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Bone is a dynamic tissue that undergoes structural modification in response to its mechanical environment, but how bone cells sense and respond to loading conditions remains incompletely understood. Current theories focus on strain-induced fluid flow for the primary means of mechanotransduction. To examine the influence of age-related cortical rarefaction on lacunocanalicular fluid characteristics, coupled fluid flow and mechanical computational models of bone specimens representing young, mid-age and aged samples were derived artificially from the same original micro-computed tomography image data. Simulated mechanical loading was applied to the bone models to induce pressure-driven interstitial fluid flow. Results demonstrated a decrease in pore pressure and fluid velocity magnitudes with age as a result of increased cortical porosity. Mean canal separation, as opposed to canal size, was implicated as a primary factor affecting age-related fluid dynamics. Future investigations through refinement of the model may implicate fluid stasis or inadequate nutrient transport experienced by osteocytes as a key factor in the initiation of cortical remodelling events.  相似文献   

Bone is a dynamic tissue that undergoes structural modification in response to its mechanical environment, but how bone cells sense and respond to loading conditions remains incompletely understood. Current theories focus on strain-induced fluid flow for the primary means of mechanotransduction. To examine the influence of age-related cortical rarefaction on lacunocanalicular fluid characteristics, coupled fluid flow and mechanical computational models of bone specimens representing young, mid-age and aged samples were derived artificially from the same original micro-computed tomography image data. Simulated mechanical loading was applied to the bone models to induce pressure-driven interstitial fluid flow. Results demonstrated a decrease in pore pressure and fluid velocity magnitudes with age as a result of increased cortical porosity. Mean canal separation, as opposed to canal size, was implicated as a primary factor affecting age-related fluid dynamics. Future investigations through refinement of the model may implicate fluid stasis or inadequate nutrient transport experienced by osteocytes as a key factor in the initiation of cortical remodelling events.  相似文献   

When bone is mechanically loaded, bone fluid flow induces shear stresses on bone cells that have been proposed to be involved in bone's mechanosensory system. To investigate bone fluid flow and strain-generated potentials, several theoretical models have been proposed to mimic oscillatory four-point bending experiments performed on thin bone specimens. While these previous models assume that the bone fluid relaxes across the specimen thickness, we hypothesize that the bone fluid relaxes primarily through the vascular porosity (osteonal canals) instead and develop a new poroelastic model that integrates the microstructural details of the lacunar-canalicular porosity, osteonal canals, and the osteonal cement lines. Local fluid pressure profiles are obtained from the model, and we find two different fluid relaxation behaviors in the bone specimen, depending on its microstructure: one associated with the connected osteonal canal system, through which bone fluid relaxes to the nearby osteonal canals; and one associated with the thickness of a homogeneous porous bone specimen (approximately 1 mm in our model), through which bone fluid relaxes between the external surfaces of the bone specimen at relatively lower loading frequencies. Our results suggest that in osteonal bone specimens the fluid pressure response to cyclic loading is not sensitive to the permeability of the osteonal cement lines, while it is sensitive to the applied loading frequency. Our results also reveal that the fluid pressure gradients near the osteonal canals (and thus the fluid shear stresses acting on the nearby osteocytes) are significantly amplified at higher loading frequencies.  相似文献   

Interstitial fluid flow through the lacunocanalicular cavities of mechanically loaded bone provides the biophysical basis for a number of postulates regarding mechanotransduction in bone. Recently, the existence of load-induced fluid flow and its influence on molecular transport through bone has been confirmed using tracer methods to visualize fluid flow induced by in vivo four-point-bending of rat tibiae. In this paper, we present a theoretical two-stage approach for the calculation of load-induced flow fields and for the evaluation of their influence on molecular transport in bone loaded in four-point bending, analogous to the aforementioned experimental model. In the first stage, the fluid velocities are calculated using a three-dimensional, poroelastic finite element model. In the second stage, mass transport analysis, this calculated fluid flow serves as a forced convection flow and its contribution to the total transport potential is determined. Based on this combined approach, the overall tracer concentration in the loaded bone is significantly higher than that in the unloaded bone. Furthermore, augmentation of mass transport through convective flow is more pronounced in the tension band of the tissue, as compared to the compression band. In general, augmentation of tracer concentration via convective mechanisms is most pronounced in areas corresponding to lowest fluid velocities, which is indicative of fluid flow direction and areas of increased "dwell time" or accumulation during the loading cycle. This theoretical model, in combination with the corresponding experimental model, provides unique insight into the role of mechanical loads in modulating local flow distributions and concentration gradients within bone tissue.  相似文献   

Load-induced fluid flow has been postulated to provide a mechanism for the transmission of mechanical signals (e.g. via shear stresses, enhancement of molecular transport, and/or electrical effects) and the subsequent elicitation of a functional adaptation response (e.g. modeling, remodeling, homeostasis) in bone. Although indirect evidence for such fluid flow phenomena can be found in the literature pertaining to strain generated potentials, actual measurement of fluid displacements in cortical bone is inherently difficult. This problem motivated us to develop and introduce an ex vivo perfusion model for the study of transport processes and fluid flow within bone under controlled mechanical loading conditions. To this end, a closed-loop system of perfusion was established in the explanted forelimb of the adult Swiss alpine sheep. Immediately prior to mechanical loading, a bolus of tracer was introduced intraarterially into the system. Thereafter, the forelimb of the left or right side (randomized) was loaded cyclically, via Schanz screws inserted through the metaphyses, producing a peak compressive strain of 0.2% at the middiaphysis of the anterior metacarpal cortex. In paired experiments with perfusion times totalling 2, 4, 8 and 16 min, the concentration of tracer measured at the middiaphysis of the cortex in cross section was significantly higher in the loaded bone than in the unloaded contralateral control. Fluorometric measurements of procion red concentration in the anterior aspect alone showed an enhancement in transport at early stages of loading (8 cycles, 2 min) but no effect in transport after higher number of cycles or increased perfusion times, respectively. This reflects both the small size of the molecular tracer, which would be expected to be transported rapidly by way of diffusive mechanisms alone, as well as the loading mode to which the anterior aspect was exposed. Thus, using our new model it could be shown that load-induced fluid flow represents a powerful mechanism to enhance molecular transport within the lacunocanalicular system of compact bone tissue. Based on these as well as previous studies, it appears that the degree of this effect is dependent on tracer size as well as the mechanical loading mode to which a given area of tissue is exposed.  相似文献   

The maximum pore fluid pressures due to uniaxial compression are determined for both the vascular porosity (Haversian and Volkmann's canals) and the lacunar-canalicular porosity of live cortical bone. It is estimated that the peak pore water pressure will be 19 percent of the applied axial stress in the vascular porosity and 12 percent of the applied axial stress in the lacunar-canalicular porosity for an impulsive step loading. However, the estimated relaxation time for the vascular porosity (1.36 microseconds) is three orders of magnitude faster than that estimated for the lacunar-canalicular porosity (4.9 ms). Thus, under physiological loading, which has a stress rise time generally larger than 1 ms, pressures higher than the vascular pressure cannot be sustained in the vascular porosity due to the swift pressure relaxation in this porosity (unless the fluid drainage through the boundary is obstructed). The model also predicts a slight hydraulic stiffening of the bulk modulus due to longer draining time of the lacunar-canalicular porosity. The undrained bulk modulus is 6 percent higher than the drained bulk modulus in this case.  相似文献   

Transport of fluorescent probes between 300 and 2,000,000 Da was studied in mechanically loaded and unloaded ulnae of skeletally mature rats to characterize the permeability of the pericellular space of the lacunocanalicular system (LCS), and the microporosity of the bony matrix. The mineral matrix porosity allowed for penetration of the 300 Da probe but impeded transport of larger probes. The pericellular space of the LCS was permeable up to 10 kDa; above 10 kDa, diffusion was ineffective for transport through the pericellular space. Convective transport via load-induced fluid flow increased penetration of all probes up to 70 kDa. Above this threshold, probes were excluded from bone, both with and without loading. This exploratory study suggests that bone acts as a molecular sieve and that mechanical loading modulates transport of solutes through the pericellular space that links osteocytes deep within the tissue to the blood supply and to osteoblasts and osteoclasts on bone forming and resorbing surfaces. This provides support for the postulate of transport modulated bone remodeling in which osteocytes are influenced by and modulate the local permeability of their surroundings as a means for survival (Knothe Tate et al. 1998, [28]) and has profound implications for osteocyte viability and intercellular communication in bone.  相似文献   

Recent advances in the treatment of cancer involving therapeutic agents have shown promising results. However, treatment efficacy can be limited due to inadequate and uneven uptake in solid tumors, thereby making the prediction of drug transport important for developing effective therapeutic strategies. In this study, a patient-specific computational porous media model (voxelized model) was developed for predicting the interstitial flow field and distribution of a systemically delivered magnetic resonance (MR) visible tracer in a tumor. The benefits of a voxel approach include less labor and less computational time (approximately an order of magnitude reduction compared to the traditional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach developed earlier by our group). The model results were compared with that obtained from a previous approach based on unstructured meshes along with MR-measured tracer concentration data within tumors, using statistical analysis and qualitative representations. The statistical analysis indicated the similarity between the structured and unstructured models' results with a low root mean square error (RMS) and a high correlation coefficient. The voxelized model captured features of the flow field and tracer distribution such as high interstitial fluid pressure inside the tumor and the heterogeneous distribution of the tracer. Predictions of tracer distribution by the voxelized approach also resulted in low RMS error when compared with MR-measured data over a 1?h time course. The similarity in the voxelized model results with experiment and the nonvoxelized model predictions were maintained across three different tumors. Overall, the voxelized model serves as a reliable and swift alternative to approaches using unstructured meshes in predicting extracellular transport within tumors.  相似文献   

Loading-induced interstitial fluid flow in the microporosities of bone is critical for osteocyte mechanotransduction and for the maintenance of tissue health, enhancing convective transport in the lacunar-canalicular system. In recent studies, our group has reported alterations of bone’s vascular porosity and lacunar-canalicular system microarchitecture in a rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. In this work, poroelastic finite element analysis was used to investigate whether these microstructural changes can affect interstitial fluid flow around osteocytes. Animal-specific finite element models were developed combining micro-CT reconstructions of bone microstructure and measures of the poroelastic material properties. These models were used to quantify and compare loading-induced fluid flow in the lacunar-canalicular system of ovariectomized and sham-operated rats. A parametric analysis was also used to quantify the influence of the lacunar-canalicular permeability and vascular porosity on the fluid velocity magnitude. Results show that mechanically-induced interstitial fluid velocity can be significantly reduced in the lacunar-canalicular system of ovariectomized rats. Interestingly, the vascular porosity is shown to have a major influence on interstitial fluid flow, while the lacunar-canalicular permeability influence is limited when larger than 10-20m2. Altogether our results suggest that microstructural changes associated with the osteoporotic condition can negatively affect interstitial fluid flow around osteocytes in the lacunar-canalicular system of cortical bone. This fluid flow reduction could impair mechanosensation of the osteocytic network, possibly playing a role in the initiation and progression of age-related bone loss and postmenopausal osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Bone represents a porous tissue containing a fluid phase, a solid matrix, and cells. Movement of the fluid phase within the pores or spaces of the solid matrix translates endogenous and exogenous mechanobiological, biochemical and electromechanical signals from the system that is exposed to the dynamic external environment to the cells that have the machinery to remodel the tissue from within. Hence, bone fluid serves as a coupling medium, providing an elegant feedback mechanism for functional adaptation. Until recently relatively little has been known about bone fluid per se or the influences governing the characteristics of its flow. This work is designed to review the current state of this emerging field. The structure of bone, as an environment for fluid flow, is discussed in terms of the properties of the spaces and channel walls through which the fluid flows and the influences on flow under physiological conditions. In particular, the development of the bone cell syncytium and lacunocanalicular system are presented, and pathways for fluid flow are described from the systemic to the organ, tissue, cellular and subcellular levels. Finally, exogenous and endogenous mechanisms for pressure-induced fluid movement through bone, including mechanical loading, vascular derived pressure gradients, and osmotic pressure gradients are discussed. The objective of this review is to survey the current understanding of the means by which fluid flow in bone is regulated, from the level of the skeletal system down to the level of osteocyte, and to provide impetus for future research in this area of signal transduction and coupling. An understanding of this important aspect of bone physiology has profound implications for restoration of function through innovative treatment modalities on Earth and in space, as well as for engineering of biomimetic replacement tissue.  相似文献   

To explore the hypothesis that load-induced fluid flow in bone is a mechano-transduction mechanism in bone adaptation, unit cell micro-mechanical techniques are used to relate the microstructure of Haversian cortical bone to its effective poroelastic properties. Computational poroelastic models are then applied to compute in vitro Haversian fluid flows in a prismatic specimen of cortical bone during harmonic bending excitations over the frequency range of 10(0) to 10(6) Hz. At each frequency considered, the steady state harmonic response of the poroelastic bone specimen is computed using complex frequency-domain finite element analysis. At the higher frequencies considered, the breakdown of Poisueille flow in Haversian canals is modeled by introduction of a complex fluid viscosity. Peak bone fluid pressures are found to increase linearly with loading frequency in proportion to peak bone stress up to frequencies of approximately 10 kHz. Haversian fluid shear stresses are found to increase linearly with excitation frequency and loading magnitude up until the breakdown of Poisueille flow. Tan delta values associated with the energy dissipated by load-induced fluid flow are also compared with values measured experimentally in a concurrent broadband spectral analysis of bone. The computational models indicate that fluid shear stresses and fluid pressures in the Haversian system could, under physiologically realistic loading, easily reach the level of a few Pascals, which have been shown in other works to elicit cell responses in vitro.  相似文献   

Fluid flow that arises from the functional loading of bone tissue has been proposed to be a critical regulator of skeletal mass and morphology. To test this hypothesis, the bone adaptive response to a physiological fluid stimulus, driven by low magnitude, high frequency oscillations of intramedullary pressure (ImP), were examined, in which fluid pressures were achieved without deforming the bone tissue. The ulnae of adult turkeys were functionally isolated via transverse epiphyseal osteotomies, and the adaptive response to four weeks of disuse (n=5) was compared to disuse plus 10 min per day of a physiological sinusoidal fluid pressure signal (60 mmHg, 20Hz). Disuse alone resulted in significant bone loss (5.7+/-1.9%, p< or =0.05), achieved by thinning the cortex via endosteal resorption and an increase in intracortical porosity. By also subjecting bone to oscillatory fluid flow, a significant increase in bone mass at the mid-diaphysis (18.3+/-7.6%, p<0.05), was achieved by both periosteal and endosteal new bone formation. The spatial distribution of the transcortical fluid pressure gradients (inverted Delta P(r)), a parameter closely related to fluid velocity and fluid shear stress, was quantified in 12 equal sectors across a section at the mid-diaphyses. A strong correlation was found between the inverted Delta P(r) and total new bone formation (r=0.75, p=0.01); and an inverse correlation (r=-0.75, p=0.01) observed between inverted Delta P(r) and the area of increased intracortical porosity, indicating that fluid flow signals were necessary to maintain bone mass and/or inhibit bone loss against the challenge of disuse. By generating this fluid flow in the absence of matrix strain, these data suggest that anabolic fluid movement plays a regulatory role in the modeling and remodeling process. While ImP increases uniformly in the marrow cavity, the distinct parameters of fluid flow vary substantially due to the geometry and ultrastructure of bone, which ultimately defines the spatial non-uniformity of the adaptive process.  相似文献   

Estimation of the poroelastic parameters of cortical bone   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The relationship between epithelial fluid transport, standing osmotic gradients, and standing hydrostatic pressure gradients has been investigated using a perturbation expansion of the governing equations. The assumptions used in the expansion are: (a) the volume of lateral intercellular space per unit volume of epithelium is small; (b) the membrane osmotic permeability is much larger than the solute permeability. We find that the rate of fluid reabsorption is set by the rate of active solute transport across lateral membranes. The fluid that crosses the lateral membranes and enters the intercellular cleft is driven longitudinally by small gradients in hydrostatic pressure. The small hydrostatic pressure in the intercellular space is capable of causing significant transmembrane fluid movement, however, the transmembrane effect is countered by the presence of a small standing osmotic gradient. Longitudinal hydrostatic and osmotic gradients balance such that their combined effect on transmembrane fluid flow is zero, whereas longitudinal flow is driven by the hydrostatic gradient. Because of this balance, standing gradients within intercellular clefts are effectively uncoupled from the rate of fluid reabsorption, which is driven by small, localized osmotic gradients within the cells. Water enters the cells across apical membranes and leaves across the lateral intercellular membranes. Fluid that enters the intercellular clefts can, in principle, exit either the basal end or be secreted from the apical end through tight junctions. Fluid flow through tight junctions is shown to depend on a dimensionless parameter, which scales the resistance to solute flow of the entire cleft relative to that of the junction. Estimates of the value of this parameter suggest that an electrically leaky epithelium may be effectively a tight epithelium in regard to fluid flow.  相似文献   

We have developed a bioreactor vessel design which has the advantages of simplicity and ease of assembly and disassembly, and with the appropriately determined flow rate, even allows for a scaffold to be suspended freely regardless of its weight. This article reports our experimental and numerical investigations to evaluate the performance of a newly developed non-perfusion conical bioreactor by visualizing the flow through scaffolds with 45 degrees and 90 degrees fiber lay down patterns. The experiments were conducted at the Reynolds numbers (Re) 121, 170, and 218 based on the local velocity and width of scaffolds. The flow fields were captured using short-time exposures of 60 microm particles suspended in the bioreactor and illuminated using a thin laser sheet. The effects of scaffold fiber lay down pattern and Reynolds number were obtained and correspondingly compared to results obtained from a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software package. The objectives of this article are twofold: to investigate the hypothesis that there may be an insufficient exchange of medium within the interior of the scaffold when using our non-perfusion bioreactor, and second, to compare the flows within and around scaffolds of 45 degrees and 90 degrees fiber lay down patterns. Scaffold porosity was also found to influence flow patterns. It was therefore shown that fluidic transport could be achieved within scaffolds with our bioreactor design, being a non-perfusion vessel. Fluid velocities were generally same of the same or one order lower in magnitude as compared to the inlet flow velocity. Additionally, the 90 degrees fiber lay down pattern scaffold was found to allow for slightly higher fluid velocities within, as compared to the 45 degrees fiber lay down pattern scaffold. This was due to the architecture and pore arrangement of the 90 degrees fiber lay down pattern scaffold, which allows for fluid to flow directly through (channel-like flow).  相似文献   

Trabecula, an anatomical unit of the cancellous bone, is a porous material that consists of a lamellar bone matrix and interstitial fluid in a lacuno-canalicular porosity. The flow of interstitial fluid caused by deformation of the bone matrix is believed to initiate a mechanical response in osteocytes for bone remodeling. In order to clarify the effect of the lamellar structure of the bone matrix—i.e., variations in material properties—on the fluid flow stimuli to osteocytes embedded in trabeculae, we investigated the mechanical behavior of an individual trabecula subjected to cyclic loading based on poroelasticity. We focused on variations in the trabecular permeability and developed an analytical solution containing both transient and steady-state responses for interstitial fluid pressure in a single trabecular model represented by a multilayered two-dimensional poroelastic slab. Based on the obtained solution, we calculated the pressure and seepage velocity of the interstitial fluid in lacuno-canalicular porosity, within the single trabecula, under various permeability distributions. Poroelastic analysis showed that a heterogeneous distribution of permeability produces remarkable variations in the fluid pressure and seepage velocity in the cross section of the individual trabecula, and suggests that fluid flow stimuli to osteocytes are mostly governed by the value of permeability in the neighborhood of the trabecular surfaces if there is no difference in the average permeability in a single trabecula.  相似文献   

A two-way gas transport system in Nelumbo nucifera   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Abstract The aquatic vascular plant Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. is able to improve its oxygen supply to the submerged and buried organs by a thermo-osmotic gas transport. Investigations with tracer gas and oxygen measurements have shown that thermo-osmotic gas transport exists in N. nucifera when there is a temperature difference between the lacunar air of the leaves and the surrounding atmosphere. The gas transport was increased by up to 935% when a temperature difference of 2.9 ± 1.0 K was detected. Lacunar pressure of up to 166 ± 44 Pa was measured in both young and old leaves. In contrast to the flow-through ventilation system recently described for Nuphar lutea and Nymphoides peltata, a two-way flow in separate air canals in the petioles of both young and old Nelumbo leaves may carry oxygen-rich air down to the rhizome and excess air back to the atmosphere. Anatomical investigations have shown that, in Nelumbo, the two largest air canals of the petiole end directly under the mesh system of the centre plate. These large air canals are proposed to be predominant in the upward flow of air in sunlight. The other air canals of the petiole veer into the leaf blade well below the centre plate. The gas flow system through fresh leaves may carry as much as 10.3 ± 4.5 cm3 air per minute to the buried rhizome.  相似文献   

In contrast to the well-understood inflammatory pathway driven by TNFα, by which implant-derived particles induce bone resorption, little is known about the process in which loosening is generated as a result of force-induced mechanical stimulus at the bone-implant interface. Specifically, there is no knowledge as to what cells or signaling pathways couple mechanical stimuli to bone resorption in context of loosening. We hypothesized that different stimuli, i.e., fluid flow versus wear particles, act through different cytokine networks for activation and localization of osteoclasts. By using an animal model in which osteoclasts and bone resorption were induced by fluid pressure or particles, we were able to detect distinct differences in osteoclast localization and inflammatory gene expression between fluid pressure and titanium particles. Fluid pressure recruits and activates osteoclasts with bone marrow contact away from the fluid pressure exposure zone, whereas titanium particles recruit and activate osteoclasts in areas in direct contact to particles. Fluid pressure induced weaker expression of the selected inflammatory related genes, although the eventual degree of osteoclast induction was similar in both models. Using TNFαRa (4 mg/kg) (Enbrel) and dexamethasone (2 mg/kg) as specific and more general suppressors of inflammation we showed that the TNFαRa failed to generate statistically impaired osteoclast generation while dexamethasone was much more potent. These results demonstrate that fluid pressure induces osteoclasts at a different localization than titanium particles by a molecular pathway less associated with TNFα and the innate system, which open up for other pathways controlling pressure induced osteoclastogenesis.  相似文献   

Hydrocephaly is the defective absorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) into the blood stream. This work is an experimental and computational fluid dynamic modelling study to determine the permeability of the diploë as a potential receptor for CSF. Human calvariae were studied by micro-CT to measure their porosity, the area of flow and develop model geometry. Pressure-flow measurements were conducted on specimens to determine their permeability in the physiological and transverse flow directions to compare with numerical results. The overall porosity and permeability of the calvaria were spatially variable. Results suggest an order of magnitude increase in permeability for a 14% increase in overall porosity based on a small number of samples. Numerical results fell within the experimental infusion tests results. Due to the difficulty and ethical considerations in obtaining adolescent skull samples to perform large-scale testing, the developed model will be invaluable.  相似文献   

The understanding of load support mechanisms in cartilage has evolved with computational models that better mimic the tissue ultrastructure. Fibril-reinforced poroelastic models can reproduce cartilage behaviour in a variety of test conditions and can be used to model tissue anisotropy as well as assess stress and pressure partitioning to the tissue constituents. The goal of this study was to examine the stress distribution in the fibrillar and non-fibrillar solid phase and pressure in the fluid phase of cartilage in axisymmetric models of a healthy and osteoarthritic hip joint. Material properties, based on values from the literature, were assigned to the fibrillar and poroelastic components of cartilage and cancellous and subchondral compact bone regions. A cyclic load representing walking was applied for 25 cycles. Contact stresses in the fibrillar and non-fibrillar solid phase supported less than 1% of the contact force and increased only minimally with load cycles. Simulated proteoglycan depletion increased stresses in the radial and tangential collagen fibrils, whereas fibrillation of the tangential fibrils resulted in increased compressive stress in the non-fibrillar component and tensile stress in the radial fibrils. However neither had an effect on fluid pressure. Subchondral sclerosis was found to have the largest effect, resulting in increased fluid pressure, non-fibrillar compressive stress, tangential fibril stress and greater cartilage consolidation. Subchondral bone stiffening may play an important role in the degenerative cascade and may adversely affect tissue repair and regeneration treatments.  相似文献   

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