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We studied the species richness and composition of frogs in 10 restinga habitats (sand dune environments dominated by herbaceous and shrubby vegetation) along approximately 1500 km of coastal areas of three Brazilian States: Rio de Janeiro (Grumari, Maricá, Massambaba, Jurubatiba and Grussaí), Espírito Santo (Praia das Neves and Setiba) and Bahia (Prado and Trancoso). We estimated beta-diversity and similarity among areas and related these parameters to geographic distance between areas. All areas were surveyed with a similar sampling procedure. We found 28 frog species belonging to the families Hylidae, Microhylidae, Leptodactylidae and Bufonidae. Frogs in restingas were in general nocturnal with no strictly diurnal species. The richest restinga was Praia das Neves (13 species), followed by Grussaí and Trancoso (eight species in each). The commonest species in the restingas was Scinax alter (found in eight restingas), followed by Aparasphenodon brunoi (seven areas). Our data shows that richness and composition of frog communities vary consistently along the eastern Brazilian coast and, in part, the rate of species turnover is affected by the distance among areas. Geographic distance explained approximately 12% of species turnover in restingas and about 9.5% of similarity among frog assemblages. Although geographic distance somewhat affects frog assemblages, other factors (e.g. historical factors, disturbances) seem to be also involved in explaining present frog assemblage composition in each area and species turnover among areas. The frog fauna along restinga habitats was significantly nested (matrix community temperature = 26.13 degrees; p = 0.007). Our data also showed that the most hospitable restinga was Praia das Neves and indicated that this area should be protected as a conservation unit. Frog assemblage of each area seems to partially represent a nested subset of the original assemblage, although we should not ignore the importance of historical factors. This nestedness pattern, in part, probably results from the intensive fragmentation of restinga habitats. Possibly, many frog species may have been lost in some studied areas as a result of the extensive habitat degradation to which restinga habitats are presently exposed.  相似文献   

Biodiversity corridors comprise a mosaic of land uses connecting fragments of natural forest across a landscape. Two such corridors have been established along the eastern coast of Brazil: the Serra do Mar and the Central da Mata Atlantica corridors, along which most of the coastal plains are restinga areas. In this study, we analyze the present status of the endemic and endangered terrestrial vertebrates of both corridors. We sampled 10 restingas in both corridors, recording species of amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. Some restingas harbor a relatively large number of endemic species,and two main regions of endemism can be identified along the restingas of both corridors: the coastal restingas from northern Espirito Santo State to southern Bahia State (between Linhares, ES, and Tarancoso, BA), and the coastal region between the restingas of Maricá and Jurubatiba, Rio de Janeiro State. Six species of terrestrial vertebrates considered threatened with extinction are found in the restingas of Serra do Mar and Central da Mata Atlantica biodiversity corridors (Liolaemus lutzae, Formicivora littoralis, Mimus gilvus, Schistochlamys melanopis, and Trinomys eliasi). The region located between the restinga of Maricá and that of Jurubatiba is of special relevance for the conservation of vertebrate species of the restingas of the corridors because a considerable number of threatened species of terrestrial vertebrates are found there. We strongly recommend efforts to develop checklists of threatened faunas for the States of Espirito Santo and Bahia.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the effects of anthropogenic disturbance and replacement of Brazilian Coastal sandy vegetation (restingas) on dung beetles communities. We sampled dung beetles in the four main vegetative physiognomies of Guriri Island, Espírito Santo State: forest restinga, restinga Clusia, disturbed restinga (from burning events), and pastures. We placed four sets of two pitfall traps (baited with horse and human dung) in four independent areas of each vegetation type, and collected 14,534 individuals of 13 dung beetle species. Neither log10 of individuals nor log10 of species richness were good predictors of restinga disturbance. However, a significant amount of variation in dung beetle abundance and richness could be explained by bait type. Ordination of these sites using hybrid multidimensional scaling revealed a gradient of habitat disturbance from undisturbed restinga samples to pasture. Dung beetle communities along this gradient demonstrated a complete turnover in species composition, from restinga‐specialists to invasive and generalists species respectively. This complete turnover signals the local extirpation of forest‐adapted species in disturbed and converted areas. Only a single dung beetle species in preserved restingas is protected by Brazilian law (Dichotomius schiffleri). Given the extent of the clearing of restinga habitat, the conservation status of dung beetles associated with restinga forest gives cause for concern.  相似文献   

We are presenting a list of the reptile species from Lençóis Maranhenses National Park (LMNP), Maranhão, Brazil, obtained during 235 days of field work. The study area is located in the contact zone between three major Neotropical ecosystems: Amazonia, Caatinga, and Cerrado. The PNLM encompasses the largest dune fields in Brazil, wide shrubby areas (restingas), lakes, mangroves, and many freshwater lagoons. We have recorded 42 species of reptiles in the area: 24 snakes, 12 lizards, two worm lizards, three turtles, and one alligator. About 81 % of the recorded species occurred only in restinga areas. Our data highlights the uniqueness of the PNLM in the context of the biomes that surround it and shows the importance of efforts to improve the conservation of reptiles living in the restinga, which currently comprise only about 20 % of the total area protected by the park, but which are the mesohabitat containing most of the reptile species in the Lençóis Maranhenses complex of habitats.  相似文献   

Seed germination is determined by the environmental conditions typical of a habitat and also by the geographical origin of the source species pool. During the Quaternary, Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest species expanded their distribution into the sandy coastal plains (restingas). Periods of water shortage, however, are frequent in the sandy substrate of the restinga. We investigated whether the germination characteristics of restinga species are more related to their biogeographical origin in the humid forest or to water shortage on sandy substrates. We characterized the seed dispersal phenology of a restinga community and conducted experiments to determine the water requirements for seed germination and the short-term seed dehydration sensitivity of different species. Species shed seeds throughout the year in the restinga. When subjected to Ψ=−0.37 MPa, seed germination percentage decreased and germination time increased in six of ten species when compared with Ψ=0 MPa. Most species showed high seed moisture content (MC>40 %) at seed dispersal. Seeds took 3–17 d to dehydrate when subjected to relative humidity≤76 percent and only two of eight species had seeds sensitive to short-term dehydration. Thus, rather than a specific set of germination characteristics related to humid or dry habitats, we gathered evidence to show that the germination characteristics of restinga species represent a multiplicity of responses that may be found in both kinds of habitat.  相似文献   

Aims The coastal Brazilian rainforest on white-sand (restinga) ranks among the most fragmented forest types in the tropics, owing to both the patchy distribution of sandy soils and widespread coastal development activities. Here we study the environmental and evolutionary determinants of a forest tree assemblage at a single restinga forest in Southeastern Brazil. We also explore the ability of competing hypotheses to explain the maintenance of species diversity in this forest type, which includes contrasting extremes of edaphic conditions associated with flooding stress.Methods The study was conducted in a white-sand forest permanent plot of 10.24 ha on the coastal plain of Southeastern Brazil. This plot was divided into 256 quadrats of 20×20 m, which were classified into two main edaphic habitats (flooded and drained). Trees with a diameter ≥1cm at breast height were identified. We assembled DNA sequence data for each of the 116 morphospecies recognized using two chloroplast markers (rbcL and matK). A phylogenetic tree was obtained using the maximum likelihood method, and a phylogenetic distance matrix was produced from an ultrametric tree. We analyzed similarity in floristic composition and structure between habitats and related them to cross-plot distances using permutation procedures. Null model torus shift simulations were performed to obtain a statistical significance level for habitat association for each species. The phylogenetic structure for the two habitats and for each 20×20 m quadrat was calculated using the mean phylogenetic distance weighted by species abundance and checked for significance using the standardized effect size generated by 5000 randomizations of phylogenetic tip labels.Important findings Our results indicate that partitioning among edaphic habitats is important for explaining species distributions and coexistence in restinga forests. Species distributions within the plot were found to be non-random: there was greater floristic similarity within than between habitats, and>40% of the more abundant species were positively or negatively associated with at least one habitat. Patterns of habitat association were not independent of phylogenetic relatedness: the community was overdispersed with respect to space and habitat type. Closely related species tended to occur in different habitats, while neighboring trees tended to belong to more distantly related species. We conclude that habitat specialization is important for the coexistence of species in restinga forests and that habitat heterogeneity is therefore an essential factor in explaining the maintenance of diversity of this unique but fragile and threatened type of forest.  相似文献   

With increasing infrastructural development along Brazil’s coast, environmental regulation measures are becoming increasingly necessary in the face of the damage caused by large projects that impact tropical forests. Brazilian legislation supports implementation of translocation programs for impacted fauna, especially threatened species such as the thin-spined porcupine Chaetomys subspinosus (Rodentia, Erethizontidae). Thus, we present a case study of a pioneer translocation program for the thin-spined porcupine in southeastern Brazil. We aimed to analyze the home-range and habitat selection of three translocated porcupines and one resident individual. In addition, we analyzed the success of the translocations. The porcupines were monitored by radiotelemetry for 3–16 months from October 2015 to March 2017 in a mosaic landscape of restinga forests (sandbank forest vegetation) within a eucalyptus matrix. The translocated porcupines had considerably larger home-ranges (14.29–18.36 ha, minimum convex polygon method – MCP) than did the resident animal (1.22 ha – MCP). We observed stabilization in the home-range size curves of the translocated females in the 7th − 9th month of monitoring. All translocated individuals achieved permanence within a preselected area, indicating adaptation to the new area. In addition, individuals showed a clear preference for restinga forests over drained eucalyptus plantations. Thus, our results demonstrate the feasibility of thin-spined porcupine translocations and the importance of maintaining restinga forest remnants outside of protected areas for the conservation and permanence of viable populations of this rodent.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat fragmentation typically precedes conservation planning; maintaining remaining linkages among core habitat areas can thus become a key conservation objective. Identifying linkages for dispersal and ensuring those linkages have long-term protection and management are challenging tasks for wildlife managers. These tasks can be especially daunting for smaller species with low mobility, termed corridor dwellers, which must maintain sustainable populations within corridors. Between May 2007 and June 2009, we collected occurrence locations for a corridor dweller, the Palm Springs pocket mouse (Perognathus longimembris bangsii), from museums, previous research, and our own field sampling. We used those data to model their suitable niche space and then identify suitable linkages between proposed conservation areas. We used a partitioned Mahalanobis D2 statistic to create a spatially explicit niche model describing the distribution of a suitable niche space, and we validated the model statistically, with live trapping and with burrowing owl (Athene cunnicularia) diets. Our model identified soil characteristics, topographic ruggedness, and vegetation as variables delimiting Palm Springs pocket mouse habitat; sand content of the soils was an especially important characteristic. Our historic distribution model identified 120,000–90,000 ha as historically potential Palm Springs pocket mouse habitat; roughly 39% of that has been lost to more recent development. Most of the remaining suitable habitat occurred in the northwestern portion of the valley. We modeled habitat within core reserves as well as within proposed linkages between those reserves as having high similarity to known occupied habitats. Live trapping in areas with high (≥0.95) Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) values resulted in captures at 66% of those locations and, along with burrowing owl diets, refined a qualitative model as to what constituted a suitable Palm Springs pocket mouse corridor. While most corridor analyses have focused on mobile species which may traverse corridors in hours, days, or weeks, linkages for corridor dwellers must include habitat for sustaining multi-generational populations. This requires evaluating whether continuous suitable habitat exists within proposed corridors. Our research demonstrates how niche modeling can provide a landscape-scale view of the distribution of suitable habitat to evaluate conservation objectives for connectivity. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Clearance of tropical forest for agricultural purposes is generally assumed to seriously threaten the survival of forest species. In this study, we quantified the conservation value, for forest bird species, of three degraded habitat types in Peninsular Malaysia, namely rubber tree plantations, oil palm plantations, and open areas. We surveyed these degraded habitats using point counts to estimate their forest bird species richness and abundance. We assessed whether richness, abundance, and activities of different avian dietary groups (i.e. insectivores and frugivores) varied among the habitats. We identified the critical habitat elements that accounted for the distribution of forest avifauna in these degraded habitats. Our results showed that these habitats harboured a moderate fraction of forest avifauna (approximately 46–76 species) and their functions were complementary (i.e. rubber tree plantations for moving; open habitats for perching; shrubs in oil palm plantations for foraging). In terms of species richness and abundance, rubber tree plantations were more important than oil palm plantations and open habitats. The relatively high species richness of this agricultural landscape was partly due to the contiguity of our study areas with extensive forest areas. Forecasts of forest-species presence under various canopy cover scenarios suggest that leaving isolated trees among non-arboreal crops could greatly attract relatively tolerant species that require tree canopy. The conservation value of degraded habitats in agricultural landscapes seems to depend on factors such as the type of crops planted and distance to primary forest remnants.  相似文献   

Abstract The expansion of urban areas and adjacent farming land into natural landscapes modifies habitats and produces small isolated pockets of native vegetation. This fragmentation of the natural habitat subdivides animal communities, reduces population sizes and increases vulnerability to extinction. In this paper we investigate whether fragmentation decreases lizard species richness, composition, overall abundance and abundance at the species level. Urban remnants consisting of five small (< 10 ha) and four large (> 10 ha) fragments of natural bushland were paired with continuous bushland areas located near Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. These remnants were surveyed six times, using pitfall traps, from November 2001 to March 2002. Lizard species richness and abundance were not significantly influenced by habitat fragmentation or fragment size. Egernia whitii was the only lizard species significantly influenced by fragment size, and was only present in large fragments and continuous bush. Vegetation type and structure as well as environmental variables (geology and aspect) influenced the structure of reptile communities. Lizard species that were able to use a number of different habitat types were found to persist at most sites, irrespective of fragment size. Edge environment did not significantly influence lizard species richness or abundance in remnant areas. Lizard species richness was significantly lower in sites that had a high ratio of exotic to native plant species. Therefore, if remnants continue to be invaded by exotic plants, lizard species that require native plant communities will become increasingly vulnerable to local extinction. Our results suggest that lizard species requiring specialized habitats, such as E. whitii, may persist in large urban remnants rather than small urban remnants because large reserves are more likely to encompass rare habitats, such as rocky outcrops. Habitat heterogeneity, rather than size, may be the key to their persistence.  相似文献   

Information on a species’ distribution, abundance, and habitat requirements is important for formalizing a comprehensive management and conservation strategy. This becomes an even higher priority when the distribution of a species lies largely outside demarcated protected areas for wildlife. We used line transect distance sampling to estimate the density of an arboreal, nocturnal, and threatened primate, the slender loris (Loris lyddekerianus lyddekerianus) across diverse habitat types including both reserve forests and production landscapes in the southern part of the state of Karnataka, India. Abundance estimates varied from 0.16 individuals/ha in Devrayandurga State Forest to 2.57 individulas/ha in Ippadi State Forest, with the mean density estimate being highest in the Forest Division of Tumkur, at 165 individuals/km2. Based on density estimates for the survey regions, their current habitat status, and perceived threats, we identify Ippadi, Ujjani, Devrayandurga, and Savanadurga state forests as priority areas for conservation of the slender loris. We propose that these areas be declared protected. The required management intervention is preventing further degradation of the habitat and enhancing canopy contiguity to facilitate loris movement.  相似文献   

A density index of every diurnal raptor species (Falconiformes) was obtained on 101 400 ha sample plots distributed among eight natural habitats and five man-made habitats arranged along gradients of increasing forest degradation and fragmentation. The most significant structural parameter affecting species distribution was the tall canopy forest cover. Species richness, diversity and density all decreased with this mature forest cover index. Individual species and overall community densities decreased along the deforestation gradient but the species richness was partly maintained by species turnover. Six groups of species were identified according to their natural habitat preferences. Their distribution along the deforestation gradient was correlated with their natural habitat selection pattern. Thus the community composition of each vegetation or landscape type was predictable. Fifty-six percent of the regional assemblage of species had their optimal density in the primary forest. A third of them were interior forest species highly sensitive to forest disturbance and opening. The other two-thirds were upper canopy, gap or edge species more tolerant to forest fragmentation. The last twenty-one species were associated with various coastal habitats, from dense forest patches to mangrove and savanna. Again, one third of them were strictly restricted to their specialized habitats while the last two-thirds colonized human-altered habitats and progressively replaced primary forest species with increasing deforestation. The maintenance of large areas of every natural habitat was essential for the conservation of (1) the whole population of a third of the total raptor diversity and (2) optimal and presumably potential source populations of most other species surviving in human-modified habitats.  相似文献   

Conservation of migratory shorebirds and waterfowl presents unique challenges due to extensive historic loss of wetland habitats, and current reliance on managed landscapes for wintering and migratory passage. We developed a spatially-explicit approach to estimate potential shorebird and waterfowl densities in California by integrating mapped habitat layers and statewide bird survey data with expert-based habitat rankings. Using these density estimates as inputs, we used the Marxan site-selection program to identify priority shorebird and waterfowl areas at the ecoregional level. We identified 3.7 million ha of habitat for shorebirds and waterfowl, of which 1.4 million ha would be required to conserve 50% of wintering populations. To achieve a conservation goal of 75%, more than twice as much habitat (3.1 million ha) would be necessary. Agricultural habitats comprised a substantial portion of priority areas, especially at the 75% level, suggesting that under current management conditions, large areas of agricultural land, much of it formerly wetland, are needed to provide the habitat availability and landscape connectivity required by shorebird and waterfowl populations. These habitats were found to be largely lacking recognized conservation status in California (96% un-conserved), with only slightly higher levels of conservation for priority shorebird and waterfowl areas. Freshwater habitats, including wetlands and ponds, were also found to have low levels of conservation (67% un-conserved), although priority shorebird and waterfowl areas had somewhat higher levels of conservation than the state as a whole. Conserving migratory waterfowl and shorebirds will require a diversity of conservation strategies executed at a variety of scales. Our modeled results are complementary with other approaches and can help prioritize areas for protection, restoration and other actions. Traditional habitat protection strategies such as conservation easements and fee acquisitions may be of limited utility for protecting and managing significant areas of agricultural lands. Instead, conservation strategies focused on incentive-based programs to support wildlife friendly management practices in agricultural settings may have greater utility and conservation effectiveness.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation can have severe negative and irreversible effects on biodiversity. We investigated the effects of forest fragmentation on frog diversity in Singapore because of its high rates of deforestation and the demonstration that frogs are some of the most sensitive species to habitat degradation. We surveyed frog species in 12 forest fragments varying from 11 to 935 ha. We compared differences in species richness, abundance, and Shannon's index in relation to forest fragment size, connectivity (distance between fragments), and breeding habitat heterogeneity. A total of 20 species from 12 genera and five families were encountered in 12 fragments. Larger fragments and those closer to larger fragments had higher species richness. Abundance, however, was not correlated with forest area or connectivity, but we found fewer individual frogs in the larger fragments. We also found that breeding habitat heterogeneity best explained frog species diversity and abundance in forest fragments. Fragments with a high diversity of breeding habitats had more species. We found no evidence to suggest that abundance and diversity are strongly correlated, particularly in disturbed areas, but that breeding habitat heterogeneity is an under-appreciated factor that should be considered when prioritizing areas for anuran conservation. Enriching breeding habitat heterogeneity, creating corridors between fragments, and reforesting degraded areas are some of the most beneficial strategies for preserving urban frog biodiversity.  相似文献   

In this article we report the results of an experiment introducing 17 native shrub and tree species into a Brazilian restinga (i.e., coastal sandy plain vegetation). Restingas have been affected by human impact for about 8,000 years, and human occupation for housing, tourism, and land speculation has recently increased in such a way that there is a need for conservation of remnant patches and restoration of degraded areas throughout the coast to protect biodiversity. Our study site is a remnant located in Rio de Janeiro, the second largest city in the country, and has been subjected in the past to deforestation, man‐made fire, and sand extraction. Although trees and shrubs predominantly compose natural restinga vegetation, local vegetation after impact was replaced by an exotic grass cover, which meant a drastic reduction in species richness. Thus, in this experiment we removed the grass cover, introduced shrub and tree species, and monitored survival and growth of 20 plants per species for 2 years. Despite the adversities imposed by the nutrient‐poor sandy soil, 70% of the species showed high survival percentage and considerable growth. This report on restoration initiatives in the restingas points out the viability of shrub and tree plantation following exotic grass removal as a strategy to restore Brazilian coastal vegetation.  相似文献   

Restingas are sandy coastal plains that stand between the sea and the Brazilian Atlantic forest mountains. The predominant restinga vegetation type in northern Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is characterized by the formation of islands that begins with colonization by some pioneer herbs and/or woody plants. Pioneer plants are stress-resistant and nurse many other less-resistant plant species. Determining the spatiotemporal variation in the dynamics of nurse plants is essential to understand the ecological functioning of restingas as a whole. The goal of this study was to analyze the spatiotemporal variation in population dynamics of the nurse bromeliad Aechmea nudicaulis. We monitored A. nudicaulis ramets in different habitats, microhabitats, and years. We analyzed the spatiotemporal variation in demographic traits and in population growth rate. Results showed young ramet traits were more variable at the microhabitat level, and when variable, vegetative ramet traits varied at all spatiotemporal scales. Overall, λ values indicated that A. nudicaulis basically remained spatiotemporally stable as most of the λ values did not significantly differ from unity. Hence, the stability of A. nudicaulis in different microhabitats and habitats in the restinga may create several settlement opportunities for many other less-resistant species.  相似文献   

Brazil is one of the leading producers of soybeans and other annual crops, and in several regions landowners are required by law to maintain 20 % of their lands with natural vegetation (i.e. as “legal reserves”). However, there is a growing concern that some of these reserves will be subject to increased levels of disturbance or even be lost as a result of the ongoing legislation reforms. In this sense, studies that evaluate the conservation potential of retaining natural habitats within agricultural areas are of great importance. We assessed the efficiency with which remnants of natural vegetation conserve the native ant fauna in a context of intensive agriculture. We compared the structure of ground-dwelling ant assemblages between crop fields and reserves located in different farms. Ant species richness was much higher in the reserves than in the crops, and this pattern was consistent in spite of variations in the type of crop planted in each field, and in the size (39–149 ha) and vegetation (open or closed savanna) of the reserves. From 41.4 to 76.4 % of all species recorded within each farm were exclusively found in the reserves. Differences in species composition were strong not only because the reserves had much more species, but also because the species that were present in both habitats showed contrasting patterns of abundance in each habitat. Overall, our results highlight that even small remnants of natural vegetation can have a significant potential to maintain a higher diversity of ants within an agriculturally dominated landscape.  相似文献   

Some ecophysiological parameters related to plant performance and fitness (carbon and nitrogen isotope composition and total C and N concentrations; in situ chlorophyll fluorescence measurements) were determined for over 30 species in four habitats bordering the montane Atlantic rain forest of Brazil, along a gradient of altitude and rainfall: a dry coastal forest, two areas of sandy coastal plain vegetation (restingas) , and a high altitude campo. There was a considerable diversity of ecophysiological behaviour within and between the functional groups we created based on plant life-forms. For instance, both crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) and C3 species were found in most life-forms sampled and throughout all habitats. Despite the variation in rainfall regimes, average overall water-use efficiency was similar between sites, particularly for C3 species, while no clear pattern regarding nitrogen-use emerged in this respect. Acute and chronic photoinhibition were found in many species across this gradient, even in CAM plants. However, on average, chronic photoinhibition and lower energy dissipation capacity were more characteristic of plants from the restinga habitats. This suggests that, although plants colonizing these habitats have evolved features to deal with water shortage, adaptation to high light levels has not been fully achieved yet. The ecophysiological performance of some individual species in distinct habitats and in distinct microhabitats within habitats is also discussed.  相似文献   

Aim  To identify priority areas for amphibian conservation in southeastern Brazil, by integrating species life-history traits and patterns of deforestation.
Location  State of São Paulo, Brazil.
Methods  We used the software M arxan to evaluate different scenarios of amphibian conservation planning. Our approach differs from previous methods by explicitly including two different landscape metrics; habitat split for species with aquatic larvae, and habitat loss for species with terrestrial development. We evaluated the effect of habitat requirements by classifying species breeding habitats in five categories (flowing water, still water permanent, still water temporary, bromeliad or bamboo, and terrestrial). We performed analyses using two scales, grid cells and watersheds and also considered nature preserves as protected areas.
Results  We found contrasting patterns of deforestation between coastal and inland regions. Seventy-six grid cells and 14 watersheds are capable of representing each species at least once. When accounting for grid cells already protected in state and national parks and considering species habitat requirements we found 16 high-priority grid cells for species with one or two reproductive habitats, and only one cell representing species with four habitat requirements. Key areas for the conservation of species breeding in flowing and permanent still waters are concentrated in southern state, while those for amphibians breeding in temporary ponds are concentrated in central to eastern zones. Eastern highland zones are key areas for preserving species breeding terrestrially by direct or indirect development. Species breeding in bromeliads and bamboos are already well represented in protected areas.
Main conclusions  Our results emphasize the need to integrate information on landscape configuration and species life-history traits to produce more ecologically relevant conservation strategies.  相似文献   

Nature conservation and restoration activities require delineation of effective conservation networks. This paper presents a methodology which allows a quick evaluation of different planning options for extensive areas. We analyzed the spatial structure of remaining patches of the natural Cerrado vegetation in the Balsás sub-basin, South of Maranhão State of Brazil (about 25,590 km2) in order to understand how the remaining habitats are distributed and spatially configured. Conservation area network scenarios are based on hexagonal cells, referred to as analysis unit (AU) cells. A multi-scale analysis of 10,000 ha and 50,000 ha AU cells was set up to represent local and regional scales, respectively. For each AU at both local and regional scales we computed landscape metrics of native vegetation: NATIVE VEGETATION COVER: percentage of native vegetation cover; (NV-NP): number of patches; (NV-MSI): mean shape index. Subsequently, five different conservation and restoration strategies were defined: (a) only enforce nature conservation within legally established units; (b) target nature conservation only within the local AU landscape; (c) target regional management by combining neighboring AU; (d) management of both local landscape and region; (e) protect the legal conservation areas and promote local and regional conservation. We also generated scenarios of habitat capacity for mammals and matched these results with the different vegetation conservation scenarios. Results indicate that only 12% of the study area is well conserved and that 43% of the region is in a very critical condition. The percentage of AU cells where native vegetation conservation actions are required differ for the five conservation strategies: These results allow policy makers and other stakeholders to target the locations and extent of conservation units required. We suggest that about 45% of the sub-basin could be managed at local, regional or both scales. Regarding a mammal species diversity scenario an even higher percentage of the average habitat capacity of the selected species occurs in open cerrado and valleys areas that coincide with critical areas. The proposed multi-scale analysis unit cell approach can support the planning process of extensive areas as necessary in Brazil.  相似文献   

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