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Flies, like humans, experience a well-known consequence of adaptation to visual motion, the waterfall illusion. Direction-selective neurons in the fly lobula plate permit a detailed analysis of the mechanisms responsible for motion adaptation and their function. Most of these neurons are spatially non-opponent, they sum responses to motion in the preferred direction across their entire receptive field, and adaptation depresses responses by subtraction and by reducing contrast gain. When we adapted a small area of the receptive field to motion in its anti-preferred direction, we discovered that directional gain at unadapted regions was enhanced. This novel phenomenon shows that neuronal responses to the direction of stimulation in one area of the receptive field are dynamically adjusted to the history of stimulation both within and outside that area.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a major factor regulating the number of coexisting species, but the relationship between species diversity and ecosystem processes has mainly been analysed for communities closed to dispersal. We experimentally investigated how initial local diversity and dispersal frequency affect local diversity and biomass production in open benthic microalgal metacommunities. Final local species richness and local biomass production were strongly influenced by dispersal frequency but not by initial local diversity. Both final local richness and final local biomass showed a hump-shaped pattern with increasing dispersal frequency, with a maximum at intermediate dispersal frequencies. Consequently, final local biomass increased linearly with increasing final richness. We conclude that the general relationship between richness and ecosystem functioning remains valid in open systems, but the maintenance of ecosystem processes significantly depends on the effects of dispersal on species richness and local interactions.  相似文献   

Gradual dispersion of an abundant flea species Ctenophyllus hirticrus specific to the Pallas's pika (the main plague carrier), is revealed in the Gorno-Altai natural plague focus on the territory, occupied by two populations of this lagomorph. Spreading of Yersinia pestis in these areas took place a short time later the rise of this ectoparasite's abundance. It is supposed that the colonization of these areas by C. hirticrus was one of the factors determined epizooties spreading within the focus and formation of new sites of stable Y. pestis preservation.  相似文献   

Helming L 《Current biology : CB》2011,21(14):R548-R550
Inflammation leads to local accumulation of macrophages. A new study shows that macrophage accumulation in inflammatory reactions dominated by type 2 immune responses is a result of local cell proliferation as opposed to recruitment of monocytes from the blood.  相似文献   

Chromosome inversions, local adaptation and speciation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Kirkpatrick M  Barton N 《Genetics》2006,173(1):419-434
We study the evolution of inversions that capture locally adapted alleles when two populations are exchanging migrants or hybridizing. By suppressing recombination between the loci, a new inversion can spread. Neither drift nor coadaptation between the alleles (epistasis) is needed, so this local adaptation mechanism may apply to a broader range of genetic and demographic situations than alternative hypotheses that have been widely discussed. The mechanism can explain many features observed in inversion systems. It will drive an inversion to high frequency if there is no countervailing force, which could explain fixed differences observed between populations and species. An inversion can be stabilized at an intermediate frequency if it also happens to capture one or more deleterious recessive mutations, which could explain polymorphisms that are common in some species. This polymorphism can cycle in frequency with the changing selective advantage of the locally favored alleles. The mechanism can establish underdominant inversions that decrease heterokaryotype fitness by several percent if the cause of fitness loss is structural, while if the cause is genic there is no limit to the strength of underdominance that can result. The mechanism is expected to cause loci responsible for adaptive species-specific differences to map to inversions, as seen in recent QTL studies. We discuss data that support the hypothesis, review other mechanisms for inversion evolution, and suggest possible tests.  相似文献   

Warner  R. R. 《Coral reefs (Online)》1997,16(1):S115-S120
Coral Reefs -  Because of dispersal, many marine organisms exist in a series of local populations spanning a wide variety of different physical environments. Recruitment is often sporadic,...  相似文献   

《Coral reefs (Online)》1997,16(5):S115-S120

Local adaptation provides an opportunity to study the genetic basis of adaptation and investigate the allelic architecture of adaptive genes. We study delay of germination 1 (DOG1), a gene controlling natural variation in seed dormancy in Arabidopsis thaliana and investigate evolution of dormancy in 41 populations distributed in four regions separated by natural barriers. Using F(ST) and Q(ST) comparisons, we compare variation at DOG1 with neutral markers and quantitative variation in seed dormancy. Patterns of genetic differentiation among populations suggest that the gene DOG1 contributes to local adaptation. Although Q(ST) for seed dormancy is not different from F(ST) for neutral markers, a correlation with variation in summer precipitation supports that seed dormancy is adaptive. We characterize dormancy variation in several F(2) -populations and show that a series of functionally distinct alleles segregate at the DOG1 locus. Theoretical models have shown that the number and effect of alleles segregatin at quantitative trait loci (QTL) have important consequences for adaptation. Our results provide support to models postulating a large number of alleles at quantitative trait loci involved in adaptation.  相似文献   

Variation in body size, growth and life history traits of ectotherms along latitudinal and altitudinal clines is generally assumed to represent adaptation to local environmental conditions, especially adaptation to temperature. However, the degree to which variation along these clines is due to adaptation vs plasticity remains poorly understood. In addition, geographic patterns often differ between females and males – e.g. sexual dimorphism varies along latitudinal clines, but the extent to which these sex differences are due to genetic differences between sexes vs sex differences in plasticity is poorly understood. We use common garden experiments (beetles reared at 24, 30 and 36°C) to quantify the relative contribution of genetically‐based differentiation among populations vs phenotypic plasticity to variation in body size and other traits among six populations of the seed‐feeding beetle Stator limbatus collected from various altitudes in Arizona, USA. We found that temperature induces substantial plasticity in survivorship, body size and female lifetime fecundity, indicating that developmental temperature significantly affects growth and life history traits of S. limbatus. We also detected genetic differences among populations for body size and fecundity, and genetic differences among populations in thermal reaction norms, but the altitude of origin (and hence mean temperature) does not appear to explain these genetic differences. This and other recent studies suggest that temperature is not the major environmental factor that generates geographic variation in traits of this species. In addition, though there was no overall difference in plasticity of body size between males and females (when averaged across populations), we did find that the degree to which dimorphism changed with temperature varied among populations. Consequently, future studies should be extremely cautious when using only a few study populations to examine environmental effects on sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

Pollen records for American beech (Fagus grandifolia) and eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) compiled from 50 sites in Michigan and Wisconsin, USA, show that both species entered the Upper Great Lakes region about 7000 yr B.P., reaching their western and southwestern boundaries between 2000 and 1000 yr B.P. Fagus advanced northward into lower Michigan as a continuous front, except where Lake Michigan posed a geographic barrier. Colonies were established on the far side of the lake after a 1000 year lag, implying that longdistance dispersal across a 100-km wide barrier can occur. The Fagus range may not have been in equilibrium with climate for one or two thousand years before this time, when seeds were dispersed across the lake to Wisconsin. Tsuga seeds may have been dispersed 150 km or more from Ontario to reach Upper Michigan. Scattered colonies were established 6000–7000 yr B.P. on either side of Lake Michigan, which did not pose a significant barrier to this wind-dispersed species, Tsuga spread rapidly over a large region prior to 5000 yr B.P. Subsequent expansion to the west occurred more slowly, and may reflect gradual climatic changes in northern Wisconsin during the second half of the Holocene. Tsuga's range may have been limited by dispersal, rather than climate, for an unknown length of time prior to 5000 yr B.P. During this period Tsuga was expanding its range rapidly. The study shows, however, that it is difficult to devise rigorous tests to distinguish between dispersal limitations and climate as factors limiting range limits in the past.This work has been supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation.This work has been supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Conspecific brood parasitism (CBP) is a taxonomically widespread reproductive tactic. One of the earliest hypotheses put forward to explain the evolution of CBP was "risk spreading"; that is, by laying eggs in more than one nest, parasites may increase the likelihood that at least one offspring will survive to independence. However, the risk spreading hypothesis, based on the assumptions of random nest predation and random selection of target nests by parasites, was theoretically refuted soon after its appearance. New results from the common goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) have revealed that nests are not predated at random and that parasites preferentially lay in safe nests. By taking into account these findings and by modifying accordingly the basic assumptions of the earlier model that refuted the risk spreading hypothesis, we built a model to address the role of nest predation in the evolution of CBP. Model simulations revealed that the selective advantage of parasitic laying, related to nest predation, is much higher than previously thought. Furthermore, the invasion probability of parasitic tactic when initially rare was reasonably high within our model framework. We show that the use of risk assessing, instead of random risk spreading, makes parasitic laying evolutionarily advantageous.  相似文献   

All species are locked in a continual struggle to adapt to local ecological conditions. In cases where species fail to locally adapt, they face reduced population growth rates, or even local extinction. Traditional explanations for limited local adaptation focus on maladaptive gene flow or homogeneous environmental conditions. These classical explanations have, however, failed to explain variation in the magnitude of local adaptation observed across taxa. Here we show that variable levels of local adaptation are better explained by trait dimensionality. First, we develop and analyse mathematical models that predict levels of local adaptation will increase with the number of traits experiencing spatially variable selection. Next, we test this prediction by estimating the relationship between dimensionality and local adaptation using data from 35 published reciprocal transplant studies. This analysis reveals a strong correlation between dimensionality and degree of local adaptation, and thus provides empirical support for the predictions of our model.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Soils can act as agents of natural selection, causing differential fitness among genotypes and/or families of the same plant species, especially when soils have extreme physical or chemical properties. More subtle changes in soils, such as variation in microbial communities, may also act as agents of selection. We hypothesized that variation in soil properties within a single river drainage can be a selective gradient, driving local adaptation in plants.


Using seeds collected from individual genotypes of Populus angustifolia James and soils collected from underneath the same trees, we use a reciprocal transplant design to test whether seedlings would be locally adapted to their parental soil type.


We found three patterns: 1. Soils from beneath individual genotypes varied in pH, soil texture, nutrient content, microbial biomass and the physiological status of microorganisms. 2. Seedlings grown in local soils experienced 2.5-fold greater survival than seedlings planted in non-local soils. 3. Using a composite of height, number of leaves and leaf area to measure plant growth, seedlings grew ~17.5% larger in their local soil than in non-local soil.


These data support the hypothesis that variation in soils across subtle gradients can act as an important selective agent, causing differential fitness and local adaptation in plants.  相似文献   

Most Pacific salmonid populations have faced significant population declines over the past 30 years. In order to effectively conserve and manage these populations, knowledge of the evolutionary adaptive state of individuals and the scale of adaptation across populations is needed. The vertebrate major histocompatibility complex (MHC) represents an important adaptation to parasites, and genes encoding for the MHC are widely held to be undergoing balancing selection. However, the generality of balancing selection across populations at MHC loci is not well documented. Using Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) from two populations, we follow the survival of full-sib family replicates reared in their natal river and reciprocally transplanted to a foreign river to examine selection and local adaptation at the MHC class I and II loci. In both populations, we found evidence of a survivorship advantage associated with nucleotide diversity at the MHC class I locus. In contrast, we found evidence that MHC class II diversity was disadvantageous in one population. There was no evidence that these effects occurred in translocated families, suggesting some degree of local adaptation at the MHC loci. Thus, our results implicate balancing selection at the MHC class I but potentially differing selection across populations at the class II locus.  相似文献   

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