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Little is known about how variation in the pattern and magnitude of parental effort influences allocation decisions in offspring. We determined the energy budget of Antarctic fur seal pups and examined the relative importance of timing of provisioning, pup traits (mass, condition, sex), and weather (wind chill and solar radiation) on allocation of energy obtained in milk by measuring milk energy intake, field metabolic rate (FMR), and growth rate in 48 Antarctic fur seal pups over three developmental stages (perinatal, premolt, and molt). The relative amount of milk energy used for growth was 59.1% ± 8.1% during the perinatal period but decreased to 23.4% ± 15.5% and 26.0% ± 13.9% during the premolt and molt. This decrease was associated with a greater amount of time spent fasting, along with an increase in pup activity while the mother was at sea foraging. Average daily milk intake, pup mass, and condition were all important in determining how much energy was available for growth, but the amount of energy obtained as milk was the single most important factor determining pup growth. While mean mass-specific FMR did not change with developmental stage (range = 1.74-1.77 mL O(2)/g/h), the factors that accounted for variation in FMR did. Weather (wind chill and solar radiation) and pup traits (mass and condition) influenced mass-specific FMR, but these impacts varied across development. This study provides information about the factors influencing how offspring allocate energy toward growth and maintenance and improves our predictions about how a changing environment may affect energy allocation in pups.  相似文献   

Recent pup population estimates of sympatric Subantarctic (Arctocephalus tropicalis) and Antarctic fur seals (A. gazella) at Marion Island are presented. Published pup population estimates of A. tropicalis (1995 and 2004) with an unpublished total island count in 2013, and annual counts on subsets of rookeries (2007–2015) were analyzed using a hierarchical Bayesian model. The pup population declined by 46% (95% credible interval CI: 43%–48%) between 2004 (mean = 15,260, CI: 14,447–16,169 pups) and 2013 (mean = 8,312, CI: 7,983–8,697), mirrored by a 58%–60% decline at rookeries counted annually (2007–2015). Population decline was highest at high‐density west and north coast rookeries, despite negligible change in female attendance patterns, pup mortality or median pupping date over the previous 25 yr. A better understanding of foraging behavior and its effects on reproductive success and survival in this A. tropicalis population is needed before we can attribute population decline to any external factors. In contrast, total island counts of A. gazella pups in 2007, 2010, and 2013, suggest that this population is still increasing although the annual intrinsic rate of population growth decreased from 17.0% (1995–2004, 744 pups) to 4.0% (2010–2013, 1,553 pups). The slowed growth of A. gazella is likely the result of saturation at the main rookery.  相似文献   

Abstract. Although mammalian mating systems are classically characterized in terms of male competition and polygyny, it is becoming increasingly apparent that alternative male strategies and female choice may play important roles. For example, females who mate with males from a dominant dynasty risk producing inbred offspring. Many pinnipeds are highly polygynous, but in some species alternative male strategies such as aquatic mating appear to be important, even when behavioral observations suggest strong polygyny. Here, we analyze male reproductive success in the Antarctic fur seal Arctocephalus gazella , an otariid described behaviorally as being highly polygynous, by combining a microsatellite paternity analysis spanning seven consecutive breeding seasons with detailed behavioral data on both sexes. Territorial males fathered 59% of 660 pups analyzed from our study colony. Male reproductive skew was considerable, with a quarter of all paternities assigned to just 12 top individuals on a beach where mean annual pup production was 635. Most males were successful for only a single season, but those able to return over successive years enjoyed rapidly increasing success with each additional season of tenure. We found no evidence of alternative male reproductive tactics such as aquatic or sneaky terrestrial mating. However, paternity was strongly influenced by maternal status. Females observed on the beach without a pup were significantly less likely to conceive to a sampled territorial male than equivalent females that did pup. In addition, their pups carried combinations of paternal alleles that were less likely to be found on the study beach and exhibited lower levels of shared paternity. Thus, from a territorial male's perspective, not all females offer equal opportunities for fertilization.  相似文献   

Hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) lactate for 3.6 days during which females simultaneously fast and transfer large amounts of energy to their pups through fat-rich milk. Pups grow rapidly, principally due to blubber deposition. Lipoprotein lipase (LPL), the primary enzyme responsible for tissue uptake of triglyceride fatty acids, may strongly influence both maternal milk fat secretion and pup blubber deposition. We measured the energetic costs of lactation (using hydrogen isotope dilution, 3H20), milk composition, prolactin, and LPL activity (post-heparin plasma LPL [PH LPL], blubber, mammary gland and milk; U) in six females. PH LPL and blubber LPL were measured in their pups. Females depleted 216.3 MJ · day−1 of body energy and fat accounted for 59% of maternal mass loss and 90% of postpartum body energy loss, but maternal body composition changed little. Maternal blubber LPL was negligible (0.0–0.2 U), while mammary LPL was elevated (1.8–2.5 U) and was paralleled by changes in prolactin. Estimated total mammary LPL activity was high (up to 20,000 U · animal−1) effectively favoring the mammary gland for lipid uptake. Levels of total blubber LPL in pups increased seven-fold over lactation. Pups with higher PH LPL at birth had greater relative growth rates (P = 0.025). Pups with greater blubber stores and total blubber LPL activity had elevated rates of fat deposition (P = 0.035). Accepted: 4 May 1999  相似文献   

Fasting is associated with a series of physiological responses that protect body tissues from degradation by efficiently using expendable energy reserves while sparing protein. Lactation requires the mobilization of maternal nutrients for milk synthesis. The rare life history trait of fasting simultaneous with lactation results in the conflicting demands of provisioning offspring while meeting maternal metabolic costs and preserving maternal tissues for her own survival and future reproduction. Certain tissues continue to require glucose for operation during fasting and might constrain tissue mobilization for lactogenesis due to a need for gluconeogenic substrates. This study investigated glucose flux, glucose cycle activity, and the influence of regulatory hormones in fasting lactating northern elephant seals. Measurements were taken early (5 days) and late (21 days) during the lactation period and, as a nonlactating comparison, after the completion of molting. Glucose cycle activity was highly variable in all study groups and did not change over lactation (P > 0.3), whereas endogenous glucose production decreased during lactation (t = -3.41, P = 0.008). Insulin and insulin-to-glucagon molar ratio decreased across lactation (t = 6.48, 4.28; P = 0.0001, 0.002), while plasma cortisol level increased (t = 4.15, P = 0.002). There were no relationships between glucose production and hormone levels. The glucose production values measured exceeded that predicted from available gluconeogenic substrate, indicating substantial glucose recycling in this species.  相似文献   

The developmental pattern of several key enzymes in brain of pups born to mothers receiving high levels of iodide (1.1 mg daily intake) during pregnancy and lactation were followed up to the weaning period. We found that in the initial states of postnatal development, glutamic dehydrogenase increased above control levels, whereas succinic dehydrogenase decreased. At late stages, we observed differences in phosphofructokinase and malic enzyme activities which were all increased at 30 days. There was no change in hexokinase. Animal weight did not vary with respect to controls and we only obtained discrete increases (not statistically different) in serum thyroxine values, which led us to assume that the enzymatic modifications might be a consequence of either a very mild hormonal alteration or to the direct effect of iodide.  相似文献   

The land planarian Microplana termitophaga is one of three invertebrate predators feeding at the open chimneys of the mound of the termite Odontotermes transvaalensis in Harare. This paper records over 4000 field observations of the mound and reports on the planarians over three rainy seasons from 1990 to 1993. Microplana termitophaga is crepuscular with a large early morning and a smaller evening activity peak. Rainfall appears to be of over-riding importance; activity is confined to the rainy season, occurring once the cumulative rainfall reaches 150-250 mm and being suspended during longish dry spells. Activity is also favoured by ambient relative humidity above 70%, light intensity below 50,000 lux (but not total darkness) and ambient temperature between 13 and 23C. Planarians on sun-exposed, but not on shaded, mounds disappeared after a drought. Dispersal occurs during prolonged wet weather.
Microplana termitophaga occurs with two predatory spider species and a commensal phorid fly and they all utilize the same termites. These four species exhibit temporal separation, probably related to their specific micro-climatic needs.  相似文献   

The role of visual attention during elaboration of visual differentiation (VD) of three stimuli, each of them signaled its own instrumental reaction directed to the certain object has been studied in experiments with two males of northern fur seal. In one of the fur seals VD formed by the standard motor and food methods, for the other the "blind" assertion of stimulus field (without stimulus demonstration) was introduced during VD formation in the accidental order. The animal's orientation to the stimulus field and the absence of any reaction to the objects during 15 s was confirmed. It has been shown that in this special training of visual attention mechanism the attainment of learning criteria realizes well quicker--more than twofold.  相似文献   

The thermal environment can induce substantial variation in important life-history traits. Experimental manipulation of the thermal environment can help researchers determine the contribution of this factor to phenotypic variation in life-history traits. During the reproductive season, we kept female northern grass lizards, Takydromus septentrionalis (Lacertidae), in three temperature-controlled rooms (25, 28 and 32 °C) to measure the effect of the maternal thermal environment on reproductive traits. Maternal thermal environment remarkably affected reproductive frequency and thereby seasonal reproductive output, but had little effect on reproductive traits per clutch or hatchling traits. Females kept at 32 °C produced more clutches and thus had shorter clutch intervals than females from 28 to 25 °C. Clutch size, clutch mass, relative clutch mass, egg size and hatchling traits did not vary among the three treatments. The eggs produced by the females were incubated at 27 °C and the traits of hatchlings were measured. The result that egg (offspring) size was independent of maternal thermal environments is consistent with the prediction of the optimal egg size (offspring) theory. The eggs produced by low temperature females (28 and 25 °C) took longer time to complete their post-oviposition development than did eggs produced by high temperature females (32 °C). This suggests that the eggs from low temperatures might have been laid when the embryos were at relatively early stages. Therefore, maternal thermal environment prior to oviposition could affect post-oviposition development in T. septentrionalis.  相似文献   

Three pairs of raccoon dogsNyctereutes procyonoides (Gray, 1834) were observed by continuous radio-tracking (one 24-h session, once a week) during the first six weeks after parturition. Males spent noticeably more time (40.5% ±11.7 SD) alone with the pups than females (16.4% ±8.5 SD). Females had noticeably larger home ranges (95% kernel: 98.24 ha ±51.71 SD) than males (14.73 ha ±8.16 SD) and moved much longer daily distances (7368 m ±2015 SD) than males (4094 m ±2886 SD) in six weeks postpartum. The raccoon dogs left the breeding den in the 6th week after the birth of the pups.In situ video observation showed that the male carried prey to the den to provide the female and the litter with food. A clear division of labour took place among parents during the period in which the pups were nursed: males guarded the litter in the den or in close vicinity of it, while the females foraged to satisfy their increased energy requirements.  相似文献   

Circulating levels of estradiol-17beta during early pregnancy in the Alaskan fur seal (Callorhinus ursinus) were studied to determine whether an estrogen surge coincided with the period of blastocyst growth immediately before implantation. Blood samples were obtained from 38 adult female seals during the period of blastocyst dormancy and early postimplantation. An estrogen surge (35 pg/ml) occurred immediately before the time of blastocyst reactivation and accelerated growth leading to implantation. A prolonged period (almost 2 months to return to lowest levels of 11 pg/m1) of high estrogen concentration followed ovulation. A return to high levels was characteristic of postimplantation. It is concluded that the Alaskan fur seal, having obligatory delayed implantation, has an estrogen surge near the end of that delay period.  相似文献   


Red cell count, haemoglobin concentration, haematocrit, mean cell volume, and mean cell haemoglobin concentration were recorded for the fur seal Arctocephalus forsteri (Lesson). The data did not indicate haematological adaptations for deep diving nor for extended periods of submergence. Two distinct haemoglobin types were isolated from the red cells by electrophoresis. The oxygen affinity of the blood was low as measured by half-saturation values (p50) of 42.3 mm Hg at pH 7.1 and 26.2 mm Hg at pH 7.4 and 37°c. The low oxygen affinity was mediated by erythrocytic 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, and on this basis a high turnover of oxygen to the tissues is postulated. The role of the blood in oxygen transport appears to be suited for feeding near the surface rather than by deep diving.  相似文献   

Postmortem examination of a juvenile Australian fur seal, Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus, washed ashore on Philip Island, Victoria, revealed traumatic fibrinous pericarditis and hemothorax. A foreign body lodged in the right ventricle was identified as the barbed spine of the ray Urolophus paucimaculatus. A small puncture wound through the esophagus indicated the initial perforation site.  相似文献   

Progesterone in Antarctic fur seals was undetectable from 1-2 days before parturition to 4-6 days after parturition. There was a rapid increase in progesterone to 20 ng/ml between 6 and 10 days post partum and this increase coincided with peak concentrations of oestradiol-17 beta at the time normally associated with oestrus and mating in this species. Newly formed corpora lutea were present in the ovaries by Day 9 post partum even though the seals had been isolated in an enclosure and not mated. Thereafter, progesterone remained detectable, but at a low concentration (5 ng/ml) throughout embryonic diapause. A similar pattern was observed in unmated females which suggests they enter a period of pseudopregnancy. Progesterone increased to 35 ng/ml between late February and mid-March, indicating activation of the corpus luteum at the end of diapause, and then declined slowly through the remainder of gestation. Plasma prolactin, measured against a human prolactin standard, was elevated from 1-2 days before parturition and peaked at 0-3 days post partum. It then declined slowly throughout the post-partum period and remained at a low level throughout embryonic diapause. Prolactin concentration declined to undetectable at the end of diapause and before the end of lactation. Reduction of prolactin secretion by injections of bromocriptine from Days 3 to 5 post-partum terminated lactation. Mothers, which normally leave their pups to feed at sea on about Day 7 post partum, did not continue to lactate beyond Day 7 although this did not appear to be associated with reduced prolactin secretion. Bromocriptine treatment appeared to prevent the post-ovulatory surge of progesterone although there was no long-term effect of bromocriptine on progesterone secretion during the early stages of embryonic diapause/pseudopregnancy. This study has shown that prolactin is an important hormone for maintaining early lactation in the fur seal and it probably also has a role in the control of ovulation and luteal development. Prolactin does not appear to be implicated in the control of lactation cycles in fur seals. Changes in plasma progesterone during the annual cycle show that the pattern in fur seals resembles that of some carnivores with embryonic diapause.  相似文献   

In lactating rats, food restriction potentiates the already high levels of hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY). To investigate the role that high levels of NPY might play in the prolongation of lactational infertility that typically accompanies a food restricted lactation we investigated the effects of chronic central infusions of NPY in ad libitum-fed lactating females. First, we compared the effects of intracerebroventricular (icv) infusion of NPY from Days 12-19 postpartum at a dose of 14.4 microg/day with a similar treatment in nonlactating females. In subsequent experiments we examined the effects of NPY infusions into the lateral ventricle at doses of 6 or 20 mug/day or unilaterally into the medial preoptic area at a dose of 1 microg/day from either Days 12-19 or 7-21 postpartum. Effects on food intake; female body weight; and, where appropriate, litter weight and length of lactational diestrus were compared between NPY and vehicle-treated females. As expected NPY infusion produced a robust increase in body weight and food intake in nonlactating females that was accompanied by a suppression of cyclicity. By contrast NPY treatment in lactating rats resulted in a marked decrease in litter growth and an earlier termination of lactational diestrus.  相似文献   

The suckling-induced prolactin (Prl) response was studied in 10- and 20-day postpartum female rats. The response in 20-day postpartum mothers has a slower onset, has markedly reduced peak values and returns to baseline somewhat sooner than the response in 10-day postpartum mothers. The blunted response of late lactation was seen in mothers suckled for 30 min and was maintained over a longer interval in mothers continuously suckled for 120 min. This refractory phenomenon was not due to decreased suckling intensity provided by 20-day relative to 10-day-old pups. Pituitary gland Prl release in response to thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) and haloperidol challenges also did not distinguish 10- from 20-day postpartum mothers. Significantly higher estradiol-17 beta levels were found in 20-day compared with 10-day postpartum mothers, a finding which cannot account for the blunted response. Pup separation from 10-day postpartum mothers for 4, 24, 48 or 72 h did not produce a blunted response like that seen in late lactation. It is suggested that the hypothalamic mechanism mediating suckling-induced Prl release becomes refractory to the suckling stimulus during the preweaning period.  相似文献   

When social interactions occur, the phenotype of an individual is influenced directly by its own genes (direct genetic effects) but also indirectly by genes expressed in social partners (indirect genetic effects). Social insect colonies are characterized by extensive behavioral interactions among workers, brood, and queens so that indirect genetic effects are particularly relevant. I used a series of experimental manipulations to disentangle the contribution of direct effects, maternal (queen) effects, and sibsocial (worker) effects to variation for worker, gyne, and male mass; caste ratio; and sex ratio in the ant Temnothorax curvispinosus. The results indicate genetic variance for direct, maternal, and sibsocial effects for all traits, except for male mass there was no significant maternal variance, and for sex ratio the variance for direct effects was not separable from maternal variance for the primary sex ratio. Estimates of genetic correlations between direct, maternal, and sibsocial effects were generally negative, indicating that these effects may not evolve independently. These results have broad implications for social insect evolution. For example, the genetic architecture underlying social insect traits may constrain the realization of evolutionary conflicts between social partners.  相似文献   

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