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A simple technique for measuring the rate of fermentation of rumen microorganisms is described. It allows quick preparation and handling of the rumen sample immediately after collection. The average rate of fermentation of rumen samples collected from a lactating cow fed on alfalfa hay and concentrate in the ratio of 2:1 was very similar to the rate obtained by other methods. On the assumption that when substrate is in excess, the fermentation rate is proportional to the total microbial cells, the method was used to estimate the net growth of rumen microorganisms. The maximal fermentation rate of subsamples, taken at the beginning and after 1 hr of incubation of a sample, was measured. The results indicate a net average growth of 8% per hr, or 192% per day, in approximate agreement with rumen turnover time. The highest net growth does not necessarily coincide with the highest gas-production rate in the rumen, in part because the bicarbonate concentration in the rumen contents varies. In a cow fed on hay and concentrate, the net growth was lowest before feeding and immediately after feeding.  相似文献   

The method of el-Shazly and Hungate for measuring gas production in rumen contents was slightly modified and used throughout this investigation. The variation in the fermentation rates due to samples collected separately from a sheep fed on hay was less than 2%. When samples obtained through a stomach tube were compared with samples collected through the rumen fistula, the variation was about 3%. The rates of gas and acid production were approximately similar in samples obtained from the rumen at the same time when no sodium bicarbonate was added. During in vitro incubation of whole ruminal contents, there was a highly significant correlation between the net growth rate values (obtained by using fermentation capacity as an index) and the change in concentration of viable rumen bacteria or total ciliate protozoa.  相似文献   

Nutritional characteristics of Selenomonas ruminantium var. lactilytica isolated from a sheep rumen were studied. The organism required for growth the addition of a clarified rumen fluid to a Trypticase-yeast extract medium with either lactate or glucose as an energy source. The requirement for rumen fluid was found to be satisfied by volatile fatty acids in glucose media and by biotin in lactate media. Straight-chain saturated fatty acids with C(3) to C(10) carbon skeleton had been found to be effective. Among them, n-valerate was most effective at the lowest concentration. An abnormal morphology was observed with n-valerate-deficient glucose media. n-Valerate was essential in glucose media, and it was stimulatory in lactate media. Fermentation products from glucose were lactate, propionate, and acetate, and fermentation products from lactate were propionate and acetate. When cells were grown in a glucose medium containing n-valerate-C(14), the label was present in cell fractions. Almost all of the activity was found in lipid materials.  相似文献   

Factors Affecting the Cellulolytic Activity of Rumen Contents   总被引:17,自引:11,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The cellulolytic activity of rumen contents was assayed by measuring losses in weight and tensile strength of cotton yarn incubated in rumen contents in the presence of dietary additives (barley, tallow) and at different pH values. The addition of barley depressed cellulolysis and the titer of filter paper-degrading bacteria only if the pH was allowed to fall. Lowering the pH from 7.0 to 6.0 by addition of HCl almost completely inhibited attack of cotton and greatly reduced the titer of filter paper-degrading bacteria. The layering of tallow on cotton inhibited attack of cotton but did not decrease the titer of filter paper-degrading bacteria. The results are discussed with special reference to the importance of the study of cellulosic substrates, which require a known enzyme or mixture of enzymes for attack.  相似文献   

通过 5L自控发酵罐发酵实验 ,结合发酵过程中菌生长形态的变化 ,对L -异亮氨酸补料分批发酵进行研究 ,研究了环境因素对黄色短杆菌 (Brevibacteriumflavum)TJCN - 1的影响 ,优化出发酵最佳控制条件 ,提出分阶段发酵控制模式 ,对L -异亮氨酸生产有指导意义。  相似文献   

Aspergillus sydowi (Bain. & Start.) Thom & Church grew and sporulated best at 30°C. The best pH for growth and sporulation was 5.5. Light was stimulatory to sporulation but inhibitory to growth. Among the carbon sources employed, sucrose supported the best growth and sporulation. Nitrate, ammonium and asparagine were good nitrogen sources for growth and sporulation. During utilization of sucrose, the carbohydrates found in the mycelium included dulcitol, inositol, mannitol, arabinose, trehalose and galactose.  相似文献   

Inorganic tin (SnCl4·H2O) is toxic to microbial populations obtained from estuarine sediments plated on nutrient medium solidified with either agar or purified agar. The use of gelatin as a gelling agent decreased the apparent toxicity of tin, and toxicity was markedly reduced in medium solidified with silica gel. There was no evidence that toxic agar-tin complexes were involved. Cd, Cu, Pb, Ni, and Zn exhibited similar toxicity patterns; therefore, toxicity levels determined in the laboratory should be extrapolated to the environment with caution. The addition of cysteine to the medium had no effect on tin toxicity. Serine or 3-hydroxyflavone enhanced toxicity, while humic acids or gelatin inhibited toxicity. Replacement of SO42− with NO3 did not alter tin toxicity, but replacement of Cl with NO3 decreased tin toxicity. Thus, the toxic effect(s) of tin depend as much on the chemical speciation of the metal as on the total concentration of the metal in the medium.  相似文献   

Metabolism of Peptides by Rumen Microorganisms   总被引:10,自引:7,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Rumen microorganisms utilize tryptic peptides from Chlorella protein, forming carbon dioxide, volatile fatty acids, and bacterial protein. Peptide carbon is more efficiently converted into bacterial protein than is amino acid carbon. A progressive degradation of the peptides was demonstrated by use of columns of Sephadex G-25.  相似文献   

Metabolism of Glycine by Rumen Microorganisms   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Rumen microorganisms rapidly metabolized glycine at rates varying from 0.014 to 0.241 mumole of glycine per ml per min. The main metabolic products were carbon dioxide, acetic acid, and ammonia; little glycine was incorporated into bacterial protein. Use of carboxyl or methylene-labeled glycine showed that the carbon dioxide came mainly from the carboxyl of glycine, whereas both carbons of acetic acid were derived partly from the methylene carbon of glycine and partly from carbon dioxide. The ratio of carbon-14 to nitrogen-15 in glycine isolated from the protein of rumen bacteria incubated in the presence of N(15)- and C(14)-labeled glycine indicated that most of the extracellular glycine incorporated into protein was incorporated without intervening deamination.  相似文献   

R. C. A. Hunter 《CMAJ》1965,92(14):732-736
A related series of studies, most of which have been published previously, is described. These studies form a coherent whole and demonstrate the development of a theme, namely, the identification of factors in the student and the medical school which, in their interaction, influenced undergraduate academic performance at one medical school. In the population concerned no reliable positive or negative correlation could be demonstrated between cognitive ability and academic performance, when the former was measured by the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Medical College Admission Test, and the latter by the current assessment methods of the medical school. Other factors, including socioeconomic and individual personality variables, are at present under investigation as to their effect on academic achievement. It is emphasized that the results of these studies cannot be regarded as valid for all medical schools, but the methods employed can be generalized.  相似文献   

We sought to determine factors relating to the survival of heterotrophic microorganisms from the high-dissolved-oxygen (HDO) waters of Lake Hoare, Antarctica. This lake contains perpetual HDO about three times that of normal saturation (40 to 50 mg liter−1). Five isolates, one yeast and four bacteria, were selected from Lake Hoare waters by growth with the membrane filter technique with oxygen added to yield dissolved concentrations 14 times that in situ, 175 mg liter−1. One bacterial isolate was obtained from the microbial mat beneath the HDO waters. This organism was isolated at normal atmospheric oxygen saturation. The bacteria were gram-negative rods, motile, oxidase positive, catalase positive, and superoxide dismutase positive; they contained carotenoids. The planktonic isolates grew in media containing 10 mg of Trypticase soy (BBL Microbiology Systems)-peptone (2:1) liter−1 but not at 10 g liter−1. Under low-nutrient levels simulating Lake Hoare waters (10 mg liter−1), two of the planktonic isolates tested were not inhibited by HDO. Growth inhibition by HDO increased as nutrient concentration was increased. A carotenoid-negative mutant of one isolate demonstrated a decreased growth rate, maximal cell density, and increased cell lysis in the death phase under HDO compared with the parent strain. The specific activity of superoxide dismutase was increased by HDO in four of the five bacterial isolates. The superoxide dismutase was of the manganese type on the basis of inhibition and electrophoretic studies. The bacterial isolates from Lake Hoare possess several adaptations which may aid their survival in the HDO waters, as well as protection due to the oligotrophic nature of the lake.  相似文献   

Factors Affecting Filamentous Growth of Sphaerotilus natans   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Filamentous growth in cultures of Sphaerotilus natans can be measured and compared with total growth by a standardized procedure of winding filaments around an inoculating needle. Filaments and residual growth are then separately washed on Millipore filters, dried, and weighed. This method has been used to study changes in the growth habit of S. natans elicited by changes in the concentration of nutrients in the medium. The concentration of peptone, in a medium containing a sugar, phosphate buffer, and inorganic salts, has a much greater effect on the proportion of filamentous growth than does the nature or concentration of the carbon source or the concentration of phosphate buffer. Filament formation is significantly inhibited by concentrations of peptone greater than 0.25%; further increases in peptone concentration stimulate the production of large amounts of capsular material. Increasing the concentration of phosphate buffer to 0.05 M almost completely inhibits growth of S. natans.  相似文献   

Cellulase from Ruminococcus albus and Mixed Rumen Microorganisms   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Cellulase in the cultural filtrates of Ruminococcus albus and cellulase extracted from mixed rumen microorganisms were investigated with acid-swollen cellulose and carboxymethylcellulose as substrates. Maximal activity occurred at approximately pH 5.8 and 47 C. Apparent Michaelis constants (Km) varied between 0.53 and 0.02% carboxymethylcellulose, depending on the level of activity and the method of assay. R. albus cellulase has a lower Km value than the enzyme extracted from mixed rumen microorganisms. Antisera from rabbits immunized with a cellulase preparation from R. albus inhibited the cellulolytic activity of both systems. Based on the relative degree of inhibition, approximately 20% of the cellulase of the mixed rumen microorganisms was immunologically similar to R. albus cellulase. Ratios of activity in different assay techniques showed the two sources of activity to be similar in the mechanisms of degradation. However, glucose is the main product of cellulose degradation by mixed rumen microorganisms, and cellobiose is the product of degradation by R. albus.  相似文献   

Sodium phosphate buffer was used to extract cellulases from the plant solids fraction of rumen contents. The mixed cellulase preparation had maximal activity at pH 6.9 and 49°C. The Vmax and the apparent Km for wheaten hay cellulose were 19.8 glucose units/min and 6.35 mg/ml, respectively, and for microcrystalline cellulose (Sigmacell) at the same enzyme concentration, they were 33 glucose units/min and 27.5 mg/ml, respectively. For these assays a glucose unit was defined as nanomoles of glucose plus twice the nanomoles of cellobiose. Consideration of thermodynamic and kinetic data suggested that the hydrolysis of a relatively labile arabino-xylan comprising 3% of the wheaten hay cellulose was dependent on prior removal of the protecting β-1,4-glucose chains at the outer surface of the cellulose preparation. Sequential removal of structural polysaccharides from the plant cell wall rendered the latter more susceptible to cellulase activity. Cellulase activity was stimulated by increasing the concentration of phosphate from 5 to 50 mM. The stimulation was magnified in the presence of cell-free rumen fluid. Cellulase activity was not stimulated by calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, or cobalt ions and was unaffected by the chelators ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid and ethyleneglycol-bis (β-aminoethyl ether)-N,N′-tetraacetic acid. O-phenanthroline inhibited activity by 30 to 50%, but this may have been due to nonchelate properties. Anaerobic conditions or thiol protective agents were not essential for either the activity or stability of the cellulases during assay. An ultrafiltrable inhibitor of cellulase activity was detected in cell-free rumen fluid.  相似文献   

<正> 反刍动物的瘤胃中不存在腺体,消化酶完全来自于微生物。瘤胃降解的蛋白,除一部分为机体必需外,大部分被微生物浪费。因此,瘤胃微生物蛋白酶活力的高低直接影响饲料蛋白的利用率。目前,研究者们正寻找各种途径增加通过瘤胃的蛋白,但实验中常将微生物的整体作用和具体酶的作用相混淆,故本试验旨在提取瘤胃微生物胞外蛋白酶纯品,较全面地了解其性质和特点。  相似文献   

A series of complex and synthetic media have been developed that are suitable for the production of cephalosporin C and cephalosporin N by a mutant strain of Cephalosporium (C.M.I. 49,137). dl-Methionine increased the yield of both antibiotics, with more effect on cephalosporin N. l-Cystine had a greater enhancing effect on formation of cephalosporin C than on formation of cephalosporin N in synthetic media; serine increased yields of cephalosporin C under certain conditions. Disaccharides or polysaccharides appeared to be the best source for carbohydrates. No evidence was found for precursor action such as is found in penicillin fermentations. The ability of resting cells to produce antibiotic was demonstrated.  相似文献   

综述了苹果(Malus domestica Borkh.)、草莓(Fragaria ananassa Duch.)、香蕉(Musa paradisiaca)、甜瓜(Cucumis melon L.)和番茄(Lycopersicon esculentum L.)等果实香气的化学成分、主要合成途径及其影响因素。果实的香气物质主要包括酯类、醇类、酮类、醛类、萜类和挥发性酚类物质等,这些物质主要由脂肪酸、氨基酸和次生代谢产生。品种、成熟度、乙烯、环境和栽培措施(光照、砧木、套袋和灌溉等)以及采后贮藏条件均影响果实香气的形成。  相似文献   

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