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Heat shock in barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Himalaya) aleurone layers induces the synthesis of heat shock proteins (hsps) and suppresses the synthesis and secretion of α-amylase, the principal secretory protein. This is accompanied by the destabilization of α-amylase mRNA and a concomitant dissociation of ER lamellae. In the absence of heat shock α-amylase mRNA is extremely stable (Belanger et al. 1986. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83: 1354–1358). In most organisms there is a direct correlation between the synthesis of hsps and thermotolerance. The ability of hsps to provide thermoprotection to secretory protein synthesis, α-amylase mRNA and ER lamellae was analyzed. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of pulse-chased, [35S]-methionine-labeled proteins revealed that the half-life of hsps in barley aleurone cells recovering from heat shock was approximately 12 h. Within approximately 6 h, there was a recovery of α-amylase mRNA and a reformation of ER lamellae. Heat shock protein synthesis was induced by either heat shock (40°C) or arsenite, the cells were allowed to recover for 8 h, then were re-exposed to heat shock. Results from SDS-PAGE showed that, despite the presence of hsps, α-amylase synthesis was suppressed. Northern blot hybridizations showed that α-amylase mRNA levels were reduced in heat-shocked tissues. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that ER lamellar structures were dissociated. The synthesis of hsps did not enable barley aleurone cells to sustain the synthesis of any proteins at lethal temperature. In contrast, similar conditions established thermotolerance and provided thermoprotection to protein synthesis in germinating barley embryos. Our findings suggest that the aleurone layer does not become thermotolerant following the induction of hsp synthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the abundance and form of endoplasmic reticulum in the three major cell types of the maize root cap were investigated by stereological and stereometric techniques. Quantification from thin sections was by the modification and application of standard morphometric procedures. This revealed dramatic increases in both the volume fraction and surface densities of endoplasmic reticulum as the meristem cells differentiate into starch and secretory cells. A stereometric technique for analysing thick sections was used to assess changes in the types of endoplasmic reticulum as cells differentiate through the root cap. This procedure showed that the proportions of cisternal endoplasmic reticulum to tubular endoplasmic reticulum was highest in the peripheral secretory cells. Electron opacity of the endomembrane system was enhanced by selective staining with zinc iodide and osmium tetroxide (ZIO).  相似文献   

Exposure of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Himalaya) aleurone layers to 40°C for a period of 3 h results in the selective suppression of the synthesis and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes; other normal cellular protein synthesis continues during heat shock. This suppression is correlated with secretory protein mRNA destabilization and the dissociation of stacked ER lamellae during heat shock (Belanger et al. 1986, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 83, pp. 1354–1358). In this report we examined the effect of exposure to extended periods of heat shock. If exposure to 40°C was continued for a period of 18 h, the synthesis of α-amylase, the predominant secreted hydrolase, resumed. This was accompanied by increased α-amylase mRNA levels and the reformation of ER lamellae. Though initial exposure (3 h) to 40°C reduced protein secretion to ~10% of that observed in aleurone cells maintained at 25°C, exposure for prolonged periods (16–20 h) permitted the resumption of protein secretion to ~66% of non-heat-shocked control levels. The resumption of normal secretory protein synthesis during prolonged exposure to 40°C was correlated with an increase in the incorporation of [14C]glycerol into phosphatidylcholine and an increase in the ratio of saturated to unsaturated fatty acids in lipids isolated from ER membrane preparations. Increased fatty acid saturation has been demonstrated to enhance thermostability in biological membranes, and such changes in membrane composition may be important to the recovery of secretory protein synthesis at the ER.  相似文献   

Two pathways operate to target newly-synthesised proteins to the endoplasmic reticulum. In one, the signal recognition particle attaches to the signal sequences of nascent chains on ribosomes and slows or stops translation until contact is made with the docking protein at the membrane. The second operates via molecular chaperons. The pathways converge at the level of a 43 kDa signal binding protein integrated into the membrane, where translocation through a proteinaceous pore is initiated. In the lumen, proteins fold and disulphide formation is catalysed by the enzyme protein disulphide isomerase. The heavy chain binding protein may attach to unassembled or unfolded proteins and prevent their exit from the ER to the Golgi. Cholecystokinin (CCK) treatment increases the biosynthesis and secretion of pancreatic proteins, increases the levels of PDI and the 43 kDa binding protein, and reduces levels of BiP. These proteins may be possible targets for genetic manipulation to improve processing of heterologous proteins from cultured mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Potato virus X (PVX) has been used as an expression vector to target the green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the jellyfish Aequorea victoria to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of tobacco (Nicotiana clevelandii L.) leaves. Expression of free GFP resulted in strong cytoplasmic fluorescence with organelles being imaged in negative contrast. Translocation of GFP into the lumen of the ER was mediated by the use of the sporamin signal peptide. Retention of GFP in the ER was facilitated by the splicing of the ER retrieval/retention tetrapeptide, KDEL to the carboxy terminus of GFP. Fluorescence of GFP was restricted to a labile cortical network of ER tubules with occasional small lamellae and to streaming trans-vacuolar strands. Secretion of ER-targeted GFP was inhibited both by cold shock and low concentrations of the secretory inhibitor brefeldin A. However, both prolonged cold and prolonged incubation in brefeldin A resulted in the recovery of secretory capability. In leaves infected with the GFP-KDEL construct, high concentrations of brefeldin A induced the tubular network of cortical ER to transform into large lamellae or sheets which reverted to the tubular network on removal of the drug. Received: 8 October 1998 / Accepted: 16 November 1998  相似文献   

The gene encoding the small heat shock protein (sHSP), LeHSP21.5, has been previously cloned from tomato (GenBank accession no. AB026983). The deduced amino acid sequence of this tomato sHSP was most similar to that of other endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-localized sHSPs (ER-sHSP) and can be predicted to target the ER. We examined whether the gene product of LeHSP21.5 (probable ER-sHSP) can act as molecular chaperone. For functional analysis, LeHSP21.5 protein was expressed in Escherichia coli as His6-tagged protein in the C-terminal and purified. We confirmed that ER-sHSP could provide thermal protection of soluble proteins in vitro. We compared the thermal stability of E. coli strain BL21 (DE3) transformed with pET-ER-sHSP with the control E. coli strain BL21(DE3) transformed with only the pET vector under heat shock and IPTG-induced conditions. Most of the protein extracts from E. coli cells expressing ER-sHSP were protected from heat-induced denaturation, whereas extracts from cells not expressing ER-sHSP were very heat-sensitive under these conditions. A similar protective effect was observed when purified ER-sHSP was added to an E. coli cell extract. ER-sHSP prevented the thermal aggregation and inactivation of citrate synthase. These collective findings indicate that ER-sHSP can function as a molecular chaperone in vitro. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

W. Hensel  A. Sievers 《Planta》1981,153(4):303-307
Statocytes from roots of Lepidium sativum L., which developed after a 2-min soaking on a horizontal clinostat (2 rotations per min) for 44 h, exhibit the same polarity as in vertically grown roots, as indicated by a complex of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) cisternae at the distal cell pole. Amyloplasts are distributed randomly. The kinetics of graviresponse (=curvature) of such roots are identical to those of normally grown roots. Ten-minute exposure of the root, after 24 h development on the clinostat with gravity acting towards the root's basis (inversion), induces no changes in statocyte ultrastructure. However, corresponding exposure in normal orientation leads to subsequent disintegration of the distal ER complex, loss of amyloplast starch, confluence of lipid droplets, and an increase of the lytic compartment. These ultrastructural events thus appear to be induced by a physical contact — however short — between amyloplasts and the distal ER complex.Abbreviation ER endoplasmic reticulum Dedicated to Professor Dr. W. Haupt on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

We isolated a homolog of Schizosaccharomyces pombe HSP9 from Grifola frondosa and designated it Gf.HSP9. The Gf.HSP9 gene consisted of four exons and three introns and encoded 84 amino acid residues. We have also identified related HSP9 genes from Pleurotus eryngii (Pe.HSP9), Hypsizygus marmoreus (Hm.HSP9), and Lentinula edodes (Le.HSP9). The predicted tertiary structures of these HSP9s were the same. In addition, the expression pattern of their mRNA increased during fruiting body in a differentiation-dependent manner. These results suggested that HSP9 was associated with the fruiting body differentiation in these four edible mushrooms.  相似文献   

In an experimental model of liver cirrhosis, marked increases in ER proteasome content in rat livers were observed 5 h after acute i.p. injection of the hepatotoxicant CCl4. To confirm the role of CYP2E1 in mediating protein misfolding/damage in the ER via its metabolism of CCl4, 293T cells stably transfected with human CYP2E1 were exposed to CCl4 and cell ER fractions assessed for ubiquitination. Increases in ER ubiquitin conjugates were noted in CYP2E1/293T cells treated with CCl4 and not in controls, suggesting these effects are CYP2E1 specific. Finally, the role of CYP2E1 in ER homeostasis was investigated by examining the unfolded protein response (UPR). When exposed to CCl4, CYP2E1/293T cells but not 293T or CYP1A2/293T cells showed rapid induction of the UPR-inducible ER chaperone BiP. Collectively, the data presented suggest that CYP2E1 is capable of inducing significant ER protein damage and stress via its catalytic activation of pro-oxidants.  相似文献   

The localisation of maize (Zea mays L.) auxin-binding protein (ABP1) has been studied using a variety of techniques. At the whole-tissue level, tissue printing indicated that ABP1 is expressed to similar levels in all cells of the maize coleoptile and in the enclosed leaf roll. Within cells, the signals from immunofluorescence and immunogold labelling of ultrathin sections both indicated that ABP1 is confined to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), none being detected in either Golgi apparatus or cell wall. This distribution is consistent with targeting motifs in its sequence. These observations are discussed with reference to the various reports which place a population of ABP1 on the outer face of the plasma membrane, including those suggesting that it is necessary on the cell surface for rapid, auxin-mediated protoplast hyperpolarisation. We have tested one proposed model to account for release of ABP1 from the ER, namely that auxin binding induces a conformational change in ABP1 leading to concealment of the KDEL retention motif. Using double-label immunofluorescence the characteristic auxin-induced rise in Golgi-apparatus signal was found, yet no change in the distribution of the ABP1 signal was detected. Maize suspension cultures were used to assay for auxin-promoted secretion of ABP1 into the medium, but secretion was below the limit of detection. This can be ascribed at least partly to the very active acidification of the medium by these cells and the instability of ABP1 in solution below pH 5.0. In the insect-baculovirus expression system, in which cell cultures maintain pH 6.2, a small amount of ABP1 secretion, less than 1% of the total, was detected under all conditions. Insect cells were shown to take up auxin and no inactivation of added auxin was detected, but auxin did not affect the level of ABP1 in the medium. Consequently, no evidence was found to support the model for auxin promotion of ABP1 secretion. Finally, quantitative glycan analysis was used to determine what proportion of ABP1 might reach the plasma membrane in maize coleoptile tissue. The results suggest that less than 15% of ABP1 ever escapes from the ER as far as the cis-Golgi and less than 2% passes further through the secretory pathway. Such leakage rates probably do not require a specialised mechanism allowing ABP1 past the KDEL retrieval pathway, but we are not able to rule out the possibility that some ABP1 is carried through associated with other proteins. The data are consistent with the presence of ABP1 both on the plasma membrane and in the ER. The relative sizes of the two pools explain the results obtained with immunofluorescence and immunogold labelling and illustrate the high efficiency of ER retention in plants. Received: 31 October 1996 / Accepted: 16 December 1996  相似文献   

We previously performed a gene-trap screen in mouse cells with particular focus on clones in which the trapped protein-reporter fusions localise to compartments of the nucleus. Here we describe one such gene-trap line in which the fusion protein showed a unique, patchy distribution at the nuclear periphery. We have cloned the endogenous mouse and human cDNAs encoding the protein trapped in the F9/3D3 cell line. The predicted proteins (64 kDa) encoded by this novel gene are highly conserved and similar to an unpublished rat protein in sequence databases called p80 or lyric. The amino acid sequence of 3D3/lyric indicates that it may be a type-1b membrane protein with a single transmembrane domain (TMD). Antibodies against the endogenous protein recognise multiple isoforms, consistent with multiple 3D3/lyric mRNAs detected by Northern blot analysis. Subcellular fractionation and immunostaining show that 3D3/lyric is located not only principally in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), but also in the nuclear envelope (NE), which is contiguous with this compartment. Furthermore, 3D3/lyric is also found in the nucleolus and is therefore a rare example of a protein that suggests a possible connection between this compartment and the endoplasmic reticulum.  相似文献   

HAP (a homologue of the ASY/Nogo-B protein), a novel human apoptosis-inducing protein, was found to be identical to RTN3. In an earlier study, we demonstrated that HAP localized exclusively to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and that its overexpression could induce cell apoptosis via a depletion of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca2+ stores. In this study, we show that overexpression of HAP causes the activation of caspase-12 and caspase-3. We still detected the collapse of mitochondrial membrane potential (Δωm) and the release of cytochrome c in HAP-overexpressing HeLa cells. All the results indicate that both the mitochondria and the ER are involved in apoptosis caused by HAP overexpression, and suggest that HAP overexpression may initiate an ER overload response (EOR) and bring about the downstream apoptotic events. Equal contribution to this paper  相似文献   

We have characterized the constitutive and stress‐inducible pattern of immunoglobulin‐binding protein (BiP) gene expression during Xenopus early development. Whole mount in situ hybridization analysis revealed that BiP mRNA was detected in unfertilized eggs, cleavage and blastula stage embryos. In gastrulae, BiP mRNA was present across the surface of the embryo, while in neurulae BiP mRNA was enriched in the neural plate, neural fold, and around the blastopore. In early and late tailbud embryos, BiP mRNA was found primarily in the dorsal region. Tunicamycin and A23187, the calcium ionophore, enhanced BiP mRNA accumulation first at the neurula stage, while heat shock induced BiP mRNA accumulation first at the gastrula stage. Compared to control, A23187‐ and heat shock‐treated neurulae displayed relatively high levels of BiP mRNA in selected tissues, including the neural plate, neural folds, around the blastopore, and ectoderm. At the early tailbud stage, A23187 and heat shock enhanced BiP mRNA accumulation primarily in the head, somites, tail, and along the spinal cord. A similar situation was found with A23187‐ and heat shock‐treated late tailbud embryos, except that heat‐shocked embryos also displayed enhanced BiP mRNA accumulation in the epidermis. These studies demonstrate a preferential accumulation of BiP mRNA in selected tissues during development and in response to stress. Dev. Genet. 25:31–39, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The structure of plastids in the root cap of cress and maize was studied by low- and high-voltage electron microscopy after staining their membranes with a mixture of zinc iodide and osmium tetroxide. In plastids of both species electron-opaque membranes were found in the plastid interior while membranes of lesser electron-opacity comprised the outer envelope and vesicles and cisternae underlying it. Electron-opaque tubules, often in groups attached to the inner membrane of the amyloplast envelope, were found in cress but not in maize. The internal, less-opaque membranes were often found associated with the starch grains. No specific association could be seen between amyloplasts and endoplasmic reticulum (ER); their surfaces showed no regular contact or connexion, though the amyloplasts clearly indented the underlying ER. The ER in statocytes was predominantly tubular in cress but predominantly cisternal in maize.Abbreviations ER endoplasmic reticulum - ZIO zinc iodideosmium tetroxide  相似文献   

The level of the Hsp70 heat shock protein was studied in the cells of euryhaline ciliates Paramecium nephridiatum after environmental salinity changes. Two types of treatment were used: “shock” and “adaptation.” In the former case the ciliates were placed for 1 h into medium with stress salinity, and subsequently returned for 2 h to the medium they were acclimated to. In the latter case the ciliates were placed for 3 h into the medium with the stress level of salinity. The ciliates acclimated to fresh water (0‰ salinity) were shown to have a higher constitutive level of Hsp70 than those acclimated to 10‰. Transfer of the protists from fresh water to medium with 10‰ salinity (the shock medium) did not increase Hsp70 synthesis, whereas the return transfer resulted in induction of Hsp70 in the cells. In both directions of salinity change, “adaptation” led to induction of Hsp70. The obtained results support the hypothesis that salinity of 10‰ is less harmful for the eurihaline ciliate P. nephridiatum, than fresh water is. We also presume that the ability of euryhaline ciliates to survive in a wide salinity spectrum might be determined by the higher constitutive level of their Hsp70 in comparison with that of stenohaline representatives of the same genus.  相似文献   

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