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This study examined the influence of spinal cord injury (SCI) onaffected skeletal muscle. The right vastus lateralis muscle wasbiopsied in 12 patients as soon as they were clinically stable (average6 wk after SCI), and 11 and 24 wk after injury. Samples were also takenfrom nine able-bodied controls at two time points 18 wk apart. Surfaceelectrical stimulation (ES) was applied to the left quadriceps femorismuscle to assess fatigue at these same time intervals. Biopsies wereanalyzed for fiber type percent and cross-sectional area (CSA), fibertype-specific succinic dehydrogenase (SDH) and -glycerophosphatedehydrogenase (GPDH) activities, and myosin heavy chainpercent. Controls showed no change in any variable overtime. Patients showed 27-56% atrophy(P = 0.000) of type I, IIa, andIIax+IIx fibers from 6 to 24 wk after injury, resulting in fiber CSAapproximately one-third that of controls. Their fiber type specific SDHand GPDH activities increased (P  0.001) from 32 to 90% over the 18 wk, thereby approaching or surpassing control values. The relative CSA of type I fibers and percentage of myosin heavy chain type I did not change. There wasapparent conversion among type II fiber subtypes; type IIa decreasedand type IIax+IIx increased (P  0.012). Force loss during ES did not change over time for either groupbut was greater (P = 0.000) for SCIpatients than for controls overall (27 vs. 9%). The results indicatethat vastus lateralis muscle shows marked fiber atrophy, no change inthe proportion of type I fibers, and a relative independence ofmetabolic enzyme levels from activation during the first 24 wk afterclinically complete SCI. Over this time, quadriceps femoris muscleshowed moderately greater force loss during ES in patients than incontrols. It is suggested that the predominant response of mixed humanskeletal muscle within 6 mo of SCI is loss of contractile protein.Therapeutic interventions could take advantage of this to increasemuscle mass.


Hunter, Kam D., and John A. Faulkner. Pliometriccontraction-induced injury of mouse skeletal muscle: effect of initial length. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(1):278-283, 1997.For single pliometric (lengthening) contractionsinitiated from optimal fiber length (Lf), the mostimportant factor determining the subsequent force deficit is the workinput during the stretch. We tested the hypothesis that regardless ofthe initial length, the force deficit is primarily a function of thework input. Extensor digitorum longus muscles of mice were maximallyactivated in situ and lengthened at 2 Lf /s from oneof three initial fiber lengths (90, 100, or 120% of Lf) to one ofthree final fiber lengths (150, 160, or 170% of Lf). Maximalisometric force production was assessed before and after the pliometriccontraction. No single mechanical factor, including thework input(r2 = 0.34), was sufficient to explain the differences in force deficits observed among groups. Therefore, the force deficit appears to arisefrom a complex interaction of mechanicalevents. With the data grouped by initial fiber length,the correlation between the average work and the average force deficitwas high(r2 = 0.97-0.99). Consequently, differences in force deficits among groups were best explained on the basis of the initial fiber length andthe work input during the stretch.


Single fibers of rat diaphragm containing different naturally occurring combinations of myofibrillar protein isoforms were used to evaluate the contribution of troponin C (TnC) isoforms to fiber type-related differences with respect to sensitivity to Sr2+ of the contractile system. Mechanically skinned fibers were studied for their isometric force vs. Sr2+ concentration ([Sr2+]) relationships and then analyzed electrophoretically for myofibrillar protein isoform composition. Our data demonstrate that fiber-type differences in Sr2+ dependence of contractile activation processes are primarily determined by the TnC isoform composition, with the slow isoform conferring on average a sevenfold greater sensitivity to Sr2+ than the fast isoform. Moreover, the ratio of TnC isoforms determined functionally from the force-pSr (–log10 [Sr2+]) curves is tightly (r2 = 0.97) positively correlated with that estimated electrophoretically. Together, these results validate the use of Sr2+ activation characteristics to distinguish fibers containing different proportions of fast and slow TnC isoforms and to study the mechanisms by which divalent cations activate the contractile apparatus. We also found that the functionally and electrophoretically determined ratios of TnC isoforms present in a fiber display similar sigmoidal relationships with the ratio of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform types expressed. These relationships 1) offer further insight in the functional and molecular expression of TnC in relation to the molecular expression of MHC isoform types and 2) may provide the basis for predicting sensitivity to Sr2+, TnC, and MHC isoforms in pure and hybrid skeletal muscle fibers. muscle contraction; skeletal muscle; myofibrillar proteins; single fiber; sensitivity to strontium; sensitivity to calcium  相似文献   

We demonstrated that the susceptibility of skeletal muscle to injury from lengthening contractions in the dystrophin-deficient mdx mouse is directly linked with the extent of fiber branching within the muscles and that both parameters increase as the mdx animal ages. We subjected isolated extensor digitorum longus muscles to a lengthening contraction protocol of 15% strain and measured the resulting drop in force production (force deficit). We also examined the morphology of individual muscle fibers. In mdx mice 1–2 mo of age, 17% of muscle fibers were branched, and the force deficit of 7% was not significantly different from that of age-matched littermate controls. In mdx mice 6–7 mo of age, 89% of muscle fibers were branched, and the force deficit of 58% was significantly higher than the 25% force deficit of age-matched littermate controls. These data demonstrated an association between the extent of branching and the greater vulnerability to contraction-induced injury in the older fast-twitch dystrophic muscle. Our findings demonstrate that fiber branching may play a role in the pathogenesis of muscular dystrophy in mdx mice, and this could affect the interpretation of previous studies involving lengthening contractions in this animal. skeletal muscle; mdx mouse; lengthening contraction; Duchenne muscular dystrophy  相似文献   

In this study,we determined the contractile properties of single chemically skinnedfibers prepared from the medial gastrocnemius (MG) and soleus (Sol)muscles of adult male rhesus monkeys and assessed the effects of thespaceflight living facility known as the experiment support primatefacility (ESOP). Muscle biopsies were obtained 4 wk before andimmediately after an 18-day ESOP sit, and fiber type was determined byimmunohistochemical techniques. The MG slow type I fiber wassignificantly smaller than the MG type II, Sol type I, and Sol type IIfibers. The ESOP sit caused a significant reduction in the diameter oftype I and type I/II (hybrid) fibers of Sol and MG type II and hybridfibers but no shift in fiber type distribution. Single-fiber peak force(mN and kN/m2) was similarbetween fiber types and was not significantly different from valuespreviously reported for other species. The ESOP sit significantlyreduced the force (mN) of Sol type I and MG type II fibers. Thisdecline was entirely explained by the atrophy of these fiber typesbecause the force per cross-sectional area (kN/m2) was not altered. Peakpower of Sol and MG fast type II fiber was 5 and 8.5 times that of slowtype I fiber, respectively. The ESOP sit reduced peak power by 25 and18% in Sol type I and MG type II fibers, respectively, and, for theformer fiber type, shifted the force-pCa relationship to the right,increasing the Ca2+ activationthreshold and the free Ca2+concentration, eliciting half-maximal activation. The ESOP sit had noeffect on the maximal shortening velocity(Vo) of anyfiber type. Vo ofthe hybrid fibers was only slightly higher than that of slow type Ifibers. This result supports the hypothesis that in hybrid fibers theslow myosin heavy chain would be expected to have a disproportionatelygreater influence onVo.


Vøllestad, N. K., I. Sejersted, and E. Saugen. Mechanical behavior of skeletal muscle duringintermittent voluntary isometric contractions in humans.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(5):1557-1565, 1997.Changes in contractile speed and force-fusionproperties were examined during repetitive isometric contractions withthe knee extensors at three different target force levels. Sevenhealthy subjects were studied at target force levels of 30, 45, and60% of their maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) force. Repeated 6-s contractions followed by 4-s rest were continued until exhaustion. Contractile speed was determined for contractions elicited by electrical stimulation at 1-50 Hz given during exercise and a subsequent 27-min recovery period. Contraction time remained unchanged during exercise and recovery, except for an initial rapid shift in thetwitch properties. Half relaxation time(RT1/2) decreased gradually by 20-40% during exercise at 30 and 45% of MVC. In the recovery period, RT1/2 values werenot fully restored to preexercise levels. During exercise at 60% MVC,the RT1/2 decreased for twitches and increased for the 50-Hz stimulation. In the recovery period after60% MVC, RT1/2 values declinedtoward those seen after the 30 and 45% MVC exercise. The forceoscillation amplitude in unfused tetani relative to the mean forceincreased during exercise at 30 and 45% MVC but remained unalteredduring the 60% MVC exercise. This altered force-fusion was closelyassociated with the changes inRT1/2. The faster relaxation mayat least partly explain the increased energy cost of contractionreported previously for the same type of exercise.


Van Balkom, Roland H. H., Wen-Zhi Zhan, Y. S. Prakash, P. N. Richard Dekhuijzen, and Gary C. Sieck. Corticosteroid effects on isotonic contractile properties of rat diaphragm muscle. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(4):1062-1067, 1997.The effects of corticosteroids (CS) on diaphragmmuscle (Diam) fiber morphologyand contractile properties were evaluated in three groups of rats:controls (Ctl), surgical sham and weight-matched controls (Sham), andCS-treated (6 mg · kg1 · day1prednisolone at 2.5 ml/h for 3 wk). In the CS-treatedDiam, there was a selectiveatrophy of type IIx and IIb fibers, compared with a generalized atrophyof all fibers in the Sham group. Maximum isometric force was reduced by20% in the CS group compared with both Ctl and Sham. Maximumshortening velocity in the CS Diam was slowed by ~20% compared with Ctl and Sham. Peak power output ofthe CS Diam was only 60% of Ctland 70% of Sham. Endurance to repeated isotonic contractions improvedin the CS-treated Diam comparedwith Ctl. We conclude that the atrophy of type IIx and IIb fibers inthe Diam can only partiallyaccount for the CS-induced changes in isotonic contractile properties.Other factors such as reduced myofibrillar density or alteredcross-bridge cycling kinetics are also likely to contribute to theeffects of CS treatment.


Intracellular injections of the calcium-binding agent, EGTA,into single cannulated fibers of Balanus and Maia were ableto suppress, almost completely, the contractions induced byvarious contractile agents. The amount oE EGTA required in Maia fibers for the suppressionof the contractile response produced by caffeine and high-Ksaline, as has already been reported, was similar to the meanfiber calcium level. In Balanus fibers, however, although theamount of EGTA needed for the suppression of the caffeine-salineresponse was similar to the estimated level of fiber calcium,the amount required in the raised-K-saline experiments was considerablygreater. It has been suggested that membrane depolarizationunder these conditions allows calcium to enter the fiber fromthe external saline, the amount entering being related, at leastin part, to a large effective sarcolemmal surface area and thepresence of binding agent internally. The results of intracellularand plate-electrode stimulation of Belanus fibers also suggestedthat the fiber under certain conditions could utilize externalcalcium ions, while the results of plate-electrode stimulationof Maia fibers could be explained most easily in terms of mobilizationof mainly intracellular calcium for the process of contraction. Efflux of Sr89 ions from Balanus fibers under various conditionssuggested that this ion is bound and mobilized internally ina manner similar to calcium. The results are seen not to contradict a chanelled-current theoryfor e-c coupling of the type proposed for crayfish fibers.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were first to determine the effect of temperature on the force loss that results from eccentric contractions in mouse extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles and then to evaluate a potential role for altered Ca(2+) homeostasis explaining the greater isometric force loss observed at the higher temperatures. Isolated muscles performed five eccentric or five isometric contractions at either 15, 20, 25, 30, 33.5, or 37 degrees C. Isometric force loss, caffeine-induced force, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) release, muscle accumulation of (45)Ca(2+) from the bathing medium, sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) uptake, and resting muscle fiber free cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) were measured. The isometric force loss after eccentric contractions increased progressively as temperature rose; at 15 degrees C, there was no significant loss of force, but at 37 degrees C, there was a 30-39% loss of force. After eccentric contractions, caffeine-induced force was not affected by temperature nor was it different from that of control muscles at any temperature. Loss of cell membrane integrity and subsequent influx of extracellular Ca(2+) as indicated by LDH release and muscle (45)Ca(2+) accumulation, respectively, were minimal over the 15-25 degrees C range, but both increased as an exponential function of temperature between 30 and 37 degrees C. SR Ca(2+) uptake showed no impairment as temperature increased, and the eccentric contraction-induced rise in resting fiber [Ca(2+)](i) was unaffected by temperature over the 15-25 degrees C range. In conclusion, the isometric force loss after eccentric contractions is temperature dependent, but the temperature dependency does not appear to be readily explainable by alterations in Ca(2+) homeostasis.  相似文献   

Behm, D. G., and D. M. M. St-Pierre. Effects of fatigueduration and muscle type on voluntary and evoked contractile properties. J. Appl. Physiol. 82(5):1654-1661, 1997.The effects of fatigue duration and muscle typeon voluntary and evoked contractile properties were investigated withan isometric, intermittent, submaximal fatigue protocol. Four groupsperformed contractions of the plantar flexors and quadriceps at variousintensities to produce long (LDF; 19 min 30 s)- and short-durationfatigue (SDF; 4 min 17 s). The LDF group had a significantly greaterdecrease in muscle activation than did the SDF group (12 vs. 5.8%)during recovery, although there was no difference in the impairment of maximum voluntary contraction force beyond 30 s of recovery. The significant decrease in the compound muscle action potential of the LDFgroup (M-wave amplitude; 14.7%) contrasted with the M-wave potentiation of the SDF group (15.7%), suggesting changes in membrane excitation may affect LDF. The quadriceps group performing contractions at 50% MVC experienced a smaller decrease in agonist electromyograph activity than did other groups, indicating both muscle and fatigue duration specificity. Impairments in excitation-contraction coupling were indicated by changes in quadriceps peak twitch and time to peaktwitch while decreases in PF M-wave amplitudes suggested a disruptionof membrane potentials. Results suggest that fatigue mechanisms may beduration (activation, half relaxation time) or muscle specific(electromyograph, twitch torque) or a combination of both (M wave, timeto peak twitch torque).


Prolonged inactivity associated with bed rest in a clinical setting or spaceflight is frequently associated with hypercortisolemia and inadequate caloric intake. Here, we determined the effect of 28 days of bed rest (BR); bed rest plus hypercortisolemia (BRHC); and bed rest plus essential amino acid (AA) and carbohydrate (CHO) supplement (BRAA) on the size and function of single slow- and fast-twitch muscle fibers. Supplementing meals, the BRAA group consumed 16.5 g essential amino acids and 30 g sucrose at 1100, 1600, and 2100 h, and the BRHC subjects received 5 daily doses of 10–15 mg of oral hydrocortisone sodium succinate throughout bed rest. Bed rest induced atrophy and loss of force (mN) and power (µN·FL·s–1) in single fibers was exacerbated by hypercortisolemia where soleus peak force declined by 23% in the type I fiber from a prevalue of 0.78 ± 0.02 to 0.60 ± 0.02 mN post bed rest (compared to a 7% decline with bed rest alone) and 27% in the type II fiber (1.10 ± 0.08 vs. 0.81 ± 0.05 mN). In the BRHC group, peak power dropped by 19, 15, and 11% in the soleus type I, and vastus lateralis (VL) type I and II fibers, respectively. The AA/CHO supplement protected against the bed rest-induced loss of peak force in the type I soleus and peak power in the VL type II fibers. These results provide evidence that an AA/CHO supplement might serve as a successful countermeasure to help preserve muscle function during periods of relative inactivity. isotonic contractile properties; peak force and power; calcium sensitivity; essential amino acids  相似文献   

The objectives of this research were to determine thecontribution of excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling failure to the decrement in maximal isometric tetanic force(Po) in mouse extensor digitorumlongus (EDL) muscles after eccentric contractions and to elucidatepossible mechanisms. The left anterior crural muscles of femaleICR mice (n = 164) wereinjured in vivo with 150 eccentric contractions.Po, caffeine-,4-chloro-m-cresol-, andK+-induced contracture forces,sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+release and uptake rates, and intracellularCa2+ concentration([Ca2+]i)were then measured in vitro in injured and contralateral control EDLmuscles at various times after injury up to 14 days. On the basis ofthe disproportional reduction inPo (~51%) compared with caffeine-induced force (~11-21%), we estimate that E-C coupling failure can explain 57-75% of thePo decrement from 0 to 5 days postinjury. Comparable reductions inPo andK+-induced force (51%), and minorreductions (0-6%) in the maximal SRCa2+ release rate, suggest thatthe E-C coupling defect site is located at the t tubule-SR interfaceimmediately after injury. Confocal laser scanning microscopy indicatedthat resting[Ca2+]iwas elevated and peak tetanic[Ca2+]iwas reduced, whereas peak4-chloro-m-cresol-induced[Ca2+]iwas unchanged immediately after injury. By 3 days postinjury, 4-chloro-m-cresol-induced[Ca2+]ibecame depressed, probably because of decreased SRCa2+ release and uptake rates(17-31%). These data indicate that the decrease inPo during the first several daysafter injury primarily stems from a failure in the E-C couplingprocess.


Programmed cell death (PCD) is a fundamental component of development in virtually all animals. Despite the ubiquity of this phenomenon, little is known about what tells a cell to die, and less still about the physiological and molecular mechanisms that bring about death. One system that has proven to be very amenable for the study of PCD is the intersegmental muscle (ISM) of the tobacco hawkmoth Manduca sexta. These giant muscle cells are used during the eclosion (emergence) behavior of the adult moth, and then die during the subsequent 30 h. This review uses the ISMs as a model system to address questions that are basic to any cell death system, including the following: (1) how do cells know when to die; (2) what physiological changes accompany death; (3) what are the molecular mechanisms that mediate death; and (4) do all cells die by the same process? For the ISMs, the trigger for PCD is a decline in the circulating titer of the insect molting hormone, 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE). During cell death there are rapid decreases in both the myofibrillar sensitivity to intracellular calcium and the resulting force of fiber contraction. The ability of the ISMs to under go PCD requires the repression and activation of specific genes. Two of the repressed genes encode actin and myosin. One of the upregulated presumptive cell-death genes encodes polyubiquitin, which appears to play a critical role in the rapid proteolysis that accompanies ISM death. One curious aspect of ISM death is that these cells display none of the features that are characteristic of apoptosis, suggesting that they may die by a fundamentally different mechanism. © 1992 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A new imageanalysis-based technique was used to quantitatively examine the effectsof the "Ca2+-jump"activation protocol on the maintenance of fiber quality in skinnedrabbit psoas muscle fiber segments. Specifically, contractions in pCa4.6 were preceded by short-duration "preactivation" soaks in asolution in which EGTA was replaced with thelow-Ca2+ buffering capacity analoghexamethylenediamine-N, N, N', N'-tetraacetate, which facilitated rapid Ca2+equilibration within the fiber segments. Fiber quality was assessed byexamining the Fourier spectra of the muscle fiber images before, during, and after activation. Segment lengths were typically below 500 µm, thus allowing the majority of the sarcomeres to be visualized inthe field of view (×200 and ×400 magnification). Thepreactivation protocol resulted in less deterioration of fiber qualitywith repetitive activation. In addition, there was also a significant reduction in the time required to reach the 50% level of maximum tension, with no significant change in the maximum tension level.


Electrophoretic analyses of muscle proteins in whole musclehomogenates and single muscle fiber segments were used to examine myosin heavy chain (MHC) and myosin light chain 2 (MLC2) isoform composition and fiber type populations in soleus muscles from spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) and their age-matchednormotensive controls [Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats], at threestages in the development of high blood pressure (4 wk, 16 wk, and 24 wk of age). Demembranated (chemically skinned with 2% Triton X-100),single fiber preparations were used to determine the maximumCa2+-activated force percross-sectional area, calcium sensitivity, and degree of cooperativityof the contractile apparatus andCa2+-regulatory system withrespect to Ca2+. The results showthat, at all ages examined, 1) SHRsoleus contained a lower proportion of MHCI and MLC2 slow (MLC2s) and ahigher proportion of MHCIIa, MHCIId/x, and MLC2 fast (MLC2f )isoforms than the age-matched controls;2) random dissection of single fibers from SHR and WKY soleus produced four populations of fibers: type I (expressing MHCI), type IIA (expressing MHCIIa), hybrid typeI+IIA (coexpressing MHCI and MHCIIa), and hybrid type IIA+IID (coexpressing MHCIIa and MHCIId/x); and3) single fiber dissection from SHRsoleus yielded a lower proportion of type I fibers, a higher proportionof fast-twitch fibers (types IIA and IIA+IID), and a higher proportionof hybrid fibers (types I+IIA and IIA+IID) than the homologous musclesfrom the age-matched WKY rats. Because the presence of hybrid fibers isviewed as a marker of muscle transformation, these data suggest thatSHR soleus undergoes transformation well into adulthood. Our data showalso that, for a given fiber type, there are no significant differencesbetween SHR and WKY soleus muscles with respect to any of theCa2+-activation propertiesexamined. This finding indicates that the lower specific tensionsreported in the literature for SHR soleus muscles are not due tostrain- or hypertension-related differences in the function of thecontractile apparatus or regulatory system.  相似文献   

During a voluntary contraction, motor units (MUs) fire a train of action potentials, causing summation of the twitch forces, resulting in fused or unfused tetanus. Twitches have been important in studying whole-muscle contractile properties and differentiation between MU types. However, there are still knowledge gaps concerning the voluntary force generation mechanisms. Current methods rely on the spike-triggered averaging technique, which cannot track changes in successive twitches’ properties in response to individual neural firings. This study proposes a method that estimates successive twitches contractile parameters of single MUs during low force voluntary isometric contractions in human biceps brachii. We used a previously developed ultrafast ultrasound imaging method to estimate unfused tetanic activity signals of single MUs. A twitch decomposition model was used to decompose unfused tetanic activity signals into individual twitches. This study found that the contractile parameters varied within and across MUs. There was an association between the inter-spike interval and the contraction time (r = 0.49, p < 0.001) and the half-relaxation time (r = 0.58, p < 0.001), respectively. The method shows the proof-of-concept to study MU contractile properties of individual twitches in vivo, which can provide further insights into the force generation mechanisms of voluntary contractions and response to individual neural discharges.  相似文献   

We used a reconstituted fiber formed when 3T3fibroblasts are grown in collagen to characterize nonmusclecontractility and Ca2+ signaling. Calf serum (CS) andthrombin elicited reversible contractures repeatable for >8 h. CSelicited dose-dependent increases in isometric force; 30% produced thelargest forces of 106 ± 12 µN (n = 30), whichis estimated to be 0.5 mN/mm2 cell cross-sectionalarea. Half times for contraction and relaxation were 4.7 ± 0.3 and 3.1 ± 0.3 min at 37°C. With imposition of constant shortening velocities, force declined with time, yieldingtime-dependent force-velocity relations. Forces at 5 s fit thehyperbolic Hill equation; maximum velocity(Vmax) was 0.035 ± 0.002 Lo/s.Compliance averaged 0.0076 ± 0.0006 Lo/Fo. Disruption of microtubules with nocodazole in a CS-contracted fiber had no net effects on force, Vmax, or stiffness; force increased in 8, butdecreased in 13, fibers. Nocodazole did not affect baselineintracellular Ca2+ concentration([Ca2+]i) but reduced (~30%) the[Ca2+]i response to CS. The force afternocodazole treatment was the primary determinant of stiffness andVmax, suggesting that microtubules were not amajor component of fiber internal mechanical resistance. Cytochalasin Dhad major inhibitory effects on all contractile parameters measured butlittle effect on [Ca2+]i.


Resistance to theanabolic effects of growth hormone (GH) occurs with severe caloricdeficit. This study examined whether moderate caloric deficit (50% ofdaily intake for 7 days) in the adolescent rat exceeds a criticalthreshold for GH action and whether a combination of GH andinsulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) would have enhanced anaboliceffects on the diaphragm (Dia). Five groups of rats (4 wk old) werestudied: 1) control (Ctl),2) nutritionally deprived (ND),3) ND + GH,4) ND + IGF-I, and5) ND + GH + IGF-I. IGF-I was givenby continuous infusion (200 µg/day). GH was injected subcutaneously(250 µg every 12 h). Contractile and fatigue properties of the Diawere determined in vitro. Quantitative histochemical methods were usedto determine Dia fiber type proportions, cross-sectional areas, andsuccinate dehydrogenase activities. The body weight of Ctl ratsincreased 46% compared with 7% in ND animals, whereas that of ND ratsreceiving growth factors was intermediate. Serum IGF-I levels werereduced 54% in ND animals and maintained with the provision of growthfactors. Dia fatigue resistance was improved in ND animals receivinggrowth factors. There were no differences in Dia contractileproperties, fiber type proportions, or succinate dehydrogenaseactivities across groups. ND resulted in atrophy/growth arrest of allDia fibers (20-32%) compared with Ctl. Administration of IGF-Iand/or GH completely prevented atrophy/growth arrest of all Diafibers. No additive or synergistic effects were noted. We propose thatthese growth factors may provide useful short-term adjunctivenutritional support in circumstances in which the provision of optimalnutrition may be delayed or inadequate.


The effects of1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraaceticacid (BAPTA) on force and intracellularCa2+ transient were studied duringisometric twitches and tetanuses in single frog muscle fibers. BAPTAwas added to the bathing solution in its permeant AM form (50 and 100 µM). There was no clear correlation between the changes in force andthe changes in Ca2+ transient.Thus during twitch stimulation BAPTA did not suppress theCa2+ transient until the force hadbeen reduced to <50% of its control value. At the same time, thepeak myoplasmic free Ca2+concentration reached during tetanic stimulation was markedly increased, whereas the force was slightlyreduced by BAPTA. The effects of BAPTA were not duplicated by usinganother Ca2+ chelator, EGTA,indicating that BAPTA may act differently as aCa2+ chelator. Stiffnessmeasurements suggest that the decrease in mechanical performance in thepresence of BAPTA is attributable to a reduced number of active crossbridges. The results could mean that BAPTA, under the conditions used,inhibits the binding of Ca2+ totroponin C resulting in a reduced state of activation of the contractile system.


The neural message is known to play a key role in muscle development and function. We analyzed the specific role of the afferent message on the functional regulation of two subcellular muscle components involved in the contractile mechanism: the contractile proteins and the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). Rats were submitted to bilateral deafferentation (DEAF group) by section of the dorsal roots L(3) to L(5) after laminectomy. Experiments were carried out in single skinned fibers of the soleus muscle. The maximal force developed by the contractile proteins was increased in the DEAF group compared with control, despite a decrease in muscle mass by 17%. The tension-pCa relationship was shifted toward lower calcium (Ca(2+)) concentrations. Different functional properties of the SR of DEAF soleus were examined by using caffeine-induced contractions. The caffeine sensitivity of the Ca(2+) release was decreased after deafferentation and ryanodine receptor 1 isoform was expressed at a lower level. The rate of Ca(2+) uptake was only slightly increased. The results underlined the dual effect of the afferent input on the functional regulation of both contractile proteins and SR.  相似文献   

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