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Hilton, J. R. and Thomas, B. 1987. Photoregulation of phytochromesynthesis in germinating embryos of Avena sativa L.—J.exp. Bot. 38: 1704–1712. The effect of light on the accumulation of phytochrome in germinatingAvena embryos was determined. A quantitative ELISA using monoclonalantibody AFRC MAC 56 was used to measure specifically type 1(or dark) phytochrome. A pulse of red light given after 14 himbibition but prior to the onset of type 1 phytochrome synthesis,strongly inhibited subsequent type 1 phytochrome accumulation.This effect of red light at 14 h was reversible by far-red lightindicating the involvement of phytochrome. Red light also inhibitedphytochrome synthesis after 18 h and 24 h imbibition but after24 h, far-red light did not reverse the effect. The effect ofred light treatment at 18 h was reversed by giving a pulse offar-red light at any time up to 30 h. Seed germination was notinfluenced by light under the conditions of these experiments.It is proposed that type 2 (or light) phytochrome may be responsiblefor photoregulation of type 1 phytochrome synthesis in germinatingAvena embryos. Key words: Photoregulation, phytochrome, seed.  相似文献   

Summary The mechanical properties of the cell wall were measured in coleoptiles of totally etiolated rice seedlings. Coleoptiles were either decapitated or briefly exposed to red (R) and/or far-red (FR) light. The elastic and plastic extensibilities of the cell wall changed with age (length) of the coleoptiles. Decapitation and exposure to R induced changes in these properties, and the time-courses were similar. Following decapitation or R irradiation, the plastic extensibility of the cell wall decreased more conspicuously than elastic extensibility. Exogenous application of auxin immediately following decapitation alleviated the effect of removal of the tip. FR irradiation reduced both kinds of extensibilities, but its effect was much less than that of R, and it reversed the R-induced effect to the level of tissue treated with FR only. In repeated R-FR treatments, the decrease of elastic extensibility by R and its reversal by FR could be repeated, but the effect of a second irradiation with R after FR on plastic extensibility was not as apparent as that of the first. Reduction of cell-wall extensibility of etiolated rice coleoptiles caused by R light appeared, at least partly, to be due to a reduced auxin supply in the elongating region from the tip, similar to that caused by decapitation.  相似文献   

Che-Jun Pjon  Masaki Furuya 《Planta》1968,81(4):303-313
Summary In-vivo phytochrome determinations in totally etiolated rice seedlings with a dual-wavelength spectrophotometer showed that on a fresh weight basis phytochrome concentration was highest in the coleoptile apex (0.175 of mean) ( O.D.) g-1 (fresh weight). The age of the seedlings had little effect on the pattern of phytochrome distribution in the coleoptiles.The extent of growth inhibition observed 2 days after the irradiations was proportional to the logarithm of P fr amount in the coleoptiles at the time of initial exposure to either red or blue light. Ultraviolet irradiation, however, did not induce either reversible growth inhibition or optically detectable phytochrome changes in vivo.After the conversion of P r to P fr bya brief red irradiation, non-photochemical transformation of phytochrome was observed in intact coleoptile tissues. Most of the optically measurable P fr disappeared within 6 hours at 27°, when the total ( O.D.) decreased to about one fifth of the original level. The optical data did not agree with the fact that 50% of the initial physiological reversibility was still observed 9 hours later. No significant difference in dark transformation rate was seen between intact and excised coleoptile tissues.Abbreviations P r red light absorbing form of phytochrome - P fr far-red light absorbing form of phytochrome - ( O.D.) the change in the optical density difference reading at two wavelengths, following irradiation of the sample with actinic sources of red and far-red light - UV ultraviolet light  相似文献   

Highly purified samples of phytochrome from etiolated oat (Arena satira L.) seedlings were analyzed for sugar content. Phytochrome was found to be a glycoprotein, with about 4% of its weight as carbohydrate. In addition, modifications in the procedure for purifying phytochrome are proposed here and certain details about the protocol are discussed that improve the yield and reproducibility of previously published methods.  相似文献   

Phytochrome was partially purified from etiolated seedlings of Avena sativa L. Several properties of the red-absorbing (PR) and far-red absorbing (PFR) forms of the pigment were compared. The 2 forms could not be shown to differ with respect to their sedimentation velocity in sucrose density gradients, elution volume from Sephadex G-200 columns, binding properties on calcium phosphate, or electrophoretic mobility. PFR, however, was more labile than PR during precipitation with 50% ammonium sulfate. Sephadex G-200 elution diagrams obtained with fresh phytochrome preparations revealed 2 components of different molecular weights, 1 roughly 180,000, and 1 roughly 80,000. Native phytochrome had an absorption spectrum in vivo showing an absorption maximum for PR of 667 nm. Both the large and small forms of phytochrome mentioned above can be maintained with an absorption maximum for PR of 667 nm. However, allowing them to remain for several hours as PFR, even at 4°, shifted this peak to 660 nm. The protein conformational change during phytochrome transformation may be quite small, though the various comparative techniques used do not strictly rule out a fairly large one. The need for maintaining the pigment as PR during all steps of purification, but particularly during ammonium sulfate precipitation is underscored.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay that revealed an antigenic difference between the red-absorbing and far-red-absorbing forms of phytochrome (Pr and Pfr, respectively) near its amino terminus (Cordonnier M-M, H Greppin, LH Pratt 1985 Biochemistry 24: 3246-3253) was used to screen eight additional monoclonal antibodies directed to phytochrome from etiolated oats. While six of these antibodies detected Pr and Pfr with equal affinity, two of them, designated Oat-9 and Oat-16, bound to Pfr 1.6 to 2.3 times better than to Pr. Competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays indicate (a) that Oat-9 and Oat-16 probably bind to the same domain on phytochrome and (b) that this domain is at least 3.5 nanometers away from the epitope near its amino terminus that was shown earlier to change upon phototransformation. Neither the absorbance spectra of Pr and Pfr, nor the rate of dark reversion of Pfr to Pr, was influenced by the presence of Oat-9. Immunoblotting of sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels after electrophoretic separation of phytochrome fragments obtained by endogenous proteolytic digestion indicates that Oat-16 binds to an epitope located on the chromophore half of this chromoprotein. The observation that the epitope recognized by Oat-9 and Oat-16 is also present on at least some of the immunochemically distinct phytochrome that is obtained from green oat shoots (Shimazaki Y, LH Pratt 1985 Planta 164: 333-344), together with the evidence that this epitope undergoes a change upon photoransformation, indicates that it may play an important role in phytochrome function.  相似文献   

Luthe DS 《Plant physiology》1987,84(2):337-340
Oat (Avena sativa L.) seeds harvested at 2-day intervals from anthesis to maturity were tested for their ability to incorporate [35S]sulfate into protein. Incorporation of [35S]sulfate into TCA-insoluble material began 2 to 4 days postanthesis (DPA), reached a peak 14 to 16 DPA, and was barely detectable by 24 DPA. Incorporation of label into globulin was parallel to total protein accumulation, and averaged about 85% of the total protein synthesis. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of total protein extracted from developing seeds indicated that some polypeptides coinciding with the α and β globulin subunits were present 2 to 4 DPA, but the full complement of globulin polypeptides was not present until 10 DPA. Immunoprecipitation of in vivo labeled seed extracts showed that globulin polypeptides and the 59 kilodalton precursor were present at early stages of development (4 DPA). Quantitation of dot blot analysis, using an oat globulin cDNA clone as a probe, indicated that one species of oat globulin mRNA was most abundant 15 DPA, which is during the peak time of storage protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Phytochrome was studied spectrophotometrically in Avena sativa L. seedlings that had been grown for 6 d in continous white fluorescent light from lamps. Greening was prevented through the use of the herbicide San 9789. When placed in the light, phytochrome (Ptot) decreased with first order kinetics (1/2 2 h) but reached a stable low level (2.5% of the dark level) after 36 h. This concentration of phytochrome remained constant in the light and during the initial hours of a subsequent dark period, but increased significantly after a prolonged dark period. Evidence suggests that the constant pool of phytochrome in the light is achieved through an equilibrium between synthesis of the red absorbing (Pr) and destruction of the far-red absorbing form (Pfr) of phytochrome. It is concluded that the phytochrome system in light-grown oat seedlings is qualitatively the same as that known from etiolated monocotyledonous seedlings, but different than that described for cauliflower florets.Abbreviations Pfr the far-red light absorbing form of phytochroma - Pr the red light absorbing form of phytochrome - Ptot Pr+Pfr - ks rate constant of Pr synthesis - kd rate constant of Pfr destruction - MOPS N-morpholino-3-propane-sulfonic acid - IRIS Tris (hydroxymethyl) amino methane - San 9789 4-chloro-5-(methyl amino)-2-(,,-trifluoro-m-tolyl)-3(2H)pyridazinone  相似文献   

Etiolated Avena sativa L. seedlings grown in the presence of gabaculine (5-amino-1,3-cyclohexadienylcarboxylic acid) contained reduced levels of phytochrome as shown by spectrophotometric and immunochemical assays. Photochromic phytochrome levels in gabaculine-grown plants were estimated to be 20% of control plants, while immunoblot analysis showed that the phytochrome protein moiety was present at approximately 50% of control levels. Gabaculine-grown seedlings administered either 5-aminolevulinic acid or biliverdin exhibited a rapid increase of spectrophotometrically detectable phytochrome. Phytochrome concentrations estimated immunochemically did not similarly increase throughout treatment with either compound. Similar experiments with 5-amino[4-14C] levulinic acid showed radiolabeling of phytochrome with kinetics that paralleled the spectrally detected increase. These results are consistent with (a) the intermediacy of both 5-aminolevulinic acid and biliverdin in the biosynthetic pathway of the phytochrome chromophore and (b) the lack of coordinate regulation of chromophore and apoprotein synthesis in Avena seedlings.  相似文献   

The major storage proteins of the oat grain are the 12S and7S globulins. Using sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immuno-difTusion assays we havedemonstrated that the 7S globulin is localized predominantlyin the embryo and the 12S globulin chiefly in the endosperm.Protein bodies have been isolated using aqueous and non-aqueousmedia and sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation. Assayingmarker enzymes gave results consistent with the presence ofvacuolar protein bodies in the preparations. SDS-PAGE of sequentialsalt and alcohol extractions demonstrated the presence of globulinsand prolamins respectively and their distribution within thegradient suggested that they may be localized in different proteinbodies. Key words: Avena sativa L., Seed globulins, Protein bodies, Localization.  相似文献   

A method is described for the extraction of phytochrome from chlorophyllous shoots of Avena sativa L. Poly(ethyleneimine) and salt fractionation are used to reduce chlorophyll and to increase the phytochrome concentration sufficiently to permit spectral and immunochemical analyses. The phototransformation difference spectrum of this phytochrome is distinct from that of phytochrome from etiolated shoots in that the maximum in the red region of the difference spectrum is shifted about 15 nm to a shorter wavelength. Immunochemical probing of electroblotted proteins (Western blotting), using a method sensitive to 50 pg, demonstrates the presence of two polypeptides in green tissue that bind antiphytochrome antibodies: a predominant species with a relative molecular mass (Mr) of 118000 and a lesser-abundant 124000-Mr polypeptide. Under nondenaturing conditions all of the 124000-Mr species is immunoprecipitable, but the 118000-Mr species remains in the supernatant. Peptide mapping and immunochemical analysis with monoclonal antibodies show that the 118000-Mr species has structural features that differ from etiolated-oat phytochrome. Mixing experiments show that these structural differences are intrinsic to the molecular species from these two tissues rather than being the result of post-homogenization modifications or interfering substances in the green-tissue extracts. Together the data indicate that the phytochrome that predominates in green-tissue has a polypeptide distinct from the well-characterized molecule from etiolated tissue.Abbreviations and symbols Ig immunoglobulin - Mr relative molecular mass - Pfr, Pr far-red-absorbing and red-absorbing forms of phytochrome respectively - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - max R , max FR maxima of the phototransformation difference spectrum in the red and far-red region  相似文献   

The effects of continuous red and far-red light and of brief light pulses on the growth kinetics of the mesocotyl, coleoptile, and primary leaf of intact oat (Avena sativa L.) seedlings were investigated. Mesocotyl lengthening is strongly inhibited, even by very small amounts of Pfr, the far-red light absorbing form of phytochrome (e.g., by [Pfr]0.1% of total phytochrome, established by a 756-nm light pulse). Coleoptile growth is at first promoted by Pfr, but apparently inhibited later. This inhibition is correlated in time with the rupturing of the coleoptile tip by the primary leaf, the growth of which is also promoted by phytochrome. The growth responses of all three seedling organs are fully reversible by far-red light. The apparent lack of photoreversibility observed by some previous investigators of the mesocotyl inhibition can be explained by an extremely high sensitivity to Pfr. Experiments with different seedling parts failed to demonstrate any further obvious interorgan relationship in the light-mediated growth responses of the mesocotyl and coleoptile. The organspecific growth kinetics, don't appear to be influenced by Pfr destruction. Following an irradiation, the growth responses are quantitatively determined by the level of Pfr established at the onset of darkness rather than by the actual Pfr level present during the growth period.Abbreviation Pfr far-red light absorbing form of phytochrome  相似文献   

The time course for in vivo changes in the protein phosphorylationpattern was measured after red and red/far-red light. Avenacoleoptile tips were incubated in 32P-labeled phosphate andirradiated. The supernatant fractions of homogenates were subjectedto SDS-poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis and then autoradiographed.Within seconds, the radioactive label of two proteins decreasedand the radioactive label of one protein increased. These datasuggest that the phosphorylation states for these proteins maybe under phytochrome control. (Received July 20, 1987; Accepted July 20, 1988)  相似文献   

K. Gottmann  E. Schäfer 《Planta》1983,157(5):392-400
The phytochrome content, the rate of phytochrome accumulation after a light/dark transition and the rate of phytochrome destruction after a 1.5 d reaccumulation period in darkness were measured in light grown Avena sativa L. seedlings. The results using spectrophotometrical methods (Norflurazon treated seedlings) and the radio-immunoassay (RIA) (green seedlings) were almost identical. The rate of phytochrome synthesis was analysed by measuring the activity of poly(A+)-RNA coding for the phytochrome apoprotein. It was demonstrated that the rate of phytochrome synthesis is different in light and in dark. These results were confirmed by measuring the incorporation of radioactive label in vivo. Five minutes red (and 5 min far-red) light strongly reduces the rate of phytochrome synthesis. Even after prolonged dark periods only 50% of the initial rate of phytochrome synthesis is recovered for light and dark grown seedlings which received one red light pulse.  相似文献   

Hugh Thomas 《Chromosoma》1973,42(1):87-94
The distribution of distances between homologous chromosomes in root tip cells of Avena sativa was studied in synaptic and asynaptic genotypes. The distances between homologous chromosomes were smaller than that calculated for two randomly distributed chromosomes, while non-homologous chromosomes did not deviate from the random theoretical distribution. The distances between homologous chromosomes in the asynaptic genotype were significantly greater than in synaptic plants. The loose association of homologous chromosomes in somatic tissue is correlated with the failure of chromosome pairing at meiosis in asynaptic plants.  相似文献   

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