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Organisms with external fertilization are often sperm limited, and in echinoids, larger eggs have a higher probability of fertilization than smaller eggs. This difference is thought to be a result of the more frequent sperm-egg collisions experienced by larger targets. Here we report how two components of egg target size, the egg cell and jelly coat, contributed to fertilization success in a selection experiment. We used a cross-sectional analysis of correlated characters to estimate the selection gradients on egg and jelly-coat size in five replicate male pairs of the sand dollar Dendraster excentricus. Results indicated that eggs with larger cells and jelly coats were preferentially fertilized under sperm limitation in the laboratory. The selection gradients were an average of 922% steeper for egg than for jelly-coat size. The standardized selection gradients for egg and jelly-coat size were similar. Our results suggest that fertilization selection can act on both egg-cell and jelly-coat size but that an increase in egg-cell volume is much more likely to increase fertilization success than an equal change in jelly-coat volume. The strengths of the selection gradients were inversely related to the correlation of egg traits across replicate egg clutches. This result suggests the importance of replication in studies of selection of correlated characters.  相似文献   

The optimal trade-off between offspring size and number can depend on details of the mode of reproduction or development. In marine organisms, broadcast spawning is widespread, and external coats are a common feature of spawned eggs. Egg jelly coats are thought to influence several aspects of fertilization and early development, including the size of the target for sperm, fertilization efficiency, egg suspension time, polyspermy, embryo survival, and fecundity. These costs and benefits of investment in jelly result in trade-offs that can influence optimal reproductive allocation and the evolution of egg size. I develop an optimization model that sequentially incorporates assumptions about the function of egg coats in fertilization. The model predicts large variation in coat size and limited variation in ovum size under a broad range of conditions. Heterogeneity among spawning events further limits the range of ovum sizes predicted to evolve under sperm limitation. In contrast, variation in larval mortality predicts a broad range of optimal ovum sizes that more closely reflects natural variation among broadcast-spawning invertebrates. By decoupling physical and energetic size, egg coats can enhance fertilization, maintain high fecundity, and buffer the evolution of ovum size from variation in spawning conditions.  相似文献   

In free-spawning marine invertebrates, the amount of maternal energy that is invested in each egg has profound implications for all life-history stages of the offspring. The eggs of echinoids are freely spawned into the water and are surrounded by several structurally complex extracellular layers. These extracellular layers, or jelly coats, do not contribute energy to embryonic development but must impose an energy cost on the production of each egg. The investment of maternal energy reserves in the jelly coats of echinoid eggs may have important implications for the number of eggs that can be produced (i.e., fecundity) and the amount of energy that can be invested in each egg. We estimated the degree to which maternal energy is invested in the jelly coats surrounding eggs of the echinoid Arbacia punctulata. Estimates were derived from measurements of the amount of energy contained in the combined eggs and jelly coats, and in the eggs alone. The amount of energy contained in A. punctulata eggs ranged from 2.70 to 5.53 x 10(-4) J egg(-1). The amount of energy contained in the jelly coats ranged from 0.13 to 0.48 x 10(-4) J jelly coat(-1). The mean concentration of energy in the eggs was 2.15 mm(-3) and 0.29 J mm(-3) in the jelly coats. These results indicate that between 3% and 11% (mean = 7%) of the total energy invested in each A. punctulata egg is partitioned to the jelly coat alone. A significant positive relationship was found between the volumes of the jelly coats and the amount of energy they contained. Based on this relationship and an analysis of differences in the size of jelly coats between echinoid species, we suggest that the degree to which energy is invested in jelly coats may vary among echinoid species and is therefore likely to be an important life-history characteristic of these organisms.  相似文献   

In broadcast-spawning marine organisms, chronic sperm limitation should select for traits that improve chances of sperm-egg contact. One mechanism may involve increasing the size of the physical or chemical target for sperm. However, models of fertilization kinetics predict that increasing egg size can reduce net zygote production due to an associated decline in fecundity. An alternate method for increasing physical target size is through addition of energetically inexpensive external structures, such as the jelly coats typical of eggs in species from several phyla. In selection experiments on eggs of the echinoid Dendraster excentricus, in which sperm was used as the agent of selection, eggs with larger overall targets were favored in fertilization. Actual shifts in target size following selection matched quantitative predictions of a model that assumed fertilization was proportional to target size. Jelly volume and ovum volume, two characters that contribute to target size, were correlated both within and among females. A cross-sectional analysis of selection partitioned the independent effects of these characters on fertilization success and showed that they experience similar direct selection pressures. Coupled with data on relative organic costs of the two materials, these results suggest that, under conditions where fertilization is limited by egg target size, selection should favor investment in low-cost accessory structures and may have a relatively weak effect on the evolution of ovum size.  相似文献   

The antigenic relationship of the egg jelly coat glycoproteins from Bufo japonicus japonicus and Xenopus laevis laevis was investigated using agar double diffusion methods. The presence of ligands in the jelly coats for the cortical granule lectin from X.l. laevis eggs was also investigated. Anti-jelly serum for both anuran species crossreacted with the jelly coat from the other species with precipitin patterns of identity. Each egg jelly coat of both species contained two ligands for the cortical granule lectin. Although the ligands in the two different jelly coats appeared to react with the lectin in a pattern of identity, the species ligands were antigenically distinguishable using anti-Xenopus jelly serum. The observations that the two anuran egg jelly coats were antigenically related and that they both contained ligands for the X.l. laevis cortical granule lectin was interpreted in terms of fertilization mechanisms in the two different species. In addition, these observations bring into question the currently accepted phylogenetic relationship of B.j. japonicus and X.l. laevis.  相似文献   

The O-linked oligosaccharides of the jelly coat surroundingthe eggs of Xenopus laevis were analysed by 1H-NMR spectroscopy.Among the 12 neutral oligosaccharide-alditols which have beencharacterized, three of them posses the following unusual structures,As previously observed for six other amphibian species, thecarbohydrate chains of the jelly coat of Xenopus eggs displaya high species specificity which could support a biologicalrole during the fertilization processes. amphibian egg jelly coats 1H-NMR oligosaccharide structure Xenopus laevis  相似文献   

The jelly coat of a sea urchin egg possesses a narrow conical channel which identifies the animal pole. This rarely seen structure was first reported by Boveri in 1901 and is easily demonstrated by immersing freshly ovulated eggs into an ink suspension. The jelly canal, as this feature is called, fills with ink particles as the jelly swells. The jelly canal occurs on full-sized primary oocytes and unfertilized eggs. When filled with ink it serves as a useful marker of the animal pole during fertilization and early development when it is not otherwise visible. A common synonym for the jelly canal is ‘micropyle’, but this is a misnomer because sperm do not selectively pass through it for fertilization. The presence of the jelly canal on oocytes suggests how it might form and does not prove that the animal-vegetal polar axis in sea urchin eggs is defined before meiotic maturation.  相似文献   

Models of fertilization kinetics rely upon estimates of the swimming velocity of sperm to predict collision rates between egg and sperm. Most investigators measure sperm swimming velocity without accounting for the helical motion of sperm, thereby obtaining an inflated estimate of the velocity with which sperm approach eggs. In turn, models of fertilization predict inflated rates of sperm/egg collision. I observed sea urchin sperm colliding with eggs, quantified the rate of sperm/egg collision, and measured sperm velocity as a component of the helix through which they swim. I also adjusted the "target size" of eggs to reflect the diameter of the helix. My estimate of sperm swimming velocity is an order of magnitude lower than other estimates for the same species. By using helical parameters in fertilization kinetics models and accounting for dead sperm in laboratory trials, I was able to accurately predict lower rates of sperm/egg collision. Moreover, making these adjustments in the model increased the estimated proportion of sperm that initiate fertilization by 6- to 7-fold, suggesting that a better understanding of sperm swimming might lead to a more complete understanding of fertilization biology and natural selection on gamete traits.  相似文献   

Synopsis Sturgeon gametes differ from those of most fish in that the sperm possess acrosomes that undergo exocytosis and filament formation while the eggs possess numerous micropyles. Acipenser transmontanus eggs are encased by multilayered envelopes that consist of outer adhesive jelly coats and three structured layers interior to the jelly. The glycoprotein jelly layer only becomes adhesive upon exposure to freshwater. The layer interior to the jelly, layer 3, is the other carbohydrate-containing component of the egg envelope. This layer consists of a water-insoluble glycoprotein that, upon freshwater exposure, is hydrolyzed by a trypsinlike protease to yield a water-soluble, lower molecular weight carbohydrate-containing component. This component can be identified in the surrounding medium when unfertilized eggs are incubated in freshwater. This egg water component elicits acrosome reactions only in homologous sperm. The A. transmontanus sperm acrosome reaction is a Ca++ and/or Mg++ dependent event that includes the formation of a 10 μ long fertilization filament. A. transmontanus fertilization can occur at low sperm per egg ratios; however, crossfertilization of A. transmontanus eggs with lake sturgeon, A. fluvescens, sperm results in a very low number of fertilized eggs, even at high sperm per egg ratios. The morphological, physiological, and biochemical phenomenon reviewed in this paper are related to the environment in which they occur. Also, the possible role of the acrosome and the presence of numerous micropyles are discussed.  相似文献   

Jelly coats of the sea urchin, Pseudocentrotus depressus, were stripped off the eggs, and the eggs were “inseminated.” After penetration through the isolated jelly hull, sperm swarmed in the cavity previously occupied by the egg. Electron microscopic examination could not detect any sperm with reacted acrosome. Observation was also made of the sperm penetrating through the intact jelly coat-egg complex. Although a number of sperm were examined in ultrathin sections, only those attached to the vitelline layer had undergone the acrosome reaction; those sperm embedded in jelly but not attached to the vitelline layer had not undergone the acrosome reaction. The sequence of events in fertilization of this species and of other echinoids is discussed.  相似文献   

Evidence for sperm-borne proteolytic enzymes exposed during the acrosome reaction in sea urchin sperm has been accumulating. To investigate the possible role(s) such enzymes have in fertilization, we studied the effects of several protease inhibitors on sperm-related events. Soybean trypsin inhibitor, Nα-p-tosyl-l-lysine, chloromethyl ketone, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, and chymostatin neither reduced the number of acrosome reactions nor interfered with gamete binding. p-Nitrophenyl-p′-guanidinobenzoate caused sperm to fuse into irregular clumps, rendering them unable to fertilize eggs. However, l-1-tosylamide-2-phenylethyl chloromethyl ketone (TPCK), an inhibitor of chymotrypsin, prevented the acrosome reaction in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, S. droebachiensis, and Lytechinus pictus. The effects of TPCK on sperm in subsequent steps of fertilization were also investigated. First, gamete binding assays were performed on fixed eggs. This precluded any effects TPCK might have had on egg-derived secretions (e.g., proteases). Binding of prereacted sperm occurred with both fixed and living eggs. However, fertilization of living eggs in the presence of TPCK was greatly reduced, even though sperm had been prereacted with egg jelly. Vitelline coats were then removed from eggs by trypsin treatment. Eggs in TPCK fertilized and developed normally after the above treatment. These observations are consistent with the hypothesis of a sperm protease participating in the acrosome reaction and the penetration of the egg vitelline coat in the sea urchin.  相似文献   

Jelly coat, a multicomponent extracellular matrix surrounding the sea urchin egg, induces the acrosome reaction in sperm. The jelly coats of the four species studied, Arbacia punctulata, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, Strongylocentrotus drobachiensis, and Lytechinus variegatus, were found to be very similar in chemical composition. A sialoprotein (approximately 20% of the mass of the jelly coat) and a fucose sulfate polysaccharide (approximately 80%) are the major macromolecular components of the jelly coat. The acrosome reaction inducing capacity resides solely in the fucose sulfate polysaccharide. Induction of the acrosome reaction ranges from highly species specific to nonspecific. Thus, A. punctulata and S. drobachiensis sperm are induced to undergo the acrosome reaction only with their homologous jelly coat, while S. purpuratus sperm react equally well with homologous or L. variegatus jelly coat, but not with A. punctulata jelly coat. L. variegatus sperm seem to be relatively nonspecific in response. Species-specific induction of the acrosome reaction resides solely in the fucose sulfate polysaccharide, suggesting that there must be structural differences in this polysaccharide in the various species. Therefore, in some species, fertilization appears to involve sperm-egg recognition at the level of the jelly coat as well as at the level of sperm-egg receptors.  相似文献   

The egg jelly coats of sea urchins contain sulfated fucans which bind to a sperm surface receptor glycoprotein to initiate the signal transduction events resulting in the sperm acrosome reaction. The acrosome reaction is an ion channel regulated exocytosis which is an obligatory event for sperm binding to, and fusion with, the egg. Approximately 90% of individual females of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus spawned eggs having only one of two possible sulfated fucan electrophoretic isotypes, a slow migrating (sulfated fucan I), or a fast migrating (sulfated fucan II) isotype. The remaining 10% of females spawned eggs having both sulfated fucan isotypes. The two sulfated fucan isotypes were purified from egg jelly coats and their structures determined by NMR spectroscopy and methylation analysis. Both sulfated fucans are linear polysaccharides composed of 1-->3-linked alpha-L-fucopyranosyl units. Sulfated fucan I is entirely sulfated at the O -2 position but with a heterogeneous sulfation pattern at O -4 position. Sulfated fucan II is composed of a regular repeating sequence of 3 residues, as follows: [3-alpha-L-Fuc p - 2,4(OSO3)-1-->3-alpha-L-Fuc p -4(OSO3)-1-->3-alpha-L-Fuc p -4(OSO3)- 1]n. Both purified sulfated fucans have approximately equal potency in inducing the sperm acrosome reaction. The significance of two structurally different sulfated fucans in the egg jelly coat of this species could relate to the finding that the sperm receptor protein which binds sulfated fucan contains two carbohydrate recognition modules of the C-type lectin variety which differ by 50% in their primary structure.   相似文献   

Extracts of the jelly coat of eggs of several marine invertebrates are known to induce in homologous sperm morphological changes known as the acrosome reaction. When sperm of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus are treated with low concentrations (0.2 μg fucose/ml) of egg jelly coat or 30 mM CaCl2 in artificial seawater the acrosome reaction does not occur. However, either of these treatments causes the exposure of an acrosin-like enzyme to exogenous substrate and inhibitors. Subsequent addition of jelly coat to 3.7 μg fucose/ml to sperm in this “initial stage” induces the acrosome reaction (as judged by the appearance of an acrosomal filament). This concentration is also effective for untreated sperm. If inhibitors of the enzyme (diisopropylphosphofluoridate or phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride) are added to sperm in the initial stage, no acrosomal filaments are observed when the high concentration of jelly coat is added. Whether other morphological changes occur in these sperm has not been examined. If phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride is added 4 sec after the jelly coat, the acrosomal filaments are observed, but the sperm still fail to fertilize eggs. These results suggest a dual role for the acrosin-like enzyme(s), first in the mechanism of the acrosomal filament formation and then in a subsequent event in the fertilization process.  相似文献   

The morphological distribution of oligosaccharides is determined in the egg jelly surrounding Xenopus laevis eggs. This biological system is used to illustrate a method for readily identifying and quantifying oligosaccharides in specific tissues. The extracellular matrix surrounding X. laevis eggs consists of a vitelline envelope and a jelly coat. The jelly coat contains three morphologically distinct layers designated J1, J2, and J3 from the innermost to the outermost and is composed of 9-11 distinct glycoproteins. Each jelly layer is known to have specific functions in the fertilization of the egg. We developed a rapid method to separate and identify the oligosaccharides from X. laevis egg jelly layers. Identification was based on the retention times in high-performance liquid chromatography (porous graphitized carbon column), exact masses, and tandem mass spectrometry. Over 40 neutral and 30 sulfated oligosaccharides were observed in the three jelly layers. Neutral oligosaccharide structures from different jelly layers were both unique and overlapping, while sulfated oligosaccharides were detected only in layers J1 and J2. Neutral oligosaccharides unique to jelly layer J3 and the combined layers J1+J2 had similar core structures and similar residues. However, differences between these two sets of unique oligosaccharides were also observed and were primarily due to the branching carbohydrate moieties rather than the core structures.  相似文献   

The eggs of Xenopus laevis are surrounded by investment layers of egg jelly that interact with the sperm immediately prior to fertilization. Components of these egg jelly layers are necessary for the fertilization of the egg by incoming sperm. Eggs which are stripped of their jelly layers are refractile to fertilization by sperm, but the addition of solubilized jelly promotes fertilization. We have shown previously that the egg jelly layers are composed of a fibrous network of glycoconjugates which loosely hold smaller diffusible components. Extracts of these diffusible components were prepared by incubation of freshly ovulated eggs in high-salt buffers for 12 h at 4 degrees C. This diffusible component extract, when incubated with sperm, promoted the sperm's ability to fertilize dejellied eggs in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, the high-molecular-weight "structural" glycoconjugates of jelly that remain after extraction of the diffusible components did not increase fertilization efficiency of dejellied eggs nor did nonspecific proteins, carbohydrate polymers, or organic polymers. The diffusible components, analyzed by SDS-PAGE, consisted of a mixture of proteins from 4 to 180 kDa. The protein responsible for fertilization rescue appeared to be <50 kDa and appeared to self-aggregate or to bind to larger proteins. This protein component was required during sperm binding to the egg, its action required an intact egg vitelline envelope, and its action was independent of large soluble polymers such as Ficoll.  相似文献   

The eggs of Xenopus laevis are surrounded by investment layers of egg jelly that interact with the sperm immediately prior to fertilization. Components of these egg jelly layers are necessary for the fertilization of the egg by incoming sperm. Eggs which are stripped of their jelly layers are refractile to fertilization by sperm, but the addition of solubilized jelly promotes fertilization. We have shown previously that the egg jelly layers are composed of a fibrous network of glycoconjugates which loosely hold smaller diffusible components. Extracts of these diffusible components were prepared by incubation of freshly ovulated eggs in high-salt buffers for 12 h at 4°C. This diffusible component extract, when incubated with sperm, promoted the sperm's ability to fertilize dejellied eggs in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, the high-molecular-weight “structural” glycoconjugates of jelly that remain after extraction of the diffusible components did not increase fertilization efficiency of dejellied eggs nor did nonspecific proteins, carbohydrate polymers, or organic polymers. The diffusible components, analyzed by SDS–PAGE, consisted of a mixture of proteins from 4 to 180 kDa. The protein responsible for fertilization rescue appeared to be <50 kDa and appeared to self-aggregate or to bind to larger proteins. This protein component was required during sperm binding to the egg, its action required an intact egg vitelline envelope, and its action was independent of large soluble polymers such as Ficoll.  相似文献   

Abalone eggs are surrounded by a complex extracellular coat that contains three distinct elements: the jelly layer, the vitelline envelope, and the egg surface coat. In this study we used light and electron microscopy to describe these three elements in the red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) and ascribe function to each based on their interactions with sperm. The jelly coat is a spongy matrix that lies at the outermost margin of the egg and consists of variably sized fibers. Sperm pass through this layer with their acrosomes intact and then go on to bind to the vitelline envelope. The vitelline envelope is a multilamellar fibrous layer that appears to trigger the acrosome reaction after sperm binding. Next, sperm release lysin from their acrosomal granules, a nonenzymatic protein that dissolves a hole in the vitelline envelope through which the sperm swims. Sperm then contact the egg surface coat, a network of uniformly sized filaments lying directly above the egg plasma membrane. This layer mediates attachment of sperm, via their acrosomal process, to the egg surface. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mammalian sperm acquire fertilizing capacity after residing in the female tract, where physiological changes named capacitation take place. In animals with external fertilization as amphibians, gamete interactions are first established between sperm and molecules of the egg jelly coat released into the medium. Since dejellied oocytes are not normally fertilized, the aim of this study was to determine if the jelly coat of the toad Bufo arenarum promotes a “capacitating” activity on homologous sperm. We found that sperm incubation in diffusible substances of the jelly coat (egg water) for 90-180 s is sufficient to render sperm transiently capable of fertilizing dejellied oocytes. The fertilizing state was correlated with an increase of protein tyrosine phosphorylation and a decrease of sperm cholesterol content. Inhibition of either the increase in tyrosine phosphorylation or cholesterol efflux affected the acquisition of fertilizing capacity. Phosphorylation and fertilization could be promoted with NaHCO3 and also by addition of beta cyclodextrin. Moreover, sperm could gain the ability to fertilize dejellied oocytes in the presence of these compounds. These data indicate that sperm should undergo a series of molecular changes to gain fertilizing capacity; these changes are reminiscent of mammalian sperm capacitation and take place before the acrosome reaction.  相似文献   

When the availability of sperm limits female reproductive success, competition for sperm, may be an important broker of sexual selection. This is because sperm limitation can increase the variance in female reproductive success, resulting in strong selection on females to compete for limited fertilization opportunities. Sperm limitation is probably common in broadcast-spawning marine invertebrates, making these excellent candidates for investigating scramble competition between broods of eggs and its consequences for female reproductive success. Here, we report our findings from a series of experiments that investigate egg competition in the sessile, broadcast-spawning polychaete Galeolaria caespitosa. We initially tested whether the order in which eggs encounter sperm affects their fertilization success at two ecologically relevant current regimes. We used a split-clutch-split--ejaculate technique to compare the fertilization success of eggs from individual females that had either first access (competition-free treatment) or second access (egg competition treatment) to a batch of sperm. We found that fertilization success depended on the order in which eggs accessed sperm; eggs that were assigned to the competition-free treatment exhibited significantly higher fertilization rates than those assigned to the egg competition treatment at both current speeds. In subsequent experiments we found that prior exposure of sperm to eggs significantly reduced both the quantity and quality of sperm available to fertilize a second clutch of eggs, resulting in reductions in fertilization success at high and low sperm concentrations. These findings suggest that female traits that increase the likelihood of sperm-egg interactions (e.g. egg size) will respond to selection imposed by egg competition.  相似文献   

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