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The effects of temperature, salinity, and irradiance on the growth of the dinoflagellate Akashiwo sanguinea were examined in the laboratory. The irradiance at the light compensation point (I0) was 14.40 μmol m− 2 s− 1 and the irradiance at growth saturation (Is) was 114 μmol m− 2 s− 1. We exposed A. sanguinea to 48 combinations of temperature (5-30 °C) and salinity (5-40) under saturating irradiance; it exhibited its maximum growth rate of 1.13 divisions/day at a combination of 25 °C and salinity of 20. A. sanguinea was able to grow at temperatures from 10 to 30 °C and salinities from 10 to 40. This study revealed that A. sanguinea was a eurythermal and euryhaline organism; in Japan it should have formed blooms in early summer, when salinity was relatively low. In addition, it was noteworthy that A. sanguinea had markedly cold-durability, retaining the motile form of vegetative cells for more than 50 days at 5 °C and at salinities of 25-30.  相似文献   

The brackish water copepod Eurytemora affinis is the most abundant copepod species in the low salinity zone (2-15) of the Seine estuary. Despite its ecological importance, little is known about its population dynamics in the Seine. We studied the effects of temperature (10 °C and 15 °C) and salinity (5, 15 and 25) on reproduction under non-limiting food conditions. We used experiments to determine multiple reproductive parameters for E. affinis. In all experiments, we fed E. affinis a mixture of Rhodomonas marina and Isochrysis galbana. Couples of pre-adult females (C5) and adult males were mated until the female extruded a clutch of eggs and then individual females were observed every 6-12 hours until death to determine (a) embryonic development time, (b) inter clutch time and (c) clutch size throughout their adult lifespan. All reproductive parameters were negatively affected by low temperature (10 °C) and by high salinity (25). At 10 °C and a salinity of 25, mortality during the post-embryonic period was extremely high (85%). Differences in all reproductive parameters between salinities 5 and 15 were minimal. From 15 °C to 10 °C mean latency time (time between hatching of eggs and extrusion of new ones) increased from 0.8 to 2.25 days, the mean embryonic development time from 2.2 to 3.2 days and the mean clutch size decreased from 38 to 22 eggs female- 1. The mean clutch size decreased when females reached a critical age. The hatching success was high (near 95%) under all conditions except at high salinity. Egg production rates showed no significant differences between salinities 5 and 15 and were significantly higher at 15 °C (13 eggs female- 1 day- 1 at salinity 5 and 15) than at 10 °C (4 eggs female- 1 day- 1). These values at 15 °C were higher compared to those from other populations of E. affinis in estuaries or lakes. The high reproductive potential of E. affinis from the Seine estuary at 15 °C and low salinities explain its high densities in the low salinity zone during spring and early summer.  相似文献   

The salinity, temperature and pH tolerance of Procephalothrix simulus Iwata, 1952, were experimentally studied. In hypo-media, the nemerteans could survive 96 h in 3.3‰ solution at 10 °C (median lethal salinity [LS50] was not determined at this temperature), and 96 h LS50 were 7.3‰ and 13.5‰ at 20 °C and 30 °C, respectively. In hyper-media, 96 h LS50 values were 53.9‰, 47.1‰ and 41.4‰ at 10 °C, 20 °C and 30 °C, respectively. The trend of body weight changes in diluted media indicated that this nemertean is a volume regulator. During a 96-h exposure in media at 0 °C, worms were thanatoid but could recover if the temperature was gradually elevated to 20 °C. In thermal tolerance experiments, the nemertean survived 96 h in seawater of 30 °C, and worms suffered high mortalities when the temperature exceeded 32 °C. Present results suggest that the interaction of temperature and salinity on the lethal effects on P. simulus is significant (P < 0.05). Elevated temperature (range 10-30 °C) decreased the worm's solute tolerance, and elevated salinity (range 18-38‰) decreased the worm's thermal tolerance. The survival pH level for this nemertean ranged from 5.00 to 9.20.  相似文献   

温度和盐度对中华多刺鱼胚胎发育过程的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年3-5月,在北京怀柔水库入库河流怀九河的西四渡河河段,采集性成熟的中华多刺鱼(Pungitius sinensis),人工干法授精获取受精卵,观察并记录受精卵的胚胎发育历程;设置温度和盐度梯度,观察温度和盐度对中华多刺鱼胚胎发育过程的影响。结果表明:北京地区的中华多刺鱼胚胎发育的起始温度(生物学零度)为4.7℃,适宜的发育水温为14.0℃-16.0℃,与中华多刺鱼繁殖盛期(4月中下旬)自然水体的水温相近;平均水温14.0℃时,中华多刺鱼完成胚胎发育约需183h;水温升至22.5℃时,胚胎的孵化率仅为22.2%;水温升至25.0℃时,受精卵不能孵化,此温度应是中华多刺鱼胚胎发育温度的上限。实验表明,北京地区中华多刺鱼的胚胎对盐度的耐受力较为有限,在与自然水体相同的盐度下(0‰)其孵化率接近100%;随着盐度的升高,孵化率降低,8‰盐度时,仅有56%的受精卵孵化;至20‰时,受精卵全部死亡,此盐度应为中华多刺鱼胚胎发育的盐度上限。  相似文献   

It is known that the rhizocephalan barnacle Loxothylacus texanus infects the greater blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, in the Gulf of Mexico and adjacent waters, however, factors that affect the prevalence and distribution of this parasite, particularly the dispersive larval stages of this organism, are not well understood. In the current study, the effects of salinity on larval survival and the metamorphosis of L. texanus in response to postmolt host exoskeleton were examined. Acute and acclimated responses were similar. Larval survival was highest in the 20-35‰ range, with 100% mortality of nauplii at all salinities <20‰ and >50‰. L. texanus cyprids were able to metamorphose over a broad range of salinities (15-60‰). In several cases, metamorphosis was actually greatest at high salinities (40-50‰). These data predict that L. texanus larvae would be concentrated in portions of Gulf of Mexico waters with salinities >20‰ such as the mouths of estuaries and bays. Conversely, upper regions of estuaries may be inhospitable to the dispersive (naupliar) stage of the parasite and may serve as a refuge from infection for host crabs.  相似文献   

The solitary ascidian Styela plicata (Lesueur) is a common member of epibenthic marine communities in Hong Kong, where seawater experiences extensive seasonal changes in temperature (18-30 °C) and salinity (22-34‰). In this investigation, the relative sensitivity of different developmental stages (i.e., duration of embryonic development, larval metamorphosis and post-larval growth) to various temperature (18, 22, 26 and 30 °C) and salinity (22‰, 26‰, 30‰ and 34‰) combinations is reported. Fertilized eggs did not develop at lower salinities (22‰ and 26‰). At higher salinities (30‰ and 34‰), the duration of embryonic development increased with decreasing temperature (18 °C: 11.5±0.3 h; 30 °C: 8.5±0.3 h). More than 50% of larvae spontaneously attached and metamorphosed at all the levels of temperature and salinity tested. At higher temperatures (22, 26 and 30 °C) and salinities (30‰ and 34‰), functional siphon developed in about 72 h after hatching, whereas at low temperature (18 °C), siphon developed only in <30% of individuals in about 90 h. However, none of the metamorphosed larvae developed subsequently at low salinity (22‰). When forced to swim (or delayed attachment), larvae lost about 0.27 mJ after 48 h (about 22% of the stored energy). Such a drop in energy reserves, however, was not strong enough to cause a significant impact on post-larval growth. This study suggests that temperature and salinity reductions due to seasonal monsoon may have significant effect on the embryo and post-larval growth of S. plicata in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Perkinsus marinus is a major cause of mortality in eastern oysters along the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic coasts. It is also well documented that temperature and salinity are the primary environmental factors affecting P. marinus viability and proliferation. However, little is known about the effects of combined sub-optimal temperatures and salinities on P. marinus viability. This in vitro study examined those effects by acclimating P. marinus at three salinities (7, 15, 25 ppt) to 10 °C to represent the lowest temperatures generally reached in the Gulf of Mexico, and to 2 °C to represent the lowest temperatures reached along the mid-Atlantic coasts and by measuring changes in cell viability and density on days 1, 30, 60 and 90 following acclimation. Cell viability and density were also measured in 7 ppt cultures acclimated to each temperature and then transferred to 3.5 ppt. The largest decreases in cell viability occurred only with combined low temperature and salinity, indicating that there is clearly a synergistic effect. The largest decreases in cell viability occurred only with both low temperature and salinity after 30 days (3.5 ppt, 2 °C: 0% viability), 60 days (3.5 ppt, 10 °C: 0% viability) and 90 days (7 ppt, 2 °C: 0.6 ± 0.7%; 7 ppt, 10 °C: 0.2 ± 0.2%).  相似文献   

A glasshouse study investigated the effect of salinity on growth and competitive interactions between two closely related rush species, an Australian native (Juncus kraussii) and an exotic (J. acutus) species. Overall, both species exhibited decreases in height and total biomass with increasing salinity, although tolerance of J. acutus was marginally lower. We observed asymmetric responses at each salinity, due to the presence of the other species. In fresh-water, co-presence of J. kraussii facilitated the growth (increases in height and total biomass) of J. acutus. However, at 10 ppt salinity direct interspecific competition with J. kraussii adversely affected total biomass of J. acutus. When grown with J. acutus, at 5 ppt but not at 10 ppt, salinity reduced total biomass of J. kraussii. We suggest that interspecific interactions vary with salinity, dependant on relative salinity tolerance of each species. It would appear that in areas receiving regular fresh-water inputs, which reduce salinity stress, J. acutus has the potential to displace J. kraussii.  相似文献   

Climate change, sea level rise, and human freshwater demands are predicted to result in elevated temperature and salinity variability in upper estuarine ecosystems. Increasing levels of environmental stresses are known to induce the cellular stress response (CSR). Energy for the CSR may be provided by an elevated overall metabolic rate. However, if metabolic rate is constant or lower under elevated stress, energy for the CSR is taken from other physiological processes, such as growth or reproduction. This study investigated the examined energetic responses to the combination of temperature and salinity variability during a multigenerational exposure of partheogenetically reproducing Daphnia pulex. We raised D. pulex in an orthogonal combination of daily fluctuations in temperature (15, 15–25, 15–30 °C) and salinity (0, 0–2, 0–5). Initially metabolic rates were lower under all variable temperature and variable salinity treatments. By the 6th generation there was little metabolic variation among low and intermediate temperature and salinity treatments, but metabolic suppression persisted at the most extreme salinity. When grown in the control condition for the 6th generation, metabolic suppression was only observed in D. pulex from the most extreme condition (15–30 °C, 0–5 salinity). Generation time was influenced by acclimation temperature but not salinity and was quickest in specimens reared at 15–25 °C, likely due to Q10 effects at temperatures closer to the optima for D. pulex, and slowest in specimens reared at 15–30 °C, which may have reflected elevated CSR. Acute tolerance to temperature (LT50) and salinity (LC50) were both highest in D. pulex acclimated to 15–30 °C and salinity 0. LT50 and LC50 increased with increasing salinity in specimens raised at 15 °C and 15–25 °C, but decreased with increasing salinity in specimens raised at 15–30 °C. Thus, increasing temperature confers cross-tolerance to salinity stress, but the directionality of synergistic effects of temperature and salinity depend on the degree of environmental variability. Overall, the results of our study suggest that temperature is a stronger determinant of metabolism, growth, and tolerance thresholds, and assessment of the ecological impacts of environmental change requires explicit information regarding the degree of environmental variability.  相似文献   

Planktonic larvae of estuarine crabs are commonly exported to the continental shelf for development and then return to coastal and estuarine areas as postlarvae (megalopae). Megalopae returning to estuaries must be adapted to survive in brackish water whereas those of coastally distributed species should not need such adaptations. We investigated 1) whether megalopae of the estuarine crab Callinectes sapidus and the coastal crab Callinectes similis undergo changes in salinity tolerance upon entry into an estuary and 2) what factors induce those changes. Megalopae were collected at a coastal site and a nearby estuarine site and exposed to a range of salinities (5, 10, 15, 20 and 30) for 6 h. Percent survival was determined after 24 h reintroduction to the collection site water. We also investigated 1) whether increased salinity tolerance was induced by reduced salinity or estuarine chemical cues, 2) the time to acclimation and 3) the salinity necessary for acclimation. C. sapidus megalopae from the estuarine site were more likely to survive exposure to low salinities than those from the coastal site. C. sapidus megalopae from the coastal site exhibited increased survival after acclimation to salinities of 27 and 23 for 12 h. Estuarine chemical cues had no effect on salinity tolerance. C. similis megalopae were less likely to survive at low salinities and did not exhibit an acclimation response upon exposure to reduced salinities. These results suggest that megalopae of C. sapidus are physiologically adapted to recruit to estuaries whereas megalopae of C. similis are unable to acclimate to low salinity conditions.  相似文献   

The combined effects of temperature and salinity on larval development and attachment of Balanus trigonus Darwin (Cirripedia, Balanidae) was examined under controlled laboratory conditions. Whilst larval survivorship was not affected (>70%), the duration of larval development was significantly affected by temperature and salinity. The effect of temperature was comparatively stronger than that of salinity. The majority of nauplius II larvae metamorphosed into cypris stage after 4-5 and 10-11 days at 28 °C (22-34‰) and 18 °C (22-34‰), respectively. Temperature, salinity and the duration of assay had a significant effect on cypris attachment with significant interaction among these main effects. Maximum (>80% in 6 days) and minimum percent attachment (0% in 6 days) on polystyrene surfaces were observed at 24 °C (34‰) and 18 °C (22‰), respectively. At high temperature (28 °C) and low salinity (22-26‰), larvae rapidly (4 days) developed into cyprids, but less than 33% attached. These results suggest that low larval attachment rates may lead to the low recruitment of B. trigonus in Hong Kong waters during summer when the water temperature is high (about 28 °C) and salinity is low (<26‰).  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, pH, and NaCl concentrations on the infectivity of zoospores of Leptolegnia chapmanii (Argentine isolate) were determined for Aedes aegypti and Culex pipiens under laboratory conditions. Zoospores of L. chapmanii were infectious at temperatures between 10 and 35 degrees C but not at 5 or 40 degrees C. At the permissive temperatures, mortality rates in young instars were much higher than in older instars and larvae of Ae. aegypti were more susceptible to L. chapmanii than larvae of Cx. pipiens. At 25 degrees C, Ae. aegypti larvae challenged with L. chapmanii zoospores resulted in 100% infection at pH levels ranging from 4 to 10. Larvae of Cx. pipiens exposed to similar pH and zoospore concentrations resulted in increasing mortality rates from 62% to 99% at pH 4 to 7, respectively, and then decreased to 71% at pH 10. Aedes aegypti larvae exposed to L. chapmanii zoospores in NaCl concentrations ranging from 0 to 7 parts per thousand (ppt) at 25 degrees C resulted in 100% mortality while mortality rates for Cx. pipiens decreases from 96% in distilled water to 31.5% in water with 6 ppt NaCl. Control Cx. pipiens larvae died when exposed at a NaCl concentration of 7 ppt. Vegetative growth of L. chapmanii was negatively affected by NaCl concentrations. These results have demonstrated that the Argentinean isolate of L. chapmanii tolerated a wide range of temperatures, pH, and salinity, suggesting that it has the potential to adapt to a wide variety of mosquito habitats.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption of Amphibola crenata (Gmelin) was measured in various salinity-temperature combinations (< 0.1‰ to 41‰ salinity and 5 to 30°C) in air, and following exposure to declining oxygen tensions. In all experimental conditions, respiration varied with the 0.44 power of the body weight (sd = 0.14). The aquatic rate was consistently higher than the aerial rate of oxygen consumption, although at 30 °C the two rates were similar. Oxygen consumption increased with temperature up to 25 °C in all salinities; the lowest values were recorded at temperatures below 10 °C and at 30 °C in the most dilute medium. At all exposure temperatures, the oxygen consumption of Amphibola decreased regularly with salinity down to 0.1 ‰, and following exposure to concentrated sea water (41‰). Salinity had the least effect at 15 °C which was the acclimation temperature. In general, all of the temperature coefficients (Q10 values) were low, < 1.65. However, Q10 values above 2.8 were recorded at a salinity of 17.8‰ between 10 and 15 °C. Oxygen consumption of all size classes of Amphibola was more temperature dependent in air than in water and small individuals show a greater difference between their aerial and aquatic rates than larger snails. The rates of oxygen consumption in declining oxygen tensions were expressed as fractions of the rates in air saturated sea water at each experimental salinity-temperature combination. The quadratic coefficient B2 becomes increasingly more negative with both decreasing salinity and temperatures up to 20 °C. At higher temperatures (25 and 30 °C) the response is reversed such that O2 uptake in snails becomes increasingly independent of declining oxygen tensions at higher salinities. On exposure to a salinity of 4‰, Amphibola showed no systematic response to declining oxygen tension with respect to temperature. The ability of Amphibola to maintain its rate of oxygen consumption in a wide range of environmental conditions is discussed in relation to its potential for invading terrestrial habitats and its widespread distribution on New Zealand's intertidal mudflats.  相似文献   

Reed beetles (Donaciinae) of the genus Macroplea Samouelle, 1819 live permanently submerged. Literature indicates that Macroplea mutica occurs in brackish water, whereas Macroplea appendiculata is restricted to freshwater. The salinity preference of these two species was tested in a linear and a circular device that offered a continuous salinity gradient. The distribution of animals in the devices was monitored over at least 3 h in each of the 21 experiments. Both species preferred freshwater (salinity 0) over brackish water (salinity 10). In particular, this holds true for specimens collected in brackish water. Likewise, immediate reactions could be observed when during such experiments the direction of the gradient was reversed. While M. mutica can be regarded as a truly marine insect, this marine environment does not strictly reflect its fundamental niche with respect to salinity preference. This is in line with accumulating evidence that M. mutica can be found in freshwater habitats (and M. appendiculata in brackish water). This indicates that the species’ distribution might be influenced by other factors like host plant preference or dispersal mechanisms. It is discussed if—in spite of similar fundamental niches—differences in salinity tolerance (and hence performance in brackish water) may have contributed to speciation in the genus Macroplea.  相似文献   

As a prevalent species complex in temperate estuaries and salt marshes of the Northern Hemisphere, populations of Eurytemora affinis that inhabit these environments must be adapted to salinity fluctuations. Some populations have invaded freshwater environments. In this work, we focus on the combined effects of temperature and salinity fluctuations on mortality rates and development time of the first naupliar stages under starvation. Two temperatures (10 and 15 °C) and eight salinities, ranging from 0 to 35 psu are investigated. We show (i) that among all experimental conditions the optimal temperature and salinity for naupliar survival and development are 15 psu and 15 °C, and (ii) that only the most extreme salinities (i.e. 0 and 35 psu) have a negative effect on naupliar survival. Nauplii develop faster and reach a higher developmental stage at 15 than at 10 °C, independent of salinity. The relevance of this metabolic adaptive pattern is discussed in the general framework of in situ behavior, tidal forcing and biogeographic variability, as well as the potential sources of the observed individual variability.  相似文献   

The lion's paw scallop, Nodipecten nodosus, is subject to wide temperature variations on seasonal and short-term scales, and may be exposed to low-salinity events, caused by oceanographic and meteorological processes at its southern distribution limit (Santa Catarina State, Brazil). Such variations may have important implications on the distribution and on aquaculture site selection. The upper and lower temperature tolerances and the percentage of byssal attachment at different temperatures (11 to 35 °C) were studied for spat, juvenile and adult scallops. The lethal and sublethal effects of reduced salinity (13‰ to 33‰) on spat, juvenile and adult scallops were studied at ambient temperature (23.5 °C) and on spat also at low (16 °C) and high (28 °C) temperatures during 96-h bioassays. In addition, the influences of short exposure (1 h) to low salinity (13‰ and 17‰) at different temperatures (16 and 28 °C), and the effects of exposure (2 and 4 h) to high temperature (33 °C) at ambient salinity (33‰) were studied. N. nodosus is a moderately eurythermal but stenohaline tropical species, adults having lower tolerance to high temperature and low salinity than spat. Lethal temperatures for a 48-h exposure (LT50) were 29.8 °C for adult and juveniles, and 31.8 °C for spat. Maximum rate of byssal attachment occurred in a narrower temperature range for juveniles and adults (23 to 27 °C) than for spat (19 to 27 °C), which are suggested as the optimum ranges of temperatures for growth. Lethal salinities (LC50) for a 48-h exposure at ambient temperature were 23.2‰, 23.6‰ and 20.1‰ for adults, juveniles and spat, respectively, but the percent byssal attachment was significantly reduced below salinities of 29‰ indicating that scallops were physiologically stressed. A 1-h exposure to 17‰ was lethal to spat at 28 °C, but at 16 °C there was a 28.5% survival, 96 h after the exposure. Temperatures and salinity in coastal areas of southern Brazil can reach levels leading to sublethal effects, and in some sites, it may surpass the limits of tolerance for the survival of the species.  相似文献   

Biochemical biomarkers in common estuarine species, such as the brown shrimp Crangon crangon, have the potential to provide early warning of contaminant exposure from field collected samples and through the development of in situ tests. The biomarkers acetylcholinesterase (AChE), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and glutathione S-transferase (GST) have been shown to provide evidence of exposure to contaminants in a number of species and field situations. As they may naturally respond to the marked physicochemical changes found in estuaries (thus confounding contaminant-induced effects), this work aims to determine the effects of salinity, temperature and handling stressors on these biomarkers in C. crangon.AChE recovery in field-collected shrimp transplanted to clean laboratory conditions suggests the presence of inhibiting factors at the sampling site (River Minho estuary). Maintenance time in stock tanks had effects that led to the choice of a minimum 15-day maintenance period of C. crangon in the laboratory before subsequent use of the enzymes as effect criterions in toxicity assays. Field levels of biomarker activity were unaffected following field-laboratory transportation of C. crangon, making this factor unlikely to jeopardize detection of contaminant associated effects. LDH levels were significantly lower under conditions that mimic a diurnal salinity fluctuation, increasing under low salinity conditions; this potentially indicates increased energy costs associated with raised osmoregulatory demands. It is recommended that a lower limit to field exposure of in situ tests should be based on salinity. Higher temperatures led to higher AChE activities and this is in agreement with the existing evidence of increases of endogenous AChE levels as a function of temperature (within a certain range). To avoid misinterpretation of biomarker responses, studies such as this are an important contribution to the establishment of reference activity levels against which biomarker changes can be estimated and are therefore essential preliminary steps in the development of in situ bioassays using biomarkers.  相似文献   

The marine pulmonate Trimusculusperuvianus (Sowerby, 1835) which is found in caves or narrow crevices along the Chilean coast was studied to determine a possible chemical defense against the intertidal key predator Heliasterhelianthus. T.peruvianus releases a white secretion through the extended mantle animal covers, to contact with the tube feet of starfish. This behaviour significantly decreases predation of gastropod and it has not been described previously for members of the Trimusculidae family.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to estimate the effects of salinity variation on the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile and its attached epiphytes. Leaf growth and survival of this plant were tested in several short-term (15 days) mesocosms experiments under controlled conditions between February 2001 and November 2001. Plants collected from shallow meadows at Alicante (SE Spain), with an ambient salinity of 36.8-38.0 psu, were placed in tanks of 300 L with an additional overhead light and exposed to different salinity treatments (ranging from 25 to 57 psu) during 15 days. To estimate the mortality and growth recuperation, in some experiments shoots were returned to control salinity (38 psu). Leaf growth was measured in the laboratory where epiphytic fauna and flora were removed from leaves, with a razor blade, to determine their biomass.P. oceanica was negatively influenced by increased salinity. Shoots showed a significant decrease in growth and survival, whereas epiphyte biomass did not show a clear response because of their high variability. Maximum leaf growth occurred between 25 and 39 psu. In addition, plants suffered considerable mortality at salinities above 42 psu and below 29 psu, with 100% mortality at 50 psu. In salinities between 39 and 46 psu, surviving plants were able to regain their original growth rate when returned to normal seawater salinity (38 psu). These results suggest that P. oceanica is one of the most sensitive seagrasses to salinity increments it is more tolerant to salinity reductions (25.0-36.4 psu), perhaps due to the terrestrial origin of seagrasses.  相似文献   

林岗  饶小珍 《生态学报》2022,42(21):8628-8639
刺巨藤壶(Megabalanus volcano)是沿海污损生物的优势种,也是沿岸居民常食用的海鲜之一。为探究刺巨藤壶幼虫室内培养的适宜条件,采用生态学单因子梯度实验方法,研究饵料种类及密度、盐度(18、22、26、30、34、38和42)和温度(14℃、18℃、22℃、26℃、30℃和34℃)等生态因子对刺巨藤壶幼虫生长发育的影响,以Ⅵ期无节幼虫存活率、Ⅵ期无节幼虫发育时间、金星幼虫存活率、金星幼虫发育时间和金星幼虫体长等为观察指标。中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)和牟氏角毛藻(Chaetoceros muelleri)均设置5×104个/mL、10×104个/mL、20×104个/mL、40×104个/mL和80×104个/mL 5个密度梯度,亚心形扁藻(Platymonas subcordiformis)设置2.5×104个/mL、5×104个/mL、10×104个/mL、15×10<...  相似文献   

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