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Blind upper extremity amputees have historically been excluded from consideration for hand allotransplantation. Although no formal position statement regarding their exclusion has been published to date, functional, rehabilitative, and ethical concerns related to blind amputee candidacy for hand transplantation may be inferred. The authors provide a summary of these reservations and a counterargument to their assumptions, drawing on outcomes measures reported for hand transplantations completed to date. The authors therefore provide a rationale for the inclusion of blind amputees in hand transplantation protocols in the future.  相似文献   

M Drake 《Acta cytologica》1984,28(5):527-534
There is universal and almost unanimous belief that there is a need for a radical revision of the terminology relating to the epithelial abnormalities of the uterine cervix that precede invasive carcinoma. Although this belief has been held for some years, no generally accepted alternative system has, as yet, been devised. This position paper examines (1) the origin of the existing system of terminology, (2) the problems associated with this system and (3) the requirements of any new, alternative nomenclature. The various alternatives that have been suggested are considered with particular reference to their advantages and disadvantages. Only two such alternatives are considered to be acceptable, and it is suggested that neither is likely to gain universal acceptance at this time. However, it is possible that new diagnostic techniques, with their potential for a more accurate evaluation of cell abnormalities, may facilitate the development or application of an acceptable system of terminology.  相似文献   

Koebner's phenomenon (KP) has been observed in a number of skin diseases, including vitiligo. Its clinical significance in vitiligo with respect to disease activity and course is still debatable, while its relevance for surgical techniques has been demonstrated in some reports. We present a literature review on the currently known facts about KP in vitiligo, including details of clinical, experimental, and histopathological changes. The consensus view is that there are still no methods to define and assess KP in vitiligo. A new classification is proposed to allow an evaluation of KP in daily practice or in experimental studies. However, many unanswered questions still remain after redefining KP in patients with vitiligo. Active research focusing on KP in vitiligo may not only provide unexpected clues in the pathogenesis of vitiligo but also help to tailor novel therapies against this chronic and often psychologically devastating skin disease.  相似文献   

The Vitiligo Global Issues Consensus Conference (VGICC), through an international e‐Delphi consensus, concluded that ‘repigmentation’ and ‘maintenance of gained repigmentation’ are essential core outcome measures in future vitiligo trials. This VGICC position paper addresses these core topics in two sections and includes an atlas depicting vitiligo repigmentation patterns and color match. The first section delineates mechanisms and characteristics of vitiligo repigmentation, and the second section summarizes the outcomes of international meeting discussions and two e‐surveys on vitiligo repigmentation, which had been carried out over 3 yr. Treatment is defined as successful if repigmentation exceeds 80% and at least 80% of the gained repigmentation is maintained for over 6 months. No agreement was found on the best outcome measure for assessing target or global repigmentation, therefore highlighting the limitations of e‐surveys in addressing clinical measurements. Until there is a clear consensus, existing tools should be selected according to the specific needs of each study. A workshop will be conducted to address the remaining issues so as to achieve a consensus.  相似文献   

Iodine deficiency is an important nutritional deficiency, with more than 2 billion people worldwide estimated to be at risk. The developing fetus and young children are particularly at risk. During pregnancy and lactation, iodine requirements increase, whether in iodine-poor or iodine-sufficient countries, making the mother and the developing fetus vulnerable. The American Thyroid Association (ATA) recommends 250 micrograms per day of iodine intake for pregnant and lactating women. The thyroid gland is able to adapt to the changes associated with pregnancy as long as sufficient iodine is present. Dietary intake is the sole source of iodine, which is essential to the synthesis of thyroid hormones. Iodine is found in multiple dietary sources including iodized salt, dairy products, seaweed, and fish. Prenatal vitamins containing iodine are a good source of iodine, but iodine content in multivitamin supplements is highly variable. Congenital hypothyroidism is associated with cretinism. Clinical hypothyroidism has been associated with increased risk of poor perinatal outcome including prematurity, low birth weight, miscarriage, preeclampsia, fetal death, and impaired fetal neurocognitive development. Subclinical hypothyroidism is also associated with poor pregnancy outcomes and potential fetal neurocognitive deficits, but the data are more variable than those for clinical hypothyroidism. We concur with the ATA recommendation that all pregnant and lactating women should ingest (through diet and supplements) 250 micrograms of iodine daily. To achieve this goal, we recommend that all pregnant and lactating women take daily iodine supplementation of 150 micrograms. Birth Defects Research (Part A) 94:677-682, 2012. ? 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Although the first face transplants have been attempted, the social and psychological debates concerning the ethics and desirability of the procedure continue. Critics contend that these issues have not yet been sufficiently addressed. With this in mind, the present article seeks to elaborate on key psychological and social factors that will be central for addressing the ethical and psychosocial challenges necessary to move face transplantation into mainstream medicine. The goals of this article are to (1) discuss the psychosocial sequelae of facial disfiguration and how face transplantation may relieve those problems, and (2) delineate inclusion and exclusion criteria for the selection of research subjects for face transplantation. The article uses concepts from symbolic interaction theory in sociology to articulate a theoretically coherent scheme for comprehending the psychosocial difficulties of facial disfiguration and the advantages offered by facial transplantation. The authors conclude that the psychosocial implications of disfigurement warrant surgical intervention and that research in the area of face transplantation should continue.  相似文献   



The phylogenetic position of turtles is the most disputed aspect in the reconstruction of the land vertebrate tree of life. This controversy has arisen after many different kinds and revisions of investigations of molecular and morphological data. Three main hypotheses of living sister-groups of turtles have resulted from them: all reptiles, crocodiles + birds or squamates + tuatara. Although embryology has played a major role in morphological studies of vertebrate phylogeny, data on developmental timing have never been examined to explore and test the alternative phylogenetic hypotheses. We conducted a comprehensive study of published and new embryological data comprising 15 turtle and eight tetrapod species belonging to other taxa, integrating for the first time data on the side-necked turtle clade.  相似文献   

Atherosclerosis is not an inexorable part of aging. Addressing unhealthy lifestyle behaviors will go a long way toward reducing the current burden of atherosclerosis without widespread drug therapy. The question is whether this is possible, given the demand of our modern culture. It is not yet clearly established precisely where pharmaceutical lipid lowering or chemoprevention fits in the broader spectrum of prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and its complications. Anatomic interventions, such as angioplasty or bypass surgery, targeted to obstructing but stable lesions, are likely to be only of limited effectiveness. On the other hand, cholesterol interventions, not only as a long-term means of dealing with atherosclerotic sequelae but as a short-term means of reducing plaque activity and events, are demonstrably effective. Aggressive cholesterol lowering will, moreover, substantially reduce the requirement for angioplasty and bypass procedures. Although more difficult to prove, earlier intervention can almost surely lower the risk of later, potentially lethal, coronary events.  相似文献   

We determined 9.7, 5.2, and 6.8 kb, respectively, of the mitochondrial genomes of the acoel Paratomella rubra, the nemertodermatid Nemertoderma westbladi, and the free-living rhabditophoran platyhelminth Microstomum lineare. The identified gene arrangements are unique among metazoans, including each other, sharing no more than one or two single gene boundaries with a few distantly related taxa. Phylogenetic analysis of the amino acid sequences inferred from the sequenced genes confirms that the acoelomorph flatworms (acoels+nemertodermatids) do not belong to the Platyhelminthes, but are, instead, the most basal extant bilaterian group. Therefore, the Platyhelminthes, as traditionally constituted, is a polyphyletic phylum.  相似文献   

The wood and bark anatomy of all three species of Hypocalyptus from the monotypic South African endemic tribe Hypocalypteae were studied. Despite large morphological differences (especially in habit) the species were found to be similar in wood and bark structure. Discontinuities are quantitative only, relating mainly to differences in growth form between H. oxalidifolius, a short-lived shrublet, and the two other species, H. coluteoides and H. sophoroides, both of which are erect shrubs or small trees of up to 6 m tall. Hypocalyptus wood has a mesomorphic structure with vessels solitary or in small groups, reflecting relatively moist habitats in fynbos vegetation. In contrast to many genera of Leguminosae for which data are available, crystals are absent from the wood. This is the first report of tanniniferous tubes in the wood of Leguminosae (previously reported only in Myristicaceae and a genus from Ulmaceae). The presence of tanniniferous tubes and the absence of crystals in all three species of Hypocalyptus underline the isolated position of the genus and support its tribal status.  相似文献   

Most recognition is based on identifying features, but specialization for face recognition in primates relies on a different mechanism, termed ‘holistic processing’ where facial features are bound together into a gestalt which is more than the sum of its parts. Here, we test whether individual face recognition in paper wasps also involved holistic processing using a modification of the classic part-whole test in two related paper wasp species: Polistes fuscatus, which use facial patterns to individually identify conspecifics, and Polistes dominula, which lacks individual recognition. We show that P. fuscatus use holistic processing to discriminate between P. fuscatus face images but not P. dominula face images. By contrast, P. dominula do not rely on holistic processing to discriminate between conspecific or heterospecific face images. Therefore, P. fuscatus wasps have evolved holistic face processing, but this ability is highly specific and shaped by species-specific and stimulus-specific selective pressures. Convergence towards holistic face processing in distant taxa (primates, wasps) as well as divergence among closely related taxa with different recognition behaviour (P. dominula, P. fuscatus) suggests that holistic processing may be a universal adaptive strategy to facilitate expertise in face recognition.  相似文献   

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