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For sometime Turkish scientists have been actively involved in biotechnology related research. However, biotechnology educa-tion in Turkey is a relatively recent phenomenon. The subject has not been addressed at the undergraduate level in a serious way until recently. This is evident from the lack of undergraduate degree programmes in biotechnology at Turkish Universities. The Turkish scientific establishment is very much aware of the importance of biotechnology and has identified this subject as one of the priority areas. The Universities are taking positive steps towards enhancing Biotechnology education. This article focuses on the emergence, as well as the problems and prospects of Biotechnology education in Turkey.  相似文献   


Biotechnology, defined as the technological application that uses biological systems and living organisms, or their derivatives, to create or modify diverse products or processes, is widely used for healthcare, agricultural and environmental applications. The continuity in industrial applications of biotechnology enables the rise and development of the bioeconomy concept. Bioeconomy, including all applications of biotechnology, is defined as translation of knowledge received from life sciences into new, sustainable, environment friendly and competitive products. With the advanced research and eco-efficient processes in the scope of bioeconomy, more healthy and sustainable life is promised. Knowledge-based bioeconomy with its economic, social and environmental potential has already been brought to the research agendas of European Union (EU) countries. The aim of this study is to summarize the development of knowledge-based bioeconomy in EU countries and to evaluate Turkey’s current situation compared to them. EU-funded biotechnology research projects under FP6 and FP7 and nationally-funded biotechnology projects under The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) Academic Research Funding Program Directorate (ARDEB) and Technology and Innovation Funding Programs Directorate (TEYDEB) were examined. In the context of this study, the main research areas and subfields which have been funded, the budget spent and the number of projects funded since 2003 both nationally and EU-wide and the gaps and overlapping topics were analyzed. In consideration of the results, detailed suggestions for Turkey have been proposed. The research results are expected to be used as a roadmap for coordinating the stakeholders of bioeconomy and integrating Turkish Research Areas into European Research Areas.  相似文献   

Cover illustration: Biotech in Turkey. The Sultan Ahmed Mosque is one of the most famous monuments of Turkish and Islamic art. Also known as the “Blue Mosque”, it dominates the skyline of Istanbul, the largest city in Turkey and the capital of the Ottoman Empire. This special issue of BTJ, edited by Hikmet Geçkil and Pınar Çalık, is devoted to the history, research and developments in biotechnology in Turkey. The Forum magazine and Review articles focus on some of Turkey's 150 research institutions and biotech companies. Articles by Turkish authors cover fermentation processes, microarray technology, biosensors and apoptosis. Image © ImageState.  相似文献   

“白色”生物技术也叫做工业生物技术,是利用某些微生物或酶进行物质转化,生产新产品或改进原有工业处理过程的技术。其产品可生物降解,生产过程能耗低,废弃物少。它是一门涉及生物学、微生物学、分子生物学、化学以及工程学等多学科的研究领域。综述了白色生物技术的产业优势及其涉及的研究领域,并从生物催化、生物材料、生物能源等方面概述了白色生物技术的应用进展。  相似文献   

褚鑫  王力为  许虹  张燕飞 《生物工程学报》2022,38(11):4019-4026
随着石化资源逐步消耗,气候问题日益凸显,工业生物技术被认为是解决能源和资源供给、应对气候变化、实现绿色可持续发展的重要方向。得益于理论突破、技术变革和学科交叉,工业生物技术主要经历了由生命科学突破性成就、多学科技术理念交汇融合和产业应用导向推动的3个阶段。本文回顾总结了工业生物技术的发展历程及近年来取得的重要突破,并展望了其未来发展方向。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a functional analysis of biotechnology and identify the particular status that genetic engineering has relative to other biotechnological techniques such as domestication. The analysis builds on work by Dan Sperber and characterises biotechnology in primarily technical and biological functional terms as symbiotic interactions in which humans modify other organisms. We identify three main routes by which these interactions are established in biotechnology. We argue that two of these routes have in-built mechanisms for preventing an uncontrolled dissemination of the modified organisms, and that one has an in-built mechanism for promoting such dissemination. The three routes are available to traditional forms of biotechnology as to state-of-the-art genetic engineering. Drawing now on work by Alfred Nordmann on the uncanniness of modern technologies, we show that genetic engineering is set apart by the epistemic consequences of the microscopic size of its progeny: genetically modified organisms, when disseminating, do so beyond our perceptual and conceptual control. Existing strategies against unwanted dissemination of organisms modified in traditional biotechnology are therefore typically not adequate against possible unwanted dissemination of genetically modified organisms, giving this dissemination a status similar to that of untraceable natural disasters.  相似文献   

The translation of biological theory into engineering (biotechnology) has resulted in the development of novel products and processes. Some of these products are living organisms, usually containing unique genetic arrangements not found in nature. The extension of legal protection to products and processes was required in order for biotechnology to become an unexceptional way in which to do business. The American experience with biotechnology, repeated elsewhere, is demonstrated to have proceeded first through the negotiation of obstacles in administrative law and second through challenges to property law. This outcome for the regulatory management of biotechnology and the legal protection of its products may be interpreted as a function of a cultural bias for scientific authority and progress ideology.  相似文献   

Abstract This paper deals with the relevance of biotechnology and IPM to small scale farmers in South and Southeast Asia. IPM may be defined as the combination and integration of approaches to pest management. which maximizes real profitability and genuine sustainability for the users and farming system and gives due regard to the environment. Alternative and practical pest management options should be developed for small scale farmers who could become experts in crop management and capable of making informed decisions through training in field schools. The latest development of biotechnology includes diagnostics, biological pesticides (either genetically manipulated or not genetically manipulated), transgenic plants and animals (vertebrates and invertebrates) and informatics. The place of biotechnology in rice IPM and vegetable IPM in South and Southeast Asia is discussed. Examples of soybean caterpillar in Brazil and rice blast in Vietnam illustrate the benefits of a strong working partnership between farmers, trainers and researchers in creating new knowledge which promotes sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

作者是澳大利亚著名昆虫学家,长期在东南亚农村工作,积累了宝贵经验。他在文中提出,害虫综合防治(IPM)的含义是综合害虫治理的方法以达到农业上的最大收益和持续发展,同时注意对环境有良好的影响。对小农户应提供确实可行的整套害虫治理方法,并开创他们能自行选择的机会;他们经过田间学校培训后可成为农作物管理专家,并对怎样防治害虫能作出有根据的抉择。与IPM有关的生物防治最近的发展包括:对害虫的准确鉴定、经生物工程处理和未处理过的生物杀虫药的应用、对转基因动植物的利用、及情报资料的收集。文章讨论了这些生物技术在东南亚地区水稻和蔬菜综合治理中的应用,以8及巴西大豆害虫和越南稻瘟病的治理,阐明通过农户、技术员和研究人员通力合作所获得的成绩对农业持续的发展起了主要的推动作用。  相似文献   

Turkey is first among all hazelnut producing countries. However, it lags far behind them in terms of amount harvested per unit area. A main reason for this is that hazelnut has many agricultural pests that can not be effectively controlled. Chemical pesticides utilized to control these pests have hazardous effects on the environment. Increasing problems with resistance of these pests to most commonly used synthetic insecticides have spurred the search for alternative pest management strategies that would reduce reliance on synthetic insecticides. Biological control of hazelnut pests is an alternative control method to chemical pesticides. It is very important ecologically because of production of honey, milk and fish in the surrounding areas of hazelnut fields in Turkey. Several promising bacteriological studies have been made to find some biological control agents against these pests in Turkey. This paper presents a review of the current status of bacteriological studies on biological control of hazelnut pests in Turkey.  相似文献   

In the wake of the Chernobyl nuclear accident and a decline in the public trust of science, the founders of modern biotechnology recognized the strategic importance of risk assessment and regulatory affairs. In an effort to avoid the demonization that was attached to the nuclear industry, the pioneers of modern biotechnology delegated authority for regulatory negotiation and risk management to senior positions in the firm. At the same time, the Biotechnology Industry Organization was handed great latitude and trust with making public pronouncements on issues of bioethics and public policy. The way in which founders and leaders embed norms for negotiating regulation and responding to public perceptions has proved important in the maturation and acceptance of a biotechnology sector.  相似文献   

生物技术在环境保护中的研究与应用概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从废水、废气、固体废弃物处理及环境监测和环境修复等几个方面介绍了生物技术在环境污染治理和环境保护中的应用与研究进展,分析了生物处理工艺的特点及优势,预言了环境生物技术今后的发展方向和前景。  相似文献   

Vasil IK 《Plant cell reports》2008,27(9):1423-1440
Plant biotechnology is founded on the principles of cellular totipotency and genetic transformation, which can be traced back to the Cell Theory of Matthias Jakob Schleiden and Theodor Schwann, and the discovery of genetic transformation in bacteria by Frederick Griffith, respectively. On the 25th anniversary of the genetic transformation of plants, this review provides a historical account of the evolution of the theoretical concepts and experimental strategies that led to the production and commercialization of biotech (transformed or transgenic) plants expressing many useful genes, and emphasizes the beneficial effects of plant biotechnology on food security, human health, the environment, and conservation of biodiversity. In so doing, it celebrates and pays tribute to the contributions of scores of scientists who laid the foundation of modern plant biotechnology by their bold and unconventional thinking and experimentation. It highlights also the many important lessons to be learnt from the fascinating history of plant biotechnology, the significance of history in science teaching and research, and warns against the danger of the growing trends of ignoring history and historical illiteracy.  相似文献   

DNA合成是生命科学领域的共性支撑技术和合成生物学的关键使能技术。以合成生物学为基础的工业生物技术持续快速发展,迫切需要更加便捷、经济、安全的DNA来源以满足其日益增长的大规模DNA合成需求。工业化DNA合成在通量、成本、速度等方面的优势日益凸显,有力推动了工业生物技术研发效率的提升和研发成本的下降。但是现有技术在生产过程中还存在着使用大量有机试剂、资源浪费等问题。随着DNA合成规模的持续快速提升,有毒化学品危害、成本负担、环境负担等问题日益突出。本文结合我们的工作实践,对工业生物技术中DNA合成需求、合成策略以及可持续发展面临的问题和解决方案研究进展进行探讨。  相似文献   

Drawing an analogy to past debates over biotechnology, some stakeholders fear that synthetic biology (SB) could raise public concerns. Accordingly, ‘lessons from the past’ should be applied to avoid controversies. However, biotechnology in the 1990s is not the only possible comparator. The potential to become contested has been attributed to a number of other novel technologies. Looking at nanotechnology for example, controversies have not materialised to the extent predicted. The article discusses factors relevant for controversies over technologies as well as differences to the situation when modern biotechnology began to proliferate. Certain properties attributed to SB in the discussion so far indeed suggest a potential for controversies of its own, but perceptions may follow those on other aspects of biotechnology subject to local contingencies. Finally, it is questioned whether ELSI research should see its task in applying lessons from the past to ease technology introduction. Today, rather than seeing themselves being embedded in a linear model of technology development, social scientists take an interest in developments ‘upstream’ where technologies take shape.  相似文献   

海水养殖是我国沿海地区发展经济的重要支柱产业。目前影响我国海水养殖业持续、稳定、健康发展的主要制约因素是苗种和病害问题。本文就海洋生物技术在海水养殖物植物品种培育和病害防治中的应用及有关问题进行了探讨,分别就应用海洋生物技术在群体和个体水平、细胞和染色体水平以及基因和分子水平培育新品种的工作,包括SPF和SPR苗种的培育、性别控制和杂交育种、多倍体育种、雌核发育、藻类细胞工程育种、转基因技术等进行了讨论。在重要水产养殖疾病病原的快速诊断和检测技术方面,重卢、讨论了核酸探针技术,PCR技术和单克隆抗体技术。海洋生物技术在水产养殖疾病防治中的应用,重点讨论了疫苗和免疫促进剂的开发以及基因工程疫苗。本文还对我国海洋生物技术的发展战略及有关问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Culture collections conserve the living tools for biotechnology. Without them there would be no reference organisms, and no stocks of crucial or rare microorganisms that are so valuable for biotechnology and biomedical research. The expertise that drives these collections is under threat, but the collections themselves may survive by pooling their knowledge.  相似文献   

生物技术基地平台是开展生物技术研究、生产和服务的重要基础保障,生物技术基地平台相关政策在指导和推动我国生物技术基地平台建设发展中发挥着重要作用。以近十年来中共中央、国务院以及科技部等政府部门制定的生物技术基地平台政策为研究对象,梳理归纳我国生物技术基地平台政策的价值内涵,探讨建设规律,以期为基地平台的创新发展提供借鉴指导。  相似文献   

A key component in the management of many diseases of crops is the use of plant disease resistance genes. However, the discovery and then sequence identification of these plant genes is challenging, whereas the characterization of the molecules that they recognize, the effector/avirulence products in pathogens, is often considerably more straight forward. Effectors are small proteins secreted by pathogens that can play major roles in modulating a plant's defense against attack. Effectors can be used to guide breeding of resistance genes, to trigger defense responses, and are part of integrated disease management strategies for crop protection. This review covers the role of effector-driven biotechnology in controlling plant diseases caused by fungi or oomycetes. Given that multi-billion dollar agriculture crops are based in some cases on plants recognizing just a handful of such effector proteins, there is considerable scope to use more fully effector proteins as a biotechnology resource in agriculture.  相似文献   

Agaves are plants of importance both in Mexican culture and economy and in other Latin-American countries. Mexico is reported to be the place of Agave origin, where today, scientists are looking for different industrial applications without compromising its sustainability and preserving the environment. To make it possible, a deep knowledge of all aspects involved in production process, agro-ecological management and plant biochemistry and physiology is required. Agave biotechnology research has been focusing on bio-fuels, beverages, foods, fibers, saponins among others. In this review, we present the advances and challenges of Agave biotechnology.  相似文献   

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