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  • 1 There is a paucity of research on epigean freshwater lotic meiofauna. This may result from a previous emphasis on interstitial (groundwater and hyporheic) meiofauna and/or a reliance on sampling methodologies in lotic systems which are inappropriate for meiofauna.
  • 2 Meiofauna contribute much to the diversity of lotic ecosystems. Species lists for seven streams reveal that meiofauna contribute 58–82% of total species numbers, with rotifers and chironomids dominating most systems. The absence of taxonomic keys for most meiofaunal taxa in large areas of the world precludes a wider analysis of their contribution to lotic diversity and an assessment of biogeographical patterns and processes.
  • 3 The trophic and functional role of meiofauna in lotic ecosystems is unclear. There are few estimates of meiofaunal production in freshwaters and biomass spectra have produced conflicting results for lotic meiofauna. Present static estimates suggest that the contribution of meiofauna to lotic productivity and biomass is small to moderate, but further studies incorporating a temporal component may provide a more realistic picture of the total contribution of meiofauna to biomass size spectra.
  • 4 Meiofauna differ from macroinvertebrates in several respects apart from size and conceptual models for lotic ecosystems should include all metazoans if they are to be truly representative.
  • 5 Information on the basic ecology of certain lotic meiofauna (i.e. nematodes, tardigrades, microturbellarians) is urgently required. For those groups whose distributional patterns are better understood (e.g. microcrustaceans), the mechanisms underpinning these patterns should be explored. It is essential that the importance of meiofauna is recognised by lotic ecologists; the only realistic way forward is for greater collaboration among meiofaunal ecologists and taxonomists and other lotic scientists.

  • 1 This paper summarises the most important contributions on trophic relationships of lotic meiofauna. In contrast to marine research, the few quantitative studies of the freshwater meiobenthos have shown that these invertebrates not only take up particulate/fine organic matter, but also dissolved organic substances attached to organic particles. In lotic ecosystems, further estimates of grazing rate and bacterial/algal ingestion rate are needed, particularly in situ measurements.
  • 2 The effects of macroinvertebrate predators upon meiofauna are still under debate. Depending on the type of experiments (laboratory vs. field) it seems that macrofauna may or may not affect meiofauna. Field samples and analyses of gut contents of larval tanypod chironomids have shown that the impact upon meiofauna was low and larvae were nonselective predators. Predation amounted to 2.2% of the combined prey density and prey consumption averaged 1.3 individuals per predator individual per year.
  • 3 Adding taxonomic resolution by including the meiofaunal component within lotic food webs distinctly increases the number of total species and, as a consequence, changes food web statistics. Webs that included meiofauna revealed that these metazoans contributed substantially to the percentage of intermediate species (species with predators and prey). The resolution of dietary analyses of major consumers of macro‐ and meiobenthos showed that many stream invertebrates feed on meiofauna.

The importance of meiofauna to lotic ecosystem functioning   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  • 1 Although meiofauna occur in large numbers in many streams, almost nothing is known about their functional role.
  • 2 In other systems, meiofauna influence microbial and organic matter dynamics through consumption and bioturbation. Given that these are important processes in streams, meiofauna have the potential to influence lotic function by changing the quality and availability of organic matter as well as the number and biotic activity of benthic microbes. Selective feeding by meiofauna has the potential to alter the availability of nutrients and organic carbon.
  • 3 Meiofauna generally contribute only a small amount to metazoan production and biomass in streams, although exceptions occur. Within a stream, the relative importance of meiofauna may reflect whether the temporary or permanent meiofauna dominate the meiobenthos as well as the season when samples are collected.
  • 4 We suggest stream conditions (small sediment grain size, restricted interstitial flow) under which meiofauna have the greatest likelihood of influencing stream ecosystem function.
  • 5 Important areas for future research include addressing whether meiofauna feed selectively, whether meiofauna are links or sinks for carbon in streams, and whether bioturbation by meiofauna influences stream ecosystem processes in a predictable manner.

What drives small‐scale spatial patterns in lotic meiofauna communities?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
  • 1 Lotic meiofaunal communities demonstrate extremely variable dynamics, especially when viewed at small spatial scales (≤ metres). Given the limited amount of research on lotic meiofauna, we chose to organise our discussion of their small‐scale spatial patterns around the dominant factors we believe drive their spatial distributions in streams. We separate scale‐dependent effects that structure lotic meiofauna into biotic factors (e.g. predation, food quantity/quality, dispersal) and abiotic factors (e.g. local flow dynamics and substratum characteristics).
  • 2 The impact of predation on the distribution of meiofauna varies with the scale over which predators forage (e.g. fish predation influences meiofauna in different ways and at broader spatial scales than do invertebrate predators), the type of streambed substrata in which the predator‐prey interactions occur, and the dispersal ability of different meiofauna. The latter is greatly influenced by predator and prey (meiofauna) interactions with the flow environment.
  • 3 Organic matter influences the small‐scale distribution of meiofauna in streams. Both its quality as food (as indicated by C:N content, ATP content, or microbial biomass) and its spatial distribution on the streambed, influence meiofauna patchiness, community structure and life history characteristics. As a habitat, the structure that organic matter provides (e.g. wood or leaves) can influence predator‐prey interactions, offer materials for case‐building and offer refugia during disturbance events ‐ all of which influence the small‐scale spatial distribution of meiofauna.
  • 4 Stream flow influences the distribution of meiofauna at broad scales (10s–100s of metres), primarily because of the high susceptibility of meiofauna to passive drift; small‐scale interactions between flow and substrata are also important, however, particularly at more localised (≤ metre) scales. At both scales, substratum particle size is important to interstitial‐dwelling fauna, influencing the probability of passive drift by meiofauna as well as local microhabitat conditions (e.g. dissolved oxygen; upwelling/downwelling in the hyporheic zone) and, thus, the small‐scale distribution among microhabitats.
  • 5 In general, the processes governing the distribution of meiofauna at small scales cannot be separated entirely from those processes working at larger scales. A conceptual diagram is presented illustrating the relative importance of various factors in influencing the spatial patterns of meiofauna and over what scales these factors act.

The biology and ecology of lotic rotifers and gastrotrichs   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
  • 1 The occurrence of Rotifera and Gastrotricha in the meiobenthos of lotic habitats is reviewed. About 150 rotifer and 30 gastrotrich species are reported in such habitats worldwide.
  • 2 The two phyla share some morphological and biological features that might account for their presence in the meiofauna. Small‐size, a soft and elongate body, adhesive glands on the posterior body end, movement through cilia, relatively short life cycles, parthenogenesis and dormant stages are common characteristics.
  • 3 Most species of both taxa inhabiting the superficial sediments in streams and rivers may move downward into the hyporheos in response to both biotic (predation) and abiotic (spates, erosion, desiccation) disturbances.

  1. Semi-arid and arid landscapes (dry-lands) cover 41% of the Earth’s land surface over five continents. These areas are home to 55% of mammal species. Bats have the second highest species richness among mammals, and, although many species are adapted to arid conditions, they are particularly sensitive in these habitats and require conservation priority.
  2. Information on bats in arid and semi-arid landscapes is scattered, patchy and focused on small-scale studies; therefore, we undertook a systematic review using the PRISMA protocol to identify the current knowledge status, detect knowledge gaps and propose future research priorities.
  3. We analysed 346 published articles and evaluated 40 topics within five topic categories (taxa studied, methodologies used, biology, ecology and conservation). The most commonly studied topic categories were ecology and biology. However, we found a gap in the topic category conservation (including topics such as conservation status and roost conservation). Our network analysis of topics within the categories showed that most ecology papers were focused on distribution, species richness and habitat use.
  4. When we analysed keywords, we found that phylogeny, taxonomy and distribution demonstrated relatively high presence. Moreover, comparison of the percentage of studies conducted in dry-lands and the percentage of land surface area covered by dry-lands in the continents revealed that dry-lands in Africa and Australia were especially under-represented. Our review shows that knowledge of bats in semi-arid and arid landscapes is biased towards new records of the distribution of species, as well as covering systematic/taxonomic and morphological aspects of bat biology.
  5. We suggest that research on conservation measures and guidelines to protect the bat species found in semi-arid and arid landscapes should be prioritised, together with the sharing of knowledge with local practitioners and the development of citizen science programmes.

Global and regional patterns in lotic meiofauna   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
  • 1 Parsimony analysis of endemicity (PAE) was used to assess patterns in the distribution of harpacticoid copepods (all freshwater species and stream species only) at global and regional scales. These analyses provided a focus for reviewing large scale patterns and processes in freshwater meiofauna.
  • 2 On a global scale, PAE suggested that large‐scale biogeographical events have been most important in shaping present‐day distributions in the Canthocamptidae. A small proportion (4%) of canthocamptid species were widespread (i.e. occurred in more than one biogegraphical region), suggesting that dispersal may also play a role in determining distribution at the species level. Global distribution patterns for other meiofauna suggest varying roles for dispersal and vicariant events. No consistent latitudinal trends in species diversity were evident, although a lack of distributional data for many regions, and uncertainty over the status of many cosmopolitan species, precludes more robust analyses. Molecular techniques should prove useful in identifying truly cosmopolitan taxa.
  • 3 On a regional scale, a PAE within Western Europe demonstrated a clear link between the distribution of canthocamptid species and the extent of the Last (Wiechselian) glaciation. Northern and southern areas of Europe contain distinctive harpacticoid faunas and the recolonisation of northern Europe appears to have been from the Balkans rather than other Mediterranean peninsulae. The high harpacticoid diversity in southern Europe, may reflect a lack of glacial disruption of groundwater habitats.
  • 4 A PAE of lotic data for harpacticoid copepods within the Holarctic reflected the global PAE for freshwater harpacticoids as a whole, but not the regional PAE. A high proportion of stream‐dwelling harpacticoids are widespread species, but only one (Bryocamptus zschokkei) was found in streams across the Holarctic. Other cosmopolites were restricted to streams in Europe or North America, suggesting that species‘ niche requirements might differ among regions. There appeared to be some convergence in the composition of lotic copepod communities in terms of the number of species within genera.
  • 5 We conclude that large‐scale processes inevitably have a major influence on the local composition of lotic meiofaunal communities, but that the relative importance of small scale vs. large scale processes is unclear at present, largely due to a paucity of suitable data.

  • 1 Stable isotope analysis (SIA) has the potential to become a widespread tool in mammalian ecology, because of its power in resolving the ecological and behavioural characteristics of animals. Although applications of the technique have enhanced our understanding of mammalian biology, it remains underused. Here we provide a review of previous applications to the study of extant mammals, drawing when appropriate on examples from the wider ecological literature, to identify the potential for future development of the approach.
  • 2 Stable isotope analysis has been applied successfully to understanding the basic foraging decisions of mammals. However, SIA generates quantitative data on a continuous scale meaning that the approach can be particularly powerful in the characterization of community metrics, such as dimensions of resource partitioning within species assemblages or nutrient dynamics in food chains. Resolving spatial and temporal patterns of individual, intraspecific and interspecific resource use is of fundamental importance in animal ecology and evolutionary biology and SIA will emerge as a critical tool in these fields.
  • 3 Geographical differences in naturally occurring stable isotopes have allowed ecologists to describe large‐scale mammal migrations. Several isotopic gradients exist at smaller spatial scales, which can provide finer resolution of spatial ecology.
  • 4 A combination of foraging and movement decisions is of prime importance in the study of ecotoxicology, since this discipline requires quantitative understanding of exposure risk.

  1. The importance of flow‐related factors to benthic organisms, as well as the role of habitat conditions in shaping aquatic communities during low‐flow periods, have been recognised. Despite this, the preferences of macroinvertebrates to the ratio of lentic to lotic habitats at the reach scale have not been accurately quantified in most instances.
  2. Aquatic invertebrates and habitat features in a range of temporary rivers in Sardinia were investigated. The investigation focused on the flow‐related characteristics that contribute to defining the lentic–lotic condition of the river reaches. The relation of habitat features to benthic taxa distributions was assessed using multidimensional scaling. The main aim of the paper was to quantify the responses of taxa to the different lentic and lotic habitat conditions by applying hierarchical logistic regressions. Finally, taxon optima were aligned along the lentic–lotic gradient and the responses of different taxonomic groups compared.
  3. Unbroken waves and imperceptible flow were correlated with benthic taxa variability, suggesting local hydraulics and turbulence have a major role in regulating community composition. The overall lentic–lotic character of the river reaches was also clearly related to the benthic taxa distribution. More than 80% of taxa were significantly related to the lentic–lotic gradient, and an asymmetrical response curve was the predominant model.
  4. Benthic groups showed taxon optima clustered in different ranges of the lentic–lotic gradient. Odonata, Coleoptera, Hemiptera, and Mollusca preferred clearly lentic conditions. Diptera mainly ranged on the lotic side of the gradient, while Trichoptera were relatively uniformly distributed across the gradient. Ephemeroptera taxa clustered in intermediate lentic–lotic conditions, with two species preferring extremely lentic habitats. In general, optima converged at intermediate and extremely lentic conditions, presumably due, respectively, to the coexistence of different lentic and lotic features and to the highly diverse environmental characteristics under extremely lentic situations.
  5. These results support the conclusion that dissimilar ecological factors act on benthic taxa along the lentic–lotic range and species favouring different lentic–lotic conditions are subjected to pressures of different nature. This should not be ignored when defining species preferences and studying community structure or relationships between species in Mediterranean rivers, which cyclically vary their habitat composition. In addition, the uneven distribution of optima of different groups along the lentic–lotic gradient might affect macroinvertebrate metrics when assessing ecological status or establishing reference conditions under variable climatic conditions.

  1. Understanding changes in macroinvertebrate communities is important because they play a large role in stream ecosystem functioning, and they are an important food resource for fish. Beaver-induced changes to stream morphology could alter macroinvertebrate communities, which in turn could affect food webs and ecosystem function. However, studies investigating the effects of North American beaver activities on macroinvertebrates are rare in the inter-mountain west, an area with high potential for beaver-assisted restoration.
  2. The aim of this study was to quantify differences in the macroinvertebrate community between unaltered segments of streams and within beaver ponds in north-eastern Utah, U.S.A. We assessed macroinvertebrate species richness, biomass, density, functional feeding group composition, mobility group composition, and macroinvertebrate habitat characteristics to test the hypothesis that macroinvertebrate communities will differ among habitat types (undammed stream segments and beaver ponds) in beaver-occupied streams.
  3. Beaver pond communities significantly differed from lotic reach communities in many ways. Beaver ponds were less diverse with 25% fewer species. Although there was variability among streams, in general, beaver ponds had 75% fewer individuals and 90% lower total macroinvertebrate biomass compared to lotic reaches.
  4. Regarding functional feeding groups, beaver ponds contained more engulfers, while lotic reaches contained more scrapers, filterers, and gatherers. For mobility groups, beaver ponds had more sprawlers, while lotic reaches had more clingers. Swimmers were also more prevalent in lotic reaches, although this is probably due to the abundance of Baetis within lotic reaches. More beaver pond taxa were classified as lentic-dwelling insects, while more lotic reach taxa were categorised as preferring lotic habitats.
  5. The creation of ponds by beavers fundamentally altered the macroinvertebrate community in north-eastern Utah streams. Such changes to stream macroinvertebrate communities suggest that recolonisation of beavers across North America may be altering stream functioning and food webs. Our study highlights the need to further investigate the effects of beaver recolonisation on stream communities.

  1. Intermittent streams (IS) comprise a large proportion of the drainage network in many parts of the world. The non-flow period of IS are known to impact stream biota because aquatic habitats dry out. However, less well understood are the relative effects of the temporal component of these drying events including their duration and frequency.
  2. Here, we characterised effects of temporal component of drying events on abundant and species-rich meiofauna. The effects were assessed in 22 streams in the north-eastern Iberian Peninsula. The duration and frequency of non-flow events was characterized over a period of 250 days prior to sampling the sediment-dwelling meiofauna in riffle zones that completely dried out.
  3. Overall, meiofauna abundances were amongst the highest ever reported for streambeds. Most meiofaunal taxa correlated positively with the frequency of drying events and correlated positively with the length of dry periods recorded shortly before sampling, suggesting that the community was able to recover quickly. Tardigrades were the only group to correlate positively with the longest dry periods, suggesting that they had the best resilience capabilities in streams that had experienced the longest droughts.
  4. On average, nematodes made up half of the meiofauna. We identified a total of 113 different nematode species. The nematode community was more taxonomically diverse in IS, with a smaller proportion of bacterivores and a higher proportion of fungivore species such as Filenchus vulgaris. Thereby resembling the trophic structure commonly observed in soil ecosystems.
  5. Our results show that most meiofauna were positively influenced by drying disturbance, that is being able to quickly recover after them. This suggests outstanding resilience capabilities, and points out meiofaunal organisms as key players for kick-starting stream food webs and functions once flow returns.

The biology and ecology of lotic nematodes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
  • 1 Morphological structures for identifying freshwater nematodes, e.g. buccal cavity, sensory receptors, oesophagus, reproductive organs and tail are described.
  • 2 Most freshwater nematodes belong to the Adenophorea and are characterised by the presence of setae, adhesive glands and conspicuous amphids.
  • 3 Methods for collecting nematodes from the sediments of running water (e.g. corer, pumps), within plants and aufwuchs are listed. Methods for fixation, extracting and preparing nematodes for identification are described.
  • 4 Life history parameters (e.g. generation time, eggs per female) are not available for lotic nematodes but are summarised for free‐living nematodes in soil, lakes and seas. Field studies indicate that, in contrast to laboratory experiments with nematode cultures, many species will have a generation time of several months.
  • 5 Abundance and species diversity of nematodes of lotic habitats are provided; more than 100 nematode species inhabit lotic habitats and densities can reach 230 individuals per ml.
  • 6 Links between meiobenthic nematodes and the micro‐ and macrobenthos are unclear at present. Evidence such as the increased bacterial activity due to nematode grazing suggests that such interactions may be significant.

  1. With an increasing number of scientific articles published each year, there is a need to synthesize and obtain insights across ever‐growing volumes of literature. Here, we present pyResearchInsights, a novel open‐source automated content analysis package that can be used to analyze scientific abstracts within a natural language processing framework.
  2. The package collects abstracts from scientific repositories, identifies topics of research discussed in these abstracts, and presents interactive concept maps to visualize these research topics. To showcase the utilities of this package, we present two examples, specific to the field of ecology and conservation biology.
  3. First, we demonstrate the end‐to‐end functionality of the package by presenting topics of research discussed in 1,131 abstracts pertaining to birds of the Tropical Andes. Our results suggest that a large proportion of avian research in this biodiversity hotspot pertains to species distributions, climate change, and plant ecology.
  4. Second, we retrieved and analyzed 22,561 abstracts across eight journals in the field of conservation biology to identify twelve global topics of conservation research. Our analysis shows that conservation policy and landscape ecology are focal topics of research. We further examined how these conservation‐associated research topics varied across five biodiversity hotspots.
  5. Lastly, we compared the utilities of this package with existing tools that carry out automated content analysis, and we show that our open‐source package has wider functionality and provides end‐to‐end utilities that seldom exist across other tools.

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