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We have quantified the natural mating system in eight populations of the simultaneously hermaphroditic aquatic snail Lymnaea stagnalis, and studied the ecological and genetic forces that may be directing mating system evolution in this species. We investigated whether the natural mating system can be explained by the availability of mates, by the differential survival of self- and cross-fertilized snails in nature, and by the effects of mating system on parental fecundity and early survival. The natural mating system of L. stagnalis was found to be predominantly cross-fertilizing. Density of snails in the populations had no relationship with the mating system, suggesting that outcrossing rates are not limited by mate availability at the population densities observed. Contrary to expectations for outcrossing species, we detected no evidence for inbreeding depression in survival in nature with inferential population genetic methods. Further, experimental manipulations of mating system in the laboratory revealed that self-fertilization had no effect on parental fecundity, and only minor effects on offspring survival. Predominance of cross-fertilization despite low apparent fitness costs of self-fertilization is at odds with the paradigm that high self-fertilization depression is necessary for maintenance of cross-fertilization in self-compatible hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

One of the main advantages of self-fertilization is to provide reproductive assurance when pollen or mates are scarce. In plants, partial or facultative selfing limits the risk of pollination failure. In preferentially outcrossing species, this may result in mixed-mating. In hermaphroditic animals, recent studies suggest that mixed mating might be much rarer than in plants. However more studies are required to substantiate this claim, especially focusing on species whose lifestyle entails a high potential benefit of reproductive assurance via selfing. We studied a hermaphroditic snail, Drepanotrema depressissimum, which inhabits very unstable and fragmented freshwater habitats. Individuals often have to recolonize newly refilled ponds after long droughts, a situation of low population density and hence low mate availability in which selfing could be an advantage. We estimated selfing rates in natural populations from Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles), and used laboratory experiments to characterize the reproductive behaviour and success of individuals with or without mates. We detected no sign of selfing in natural populations. Even when given no other option, isolated individuals were extremely reluctant to self. They produced either no or very small clutches, and in the latter case initiated egg-laying later than non-isolated individuals. Self-fertilized clutches suffered near-total (98%) inbreeding depression at the juvenile stage. The example of D. depressissimum therefore shows that a species can overcome periods of mate shortage and habitat instability without the potential to rely on facultative selfing. We hypothesize that metapopulation persistence in this landscape is probably related to a form of dormancy (aestivation in dry ground) rather than to recolonization by rare immigrants and reproductive assurance.  相似文献   

In the mating system of simultaneously hermaphroditic animals, sexual allocation is predicted to vary as a function of the number of potential mates. According to the Hermaphrodite's Dilemma, sexual conflict over the preferred sexual role in hermaphroditic animals is resolved by reciprocity (i.e. by alternating sexual roles), accompanied by the animals' occasional cheating in the preferred role at a relatively low frequency. In a 350‐generation‐old laboratory strain of the pair‐mating outcrossing hermaphroditic polychaete worm Ophryotrocha diadema, we show that 9% of the individuals mated only in the male role over long periods, indicating a male‐role preference (temporary functional males). Furthermore, 2% of the individuals mated for their whole lifetime exclusively as males (permanent functional males). These findings indicate that the sex allocation of some individuals may vary from the predicted optimal sex allocation for the population. Morphologically, functional males exhibited a hermaphroditic phenotype (i.e. they matured a single batch of oocytes that they never laid and acted as functional males). We show that temporary functional males appeared in hermaphroditic populations under promiscuous mating regimes significantly more often than under monogamous ones. Indeed, under promiscuity, there are many mating opportunities and O. diadema hermaphrodites compete for mates, whereas, under monogamy, the two partners regularly take turns in laying cocoons and fertilizing their partner's cocoon. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 451–456.  相似文献   

In many species of simultaneous hermaphrodites, body size correlates with fecundity, and larger partners are preferred to small ones. Since sperm exchange is usually reciprocal, small individuals may be rejected by larger partners resulting in size-assortative mating. We studied the mating patterns in a natural population of the simultaneous hermaphroditic earthworm Eisenia fetida (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae). We found that size-assortative mating processes existed, with variance in body weight within pairs lower than between pairs in mating earthworms. This non-random mating pattern probably reveals the existence of mate selection in this species, which lives at elevated densities with high availability of potential mates.  相似文献   

The traditional paradigm of male polygamy and female monogamy has been replaced by the recognition that both sexes may typically mate with several partners. As a consequence, much attention has focused on the evolution of polyandry, while the evolutionary significance of monogyny (male monogamy) remains poorly understood. Monogyny, a taxonomically widespread mating system that includes dramatic examples of male self-sacrifice, is predicted when the benefits of paternal investment exceed those of searching for additional mates. However, monogyny also occurs in animals lacking paternal investment, instead representing a form of paternity protection. It has been suggested that such mating systems are expected where the costs of mate search for males are high. However, this argument fails to recognize that if there is a low probability of a male finding a mate, then there may be a high probability that he will not need to defend his paternity. Using a mathematical model, we show that monogyny as a means of increasing paternity is favored when the sex ratio is male biased, but not necessarily by high search costs. The importance of a male-biased sex ratio for the evolution of monogyny is supported by various empirical studies.  相似文献   

The number of mating partners an individual has within a population is a crucial parameter in sex allocation theory for simultaneous hermaphrodites because it is predicted to be one of the main parameters influencing sex allocation. However, little is known about the factors that determine the number of mates in simultaneous hermaphrodites. Furthermore, in order to understand the benefits obtained by resource allocation into the male function it is important to identify the factors that predict sperm‐transfer success, i.e. the number of sperm a donor manages to store in a mate. In this study we experimentally tested how social group size (i.e. the number of all potential mates within a population) and density affect the number of mates and sperm‐transfer success in the outcrossing hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum lignano. In addition, we assessed whether these parameters covary with morphological traits, such as body size, testis size and genital morphology. For this we used a method, which allows tracking sperm of a labelled donor in an unlabelled mate. We found considerable variation in the number of mates and sperm‐transfer success between individuals. The number of mates increased with social group size, and was higher in worms with larger testes, but there was no effect of density. Similarly, sperm‐transfer success was affected by social group size and testis size, but in addition this parameter was influenced by genital morphology. Our study demonstrates for the first time that the social context and the morphology of sperm donors are important predictors of the number of mates and sperm‐transfer success in a simultaneous hermaphrodite. Based on these findings, we hypothesize that sex allocation influences the mating behaviour and outcome of sperm competition.  相似文献   

Hermaphroditic animals are poorly represented in the sexual selection literature. This deficiency may reflect our inability to come to grips with hermaphroditism or, alternatively, it could be due to an inherent difference between hermaphrodites and gonochorists. Here we provide a number of reasons why sexual selection on traits related to mate acquisition can be expected to be intrinsically weaker in hermaphrodites. We show that the ''male'' fitness component, which can be increased by sexual selection in hermaphrodites, is only half that of pure males in a gonochorist population. This component can be reduced even further when hermaphrodites self-fertilize. As a result, the potential for sexual selection (ψ) on male characters in hermaphrodites is at most half that of gonochorists. Given a specific mate handling cost, sperm production cost and rate of encountering receptive mates, we calculate the optimal allocation to mate acquisition and sperm. Since both partners of a hermaphroditic pair invest in mate acquisition, hermaphrodites should optimally invest less in mate acquisition. This can further reduce ψ by up to one-half. A higher readiness to mate and high investment in sperm can lead to a further systematic reduction in Ps in hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

When searching for a mate, one must gather information to determine the mate value of potential partners. By focusing on individuals who have been previously chosen by others, one's selection of mates can be influenced by another's successful search—a phenomenon known as mate copying. We show mate copying in humans with a novel methodology that closely mimics behavioral studies with non-human animals. After observing instances of real mating interest in video recordings of speed-dates, both male and female participants show mate copying effects of heightened short-term and long-term relationship interest towards individuals in dates they perceived as successful. Furthermore, the relative attractiveness of observers and observed plays a mediating role in whom an individual will choose to copy.  相似文献   

Environmental effects on the evolution of mating systems are increasingly discussed, but we lack many examples of how environmental conditions affect the expression and consequences of alternative mating systems. Variation in mate availability sets up a trade-off between reproductive assurance and inbreeding depression, but the consequences of both mate limitation and inbreeding may depend on other environmental conditions. Predation risk is common under natural conditions, and known to affect allocation to reproduction, but we know little about the effects of isolation and inbreeding under predation risk. We reared selfed and outcrossed hermaphroditic freshwater snails (Physa acuta) in four environments (predator cues present or absent crossed with mating partners available or not) and quantified life-history traits and cumulative lifetime fitness. Our results confirm that isolation from mates can increase longevity and growth, resulting in higher lifetime fecundity. Thus, we observed no evidence for mate limitation of reproduction. However, reproduction under isolation (i.e., selfing) resulted in inbreeding depression, which should counteract the benefits of selfing. Inbreeding depression in fitness occurred in both predator and no-predator environments, but there was no overall change in inbreeding depression with predator cues. This represents, to our knowledge, the first empirical estimate of the effect of predation risk on inbreeding depression in an animal. Cumulative fitness was most influenced by early survival and especially early fecundity. As predation risk and inbreeding (both ancestral and due to a lack of mates) reduced early fecundity, these effect are predicted to have important contributions to population growth under natural conditions. Therefore life-history plasticity (e.g., delayed reproduction) is likely to be very important to overall fitness.  相似文献   

Sexual reproduction may be divided into two main categories: hermaphroditism and dioecy (Botany)/gonochorism (Zoology). Simultaneous hermaphrodites can function in both male and female roles whereas a dioecious/gonochorist population consists of distinct male and female individuals. Mean-field calculations, which ignore spatial aspects, suggest that self-incompatible hermaphrodites should have a twofold advantage over dioecious population when reproduction is limited by mating encounters. By use of stochastic spatial simulations we demonstrate that hermaphroditism has an even greater advantage when local interactions are considered. This result provides further support for the observation that hermaphroditism is associated with sedentary species, such as plants and animals with poor mate search efficiency. We also investigate the finite size effects associated with the well-known quadratic contact process.  相似文献   

Mate-choice studies typically focus on male traits affecting female mating decisions, but few studies seek to identify the behavioral rules females use when searching for mates. Current models suggest that females may either directly compare a set of males ("pooled comparison") or compare each male to an internal standard ("sequential-search rule") when judging the suitability of potential mates. Models also differ in other specific aspects, such as the predicted number of sampling bouts initiated and the tendency of females to return to males after previous visits. We monitored 63 female satin bowerbirds, Ptilonorhynchus violaceus, during mate sampling to reconstruct their search patterns. We found that females typically sampled several males and returned to the most attractive male for mating: a behavior consistent with the pooled-comparison tactic. Females, however, varied in the number of males sampled; some visited only one male before mating. We found that this variation can be explained by differences among females in the number of mates, the date mate searching is initiated, and long-term experience with males. Further, females were observed to initiate two distinct sampling bouts, with the rejection of most of their potential mates occurring before the start of the second sampling bout. This suggests that the choices of potential mates are narrowed prior to the second sampling bout and that the later visits may function to reconsider preliminary decisions made during the first sampling bout or to resolve decisions concerning the remaining potential mates. Our results indicate that mate searching is a complex process in which females use multiple sampling bouts to find suitable mates and in which several different factors influence their search behavior.  相似文献   

Two very basic ideas in sexual selection are heavily influenced by numbers of potential mates: the evolution of anisogamy, leading to sex role differentiation, and the frequency dependence of reproductive success that tends to equalize primary sex ratios. However, being explicit about the numbers of potential mates is not typical to most evolutionary theory of sexual selection. Here, we argue that this may prevent us from finding the appropriate ecological equilibria that determine the evolutionary endpoints of selection. We review both theoretical and empirical advances on how population density may influence aspects of mating systems such as intrasexual competition, female choice or resistance, and parental care. Density can have strong effects on selective pressures, whether or not there is phenotypic plasticity in individual strategies with respect to density. Mating skew may either increase or decrease with density, which may be aided or counteracted by changes in female behaviour. Switchpoints between alternative mating strategies can be density dependent, and mate encounter rates may influence mate choice (including mutual mate choice), multiple mating, female resistance to male mating attempts, mate searching, mate guarding, parental care, and the probability of divorce. Considering density-dependent selection may be essential for understanding how populations can persist at all despite sexual conflict, but simple models seem to fail to predict the diversity of observed responses in nature. This highlights the importance of considering the interaction between mating systems and population dynamics, and we strongly encourage further work in this area.  相似文献   

Females can maximize the benefits of mate choice by finding high-quality mates while using search tactics that limit the costs of searching for mates. Mate-searching models indicate that specific search tactics would best optimize this trade-off under different conditions. These models do not, however, consider that females may use information from previous years to improve mate searching and reduce search costs in subsequent years. We followed female satin bowerbirds Ptilonorhynchus violaceus during mate searching and reconstructed their search patterns. We found that females who chose very attractive males typically mated with the same male in the following year, resulting in these females sampling fewer males than those who switched mates. In contrast, females who mated with less attractive males typically rejected their previous mates and searched longer for more attractive mates in the following mating season. A potential cost to mate searching is suggested by the observed increase in the likelihood of force-copulation attempts from marauding males with increased searching. Our results suggest that by using past experiences to adjust their search tactics, females may obtain high-quality mates while limiting search costs. These results emphasize the need to consider historical effects in studies of sexual selection, especially for long-lived species with stable display sites.  相似文献   

Accounts in the literature of precopulatory mate-guarding in gammaridean amphipods are that males use one of two strategies for mating: either they mate-guard by carrying or attending their mates until they are ready to molt and be fertilized, or they do not guard, instead searching benthically or swarming pelagically at the time that females are ready to molt. Mate-guarding by carrying has been documented for species of the superfamilies Gammaroidea, Talitroidea, and Hadzioidea. Mate-guarding by attending has been found in the more sedentary Corophioidea and Caprellidea. Non-mate-guarders that search pelagically are species of Ampeliscoidea, Lysianassoidea, Phoxocephaloidea, Oedicerotoidea, and Pontoporeioidea. Non-mate-guarders that mate-search benthically are species of Eusiroidea, Crangonyctoidea, and Haustorioidea. Mate-guarding and non-mate-guarding males develop different secondary sex characters at maturity. Mate-guarding males have enhancements for fighting and signalling. These alterations are more elaborate in males that attend their mates than in males that carry their mates. Non-mate-guarders that search pelagically develop enhancements for swimming and sensing. Non-mate-guarders that remain benthic exhibit little change at maturity. Most mate-guarding males develop their secondary sexual characters over several molts and mate over more than one instar. Pelagic mate-searchers develop their secondary sexual characters at the last molt and mating is confined to the last instar. Females of most mate-guarding species are iteroparous, while fewer than half of non-mate-guarding species are so. It is hypothesized that mate-guarding arose more than once in the evolutionary history of amphipod Crustacea.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory is considered as a touchstone of evolutionary biology, providing some of the best supported examples for Darwinian adaptation. In particular, Hamilton's local mate competition theory has been shown to generate precise predictions for extraordinary sex ratios observed in many separate‐sexed organisms. In analogy to local mate competition, Charnov's mating group size model predicts how sex allocation in simultaneous hermaphrodites is affected by the mating group size (i.e., the number of mating partners plus one). Until now, studies have not directly explored the relationship between mating group size and sex allocation, which we here achieve in the simultaneously hermaphroditic flatworm Macrostomum lignano. Using transgenic focal worms with ubiquitous expression of green‐fluorescent protein (GFP), we assessed the number of wild‐type mating partners carrying GFP+ sperm from these focal worms when raised in different social group sizes. This allowed us to test directly how mating group size was related to the sex allocation of focal worms. We find that the proportion of male investment initially increases with increasing mating group size, but then saturates as predicted by theory. To our knowledge, this is the first direct test of the mating group size model in a simultaneously hermaphroditic animal.  相似文献   

The evolutionary divergence of cues for mate recognition can contribute to early stages of population separation. We compare here two allopatric populations of house mice (Mus musculus domesticus) that have become separated about 3000 years ago. We have used paternity assignments in semi‐natural environments to study the degree of mutual mate recognition according to population origin under conditions of free choice and overlapping generations. Our results provide insights into the divergence of mating cues, but also for the mating system of house mice. We find frequent multiple mating, occurrence of inbreeding and formation of extended family groups. In addition, many animals show strong mate fidelity, that is, frequent choice of the same mating partners in successive breeding cycles, indicating a role for familiarity in mating preference. With respect to population divergence, we find evidence for assortative mating, but only under conditions where the animals had time to familiarize themselves with mating partners from their own population. Most interestingly, the first‐generation offspring born in the enclosure showed a specific mating pattern. Although matings between animals of hybrid population origin with animals of pure population origin should have occurred with equal frequency with respect to matching the paternal or maternal origin, paternal matching with mates from their own populations occurred much more often. Our findings suggest that paternally imprinted cues play a role in mate recognition between mice and that the cues evolve fast, such that animals of populations that are separated since not more than 3000 years can differentially recognize them.  相似文献   

We propose that assortative mating can arise through a mechanism of sexual selection by active female choice of partners based on a 'self-seeking like' decision rule. Using a mathematical model, we show that a gene can be selected that make females to choose mates that are similar to themselves with respect to an arbitrary tag, even if two independent and unlinked genes determine the preference and the tag. The necessary requisite for this process to apply is an asymmetry between partners, such that the female can choose the male but this one must always accept to mate. The fitness advantage is due to linkage disequilibrium built up between both genes. Simulations have been run to check the algebraic results and to analyse the influence of several factors on the evolution of the system. Any factor that favors linkage disequilibrium also favors the evolution of the preference allele. Moreover, in a large population subdivided in small subpopulations connected by migration, the assortative mating homogenizes the population genotypic structure for the tags in contrast to random mating that maintains most of the variation.  相似文献   

When applied to hermaphrodite organisms, the local mate competition hypothesis predicts an increase of the ratio of sperm to ova produced as the number of mates increases. Here we test this prediction using a hermaphroditic platyhelminth parasite (trematode), Echinostoma caproni. This worm inhabits the small intestine of vertebrates, inevitably inducing the formation of highly subdivided populations, a condition known to promote local mate competition. Moreover this echinostome exhibits an unrestricted mating pattern involving both selfing and outcrossing as well as multiple fertilizations. We quantified the investment in reproductive organs by estimations of testes, cirrus sac, ovary, and egg size and fecundity when echinostomes were isolated alone, in pairs, or in groups of 20 worms. Adult body size was also recorded as a covariate. When mating group size increases (singles, pairs, or groups) we observed a significant increase in resource allocation to male function in addition to a significant decrease in ovary size. Smaller ovaries do not seem to affect egg size, but do result in a reduction in fecundity. Finally, our results are in accordance with the expected theoretical relationship between male allocation and the number of potential mates given local mate competition.  相似文献   

Basic models of mating‐system evolution predict that hermaphroditic organisms should mostly either cross‐fertilize, or self‐fertilize, due to self‐reinforcing coevolution of inbreeding depression and outcrossing rates. However transitions between mating systems occur. A plausible scenario for such transitions assumes that a decrease in pollinator or mate availability temporarily constrains outcrossing populations to self‐fertilize as a reproductive assurance strategy. This should trigger a purge of inbreeding depression, which in turn encourages individuals to self‐fertilize more often and finally to reduce male allocation. We tested the predictions of this scenario using the freshwater snail Physa acuta, a self‐compatible hermaphrodite that preferentially outcrosses and exhibits high inbreeding depression in natural populations. From an outbred population, we built two types of experimental evolution lines, controls (outcrossing every generation) and constrained lines (in which mates were often unavailable, forcing individuals to self‐fertilize). After ca. 20 generations, individuals from constrained lines initiated self‐fertilization earlier in life and had purged most of their inbreeding depression compared to controls. However, their male allocation remained unchanged. Our study suggests that the mating system can rapidly evolve as a response to reduced mating opportunities, supporting the reproductive assurance scenario of transitions from outcrossing to selfing.  相似文献   

The sensory systems employed by animals to locate potential mates are diverse. Among insects, chemical and acoustic signals are commonly used over long distances, with visual signals playing a role in close-range orientation and courtship. Within groups that exhibit a scramble competition mating system, selection on mate searching ability will be particularly strong. Clearly, aspects of the species ecology, such as habitat complexity and population density, will be crucial in the evolution of mate searching systems and sexual signals. Praying mantids exhibit both chemical and visual sexual signalling behaviour, and also vary in their ecology. This study employs scanning electron microscopy of antennal sensory morphology and behavioural assays to investigate the relative importance of chemical and visual signalling in two Australian praying mantid species: Pseudomantis albofimbriata and Ciulfina biseriata . As predicted, the high level of habitat complexity, low population density and strong male dispersal capability of P. albofimbriata corresponded to the use of airborne sex pheromones. Conversely, the open habitat, high population density, and poor dispersal of C. biseriata corresponded to a greater reliance on short-range visual cues for mate location.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 307–313.  相似文献   

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