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随着人口年龄增长、人们生活节奏的加快及生活水平的提高,患病率的日趋增加。胆囊息肉病因复杂甚至有些息肉有癌变倾向,严重影响人民的健康和生活质量。而中药治疗PLG逐渐的得到了重视,发现中药的治疗起到了很好的疗效,尤其是不超过10mm的PLG,有待于我们进一步的研究。本文介绍了中药治疗PLG的研究进展。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜联合胆道镜治疗胆囊息肉并发胆囊结石的临床成效及并发症。方法:选取我院肝胆外科收治的胆囊息肉并发胆囊结石患者92例,随机分为两组。其中对照组46例,行传统开腹手术治疗;实验组46例,行腹腔镜联合胆道镜保胆手术治疗。对比两组患者手术平均时间、术中出血量、术后排气时间、术后下床活动时间、平均住院时间以及术后并发症发生率。结果:1实验组手术时间明显长于对照组,实验组患者术中出血量、术后排气时间、术后下床活动时间、平均住院时间明显较对照组明显缩短,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);2实验组术后并发症发生率(6.52%)明显低于对照组(16.67%),差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:腹腔镜联合胆道镜治疗胆囊息肉并发胆结石能够明显减少患者术中出血量,缩短术后排气时间、术后下床活动时间、平均住院时间,降低术后并发症发生率,有利于提高临床疗效,改善预后,对临床具有指导意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨导致癔症发病病因和复发几率之间的联系,以便为研究、预防和治疗癔症工作提供科学依据。方法:以近30年国内外有关癔症危险因素的研究成果为基础,对符合CCMD-3诊断标准的100例癔症患者进行回顾性分析及前瞻性观察。结果:癔症相关的危险因素比较多,患者多内向,神经质影响心理症状最大,情绪明显不稳定;他们的父母较正常人的父母对子女缺乏情感温暖,并有过度的拒绝和过度保护,家庭不和睦,其在发病前一年内负性生活事件数目与严重程度均高于一般人;情绪表达受限,生活单调乏味,父母采取不良教养方式,人际关系紧张等。且患者性格因素引起的癔症复发几率较高,而因负性生活事件的原因复发几率在几种情况中最低。结论:癔症病因主要有人格特征,家庭环境,生活事件,教养方式,人际关系等,正确教育方式和朋友良好的关系,以及和谐的家庭及社会环境,及时治疗相关的并发症,可明显减少发病和复发概率。  相似文献   

目的:探讨胆囊息肉的手术指征.方法:统计分析2004年01月-2008年12月间因胆囊息肉而手术病例的病理资料,通过病理类型的分布规律及大小,探求手术指征的安全标准.结果:共316例患者入组,7例胆囊癌病例中,直径均大于1.5CM.良性息肉直径在0.3-1.7CM之间,平均0.82CM.阴性病理结果占8%,良性病变占89.8%,恶性者2.2%.其中胆固醇息肉72%,腺瘤3%.炎性增生14.8%.结论:控制胆囊息肉手术指征放宽的趋势,小于1.2CM的胆囊息内建议随诊,1.2-1.5CM者,仍可采取密切随诊的措施.大于1.5CM者,采取手术治疗,有术中快速病理的腹腔镜胆囊切除术是安全的.  相似文献   

人类食管癌有明显的高发地区,在这个地区内与人类生活在一起的家禽中,其自发性动物癌瘤是否也有类似的地理分布,弄清这个问题,对阐明高发地区食管癌的病因和发病条件将提供一些线索。  相似文献   

膀胱过度活动症的研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
膀胱过度活动症(Overactive bladder,OAB)是一种新的疾病诊断概念和泌尿系统常见的慢性疾病,特点表现为尿急,或合并急迫性尿失禁,常伴有尿频和夜尿,可严重影响患者的生活质量.由于OAB在全球范围内发病率较高,并且对患者的生活影响较大,越来越受到国内外学者的高度重视,目前已成为基础与临床研究的热点问题之一.同时OAB的病因复杂,病理生理的认识仍未完全了解,临床治疗效果也不尽满意,仍需努力寻求其治疗的突破.因此本文就OAB的病因、发病机制、治疗及展望的研究概况进行综述.  相似文献   

骨性关节炎是影响人类健康及生活质量的最常见关节疾病之一,是一种以骨关节软骨退行性变和继发性周围骨质增生为特点的慢性关节疾病,又被称为退行性关节炎.多发于中老年人群,常累及全身骨关节中的脊柱、髋关节和膝关节等负重较大的关节,导致受累关节僵硬、变形,从而使关节功能受到严重影响,影响患者的生活质量。常见症状为受累关节疼痛,活动受限,休息后缓解及晨起关节僵硬感。由于人口老龄化加重,导致其发病率连年增加。但由于其病因及病机复杂多样,目前医学界还没有确切的结论,导致缺乏有效的治疗手段,本文就近几年来文献中提及的骨性关节炎病因及病机做一综述,有利于我们继续探索,早日认清这种疾病,治愈这种疾病,提高患者生活质量。  相似文献   

卵巢早衰是一种典型异质性疾病,病因复杂多样。近年来,卵巢早衰的发病率有明显上升趋势,严重影响妇女身心健康和生活质量。建立一种理想可靠的卵巢早衰动物模型对研究卵巢早衰有着重要的临床意义。本文就国内外学者建立的卵巢早衰动物模型作一综述,讨论比较各种方法的优缺点。  相似文献   

莫华 《蛇志》2010,22(2):173-175
前列腺炎是男性泌尿生殖系统常见病,约50%的男性在其一生中曾有前列腺炎的症状。其中,慢性前列腺炎(CP)更为多见,在全世界男性中的患病率为9%~14%.本病的临床表现变化多端.病因及发病机制尚未完全阐明,因此许多患者没有得到有效的治疗,严重影响息者生活质量。现对我院2003-2009年收治住院的96例慢性前列腺炎患者的资料进行总结分析如下。  相似文献   

干眼症是目前最常见的眼表疾病,它可以导致眼部不适,甚至引起视力障碍,它极大地影响了患者的工作和生活质量,随着干眼症的发病率逐年升高,该病越来越受到人们的重视,已成为当今眼科研究热点之一。干眼症病因繁多、发病机制复杂,近年来随着对该病病因、发病机制及治疗等方面的深入研究,研究学者认为免疫调节是其主要机制之一,眼表的非特异性免疫反应和特异性免疫反应共同进行调节,目前已发现多种免疫细胞以及炎症因子参与了干眼症的发生发展。干眼症治疗的常规方法是应用有润滑眼表作用的人工泪液,但对于中重度干眼症,不可只是单纯的缓解症状,还应加以抗炎药物治疗其根本。本文主要针对干眼症的免疫调节机制以及相关治疗的最新研究进展加以综述。  相似文献   

Green Fluorescent Proteins (GFPs) have been reported from a wide diversity of medusae, but only a few observations of green fluorescence have been reported for hydroid colonies. In this study, we report on fluorescence displayed by hydroid polyps of the genus Cytaeis Eschscholtz, 1829 (Hydrozoa: Anthoathecata: Filifera) found at night time in the southern Red Sea (Saudi Arabia) living on shells of the gastropod Nassarius margaritifer (Dunker, 1847) (Neogastropoda: Buccinoidea: Nassariidae). We examined the fluorescence of these polyps and compare with previously reported data. Intensive green fluorescence with a spectral peak at 518 nm was detected in the hypostome of the Cytaeis polyps, unlike in previous reports that reported fluorescence either in the basal parts of polyps or in other locations on hydroid colonies. These results suggest that fluorescence may be widespread not only in medusae, but also in polyps, and also suggests that the patterns of fluorescence localization can vary in closely related species. The fluorescence of polyps may be potentially useful for field identification of cryptic species and study of geographical distributions of such hydroids and their hosts.  相似文献   

Symbiotic dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium and residing in the tropical hydroid Myrionema amboinense acclimate to low photon flux associated with low light 'shade' environments by increasing the amount of photosynthetic pigments per algal cell. The photosynthetic light intensity (PI) curves suggested that the low-light pigment response involved an increase in the number of photosynthetic units (PSU) in the chloroplast in addition to any increases in PSU size. Comparisons of light-dependent portion of the P-I curves of freshly isolated zooxanthellae (FIZ) with those from symbionts within the intact animal suggest that the host cell environment reduced average light levels reaching the symbiotic algae by more than half. This phenomenon may protect the algae from photobleaching of pigments and/or photoinhibition of photosynthesis at high light intensities present in shallow water habitats. In addition, maximum photosynthesis (P(max)) of symbionts removed from the host cell was higher than that recorded from dinoflagellates in the intact association, suggesting that the availability of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis may be limited in the intact hydroid. Shaded polyps contained fewer zooxanthellae and had less tissue biomass (measured as protein) than unshaded polyps. However symbionts from shaded polyps acclimated to the low light intensities by increasing chlorophyll levels and photosynthetic rates. The higher photosynthetic rates may have resulted from increased availability of carbon dioxide associated with lower symbiont density. Calculations of the contribution of zooxanthellae carbon to the host animal's respiratory demand (CZAR) showed that zooxanthellae from shaded polyps living in the field potentially provide about the same amount of carbon to their host as zooxanthellae from polyps living in the field in unshaded high light intensities.  相似文献   

Summary Morphologic findings of widely dilated intercellular spaces in fluid transporting epithelia have been claimed as evidence for the existence of an epithelial compartment in which the coupling between solute and water fluxes takes place. The validity of using epithelial geometry in sectioned material as an argument can be questioned. The present report describes the morphological appearance of frog gallbladder epithelium — normal and ouabain-treated — in the living state in vitro and after fixation, dehydration and embedding. Gallbladder segments were photographed in the living state and at the end of each step of the preparative procedure. Direct observations of whole-mounted gallbladder segments were carried out, taking advantage of the possibility of optical sectioning and high resolution by Nomarski-microscopy. The same specimens were then sectioned and examined by conventional light and electron microscopy. The observations were quantitated and showed that the epithelial cells of normal and ouabain-treated gallbladders experienced an average linear shrinkage down to 70% of their length in Ringer's solution, which corresponds to a volume shrinkage down to 35%. Moreover, dilated lateral intercellular spaces appeared during the dehydration and embedding procedure in normal but only very moderately or not at all in ouabain-treated gallbladder specimens.  相似文献   

1. A method is given enabling the differential effects of different strains of zooxanthellae on host growth to be assessed. This technique uses the increase in the number of tentacles as the measure of growth. 2. Aposymbiotic polyps of the anemone Aiptasia pulchella reinfected with strains of Symbiodinium microadriaticum isolated from the anemone Aiptasia pulchella and the scyphozoan Cassiopea xamachana grow as well as normal Aiptasia polyps. 3. Aposymbiotic Aiptasia polyps reinfected with zooxanthellae from the gastropod Melibe pilosa and the clam Tridacna maxima grew no better than polyps lacking zooxanthellae. 4. These results lead to the conclusion that strains of zooxanthellae differ in their ability to enhance growth of Aiptasia polyps under the experimental conditions and that these differences may have important ecological consequences.  相似文献   

The Peutz-Jegher gene product LKB1 is a mediator of p53-dependent cell death.   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Here, we investigate the mechanism and function of LKB1, a Ser/Thr kinase mutated in Peutz-Jegher syndrome (PJS). We demonstrate that LKB1 physically associates with p53 and regulates specific p53-dependent apoptosis pathways. LKB1 protein is present in both the cytoplasm and nucleus of living cells and translocates to mitochondria during apoptosis. In vivo, LKB1 is highly upregulated in pyknotic intestinal epithelial cells. In contrast, polyps arising in Peutz-Jegher patients are devoid of LKB1 staining and have reduced numbers of apoptotic cells. We propose that a deficiency in apoptosis is a key factor in the formation of multiple benign intestinal polyps in PJS patients, and possibly for the subsequent development of malignant tumors in these patients.  相似文献   

There is concern that jellyfish blooms may be increasing worldwide. Some factors controlling population size, such as temperature and food, often have been studied; however, the importance of predators is poorly known. Aeolid nudibranchs feed on cnidarians, but their predation on the benthic polyps of scyphozoan rarely has been documented. To understand the potential of nudibranchs to consume polyps, we tested several predation preference hypotheses with the generalist feeding nudibranch, Hermissenda crassicornis, and polyps of the common moon jellyfish, Aurelia labiata. Of the six prey species tested during feeding experiments, A. labiata polyps and the tunicate Distaplia occidentalis were significantly preferred. Nudibranch size, diurnal cycle, and ingestive conditioning did not significantly influence prey choice. Nudibranchs showed significant positive chemotaxis toward living polyps, hydroids, and tunicates, but not to sea anemones. Nudibranch chemotaxis was significantly more positive to polar extract of A. labiata than of D. occidentalis. Consumption of polyps was correlated with nudibranch size, with mean consumption by large nudibranchs (>0.92 g) of about 31 polyps h−1. Three other nudibranch species also ate A. labiata polyps. Our results emphasize the potential importance of predation for controlling jellyfish benthic polyp populations and consequent jellyfish blooms.  相似文献   

Siphonophores are a group of pelagic colonial hydrozoans (Cnidaria) that have long been of general interest because of the division of labor between the polyps and medusae that make up these "superorganisms." These polyps and medusae are each homologous to free living animals but are generated by an incomplete asexual budding process that leaves them physiologically integrated. They are functionally specialized for different tasks and are precisely organized within each colony. The number of functional types of polyps and medusae varies across taxa, and different authors have used this character to construct phylogenies polarized in opposite directions, depending on whether they thought siphonophore evolution proceeded by a reduction or an increase in functional specialization. We have collected taxa across all major groups of siphonophores, many of which are found exclusively in the deep sea, using remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs) and by SCUBA diving from ships in the open ocean. We have used 52 siphonophores and four outgroup taxa to estimate the siphonophore phylogeny with molecular data from the nuclear small subunit ribosomal RNA gene (18S) and the mitochondrial large subunit ribosomal RNA gene (16S). Parsimony reconstructions indicate that functionally specialized polyps and medusae have been gained and lost across the phylogeny. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses of morphological data suggest that the transition rate for decreased functional specialization is greater than the transition rate for increased functional specialization for three out of the four investigated categories of polyps and medusae. The present analysis also bears on several long-standing questions about siphonophore systematics. It indicates that the cystonects are sister to all other siphonophores, a group that we call the Codonophora. We also find that the Calycophorae are nested within the Physonectae, and that the Brachystelia, a historically recognized grouping of short-stemmed taxa, are polyphyletic. [Cnidaria; colonial animals; deep sea; division of labor; functional specialization; Hydrozoa; phylogenetics; Siphonophores.].  相似文献   

The morphogenesis of colonial stony corals is the result of the collective behaviour of many coral polyps depositing coral skeleton on top of the old skeleton on which they live. Yet, models of coral growth often consider the polyps as a single continuous surface. In the present work, the polyps are modelled individually. Each polyp takes up resources, deposits skeleton, buds off new polyps and dies. In this polyp oriented model, spontaneous branching occurs. We argue that branching is caused by a so called “polyp fanning effect” by which polyps on a convex surface have a competitive advantage relative to polyps on a flat or concave surface. The fanning effect generates a more potent branching mechanism than the Laplacian growth mechanism that we have studied previously (J. Theor. Biol. 224 (2003) 153). We discuss the application of the polyp oriented model to the study of environmentally driven morphological plasticity in stony corals. In a few examples we show how the properties of the individual polyps influence the whole colony morphology. In our model, the spacing of polyps influences the thickness of coral branches and the overall compactness of the colony. Density variations in the coral skeleton may also be important for the whole colony morphology, which we address by studying two variants of the model. Finally, we discuss the importance of small scale resource translocation in the coral colony and its effects on the morphology of the colony.  相似文献   

目的分析健康体检中心体检者幽门螺杆菌(HP)的感染状况。方法对2016年1~3月在我院健康体检中心进行健康体检者1500例,应用14C呼气试验进行检测,并统计分析感染情况。结果健康体检者HP感染阳性率为58.87%;男性HP感染阳性率高于女性,30~39岁、40~49岁感染阳性率高于其它年龄段,居住地在农村的感染阳性率高于城镇,有不良生活行为习惯的感染阳性率高于无不良生活行为习惯者,差异均有统计学意义(均P0.01)。结论针对HP感染的易感因素,普及和加强HP相关知识的健康宣教,提高广大人民群众对HP感染相关知识的认知,养成良好的饮食卫生、生活行为习惯,对阻断疾病的传播途径,降低感染率,提高生活质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

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