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Humans are mammals, not bacteria or plants, yeast or nematodes, insects or fish. Mice are also mammals, but unlike gorilla and goat, fox and ferret, giraffe and jackal, they are suited perfectly to the laboratory environment and genetic experimentation. In this review, we will summarize the tools, tricks and techniques for executing forward genetic screens in the mouse and argue that this approach is now accessible to most biologists, rather than being the sole domain of large national facilities and specialized genetics laboratories.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays) is an excellent model for basic research. Genetic screens have informed our understanding of developmental processes, meiosis, epigenetics and biochemical pathways--not only in maize but also in other cereal crops. We discuss the forward and reverse genetic screens that are possible in this organism, and emphasize the available tools. Screens exploit the well-studied behaviour of transposon systems, and the distinctive chromosomes allow an integration of cytogenetics into mutagenesis screens and analyses. The imminent completion of the maize genome sequence provides the essential resource to move seamlessly from gene to phenotype and back.  相似文献   

The art and design of genetic screens: yeast   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding the biology of complex systems is facilitated by comparing them with simpler organisms. Budding and fission yeasts provide ideal model systems for eukaryotic cell biology. Although they differ from one another in terms of a range of features, these yeasts share powerful genetic and genomic tools. Classical yeast genetics remains an essential element in discovering and characterizing the genes that make up a eukaryotic cell.  相似文献   

Molecular genetic studies rely on well-characterized organisms that can be easily manipulated. Arabidopsis thaliana--the model system of choice for plant biologists--allows efficient analysis of plant function, combining classical genetics with molecular biology. Although the complete sequence of the Arabidopsis genome allows the rapid discovery of the molecular basis of a characterized mutant, functional characterization of the Arabidopsis genome depends on well-designed forward genetic screens, which remain a powerful strategy to identify genes that are involved in many aspects of the plant life cycle.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the general principles of selections and screens in Escherichia coli. The focus is on the lac operon, owing to its inherent simplicity and versatility. Examples of different strategies for mutagenesis and mutant discovery are described. In particular, the usefulness and effectiveness of simple colour-based screens are illustrated. The power of lac genetics can be applied to almost any bacterial system with gene fusions that hook any gene of interest to lacZ, which is the structural gene that encodes beta-galactosidase. The diversity of biological processes that can be studied with lac genetics is remarkable and includes DNA metabolism, gene regulation and signal transduction, protein localization and folding, and even electron transport.  相似文献   

In the 1940s, screens for metabolic mutants of the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa established the fundamental, one-to-one relationship between a gene and a specific protein, and also established fungi as important genetic organisms. Today, a wide range of filamentous species, which represents a billion years of evolutionary divergence, is used for experimental studies. The developmental complexity of these fungi sets them apart from unicellular yeasts, and allows the development of new screens that enable us to address biological questions that are relevant to all eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The remarkable gene knockdown technique of RNAi has opened exciting new avenues for genetic screens in model organisms and human cells. Here we describe the current state of the art for RNAi screening, and stress the importance of well-designed assays and of analytical approaches for large-scale screening experiments, from high-throughput screens using simplified homogenous assays to microscopy and whole-animal experiments. Like classical genetic screens in the past, the success of large-scale RNAi surveys depends on a careful development of phenotypic assays and their interpretation in a relevant biological context.  相似文献   

The art and design of genetic screens: Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The success of Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism is largely due to the power of forward genetic screens to identify the genes that are involved in a biological process. Traditional screens, such as the Nobel-prize-winning screen for embryonic-patterning mutants, can only identify the earliest phenotype of a mutation. This review describes the ingenious approaches that have been devised to circumvent this problem: modifier screens, for example, have been invaluable for elucidating signal-transduction pathways, whereas clonal screens now make it possible to screen for almost any phenotype in any cell at any stage of development.  相似文献   

This article summarizes general design principles for functional metagenomics. The focus is on Escherichia coli as an expression host, although alternative host-vector systems are discussed in relation to optimizing gene recovery in activity-based screens. Examples of DNA isolation and enrichment approaches, library construction and phenotypic read-out are described with special emphasis on the use of high throughput technologies for rapid isolation of environmental clones encoding phenotypic traits of interest.  相似文献   

Shaham S 《PloS one》2007,2(11):e1117
In genetic screens, the number of mutagenized gametes examined is an important parameter for evaluating screen progress, the number of genes of a given mutable phenotype, gene size, cost, and labor. Since genetic screens often entail examination of thousands or tens of thousands of animals, strategies for optimizing genetics screens are important for minimizing effort while maximizing the number of mutagenized gametes examined. To date, such strategies have not been described for genetic screens in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Here we review general principles of genetic screens in C. elegans, and use a modified binomial strategy to obtain a general expression for the number of mutagenized gametes examined in a genetic screen. We use this expression to calculate optimal screening parameters for a large range of genetic screen types. In addition, we developed a simple online genetic-screen-optimization tool that can be used independently of this paper. Our results demonstrate that choosing the optimal F2-to-F1 screening ratio can significantly improve screen efficiency.  相似文献   

A temperature dependent paralytic mutant of C. elegans was isolated and mapped to be an allele of the cha-1 gene that has been shown to be the structural gene for acetyl-CoA: choline-O-acetyltransferase (EC; ChAT) (Hosono et al., J. Exp. Zool.235, 409–421, 1985; Rand and Russell, Genetics106, 227–248, 1984). In crude extracts from the mutant, ChAT activity was present when assayed at a permissive temperature but not detectable at a temperature that provoked abnormal phenotypes. The mutant ChAT was purified to a specific activity of 2.9 nmol of product min -1 per mg of protein at 10°C and its enzymatic properties were studied by comparison with the wild-type enzyme. The temperaturesensitivity of the mutant ChAT was so remarkable that no activity was detected over 20°C. This inactivation at higher temperature appeared to be partly reversible. The Km values of the mutant enzyme for choline and acetyl-CoA were about twice of those in the wild-type enzyme, but increased 10- to 20-fold in the presence of high salt concentrations. The mutant enzyme was also more sensitive to sulfhydryl reagents. These findings indicate that depending upon changes in the physical environment, the mutant ChAT may lose the normal-conformation leading to inactivation.  相似文献   

Bargmann CI 《Genome biology》2001,2(2):reviews1005.1-reviews10053
Two recent chromosome-wide screens for phenotypes caused by RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) in Caenorhabditis elegans have increased our understanding of essential genes in nematodes. These papers represent a major advance in functional genomics.  相似文献   

Hill KL  Harfe BD  Dobbins CA  L'Hernault SW 《Genetics》2000,155(3):1139-1148
Collagen is an extracellular matrix (ECM) component encoded by a large multigene family in multicellular animals. Procollagen is post-translationally modified by prolyl-4-hydroxylase (EC before secretion and participation in ECM formation. Therefore, collagen processing and regulation can be studied by examining this required interaction of prolyl-4-hydroxylase with procollagen. High-resolution polymorphism mapping was used to place the Caenorhabditis elegans dpy-18 gene on the physical map, and we show that it encodes a prolyl-4-hydroxylase alpha catalytic subunit. The Dpy phenotype of dpy-18(e364) amber mutants is more severe when this mutation is in trans to the noncomplementing deficiency tDf7, while the dpy-18(e499) deletion mutant exhibits the same phenotype as dpy-18(e499)/tDf7. Furthermore, dpy-18 RNA interference (RNAi) in wild-type worms results in Dpy progeny, while dpy-18 (RNAi) in dpy-18(e499) mutants does not alter the Dpy phenotype of their progeny. These observations suggest that the dpy-18 null phenotype is Dpy. A dpy-18::gfp promoter fusion construct is expressed throughout the hypodermis within the cells that abundantly produce the cuticle collagens, as well as in certain head and posterior neurons. While prolyl-4-hydroxylase has been studied extensively by biochemical techniques, this is the first report of a mutationally defined prolyl-4-hydroxylase in any animal.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) was first discovered in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, in which introduction of double-stranded RNA causes specific inactivation of genes with corresponding sequences. Technical advances in RNAi methodology and the availability of the complete genome sequence have enabled the high-throughput, genome-wide RNAi analysis of this organism. Several groups have used large-scale RNAi to systematically examine every C. elegans gene for knock-down phenotypes, providing basal information to be mined in more detailed studies. Now, in addition to functional genomic RNAi analyses, high-throughput RNAi is also routinely used for rapid, genome-wide screens for genes involved in specific biological processes. The integration of high-throughput RNAi experiments with other large-scale data, such as DNA microarrays and protein-protein interaction maps, enhances the speed and reliability of such screens. The accumulation of RNAi phenotype data dramatically accelerates our understanding of this organism at the genetic level.  相似文献   

R K Herman  C K Kari 《Cell》1985,40(3):509-514
We have generated C. elegans animals that carry a duplication as a free chromosome fragment bearing an ace-1+ gene in an otherwise homozygous ace-1 ace-2 genetic background. The single ace-1+ gene in these animals is responsible for coordinated animal movement and acetylcholinesterase activity in the regions of the nerve ring and ventral and dorsal nerve cords, as judged by histochemical assay. We have used other genes on the free duplication whose cell-specific expressions have already been elucidated to identify particular genetic mosaics produced by spontaneous somatic loss of the duplication. The analysis of these mosaics has led us to conclude that the synthesis of acetylcholinesterase by muscle cells is primarily responsible for the coordinated movement conferred by the ace-1+ gene.  相似文献   

Nuclei occupy characteristic positions in most cells. In Caenorhabditis elegans, nuclei can be observed in living animals. Ordinary movements can distort the cells and displace their nuclei, but the extent of displacement is limited and nuclei return to their resting positions when the muscles relax. We have isolated five mutants in which the nuclei of certain epithelial cells are not elastically anchored but float freely within the cytoplasm. These mutations define a single gene, anc1, on linkage group I. Mitochondrial positioning, observed by staining live animals with rhodamine 6G, is also disturbed in these cells. Additional defects, including abnormal tonofilaments and inappropriately positioned desmosomes, have been found by electron microscopy. The anc1 product may be a cytoskeletal component of nematode epithelial cells. Although the Anc1 phenotype is fully expressed in the newly hatched larvae, mutants develop and reproduce normally. Despite mispositioning of organelles, cuticle deposition and moulting are essentially normal. These mutations represent the null phenotype of the gene. At least three independent isolates revert spontaneously at high frequency (10?5 to 10?4). We suggest that anc1 is a member of a family of cytoskeletal genes.  相似文献   

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