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This study investigates variation in collective behavior in a natural population of colonies of the harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex barbatus. Harvester ant colonies regulate foraging activity to adjust to current food availability; the rate at which inactive foragers leave the nest on the next trip depends on the rate at which successful foragers return with food. This study investigates differences among colonies in foraging activity and how these differences are associated with variation among colonies in the regulation of foraging. Colonies differ in the baseline rate at which patrollers leave the nest, without stimulation from returning ants. This baseline rate predicts a colony's foraging activity, suggesting there is a colony-specific activity level that influences how quickly any ant leaves the nest. When a colony's foraging activity is high, the colony is more likely to regulate foraging. Moreover, colonies differ in the propensity to adjust the rate of outgoing foragers to the rate of forager return. Naturally occurring variation in the regulation of foraging may lead to variation in colony survival and reproductive success.  相似文献   

Interaction rate informs harvester ant task decisions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Social insect colonies operate without central control, andcolony organization results from the ways that individuals respondto local information. We investigated how temporal information,in particular the rate of interaction among workers, stimulatesforaging activity in the red harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex barbatus).Patrollers scout the foraging area each morning. Previous workshowed that the patrollers' safe return to the nest stimulatesthe foragers to leave the nest; if the patrollers do not return,the foragers do not emerge. Here, we tested whether contactwith returning patrollers must occur at a particular rate tostimulate foraging. We varied the rates at which we introducedpatroller mimics, glass beads coated with an extract of thecuticular hydrocarbons of patrollers. A return rate of 1 patrollermimic every 10 s stimulated the highest level of foraging activity.We found that the onset of foraging depends on the rate of patrollerreturn. Adding beads coated with patroller hydrocarbons at arate of 1 per 10 s caused otherwise undisturbed colonies toforage 17.9 ± 19.7 (standard deviation) min faster thancolonies that received blank control beads. These results showthat rate is a crucial source of information in the networkof interactions among workers.  相似文献   

The short-term regulation of foraging in harvester ants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the seed-eating ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus, the return ofsuccessful foragers stimulates inactive foragers to leave thenest. The rate at which successful foragers return to the nestdepends on food availability; the more food available, the morequickly foragers will find it and bring it back. Field experimentsexamined how quickly a colony can adjust to a decline in therate of forager return, and thus to a decline in food availability,by slowing down foraging activity. In response to a brief, 3-to 5-min reduction in the forager return rate, foraging activityusually decreased within 2–3 min and then recovered within5 min. This indicates that whether an inactive forager leavesthe nest on its next trip depends on its very recent experienceof the rate of forager return. On some days, colonies respondedmore to a change in forager return rate. The rapid colony responseto fluctuations in forager return rate, enabling colonies toact as risk-averse foragers, may arise from the limited intervalover which an ant can track its encounters with returning foragers.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies operate without central control or any global assessment of what needs to be done by workers. Colony organization arises from the responses of individuals to local cues. Red harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex barbatus) regulate foraging using interactions between returning and outgoing foragers. The rate at which foragers return with seeds, a measure of food availability, sets the rate at which outgoing foragers leave the nest on foraging trips. We used mimics to test whether outgoing foragers inside the nest respond to the odor of food, oleic acid, the odor of the forager itself, cuticular hydrocarbons, or a combination of both with increased foraging activity. We compared foraging activity, the rate at which foragers passed a line on a trail, before and after the addition of mimics. The combination of both odors, those of food and of foragers, is required to stimulate foraging. The addition of blank mimics, mimics coated with food odor alone, or mimics coated with forager odor alone did not increase foraging activity. We compared the rates at which foragers inside the nest interacted with other ants, blank mimics, and mimics coated with a combination of food and forager odor. Foragers inside the nest interacted more with mimics coated with combined forager/seed odors than with blank mimics, and these interactions had the same effect as those with other foragers. Outgoing foragers inside the nest entrance are stimulated to leave the nest in search of food by interacting with foragers returning with seeds. By using the combined odors of forager cuticular hydrocarbons and of seeds, the colony captures precise information, on the timescale of seconds, about the current availability of food.  相似文献   

Many dynamical networks, such as the ones that produce the collective behavior of social insects, operate without any central control, instead arising from local interactions among individuals. A well-studied example is the formation of recruitment trails in ant colonies, but many ant species do not use pheromone trails. We present a model of the regulation of foraging by harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex barbatus) colonies. This species forages for scattered seeds that one ant can retrieve on its own, so there is no need for spatial information such as pheromone trails that lead ants to specific locations. Previous work shows that colony foraging activity, the rate at which ants go out to search individually for seeds, is regulated in response to current food availability throughout the colony's foraging area. Ants use the rate of brief antennal contacts inside the nest between foragers returning with food and outgoing foragers available to leave the nest on the next foraging trip. Here we present a feedback-based algorithm that captures the main features of data from field experiments in which the rate of returning foragers was manipulated. The algorithm draws on our finding that the distribution of intervals between successive ants returning to the nest is a Poisson process. We fitted the parameter that estimates the effect of each returning forager on the rate at which outgoing foragers leave the nest. We found that correlations between observed rates of returning foragers and simulated rates of outgoing foragers, using our model, were similar to those in the data. Our simple stochastic model shows how the regulation of ant colony foraging can operate without spatial information, describing a process at the level of individual ants that predicts the overall foraging activity of the colony.  相似文献   

Social insect colonies use interactions among workers to regulate collective behavior. Harvester ant foragers interact in a chamber just inside the nest entrance, here called the ''entrance chamber''. Previous studies of the activation of foragers in red harvester ants show that an outgoing forager inside the nest experiences an increase in brief antennal contacts before it leaves the nest to forage. Here we compare the interaction rate experienced by foragers that left the nest and ants that did not. We found that ants in the entrance chamber that leave the nest to forage experienced more interactions than ants that descend to the deeper nest without foraging. Additionally, we found that the availability of foragers in the entrance chamber is associated with the rate of forager return. An increase in the rate of forager return leads to an increase in the rate at which ants descend to the deeper nest, which then stimulates more ants to ascend into the entrance chamber. Thus a higher rate of forager return leads to more available foragers in the entrance chamber. The highest density of interactions occurs near the nest entrance and the entrances of the tunnels from the entrance chamber to the deeper nest. Local interactions with returning foragers regulate both the activation of waiting foragers and the number of foragers available to be activated.  相似文献   

Recruitment to food or nest sites is well known in ants; the recruiting ants lay a chemical trail that other ants follow to the target site, or they walk with other ants to the target site. Here we report that a different process determines foraging direction in the harvester ant Pogonomyrmex barbatus. Each day, the colony chooses from among up to eight distinct foraging trails; colonies use different trails on different days. Here we show that the patrollers regulate the direction taken by foragers each day by depositing Dufour's secretions onto a sector of the nest mound about 20 cm long and leading to the beginning of a foraging trail. The patrollers do not recruit foragers all the way to food sources, which may be up to 20 m away. Fewer foragers traveled along a trail if patrollers had no access to the sector of the nest mound leading to that trail. Adding Dufour's gland extract to patroller-free sectors of the nest mound rescued foraging in that direction, while poison gland extract did not. We also found that in the absence of patrollers, most foragers used the direction they had used on the previous day. Thus, the colony's 30-50 patrollers act as gatekeepers for thousands of foragers and choose a foraging direction, but they do not recruit and lead foragers all the way to a food source.  相似文献   

The allocation of foragers in red wood ants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. 1. We studied how colonies of the red wood ant, Formica polyctena , adjust the numbers of foragers allocated to different foraging trails. In a series of field experiments, foragers were marked and transferred from one nest to another, related nest, where they joined the foraging force. Transferred workers acted as a reserve of uncommitted, available foragers.
2. Previous work shows that each individual forager habitually uses one trail. We found that for an uncommitted forager, the influence of recruitment initially is stronger than that of directional fidelity. Transferred workers were likely to use trails leading to new food sources. When transferred to a new nest, foragers were not likely to use a trail in the same direction as their original trail in the donor nest.
3. After a week, transferred foragers tended to develop route fidelity. Even after bait was no longer present, they continued to use the trail that had formerly led to a bait source.
4. We examined how colonies adjust numbers on a trail by experimentally depleting some trails. Colonies usually did not compensate for depletion: foragers were not recruited to depleted trails.
5. In general, the dynamics of foraging in this species facilitate a consistent foraging effort rather than rapid adjustments of forager allocation.  相似文献   

Summary We examine how cost and benefit components of resource profitability affect recruitment in the giant tropical ant, Paraponera clavata. To vary resource profitability, we changed the quantity of artificial nectar baits presented to foragers and the distance of nectar baits from the nest. Both distance to and amount of resource affected quantitative aspects of recruitment. At increased distances foragers were less likely to recruit, and fewer workers were recruited to the resource area. The amount of nectar affected the tendency of foragers to recruit, but had no effect on the number of ants recruited. Variation in resource distance was also associated with qualitative changes in recruitment strategy. Foragers at distant sites recruited from the canopy rather than from the nest, and often transferred nectar to other workers for transport to the nest. Nectar transfer and extra-nidal recruitment significantly reduced the time required for resource collection. It may also have increased the ability of workers to specialize in specific foraging tasks. A portion of the colony's foraging force specialized spatially by remaining in distant foraging areas without returning to the nest. The flexible recruitment system of P. clavata increases colonial net energetic gain rates by concentrating foraging effort on resources yielding the highest net energetic rewards, and increases the competitive abilities of individual colonies at resource sites by decreasing collection times.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1986,34(4):1172-1181
Running speeds of Myrmica punctiventris and Aphaenogaster rudis workers were measured, and a good correspondence between laboratory and field behaviour was obtained. In the laboratory, foraging tempo and foraging efficiency were calculated for two colony sizes and five patterns of prey availability. Running speeds were strongly dependent on colony size for both species; when retrieving prey, foragers from large colonies ran significantly faster than those from small colonies. In addition, ants searching for prey ran more slowly than those returning to the nest with prey. Efficiency, measured as the propensity to return to the nest in a straight line, was most strongly a function of distance from the nest. Finally, no relationship between an ant's speed and its efficiency of return was found.  相似文献   

Summary Australian meat ants often inhabit colonies with widely dispersed nest holes, and this study examines how resource is harvested and distributed in a colony ofIridomyrmex sanguineus Smith (Formicidae: Dolichoderinae). The three principal types of foragers (tenders, honeydew transporters, scavengers) exhibited nest hole fidelity, where harvested resource was consistently delivered to the same nest hole by each foraging individual. Australian meat ants thus use a harvesting system based on dispersed central place foraging. Evidence of frequent larval transport among nest holes, age polyethism developing in the direction of foraging, and the tendency for nest-associated workers to accept new nest holes more readily than foragers, suggests that workers develop fidelity to the particular nest hole in which they eclose. Coupled with larval transport, nest hole fidelity may allow a colony with widely dispersed nest holes to adjust its structure to more efficiently harvest a resource distributed unevenly in space or time.  相似文献   

Bumblebee workers vary greatly in size, unlike workers of most other social bees. This variability has not been adequately explained. In many social insects, size variation is adaptive, with different-sized workers performing different tasks (alloethism). Here we established whether workers of the bumblebee, Bombus terrestris (L.) (Hymenoptera; Apidae), exhibit alloethism. We quantified the size of workers engaging in foraging compared to those that remain in the nest, and confirmed that it is the larger bees that tend to forage (X±SE thorax widths 4.34±0.01 mm for nest bees and 4.93±0.02 mm for foragers). We then investigated whether large bees are better suited to foraging because they are able to transport heavier loads of food back to the nest. Both pollen and nectar loads of returning foragers were measured, demonstrating that larger bees do return with a heavier mass of forage. Foraging trip times were inversely related to bee size when collecting nectar, but were unrelated to bee size for bees collecting pollen. Overall, large bees brought back more nectar per unit time than small bees, but the rate of pollen collection appeared to be unrelated to size. The smallest foragers had a nectar foraging rate close to zero, presumably explaining why foragers tend to be large. Why might larger bees be better at foraging? Various explanations are considered: larger bees are able to forage in cooler conditions, may be able to forage over larger distances, and are perhaps also less vulnerable to predation. Conversely, small workers are presumably cheaper to produce and may be more nimble at within-nest tasks. Further research is needed to assess these possibilities. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Bollazzi M  Roces F 《PloS one》2011,6(3):e17667


Acquisition of information about food sources is essential for animals that forage collectively like social insects. Foragers deliver two commodities to the nest, food and information, and they may favor the delivery of one at the expenses of the other. We predict that information needs should be particularly high at the beginning of foraging: the decision to return faster to the nest will motivate a grass-cutting ant worker to reduce its loading time, and so to leave the source with a partial load.

Principal Findings

Field results showed that at the initial foraging phase, most grass-cutting ant foragers (Acromyrmex heyeri) returned unladen to the nest, and experienced head-on encounters with outgoing workers. Ant encounters were not simply collisions in a probabilistic sense: outgoing workers contacted in average 70% of the returning foragers at the initial foraging phase, and only 20% at the established phase. At the initial foraging phase, workers cut fragments that were shorter, narrower, lighter and tenderer than those harvested at the established one. Foragers walked at the initial phase significantly faster than expected for the observed temperatures, yet not at the established phase. Moreover, when controlling for differences in the fragment-size carried, workers still walked faster at the initial phase. Despite the higher speed, their individual transport rate of vegetable tissue was lower than that of similarly-sized workers foraging later at the same patch.


At the initial foraging phase, workers compromised their individual transport rates of material in order to return faster to the colony. We suggest that the observed flexible cutting rules and the selection of partial loads at the beginning of foraging are driven by the need of information transfer, crucial for the establishment and maintenance of a foraging process to monopolize a discovered resource.  相似文献   

Females of the parasitic phorid Neodohrniphora sp. were collected in the field and released singly inside an observation chamber placed between a laboratory colony of Atta sexdens (L.) and its foraging arena. The number and speed of loaded and unloaded ants returning to the nest, the weight of foragers and their loads, the number of leaf fragments abandoned by ants, and the number of small workers 'hitchhiking' on leaf fragments were measured before phorids were released, while they were in the observation chamber, and after they were removed. Relatively few ants were attacked by Neodohrniphora sp., but the presence of flies prompted outbound ants to return to the nest and caused a significant reduction on the number and mass of foragers. Additionally, the weight of leaf fragments transported by ants was reduced and the number of abandoned fragments increased in response to Neodohrniphora sp. Presence of the parasitoid caused no significant changes in the number of hitchhiking ants. The regular ants' traffic was resumed after phorids were removed, but foraging activity remained below normal for up to three hours. In the field A. sexdens forages mostly at night, but colonies undergo periods of diurnal foraging during which ants are subject to parasitism from several species of phorid flies. Considering that daytime foraging may be necessary for nutritional or metabolical needs, phorids may have a significant impact on their hosts by altering their foraging behavior regardless of the numerical values of parasitism.  相似文献   

Summary. As Lasius niger societies grow from incipient nests to mature colonies, their foraging strategies shift from the individual exploitation of food sources to mass recruitment. Colony size instead of age is the key factor that shapes the exploratory and foraging responses of Lasius niger: a drastic reduction (or increase) of the population elicits an activity profile similar to that observed in younger (or older) societies of the same size. As a colony grows, the proportion of patrollers significantly decreases while the proportion of conveyors remains rather constant. As regards the energetic return, it increases with incipient nest size due to the replacement of minims by ordinary workers of larger crop capacity. We also demonstrate that minims of incipient nests modulate their trail-laying behaviour according to the social context, in this case the colony size. During their ontogenesis, L. niger colonies exhibit a progressive integration of individual foragers into a network of communication, the adaptive significance of which is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the effects of intrinsic colony characteristics and an imposed contingency on the life span and behavior of foragers in the swarm-founding social waspPolybia occidentalis. Data were collected on marked, known-age workers introduced into four observation colonies.To test the hypothesis that colony demographic features affect worker life span, we examined the relationships of colony age and size with worker life span using survivorship analysis. Colony age and size had positive relationships with life span; marked workers from two larger, older colonies had longer life spans (¯X = 24.7 days) than those from two smaller, younger colonies (¯X = 20.1 days).We quantified the effects of experimentally imposed nest damage on forager behavior, to determine which of three predicted behavioral responses by foragers to this contingency (increased probability of foraging for building material, increased rate of foraging, or decrease in age of onset of foraging) would be employed. Increasing the colony level of need for materials used in nest construction (wood pulp and water) by damaging the nests of two colonies did not cause an increase in either the proportion of marked workers that gathered nest materials or in foraging rates of marked individuals, when compared with introduced workers in two simultaneously observed control colonies. Instead, nest damage caused a decrease in the age at which marked workers first foraged for pulp and water. The response to an increase in the need for building materials was an acceleration of behavioral development in some workers.  相似文献   

Honeybees, Apis mellifera, adjust their pollen foraging activity according to the need for pollen within the colony, determined by the amount of stored pollen and young brood present in the hive. To clarify how pollen foragers detect the supply of pollen, we followed individual honeybees while they were returning with pollen. Pollen foragers deposited their loads on the frame where most of the unsealed brood was, independent of the position of this frame within the hive. They also inspected more cells on that frame and spent most of their time there, indicating that pollen foragers may individually evaluate the pollen requirements of the colony. In 18 normal-sized colonies we also tested whether olfactory cues provided by a frame of hungry young brood or an additional pollen frame covered by cages affect foraging activity. These experiments showed that olfactory stimulation within the colony is insufficient to increase or decrease the foraging effort, but suggest that foragers must have direct contact with the brood and pollen area to regulate their foraging activity according to the conditions in the colony. The different mechanisms by which foragers may gather the information about pollen supply are discussed. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Burd M 《Animal behaviour》2000,60(6):781-788
Two mechanisms have been proposed to explain how colony-level foraging performance of leaf-cutting ants can be maximized when workers harvest leaf fragments of a size that does not maximize their individual performance. Each mechanism predicts that ants will adjust the size of leaf fragments between starting a foraging bout and establishing full traffic between the nest and foraging site, but the two models predict shifts in opposite directions. I examined fragment sizes at the start of daily foraging in five field colonies of Atta cephalotes in Costa Rica and detected an obvious shift in only one case. More shifts were detected when the small and large ends of the worker body size range were considered separately, but the direction was inconsistent among colonies. I also examined the role of returning laden workers in recruitment of nestmates by intercepting all laden workers for the first 2 h of foraging, and measuring the effect on the arrival of recruits at the foraging site. In two cases, the flow of recruits was not diminished by the interception of returning workers. The results suggest that neither mechanism correctly and consistently accounts for load size selection by leaf-cutting ants. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Summary. The ability of worker ants to adapt their behaviour depending on the social environment of the colony is imperative for colony growth and survival. In this study we use the greenhead ant Rhytidoponera metallica to test for a relationship between colony size and foraging behaviour. We controlled for possible confounding ontogenetic and age effects by splitting large colonies into small and large colony fragments. Large and small colonies differed in worker number but not worker relatedness or worker/brood ratios. Differences in foraging activity were tested in the context of single foraging cycles with and without the opportunity to retrieve food. We found that workers from large colonies foraged for longer distances and spent more time outside the nest than foragers from small colonies. However, foragers from large and small colonies retrieved the first prey item they contacted, irrespective of prey size. Our results show that in R. metallica, foraging decisions made outside the nest by individual workers are related to the size of their colony.Received 23 March 2004; revised 3 June 2004; accepted 4 June 2004.  相似文献   

Polyethism was quantified in post-emergence colonies of the primitively eusocial wasp,Polistes instabilis, and compared to polyethism in a sympatric advanced eusocial wasp,Polybia occidentalis. Like P.occidentalis, P. instabilis foragers collected food (nectar and prey) and nest materials (wood pulp and water).P. instabilis foragers showed some evidence of specialization with respect to which materials they gathered, but most foragers, divided their effort among food and nest materials, a pattern that is rarely seen inP. occidentalis. In colonies of both species, more foragers collected nectar than any other material; in contrast, most water foraging was performed by one or two workers. Upon returning to the nest,P. instabilis foragers gave up part or all of most nectar, prey, and pulp loads to nestmates, while water was rarely partitioned. Prey loads were most likely to be given up entirely.P. instabilis workers show evidence of conflict over the handling of materials at the nest. The frequency with which workers took portions of nectar loads from forgers was positively correlated with their frequency of aggressive dominant behavior, and with their frequency of taking other foraged materials. Compared to polyethism inP. occidentalis P. instabilis showed less individual specialization on foraging tasks and less partitioning of foraged materials with nestmates, suggesting that these characteristics of polyethism have been modified during the evolution of advanced insect societies.  相似文献   

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