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Clear diel periodicity in the timing of egg laying was observedin the tropical cyclopoid cope-pods Oithona plumifera, Oithonanana, Oithona simplex and Corycaeus amazomcus, and the harpacti-coidEuterpina acutifrons in waters surrounding Jamaica, West Indies.Individual females incubated under ambient food conditions formultiple clutches displayed remarkable constancy in their clutchdurations (= egg or embryonic development time). All speciesexhibited clutch durations of 20–23 h and cycle durations(= sum of clutch and inter-clutch durations) of 24 h, exceptfor the offshore species O.plumifera where the clutch durationwas 36 h and the cycle duration 48 or 72 h. Egg laying appearedto be synchronized by photoperiod, occurring around dawn formost species. In order to avoid biases, diel periodicity mustbe accounted for in estimates of egg production rates, and futureefforts should concentrate on the responses of clutch size andinterclutch durations to natural food climates.  相似文献   

Modeling patterns of zooplankton diel vertical migration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Realized predation pressure, defined as the product of predationpressure and light intensity, expresses the mortality pressuredue to visual predation. The part of realized predation pressurewhich is sensed by organisms is here considered to be relatedto food level and temperature. This partly realized predationpressure is referred to as sensed predation pressure. We proposea possible control mechanism of diel vertical migration (DVM):organisms move vertically following the minimum change in sensedpredation pressure. To investigate this assumption, we presenta math ematical model of DVM. We assume that when predatorsare present, the food level is above a minimal level, and temperatureis higher than the tolerance of organisms to growth, prey organismsundertake DVM following the minimum change in sensed predationpressure. We examine how patterns of migration may be affectedby changes in water clarity, predation pressure, food leveland temperature. This work supports the assumption that minimizingchanges in sensed predation pressure can explain the wide variationin the vertical profile of zooplankton.  相似文献   

Protandry, the earlier adult emergence of males, is explained as either an adaptive strategy maximizing male mating opportunities at the same time as minimizing female pre‐reproductive mortality, or as an incidental by‐product of sexual dimorphism fuelled by selection for other life‐history traits. Adult emergence sequences are monitored of broods of the gregarious larval endoparasitoid Cotesia glomerata L. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) undergoing pupal development under different temperature regimes. As a haplodiploid species with single‐locus complementary sex determination, gender in C. glomerata is determined by the genotype at one sex locus. Haploids are always male, whereas diploids are female when heterozygous but male when homozygous at the sex locus. Sibling mating promotes homozygosity and thus the production of diploid males. Diploid males are produced at the expense of females, and impose a genetic burden on individuals and populations, despite their exceptional fertility in C. glomerata. Emergence of broods is typically completed within 2 days. Irrespective of temperature, males emerge earlier and within a shorter time interval than females, and a majority of the males in a cluster emerge before the first female. The implications of an incomplete temporal segregation of the sexes on the incidence of inbreeding in C. glomerata are discussed in the light of its sex determination mechanism and its patterns of mating, host exploitation and natal dispersal.  相似文献   

The diel emergence patterns of 16 chironomid species from a Berkshire lake are characterized. A study of these patterns and those described previously in the literature indicate that the diel pattern for any chironomid species can often be predicted on the basis of the Tribe to which it belongs. Chironomini spp. usually emerge at dusk or at night. Macropelopiini spp. and Metrioenemini spp. characteristically emerge during daylight but the former peak in the morning and the latter peak in the afternoon. Orthocladiini and Tanytarsini spp. exhibit more varied patterns although bimodalism is a frequent feature. The phylogenetic conservatism in the diel patterns displayed implies that these patterns became established early during chironomid evolution, and are, therefore, plesiomorphic.  相似文献   

Diel temperature fluctuation might promote the dominance of cyanobacteria and result in the advance of bloom onset timing in spring. However, knowledge of how temperature fluctuations impact phytoplankton shift and then favor cyanobacterial growth in spring is limited. In this study, we analyzed photosynthesis and growth responses of phytoplankton species to different temperature fluctuation patterns in the laboratory. We also performed daily monitoring to detect the relationship between phytoplankton groups and diel temperature fluctuations. The results of the laboratory experiments suggested that the photosynthetic performance and growth rate of Microcystis aeruginosa were better adapted to temperature fluctuations than those of Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Cyclotella meneghiniana. Temperature fluctuations slowed the proliferation of Ch. pyrenoidosa and Cy. meneghiniana, while promoting M. aeruginosa. Moreover, the response dynamics of different phytoplankton species to diel temperature fluctuations depended on the mean temperature. The results from the field also indicated that there was a positive relationship between cyanobacterial biomass and diel temperature fluctuations. Our study offers further understanding of the effect of temperature fluctuation on phytoplankton composition shift and the formation of cyanobacterial dominance in spring.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. An electronic timer and fraction collector consisting of CMOS integrated circuits is described. It converts 50- or 60-Hz AC to real-time pulses in programmable whole-number increments (1, 10 or 60s) from 3 to 16659, producing timing periods from 3 s to more than 11 days. The fraction collector contains a leaf-switch feedback circuit that automatically adjusts to various gear motor speeds and sample tube spacings so that proper positioning results. Hourly collections by the device of the bark beetles Ips typographus L. and Pityogenes chalcographus L. (Scolytidae) emerging from logs of Norway spruce, Picea abies , indicated that both species emerged with a diel periodicity. A unimodal emergence peak for both sexes of both species occurred at midday in LD 20:4 at a constant 25°C and 80% r.h.  相似文献   

Among stages of avian ontogeny, the act of nest departure or fledging is an abrupt transition into a new environment and a major leap toward independence for offspring. In altricial birds, the timing (i.e. time of day) of fledging is notable in that many species tend to fledge early in the morning. Past studies have proposed nest predation as a key factor driving birds to fledge earlier in the morning (the ‘survival hypothesis’), whereby offspring avoid peak times of nest predation that occur later in the day. A natural extension of this hypothesis is the predation of offspring post-fledging, whereby offspring are also timing their fledging with future survival prospects outside of the nest. However, few studies have investigated fledging behaviour in the context of both nesting and post-fledging predation. To help fill this knowledge gap, we investigated factors driving the timing and duration of fledging across six songbird species in the context of offspring predation: daily nest mortality, post-fledging mortality and diel patterns of nest predation risk. We found that > 60% of songbirds fledged early in the morning, whereas the peaks in nest predation risk occurred several hours post-fledging. Furthermore, species under greater risk of nest predation fledged earlier in the day and in closer succession to their siblings. Parameters of post-fledging mortality were poor predictors of fledging timing, but individuals from broods of species under higher risk of post-fledging mortality fledged in closer succession to their siblings. These results provide evidence in support of the survival hypothesis, and suggest that songbirds fledge in the morning to avoid peak times of nest predation risk that occur later in the day (~ 8 h after civil dawn). Such results corroborate past research highlighting predation on dependent offspring as a key factor driving variation in life histories across animal taxa; however, estimates of post-fledging mortality suggest that nest predation alone does not fully explain variation in fledging behaviour among species. Future research is therefore needed to investigate the contribution of other factors, such as energetics, parent–offspring conflict and diel patterns of post-fledging survival, which may help to mediate diel patterns of fledging within and among songbird species.  相似文献   

Vertical distributions and swimming behaviors of 7 species ofhydromedusae (Aequorea victoria, Bougainvillia principis, Gonionemusvertens, Mitrocoma cellularia, Phialidium gregarium, Polyorchispenicillatus, and Stomotoca atra) were observed over 24-h periodsin a 2 m high, 1500 1 transparent tank. In this tank, most speciesperformed well-marked diel vertical migrations that were mediatedby swimming. Manipulation of the light regime showed the didswimming behaviors to be light-dependent rather than intrinsic,even in species that do not possess recognized photoreceptors.Correlations between vertical migration and spawning times forseveral species of medusae suggest that in cases when verticalmigration reduces the distances between individuals (e.g., inmass movements to the surface) just prior to spawning, enhancedfertilization success may result from such movements. 1Present address: Friday Harbor Laboratories, Friday Harbor,WA 98250, USA.  相似文献   

Zooplankton and ichthyoplankton assemblages were studied fromJanuary 2003 to June 2004 in a temperate shallow estuary (Mondegoestuary, Portugal). Monthly sampling was performed at five stationsat high and low tides, with subsurface tows with 335 and 500µm mesh Bongo nets. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showeda significant effect (P < 0.05) of the mesh size of the neton the abundance of main zooplankton groups. On average, theabundance of the 500 µm taxocenosis was 67 and 102 timeslower than the 335 µm taxocenosis at high and low tidesrespectively, especially in the south arm. More than 80 specieswere identified in the zooplankton samples. The upper reachesof northern arm are dominated by freshwater crustacean mesozooplanktonlike Acanthocyclops robustus and Diaptomus spp. and the cladoceransDaphnia, Ceriodaphnia and Bosmina, often being codominant. Inthe southern arm, the resident estuarine copepod Acartia tonsawas dominant, eventually being the most abundant taxon. Marinereaches of estuary are usually dominated by the marine calanoidcopepods Acartia clausi and Temora longicornis and the siphonophoresMuggiaea atlantica. Concerning the ichthyoplankton, this wasdominated by the larvae of estuarine resident species, mainlyPomatoschistus sp., and eggs of Engraulis encrasicolus. Theabundance of Pomatoschistus sp. larvae was positively correlatedwith water temperature. Statistical analysis (canonical correspondenceanalysis) used to determine the spatiotemporal structure ofthe zooplankton assemblages and its correlation with environmentalvariables showed that salinity and temperature were the mainfactors influencing the distribution of zooplankton. The resultsobtained also showed that abundance was strongly influencedby the hydrological circulation pattern and direct or indirecthuman impacts that occur in each arm of the estuary. This article was presented at Plankton Symposium III, held atFiguera da Foz, portugal, between 17 and 20 March 2005, underthe auspices of the University of Coimbra and the Universityof Aveiro, and coordinated by Mário Jorge Pereira andUlisses M. Azeiteiro.  相似文献   

Insect populations may differ in several life history traits, including behavioural ones such as sexual signalling. We tested whether male Mediterranean fruit fly (medlfy), Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), populations obtained from geographically isolated areas exhibit differences in quantitative and qualitative aspects of male sexual signalling. Male sexual signalling was studied in four medfly populations (originating from Brazil, Portugal, Kenya, and Greece) under identical laboratory conditions (25 °C, 60% r.h., and L14:D10). The four populations had been reared for one generation in the laboratory. Sexual signalling was studied in the F1 progeny that were fed one of two diets (yeast hydrolysate plus sugar or sugar only). On both diets, the four populations differed significantly in the progress of maturity (indicated by the average number of males exhibiting sexual signalling) and in the quantity of signalling after attaining maturity. Yeast availability significantly increased sexual signalling; however, it had a different impact on the quantity of signalling in the different populations. A bi-modal pattern of sexual signalling, with one peak at approximately 08:00–09:00 hours and the second at approximately 13:00–14:00 hours, was recorded for all populations and diets. However, quantitative differences among the populations within the 'sexually active' period of the day resulted in significant differences in the daily pattern of sexual signalling. The significance of these findings for understanding adaptations of geographically isolated medfly populations to different ecosystems, as well as its practical importance for the application of the sterile insect technique against C. capitata , is discussed.  相似文献   

Resource selection and space use are important aspects of an animal's ecology and understanding these behaviors is necessary for proper wildlife management. We used mixed-effect integrated step-selection models to evaluate seasonal variation in resource selection between male and female elk (Cervus canadensis) and diel periods in central Pennsylvania, USA. Resource selection varied seasonally, between sexes, and across diel periods. These results demonstrate strong seasonal sexual segregation in resource use, and movements between habitats throughout the day, highlighting the dynamic nature of resource selection by elk and underscoring the importance of considering sexual variation at multiple temporal scales when designing ungulate management strategies. Finally, we developed habitat suitability maps for male and female elk in the Pennsylvania Elk Management Area. Wildlife ecologists and managers must consider multiple sources of variation in habitat use and resource selection, particularly for large mobile species such as elk.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity itself evolves, as does any other quantitative trait. A very different question is whether phenotypic plasticity causes evolution or is a major evolutionary mechanism. Existing models of the evolution of phenotypic plasticity cover many of the proposals in the literature about the role of phenotypic plasticity in evolution. I will extend existing models to cover adaptation to a novel environment, the appearance of ecotypes and possible covariation between phenotypic plasticity and mean trait value of ecotypes. Genetic assimilation does not sufficiently explain details of observed patterns. Phenotypic plasticity as a major mechanism for evolution--such as, invading new niches, speciation or macroevolution--has, at present, neither empirical nor model support.  相似文献   

Previous studies have revealed diel patterns in the songs of Chipping Sparrows (Spizella passerina), with songs shorter in duration before dawn than after. However, the extent to which this phenomenon generalizes to the full geographic range of these sparrows is unclear, as is the question of whether citizen-science data can be used to detect diel patterns in song. We analyzed all available songs of Chipping Sparrows from the Macaulay Library and xeno-canto databases and compared the distributions of song features of recordings made at different times of day. We show that, across their entire geographic range in North and Central America, Chipping Sparrows sing shorter songs before sunrise (dawn song) than after sunrise (day song). Furthermore, we show that Chipping Sparrows shorten their songs by singing fewer syllables, not by singing faster: the number of syllables per song accounts for the observed difference in duration, not the syllable nor the intersyllable duration. Our results demonstrate that recordings from public repositories can be used to determine whether daily song patterns exist in species even in the absence of prior fieldwork, and we further propose that citizen-science recordings can be used to inform cross-species hypotheses and facilitate future studies to determine whether diel patterns in song are associated with differences in social behavior.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Six channels were constructed in various parts of two riffles from which chironomid exuviae were collected every 3 h for three 24-h periods in July 1974. Diel emergence patterns were calculated for twelve abundant species and six different patterns were observed.
Krenosmittia cf. camptopheleps and Cordites had their major emergence pulse during peak light periods and it is proposed that high or increasing light intensity is a cue for their emergence. Stempellinella cf. brevis begins its emergence in the morning and continues until after darkness. Increasing and high water temperatures are suggested as the emergence cue since emergence tracks water temperatures with little apparent effect of light. Parametriocnemus sp. and Polypedilum ( Tripodura ) sp. begin emerging in late evening and continue into early daylight hours. These patterns indicate low and decreasing water temperatures as the emergence cue with little apparent effect of light. Corynoneura sp. and Thienemanniella sp. emerged primarily during daylight hours with a minor pulse in the morning and the major pulse in late afternoon. It is proposed that the emergence cue is simply the presence of light and that water temperature determines how many individuals are able to prepare for emergence and respond to the cue. Rheotanytarsus cf. exiguus and Tanytarsus ( Sublettea ) coffmani have major emergence peaks just after sunset and minor pulses in the morning hours. Changes in light are proposed as their emergence cue with water temperatures determining the number of individuals able to respond to that cue. Eukiefferiella discoforipes gr. sp. and Nilotanypus sp. emerge continuously throughout daylight and darkness hours, showing no obvious pattern.  相似文献   

1. The hypothesis under test was that larvae of Dinocras cephalotes (Curtis), Perla bipunctata Pictet, Isoperla grammatica (Poda), and Perlodes microcephalus (Pictet) differed markedly in their diel activity and feeding patterns. Mature larvae collected about 1 month prior to adult emergence were used either for gut analyses or for observations of their activity and feeding patterns in three stream tanks with natural substrata and glass bottoms, so that activity could be observed above and below the substratum. A dull red light was used for observations in the dark. Food (larvae of Ephemeroptera, Simuliidae, and Chironomidae) was provided in excess. 2. Larvae for gut analyses were taken 1 h before dusk or dawn (n = 30 larvae per species for each day or night sample). The only species with food in the gut for the day samples was P. microcephalus. All species fed at night, the mean number of prey per larva being very similar for D. cephalotes, P. bipunctata, and I. grammatica but significantly higher for P. microcephalus. Most prey were insect larvae, especially Simuliidae and Chironomidae. 3. Diel activity patterns of single larvae differed interspecifically but not intraspecifically. Larvae of D. cephalotes and P. bipunctata were rarely active during the day; their activity increased at dusk and decreased at dawn, and was highest during the night; their success at prey capture was highest at dusk and dawn, with an ambush rather than a search strategy. Isoperla grammatica was rarely active during the day, most active at dusk and dawn when prey capture was highest, using a search strategy, and less active for the rest of the night. Perlodes microcephalus was active during the day, but only below the substratum, and very active from dusk to dawn with a high prey‐capture success, using a search strategy. These experiments provided support for the hypothesis under test. The discussion concludes that the results could also help to explain known differences in growth rate and the length of the life‐cycle in these four species.  相似文献   

Hydrobiologia - Detailed seasonal analyses of phytoplankton assemblages’ composition were performed on long-term datasets (20&nbsp;years) of two oligotrophic Mediterranean lagoons (Diana...  相似文献   

1. We examined the seasonal and diel patterns of invertebrate drift in relation to seston and various habitat characteristics in two each of four different kinds of alpine streams [rhithral (snow‐fed) lake outlets, rhithral streams, kryal (glacial‐fed) lake outlets and kryal streams]. Samples were collected at four times of the day (dawn, midday, dusk and midnight) during three seasons (spring, summer and autumn). 2. Habitat characteristics differed mainly between rhithral and kryal sites, with the latter having higher discharge and turbidity, lower water temperature, and higher concentrations of ammonium, and particulate and soluble reactive phosphorus. Seasonality in habitat characteristics was most pronounced for kryal streams with autumn samples being more similar to rhithral sites. 3. The concentration of seston was lowest in the glacial‐influenced lake outlets and slightly higher in the stream sites; no seasonal or diel patterns were evident. 4. The density of drifting invertebrates averaged less than 100 m?3 and was lowest (<10 m?3) at three of the four kryal sites. Taxon richness and diversity were lowest at rhithral lake outlets. Chironomidae dominated the drift as well as benthic communities and <30% of benthic taxa identified were found in the drift. 5. Drifting invertebrates showed no consistent seasonal pattern. However, density tended to be highest in spring at rhithral sites and in autumn at kryal sites. No diel periodicity in drift density was found at any site and the lack of diel pattern may be a general feature of high altitude streams. 6. Glacially influenced habitat parameters were a major factor affecting drift in these alpine streams, whereas no clear differences were observed between streams and lake outlets. Our findings indicate that invertebrate drift in alpine streams is primarily influenced by abiotic factors, and therefore, substantially differs from patterns observed at lower altitude.  相似文献   

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