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Sams MA  Keough MJ 《Oecologia》2012,170(1):209-219
Variation in patterns of propagule establishment (recruitment) has important effects on population dynamics and the structure of some communities. Most experimental studies have varied recruitment by changing the nature of a single event early in community development, but recruitment can also vary from steady rates of arrival to highly episodic 'pulse' events, causing differences in the temporal spacing of individuals recruiting into patches. We examined whether two different temporal patterns of recruitment of sessile invertebrates affected temperate marine communities in southeastern Australia in two experiments that were run at different times at the same site and that manipulated several different species. Target species entered communities as either a single pulse of recruits within a 2-week period or steady input of the same total number of recruits over a longer time period (5-6 weeks). The pattern of recruitment had variable effects on community structure. The colonial ascidian Botryllus schlosseri did not have a strong influence on community structure whether it recruited in a single pulse or steadily. The cover of B. schlosseri was higher when recruitment occurred as a single pulse. In a second experiment, botryllid ascidians caused changes in the composition of communities when they recruited steadily compared to when they did not recruit or didemnids recruited, but caused no differences in communities when they recruited in a shorter pulse. In contrast, recruitment frequency of didemnid ascidians had little effect, though their presence/absence caused community differences. Though we found that different temporal recruitment patterns can alter community composition, the life history and ecology of particular taxa as well as differences in environmental background processes are likely to influence the strength of these effects.  相似文献   

We investigate a mathematical aspect of a multi-species' sessile metapopulation model with space-limited recruitment proposed by Iwasa et al. in 1986. We define some basic reproduction numbers to show the threshold condition for the stability of trivial steady state and the existence of coexistent steady state. We show the existence of steady state where all species exist when some reproduction numbers are greater than one by the fixed point theorem. And we construct the Lyapunov function to show the global stability of trivial steady state when some basic reproduction numbers are not greater than one.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze a metapopulation model with space-limited recruitment. The model describes the population dynamics of sessile adult and planktonic larvae in a common larval pool. We introduce the basic reproduction number of each species which is the expected number of future larvae reproduced by one larva. We consider the conditions for the persistence of the multi-species and multi-habitats model and the permanence of the single-species model. Subsequently, we consider the conditions for the existence of the non-trivial steady state of the single-species model and its global stability, and the permanence of the two species and two habitats model.  相似文献   

Increases in sediment and drift algae accumulations have caused degradation of coastal lagoons worldwide. It is well known that these factors are stressors of seagrass beds, sediment fauna and coral reefs. However, little is known about the impacts on temperate hard-bottom assemblages within soft-bottom lagoons. To test if accumulations of sediment and drift algae (stress) affected recruitment of sessile oyster reef organisms, we constructed cages in Hog Island Bay, Virginia that trapped drifting macroalgae (≈ 2.7 kg WW m2) and facilitated sedimentation (≈ 7 mm per 2-3 month). The stress treatments and unstressed controls were placed in front, between, and behind reefs (position) to represent wave exposed (≈ 0.3 m, windy conditions), current exposed (≈ 0.2 m s 1, peak tide) and protected (≈ 0 m, 0.0 m s 1) habitats. The percentage cover of recruited taxa onto bricks was mapped 4 times during a 1-year period. There were strong significant effects of stress on the total assemblage, plant (but not animal) richness, total plant and animal cover, and cover of the most common taxa. Unstressed bricks had high plant richness, high animal and plant cover, and high cover of the oyster Crassostrea virginica, the alien algae Gracilaria vermiculophylla and Codium fragile, the alga Agardhiella subulata, and high to medium cover of the opportunistic algae Ulva curvata and Enteromorpha spp. In comparison, sediment-stressed bricks had low plant richness, low animal and plant cover, and low cover of C. virginica, G. vermiculophylla, C. fragile, A. subulata, U. curvata and Enteromorpha spp. Similarly, algae-stressed bricks also had low cover of animals, C. virginica, G. vermiculophylla, C. fragile, and A. subulata, but intermediate plant richness and plant cover and high cover of U. curvata and Enteromorpha spp. Although reef position caused significant multivariate results, this factor was clearly less important than the stress factor. Our study shows that accumulations of sediments and drift algae have an adverse impact on sessile temperate reef organisms, reducing richness and abundance, but favoring a few small opportunistic taxa. As the reef-generating oysters themselves performed poorly under these stressors, the long-term impact of the causes of these stressors, eutrophication and urbanization, is likely to be diminished reefs with cascading adverse effects on sessile reef organisms.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate structured population model of marine invertebrate whose life stage is composed of sessile adults and pelagic larvae, such as barnacles contained in a local habitat. First we formulate the basic model as an Cauchy problem on a Banach space to discuss the existence and uniqueness of non-negative solution. Next we define the basic reproduction number R0 to formulate the invasion condition under which the larvae can successfully settle down in the completely vacant habitat. Subsequently we examine existence and stability of steady states. We show that the trivial steady state is globally asymptotically stable if R0 < or = 1, whereas it is unstable if R0 > 1. Furthermore, we show that a positive (non-trivial) steady state uniquely exists if R0 > 1 and it is locally asymptotically stable as far as absolute value of R0 - 1 is small enough.  相似文献   

Abstract. Palaeoecologists have shown that trees migrated at rates of 100–1000 m/yr in response to post-glacial warming. In order to predict the impact of forecast anthropogenic climate changes upon forest ecosystems we need to simulate how trees may migrate in response to the changes predicted for the next 1–2 centuries. These predictions must take account of the impacts upon migration of human land-use and habitat fragmentation. We have developed a spatially-explicit mechanistic model (MIGRATE) able to simulate the migration of a single species across a realistically heterogeneous landscape. MIGRATE uses biological parameters that readily may be estimated from data in the literature or from field studies, and represents the landscape as a grid of cells, each with an associated carrying capacity. A one-dimensional version of MIGRATE has been compared both with Skellam's (1951) diffusion model and with the more recent analytical models of van den Bosch et al. (1990, 1992); despite its fundamentally different approach, MIGRATE provides comparable estimates of migration rates, given equivalent input parameters. An example is described that demonstrates the ability of the two-dimensional version of MIGRATE to simulate the likely pattern of spread of a species across a heterogeneous landscape. It is argued that MIGRATE, or models like it, will play a central role in a spatially-hierarchic modelling strategy that must be developed if we are to achieve the goal of simulating the likely response of trees, and other organisms, to both global climate change and the increasing pressures of human land-use.  相似文献   

海洋生物防污作用机制及应用前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
海洋污损生物的附着会对人类活动产生不利影响。栖息于海洋环境中的动植物在长期的进化过程中针对污损生物的附着形成了忍耐、躲避与物理、化学等自我保护和防御机制以保持自身体表的洁净。本文从以上方面综述了海洋生物的天然防污作用机制,并对其应用前景进行了展望。了解和掌握海洋生物天然防污作用机制,有利于新型环保防污技术的研制和开发,进而从根本上解决海洋污损生物的危害难题。  相似文献   

Studies on the effects of a variety of exogenous and anthropogenic environmental factors, including endocrine disruptors, heavy metals, UV light, high temperature, and others, on marine organisms have been presented at the 2nd Bilateral Seminar Italy–Japan held in November 2006. Reports were discussed in order to reveal the current situation of marine ecosystems, aiming at evaluation and prediction of environmental risks.
V. MatrangaEmail:

Toxicity of nano-zero valent iron to freshwater and marine organisms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We tested whether three commercial forms (uncoated, organic coating, and iron oxide coating) of nano zero-valent iron (nZVI) are toxic to freshwater and marine organisms, specifically three species of marine phytoplankton, one species of freshwater phytoplankton, and a freshwater zooplankton species (Daphnia magna), because these organisms may be exposed downstream of where nZVI is applied to remediate polluted soil. The aggregation and reactivity of the three types of nZVI varied considerably, which was reflected in their toxicity. Since levels of Fe(2+) and Fe(3+) increase as the nZVI react, we also evaluated their toxicity independently. All four phytoplankton species displayed decreasing population growth rates, and Daphnia magna showed increasing mortality, in response to increasing levels of nZVI, and to a lesser degree with increasing Fe(2+) and Fe(3+). All forms of nZVI aggregated in soil and water, especially in the presence of a high concentration of calcium ions in groundwater, thus reducing their transports through the environment. However, uncoated nZVI aggregated extremely rapidly, thus vastly reducing the probability of environmental transport and potential for toxicity. This information can be used to design a risk management strategy to arrest the transport of injected nZVI beyond the intended remediation area, by injecting inert calcium salts as a barrier to transport.  相似文献   

Effects of ultraviolet radiation on corals and other coral reef organisms   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The discovery of the importance of solar ultraviolet radiation (UVR) as a factor affecting the biology of coral reefs dates only to about 1980. Interest has heightened during the past five years owing to the demonstration of loss of stratospheric ozone through human activities. We have only begun to document gross, qualitative effects of UVR on coral reef organisms, usually in experiments comparing the biological response to the presence or absence of UVR through the use of UV-cutoff filters, or to varying levels of UVR in transplantation studies. Most such studies have not distinguished between the effects of UVA (320–400 nm) and those of UVB (290–320 nm), although in the context of global change involving stratospheric ozone loss, it is the latter wavelengths that are relevant. To date we have been addressing physiological and ecological questions, not yet attempting to evaluate quantitatively the impact of forecast increases in solar UVB penetration. Interacting and synergistic effects of UVR with increased temperature, pollutants, sedimentation, visible light, etc. have scarcely been studied but will be essential to understanding and predicting the fate of coral reefs under conditions of global change. Here we comprehensively review the effects of UVR on corals and other reef macroorganisms, mindful that although much is known of proximal effects, little of this knowledge is directly useful in making long-term predictions regarding the health of coral reefs. We conclude that even small anthropogenic increases in UVB levels will have sublethal physiological manifestations in corals and other reef organisms, but that this will have relatively small impact on the distribution of reef corals and coral reefs, perhaps affecting their minimum depths of occurrence.  相似文献   

Organic pollutants exhibiting endocrine disrupting activity (Endocrine Disruptors--EDs) are prevalent over a wide range in the aquatic ecosystems; most EDs are resistant to environmental degradation and are considered ubiquitous contaminants. The actual potency of EDs is low compared to that of natural hormones, but environmental concentrations may still be sufficiently high to produce detrimental biological effects. Most information on the biological effects and mechanisms of action of EDs has been focused on vertebrates. Here we summarize recent progress in studies on selected aspects of endocrine disruption in marine organisms that are still poorly understood and that certainly deserve further research in the near future. This review, divided in four sections, focuses mainly on invertebrates (effects of EDs and mechanisms of action) and presents data on top predators (large pelagic fish and cetaceans), a group of vertebrates that are particularly at risk due to their position in the food chain. The first section deals with basic pathways of steroid biosynthesis and metabolism as a target for endocrine disruption in invertebrates. In the second section, data on the effects and alternative mechanisms of action of estrogenic compounds in mussel immunocytes are presented, addressing to the importance of investigating full range responses to estrogenic chemicals in ecologically relevant invertebrate species. In the third section we review the potential use of vitellogenin (Vtg)-like proteins as a biomarker of endocrine disruption in marine bivalve molluscs, used worldwide as sentinels in marine biomonitoring programmes. Finally, we summarize the results of a recent survey on ED accumulation and effects on marine fish and mammals, utilizing both classical biomarkers of endocrine disruption in vertebrates and non-lethal techniques, such as non-destructive biomarkers, indicating the toxicological risk for top predator species in the Mediterranean. Overall, the reviewed data underline the potential to identify specific types of responses to specific groups of chemicals such as EDs in order to develop suitable biomarkers that could be useful as diagnostic tools for endocrine disruption in marine invertebrates and vertebrates.  相似文献   

Marine organisms including bacteria, fungi, algae, sponges, echinoderms, mollusks, and cephalochordates produce a variety of products with antifungal activity including bacterial chitinases, lipopeptides, and lactones; fungal (-)-sclerotiorin and peptaibols, purpurides B and C, berkedrimane B and purpuride; algal gambieric acids A and B, phlorotannins; 3,5-dibromo-2-(3,5-dibromo-2-methoxyphenoxy)phenol, spongistatin 1, eurysterols A and B, nortetillapyrone, bromotyrosine alkaloids, bis-indole alkaloid, ageloxime B and (-)-ageloxime D, haliscosamine, hamigeran G, hippolachnin A from sponges; echinoderm triterpene glycosides and alkene sulfates; molluscan kahalalide F and a 1485-Da peptide with a sequence SRSELIVHQR; and cepalochordate chitotriosidase and a 5026.9-Da antifungal peptide. The antiviral compounds from marine organisms include bacterial polysaccharide and furan-2-yl acetate; fungal macrolide, purpurester A, purpurquinone B, isoindolone derivatives, alterporriol Q, tetrahydroaltersolanol C and asperterrestide A, algal diterpenes, xylogalactofucan, alginic acid, glycolipid sulfoquinovosyldiacylglycerol, sulfated polysaccharide p-KG03, meroditerpenoids, methyl ester derivative of vatomaric acid, lectins, polysaccharides, tannins, cnidarian zoanthoxanthin alkaloids, norditerpenoid and capilloquinol; crustacean antilipopolysaccharide factors, molluscan hemocyanin; echinoderm triterpenoid glycosides; tunicate didemnin B, tamandarins A and B and; tilapia hepcidin 1-5 (TH 1-5), seabream SauMx1, SauMx2, and SauMx3, and orange-spotted grouper β-defensin. Although the mechanisms of antifungal and antiviral activities of only some of the aforementioned compounds have been elucidated, the possibility to use those known to have distinctly different mechanisms, good bioavailability, and minimal toxicity in combination therapy remains to be investigated. It is also worthwhile to test the marine antimicrobials for possible synergism with existing drugs. The prospects of employing them in clinical practice are promising in view of the wealth of these compounds from marine organisms. The compounds may also be used in agriculture and the food industry.  相似文献   

Bacteria associated with eight field-collected and five cultured soft corals of Briareum sp., Sinularia sp., Sarcophyton sp., Nephtheidae sp., and Lobophytum sp. were screened for their abilities in producing antimicrobial metabolites. Field-collected coral samples were collected from Nanwan Bay in southern Taiwan. Cultured corals were collected from the cultivating tank at National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium. A total of 1,526 and 1,138 culturable, heterotrophic bacteria were isolated from wild and cultured corals, respectively; seawater requirement and antimicrobial activity were then assessed. There is no significant difference between the ratio of seawater-requiring bacteria on the wild and cultured corals. The ratio of antibiotic-producing bacteria within the seawater-requiring bacteria did not differ between the corals. Nineteen bacterial strains that showed high antimicrobial activity were selected for 16S rDNA sequencing. Three strains could be assigned at the family level (Rhodobacteraceae). The remaining 16 strains belong to eight genera: Marinobacterium (2 strains), Pseudoalteromonas (1), Vibrio (5), Enterovibrio (1), Tateyamaria (1), Labrenzia (2), and Pseudovibrio (4). The crude extract from bacteria strains CGH2XX was found to have high cytotoxicity against the cancer cell line HL-60 (IC50?=?0.94???g/ml) and CCRF-CEM (IC50?=?1.19???g/ml). Our results demonstrate that the marine bacteria from corals have great potential in the discovery of useful medical molecules.  相似文献   

The phase change from coral to macroalgal dominance on many Caribbean reefs was exacerbated by the mortality of the echinoid Diadema antillarum in 1983–1984, and until recently, this sea urchin has remained rare on reefs throughout the western Atlantic. By the late 1990s, Diadema started to reappear in large numbers on some Jamaican reefs, and by 2000, the high densities were correlated with significantly greater abundances of juvenile corals. Here, we show that dense populations of Diadema now occur over a multi-kilometre-wide scale at six locations scattered along a 4100 km arc across the entire Caribbean. In all cases, these dense populations are found in shallow water (< 6 m depth) on outer reef communities and are associated with reduced macroalgal cover and enhanced coral recruitment. We conclude that population recovery of Diadema is occurring at both local and regional scales, and that grazing by this echinoid is creating conditions favouring the recruitment of corals.  相似文献   

Secondary marine organisms belong to groups of terrestrial ancestry which have recolonized marine habitats. Some of them are, to various degrees, still dependent on the terrestrial habitat where they originated, which imposes certain limits in the expansion of their distribution range. This makes them an ideal subject for historical reconstruction. Here I perform biogeographical analyses on the global distribution of 12 groups of land-dependent secondary marine plants and animals (mangrove trees, sea turtles, sea snakes, seabirds and seals). When all groups are taken together, species diversity shows a unique bimodal pattern for each hemisphere, with high values in cold-temperate and tropical regions, but low values in mid-latitude regions. None of the individual groups considered reaches its highest species concentration in mid-latitude regions. This is shown to be due to the existence of three different species assemblages, inhabiting the three species-rich latitudinal bands (northern cold-temperate, tropical, and southern cold-temperate), and intermixing to a limited degree in the species-poor mid-latitude bands. This is evidence that secondary marine organisms diversified independently in cold-temperate and tropical regions, and strongly suggests that colonization from terrestrial habitats took place independently in the three species-rich latitudinal bands. Different constraints in the terrestrial habitat of origin are put forward as evolutionary incentives for colonizing the sea: glaciation processes in cold regions and competition in tropical regions.  相似文献   

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