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Changes in biomass and elemental composition (dry mass, W; carbon, C; nitrogen, N; hydrogen, H) were studied in the laboratory during complete larval and early juvenile development of the southern king crab, Lithodes santolla (Molina), formerly known as Lithodes antarcticus (Jacquinot). At 6±0.5 °C, total larval development from hatching to metamorphosis lasted about 10 weeks, comprising three demersal zoeal stages and a benthic megalopa, with mean stage durations of 4, 7, 11 and 47 days, respectively. No differences in development duration or mortality were observed in larvae either fed with Artemia sp. nauplii or unfed, indicating that all larval stages of L. santolla are lecithotrophic. First feeding and growth were consistently observed immediately after metamorphosis to the first juvenile crab stage. Regardless of the presence or absence of food, W, C, N and H decreased throughout larval development. Also the C:N mass ratio decreased significantly, from 7.7 at hatching to 4.1 at metamorphosis, indicating that a large initial lipid store remaining from the egg yolk was gradually utilized as an internal energy source, while proteins played a minor role as a metabolic substrate. In total, 56-58% of the initial quantities of C and H present at hatching, and 20% of N were lost during nonfeeding larval development to metamorphosis. Nine to ten percent of the initially present C, N and H were lost with larval exuviae, half of these losses occurring in the three zoeal stages combined and another half in the megalopa stage alone. Metabolic biomass degradation accounted for losses of about 47-50% in C and H but for only 10% in N. Hence, most of the losses in C and H reflected metabolic energy consumption (primarily lipid degradation), while about half of the losses in N and two thirds of those in W were due to larval exuviation. Complete independence from food throughout larval development is based on an enhanced maternal energy investment per offspring and on energy-saving mechanisms such as low larval locomotory activity and low exuvial losses. These traits are interpreted as bioenergetic adaptations to food-limited conditions in Subantarctic regions, where a pronounced seasonality of day length limits the period of primary production, while low temperatures enforce a long duration of pelagic development.  相似文献   

The southern king crab, Lithodes santolla Molina, is distributed in cold-temperate and subantarctic waters ranging from the southeastern Pacific island of Chiloé (Chile) and the deep Atlantic waters off Uruguay, south to the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina/Chile). Recent investigations have shown that its complete larval development from hatching to metamorphosis, comprising three zoeal stages and a megalopa, is fully lecithotrophic, i.e. independent of food. In the present study, larvae were individually reared in the laboratory at seven constant temperatures ranging from 1 to 18 °C, and rates of survival and development through successive larval and early juvenile stages were monitored throughout a period of 1 year. The highest temperature (18 °C) caused complete mortality within 1 week; only a single individual moulted under this condition, 2 days after hatching, to the second zoeal stage, while all other larvae died later in the zoea I stage. At the coldest condition (1 °C), 71% of the larvae reached the zoea III stage, but none of these moulted successfully to a megalopa. A temperature of 3 °C allowed for some survival to the megalopa stage (17-33% in larvae obtained from two different females), but only a single individual passed successfully, 129 days after hatching, through metamorphosis to the first juvenile crab instar. At all other experimental conditions (6, 9, 12 and 15 °C), survival through metamorphosis varied among temperatures and two hatches from 29% to 90% without showing a consistent trend. The time of nonfeeding development from hatching to metamorphosis lasted, on average, from 19 days at 15 °C to 65 days at 6 °C. The relationship between the time of development through individual larval or juvenile stages (D) and temperature (T) was described as a power function (D=aTb, or log[D]=log[a]blog[T]). The same model was also used to describe the temperature dependence of cumulative periods of development from hatching to later larval or juvenile stages. One year after hatching, the 7th (6 °C) to 9th (15 °C) crab instar was reached. Under natural temperature conditions in the region of origin of our material (Beagle Channel, Argentina), L. santolla should reach metamorphosis in October-December, i.e. ca. 2 months after hatching (taking place in winter and early spring). Within 1 year from hatching, the crabs should grow approximately to juvenile instars VII-VIII. Our results indicate that the early life-history stages of L. santolla tolerate moderate cold stress as well as planktonic food-limitation in winter, implying that this species is well adapted to subantarctic environments with low temperatures and a short seasonal plankton production.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic changes in biomass and chemical composition were studied in the laboratory during the abbreviated larval and early juvenile development of the caridean shrimp Campylonotus vagans from the subantarctic Beagle Channel, Argentina. At 7±0.5 °C, development from hatching to metamorphosis took about 44 days. The larvae started feeding on Artemia nauplii immediately after hatching, although larval resistance to starvation was high (average 18 days, maximum 29 days). Dry mass (DM), carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and hydrogen (H) contents increased about a fourfold from hatching to metamorphosis, while the C:N mass ratio increased from about 3.7 to 4.3. The protein and total lipid contents increased gradually from hatching to the first juvenile stage, the former from 190 to 640 μg/individual, the latter from 37 to 95 μg/individual. The lipid mass fraction was low throughout larval development (3-9% of DM), while the protein content was much higher and almost constant (30-40%). The dominating fatty acids were 18:1(n-9), 16:0, 20:5(n-3), 18:1(n-7), 18:3(n-3), 18:0, 16:1(n-7). Except for 20:5(n-3), these resulted mainly from food uptake (Artemia nauplii). Exuvial losses of C, H and N (all larval stages combined) accounted for only 7%, 1% and 1% of the initial values at hatching. In contrast, 37% of initial DM was lost. Partially food-independent (endotrophic) larval development is discussed as an adaptation to food scarcity at high latitudes, while the abbreviated planktotrophic larval development appears to be synchronised with seasonal peaks in primary production, allowing for an optimal resource exploitation in a food-limited environment.  相似文献   

Changes in lipid class, fatty acid composition, protein, and dry and wet weights of fertilized eggs and developing larvae of striped bass (Morone saxatilis) fed with the live food, Artemia, were investigated. A decrease of wet and dry weights and moisture was observed at the beginning of the larval stage. Larvae regained the original moisture level, and wet and dry weights increased steadily after feeding. Total lipids decreased from 190 μg/egg in fertilized eggs to 151 μg/egg during hatching and increased after feeding. When total lipid contents were expressed as a percentage of larval dry weight, a decline of lipid did not occur until after feeding. Total protein, on the other hand, increased right after feeding, but there was some variation between days. Polar lipids increased significantly from 20 μg/egg at the egg stage to 199 μg/larva at 26 days post-hatching (DPH), 2 days before the onset of metamorphosis, while neutral lipids declined from 175 μg/egg to 80 μg/larva during the same time period. Wax/steryl esters decreased from 150 μg/egg in fertilized eggs to 32 μg/larva at 26 DPH. Triacylglycerols dropped from 21 μg/egg to 15 μg/larva before feeding and increased gradually after feeding. In contrast, the level of cholesterol increased 2–3-fold. There was a significant increase of phospholipids, particularly phosphatidylcholine in larvae after feeding. The fatty acid composition of fish larvae was significantly influenced by the diet, Artemia. There was an indication of catabolism of endogenous eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids during metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Lipid class and fatty acid (FA) compositions of the zoanthid Palythoa caesia from the South China Sea (Vietnam) were determined and compared with those of zooxanthellate reef-building and soft corals from the same region to clarify chemotaxonomic relations between zoanthids and corals. Total lipids of P. caesia and corals were formed by the same lipid classes. The lipids of P. caesia contained specific for cnidarians monoalkyldiacylglycerols and phosphonolipids. The proportion between reserve and structural lipid classes of P. caesia was similar to that of alcyonarians (soft corals), but significantly differed from reef-building corals. This similarity may be caused by the similar energy budget of cnidarian colonies without hard exoskeleton. The distribution of polyunsaturated FAs (PUFAs), such as 22:4n-6 and 22:5n-3, indicated pathways of biosynthesis of PUFAs in Palythoa to be closer to those in reef-building corals than in soft corals. The differences in the profiles of common FAs between P. caesia and reef-building corals were showed. Zoanthid lipids contained rare Δ5,9 non-methylene-interrupted (NMI) PUFAs (with two and three double bounds), which probably originated from microorganisms associated with P. caesia. Trienoic acids Δ5,9,15–24:3 and Δ5,9,17–24:3 were found in Palythoa for the first time. NMI PUFAs, as well as total FA profile, can be used for chemotaxonomy of Palythoa.  相似文献   

Summary Patterns of protein synthesis in the salivary glands ofDrosophila melanogaster have been studied throughout late larval and prepupal development by pulse labelling the tissues with35S-methionine. Specific changes to the pattern of proteins synthesized during development are found and the significance of these changes is discussed in view of the known changes in gene (puffing) activity which occur at the same times. We review the problem of salivary gland function in prepupalDrosophila.  相似文献   

High plasma levels of fatty acids occur in a variety of metabolic diseases. Cellular effects of fatty acid overload resulting in negative cellular responses (lipotoxicity) are often studied in vitro, in an attempt to understand mechanisms involved in these diseases. Fatty acids are poorly soluble, and thus usually studied when complexed to albumins such as bovine serum albumin (BSA). The conjugation of fatty acids to albumin requires care pertaining to preparation of the solutions, effective free fatty acid concentrations, use of different fatty acid species, types of BSA, appropriate controls and ensuring cellular fatty acid uptake. This review discusses lipotoxicity models, the potential problems encountered when using these cellular models, as well as practical solutions for difficulties encountered.  相似文献   

可口革囊星虫胚胎与幼体的发育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
解剖经降温8-10℃刺激30-40h后的可口革囊星虫(Phascolosomaesculenta)亲体取得精、卵,用人工授精法获得的受精卵进行胚胎和幼体发育的研究。结果表明:可口革囊星虫的卵为圆形或椭圆形,卵的大小为120μm×142μm-125μm×148μm。精子由头部、中段和尾部组成,全长约为32-40μm。在海水盐度23.8ppt、pH8.1、温度15℃的条件下,精、卵不能受精;在海水盐度23.8ppt、pH8.1、温度20℃的条件下,精卵能受精,但胚胎发育到原肠胚期停止;在海水盐度23.8ppt、pH8.1条件下,25℃、30℃和35℃的不同水温,精卵均能受精,受精卵发育到初期海球幼虫分别需要72h0min、47h08min和42h53min。在海水盐度23.8-25.5ppt,pH8.1-8.2,温度28-30℃条件下,从初期海球幼虫发育到稚虫需要15-20d。  相似文献   

Changes in growth and biochemical composition during the transition from egg through zoea to decapodid in the ghost shrimp, Lepidophthalmus louisianensis (Schmitt, 1935), were documented in terms of dry weight, lipid classes, fatty acid composition, and carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratios. Larvae of the ghost shrimp were mass-reared in the laboratory (28°C; 20‰ S) from hatching to the decapodid stage. Iatroscan lipid class analysis revealed that major lipid classes in recently produced eggs were phospholipids (80.8±1.3%) and triglycerides (16.0±1.1%), which decreased during the incubation period. Polar lipids (zoea I: 77.4±1.7%; zoea II: 77.5±2.1%; decapodid: 80.0±1.7%) and neutral lipids, of which free fatty acids (zoea I: 10.5±2.7%; zoea II: 13.1±5.2%; decapodid: 7.8±2.1%) were dominant, represented the major lipid classes in the zoeal and decapodid stages. Triglycerides were present in small amounts. The predominant fatty acids of L. louisianensis eggs, zoeae and decapodids were palmitic (16:0), stearic (18:0), eicosapentaenoic (20:5ω3), oleic (18:1ω9), and arachidonic (20:4ω6). Elemental composition of eggs, larvae, and the decapodid stage revealed conspicuous changes in the C:N ratio, with N being relatively stable during larval development but C decreasing during the decapodid stage. These data suggest independence of newly hatched L. louisianensis on external energy resources. This combined with the ability to incorporate saturated fatty acids into polar lipids provides a selective advantage for fast development of new tissue and growth, characteristic of decapod crustacean larvae with lecithotrophic development.  相似文献   

Lowering food consumption by larvae has been shown to (1) prolong the duration of development in Aedes aegypti, (2) increase the time elapsed between emergence of males and females, (3) produce smaller mosquitoes with a reduced lipid content per milligram of body weight, and (4) bring about a significant decrease in the percentage composition of 18:0 and 18:2 fatty acids.  相似文献   

Effects of food availability on the larval survival and development of Crepidula onyx were studied in four experiments by feeding the larvae with different concentrations of the chrysophyte Isochrysis galbana and by starving the larvae for different periods of time. Food concentration had a clear impact on the survival, growth and development time of C. onyx veligers. Larval development occurred only at 104 cells ml−1 and higher algal concentrations. No shell increment was detected in the veligers cultured for 12 days at 102 cells ml−1I. galbana or the blank control. At 103 cells ml−1, there was only a slight increase in shell length over 12 days. At 104 cells ml−1, about 40% of the larvae became competent in 18 days. At 105 and 106 cells ml−1, more than 90% of the larvae reached competence in 7 days. Initial starvation negatively affected the larval development, but the sensitivity differed among parameters measured on day 5: lower survivorship was detected only for larvae that had suffered 3 days or longer initial starvation, whereas one-day initial starvation caused shorter shells and lower percentage of competent larvae. Three days of continuous feeding was required for 50% of the larvae to reach competence. After feeding for 3 days, most larvae could become competent to metamorphose even under starvation. The time of starvation was also critical: larvae that suffered 1-day food deprivation in the first 2 days of larval release had shorter shells and lowered percent competent larvae than those that suffered the same length of food deprivation in later stages of development. Our study thus indicates that both food concentration and short-term starvation have detrimental effects on the larval development of this species, and that once the larva has consumed certain amount of food, starvation may induce metamorphosis.  相似文献   

The total lipids of muscle and cephalothorax of Mediterranean lobster Palinurus vulgaris were found to be 1.0% and 2.4% of the wet tissue of which the phospholipids represented 66.5% and 47.5%, respectively. The main PhL saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids in muscle and cephalothorax were C16:0, C18:0, C18:1ω-9, C18:1ω-7, C20:4ω-6, C20:5ω-3 and C22:6ω-3. 2-OH C14:0 and cyclo-17:0 fatty acids were also identified though in low percentages. The main individual PhL in muscle were found to be phosphatidylcholine (53.5%), 72.0% of which corresponded to the structure of 1,2-diacyl-glycerocholine while the rest 28.0% to 1-O-alkyl-2-acyl-glycerocholine or 1-O-(1-alkenyl)-2-acyl-glycerocholine and phosphatidylethanolamine (19.3%), 75.0% of which corresponded to the structure of 1,2-diacyl-glyceroethanolamine and 25% to 1-O-alkyl-2-acyl-glyceroethanolamine or 1-O-(1-alkenyl)-2-acyl-glyceroethanolamine. Cephalothorax main PhL were found to be PC and PE (66.4% and 18.8%, respectively). In muscle and cephalothorax PC ω-3 fatty acids amounted 7.78% and 8.60%, while in PE amounted 30.77% and 23.65% respectively. Furthermore, in both tissues PhL, cardiolipine phosphatidylserine, phosphatidylinositol, sphingomyelin and lysophosphatidylcholine, were also found.  相似文献   

Fatp4 exhibits acyl-CoA synthetase activity and is thereby able to catalyze the activation of fatty acids for further metabolism. However, its actual function in most tissues remains unresolved, and its role in cellular fatty acid uptake is still controversial. To characterize Fatp4 functions in adipocytes in vivo, we generated a mouse line with adipocyte-specific inactivation of the Fatp4 gene (Fatp4(A-/-)). Under standard conditions mutant mice showed no phenotypical aberrance. Uptake of radiolabeled palmitic and lignoceric acid into adipose tissue of Fatp4(A-/-) mice was unchanged. When exposed to a diet enriched in long chain fatty acids, Fatp4(A-/-) mice gained more body weight compared with control mice, although they were not consuming more food. Pronounced obesity was accompanied by a thicker layer of subcutaneous fat and greater adipocyte circumference, although expression of genes involved in de novo lipogenesis was not changed. However, the increase in total fat mass was contrasted by a significant decrease in various phospholipids, sphingomyelin, and cholesteryl esters in adipocytes. Livers of Fatp4-deficient animals under a high fat diet exhibited a higher degree of fatty degeneration. Nonetheless, no evidence for changes in insulin sensitivity and adipose inflammation was found. In summary, the results of this study confirm that Fatp4 is not crucial for fatty acid uptake into adipocytes. Instead, under the condition of a diet enriched in long chain fatty acids, adipocyte-specific Fatp4 deficiency results in adipose hypertrophy and profound alterations in the metabolism of complex lipids.  相似文献   

Galaxias maculatus eggs and larvae obtained from broodfish captured either in an estuarine or a freshwater environment, as well as from cultured broodstock were analysed to compare their lipid and fatty acid profiles. Results showed a lower lipid content in embryos and larvae from estuarine populations than those from fresh water, denoting the influence of environmental conditions. The n-3:n-6 ratio was higher in eggs from estuarine and cultured populations, being in the range of marine fishes, whereas for eggs from freshwater fish was lower and typical of freshwater fishes. The polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), particularly docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3) and eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3), were higher in eggs and larvae of broodstock coming from culture or estuarine environments than in those from fresh water. Moreover, these fatty acids markedly increased after hatching in larvae coming from estuarine populations, suggesting the effect of the environment on fatty acid profiles to physiologically prepare the larvae to adapt to higher salinity conditions. Linoleic acid (18:2n-6) content was higher in fresh water fish and its reduction during embryo and larval development was accompanied by a significant increase of arachidonic acid (20:4n-6), which was not observed in embryos or larvae from broodstock fish from estuary or aquaculture origin. Both environment and diet of broodstock fish affected lipid and fatty acid composition of G. maculatus embryo and larvae as well as their changes during development.  相似文献   

Bruchid beetles infest various seeds. The seed coat is the first protective barrier against bruchid infestation. Although non-host seed coats often impair the oviposition, eclosion and survival of the bruchid Callosobruchus maculatus larvae, morphological and biochemical aspects of this phenomenon remain unclear. Here we show that Phaseolus vulgaris (non-host) seed coat reduced C. maculatus female oviposition about 48%, increased 83% the seed penetration time, reduced larval mass and survival about 62 % and 40 % respectively. Interestingly, we found no visible effect on the major events of insect embryogenesis, namely the formation of the cellular blastoderm, germ band extension/retraction, embryo segmentation, appendage formation and dorsal closure. Larvae fed on P. vulgaris seed coat have greater FITC fluorescence signal in the midgut than in the feces, as opposed to what is observed in control larvae fed on Vigna unguiculata. Cysteine protease, α-amylase and α-glucosidase activities were reduced in larvae fed on P. vulgaris natural seed coat. Taken together, our results suggest that although P. vulgaris seed coat does not interfere with C. maculatus embryonic development, food digestion was clearly compromised, impacting larval fitness (e.g. body mass and survivability).  相似文献   

In the present communication we studied the involvement of reactive oxygen species and alteration in antioxidant defence status during larval development and metamorphosis of giant prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Overall results indicate that there was a decline in endogenous lipid peroxidation level during larval development. Activity of superoxide dismutase was the lowest in early larval stages (Zoea-I and II) and thereafter increased in V and VI stages, followed by a decrease in the subsequent larval stages. Catalase and glutathione peroxidase did not exhibit specific pattern of changes during development. Reduced glutathione content exhibited an incremental increase during larval progression until metamorphosis. Ascorbic acid content of the larval tissue remained unaltered during development but a sharp fall was marked in its content in the post-larvae. Hence it is concluded that early larvae face high oxidative stress as evident from the high content of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances. This may be due to direct exposure of larvae to ambient oxygen of the water as well as their low antioxidant potential. However, during development with the augmentation in antioxidant reserve of the larval tissues a diminution in the oxidative stress was recorded. Thus it is presumed that antioxidant defences play an important role in providing protection to the developing larvae from oxidative assault during larval progression and metamorphosis.  相似文献   

日本鳗鲡雌鳗卵巢发育期间肌肉脂肪酸的组成及消耗   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究采用3种不同的处理方式(I&GD、I&nGD和A&nGD)对雌鳗处理后,进行了生物学相关参数、肌肉脂肪酸组成和含量变化测定分析.研究结果表明,日本鳗鲡在性腺发育期间,体重一直呈一个下降的趋势,直到产卵前,才显著高于野生海鳗.该现象被称为水合反应.实验结束时,3个实验组的脂肪总量均有不同程度的下降,其中,I&GD组下降最多,占总脂肪的66.55%;其次是A&nGD组,占总脂肪的43.76%;下降最少的是I&nGD组,占总脂肪的34.68%.研究对日本鳗鲡的肌肉共测出了17种脂肪酸,SFA 7种、MUFA 2种、PUFA 8种.其中,MUFA虽然只有2种,但在脂肪酸总量中占的百分比却较高达38.02%,而且它们的消耗与性腺发育和基础代谢有关,与雌鳗的游泳耗能无关.在8种PUFA中,AA的变化很特殊.实验期间,它在日本鳗鲡肌肉内是一个积累和消耗的动态过程.而且,积累程度与雌鳗的游动有关,游动越多,积累越多.EPA虽然能被检出,但量很低,而且各组间的变化无明显规律.DHA在日本鳗鲡肌肉中的含量达到123.91 mg/g干肌肉,占总脂肪的32.52%.卵巢发育所消耗的量也很多,I&GD组在卵巢发育结束后,下降到10.59 mg/g十肌肉.相关性分析发现.虽然总脂肪酸、PUFA、DHA和EPA与GSI间均存在一定程度的负相关性,但关系最密切的是DHA,其r=-0.952(P<0.01,n=5),关系最小的是EPA,其r=-0.882(P<0.05,n=5).因此分析认为DHA是日本鳗鲡性腺发育所需的最主要的一种脂肪酸.对能量分布进行综合分析后认为,日本鳗鲡在人工诱导性腺发育期间,基础代谢所需的脂肪量(LBM)占总脂肪量的34.68%,性腺发育所需脂肪量(LGD)占总脂肪量的32.49%,运动耗能所需脂肪量(LM)占总脂肪量的9.79%.因此认为,日本鳗鲡在不摄食的情况下,肌肉中的脂肪不仅能提供性腺发育所需的营养物质,而且还能满足洄游2000海里到达产卵场所需的能量.  相似文献   

The stratum corneum lipids are unique in composition and have been used frequently as a model system of the skin's lipid barrier. Automated multiple development (AMD) of high-performance thin-layer chromatography plates in combination with a 25-step gradient, based on methanol, diethyl ether and n-hexane separated the six major human plantar stratum corneum lipids. Post-chromatographic staining of these lipids with a solution of MnCl2H2SO4 at 130°C or a solution of CuSO4H3PO4 at 140°C allowed visualization of the lipids and quantification. The MnCl2H2SO4 solution stained saturated fatty acids less intensity. Therefore, the CuSO4H3PO4 solution was used for quantification and we found, on average, 2.06% (w/w) cholesterol 3-sulphate, 20.16% (w/w) free fatty acids, 20.25% (w/w) ceramides, 43.53% (w/w) non-esterified sterols, 4.56% (w/w) triacylglycerols and 9.4% (w/w) sterolesters in the human plantar stratum corneum extracts. The concentration of phospholipids was less than 1% (w/w). In addition, the lipid composition of twenty different human plantar stratum corneum extracts was determined. Statistics revealed a correlation between the ratio of free fatty acids and non-esterified sterols (r=0.832, p<0.01, n=20). Several control experiments proved that this correlation is not due to the extraction method, the post-chromatographic staining procedure or bacterial contamination of the stratum corneum.  相似文献   

The relative abundance of (n-9) and (n-7) isomers in the monounsaturated fatty acids of seed lipids has been determined for selected plants in order to assess the biosynthetic reactions involved in their formation. 9 Desaturation of stearic acid to (n-9) octadecenoic acid is almost exclusively operative in the formation of monounsaturated fatty acids in the seeds of Helianthus annuus, Glycine max and Brassica napus, cv. Quinta and Erglu, in which chain elongation of monounsaturated fatty acids terminates at the level of an 18 carbon chain. 9 Desaturation of palmitic acid is a minor yet significant pathway in the seeds of Sinapis alba and Brassica napus, cv. Rapol and Tira, in which chain elongation of monounsaturated fatty acids occurs extensively beyond the 18 carbon chain. In each of these seeds, both (n-9) and (n-7) octadecenoic acids formed are subsequently elongated to icosenoic acids. However, elongation of the (n-7) isomer is terminated at the level of a 20 carbon chain, whereas the (n-9) icosenoic acid is selectively elongated to docosenoic acid and even up to tetracosenoic acid in Sinapis alba. 9 Desaturation of palmitic acid followed by elongation to (n-7) octadecenoic acid occurs to a minor extent in the seeds of Tropaeolum majus. Only the (n-9) octadecenoic acid, and not its (n-7) isomer, is elongated to icosenoic and docosenoic acids.  相似文献   

Abstract: The Egyptian fruit bat Rousettus aegyptiacus develops severe vitamin B12 deficiency when fed a diet of fresh peeled fruit and water. In a group of bats fed this diet, B12 concentrations in the serum and brain were low, and neurological impairment, evidenced by deficient or absent hindlimb groping or grasping ability and climbing difficulties, was manifest. Control bats fed the identical diet supplemented with B12 showed no such changes. Fatty acid analysis of whole brain homogenates showed a higher level of 20:4 in the deficient group. Phosphatidylcholine showed a marginally higher percentage of 18:3. The total percentage of branched chain fatty acids of phos-phatidylethanolamine was four times higher in deficient brains, comprising 2% of the total. Sphingomyelin showed a slightly higher percentage of 15:0, and a significantly lower percentage of long chain fatty acids C-24 and longer ( p < 0.01). The compositions of nonhydroxy fatty acids in cerebroside were unchanged. Examination of phospholipids showed that 8.9 ± 0.4% of total phosphorus was present as sphingomyelin in deficient bats, compared with 11.9 ± 1.2% in control animals (p < 0.05). There were no statistically significant differences in the concentrations of total brain lipid, protein, phospholipid, glycosphingolipid, cholesterol and plasmalogen between B12-deficient and control bats.  相似文献   

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