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Taxol is the most effective antitumor agent developed in the past three decades. It has been used for effective treatment of a variety of cancers. A taxol-producing endophytic fungus Pestalotiopsis pauciseta (strain CHP-11) was isolated from the leaves of Cardiospermum helicacabum and screened for taxol production. The fungus was identified based on the morphology of the fungal culture and the characteristics of the spores and screened for taxol production. The amount of taxol produced by this endophytic fungus was quantified by HPLC and it produced 113.3 mg/L, thus the fungus can serve as a potential material for fungus engineering to improve taxol production. This fungal taxol also had strong anticancer activity against some cancer cells viz., BT 220, H116, Int 407, HL 251 and HLK 210 tested by Apoptotic assay and it is indicated that with the increase of taxol concentration from 0.005–0.05 mmol/L, taxol induced increased cell death through apoptosis.  相似文献   

Csintalan  Z.  Tuba  Z.  Takács  Z.  Laitat  E. 《Photosynthetica》2001,39(2):317-320
Chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (Fv/Fm, RFd) of nine bryophyte and one lichen species were investigated after prolonged exposure to elevated UV-B radiation. The majority of the investigated bryophytes showed a prompt or inducible tolerance to increase UV-B irradiation. Among the investigated species high degree of UV-tolerance coincides with strong desiccation tolerance.  相似文献   

植物响应UV-B辐射的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈慧泽  韩榕 《植物学报》2015,50(6):790-801
地表UV-B辐射的增强对植物的生长生理产生了多方面影响。随着研究的不断深入, 人们认识到UV-B辐射不仅是一种胁迫因子, 而且是一个重要的信号调节分子。该文论述了近年来植物响应UV-B辐射研究的一系列成果, 包括UV-B辐射对植物形态建成、生理代谢、UV-B光受体UVR8蛋白、细胞程序性死亡、细胞骨架和细胞周期的影响, 及其它因素与UV-B复合处理对植物的作用; 并对植物响应UV-B辐射研究进行了望。  相似文献   

以中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统定位站自然生长的麻花艽(Gentiana straminea Maxim.)为材料,进行了不同月份和草盛期不同天数的短期增补和过滤UV-B辐射试验,比较分析叶片光合色素含量和叶片厚度等的变化.结果表明:(1)生长季内麻花艽叶片叶绿素a+b含量呈波动变化的趋势,7月份含量均较高;草盛期不同天数处理时,UV-B辐射对麻花艽叶片叶绿素a+b含量的影响不大.(2)生长季内麻花艽叶片类胡萝卜素含量也是7月份较高,短期增补UV-B辐射有降低其含量的趋势.(3)增加UV-B辐射能够降低Chl a/b值;自然UV-B辐射下Car/Chl比值能维持一个较高水平,是对强辐射的适应.(4)随处理时间延长,麻花艽叶片厚度有降低趋势,其叶缘出现一些发黄、变黑、变透明等受害症状,叶片能通过增加叶片厚度来适应增强的UV-B辐射.可见,生长于高海拔地区的植物麻花艽虽然对UV-B辐射表现出诸多的生理适应特性,但依然不可避免地受到其损伤.  相似文献   

Kreslavski  V.D.  Balakhnina  T.I.  Khristin  M.S.  Bukhov  N.G. 《Photosynthetica》2001,39(3):363-368
Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Berbukskaya) seedlings were pre-treated with choline compounds, 19 mM 2-ethyltrimethylammonium chloride (Ch) or 1.6 mM 2-chloroethyltrimethylammonium chloride (CCh), during 24 h, then after 6 d the excised primary leaves were exposed to UV-B and high temperature stress. Chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence, delayed light emission, accumulation of photosynthetic pigments, contents of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, and activities of the active oxygen detoxifying enzymes (superoxide dismutase, ascorbate peroxidase, and glutathione reductase) were examined. Pre-treatment of plants with Ch or CCh enhanced the resistance of photosystem 2 (PS2) photochemistry to UV-B and heat injuries. The higher stress resistance can be explained by the increased activity of the detoxifying enzymes. The increased content of UV-B-absorbing pigments may also contribute to the enhanced resistance of choline-treated plants to UV-B radiation.  相似文献   

Mycosphaerella ascophylli Cotton, a fungal endosymbiont in the thallus of the marine brown alga, Ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol., was brought into axenic culture. Most of its nutritional requirements proved to be similar to those characteristic of marine saprophytic fungi: growth optimum at pH 7 to 8, good growth only with a high concentration of NaCl, ability to utilize nitrate as a nitrogen source and glucose, galactose and mannose as carbon sources. The fungus was more specifically characterized by a low temperature optimum (20°C, or lower), a requirement for both thiamin and biotin, and inability to metabolize xylose and fructose.  相似文献   

When studying the effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiationon plants, a good measure of UV-B sensitivity is a decreasein dry weight, since this reflects the cumulative effect ofmany small disruptions in plant function. Measurements of chlorophyllconcentration and the level of UV-absorbing compounds are alsoused to gauge plant health during and after UV-B exposure. Whena variety of vegetable crop plants were screened for UV-tolerance,it was found that the levels of chlorophyll and UV-absorbingcompounds did not correlate with sensitivity. Biomass accumulationwas, however, correlated with UV-sensitivity; plants that accumulatedmore biomass over a 2-week period were more likely to be UV-Bsensitive. This suggests that a rapid growth rate renders plantsmore sensitive to the injurious effects of UV-B radiation. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company UV-B radiation, UV-absorbing compounds, chlorophyll, biomass production, UV-B sensitivity, Capsicum frutescens,Cucurbita pepo , Chicorium endivia, Lactuca sativa, Phaseolus vulgaris, Solanum melongena, Spinacia oleracea, Sinapis alba  相似文献   

促进黄花蒿发根青蒿素合成的内生真菌诱导子的制备   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用酸解法对黄花蒿(ArtemisiaannuaL.)内生胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichumgloeosporioides)菌丝体进行提取,在黄花蒿发根培养系统中比较了各制备提取物的青蒿素诱导活性。活性提取物经过SephadexG25层析后,部分纯化的内生菌寡糖提取物(MW<2500)可显著促进发根青蒿素的合成,培养23d的发根经诱导子(0.4mg/mL)处理4d后,青蒿素产量可达13.51mg/L,比同期对照产量提高51.63%,诱导作用与诱导子浓度、作用时间相关。内生菌寡糖诱导子的制备和使用,在青蒿素生物技术生产研究中为首次应用。  相似文献   

The effects of heat shock (HS); UV-B irradiation; and the consecutive action of these factors on the growth, development, and water supply of seven-day-old melon (Melo sativusSager., cv. Torpeda) seedlings were investigated. Depending on the HS severity, we observed growth stimulation (after treatment at 45°C for 1 h), growth retardation (after treatment at 45°C for 2 h or at 48°C for 1 h), or complete growth inhibition and cell death (after treatment at 45°C for 3 h or at 55°C for 1 h). UV-B irradiation (18.3 kJ/(m2h)), depending on its duration, stimulated (5–10 min), retarded (60 min), or resulted in complete growth inhibition and plant death (90 min). HS treatment (at 45°C for 1 h) prior to UV-B irradiation (for 1 h) favorably affected both the growth and water balance of seedlings. Apparently, the HS pretreatment increases the tolerance of seedlings to high doses of UV-B radiation.  相似文献   

The future capacity of forest ecosystems to sequester atmospheric carbon is likely to be influenced by CO2-mediated shifts in nutrient cycling through changes in litter chemistry, and by interactions with pollutants like O3. We evaluated the independent and interactive effects of elevated CO2 (560 μl l−1) and O3 (55 nl l l−1) on leaf litter decomposition in trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) and paper birch (Betula papyrifera) at the Aspen free air CO2 enrichment (FACE) site (Wisconsin, USA). Fumigation treatments consisted of replicated ambient, +CO2, +O3, and +CO2 + O3 FACE rings. We followed mass loss and litter chemistry over 23 months, using reciprocally transplanted litterbags to separate substrate quality from environment effects. Aspen decayed more slowly than birch across all treatment conditions, and changes in decomposition dynamics of both species were driven by shifts in substrate quality rather than by fumigation environment. Aspen litter produced under elevated CO2 decayed more slowly than litter produced under ambient CO2, and this effect was exacerbated by elevated O3. Similarly, birch litter produced under elevated CO2 also decayed more slowly than litter produced under ambient CO2. In contrast to results for aspen, however, elevated O3 accelerated birch decay under ambient CO2, but decelerated decay under enriched CO2. Changes in decomposition rates (k-values) were due to CO2- and O3-mediated shifts in litter quality, particularly levels of carbohydrates, nitrogen, and tannins. These results suggest that in early-successional forests of the future, elevated concentrations of CO2 will likely reduce leaf litter decomposition, although the magnitude of effect will vary among species and in response to interactions with tropospheric O3.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology - The participation of ethylene signaling pathway (SPE) and polyamine spermine in the regulation of ABA accumulation during adaptation of Arabidopsis...  相似文献   

Translocation of 14C-photosynthates to mycorrhizal (+ +), half mycorrhizal (0+), and nonmycorrhizal (00) split-root systems was compared to P accumulation in leaves of the host plant. Carrizo citrange seedlings (Poncirus trifoliata [L.] Raf. × Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck) were inoculated with the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices Schenck and Smith. Plants were exposed to 14 CO2 for 10 minutes and ambient air for 2 hours. Three to 4% of recently labeled photosynthate was allocated to metabolism of the mycorrhiza in each inoculated root half independent of shoot P concentration, growth response, and whether one or both root halves were colonized. Nonmycorrhizal roots respired more of the label translocated to them than did mycorrhizal roots. Label recovered in the potting medium due to exudation or transport into extraradical hyphae was 5 to 6 times greater for (+ +) versus (00) plants. In low nutrient media, roots of (0+) and (+ +) plants transported more P to leaves per root weight than roots of (00) plants. However, when C translocated to roots utilized for respiration, exudation, etc., as well as growth is considered, (00) plant roots were at least as efficient at P uptake (benefit) per C utilized (cost) as (0+) and (+ +) plants. Root systems of (+ +) plants did not supply more P to leaves than (0+) plants in higher nutrient media, yet they still allocated twice the 14C-photosynthate to the mycorrhiza as did (0+) root systems. This indicates there is an optimal level of mycorrhizal colonization above which the plant receives no enhanced P uptake yet continues to partition photosynthates to metabolism of the mycorrhiza.  相似文献   

Terrestrial plant species vary widely in their adaptation to (increasing) solar UV-B radiation. Among the various responses of higher plants to enhanced UV-B are increasing leaf thickness and increasing concentrations of UV-B absorbing compounds. In some (UV-B resistant) plant species increased leaf thickness and UV-B absorbance may form part of mechanisms protecting plants from UV-B damage. However, in UV-B sensitive plant species leaf thickness and UV-B absorbance may increase as well with enhanced UV-B radiation. In the latter case however, this response cannot prevent plant damage and disturbance. In the present field study the relationship between these plant parameters and a natural elevational UV-B gradient on the tropical island of Jamaica was described. Four plant species of the Blue Mountain Tropical Montane Forest, occurring on open forest sites along the roadside and paths were studied along an elevational gradient. Plant species studied are Redbush (Polygonum chinense), Wild ginger (Hedychium gardneranum), John Crow Bush (Bocconia frutescens) and White clover (Trifolium repens). The elevational sites were at 800, 1000, 1200, 1400 and 1600 m above sea level. Leaf thickness was measured of leaves of intact plants around midday in the field. Leaf disks (5 mm) were sampled and extracted with a methanol/HCl mixture. UV-B absorption of these leaf extracts was measured spectrophotometrically. For all species leaves from higher elevations were thicker than those from lower elevations. In addition, the absorption of UV-B of leaf extracts increased with increasing elevations. It is assumed that the calculated gradient of the UV-BBE from 800 m above sea level: 9.45 kJ m-2 day-1 to 9.75 kJ m-2 day-1 at 1600 m is related to the measured increase of leaf thickness and UV-B absorbing compounds. The responsiveness of these plant parameters to the elevational gradient does not necessarily imply that the plant species are UV-B resistant. One possibility is that the species studied, which are growing on open, disturbed sites on the forest floor and along mountain-roads, are relatively sensitive to UV-B. In addition to clear sky conditions, mist and clouds occur frequently in this tropical mountane forest at Jamaica. Also, the low nutrient status of the soil (low pH, nutrient deficiency) and the high content of polyphenols in leaves of many plant species of the tropical montane rain forest may relate to the marked response of the species studied with increasing elevation. Abbreviations: asl – above sealevel, UV-B – ultraviolet-B radiation (280–320 nm), TMCF – Tropical Montane Cloud Forest.  相似文献   

The fungus Cryptococcus neoformans possesses a polysaccharide capsule and can form biofilms on medical devices. We describe the characteristics of C. neoformans biofilm development using a microtiter plate model, microscopic examinations, and a colorimetric 2,3-bis(2-methoxy-4-nitro-5-sulfophenyl)-5-[(phenylamino) carbonyl]-2H-tetrazolium-hydroxide (XTT) reduction assay to observe the metabolic activity of cryptococci within a biofilm. A strong correlation between XTT and CFU assays was demonstrated. Chemical analysis of the exopolymeric material revealed sugar composition consisting predominantly of xylose, mannose, and glucose, indicating the presence of other polysaccharides in addition to glucurunoxylomannan. Biofilm formation was affected by surface support differences, conditioning films on the surface, characteristics of the medium, and properties of the microbial cell. A specific antibody to the capsular polysaccharide of this fungus was used to stain the extracellular polysaccharide matrix of the fungal biofilms using light and confocal microscopy. Additionally, the susceptibility of C. neoformans biofilms and planktonic cells to environmental stress was investigated using XTT reduction and CFU assays. Biofilms were less susceptible to heat, cold, and UV light exposition than their planktonic counterparts. Our findings demonstrate that fungal biofilm formation is dependent on support surface characteristics and that growth in the biofilm state makes fungal cells less susceptible to potential environmental stresses.  相似文献   

Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a deadly cancer that possesses an intrinsic resistance to pro-apoptotic insults, such as conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and diffusely invades the brain parenchyma, which renders it elusive to total surgical resection. We found that fusicoccin A, a fungal metabolite from Fusicoccum amygdali, decreased the proliferation and migration of human GBM cell lines in vitro, including several cell lines that exhibit varying degrees of resistance to pro-apoptotic stimuli. The data demonstrate that fusicoccin A inhibits GBM cell proliferation by decreasing growth rates and increasing the duration of cell division and also decreases two-dimensional (measured by quantitative video microscopy) and three-dimensional (measured by Boyden chamber assays) migration. These effects of fusicoccin A treatment translated into structural changes in actin cytoskeletal organization and a loss of GBM cell adhesion. Therefore, fusicoccin A exerts cytostatic effects but low cytotoxic effects (as demonstrated by flow cytometry). These cytostatic effects can partly be explained by the fact that fusicoccin inhibits the activities of a dozen kinases, including focal adhesion kinase (FAK), that have been implicated in cell proliferation and migration. Overexpression of FAK, a nonreceptor protein tyrosine kinase, directly correlates with the invasive phenotype of aggressive human gliomas because FAK promotes cell proliferation and migration. Fusicoccin A led to the down-regulation of FAK tyrosine phosphorylation, which occurred in both normoxic and hypoxic GBM cell culture conditions. In conclusion, the current study identifies a novel compound that could be used as a chemical template for generating cytostatic compounds designed to combat GBM.  相似文献   

Spores of Bacillus subtilis possess a thick protein coat that consists of an electron-dense outer coat layer and a lamellalike inner coat layer. The spore coat has been shown to confer resistance to lysozyme and other sporicidal substances. In this study, spore coat-defective mutants of B. subtilis (containing the gerE36 and/or cotE::cat mutation) were used to study the relative contributions of spore coat layers to spore resistance to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and various artificial and solar UV treatments. Spores of strains carrying mutations in gerE and/or cotE were very sensitive to lysozyme and to 5% H2O2, as were chemically decoated spores of the wild-type parental strain. Spores of all coat-defective strains were as resistant to 254-nm UV-C radiation as wild-type spores were. Spores possessing the gerE36 mutation were significantly more sensitive to artificial UV-B and solar UV radiation than wild-type spores were. In contrast, spores of strains possessing the cotE::cat mutation were significantly more resistant to all of the UV treatments used than wild-type spores were. Spores of strains carrying both the gerE36 and cotE::cat mutations behaved like gerE36 mutant spores. Our results indicate that the spore coat, particularly the inner coat layer, plays a role in spore resistance to environmentally relevant UV wavelengths.  相似文献   

在CO2浓度分别为当今CO2浓度(360 mL/L)和加富浓度(5 000 mL/L)条件下,研究了UV-B胁迫对亚心形扁藻(Platymonas subcordiformis (Wille) Hazen)的光合作用、膜脂过氧化和抗氧化酶活性的影响。实验结果表明:(1) UV-B单独作用下,亚心形扁藻的干重、光合速率、叶绿素a (Chl a)和类胡萝卜素(Car.)含量显著降低,CO2加富单独作用下,亚心形扁藻的干重和光合速率显著升高,叶绿素a和类胡萝卜素含量与对照相比没有显著变化,而UV-B与CO2共同作用则使亚心形扁藻的干重和光合速率与对照相比没有显著变化,叶绿素a和类胡萝卜素含量显著降低。(2) UV-B单独作用和CO2加富单独作用都使可溶性蛋白含量显著降低,UV-B与CO2共同作用下的可溶性蛋白含量比UV-B单独作用的要高。高CO2对藻的可溶性蛋白含量的变化在很大程度上归因于Rubisco蛋白的降低。(3)UV-B单独作用下,O2-. 产生速率、H2O2 含量和MDA含量显著升高,而CO2加富单独作用下,O2-. 产生速率、H2O2 含量和MDA含量显著降低,与UV-B单独作用相比,UV-B与CO2共同作用使O2-. 产生速率、H2O2 含量和MDA含量显著降低。说明CO2加富可以减少活性氧对亚心形扁藻的氧化胁迫,同时减少UV-B对亚心形扁藻的膜脂过氧化伤害。(4) UV-B单独作用下,SOD、POD、CAT、GR和GPX活性显著升高,高CO2  相似文献   

在CO2浓度分别为当今CO2浓度(360 μL/L)和加富浓度(5 000 μL/L)条件下,研究了UV-B胁迫对亚心形扁藻(Platymonas subcordiformis(Wille)Hazen)的光合作用、膜脂过氧化和抗氧化酶活性的影响.实验结果表明:(1)UV-B单独作用下,亚心形扁藻的干重、光合速率、叶绿素a(Chl a)和类胡萝卜素(Car.)含量显著降低,CO2加富单独作用下,亚心形扁藻的干重和光合速率显著升高,叶绿素a和类胡萝卜素含量与对照相比没有显著变化,而UV-B与CO2共同作用则使亚心形扁藻的干重和光合速率与对照相比没有显著变化,叶绿素a和类胡萝卜素含量显著降低.(2)UV-B单独作用和CO2加富单独作用都使可溶性蛋白含量显著降低,UV-B与CO2共同作用下的可溶性蛋白含量比UV-B单独作用的要高.高CO2对藻的可溶性蛋白含量的变化在很大程度上归因于Rubisco蛋白的降低.(3)UV-B单独作用下,O-.2产生速率、H2O2含量和MDA含量显著升高,而CO2加富单独作用下,O-.2产生速率、H2O2含量和MDA含量显著降低,与UV-B单独作用相比,UV-B与CO2共同作用使O-.2产生速率、H2O2含量和MDA含量显著降低.说明CO2加富可以减少活性氧对亚心形扁藻的氧化胁迫,同时减少UV-B对亚心形扁藻的膜脂过氧化伤害.(4)UV-B单独作用下,SOD、POD、CAT、GR和GPx活性显著升高,高CO2单独作用使SOD、POD和GR活性显著降低,而CAT和GPx活性与对照相比稍有所降低,但降低不明显,而UV-B与CO2共同作用则使SOD、POD、CAT、GR和GPx活性比UV-B单独作用少得多.结果表明,高CO2对UV-B胁迫所造成的氧化胁迫具有一定的改善作用,因此CO2浓度升高可能对增强海洋微藻的抗逆能力有利.  相似文献   

The studies reported were conducted in controlled environmentgrowth cabinets, using three hybrids: Warwick SL209, DekalbXL45A, and Funk's G4384. Leaf number decreased with decreasingday temperature, and was lower in the 26/26 than the 26/10 ?Ctemperature regime. Fewer leaves were developed in 12-h thanin 16-h daylength in the same temperature regime. Fewer leaveswere developed, compared with the control treatments, when theplants were subjected to conditions of soil fertility stressand soil moisture stress. Duration to tassel emergence was slowat low day temperatures, under conditions of soil fertilitystress and soil moisture stress, and at the 16-h daylength atconstant 26 ?C temperature. In field experiments, all threehybrids developed more leaves and attained mid-silk later atLa Pocatiere, Quebec (48? N) than at Beltsville, Maryland (38?N).  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2021,125(8):646-657
Differential sensitivities to the cell wall stress caused by Congo red (CR) have been observed in many fungal species. In this study, the tolerances and sensitivities to CR was studied with an assorted collection of fungal species from three phylogenetic classes: Sordariomycetes, Dothideomycetes, and Eurotiomycetes, three orders, and eight families. These grouped into different ecological niches, such as insect pathogens, plant pathogens, saprotrophs, and mycoparasitics. The saprotroph Aspergillus niger and the mycoparasite Trichoderma atroviride stood out as the most resistant species to cell wall stress caused by CR, followed by the plant pathogenic fungi, a mycoparasite, and other saprotrophs. The insect pathogens had low tolerance to CR. The insect pathogens Metarhizium acridum and Cordyceps fumosorosea were the most sensitive to CR. In conclusion, Congo red tolerance may reflect ecological niche, accordingly, the tolerances of the fungal species to Congo red were closely aligned with their ecology.  相似文献   

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