Conclusions:  LamB serves as an alternative or additional adherence factor for EPEC.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  Adherence is an important component of the pathogenesis of noninvasive pathogens like EPEC. A putative adhesin such as LamB, which has already been found to be co-expressed with virulence factor EspB may be a potential vaccine candidate for control of EPEC and related pathogens.  相似文献   

We developed a rapid genetic approach for screening bfpA variants of enteropathogenic E. coli(EPEC) using a heteroduplex mobility assay (HMA). A total of 204 human EPEC strains were isolated in Thailand and Japan. Of 34 bfpA-positive EPEC strains, bfpA variants were classified into 5 HMA-types. Different HMA-types were found in EPEC of the same serotypes. The results suggest that HMA is a simple and easy method to analyze polymorphism of bfpA gene, and can be used in laboratories without large apparatus such as sequencers.  相似文献   

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