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Performance of experimental Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) MON events alone and pyramided with MON810 were evaluated over 3 yr in Georgia and Alabama. Ability of events to prevent whorl defoliation by the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith), and natural ear feeding damage by the corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) was assessed. In each year, near-isogenic hybrids with novel single transformation events and crosses pyramided with the MON810 event were compared with the standard single MON810 event and nontransformed susceptible control. Events were tested for resistance to whorl damage by manual infestations of fall armyworm and ear damage by natural infestations of corn earworm. All Bt events tested reduced fall armyworm whorl damage ratings per plant compared with the susceptible hybrid. All Bt treatments also had considerably less ear infestation and damage by corn earworm compared with the nontransgenic isoline. The MON841, MION849, and MON851 events reduced ear damage by H. zea but were not as effective as other novel events and were not advanced for further testing after the 1999 season. Pyramiding events compared with single events did not improve control of fall armyworm whorl damage, but they generally did prevent more ear damage by corn earworm. The MON84006 event singly and pyramided with MON810 had superior control of whorl-stage damage by S. frugiperda and ear damage by H. zea compared with MON810. Deployment of new events and genes could provide additional tools for managing the potential for insect resistance to Bt toxins. Furthermore, improved control of whorl and ear infestations by H. zea and S. frugiperda would increase the flexibility of planting corn, Zea mays L., and permit double cropping of corn in areas where these pests perennially reach damaging levels.  相似文献   

The corn earworm,Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), is a perennial economic pest of field crops in the United States. Maize,Zea mays L., is the major host crop promoting the build-up of devastating corn earworm populations that limit full production of cotton, soybean, peanut, and grain sorghum. Resistance to the corn earworm in maize and in particular sweet maize, would provide an environmentally safe, economical method of control for this pest insect. Antibiotic effects of corn silks on this insect are: small larvae, extended developmental period, and reduced fecundity. Silks from individual maize plants of resistant and susceptible lines and progeny in six generations consisting of parents (P1, P2), F1, F2, and backcrosses BC1.1 (F1 × P1) and BC1.2 (F1 × P2) from each of four crosses were used to determine the genetic basis of the antibiotic resistance of silks to the corn earworm. In the cross of Zapalote Chico × PI340856, genes controlling resistance in the silks to the corn earworm larvae are dominant in PI340856 to those in Zapalote Chico. The cross of Zapalote Chico × GT114 involves parents differing in degree of resistance, and possibly differing for the genetic mechanism by which the resistance is inherited. The inheritance of resistance may involve non-additive (dominance and epistasis) genetic variance. A digenic 6-parameter model indicated (1) the resistance in this cross is controlled by more than one pair of genes and (2) some or all of the genes interact to cause non-allelic interaction. Thus, the resistance in this cross may be controlled by both dominant and recessive genes. The resistance of Zapalote Chico × CI64, an intermediate inbred, is influenced by additive gene effects. The digenic model adequately predicts all generation means of the cross of GT3 × PI340856 except for the F1. Thus, it appears that the additive-dominance model is not satisfactory for this cross involving susceptible and resistant parents. Generation mean analysis indicates that resistance to silk-feeding by corn earworm larvae is under genetic control, but gene action differs from one type of cross to another.  相似文献   

Corn earworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (CEW) populations infesting one crop production area may rapidly migrate and infest distant crop production areas. Although entomological radars have detected corn earworm moth migrations, the spatial extent of the radar coverage has been limited to a small horizontal view above crop production areas. The Weather Service Radar (version 88D) (WSR-88D) continuously monitors the radar-transmitted energy reflected by, and radial speed of, biota as well as by precipitation over areas that may encompass crop production areas. We analyzed data from the WSR-88D radar (S-band) at Brownsville, Texas, and related these data to aerial concentrations of CEW estimated by a scanning entomological radar (X-band) and wind velocity measurements from rawinsonde and pilot balloon ascents. The WSR-88D radar reflectivity was positively correlated (r 2?=?0.21) with the aerial concentration of corn earworm-size insects measured by a scanning X-band radar. WSR-88D radar constant altitude plan position indicator estimates of wind velocity were positively correlated with wind speed (r 2?=?0.56) and wind direction (r 2?=?0.63) measured by pilot balloons and rawinsondes. The results reveal that WSR-88D radar measurements of insect concentration and displacement speed and direction can be used to estimate the migratory flux of corn earworms and other nocturnal insects, information that could benefit areawide pest management programs. In turn, identification of the effects of spatiotemporal patterns of migratory flights of corn earworm-size insects on WSR-88D radar measurements may lead to the development of algorithms that increase the accuracy of WSR-88D radar measurements of reflectivity and wind velocity for operational meteorology.  相似文献   

Age-grading of insects is important in the control and monitoring of both insect populations and vector-borne diseases. Microscopy and morphological techniques exist to age-grade most blood-feeding flies, but these techniques are laborious, often destructive to the insects, and slow. Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) can be automated and is a non-destructive technique for age-grading. We applied NIRS techniques to age-grade females of the biting midge, Culicoides sonorensis Wirth & Jones (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae), the vector of bluetongue and other arboviruses in North America. Female flies of five known age cohorts (1, 3, 6, 9 and 12 days post-emergence) from three laboratory colonies were used. The data indicate that NIRS can be used to differentiate age groups of C. sonorensis .  相似文献   

Implementation of the sterile insect technique for tsetse (Glossina spp.) requires that only sterile male insects be released; thus, at some stage of the fly production process the females have to be removed. A further constraint in the use of the sterile insect technique for tsetse is that the females are needed for colony production and hence, a non-destructive method of sex separation is required. In most tsetse sterile insect technique programmes thus far, females have been eliminated from the released material by hand-separation of chilled adults. Using near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, significant differences have been found between the spectra for the pupae of male and female G. pallidipes Austen. Significantly, the differences appear to be maximized 4-5 days before emergence of the adults. Tsetse fly pupae up to five days before emergence can be sexed with accuracies that generally range from 80 to 100%. This system, when refined, will enable effective separation of male and female pupae to be carried out, with emerged females being returned to the colony and males being irradiated and released. If separation can be achieved five days before emergence, this will also enable irradiated male pupae to be shipped to other destinations as required. Other Diptera were evaluated using this system but had lower classification accuracies of 50-74%. This may be due to the difference in reproductive physiology between these different fly groups.  相似文献   

At eclosion, the ovaries of female Corn earworm Heliothis zea do not contain mature eggs. Virgin-unfed females produced approximately 400 mature eggs in 8 days; mating or feeding doubled this number, and mating plus feeding more than tripled it. Females allatectomized or decapitated at day O matured few eggs. Egg production was restored by implantation of active corpora allata (CA) or by treatment with the juvenile hormone (JH) analogue methoprene at day 0. 20-Hydroxyecdysone, on the other hand, had no effect. Females in which the CA had been denervated or in which the median neurosecretory cells of the brain had been ablated at day O produced fewer eggs than sham-operated animals. These results indicate that egg maturation is controlled by JH and that continuous input from the brain is required for sustained CA activity for maintaining a high rates of egg maturation.The rate of JH biosynthesis by CA in vitro was determined with a radiochemical assay. The major hormones produced were JH-II and JH-III with small quantities of JH-I. The rates of JH synthesis were similar in all experimental groups which may indicate that the in vitro rate of JH synthesis does not reflect the actual state of CA activity in the female.  相似文献   

The feasibility of assessing microalgal fatty acid composition using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is described. The chlamydomonad microalga, Rhopalosolen saccatus (previously known as Characium saccatum), was isolated from the Fitzroy River, Central Queensland, Australia. R. saccatus was grown in batch culture with varying phosphorus nutrition and assessed for dry matter, total lipid and fatty acid composition using gas chromatography (GC). Transmission spectra (1100–2500 nm) were acquired of liquid culture, and reflectance spectra were acquired of wet and dry filtrates of cultures and of methyl esters. Partial least square (PLS) regression models were built on biomass, total lipid and a number of fatty acids. All sample presentation models supported PLS regression model with a cross validation correlation coefficient (R cv) >0.87 for biomass and R cv >0.68 for total lipid; however, the use of dry filtrates of culture is recommended as the sample presentation mode of choice. Models for fatty acids based on culture transmission spectra, reflectance spectra of wet and dry culture filtrates, or reflectance spectra of methyl esters in solvent were not acceptable. Dry extracts of methyl esters supported adequate models for fatty acids from C8:0 to C22:0, with the exception of capric and behenic acids, with an R cv of 0.89–0.94; however, in practice, samples processed to this stage can be easily analyzed by GC. Near-infrared spectroscopy can be a potential choice for rapid estimation of biomass (dry matter) and lipid content and composition in microalgae, with further work required to demonstrate oping robustness of the calibration model in prediction of unknown samples.  相似文献   

We examined 17 pairs of near-isogenic hybrids of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) (176, Mon810, and Bt11) and non-Bt corn, Zea mays L., to examine the effects of Bt on larval densities of Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) and Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) during 2 yr. During ear formation, instar densities of H. zea and S. frugiperda were recorded for each hybrid. We found that H. zea first, second, and fifth instar densities were each affected by Mon810 and Bt11 Bt corn but not by 176 corn. Surprisingly, first and second instars were found in higher numbers on ears of Mon810 and Bt11 corn than on non-Bt corn. Densities of third and fourth instars were equal on Bt and non-Bt hybrids, whereas densities of fifth instars were lower on Bt plants. S. frugiperda larval densities were only affected during 1 yr when second, and fourth to sixth instars were lower on ears of Mon810 and Bt11 hybrids compared with their non-Bt counterparts. Two likely explanations for early instar H. zea densities being higher on Bt corn than non-Bt corn are that (1) Bt toxins delay development, creating a greater abundance of early instars that eventually die, and (2) reduced survival of H. zea to later instars on Bt corn decreased the normal asymmetric cannibalism or H. zea-S. frugiperda intraguild predation of late instars on early instars. Either explanation could explain why differences between Bt and non-Bt plants were greater for H. zea than S. frugiperda, because H. zea is more strongly affected by Bt toxins and more cannibalistic.  相似文献   

用性信息素诱剂防治烟青虫的效果   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
本文研究了两个烟青虫性信息素诱剂配方对烟青虫Helicoverpaassulta (Guen e)成虫的诱杀效果及诱杀成虫后田间烟青虫幼虫的虫口减退率和有虫株减退率。 1型诱芯配比为Z9 1 6 :Ald与Z1 1 1 6 :Ald 1 0 0∶9 5 ;Ⅱ型诱芯配比为 1 6 :Ald和Z9 1 6 :Ald与Z1 1 1 6 :Ald( 1 9 3∶1 0 0∶70 )。结果表明 :烟青虫性信息素诱剂Ⅰ ,Ⅱ型诱芯对烟青虫成虫都有很强的诱杀效果 ,在长达 85d的时间内 ,5个Ⅰ型诱芯共诱杀了4 0 4头雄性成虫 ,5个Ⅱ型诱芯共诱杀 4 1 9头 ,二者没有明显的差异。诱蛾地烟青虫幼虫的虫口密度和有虫株率都有明显的降低 ,Ⅰ、Ⅱ型诱芯使虫口密度和有虫株率的降低幅度均在 6 6 6 7%~ 90 91 %之间。性信息素诱剂使用方便、无毒、不污染环境 ,对烟叶不产生药害 ,防治效果良好 ,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

烟青虫 H elicoverpa assulta Guenée是云南省大理州农业生产上的重要害虫 ,主要危害烤烟、甜椒及十字花科蔬菜。 1 999年春夏季 ,由于高温干旱 ,烟青虫在大理州 2 0 0 0 hm2甜椒上暴发危害 ,轻的损失 2~ 3成 ,重的损失 5成以上 ,其经济损失在 1 0 0 0万元以上。菜农在防治该虫时 ,普遍反映药剂的防治效果差 ,为了筛选出生产上需要的有效防治药剂 ,本文进行了此项试验。1 材料与方法1 .1 供试药剂1 .8%害极灭乳油 (阿维菌素 ,瑞士诺华公司 ) ,5 %锐劲特悬浮剂 (氟虫腈 ,法国罗纳普朗克公司 ) ,40 %乐果乳油 (重庆农药厂 ) ,80 %敌敌畏…  相似文献   

Fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), and corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), perennially cause leaf and ear damage to corn, Zea mays L., in the southeastern United States. Transgenic Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) hybrids with the Bt11, MON810, or 176 events expressing the Cry1Ab insecticidal endotoxin from were evaluated for control fall armyworm and corn earworm at seven locations in Georgia during 1999 and 2000. Corn was planted at the recommended time for each location and 1 and 2 mo later in the southern locations. All Bt events consistently reduced whorl infestation and damage, although event 176 did not prevent whorl damage in the later plantings in the southern locations in both years. All events also reduced seedling damage by the lesser cornstalk borer, Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Zeller), in one trial and stalk infestations and tunnel length by southwestern corn borers, Diatraea grandiosella Dyar, in another trial. Hybrids containing Bt11 and MON810 events reduced ear infestations in all trials, although reductions were small in later plantings. Nevertheless, both events reduced grain damage from earworms and armyworms by an average +/- SE of 52.5 +/- 5.1% in all trials. The hybrid containing event 176 did not reduce ear infestations and damage. Total grain aflatoxin concentrations were not significantly affected by Bt resistance in any trial (N = 17). Yield responses were variable with the prevention of yield loss being proportional to the severity of insect damage. Although plantings made after the recommended time did not consistently benefit from Bt resistance, Bt11 and MON810 events were effective in reducing damage to field corn when large infestations occurred. The Bt11 and MON810 events mitigated the risk of severe lepidopteran damage to corn, thereby making later plantings of corn feasible in double-cropping systems.  相似文献   

The gonad-specific virus (GSV) is a DNA virus infecting the reproductive tracts of adults of both sexes of the corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea, causing severe tissue deformities leading to sterility. Atypical occlusion bodies containing large concentrations of virions embedded in a granular matrix were seen in the lumen of the oviduct and the bursa copulatrix of infected females. The virus, transmitted by both sexes, was successfully propagated in vivo and in tissue culture. The GSV genome is about 225 kb in size, with no apparent similarity to the nucleopolyhedrovirus type species, AcMNPV, genomic DNA, as determined by Southern hybridization. PCR amplification of GSV genomic DNA with primers derived from the highly conserved polyhedra gene of several baculoviruses indicated no similarity. GSV at 10(-2) female equivalents (based on virus obtained from the bursa copulatrix and oviducts of one infected female) injected into a newly emerged female and mated to a normal male resulted in >95% agonadal progeny. However, at lower doses, some of the adult progeny looked normal but apparently carried a low level of the virus that could be responsible for sustenance of infection in a given colony, as well as in nature.  相似文献   

The corn earworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is a serious pest of many crops in North America, particularly sweet corn. The larvae of Coleomegilla maculata (DeGeer) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) are the most frequently observed predators of H. zea eggs in sweet corn. Companion cropping strategies have been developed to augment densities of C. maculata in sweet corn plantings. In this study, the importance of predation by C. maculata larvae was evaluated in experiments when larval abundance was manipulated using hand removal and physical exclusion. In 2003 and 2004, sentinel H. zea eggs were exposed on corn for 48 h. Egg mortality was 13.8% greater in the treatment where C. maculata larvae were present. In 2004 and 2005 eggs were exposed on corn under the same hand removal and physical exclusion techniques and monitored at 3-h intervals for 24 h to directly observe predation on sentinel eggs. Coleomegilla maculata larvae were the most frequently observed predators of the eggs, accounting for 45.9% of 85 total observed predation events in the control. Whereas in the treatment where C. maculata larvae were reduced, egg survival was 26.13% greater and only 37 total predation events were observed. All pest eggs were eliminated from individual ears 22.1% more often when C. maculata larvae were present at natural densities indicating that predation by this predator stage lessens crop damage by H. zea. The results of this study suggest that C. maculata larvae are an irreplaceable source of natural mortality for H. zea eggs on sweet corn.  相似文献   

Rapid determination of the properties of lignocellulosic material is highly desirable for biomass production and utilization. In the present study, measurements of woody biomass digestibility and chemical composition using near-infrared reflectance (NIR) spectroscopy were calibrated. Poplar and eucalyptus materials were recorded in NIR spectrum as well as determined for their chemical compositions of Klason lignin, α-cellulose, holocellulose, lignin syringyl/guaiacyl (S/G) ratio and enzymatic digestibility. Fitting of the NIR information with chemical properties and digestibility by partial least-squares (PLS) regression generated a group of trained NIR models that were able to be used for rapid biomass measurement. Applying the models for woody biomass measurements led to a reliable evaluation of the chemical composition and digestibility, suggesting the feasibility of using NIR spectroscopy in the rapid characterization of biomass properties.  相似文献   

Summary Near-infrared spectroscopy was used to determine biomass and glycerol concentrations in E.coli whole broth fermentation samples. For dry cell weight, a standard error of prediction (SEP) of 0.2 g/L and correlation coefficient (r) of 0.991 were obtained. The SEP and r for glycerol, carbon nutrient, were 0.3 g/L and 0.979. respectively. Off-line analysis was accomplished within 2 minutes of sampling and therefore provides the opportunity to monitor fermentations quickly enough to permit in-process development and troubleshooting.  相似文献   

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