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The extent to which interspecific interference competition has contributed to character evolution is one of the most neglected problems in evolutionary biology. When formerly allopatric species come into secondary contact, aggressive interactions between the species can cause selection on traits that affect interspecific encounter rates (e.g. habitat preferences, activity schedules), competitor recognition (e.g. colouration, song), and fighting ability (e.g. weaponry, body size). We define agonistic character displacement (ACD) as the process of phenotypic evolution in a population caused by interference competition with one or more sympatric species and which results in shifts in traits that affect the rate, intensity or outcome of interspecific aggression. After clarifying the relationships between ACD and other evolutionary processes that may occur when species come into secondary contact, we develop an individual‐based, quantitative genetic model to examine how traits involved in competitor recognition would be expected to evolve under different secondary contact scenarios. Our simulation results show that both divergence and convergence are possible outcomes, depending on the intensity of interspecific exploitative competition, the costs associated with mutual versus unilateral recognition, and the extent of phenotypic differences prior to secondary contact. We then devise a set of eight criteria for evaluating putative examples of ACD and review the empirical literature to assess the strength of existing evidence and to identify promising avenues for future research. Our literature search revealed 33 putative examples of ACD across insects, fishes, bats, birds, lizards, and amphibians (15 divergence examples; 18 convergence examples). Only one example satisfies all eight criteria for demonstrating ACD, but most case studies satisfy four or more criteria. The current state of the evidence for ACD is similar to the state of the evidence for ecological character displacement just 10 years ago. We conclude by offering suggestions for further theoretical and empirical research on ACD.  相似文献   

It is normally thought that deep corolla tubes evolve when the plant's successful reproduction is contingent on having a corolla tube longer than the tongue of the flower's pollinators. Combining optimal foraging theory and quantitative genetics in a spatially explicit, individual-based model, we show that flowers with long corolla tubes can alternatively evolve because they promote resource partitioning among nectar feeders and increase the probability of conspecific pollen transfer. When there is competition for resources, long-tongued flower visitors feed preferentially at deep flowers and short-tongued visitors at shallow flowers. Both plant species thus benefit when the depths of their corollas are so different that each flower visitor specializes on one species. Resource competition can promote the evolution of deep corollas despite the presence of significant amounts of noise, such as deviations from optimal foraging behavior due to perceptual errors or temporal fluctuations in the relative abundance of competing pollinator species. Our results can explain the evolution of long corollas in a number of systems that do not conform to the traditional view.  相似文献   

We analytically investigate the long-term evolution of a continuously varying quantitative character in a diploid population that is determined additively by a finite number of loci. The trait is under a mixture of frequency-dependent disruptive selection induced by intraspecific competition and frequency-independent stabilizing selection. Moreover, the trait is restricted to a finite range by constraints on the particular loci. Our investigations are based on explicit analytical results (provided by Bürger [2005. A multilocus analysis of intraspecific competition and stabilizing selection on a quantitative trait. J. Math. Biol. 50, 355-396]; Schneider [2006. A multilocus-multiallele analysis of frequency-dependent selection induced by intraspecific competition. J. Math. Biol. 52, 483-523]) on the short-term dynamics under the assumption of linkage equilibrium. We show that the population always reaches a long-term equilibrium (LTE), i.e., an equilibrium that is resistant against perturbations of mutations of sufficiently small effect. In general, several LTEs can coexist. They can be calculated explicitly, and we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for their existence. In the case that more than one LTE exists, we exemplify numerically that the evolutionary outcome depends crucially on the initial genetic architecture, on the joint distribution of mutational effects across loci, and on the particular realization of the mutation process. Therefore, long-term evolution cannot be predicted from the ecology alone. We further show that a partial order exists for the LTEs. The set of LTEs has a 'largest' element, an LTE which is reached during long-term evolution if the effects of the occurring mutant alleles are sufficiently large.  相似文献   

Mixotrophic organisms combine autotrophic and heterotrophic nutrition and are abundant in both freshwater and marine environments. Recent observations indicate that mixotrophs constitute a large fraction of the biomass, bacterivory, and primary production in oligotrophic environments. While mixotrophy allows greater flexibility in terms of resource acquisition, any advantage must be traded off against an associated increase in metabolic costs, which appear to make mixotrophs uncompetitive relative to obligate autotrophs and heterotrophs. Using an idealized model of cell physiology and community competition, we identify one mechanism by which mixotrophs can effectively outcompete specialists for nutrient elements. At low resource concentrations, when the uptake of nutrients is limited by diffusion toward the cell, the investment in cell membrane transporters can be minimized. In this situation, mixotrophs can acquire limiting elements in both organic and inorganic forms, outcompeting their specialist competitors that can utilize only one of these forms. This advantage can be enough to offset as much as a twofold increase in additional metabolic costs incurred by mixotrophs. This mechanism is particularly relevant for the maintenance of mixotrophic populations and productivity in the highly oligotrophic subtropical oceans.  相似文献   

Although the behaviour of animals facing the conflicting demands of increasing foraging success and decreasing predation risk has been studied in many taxa, the response of pollinators to variations in both factors has only been studied in isolation. We compared visit rates of two pollinator species, hoverflies and honeybees, to 40 Chrysanthemum segetum patches in which we manipulated predation risk (patches with and without crab spiders) and nectar availability (rich and poor patches) using a full factorial design. Pollinators responded differently to the tradeoff between maximising intake rate and minimising predation risk: honeybees preferred rich safe patches and avoided poor risky patches while the number of hoverflies was highest at poor risky patches. Because honeybees were more susceptible to predation than hoverflies, our results suggest that, in the presence of competition for resources, less susceptible pollinators concentrate their foraging effort on riskier resources, where competition is less severe. Crab spiders had a negative effect on the rate at which inflorescences were visited by honeybees. This effect was mediated through changes in the foraging strategy of honeybees, and could, in principle, be reversed by increasing nectar productivity of inflorescences. Our study shows that both pollinator species responded simultaneously and differently to variations in food reward and predation risk, and highlights the importance of studying the foraging strategies of pollinators in order to fully understand how plant–pollinator interactions are established.  相似文献   

Ecological character displacement—trait evolution stemming from selection to lessen resource competition between species—is most often inferred from a pattern in which species differ in resource-use traits in sympatry but not in allopatry, and in which sympatric populations within each species differ from conspecific allopatric populations. Yet, without information on population history, the presence of a divergent phenotype in multiple sympatric populations does not necessarily imply that there has been repeated evolution of character displacement. Instead, such a pattern may arise if there has been character displacement in a single ancestral population, followed by gene flow carrying the divergent phenotype into multiple, derived, sympatric populations. Here, we evaluate the likelihood of such historical events versus ongoing ecological selection in generating divergence in trophic morphology between multiple populations of spadefoot toad (Spea multiplicata) tadpoles that are in sympatry with a heterospecific and those that are in allopatry. We present both phylogenetic and population genetic evidence indicating that the same divergent trait, which minimizes resource competition with the heterospecific, has arisen independently in multiple sympatric populations. These data, therefore, provide strong indirect support for competition''s role in divergent trait evolution.  相似文献   

Consumers acquire essential nutrients by ingesting the tissues of resource species. When these tissues contain essential nutrients in a suboptimal ratio, consumers may benefit from ingesting a mixture of nutritionally complementary resource species. We investigate the joint ecological and evolutionary consequences of competition for complementary resources, using an adaptive dynamics model of two consumers and two resources that differ in their relative content of two essential nutrients. In the absence of competition, a nutritionally balanced diet rarely maximizes fitness because of the dynamic feedbacks between uptake rate and resource density, whereas in sympatry, nutritionally balanced diets maximize fitness because competing consumers with different nutritional requirements tend to equalize the relative abundances of the two resources. Adaptation from allopatric to sympatric fitness optima can generate character convergence, divergence, and parallel shifts, depending not on the degree of diet overlap but on the match between resource nutrient content and consumer nutrient requirements. Contrary to previous verbal arguments that suggest that character convergence leads to neutral stability, coadaptation of competing consumers always leads to stable coexistence. Furthermore, we show that incorporating costs of consuming or excreting excess nonlimiting nutrients selects for nutritionally balanced diets and so promotes character convergence. This article demonstrates that resource-use overlap has little bearing on coexistence when resources are nutritionally complementary, and it highlights the importance of using mathematical models to infer the stability of ecoevolutionary dynamics.  相似文献   

Ecological character displacement is considered crucial in promoting diversification, yet relatively little is known of its underlying mechanisms. We examined whether evolutionary shifts in gene expression plasticity (‘genetic accommodation’) mediate character displacement in spadefoot toads. Where Spea bombifrons and S. multiplicata occur separately in allopatry (the ancestral condition), each produces alternative, diet‐induced, larval ecomorphs: omnivores, which eat detritus, and carnivores, which specialize on shrimp. By contrast, where these two species occur together in sympatry (the derived condition), selection to minimize competition for detritus has caused S. bombifrons to become nearly fixed for producing only carnivores, suggesting that character displacement might have arisen through an extreme form of genetic accommodation (‘genetic assimilation’) in which plasticity is lost. Here, we asked whether we could infer a signature of this process in regulatory changes of specific genes. In particular, we investigated whether genes that are normally expressed more highly in one morph (‘biased’ genes) have evolved reduced plasticity in expression levels among S. bombifrons from sympatry compared to S. bombifrons from allopatry. We reared individuals from sympatry vs. allopatry on detritus or shrimp and measured the reaction norms of nine biased genes. Although different genes displayed different patterns of gene regulatory evolution, the combined gene expression profiles revealed that sympatric individuals had indeed lost the diet‐induced gene expression plasticity present in allopatric individuals. Our data therefore provide one of the few examples from natural populations in which genetic accommodation/assimilation can be traced to regulatory changes of specific genes. Such genetic accommodation might mediate character displacement in many systems.  相似文献   

Theoretical and empirical evidence indicates that competing species can coexist if dispersal, migration, and competitive interactions occur over relatively small spatial scales. In particular, spatial structure appears to be critical to certain communities with nontransitive competition. A typical nontransitive system involves three competing species that satisfy a relationship similar to the children's game of rock-paper-scissors. Although the ecological dynamics of nontransitive systems in spatially structured communities have received some attention, fewer studies have incorporated evolutionary change. Here we investigate evolution within toxic bacterial biofilms using an agent-based simulation that represents a nontransitive community containing three populations of Escherichia coli. In structured, nontransitive communities, strains evolve that do not maximize their competitive ability: They do not reduce their probability of death to a minimum or increase their toxicity to a maximum. That is, types evolve that exercise restraint. We show that nontransitivity and spatial structure (in the form of localized interactions) are both necessary for the evolution of restraint in these biofilms.  相似文献   

Consumer-resource models have been used extensively to study the evolution and coexistence of generalist and specialist consumers. However, current consumer-resource models do not take into account competition between resources or only incorporate intraspecific competition phenomenologically with, for example, a logistic growth function. Here, we mechanistically incorporate competition in an existing two-resource model, by introducing nutrient-limited resource growth and setting the total amount of nutrients (free or contained in consumers and resources) to a fixed value. In addition to the three combinations of generalists and specialists found in previous models, we find four other evolutionary outcomes, depending on the strength of the consumer trade-off: coexistence of one specialist and a generalist and three types of evolutionary cycling. Furthermore, which outcomes are most likely depends strongly on the combination of intrinsic growth rate of resources and the total amount of nutrients in the system. Our results suggest that the realistic assumption of nutrient competition may shed new light on the evolution of the multitude of strategies in real systems.  相似文献   

Processes that affect the evolution of female preferences or male display traits involved in mating decisions in different geographic areas have the potential to result in within-species divergence. This could occur via reinforcement of mate recognition in species using the same traits for species recognition and sexual selection. Sympatric individuals experience reinforcement of female preferences and male display traits, whereas allopatric individuals do not, creating the potential for divergent sexual selection in sympatric and allopatric populations. Sexual selection operates on the cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) of Drosophila serrata, and reinforcement on the CHCs of populations sympatric with D. birchii. Here, we manipulate sexual selection in D. serrata populations generated by hybridizing natural sympatric and allopatric populations. Under the influence of sexual selection, male CHCs evolved from an intermediate phenotype to resemble an allopatric phenotype, which was driven by female choice. Additionally, female choice resulted in evolution of an allopatric female preference, so that allopatric males were preferred to sympatric males. Allopatric CHCs and preferences represent a sexual selection optimum via female choice. Sympatric populations display suboptimal phenotypes relative to their allopatric conspecifics. The combination of reinforcement and sexual selection can therefore generate divergence in female preferences and male display traits.  相似文献   

Frequency-dependent disruptive selection is widely recognized as an important source of genetic variation. Its evolutionary consequences have been extensively studied using phenotypic evolutionary models, based on quantitative genetics, game theory, or adaptive dynamics. However, the genetic assumptions underlying these approaches are highly idealized and, even worse, predict different consequences of frequency-dependent disruptive selection. Population genetic models, by contrast, enable genotypic evolutionary models, but traditionally assume constant fitness values. Only a minority of these models thus addresses frequency-dependent selection, and only a few of these do so in a multilocus context. An inherent limitation of these remaining studies is that they only investigate the short-term maintenance of genetic variation. Consequently, the long-term evolution of multilocus characters under frequency-dependent disruptive selection remains poorly understood. We aim to bridge this gap between phenotypic and genotypic models by studying a multilocus version of Levene's soft-selection model. Individual-based simulations and deterministic approximations based on adaptive dynamics theory provide insights into the underlying evolutionary dynamics. Our analysis uncovers a general pattern of polymorphism formation and collapse, likely to apply to a wide variety of genetic systems: after convergence to a fitness minimum and the subsequent establishment of genetic polymorphism at multiple loci, genetic variation becomes increasingly concentrated on a few loci, until eventually only a single polymorphic locus remains. This evolutionary process combines features observed in quantitative genetics and adaptive dynamics models, and it can be explained as a consequence of changes in the selection regime that are inherent to frequency-dependent disruptive selection. Our findings demonstrate that the potential of frequency-dependent disruptive selection to maintain polygenic variation is considerably smaller than previously expected.  相似文献   

Sympatric divergence in traits affecting species recognition can result from selection against cross‐species mating (reproductive character displacement, RCD) or interspecific aggression (agonistic character displacement, ACD). When the same traits are used for species recognition in both contexts, empirically disentangling the relative contributions of RCD and ACD to observed character shifts may be impossible. Here, we develop a theoretical framework for partitioning the effects of these processes. We show that when both mate and competitor recognition depend on the same trait, RCD sets the pace of character shifts. Moreover, RCD can cause divergence in competitor recognition, but ACD cannot cause divergence in mate recognition. This asymmetry arises because males with divergent recognition traits may avoid needless interspecific conflicts, but suffer reduced attractiveness to conspecific females. Therefore, the key empirical issue is whether the same or different traits are used for mate recognition and competitor recognition.  相似文献   

The rate of evolutionary change associated with a character determines its utility for the reconstruction of phylogenetic history. For a given age of lineage splits, we examine the information content of a character to assess the magnitude and range of an optimal rate of substitution. On the one hand an optimal transition rate must provide sufficiently many character changes to distinguish subclades, whereas on the other hand changes must be sufficiently rare that reversals on a single branch (and hence homoplasy) are uncommon. In this study, we evolve binary characters over three tree topologies with fixed branch lengths, while varying transition rate as a parameter. We use the character state distribution obtained to measure the "information content" of a character given a transition rate. This is done with respect to several criteria-the probability of obtaining the correct tree using parsimony, the probability of infering the correct ancestral state, and Shannon-Weaver and Fisher information measures on the configuration of probability distributions. All of the information measures suggest the intuitive result of the existence of optimal rates for phylogeny reconstruction. This nonzero optimum is less pronounced if one conditions on there having been a change, in which case the parsimony-based results of minimum change being the most informative tends to hold.  相似文献   

Previous research (Sandusky, P.O. and Yocum, C.F. (1983) FEBS Lett. 162, 339–343 and (1984) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 766, 603–611) has documented a competition between chloride and ammonia or Tris for a binding site within the oxygen-evolving complex of Photosystem II. This competition is in fact a general property of inhibitory amines which is related to their nucleophilicity; this in turn suggests that the binding site is associated with a metal. Only ammonia, of all amines tested, is able to occupy a second binding site which is unrelated to the site of chloride binding; this sterically hindered site may be identical to the site already described for binding of hydroxylamine, hydrazine, and certain of their derivatives (Radmer, R. and Ollinger, O. (1983) FEBS Lett. 152, 39–43). When the interaction between amines, chloride and the inhibitory halide fluoride was examined, steady-state kinetic plotting procedures revealed that amines and fluoride compete for the chloride binding site; binding of one inhibitor precludes the binding of the other. It was also observed that the intensity of inhibitor binding to the oxygen-evolving complex was influenced by the electron acceptor present during assays; stronger inhibition was observed with a PS II-specific electron acceptor (2,5-dichloro-p-benzoquinone) than with an acceptor (ferricyanide) which requires electron transport to the reducing terminus of Photosystem I. These results are interpreted in terms of a model which proposes that the binding site for chloride on the oxidizing side of Photosystem II resides within the pool of functional manganese associated with the oxygen-evolving complex of Photosystem II.  相似文献   

Pletcher SD  Geyer CJ 《Genetics》1999,153(2):825-835
The extension of classical quantitative genetics to deal with function-valued characters (also called infinite-dimensional characters) such as growth curves, mortality curves, and reaction norms, was begun by Kirkpatrick and co-workers. In this theory, the analogs of variance components for single traits are covariance functions for function-valued traits. In the approach presented here, we employ a variety of parametric models for covariance functions that have a number of desirable properties: the functions (1) are positive definite, (2) can be estimated using procedures like those currently used for single traits, (3) have a small number of parameters, and (4) allow simple hypotheses to be easily tested. The methods are illustrated using data from a large experiment that examined the effects of spontaneous mutations on age-specific mortality rates in Drosophila melanogaster. Our methods are shown to work better than a standard multivariate analysis, which assumes the character value at each age is a distinct character. Advantages over existing methods that model covariance functions as a series of orthogonal polynomials are discussed.  相似文献   

Assessment of competing theories for the evolution of avian flight is problematic, and tends to rest too heavily on reconstruction of the mode of life of one or a few specimens representing still fewer species. A more powerful method is to compare the sequence of character acquisition predicted by the various theories with the empirical sequence provided by cladistic phylogeny. Arboreal and cursorial theories incorrectly predict the sequence of character acquisition for several key features of avian evolution. We propose an alternative ''pouncing proavis'' model for the evolution of flight. As well as being both biologically and evolutionarily plausible, the pouncing proavis model correctly predicts the evolutionary sequence of all five key features marking the evolution of birds.  相似文献   

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