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About 10 species ofFusarium were screened and tested for their growth regulatory activity on oat coleoptile straight growth test. Culture filtrates of four species contained growthstimulating factors while others showed growth-inhibition responses on oat sections. On the whole,F. moniliforme was found to be produce higher stimulatory effects. Chromatographic analysis revealed the presence of several indole auxin and gibberellin-like plant-growth regulators in their culture filtrates. The quantity and biological activity of each indole spot was also measured.  相似文献   

Removal of flower buds results in abscission of peduncles of the rose cv. Nubia and cessation of peduncle growth in cv. Mercedes. Peduncle growth was inhibited when pistils and stamens were removed, but was not affected by removal only of sepals and petals. Growth of the decapitated peduncles of Mercedes was partially restored by the application of auxin in lanolin paste on the base of the peduncle and was completely restored by the application of gibberellin, while the combined application of auxin and gibberellin was the most effective for growth restoration. Growth of non-decapitated Nubia peduncles was promoted by application of gibberellin or gibberellin and auxin but not auxin alone.Peduncle elongation of both cultivars was not affected by application of cytokinin and the effect of gibberellin was antagonized by combined application with cytokinin. The peduncles strength (resistance to bending) was affected more strongly by auxin than by gibberellin, and most strongly when auxin and gibberellin were combined. The effect of auxin on the strength of peduncles, but not of gibberellin, was antagonized by application of cytokinin. Excised, non-decapitated flowering stems of Nubia treated with gibberellin and auxin in situ, showed, recovery of the peduncles from wilting after exposure to heat conditions.  相似文献   

The present study aims to investigate the adverse effects of plant growth regulators : gibberellic acid (GA3) and indoleacetic acid (IAA) on testicular functions in rats, and extends to investigate the possible protective role of grape seed extract, proanthocyanidin (PAC). Male rats were divided into six groups; control group, PAC, GA3, IAA, GA3 + PAC and IAA + PAC groups. The data showed that GA3 and IAA caused significant increase in total lipids, total cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids and low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol in the serum, concomitant with a significant decrease in high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol, total protein, and testosterone levels. In addition, there was significant decrease in the activity of alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, and gamma-glutamyl transferase. A significant decrease was detected also in epididymyal fructose along with a significant reduction in sperm count. Testicular lipid peroxidation product and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels were significantly increased. Meanwhile, the total antioxidant capacity, glutathione, sulphahydryl group content, as well as superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity were significantly decreased. Moreover, there were a number of histopathological testicular changes including Leydig’s cell degeneration, reduction in seminiferous tubule and necrotic symptoms and sperm degeneration in both GA3- and IAA-treated rats. However, an obvious recovery of all the above biochemical and histological testicular disorders was detected when PAC seed extract was supplemented to rats administered with GA3 or IAA indicating its protective effect. Therefore it was concluded that supplementation with PAC had ameliorative effects on those adverse effects of the mentioned plant growth regulators through its natural antioxidant properties.  相似文献   

To establish a role for PGRs in the germination of forest tree seeds, it must be demonstrated that PGRs are involved in the mechanisms that control the induction of and release from dormancy, and also that these mechanisms are operative in the seeds of woody plants. Four currently known concepts of seed dormancy are reviewed, citing the published evidence relating PGRs to tree seed germination. The germination of tree seeds appears to be controlled by a variety of external and internal factors. PGRs figure prominently among these factors, but the range of mechanisms by which such control is mediated may vary considerably—from physical to metabolic. Although significant support can be found for PGR involvement in the regulation of angiosperm seed dormancy, the evidence for gymnosperms is still inconclusive. This is primarily because our understanding of the control of germination—by PGRs or other means—is generally unsatisfactory. However, recent advancements in PGR technology, together with a more holistic concept of PGR action in biological systems, signal a more favourable climate and a revitalized approach to the investigation of the role of PGRs in plant growth and development.  相似文献   

The influence of several plant growth regulators on the growth of the embryonic axes from red- and far-red-(R- and FR-)treated lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., cv. Grand Rapids) seeds was examined; as shown previously, the water potential of the axes from R-treated seeds has been lowered by 3.5–5.6 bars compared to that in axes from FR-treated ones. Kinetin and abscisic acid (ABA), when included in the incubation medium, reduced the elongation of the axes whereas fusicoccin stimulated it; however, these effects were the same in axes of both R- and FR-treated seeds. In contrast, elongation of axes from FR-treated seeds was stimulated by gibberellic acid (GA3, but elongation of axes from R-treated ones was not affected by this hormone. This latter result indicates that gibberellins may be involved in the phytochrome-mediated growth responses in lettuce axes.When the root caps of the embryos were removed prior to light treatment, R was still able to induce a water-potential decrease in the embryonic axes, indicating that at least a portion of the active Pfr resides in the axis and not the root cap.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - FR far red light - GA3 gibberellic acid - PEG polyethylene glycol - Pfr far-red-absorbing form of phytochrome - R red light  相似文献   

The effect of indol-3-ylacetic acid, gibberellie acid, kinetin, abscisic acid and Ethrel on the growth of mycelium, sporulation and germination of spores ofFusarium culmorum of different pathogenicity to wheat seedlings was studied. The production of gibberellins, auxins, cytokinins, ethylene and growth inhibitors by these isolates was determined as well. It has been found that most pronounced and explicit effect on growth and development in fungi was produced by Ethrel which strongly inhibited these processes. ABA proved to be a strong growth and development stimulator, though to a different extent in different isolates. GA3 strongly stimulated sporulation and spore germination in some isolates. The effect of IAA and K on growth and development in fungi was slight. More sensitive to growth regulators were the fungi in earlier stages of growth. No correlation between the pathogenicity of the isolates and their ability to produce growth regulators as well as between their susceptibility to exogenous growth substances in the processes of fungal growth and development was stated. Presented at the International Symposium “Plant Growth Regulators” held on June 18–22, 1984 at Liblice, Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   

Dioscorea remotiflora (Kunth) is an important wild plant that produces tuberous roots used as a source of food in the Western part of Mexico. Lack of planting material and inefficiency of traditional methods of propagation are the main constraints for implementing large-scale cultivation. In contrast, tissue culture techniques allow increasing multiplication and rapid production of plant material. In this regard, leaves or nodal segments were incubated on MS, B5 and WPM culture media with different PGRs in order to obtain an efficient micropropagation protocol. Leaves explants were unable to inducing shoots or callus. However, nodal segments produced axillary shoots and/or callus in all culture media. MS containing 2.33???M KIN was the most suitable to inducing shoots; an average of 6.6 shoots per segment for 100?% explants was obtained, which displayed also the greater number of nodes (5.0) and leaves (7.9) per segment. A decrease on shoot proliferation was observed combining BA or KIN with 2,4-D or NAA. However, small brownish callus were induced on 100?% of segments using 2.33???M KIN with 5.37???M 2,4-D or 9.30???M KIN plus 2.69???M NAA. In contrast, by adding 2.69???M NAA, 66.4?% of the nodal segments formed shoots and produced also yellowish friable callus on the base of the shoots. Shoots were easily rooted with 8.28???M IBA (96.9?%), displaying the greatest root and shoot biomass, but maximum number of tuberous roots, and root or tuberous root biomass was produced increasing IBA (20.7???M).  相似文献   

Although much investigated, the factors constraining cereal grain protein accumulation are not well understood. As a result of the development of a new technique, new approaches to this question are now possible. A peduncle perfusion system was used to deliver a range of plant growth regulators (PGRs) and/or N solutions into barley (Hordeum vulgare) plants during the grain-filling period. The perfusion technique floods the peduncle interior with a treatment solution for periods of weeks to months, allowing the plant to take up administered substances from the perfused solution. The objectives of the present work were to determine: (1) whether some PGRs could alter the overall pattern of N allocation within barley plants, perhaps leading to higher protein accumulation in the seeds, (2) whether the addition of N through the peduncle could increase the seed N concentration even when the concentration of N in the rooting medium was high, and (3) whether or not PGR-stimulated elevations in grain protein levels and peduncle-added N increases in grain protein levels were additive. Three experiments were conducted to determine the physiological effects of (1) peduncle-administered PGRs (2) combinations of soil- and peduncle-applied N and (3) selected combinations of soil- and peduncle-administered N, and peduncle-applied PGRs on photosynthetic rate, dry matter partitioning and N accumulation of barley plants during grain filling. The first experiment tested four PGRs: abscisic acid (ABA), kinetin, gibberellic acid (GA3), and 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D) each at three concentrations. The second experiment tested three levels of soil N (NH4NO3) fertility, and two concentrations of peduncle-added N (urea). The third experiment tested four PGRs: ABA, kinetin, GA3, and 2,4-D with two soil N concentrations and two concentrations of peduncle-added N. ABA and 2,4-D decreased total seed weight of the perfused spike. The addition of peduncle-perfused N increased seed protein concentration and content under conditions of high soil N fertility, suggesting that seed protein accumulation is more limited by the ability of roots to take up N from the soil than by the seed to take up N from the rest of the plant. The effects of the PGRs on N allocation among plant parts varied with the amount of N available to the plant. Because it resulted in less protein stored in the flag leaf and more in the seeds, GA3 perfusion caused an overall change in the allocation of N among plant parts. Peduncle perfusion of kinetin and ABA affected some aspects of photosynthetic physiology.  相似文献   

The effect of plant growth regulators (PGRs) on the accumulation of the alkaloid camptothecin (CPT) and its analogue 10-hydroxycamptothecin (HCPT) in tender leaves of Camptotheca acuminata saplings was studied. In screening experiments for PGRs, 40?mg/L dose of thiourea, triacontanol, and ascorbic acid (VC) had no positive effects on the accumulation of the alkaloids. However, treatments with 40?mg/L of chlormequat chloride (CCC), choline chloride, paclobutrazol (PBZ), and daminozide (B9) induced CPT and HCPT accumulation in both pre-harvest and postharvest stages. On that basis, five levels of PGRs at 0, 20, 40, 60, 80?mg/L were sprayed on tender leaves of C. acuminata saplings at pre-harvest and postharvest stages. Treatment by 40?mg/L CCC dramatically enhanced HCPT production by 308?% in pre-harvest, treatment by 60?mg/L CCC enhanced HCPT production by 100?% in postharvest. Spraying the leaves with 60?mg/L choline chloride resulted in 94?% increase of CPT and spraying with 40?mg/L of the PGRs reached 167?% increase of HCPT in the pre-harvest treatment, respectively; treatments with 60?mg/L choline chloride resulted in 64?% increase of CPT and 525?% increase of HCPT in postharvest, respectively. 52?% increase of CPT and 86?% increase of HCPT in pre-harvest, 22?% increase of CPT and 33?% increase of HCPT in postharvest were obtained by spraying leaves with 60?mg/L PBZ. Treatments with 40?mg/L B9 had the highest impact on CPT (12?% increase in pre-harvest, 11?% increase in postharvest) and HCPT (167?% increase in pre-harvest, 173?% increase in postharvest) accumulation. The optimal PGR for obtaining the highest levels of CPT and HCPT was treatment with 60?mg/L choline chloride. In most case, the pre-harvest treatment was better than the postharvest one. These preliminary results suggest that the application of PGRs may be a useful and feasible method to increase CPT and HCPT levels in C. acuminata.  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology - SlBBX28 is a positive regulator of auxin metabolism and signaling, affecting plant growth and flower number in tomato B-box domain-containing proteins (BBXs) comprise a...  相似文献   

With the aim to increase citrus fllowering under tropical conditions, two formulations of 2-chloroethyl phosphonic acid (Ethrel and Flordimex), Alar (succinic acid-2, 2-dimethyl hydrazide) and Cycocel (2-chloroethyl-trimethyl ammonium chloride) were applied during the flower induction period (December) to young “Valencia” orange trees at concentrations of 1000, 2500 and 5000 mg l−1. These treatments effectively increased flowering, mainly at lower concentrations. Treatment using Flordimex at 500 and 1000 mg l−1 concentrations resulted in flowering increase which is analyzed in this paper. Presented at the International Symposium “Plant Growth Regulators” held on June 18–22, 1984 at Liblice, Czechoslovakia.  相似文献   

The regulation of cell-division activity in the vascular cambium and of secondary xylem and phloem development is reviewed for temperate-zone tree species in relation to auxins, gibberellins, abscisic acid, cytokinins, and ethylene. Representatives of the first four of these PGR classes (IAA, GA1, GA4, GA7, GA9, GA20, ABA, Z, ZR, DCA) have been identified conclusively by mass spectrometry in the cambial region in some Pinaceae, but not in any hardwood species. Endogenous ethylene has yet to be definitively characterized in this region in any species. Evidence concerning the source and metabolism of cambial PGRs is scanty and inconclusive for both conifers and hardwoods.Most cambial PGR research has focused on IAA. Much evidence indicates that this PGR is transported primarily in the cambial region at a rate of about 1 cm h–1, and that the transport is basipetally polar. GC-MS measurements have established that endogenous IAA levels in the cambial region of Pinaceae are highest during earlywood development, and that cambial IAA levels may be considerably lower in hardwoods than in conifers. IAA appears to be involved in the control of cambial growth in conifers and hardwoods in at least three specific ways, viz. maintenance of the elongated form of fusiform cambial cells, promotion of radial expansion in primary walls of cambial derivatives, and regulation of reaction wood formation. In addition, it is well established that exogenous IAA promotes vessel development in hardwoods. In both conifers and hardwoods, exogenous IAA stimulates cambial growth in 1-year-old shoots treated late in the dormant period or after the start of the cambial growing period. However, exogenous IAA has little effect on cambia that are older or are in what is hypothesized to be the resting stage of dormancy. Thus it is uncertain whether IAA is directly involved in the control of cambial growth, or acts indirectly through a process such as hormone-directed transport.It is not yet clear if gibberellins play a role in the control of cambial growth in conifers. However, in hardwoods, there is evidence that they inhibit vessel development and act synergistically with IAA in promoting cambial activity and fiber elongation. In both conifers and hardwoods, foliar sprays of gibberellins increase the accumulation of biomass above-ground, particularly in the main axis, while decreasing it in the roots.There are as yet no definite conclusions to be drawn concerning the involvement of ABA, cytokinins, and ethylene in the regulation of cambial growth in conifers or hardwoods. In conifers, ABA may antagonize the promotory effect of IAA on cambial cell division and tracheid radial expansion under conditions of water stress, but high endogenous ABA levels do not appear to be associated with the formation of latewood or the onset of cambial dormancy. Some evidence suggests that exogenous cytokinins enhance the promotory effect of IAA on cambial growth, particularly ray formation, in both hardwoods and conifers. However, exogenous cytokinins, by themselves, appear to be ineffective. In hardwoods, ethylene-generating compounds satisfy the chilling requirement of the dormant cambium and promote the formation of wood having an apparently greater content of lignin and extractives. Ethylene-generators also affect wood development in conifers and accelerate cambial growth at the application site in both hardwoods and conifers.  相似文献   

Effects of the growth regulators Barleyquat B, New 5c Cyocel, Cerone, Terpal and paclobutrazol on Rhizobium trifolii in vitro, on growth and root nodulation of clover grown in pots and on symbiotic nitrogen fixation were measured.Paclobutrazol in soil markedly reduced the weight of clover plants but had no effect on nodulation in relation to plant size. Paclobutrazol decreased the amount of nitrogen fixed per plant (measured by acetylene reduction) when present in soil at a concentration which would result from a single direct application at 0.25 kg a.i. ha–1 remaining unchanged and evenly distributed in the top 5 cm of soil. A concentration in soil equal to that from an application at 0.125 kg a.i. ha–1 had no significant effect on the rate of nitrogen fixation per plant and the rate relative to plants weight increased. It was evident that the inhibitory effect on plant growth was greater than on symbiotic nitrogen fixation. The other PGR's had virtually no effect on clover.None of the compounds seems likely to affect nitrogen fixation by a subsequent clover crop in the field if previously applied to a cereal crop once at typical rates of application.
Zusammenfassung Die Einflüsse der Wachstumsregulatoren Barleyquat B, New 5c, Cyocel, Cerone, Terpal und Paclobutrazol auf das Wachstum von Rhizobium trifolii in vitro, auf das Wachstum und Knöllchenbildung des Klees und auf die symbiotische N2-Bindung wurden bestimmt.Paclobutrazol im Boden führte zu einer bedeutenden Gewichtsverminderung der Kleepflanzen, blieb aber ohne Einfluß auf die Knöllchenbildung in bezug auf die Pflanzengröße. Paclobutrazol reduzierte die Menge Stickstoff gebunden pro Pflanze, (gemessen mittels Acetylenreduktion) wenn er im Boden in einer Konzentration enthalten war, die anwesend wäre, wenn eine einzige Applikation von 0,25 kg Wirkstoff.ha–1 unverändert und gleichmäßig in den oberen 5 cm des Bodens verteilt bleiben würde. Eine Bodenkonzentration gleich jener von einer Applikation von 0,125 kg Wirkstoff.ha–1 hatte keine signifikante Wirkung auf die N2-Bindungsleistung pro Pflanze, und das Bindungstempo in bezug auf das Pflanzengewicht nahm zu. Offensichtlich war die Hemmwirkung auf das Pflanzenwachstum größer als auf die symbiotische N2-Bindung.Wahrscheinlich wird keine der Verbindungen die N2-Fixierung des Klees im Freiland beeinträchtigen, wenn sie einmal vorher auf eine Getreidearte in der üblichen Aufwandmenge appliziert werden.

不同生长调节物质对水稻生长及镉积累的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
比较脱落酸(ABA)、乙烯利(ETH)、水杨酸(SA)和茉莉酸甲酯(MeJ A)4种植物生长调节物质(PGR)对水稻生长及籽粒镉(Cd)积累的影响差异。试验采用重金属污染土种植水稻,于分蘖期、灌浆期各进行1次PGR叶面喷施处理,分析灌浆期叶片光合指标,丙二醛(MDA)含量以及收获期各部位生物量和Cd含量。结果表明:(1)低浓度ABA(5mg/L)可维持水稻正常产量;高浓度ABA(15mg/L)则导致产量下降。ETH对水稻地上部生长和单株产量有显著抑制作用,SA和MeJ A(0.56mg/L)均可保证地上部正常生长,维持正常产量。(2)外施4种PGR均抑制灌浆期叶片气孔开放,降低蒸腾速率和光合速率,抑制效果最明显的是高浓度MeJ A(0.56mg/L)。(3)在供试浓度范围内SA、低浓度ABA(5mg/L)以及高浓度MeJ A均可降低灌浆期叶片MDA含量,减少质膜过氧化水平。(4)4种PGR均可降低水稻籽粒Cd含量,其中低浓度ABA(5mg/L)抑制籽粒Cd积累的效应最佳。相关性分析结果表明,PGR抑制籽粒积累Cd的效应与地上部向籽粒转运Cd的调控机制有关,与蒸腾速率无显著相关关系。(5)综上所述,低浓度ABA(5mg/L)处理对水稻产量无影响,且籽粒Cd含量降低程度最大。适当浓度的PGR可降低水稻籽粒Cd含量,在中低度重金属污染农田生态修复实践中具有一定的应用前景,但必须精确控制PGR的处理时间和处理浓度,避免出现抑制生长和降低产量的负效应。  相似文献   

Ficus religiosa is known as a long-lived multipurpose forest tree. The tree plays an important role for religious, medicinal, and ornamental purposes. However, the propagation rate of Ficus religiosa is low in natural habitat so the plant tissue culture techniques are an applicable method for multiplication of this valuable medicinal plants. Thus, the aim of this study is to understand the effect of different auxin/cytokinin ratios on indirect shoot organogenesis of this plant. According to our results, the maximum callus induction frequency (100%) was obtained on Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 0.5?mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) plus 0.05?mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) from petiole segments. For shoot induction purpose, the yellow-brownish, friable, organogenic calli were inoculated on shoot induction medium. On MS medium supplemented with 1.5?mg/l BAP and 0.15?mg/l Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), 96.66% of the petiole-derived calli responded with an average number of 3.56 shoots per culture. The highest root formation frequency (96.66%), root number (5.5), and root length (4.83?cm) were achieved on MS medium containing 2.0?mg/l IBA plus 0.1?mg/l Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA). The rooted shoots were successfully transferred to field condition and the substrate with the mixture of cocopeat and perlite (1:1) had the highest survival rate (96.66%). This is the first report of an effective in vitro organogenesis protocol for F. religiosa by indirect shoot organogenesis through axenic seedling derived petiole explants, which can be efficiently employed for conservation of this important medicinal plant species as well as the utilization of active biomolecules.  相似文献   

Summary Hackelia venusta (Boraginaceae) is an endangered perennial herb endemic to the interior northwestern United States. Because of seed scarcity, micropropagation (anex situ conservation strategy) could produce true-to-type plantlets suitable for reintroduction. We hypothesized that clones of predetermined size could be rapidly produced by supplementing multiplication and rooting media with minimal levels of cytokinin and auxin. Microshoots derived from shoot expants were cultured on Murashige and Skoog (1962) media supplemented with 1% (wt/vol) agar and 0.0001 to 10 μM benzyladenine. Inverse regression estimates on 3 genotypes predicted that a target of 2.5 axillary microshoots per explant would require a minimal level of 0.04±0.02 μM benzyladenine. Culture of 25 genotypes with 0.04 μM benzyladenine resulted in an average of 2.3±0.1 axillary microshoots per explant. Elongated microshoots were transferred to media supplemented with 0.1 to 25 μM indoleacetic acid. Clones rooted from 36% to 100% success after 4 wk in 2.0 μM indoleacetic acid. Plantlets transplantedex vitro with three or more roots survived at 84% versus 46% of plantlets with fewer roots. Up to 84% of the plantlets survived in a planting trial. The data suggest that shoot culture ofHackelia venusta, with minimal growth regulators, can produce axillary microshoots for reintroduction.  相似文献   

Karrikins: A new family of plant growth regulators in smoke   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Karrikins are a chemically defined family of plant growth regulators discovered in smoke from burning plant material. Karrikins are potent in breaking dormancy of seeds of many species adapted to environments that regularly experience fire and smoke. The recent discovery that karrikins trigger seed germination and control seedling growth in taxa that would rarely experience fire indicates that their significance could extend far beyond fire ecology. This is exemplified by new studies showing that seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana respond sensitively and specifically to karrikins in smoke. These exciting discoveries might be explained if karrikins are produced in the environment by processes other than fire, such as by chemical or microbial degradation of vegetation in response to disturbance of the soil or removal of the plant canopy. Another hypothesis is that plants contain endogenous karrikins that function naturally in the control of seed germination and that species from fire-prone habitats have evolved to respond also to exogenous karrikins. A variant on this hypothesis is that karrikins mimic endogenous plant hormones such as terpenoids that control seed germination. The evidence for these hypotheses is discussed, but whatever the explanation karrikins are now firmly established as an important family of naturally occurring plant growth regulators.  相似文献   

Summary A factor that represses asexual embryogenesis has been observed in the Rutaceae, with particularly high concentrations in the naturally monoembryonic cultivars. This investigation was an initial step towards identifying the factor.Citrus reticulata Blanco Ponkan mandarin nucellus explants andDaucus carota L. ‘Queen Anne's Lace’ callus were employed to examine effects of known plant growth regulators and to determine possible identity of one or more of them with the repressive factor. The chalazal halves of ovules ofC. media L. ‘Citron of Commerce’ were used as control repressor source. Embryo initiation and growth of both test tissues were depressed markedly by 2,4-D, abscisic acid and ethephon. Slight inhibitions were obtained with IAA, kinetin and gibberellic acid. Recovery from the repressor did not occur readily inCitrus nucellus following recultures in citron-ovule-free medium; carrot callus resumed normal embryogenesis immediately upon transfer to suppressor-free medium. The repression by natural sources apparently involved the combined action of some or all natural hormones that are generically related to the above. This paper is part of B. Tisserat's Ph.D. dissertation in Botany at the University of California, Riverside. The research was supported in part by the Elvenia J. Slosson Fellowship in Ornamental Horticulture awarded to T. Murashige.  相似文献   

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