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The copper metallochaperone Cox17 is proposed to shuttle Cu(I) ions to the mitochondrion for the assembly of cytochrome c oxidase. The Cu(I) ions are liganded by cysteinyl thiolates. Mutational analysis on the yeast Cox17 reveals three of the seven cysteinyl residues to be critical for Cox17 function, and these three residues are present in a Cys-Cys-Xaa-Cys sequence motif. Single substitution of any of these three cysteines with serines results in a nonfunctional cytochrome oxidase complex. Cells harboring such a mutation fail to grow on nonfermentable carbon sources and have no cytochrome c oxidase activity in isolated mitochondria. Wild-type Cox17 purified as untagged protein binds three Cu(I) ions/molecule. Mutant proteins lacking only one of these critical Cys residues retain the ability to bind three Cu(I) ions and are imported within the mitochondria. In contrast, Cox17 molecules with a double Cys --> Ser mutation exhibit no Cu(I) binding but are still localized to the mitochondria. Thus, mitochondrial uptake of Cox17 is not restricted to the Cu(I) conformer of Cox17. COX17 was originally cloned by virtue of complementation of a mutant containing a nonfunctional Cys --> Tyr substitution at codon 57. The mutant C57Y Cox17 fails to accumulate within the mitochondria but retains the ability to bind three Cu(I) ions. A C57S Cox17 variant is functional, and a quadruple Cox17 mutant with C16S/C36S/C47S/C57S substitutions binds three Cu(I) ions. Thus, only three cysteinyl residues are important for the ligation of three Cu(I) ions. A novel mode of Cu(I) binding is predicted.  相似文献   

Yeast cytochrome oxidase (COX) was previously inferred to assemble from three modules, each containing one of the three mitochondrially encoded subunits and a different subset of the eight nuclear gene products that make up this respiratory complex. Pull-down assays of pulse-labeled mitochondria enabled us to characterize Cox3p subassemblies that behave as COX precursors and contain Cox4p, Cox7p, and Cox13p. Surprisingly, Cox4p is a constituent of two other complexes, one of which was previously proposed to be an intermediate of Cox1p biogenesis. This suggests that Cox4p, which contacts Cox1p and Cox3p in the holoenzyme, can be incorporated into COX by two alternative pathways. In addition to subunits of COX, some Cox3p intermediates contain Rcf1p, a protein associated with the supercomplex that stabilizes the interaction of COX with the bc1 (ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase) complex. Finally, our results indicate that although assembly of the Cox1p module is not contingent on the presence of Cox3p, the converse is not true, as none of the Cox3p subassemblies were detected in a mutant blocked in translation of Cox1p. These studies support our proposal that Cox3p and Cox1p are separate assembly modules with unique compositions of ancillary factors and subunits derived from the nuclear genome.  相似文献   

Sco1 is implicated in the copper metallation of the Cu(A) site in Cox2 of cytochrome oxidase. The structure of Sco1 in the metallated and apo-conformers revealed structural dynamics primarily in an exposed region designated loop 8. The structural dynamics of loop 8 in Sco1 suggests it may be an interface for interactions with Cox17, the Cu(I) donor and/or Cox2. A series of conserved residues in the sequence motif (217)KKYRVYF(223) on the leading edge of this loop are shown presently to be important for yeast Sco1 function. Cells harboring Y219D, R220D, V221D, and Y222D mutant Sco1 proteins failed to restore respiratory growth or cytochrome oxidase activity in sco1Delta cells. The mutant proteins are stably expressed and are competent to bind Cu(I) and Cu(II) normally. Specific Cu(I) transfer from Cox17 to the mutant apo-Sco1 proteins proceeds normally. In contrast, using two in vivo assays that permit monitoring of the transient Sco1-Cox2 interaction, the mutant Sco1 molecules appear compromised in a function with Cox2. The mutants failed to suppress the respiratory defect of cox17-1 cells unlike wild-type SCO1. In addition, the mutants failed to suppress the hydrogen peroxide sensitivity of sco1Delta cells. These studies implicate different surfaces on Sco1 for interaction or function with Cox17 and Cox2.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV) of the respiratory chain is assembled from nuclear and mitochondrially-encoded subunits. Defects in the assembly process lead to severe human disorders such as Leigh syndrome. Shy1 is an assembly factor for complex IV in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and mutations of its human homolog, SURF1, are the most frequent cause for Leigh syndrome. We report that Shy1 promotes complex IV biogenesis through association with different protein modules; Shy1 interacts with Mss51 and Cox14, translational regulators of Cox1. Additionally, Shy1 associates with the subcomplexes of complex IV that are potential assembly intermediates. Formation of these subcomplexes depends on Coa1 (YIL157c), a novel assembly factor that cooperates with Shy1. Moreover, partially assembled forms of complex IV bound to Shy1 and Cox14 can associate with the bc1 complex to form transitional supercomplexes. We suggest that Shy1 links Cox1 translational regulation to complex IV assembly and supercomplex formation.  相似文献   

Lode A  Kuschel M  Paret C  Rödel G 《FEBS letters》2000,485(1):19-24
Yeast mitochondrial Sco1p is required for the formation of a functional cytochrome c oxidase (COX). It was suggested that Sco1p aids copper delivery to the catalytic center of COX. Here we show by affinity chromatography and coimmunoprecipitation that Sco1p interacts with subunit Cox2p. In addition we provide evidence that Sco1p can form homomeric complexes. Both homomer formation and binding of Cox2p are neither dependent on the presence of copper nor affected by mutations of His-239, Cys-148 or Cys-152. These amino acids, which are conserved among the members of the Sco1p family, have been suggested to act in the reduction of the cysteines in the copper binding center of Cox2p and are discussed as ligands for copper.  相似文献   

The provision of copper to cytochrome oxidase is one of the requisite steps in the assembly of the holoenzyme. Several proteins are involved in this process including Cox17p, Sco1p, and Cox11p. Cox17p, an 8-kDa protein, is the only molecule thought to be involved in shuttling copper from the cytoplasm into mitochondria. Given the small size of Cox17p, we have taken a random and site-directed mutagenesis approach to studying structure-function relationships in Cox17p. Mutations have been generated in 70% of the Cox17p amino acid residues, with only a small subset leading to a detectable respiration-deficient phenotype. We have characterized the respiration-deficient cox17 mutants and found in addition to the expected cytochrome oxidase deficiency, a specific lack of Cox2p and the presence of a misassembled cytochrome oxidase in a subset of mutants. These results suggest that Cox17p is involved upstream of Sco1p in delivering copper specifically to subunit 2 of cytochrome oxidase and predict the existence of a subunit 1-specific copper chaperone.  相似文献   

Cox11p is an integral protein of the inner mitochondrial membrane that is essential for cytochrome c oxidase assembly. The bulk of the protein is located in the intermembrane space and displays high levels of evolutionary conservation. We have analyzed a collection of site-directed and random cox11 mutants in an effort to further define essential portions of the molecule. Of the alleles studied, more than half had no apparent effect on Cox11p function. Among the respiration deficiency-encoding alleles, we identified three distinct phenotypes, which included a set of mutants with a misassembled or partially assembled cytochrome oxidase, as indicated by a blue-shifted cytochrome aa(3) peak. In addition to the shifted spectral signal, these mutants also display a specific reduction in the levels of subunit 1 (Cox1p). Two of these mutations are likely to occlude a surface pocket behind the copper-binding domain in Cox11p, based on analogy with the Sinorhizobium meliloti Cox11 solution structure, thereby suggesting that this pocket is crucial for Cox11p function. Sequential deletions of the matrix portion of Cox11p suggest that this domain is not functional beyond the residues involved in mitochondrial targeting and membrane insertion. In addition, our studies indicate that Deltacox11, like Deltasco1, displays a specific hypersensitivity to hydrogen peroxide. Our studies provide the first evidence at the level of the cytochrome oxidase holoenzyme that Cox1p is the in vivo target for Cox11p and suggest that Cox11p may also have a role in the response to hydrogen peroxide exposure.  相似文献   

Cox17p is essential for the assembly of functional cytochrome c oxidase (CCO) and for delivery of copper ions to the mitochondrion for insertion into the enzyme in yeast. Although this small protein has already been cloned or purified from humans, mice, and pigs, the function of Cox17p in the mammalian system has not yet been elucidated. In vitro biochemical data for mammalian Cox17p indicate that the copper binds to the sequence -KPCCAC-. Although mouse embryos homozygous for COX17 disruption die between embryonic days E8.5 and E10, they develop normally until E6.5. This phenotype is strikingly similar to embryos of Ctr1(-/-), a cell surface copper transporter, in its lethality around the time of gastrulation. COX17-deficient embryos exhibit severe reductions in CCO activity at E6.5. Succinate dehydrogenase activity and immunoreactivities for anti-COX subunit antibodies were normal in the COX17(-/-) embryos, indicating that this defect was not caused by the deficiency of other complexes and/or subunits but was caused by impaired CCO activation by Cox17p. Since other copper chaperone (Atox1 and CCS)-deficient mice show a more moderate defect, the disruption of the COX17 locus causes the expression of only the phenotype of Ctr1(-/-). We found that the activity of lactate dehydrogenase was also normal in E6.5 embryos, implying that the activation of CCO by Cox17p may not be essential to the progress of embryogenesis before gastrulation.  相似文献   

Sco1, a protein required for the proper assembly of cytochrome c oxidase, has a soluble domain anchored to the cytoplasmic membrane through a single transmembrane segment. The solution structure of the soluble part of apoSco1 from Bacillus subtilis has been solved by NMR and the internal mobility characterized. Its fold places Sco1 in a distinct subgroup of the functionally unrelated thioredoxin proteins. In vitro Sco1 binds copper(I) through a CXXXCP motif and possibly His 135 and copper(II) in two different species, thus suggesting that copper(II) is adventitious more than physiological. The Sco1 structure represents the first structure of this class of proteins, present in a variety of eukaryotic and bacterial organisms, and elucidates a link between copper trafficking proteins and thioredoxins. The availability of the structure has allowed us to model the homologs Sco1 and Sco2 from S. cerevisiae and to discuss the physiological role of the Sco family.  相似文献   

The assembly of cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) in yeast mitochondria is dependent on a new assembly factor designated Coa2. Coa2 was identified from its ability to suppress the respiratory deficiency of coa1Delta and shy1Delta cells. Coa1 and Shy1 function at an early step in maturation of the Cox1 subunit of CcO. Coa2 functions downstream of the Mss51-Coa1 step in Cox1 maturation and likely concurrent with the Shy1-related heme a(3) insertion into Cox1. Coa2 interacts with Shy1. Cells lacking Coa2 show a rapid degradation of newly synthesized Cox1. Rapid Cox1 proteolysis also occurs in shy1Delta cells, suggesting that in the absence of Coa2 or Shy1, Cox1 forms an unstable conformer. Overexpression of Cox10 or Cox5a and Cox6 or attenuation of the proteolytic activity of the m-AAA protease partially restores respiration in coa2Delta cells. The matrix-localized Coa2 protein may aid in stabilizing an early Cox1 intermediate containing the nuclear subunits Cox5a and Cox6.  相似文献   

Stalled biogenesis of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) complex results in degradation of subunits containing redox cofactors. The conserved Oma1 metalloproteinase mediates facile Cox1 degradation in cells lacking the Coa2 assembly factor, but not in a series of other mutants stalled in CcO maturation. Oma1 is activated in coa2Δ cells, but the selective Cox1 degradation does not arise merely from its activation. Oma1 is also active in cells with dysfunctional mitochondria and cox11Δ cells impaired in CcO maturation, but this activation does not result in Oma1-mediated Cox1 degradation. The facile and selective degradation of Cox1 in coa2Δ cells, relative to other CcO assembly mutants, is likely due to impaired hemylation and subsequent misfolding of the subunit. Specific Cox1 proteolysis in coa2Δ cells arises from a combination of Oma1 activation and a susceptible conformation of Cox1.  相似文献   

The assembly of cytochrome c oxidase (CcO) in yeast mitochondria is shown to be dependent on a new assembly factor designated Coa1 that associates with the mitochondrial inner membrane. Translation of the mitochondrial-encoded subunits of CcO occurs normally in coa1Delta cells, but these subunits fail to accumulate. The respiratory defect in coa1Delta cells is suppressed by high-copy MSS51, MDJ1 and COX10. Mss51 functions in Cox1 translation and elongation, whereas Cox10 participates in the biosynthesis of heme a, a key cofactor of CcO. Respiration in coa1Delta and shy1Delta cells is enhanced when Mss51 and Cox10 are coexpressed. Shy1 has been implicated in formation of the heme a3-Cu(B) site in Cox1. The interaction between Coa1 and Cox1, and the physical and genetic interactions between Coa1 and Mss51, Shy1 and Cox14 suggest that Coa1 coordinates the transition of newly synthesized Cox1 from the Mss51:Cox14 complex to the heme a cofactor insertion involving Shy1. coa1Delta cells also display a mitochondrial copper defect suggesting that Coa1 may have a direct link to copper metallation of CcO.  相似文献   

Deficiencies in cytochrome oxidase, the terminal enzyme of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, are most often caused by an inability to complete assembly of the enzyme. Pathogenic mutations in SCO2, which encodes a cytochrome oxidase assembly factor, were recently described in several cases of fatal infantile cardioencephalomyopathy. To determine the molecular etiology of these disorders, we describe the generation and characterization of the parallel mutations in the homologous yeast SCO1 gene. We show that the E155K yeast sco1 mutant is respiration-competent, whereas the S240F mutant is not. Interestingly, the S240F mutation allows partial but incorrect assembly of cytochrome oxidase, as judged by an altered cytochrome aa(3) peak. Immunoblot analysis reveals a specific absence of subunit 2 from the cytochrome oxidase in this mutant. Taken together, our data suggest that Sco1p provides copper to the Cu(A) site on subunit 2 at a step occurring late in the assembly pathway. This is the first instance of a yeast cytochrome oxidase assembly mutant that is partially assembled. The S240F mutant also represents a powerful new tool with which to elucidate further steps in the cytochrome oxidase assembly pathway.  相似文献   

The biogenesis of the inner mitochondrial membrane enzyme cytochrome c oxidase (COX) is a complex process that requires the actions of ancillary proteins, collectively called assembly factors. Studies with the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae have provided considerable insight into the COX assembly pathway and have proven to be a fruitful model for understanding the molecular bases for inherited COX deficiencies in humans. In this review, we focus on critical steps in the COX assembly pathway. These processes are conserved from yeast to humans and are known to be involved in the etiology of human COX deficiencies. The contributions from our studies in yeast suggest that this organism remains an excellent model system for delineating the molecular mechanisms underlying COX assembly defects in humans. Current progress suggests that a complete picture of COX assembly will be achieved in the near future.  相似文献   

Cox19 is an important accessory protein in the assembly of cytochrome c oxidase in yeast. The protein is functional when tethered to the mitochondrial inner membrane, suggesting its functional role within the intermembrane space. Cox19 resembles Cox17 in having a twin CX(9)C sequence motif that adopts a helical hairpin in Cox17. The function of Cox17 appears to be a Cu(I) donor protein in the assembly of the copper centers in cytochrome c oxidase. Cox19 also resembles Cox17 in its ability to coordinate Cu(I). Recombinant Cox19 binds 1 mol eq of Cu(I) per monomer and exists as a dimeric protein. Cox19 isolated from the mitochondrial intermembrane space contains variable quantities of copper, suggesting that Cu(I) binding may be a transient property. Cysteinyl residues important for Cu(I) binding are also shown to be important for the in vivo function of Cox19. Thus, a correlation exists in the ability to bind Cu(I) and in vivo function.  相似文献   

Elliott LE  Saracco SA  Fox TD 《Genetics》2012,190(2):559-567
The Cox2 subunit of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cytochrome c oxidase is synthesized in the mitochondrial matrix as a precursor whose leader peptide is rapidly processed by the inner membrane protease following translocation to the intermembrane space. Processing is chaperoned by Cox20, an integral inner membrane protein whose hydrophilic domains are located in the intermembrane space, and Cox20 remains associated with mature, unassembled Cox2. The Cox2 C-tail domain is exported post-translationally by the highly conserved translocase Cox18 and associated proteins. We have found that Cox20 is required for efficient export of the Cox2 C-tail. Furthermore, Cox20 interacts by co-immune precipitation with Cox18, and this interaction requires the presence of Cox2. We therefore propose that Cox20 binding to Cox2 on the trans side of the inner membrane accelerates dissociation of newly exported Cox2 from the Cox18 translocase, promoting efficient cycling of the translocase. The requirement for Cox20 in cytochrome c oxidase assembly and respiratory growth is partially bypassed by yme1, mgr1 or mgr3 mutations, each of which reduce i-AAA protease activity in the intermembrane space. Thus, Cox20 also appears to stabilize unassembled Cox2 against degradation by the i-AAA protease. Pre-Cox2 leader peptide processing by Imp1 occurs in the absence of Cox20 and i-AAA protease activity, but is greatly reduced in efficiency. Under these conditions some mature Cox2 is assembled into cytochrome c oxidase allowing weak respiratory growth. Thus, the Cox20 chaperone has important roles in leader peptide processing, C-tail export, and stabilization of Cox2.  相似文献   

The pore complex-lamina fraction obtained from nuclear envelope contains a protein phosphokinase activity capable of phosphorylating endogenous and exogenous protein substrates. Its specific activity in the presence of MgCl2 is approximately twice that of intact nuclear envelope. However, when MgCl2 is replaced by CoCl2 in the reaction mixture, a 7 to 12-fold increase in incorporation of 32P from γ-32P-ATP into protein substrate occurs. This appears not to be due to an effect of the divalent cation on the substrate, or to inhibition of a phosphoprotein phosphatase activity. Substitution of CuCl2, MnCl2, CaCl2, and ZnCl2 for MgCl2 results in a 20 to 30% decrease in incorporation of 32P. Cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP at 1 μM were without apparent effect. Approximately 40% of the total protein phosphokinase activity of the nuclear envelope is associated with the pore complex-lamina fraction.  相似文献   

Yeast cells growing synchronously in glucose medium accumulate in the cytosol, the cytosolically made subunits of cytochrome oxidase, during the G1 and early-S phases. The mitochondrially made subunits, on the other hand, are detected only after the mid-S phase. The cytosolically synthesized subunits are integrated into the membrane after the mid-S phase.  相似文献   

Sco1 is a metallochaperone that is required for copper delivery to the Cu(A) site in the CoxII subunit of cytochrome c oxidase. The only known missense mutation in human Sco1, a P174L substitution in the copper-binding domain, is associated with a fatal neonatal hepatopathy; however, the molecular basis for dysfunction of the protein is unknown. Immortalized fibroblasts from a SCO1 patient show a severe deficiency in cytochrome c oxidase activity that was partially rescued by overexpression of P174L Sco1. The mutant protein retained the ability to bind Cu(I) and Cu(II) normally when expressed in bacteria, but Cox17-mediated copper transfer was severely compromised both in vitro and in a yeast cytoplasmic assay. The corresponding P153L substitution in yeast Sco1 was impaired in suppressing the phenotype of cells harboring the weakly functional C57Y allele of Cox17; however, it was functional in sco1delta yeast when the wild-type COX17 gene was present. Pulse-chase labeling of mitochondrial translation products in SCO1 patient fibroblasts showed no change in the rate of CoxII translation, but there was a specific and rapid turnover of CoxII protein in the chase. These data indicate that the P174L mutation attenuates a transient interaction with Cox17 that is necessary for copper transfer. They further suggest that defective Cox17-mediated copper metallation of Sco1, as well as the subsequent failure of Cu(A) site maturation, is the basis for the inefficient assembly of the cytochrome c oxidase complex in SCO1 patients.  相似文献   

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