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Carpenter KJ  Waller RF  Keeling PJ 《Protist》2008,159(2):209-221
Examination of surface morphology of the oxymonad genus Saccinobaculus from the gut of the wood-feeding cockroach Cryptocercus punctulatus with scanning and transmission electron microscopy reveals several new characters not observable with light microscopy. These include small concavities covering the external surface, a glycocalyx, coated pinocytotic vesicles, and, in one species, unidentified, membrane-bounded organelles with a granular matrix that may represent peroxisomal or mitochondrial derivatives. Unlike representatives of some other oxymonad families, Saccinobaculus lacks extracellular surface structures, a holdfast, and, generally, ectobiotic bacteria. We examined the evolution of these and other characters in light of previously published phylogenies of oxymonads based on molecular data. The presence of concavities in Saccinobaculus and families Pyrsonymphidae and Oxymonadidae strengthens support for a clade comprising these three families. A glycocalyx appears to be a synapomorphy of all oxymonads, and the presence of ectobiotic bacteria also appears to be ancestral to oxymonads, but lost in Saccinobaculus. A holdfast appears to have arisen multiple times. We hypothesize that concavities may play a role in a two-step mechanism for the accumulation and internalization of specific solutes, and that the highly motile and morphologically plastic nature of Saccinobaculus cells limits the possibility of retaining a covering of ectobiotic bacteria.  相似文献   

Heiss AA  Keeling PJ 《Protist》2006,157(3):335-344
The oxymonads are a group of structurally complex anaerobic flagellates about which we know very little. They are found in association with complex microbial communities in the guts of animals. There are five recognized families of oxymonads; molecular data have been acquired for four of these. Here, we describe the first molecular data from the last remaining group, represented by Saccinobaculus, an organism that is found exclusively in the hindgut of the wood-eating cockroach Cryptocercus. We sequenced small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) from total gut DNA to describe Saccinobaculus SSU rRNA diversity. We also sequenced SSU rRNA from manually isolated cells of the two most abundant and readily identifiable species: the type species Saccinobaculus ambloaxostylus and the taxonomically contentious Saccinobaculus doroaxostylus. We inferred phylogenetic trees including all five known oxymonad subgroups in order to elucidate the internal phylogeny of this poorly studied group, to resolve some outstanding issues of the taxonomy and identification of certain Saccinobaculus species, and to investigate the evolution of character states within it. Our analysis recovered strong support for the existence of the five subgroups of oxymonads, and consistently united the subgroups containing Monocercomonoides and Streblomastix, but was unable to resolve any further higher-order branching patterns.  相似文献   

系统发育关系的构建对被子植物分类及进化研究非常重要。长期以来,被子植物系统发育的研究,大多使用质体基因、线粒体基因或少数保守的单拷贝核基因。该研究从已注释基因组或转录组中搜集88种被子植物(包含58目)的核基因集;通过对其进行同源基因聚类及去旁系同源基因,获得了5 993个一对一的直系同源基因家族(即对于每个基因家族,每种植物最多一条序列,最少包含50个物种);使用截取各种不同数目基因集的DNA或氨基酸序列,采用串联法(concatenation)和溯祖法(coalescence),共构建了20棵进化树。比较这些进化树,虽然大部分结果支持APG IV中描述的被子植物主要支系之间的关系[(真双子叶植物,单子叶植物),木兰类植物],但真双子叶植物内部各目分支的演化关系与APG IV有一个很大的不同,即认为檀香目和石竹目是蔷薇类植物的姊妹群。基于这些进化树,估算了被子植物各目分支的分化时间,结果表明被子植物的起源时间为237.78百万年前(95%置信区间为202.6~278.08),与主流观点认为的225百万年至240百万年前一致。以上结果为构建进化树提供了一种可行性策略,这种方法允许使用基...  相似文献   

Based on the sequence analysis of 5.8S subunit and internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA), the molecular phylogenetic tree of representative species of Pipizini and three groups of Syrphidae with different feeding habits (seven species belong to six genera) was constructed. Meanwhile, the phylogenetic tree of tribes (including Pipizini and other 17 tribes of Syrphidae) was constructed using morphological characteristics of adults and larvae and the number of chromosomes. Both the results show that the relationship between Pipizini and predatory groups is closer than that between Pipizini and saprophagous groups. So it is suggested that Pipizini be transferred from Milesiinae to Syrphinae.  相似文献   

In recent years the hypothesis that pterosaurs were the major sister-group of dinosaurs and a closely-linked hypothesis that pterosaurs evolved flight from the ground up have gained general acceptance. A cladistic analysis of the Archosauromorpha using characters presented by previous workers results in a single most parsimonious tree with the Pterosauria as the major sister-group of the Dinosauria. However, that sister-group relationship is supported only by a suite of hindlimb characters that are correlated with bipedal digitigrade locomotion in dinosaurs. In pterosaurs the characters have been interpreted as correlates of bipedal cursorial locomotion, arboreal leaping, or involvement of the hindlimb in the wing. The homology of those characters in dinosaurs and pterosaurs cannot be supported. Reanalysis of the data after exclusion of those hindlimb characters results in most parsimonious trees with the Pterosauria as the sister-group of the Erythrosuchidae + Proterochampsidae + Euparkeria + Archosauria, in that order. This sister-group relationship is supported by a diverse assemblage of functionally independent skeletal characters from all regions of the skeleton. The results of the analysis cast doubt on the hypothesis that pterosaurs evolved flight from the ground up.  相似文献   

Based on the sequence analysis of 5.8S subunit and internal transcribed spacers (ITS ) of ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA), the molecular phylogenetic tree of representative species of Pipizini and three groups of Syrphidae with different feeding habits (seven species belong to six genera) was constructed. Meanwhile, the phylogenetic tree of tribes (including Pipizini and other 17 tribes of Syrphidae) was constructed using morphological characteristics of adults and larvae and the number of chromosomes. Both the results show that the relationship between Pipizini and predatory groups is closer than that between Pipizini and saprophagous groups. So it is suggested that Pipizini be transferred from Milesiinae to Syrphinae.  相似文献   

Based on the sequence analysis of 5.8S subunit and internal transcribed spacers (ITS ) of ribosomal RNA gene (rDNA), the molecular phylogenetic tree of representative species of Pipizini and three groups of Syrphidae with different feeding habits (seven species belong to six genera) was constructed. Meanwhile, the phylogenetic tree of tribes (including Pipizini and other 17 tribes of Syrphidae) was constructed using morphological characteristics of adults and larvae and the number of chromosomes. Both the results show that the relationship between Pipizini and predatory groups is closer than that between Pipizini and saprophagous groups. So it is suggested that Pipizini be transferred from Milesiinae to Syrphinae.  相似文献   

The molecular relationship of placental mammals has attracted great interest in recent years. However, 2 crucial and conflicting hypotheses remain, one with respect to the position of the root of the eutherian tree and the other the relationship between the orders Rodentia, Lagomorpha (rabbits, hares), and Primates. Although most mitochondrial (mt) analyses have suggested that rodents have a basal position in the eutherian tree, some nuclear data in combination with mt-rRNA genes have placed the root on the so-called African clade or on a branch that includes this clade and the Xenarthra (e.g., anteater and armadillo). In order to generate a new and independent set of molecular data for phylogenetic analysis, we have established cDNA sequences from different tissues of various mammalian species. With this in mind, we have identified and sequenced 8 housekeeping genes with moderately fast rate of evolution from 22 placental mammals, representing 11 orders. In order to determine the root of the eutherian tree, the same genes were also sequenced for 3 marsupial species, which were used as outgroup. Inconsistent with the analyses of nuclear + mt-rRNA gene data, the current data set did not favor a basal position of the African clade or Xenarthra in the eutherian tree. Similarly, by joining rodents and lagomorphs on the same basal branch (Glires hypothesis), the data set is also inconsistent with the tree commonly favored in mtDNA analyses. The analyses of the currently established sequences have helped examination of problematic parts in the eutherian tree at the same time as they caution against suggestions that have claimed that basal eutherian relationships have been conclusively settled.  相似文献   

Classifications of Theaceae have usually placed the endangered monotypic genus Apterosperma in tribe Schimeae (x=18), whereas recent molecular phylogenetic evidence supports its transfer to tribe Theeae (x=15). Molecular data have not resolved the phylogenetic position of Apterosperma within Theeae. We investigated the chromosome number and karyotype of Apterosperma in the context of molecular and morphological phylogenetic evidence to provide further insight into the placement of Apterosperma within Theaceae. The chromosome number and karyotype was found to be 2n = 30 = 26m + 4sm, consistent with the transfer of Apterosperma to tribe Theeae. When the chromosome data were incorporated into a data set of 46 other nonmolecular characters, Apterosperma was placed as the first-diverging lineage within the clade comprising tribe Theeae. This supports its placement based on molecular data. The low intrachromosomal asymmetry (type 1A) of Apterosperma, presumably ancestral for the family, is also consistent with this placement. Character optimization strongly supports a base chromosome number of x=15 for tribe Theeae. Because of variable and sometimes conflicting chromosome count reports of species in tribes Schimeae and Stewartieae, the base chromosome number of Theaceae could be either x=15 or 17.  相似文献   

Traditionally, Panarthropoda (Euarthropoda, Onychophora, Tardigrada) are regarded as being closely related to Annelida in a taxon Articulata, but this is not supported by molecular analyses. Comparisons of gene sequences suggest that all molting taxa (Panarthropoda, Nematoda, Nematomorpha, Priapulida, Kinorhyncha, Loricifera) are related in a monophyletic taxon Ecdysozoa. An examination of the characters supporting Articulata reveals that only segmentation with a teloblastic segment formation and the existence of segmental coelomic cavities with nephridia support the Articulata, whereas all other characters are modified or reduced in the panarthropod lineage. Another set of characters is presented that supports the monophyly of Ecdysozoa: molting under influence of ecdysteroid hormones, loss of locomotory cilia, trilayered cuticle and the formation of the epicuticle from the tips of epidermal microvilli. Comparative morphology suggests Gastrotricha as the sister group of Ecdysozoa with the synapomorphies: triradiate muscular sucking pharynx and terminal mouth opening. Thus there are morphological characters that support Articulata, but molecular as well as morphological data advocate Ecdysozoa. Comparison of both hypotheses should prompt further thorough and targeted investigations. J. Morphol. 238:263–285, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of the Turnicidae (Aves) was unresolved. Historically, they were classified as members of the Struthioniformes, Galliformes, Charadriiformes, Columbiformes or the Gruiformes. In these classifications they had taxonomic rank of order 'Turniciformes' or family 'Turnicidae'. However, most of these studies followed phenetic methodology and used morphological similarity of taxa and plesiomorphic characters to classify Turnix . Recent phylogenetic studies on the basis of morphological character analyses or phenetic comparisons based on DNA-DNA hybridization experiments failed to clarify the phylogenetic realtionship of Turnix and suggested a position as 'incerte sedis', either among the Gruiformes or as the parvclass 'Turnicac'as a sistergroup to the 'Neoaves'.
We studied skeletal and myological material of Turnix to resolve its phylogenetic position. Further, we considered all characters that were previously discussed in literature to classify Turnix and tested them for their potential use in phylogenetic analysis. We added several yet unemployed morphological characters of phylogenetic significance to the analysis. The Struthioniformes, 'Galloanseres', and Columbiformes are each characterized by a clear set of autapomorpies. Only one autapomorphy in known for the Gruiformes but this character is of satisfying consistency and can be found in all families of the Gruiformes (Gruidae, Psophiidae, Aramidae. Rallidae) and Turnix. Turnix and the Rallidae share four complex morphological characters implying a close phylogenetic relationship. The data presented in this paper support the hypothesis that Turnix is a member of the Gruiformes with close relationships to the Rallidae. No evidence was found that would support a parvclass 'Turnicae'as sistergroup to the 'Neoaves'.  相似文献   

系统发育分析结果表明,尽管Lanzia berggrenii能在寄主中形成基物子座,但与膜盘菌属的核心种关系较近,而与蜡盘菌科成员关系较远,应该归属于膜盘菌属。在广义的膜盘菌属的系统树中该种及在新西兰发现的4个新种构成一个单系群,分别命名为Hymenoscyphus haasticus,H. kiko,H.ohakune和H.waikaia。它们的共同特征:基物均为南青冈叶片,侧丝顶端分枝形成类似囊层被的结构,覆盖于子实层上部。Lanzia berggrenii var.metrosideri应为膜盘菌属中一个独立的种,即Hymenoscyphus metrosideri。  相似文献   

Absent characters (negative characters) are difficult to assess and their correct interpretation as symplesiomorphies, synapomorphies or convergencies (homoplasies) is one of the greatest challenges in phylogenetic systematics. Different phylogenetic assessments often result in contradictory phylogenetic hypotheses, in which the direction of evolutionary changes is diametrically opposed. Especially in deciding between primary (plesiomorphic) and secondary (apomorphic) absence, false conclusions may be reached if only the outgroup comparison and the principle of parsimony are employed without attempting any biological evaluation or interpretation of characters. For example, in the higher‐level systematization of the Annelida and related taxa different assessments of absent characters have led to conflicting hypotheses about the phylogenetic relationships and the ground pattern of the annelid stem species. Varying phylogenetic interpretations regarding the absence of the chemosensory nuchal organs in the clitellates and their presence in polychaetes initiated a controversy that produced two alternative phylogenetic hypotheses: (1) the Clitellata are highly derived Annelida related to a subtaxon within the, in this case, paraphyletic ‘Polychaeta’ or (2) the Clitellata are comparatively primitive Annelida representing the sister group of a monophyletic taxon Polychaeta. In the former, the absence of nuchal organs in the Clitellata is regarded as a secondary character, in the latter as primary. As most Clitellata are either limnetic or terrestrial, we must ask which characters are plesiomorphies, taken from their marine stem species without changes. In addition to a thorough investigation and evaluation of clitellate characters, a promising approach to these questions is to look for such characters in limnetic and terrestrial annelids clearly not belonging to the Clitellata. A similar problem applies to the evaluation of the position of the Echiura, which lack both segmentation and nuchal organs. Evidence is presented that in both taxa these absent characters represent derived, apomorphic character states. The consequences for their phylogenetic position and the questionable monophyly of the Polychaeta are discussed. The conclusion drawn from morphological character assessments is in accordance with recently published hypotheses based on molecular data.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic position of the family Dactylopteridae is inferred cladistically. The family lacks a close relationship with the Scorpaeniformes, owing to the posterior extension of the infraorbital in the former not being homologous with the scorpaeniform suborbital stay. Monophyly of the Dactylopteridae and percoid family Malacanthidae is supported by 20 synapomorphies, the former having a sister relationship with the malacanthid genusHoplolatilus supported by three synapomorphies. The former Dactylopteridae plus Malacanthidae are redefined as a percoid family. Dactylopteridae. being subdivided into the following four subfamilies: Branchiosteginae (includingBranchiostegus andLopholatilus), Malacanthinae (Caulolatilus andMalacanthus), Hoplolatilinae subfam. nov. (Hoplolatilus) and Dactylopterinae (Dactylopterus andDactyloptena).  相似文献   

Spermiohistogenesis and spermatozoal morphology of the lumbriculid Bythonomus lemani have been investigated by means of electron microscopy. Though spermiohistogenetic events follow the general microdrile pattern, some features are peculiar: chromatin is clumped in the first stages and its condensation is very irregular, as in Eisenia. Manchette geometry is similar to that of hirudineans, as the microtubules are helically arranged from the very early stages. A number of mitochondria are always present in the collar region.The mature sperm also departs from the microdrile model and is more similar to the megadrile one in (1) the strong withdrawal of the base of the acrosome vesicle into the acrosome tube; (2) the apparent development of rudimentary connectives. On the other hand, some features seem to be unique among oligochaetes, including the inclined longitudinal axis of the axial rod and tilted anterior end of the nucleus.Spermatologically, lumbriculids may be interpreted as advanced microdriles which may be descended from a stock which also gave rise to Haplotaxidae, Moniligastridae, and the true Opisthopores.  相似文献   

The Pygmy Bushtit is confined to the montane forests of Java. It is the world's smallest passerine and morphologically resembles a small, drab long‐tailed tit or bushtit (Aegithalidae). In its behaviour the Pygmy Bushtit show similarities with the members of the Aegithalidae, but owing to its small size and isolated geographical distribution relative to the other members of the Aegithalidae, it has always been placed in a monotypic genus within the family. The affinities of the Pygmy Bushtit have never been tested in a phylogenetic context and the species has to date not been included in any molecular studies. In this study we use sequence data from four different genetic markers to place it in the passerine phylogenetic tree. Our results confirm the inclusion of the Pygmy Bushtit in the Aegithalidae, but rather than being an isolated lineage, our results strongly suggest that it is nested in the Aegithalos clade, and most closely related to the Black‐throated Bushtit Aegithalos concinnus. The range of the Black‐throated Bushtit extends south into subtropical Indochina, with an isolated subspecies occurring in southern Vietnam. The Black‐throated Bushtit contains several morphologically and genetically distinct lineages, which could represent distinct species, but the phylogenetic relationships within this complex are poorly resolved and partly in conflict with current taxonomic treatment based on morphology.  相似文献   

Morphological evidence for resolving relationships among arachnid orders was surveyed and assembled in a matrix comprising 59 euchelicerate genera (41 extant, 18 fossil) and 202 binary and unordered multistate characters. Parsimony analysis of extant genera recovered a monophyletic Arachnida with the topology (Palpigradi (Acaromorpha (Tetrapulmonata (Haplocnemata, Stomothecata nom. nov. )))), with Acaromorpha containing Ricinulei and Acari, Tetrapulmonata containing Araneae and Pedipalpi (Amblypygi, Uropygi), Haplocnemata (Pseudoscorpiones, Solifugae) and Stomothecata (Scorpiones, Opiliones). However, nodal support and results from exploratory implied weights analysis indicated that relationships among the five clades were effectively unresolved. Analysis of extant and fossil genera recovered a clade, Pantetrapulmonata nom nov. , with the topology (Trigonotarbida (Araneae (Haptopoda (Pedipalpi)))). Arachnida was recovered as monophyletic with the internal relationships (Stomothecata (Palpigradi, Acaromorpha (Haplocnemata, Pantetrapulmonata))). Nodal support and exploratory implied weights indicated that relationships among these five clades were effectively unresolved. Thus, some interordinal relationships were strongly and/or consistently supported by morphology, but arachnid phylogeny is unresolved at its deepest levels. Alternative hypotheses proposed in the recent literature were evaluated by constraining analyses to recover hypothesized clades, an exercise that often resulted in the collapse of otherwise well-supported clades. These results suggest that attempts to resolve specific nodes based on individual characters, lists of similarities, evolutionary scenarios, etc., are problematic, as they ignore broader impacts on homoplasy and analytical effects on non-target nodes.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 150 , 221–265.  相似文献   

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