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Caste totipotency and conflict in a large-colony social insect   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In most social insects with large, complex colonies workers and queens are morphologically quite distinct. This means that caste determination must occur prior to adulthood. However workers and queens in the swarm-founding epiponine wasps are often morphologically indistinguishable, or nearly so, suggesting that caste determination in these wasps could be quite different. To determine the extent of caste lability in the epiponine, Parachartergus colobopterus, we removed all the queens from one colony and all but one from another colony. Worker aggression diminished after queen removal. A week later the colony with no queens had a new, young cohort of mated queens. These must have been either adults or pupae at the time of queen removal, and so could not have been fed any differently from workers. Relatedness patterns confirmed that these new queens would normally have been workers and not queens. A model of inclusive fitness interests shows that workers ought to suppress new queen production, except at low queen numbers, a prediction supported by our empirical results. The patterns of social conflict over queenship resulting from swarm founding in a many-queen society may help to explain the unusually weak caste differentiation in the epiponines.  相似文献   

Caste differentiation and division of labor are the hallmarks of social insect colonies [1, 2]. The current dogma for female caste differentiation is that female eggs are totipotent, with morphological and physiological differences between queens and workers stemming from a developmental switch during the larval stage controlled by nutritional and other environmental factors (e.g., [3-8]). In this study, we tested whether maternal effects influence caste differentiation in Pogonomyrmex harvester ants. By conducting crossfostering experiments we identified two key factors in the process of caste determination. New queens were produced only from eggs laid by queens exposed to cold. Moreover, there was a strong age effect, with development into queens occurring only in eggs laid by queens that were at least two years old. Biochemical analyses further revealed that the level of ecdysteroids was significantly lower in eggs developing into queens than workers. By contrast, we found no significant effect of colony size or worker exposure to cold, suggesting that the trigger for caste differentiation may be independent of the quantity and quality of resources provided to larvae. Altogether these data demonstrate that the developmental fate of female brood is strongly influenced by maternal effects in ants of the genus Pogonomyrmex.  相似文献   

Differences in reproductive success (RS) between different groups of individuals are of interest to researchers studying natural and sexual selection. Since it is often not feasible to quantify RS in the wild, researchers make use of proxies instead. One such proxy is clutch size. However, research on species providing parental care (mainly birds and mammals) has learned that a large clutch size does not guarantee a large number of offspring. In contrast, much less is known on the link between clutch size and RS for species lacking parental care, such as many reptiles and insects. Here, we ask whether clutch size provides a satisfactory estimate of RS for a polymorphic insect. Our study species is a damselfly showing two distinct female morphs for which RS (estimated by clutch size) has been studied to evaluate the evolutionary role of sexual conflict. However, in this system not only among family variation in offspring viability, but also differences between female morphs, may affect how clutch size relates to offspring number and quality. To evaluate the use of clutch size as estimate of RS, we examined how clutch size correlated with subsequent success measures of developing offspring by rearing damselfly from eggs to adults under two laboratory food treatments. In both treatments, we detected that clutch size correlated well with offspring number early in larval life, but that this relation is reduced by among family variation in survival in later developmental stages. Clutch size was moderately correlated with the number of offspring that successfully metamorphosed to winged adults. Patterns did not differ between female morphs and the nature of the correlation could not be explained from offspring quantity-quality trade-offs.  相似文献   

Conspicuous heritable polymorphisms are useful to address the question if morph frequencies are stable or whether they fluctuate between generations. Ecological geneticists have studied colour polymorphisms in the past, but there are few long-term studies of genetic dynamics across multiple generations. We studied morph-frequency dynamics and female fecundity in the trimorphic blue-tailed damselfly (Ischnura elegans). The morphs include a male-coloured (androchrome) type of female, which is thought to be maintained by frequency-dependent sexual conflict. Morph frequencies changed significantly between years across all populations. There was evidence for directional frequency change since androchrome females increased in 9 of 10 populations across a 4-year period. There was heterogeneity between populations in their evolutionary trajectories, partly caused by population age: androchrome frequencies were initially high in young populations but gradually decreased and approached the level of old populations. We discuss the possible causes of morph-frequency fluctuations, and the role of morph-specific fecundity, dispersal and other forces influencing evolutionary dynamics in this system.  相似文献   

We undertook a study to explore the potential of microsatellite loci as genetic markers for investigating kinship patterns in a social waspParachartergus colobopterus. A plasmid library with small inserts was screened for several oligonucleotide repeat motifs. Positive clones were sequenced and several were selected for further work. PCR primers were constructed that would amplify the tandem repeat region and a number of female wasps were scored for variation in the number of tandem repeats at these loci. The five amplified loci were far more variable than allozymes, with an average heterozygosity of 0.35. This work was supported by NSF Grants BSR-9021514 and IBN-9210051.  相似文献   

Morphometric data for 30 species of swarming wasps (Vespidae: Polistinae: Epiponini) are presented, representing all currently recognized genera. Data are coded according to whether females that were shown by dissection to be egglayers are larger, similar, or smaller for each dimension than non-egglayers. These data are analysed in a phylogenetic framework with primitively social Polistes and Mischocyttarus as outgroups. Representative measurements are illustrated to show that most genera of Epiponini appear to have ancestry in a lineage that has no queen caste comparable with either the primitively social outgroups, or the more derived species of the tribe. This analysis indicates that a conspiracy of workers that operates without a queen characterizes the societies of many Epiponini, or their recent ancestors.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 93 , 509–522.  相似文献   

A caste system in which females develop into morphologically distinct queens or workers has evolved independently in ants, wasps and bees. Although such reproductive division of labour may benefit the colony it is also a source of conflict because individual immature females can benefit from developing into a queen in order to gain greater direct reproduction. Here we present a formal inclusive fitness analysis of caste fate conflict appropriate for swarm-founding social Hymenoptera. Three major conclusions are reached: (1) when caste is self-determined, many females should selfishly choose to become queens and the resulting depletion of the workforce can substantially reduce colony productivity; (2) greater relatedness among colony members reduces this excess queen production; (3) if workers can prevent excess queen production at low cost by controlled feeding, a transition to nutritional caste determination should occur. These predictions generalize results derived earlier using an allele-frequency model [Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. (2001) 50: 467] and are supported by observed levels of queen production in various taxa, especially stingless bees, where caste can be either individually or nutritionally controlled.  相似文献   

Trans-generational immune priming in a social insect   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Detecting functional homology between invertebrate and vertebrate immunity is of interest in terms of understanding the dynamics and evolution of immune systems. Trans-generational effects on immunity are well known from vertebrates, but their existence in invertebrates remains controversial. Earlier work on invertebrates has interpreted increased offspring resistance to pathogens as trans-generational immune priming. However, interpretation of these earlier studies involves some caveats and thus full evidence for a direct effect of maternal immune experience on offspring immunity is still lacking in invertebrates. Here we show that induced levels of antibacterial activity are higher in the worker offspring of the bumblebee, Bombus terrestris L. when their mother queen received a corresponding immune challenge prior to colony founding. This shows trans-generational immune priming in an insect, with ramifications for the evolution of sociality.  相似文献   

The making of a social insect: developmental architectures of social design   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
We marvel at the social complexity of insects, marked by anatomically and behaviorally distinguishable castes, division of labor and specialization—but how do such systems evolve? Insect societies are composed of individuals, each undergoing its own developmental process and each containing its own genetic information and experiencing its own developmental and experiential environment. Yet societies appear to function as if the colonies themselves are individuals with novel “social genes” and novel social developmental processes. We propose an alternative hypothesis. The origins of complex social behavior, from which insect societies emerge, are derived from ancestral developmental programs. These programs originated in ancient solitary insects and required little evolutionary remodeling. We present evidence from behavioral assays, selective breeding, genetic mapping, functional genomics and endocrinology, and comparative anatomy and physiology. These insights explain how complex social behavior can evolve from heterochronic changes in reproductive signaling systems that govern ubiquitous and ancient relationships between behavior and ovarian development. BioEssays 29:334–343, 2007. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Polymorphic species have been the focus of important work in evolutionary biology. It has been suggested that colour polymorphic species have specific evolutionary and population dynamics that enable them to persist through environmental changes better than less variable species. We suggest that recent empirical and theoretical work indicates that polymorphic species may be more vulnerable to extinction than previously thought. This vulnerability arises because these species often have a number of correlated sexual, behavioural, life history and ecological traits, which can have a simple genetic underpinning. When exacerbated by environmental change, these alternate strategies can lead to conflict between morphs at the genomic and population levels, which can directly or indirectly affect population and evolutionary dynamics. In this perspective, we identify a number of ways in which the nature of the correlated traits, their underpinning genetic architecture, and the inevitable interactions between colour morphs can result in a reduction in population fitness. The principles illustrated here apply to all kinds of discrete polymorphism (e.g. behavioural syndromes), but we focus primarily on colour polymorphism because they are well studied. We urge further empirical investigation of the genetic architecture and interactions in polymorphic species to elucidate the impact on population fitness.  相似文献   

Summary A feature of some species of eusocial Hymenoptera is a high level of intra-colonial genetic diversity, and correlated diversity in the level of the stimulus required for individuals to initiate work. Here we explore the effects of intracolonial variability on the responsiveness of colonies to changing needs in task allocation using computer simulation. Our simulations show that colonies comprised of individuals of uniform task threshold are poor at adapting to changing colony needs – that is, they did not allocate the appropriate numbers of workers to tasks. On the other hand, colonies comprised of many groups of differing task threshold adapt quickly and more appropriately to changes in task need. Our simulations suggest that intracolonial genetic variability may be an important component of an efficient task allocation system for some species of social Hymenoptera. We speculate that the benefits of an improved task allocation system may have contributed to the high levels of polyandry and polygyny seen in some of these insects.Received 17 August 2001; revised 25 March and 13 October 2003; accepted 3 November 2003.  相似文献   

Genetic, social and environmental factors affecting behavioral estrus were evaluated in Angus (n = 10), Brahman (n = 10) and Senepol (n = 10) cows during a PGF2alpha synchronized estrus and subsequent spontaneous estrus. Cows were equally stratified by breed to two groups of 15. Both groups were pre-synchronized with a modified two-injection PGF2alpha protocol. At the start of the experiment, cows were treated with 25 mg PGF2alpha followed by a second and third administration of 12.5 mg PGF2alpha, 11 and 12 days later to induce synchronized estrus. The subsequent estrus was designated as spontaneous estrus. Behavioral estrus data including the onset and end of estrus, estrous duration and the total number of mounts received for the synchronized and spontaneous estruses were collected using HeatWatch". Interval from the third PGF2alpha, treatment to the onset of a HeatWatch" estrus occurred earlier (P < 0.05) in Angus (31 +/- 5 h) than Brahman (53 +/- 7 h) or Senepol (53 +/- 4 h) cows, with dominant Senepol and Brahman cows taking longer to exhibit estrus after PGF2alpha than subordinate cows. The duration of the synchronized estrus tended to be shorter (P < 0.06) in Senepol (12 +/- 3 h) than in Angus (19 +/- 2 h) or Brahman (17 +/- 2 h) cows. Behavioral estrus data between the two periods were confounded by greater temperature-humidity index (THI) values during spontaneous estrus. The THI during spontaneous estrus appeared (P = 0.09) to affect the duration of estrus (9 +/- 1 h versus 16 +/- 1 h) and did affect (P < 0.0001) the total number of mounts received (8 +/- 4 mounts versus 34 +/- 4 mounts) during spontaneous estrus compared to synchronized estrus. Breed had no effect (P > 0.10) on the duration and total number of mounts received during synchronized and spontaneous estruses. In conclusion, type of estrus (synchronized or spontaneous), THI, social dominance and breed exerted significant effects on characteristics associated with behavioral estrus in beef cattle in subtropical environments.  相似文献   

A balance must be maintained between the proportion of individuals dispersing and the proportion remaining philopatric such that inbreeding and resource competition are minimized. Yet the relative importance of dispersal and philopatric behaviour is uncertain, especially for species with complex social systems. We examine the influence of dispersal on genetic relationships of a white-nosed coati ( Nasua narica : Procyonidae) population from Panama. Field studies of the coati indicate a social system in which all females are highly philopatric and live in bands while all adult males become solitary at maturity, but do not disperse from the home range of their natal band. Based on analyses of multilocus DNA fingerprints, we confirm that female philopatry is the rule, long-distance dispersal is rare, and that relatedness between most bands is low. However, some new bands result from fission events and these bands retain relatively high relatedness to one another for several years. Adult males inhabiting the home range of a band are closely related to band members. In contrast, males and band members whose ranges do not overlap are unrelated or only slightly related. Adult males are also more closely related to other males whose home ranges they overlap extensively than to males whose home ranges they overlap only slightly. These results indicate that males initially disperse from their natal bands to reduce resource competition and not to avoid inbreeding. Inbreeding avoidance, if it occurs, results from more extensive range movements by males during the mating season.  相似文献   

Disruption of two Fusarium genes that negatively regulate trichothecene biosynthesis was reported to cause a drastic increase in trichothecene production. However, careful inspection of these genes revealed that neither was significantly related to trichothecene production. Agmatine medium maintained the expression of trichothecene genes at significant levels, resulting in a 2–3-fold increase in the final yield, as compared to glutamine medium.  相似文献   

Among colonies of social insects, the worker turnover rate (colony ‘pace’) typically shows considerable variation. This has epidemiological consequences for parasites, because in ‘fast-paced’ colonies, with short-lived workers, the time of parasite residence in a given host will be reduced, and further transmission may thus get less likely. Here, we test this idea and ask whether pace is a life-history strategy against infectious parasites. We infected bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) with the infectious gut parasite Crithidia bombi, and experimentally manipulated birth and death rates to mimic slow and fast pace. We found that fewer workers and, importantly, fewer last-generation workers that are responsible for rearing sexuals were infected in colonies with faster pace. This translates into increased fitness in fast-paced colonies, as daughter queens exposed to fewer infected workers in the nest are less likely to become infected themselves, and have a higher chance of founding their own colonies in the next year. High worker turnover rate can thus act as a strategy of defence against a spreading infection in social insect colonies.  相似文献   

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