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The failure of newly synthesized polypeptide chains to reach the native conformation due to their accumulation as inclusion bodies is a serious problem in biotechnology. The critical intermediate at the junction between the productive folding and the inclusion body pathway has been previously identified for the P22 tailspike endorhamnosidase. We have been able to trap subsequent intermediates in the in vitro pathway to the aggregated inclusion body state. Nondenaturing gel electrophoresis identified a sequential series of multimeric intermediates in the aggregation pathway. These represent discrete species formed from noncovalent association of partially folded intermediates rather than aggregation of native-like trimeric species. Monomer, dimer, trimer, tetramer, pentamer, and hexamer states of the partially folded species were populated in the initial stages of the aggregation reaction. This methodology of isolating early multimers along the aggregation pathway was applicable to other proteins, such as the P22 coat protein and carbonic anhydrase II.  相似文献   

Mechanism of phage P22 tailspike protein folding mutations.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Temperature-sensitive folding (tsf) and global-tsf-suppressor (su) point mutations affect the folding yields of the trimeric, thermostable phage P22 tailspike endorhamnosidase at elevated temperature, both in vivo and in vitro, but they have little effect on function and stability of the native folded protein. To delineate the mechanism by which these mutations modify the partitioning between productive folding and off-pathway aggregation, the kinetics of refolding after dilution from acid-urea solutions and the thermal stability of folding intermediates were analyzed. The study included five tsf mutations of varying severity, the two known su mutations, and four tsf/su double mutants. At low temperature (10 degrees C), subunit-folding rates, measured as an increase in fluorescence, were similar for wild-type and mutants. At 25 degrees C, however, tsf mutations reduced the rate of subunit folding. The su mutations increased this rate, when present in the tsf-mutant background, but had no effect in the wild-type background. Conversely, tsf mutations accelerated, and su mutations retarded the irreversible off-pathway reaction, as revealed by temperature down-shifts after varied times during refolding at high temperature (40 degrees C). The kinetic results are consistent with tsf mutations destabilizing and su mutations stabilizing an essential subunit folding intermediate. In accordance with this interpretation, tsf mutations decreased, and su mutations increased the temperature resistance of folding intermediates, as disclosed by temperature up-shifts during refolding at 25 degrees C. The stabilizing and destabilizing effects were most pronounced early during refolding. However, they were not limited to subunit-folding intermediates and were also observable during thermal unfolding of the native protein.  相似文献   

Off-pathway intermolecular interactions between partially folded polypeptide chains often compete with correct intramolecular interactions, resulting in self-association of folding intermediates into the inclusion body state. Intermediates for both productive folding and off-pathway aggregation of the parallel beta-coil tailspike trimer of phage P22 have been identified in vivo and in vitro using native gel electrophoresis in the cold. Aggregation of folding intermediates was suppressed when refolding was initiated and allowed to proceed for a short period at 0 degrees C prior to warming to 20 degrees C. Yields of refolded tailspike trimers exceeding 80% were obtained using this temperature-shift procedure, first described by Xie and Wetlaufer (1996, Protein Sci 5:517-523). We interpret this as due to stabilization of the thermolabile monomeric intermediate at the junction between productive folding and off-pathway aggregation. Partially folded monomers, a newly identified dimer, and the protrimer folding intermediates were populated in the cold. These species were electrophoretically distinguished from the multimeric intermediates populated on the aggregation pathway. The productive protrimer intermediate is disulfide bonded (Robinson AS, King J, 1997, Nat Struct Biol 4:450-455), while the multimeric aggregation intermediates are not disulfide bonded. The partially folded dimer appears to be a precursor to the disulfide-bonded protrimer. The results support a model in which the junctional partially folded monomeric intermediate acquires resistance to aggregation in the cold by folding further to a conformation that is activated for correct recognition and subunit assembly.  相似文献   

Protein folding and aggregation are in direct competition in living systems, yet measuring the two pathways simultaneously has rarely been accomplished. In order to identify the mechanism of high-pressure dissociation of aggregates, we compared the simultaneous on- and off-pathway behavior following dilution of freshly denatured P22 tailspike protein. Tailspike assembly at 100 microg/mL was monitored at four temperatures using a combination of size-exclusion chromatography and native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and folding and aggregation rates and yields were determined. As temperature increased, the yield of native trimeric tailspike decreased from 26.1 +/- 1.3 microg/mL at 20 degrees C to 0 microg/mL at 37 degrees C. Pressure treatment dissociated 60% of the trapped aggregates created at 37 degrees C and yielded 19.8 +/- 1.1 microg/mL of native trimer following depressurization and incubation at 20 degrees C. The rate of refolding of "freshly denatured" tailspike was compared to that following pressure treatment. The trimer formation rate increased by a factor of roughly five, and the aggregate rate decreased by a factor of three, following pressure treatment. Circular dichroism and high-pressure intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence measurements support the model that a structured intermediate is formed in a rapid manner under high pressure from a pressure-sensitive aggregate population.  相似文献   

Several temperature-sensitive folding (tsf) mutants of the tailspike protein from bacteriophage P22 have been found to fold with lower efficiency than the wild-type sequence, even at lowered temperatures. Previous refolding studies initiated from the unfolded monomer have indicated that the tsf mutations decrease the rate of structured monomer formation. We demonstrate that pressure treatment of the tailspike aggregates provides a useful tool to explore the effects of tsf mutants on the assembly pathway of the P22 tailspike trimer. The effects of pressure on two different tsf mutants, G244R and E196K, were explored. Pressure treatment of both G244R and E196K aggregates produced a folded trimer. E196K forms almost no native trimer in in vitro refolding experiments, yet it forms a trimer following pressure in a manner similar to the native tailspike protein. In contrast, trimer formation from pressure-treated G244R aggregates was not rapid, despite the presence of a G244R dimer after pressure treatment. The center-of-mass shifts of the fluorescence spectra under pressure are nearly identical for both tsf aggregates, indicating that pressure generates similar intermediates. Taken together, these results suggest that E196K has a primary defect in formation of the beta-helix during monomer collapse, while G244R is primarily an assembly defect.  相似文献   

The P22 tailspike protein folds by forming a folding competent monomer species that forms a dimeric, then a non-native trimeric (protrimer) species by addition of folding competent monomers. We have found three residues, R549, R563, and D572, which play a critical role in both the stability of the native tailspike protein and assembly and maturation of the protrimer. King and colleagues reported previously that substitution of R563 to glutamine inhibited protrimer formation. We now show that the R549Q and R563K variants significantly delay the protrimer-to-trimer transition both in vivo and in vitro. Previously, variants that destabilize intermediates have shown wild-type chemical stability. Interestingly, both the R549Q and R563K variants destabilize the tailspike trimer in guanidine denaturation studies, indicating that they represent a new class of tailspike folding variants. R549Q has a midpoint of unfolding at 3.2M guanidine, compared to 5.6M for the wild-type tailspike protein, while R563K has a midpoint of unfolding of 1.8 M. R549Q and R563K also denature over a broader pH range than the wild-type tailspike protein and both proteins have increased sensitivity to pH during refolding, suggesting that both residues are involved in ionic interactions. Our model is that R563 and D572 interact to stabilize the adjacent turn, aiding the assembly of the dimer and protrimer species. We believe that the interaction between R563 and D572 is also critical following assembly of the protrimer to properly orient D572 in order to form a salt bridge with R549 during protrimer maturation.  相似文献   

A shortened, recombinant protein comprising residues 109-666 of the tailspike endorhamnosidase of Salmonella phage P22 was purified from Escherichia coli and crystallized. Like the full-length tailspike, the protein lacking the amino-terminal head-binding domain is an SDS-resistant, thermostable trimer. Its fluorescence and circular dichroism spectra indicate native structure. Oligosaccharide binding and endoglycosidase activities of both proteins are identical. A number of tailspike folding mutants have been obtained previously in a genetic approach to protein folding. Two temperature-sensitive-folding (tsf) mutations and the four known global second-site suppressor (su) mutations were introduced into the shortened protein and found to reduce or increase folding yields at high temperature. The mutational effects on folding yields and subunit folding kinetics parallel those observed with the full-length protein. They mirror the in vivo phenotypes and are consistent with the substitutions altering the stability of thermolabile folding intermediates. Because full-length and shortened tailspikes aggregate upon thermal denaturation, and their denaturant-induced unfolding displays hysteresis, kinetics of thermal unfolding were measured to assess the stability of the native proteins. Unfolding of the shortened wild-type protein in the presence of 2% SDS at 71 degrees C occurs at a rate of 9.2 x 10(-4) s(-1). It reflects the second kinetic phase of unfolding of the full-length protein. All six mutations were found to affect the thermal stability of the native protein. Both tsf mutations accelerate thermal unfolding about 10-fold. Two of the su mutations retard thermal unfolding up to 5-fold, while the remaining two mutations accelerate unfolding up to 5-fold. The mutational effects can be rationalized on the background of the recently determined crystal structure of the protein.  相似文献   

The trimeric bacteriophage P22 tailspike adhesin exhibits a domain in which three extended strands intertwine, forming a single turn of a triple beta-helix. This domain contains a single hydrophobic core composed of residues contributed by each of the three sister polypeptide chains. The triple beta-helix functions as a molecular clamp, increasing the stability of this elongated structural protein. During folding of the tailspike protein, the last precursor before the native state is a partially folded trimeric intermediate called the protrimer. The transition from the protrimer to the native state results in a structure that is resistant to denaturation by heat, chemical denaturants, and proteases. Random mutations were made in the region encoding residues 540-548, where the sister chains begin to wrap around each other. From a set of 26 unique single amino acid substitutions, we characterized mutations at G546, N547, and I548 that retarded or blocked the protrimer to native trimer transition. In contrast, many non-conservative substitutions were tolerated at residues 540-544. Sucrose gradient analysis showed that protrimer-like mutants had reduced sedimentation, 8.0 S to 8.3 S versus 9.3 S for the native trimer. Mutants affected in the protrimer to native trimer transition were also destabilized in their native state. These data suggest that the folding of the triple beta-helix domain drives transition of the protrimer to the native state and is accompanied by a major rearrangement of polypeptide chains.  相似文献   

The tailspike protein from the bacteriophage P22 is a well characterized model system for folding and assembly of multimeric proteins. Folding intermediates from both the in vivo and in vitro pathways have been identified, and both the initial folding steps and the protrimer-to-trimer transition have been well studied. In contrast, there has been little experimental evidence to describe the assembly of the protrimer. Previous results indicated that the C terminus plays a critical role in the overall stability of the P22 tailspike protein. Here, we present evidence that the C terminus is also the critical assembly point for trimer assembly. Three truncations of the full-length tailspike protein, TSPΔN, TSPΔC, and TSPΔNC, were generated and tested for their ability to form mixed trimer species. TSPΔN forms mixed trimers with full-length P22 tailspike, but TSPΔC and TSPΔNC are incapable of forming similar mixed trimer species. In addition, mutations in the hydrophobic core of the C terminus were unable to form trimer in vivo. Finally, the hydrophobic-binding dye ANS inhibits the formation of trimer by inhibiting progression through the folding pathway. Taken together, these results suggest that hydrophobic interactions between C-terminal regions of P22 tailspike monomers play a critical role in the assembly of the P22 tailspike trimer.  相似文献   

Each chain of the native trimeric P22 tailspike protein has eight cysteines that are reduced and buried in its hydrophobic core. However, disulfide bonds have been observed in the folding pathway and they are believed to play a critical role in the registration of the three chains. Interestingly, in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) only monomeric chains, rather than disulfide-linked oligomers, have been observed from a mixture of folding intermediates. Here we show that when the oligomeric folding intermediates were separated from the monomer by native gel electrophoresis, the reduction of intermolecular disulfide bonds did not occur in the subsequent second-dimension SDS-gel electrophoresis. This result suggests that when tailspike monomer is present in free solution with SDS, the partially unfolded tailspike monomer can facilitate the reduction of disulfide bonds in the tailspike oligomers.  相似文献   

The predominantly beta-sheet phage P22 tailspike adhesin contains eight reduced cysteines per 666 residue chain, which are buried and unreactive in the native trimer. In the pathway to the native trimer, both in vivo and in vitro transient interchain disulfide bonds are formed and reduced. This occurs in the protrimer, an intermediate in the formation of the interdigitated beta-sheets of the trimeric tailspike. Each of the eight cysteines was replaced with serine by site-specific mutagenesis of the cloned P22 tailspike gene and the mutant genes expressed in Escherichia coli. Although the yields of native-like Cys>Ser proteins varied, sufficient soluble trimeric forms of each of the eight mutants accumulated to permit purification. All eight single Cys>Ser mature proteins maintained the high thermostability of the wild type, as well as the wild-type biological activity in forming infectious virions. Thus, these cysteine thiols are not required for the stability or activity of the native state. When their in vivo folding and assembly kinetics were examined, six of the mutant substitutions--C267S, C287S, C458S, C613S, and C635S--were significantly impaired at higher temperatures. Four--C290S, C496, C613S, and C635--showed significantly impaired kinetics even at lower temperatures. The in vivo folding of the C613S/C635S double mutant was severely defective independent of temperature. Since the trimeric states of the single Cys>Ser substituted chains were as stable and active as wild type, the impairment of tailspike maturation presumably reflects problems in the in vivo folding or assembly pathways. The formation or reduction of the transient interchain disulfide bonds in the protrimer may be the locus of these kinetic functions.  相似文献   

We simulate the aggregation thermodynamics and kinetics of proteins L and G, each of which self-assembles to the same alpha/beta [corrected] topology through distinct folding mechanisms. We find that the aggregation kinetics of both proteins at an experimentally relevant concentration exhibit both fast and slow aggregation pathways, although a greater proportion of protein G aggregation events are slow relative to those of found for protein L. These kinetic differences are correlated with the amount and distribution of intrachain contacts formed in the denatured state ensemble (DSE), or an intermediate state ensemble (ISE) if it exists, as well as the folding timescales of the two proteins. Protein G aggregates more slowly than protein L due to its rapidly formed folding intermediate, which exhibits native intrachain contacts spread across the protein, suggesting that certain early folding intermediates may be selected for by evolution due to their protective role against unwanted aggregation. Protein L shows only localized native structure in the DSE with timescales of folding that are commensurate with the aggregation timescale, leaving it vulnerable to domain swapping or nonnative interactions with other chains that increase the aggregation rate. Folding experiments that characterize the structural signatures of the DSE, ISE, or the transition state ensemble (TSE) under nonaggregating conditions should be able to predict regions where interchain contacts will be made in the aggregate, and to predict slower aggregation rates for proteins with contacts that are dispersed across the fold. Since proteins L and G can both form amyloid fibrils, this work also provides mechanistic and structural insight into the formation of prefibrillar species.  相似文献   

We present a study of the competition between protein refolding and aggregation for simple lattice model proteins. The effect of solvent conditions (i.e., the denaturant concentration and the protein concentration) on the folding and aggregation behavior of a system of simple, two-dimensional lattice protein molecules has been investigated via (dynamic Monte Carlo simulations. The population profiles and aggregation propensities of the nine most populated intermediate configurations exhibit a complex dependence on the solution conditions that can be understood by considering the competition between intra- and interchain interactions. Some of these configurations are not even seen in isolated chain simulations; they are observed to be highly aggregation prone and are stabilized primarily by the aggregation reaction in multiple-chain systems. Aggregation arises from the association of partially folded intermediates rather than from the association of denatured random-coil states. The aggregation reaction dominates over the folding reaction at high protein concentration and low denaturant concentration, resulting in low refolding yields at those conditions. However, optimum folding conditions exist at which the refolding yield is a maximum, in agreement with some experimental observations.  相似文献   

The kinetic folding mechanism for Escherichia coli dihydrofolate reductase postulates two distinct types of transient intermediates. The first forms within 5 ms and has substantial secondary structure but little stability. The second is a set of four species that appear over the course of several hundred milliseconds and have secondary structure, specific tertiary structure, and significant stability (Jennings PA, Finn BE, Jones BE, Matthews CR, 1993, Biochemistry 32:3783-3789). Pulse labeling hydrogen exchange experiments were performed to determine the specific amide hydrogens in alpha-helices and beta-strands that become protected from exchange through the formation of stable hydrogen bonds during this time period. A significant degree of protection was observed for two subsets of the amide hydrogens within the dead time of this experiment (6 ms). The side chains of one subset form a continuous nonpolar strip linking six of the eight strands in the beta-sheet. The other subset corresponds to a nonpolar cluster on the opposite face of the sheet and links three of the strands and two alpha-helices. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the complex strand topology of this eight-stranded sheet can be formed correctly within 6 ms. Measurement of the protection factors at three different folding times (13 ms, 141 ms, and 500 ms) indicates that, of the 13 amide hydrogens displaying significant protection within 6 ms, 8 exhibit an increase in their protection factors from approximately 5 to approximately 50 over this time range; the remaining five exhibit protection factors > 100 at 13 ms. Only approximately half of the population of molecules form this set of stable hydrogen bonds. Thirteen additional hydrogens in the beta-sheet become protected from exchange as the set of native conformers appear, suggesting that the stabilization of this network reflects the global cooperativity of the folding reaction.  相似文献   

The processive beta-strands and turns of a polypeptide parallel beta-helix represent one of the topologically simplest beta-sheet folds. The three subunits of the tailspike adhesin of phage P22 each contain 13 rungs of a parallel beta-helix followed by an interdigitated section of triple-stranded beta-helix. Long stacks of hydrophobic residues dominate the elongated buried core of these two beta-helix domains and extend into the core of the contiguous triple beta-prism domain. To test whether these side-chain stacks represent essential residues for driving the chain into the correct fold, each of three stacked phenylalanine residues within the buried core were substituted with less bulky amino acids. The mutant chains with alanine in place of phenylalanine were defective in intracellular folding. The chains accumulated exclusively in the aggregated inclusion body state regardless of temperature of folding. These severe folding defects indicate that the stacked phenylalanine residues are essential for correct parallel beta-helix folding. Replacement of the same phenylalanine residues with valine or leucine also impaired folding in vivo, but with less severity. Mutants were also constructed in a second buried stack that extends into the intertwined triple-stranded beta-helix and contiguous beta-prism regions of the protein. These mutants exhibited severe defects in later stages of chain folding or assembly, accumulating as misfolded but soluble multimeric species. The results indicate that the formation of the buried hydrophobic stacks is critical for the correct folding of the parallel beta-helix, triple-stranded beta-helix, and beta-prism domains in the tailspike protein.  相似文献   

低温脂肪酶在低温条件下仍具有较高活性,在食品添加剂、洗涤添加剂及有机合成等产业具有非常独特的应用前景。从低温菌株中分离低温脂肪酶基因是开发新的低温脂肪酶的有效手段。首先利用油脂同化平板与三丁酸甘油酯-维多利亚蓝平板从冰川土样中筛选分离获得一株具有较高脂肪酶活性的真菌,18S rDNA鉴定其属于青霉属,命名为Penicillium sp.XMZ-9。根据真菌脂肪酶多序列比对获得的保守区,设计简并引物,利用降落PCR与染色体步移的方法从Penicillium sp.XMZ-9中克隆到2个完整的脂肪酶基因,分别记为LipA与LipB。LipA全长1 014 bp,无内含子,编码337个氨基酸。而LipB全长1 232 bp,cDNA长1 122 bp,含有2个内含子,编码373个氨基酸。将两基因的cDNA序列克隆到pET30a(+)载体上,转化大肠杆菌Escherichiacoli BL21(DE3)。经低温诱导表达后,LipA大部分表达为包涵体,包涵体经复性后具有脂肪酶活性,并表现出低温适应性;LipB则大部分表达为可溶性蛋白,Ni-亲和层析柱纯化后,其亦具有低温脂肪酶活性。青霉菌株XMZ-9的获得与低温脂肪酶的克隆表达研究,为研究低温菌株与低温酶的适冷机制提供了宝贵的资源,也为进一步开发利用低温脂肪酶奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Recent advances in attempts to unravel the protein folding mechanism have indicated the need to identify the folding intermediates. Despite their transient nature, in a number of cases it has been possible to detect and characterize some of the equilibrium intermediates, for example, the molten globule (MG) state. The key features of the MG state are retention of substantial secondary structure of the native state, considerable loss of tertiary structure leading to increased hydrophobic exposure, and a compact structure. NMR, circular dichroism, and fluorescence spectroscopies have been most useful in characterizing such intermediates. We report here a new method for structural characterization of the MG state that involves probing the exposed hydrophobic sites with a hydrophobic photoactivable reagent--2[3H]diazofluorene. This carbene-based reagent binds to hydrophobic sites, and on photolysis covalently attaches itself to the neighboring amino acid side chains. The reagent photolabels alpha-lactalbumin as a function of pH (3-7.4), the labeling at neutral pH being negligible and maximal at pH 3. Chemical and proteolytic fragmentation of the photolabeled protein followed by peptide sequencing permitted identification of the labeled residues. The results obtained indicate that the sequence corresponding to B (23-34) and C (86-98) helix of the native structure are extensively labeled. The small beta-domain (40-50) is poorly labeled, Val42 being the only residue that is significantly labeled. Our data, like NMR data, indicate that in the MG state of alpha-lactalbumin, the alpha-domain has a greater degree of persistent structure than the beta-domain. However, unlike the NMR method, the photolabeling method is not limited by the size of the protein and can provide information on several new residues, for example, Leu115. The current method using DAF thus allows identification of stable and hydrophobic exposed regions in folding intermediates as the reagent binds and on photolysis covalently links to these regions.  相似文献   

Assembly of double-stranded DNA viruses and bacteriophages involves the polymerization of several hundred molecules of coat protein, directed by an internal scaffolding protein. A 163-amino acid carboxyl-terminal fragment of the 303-amino acid bacteriophage P22 scaffolding protein was cloned, overexpressed, and purified. This fragment is active in procapsid assembly reactions in vitro. The circular dichroism spectrum of the fragment, as well as the 1D-NMR and 15N-1H HSQC spectra of the uniformly-labeled protein, indicate that stable secondary structure elements are present. Determination of the three dimensional packing of these elements into the folded scaffolding protein fragment is underway. Structure-based drug design targeted at structural proteins required for viral assembly may have potential as a therapeutic strategy.  相似文献   

Despite the large number of publications on three‐helix protein folding, there is no study devoted to the influence of handedness on the rate of three‐helix protein folding. From the experimental studies, we make a conclusion that the left‐handed three‐helix proteins fold faster than the right‐handed ones. What may explain this difference? An important question arising in this paper is whether the modeling of protein folding can catch the difference between the protein folding rates of proteins with similar structures but with different folding mechanisms. To answer this question, the folding of eight three‐helix proteins (four right‐handed and four left‐handed), which are similar in size, was modeled using the Monte Carlo and dynamic programming methods. The studies allowed us to determine the orders of folding of the secondary‐structure elements in these domains and amino acid residues which are important for the folding. The obtained data are in good correlation with each other and with the experimental data. Structural analysis of these proteins demonstrated that the left‐handed domains have a lesser number of contacts per residue and a smaller radius of cross section than the right‐handed domains. This may be one of the explanations of the observed fact. The same tendency is observed for the large dataset consisting of 332 three‐helix proteins (238 right‐ and 94 left‐handed). From our analysis, we found that the left‐handed three‐helix proteins have some less‐dense packing that should result in faster folding for some proteins as compared to the case of right‐handed proteins.Proteins 2013; © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The conformation of the cytoplasmic side of Torpedo marmorata acetylcholine receptor (AChR) was investigated by 22 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) binding to known sites on the amino acid sequences 339-378 and 336-469 of the AChR alpha- and beta-subunits respectively. Competitions among these mAbs for binding on the intact AChR were compared with their competition for binding on the SDS-denatured subunits and with their corresponding epitopes previously determined on the primary structure of the subunits. We found the following: The three approaches correlated very well suggesting that these mAbs bind on the intact AChR at the same sequences determined by synthetic peptides and not on irrelevant discontinuous epitopes; this finding supports conclusions of Ratnam et al. (1986a) that the amphipathic helix M5 is exposed on the cytoplasmic side of the AChR. The subunit segments alpha 339-378 and beta 336-469 seem to be extended over large distances on the cytoplasmic surface of the AChR. The cytoplasmic surface of beta-subunit has a very immunogenic region. The mAb-competition technique is very sensitive since mAbs to epitopes separated by only about seven residues did not exclude each other, and mAbs to overlapping epitopes exhibited differential competitions with other mAbs.  相似文献   

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