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Long-distance migrants have evolved complex strategies for the timing of their annual moult, fattening and migration cycles. These strategies are likely to vary at different stages of a bird's life. Ringing data on 6079 Grey Plovers Pluvialis squatarola , caught on the Wash, England, between 1959 and 1996, were analysed to relate migratory strategies to patterns of primary moult and body mass changes. Adults returning from breeding grounds had a shorter and delayed primary moult (duration 90 days, starting date 19 August) in comparison with over-summering birds (duration 109 days, starting date 5 June). Three categories of migrant adults were identified on the basis of primary moult and body mass: (1) birds which did not moult, but increased body mass and migrated further south; (2) birds which moulted 1–3 inner primaries, suspended moult, increased body mass and migrated; and (3) birds which completed or suspended moult and wintered locally. In birds of the second category, timing of primary moult and body mass increase overlapped. Among wintering birds, 38% were in suspended moult. Ninety-six per cent of birds that suspended moult at the beginning of winter were males and almost all completed moult in spring. Grey Plovers which left Britain in autumn had an average body mass of 280 g, enough to reach southern Morocco without refuelling. Both wintering adults and first-year birds showed a prewinter body mass increase, peaking in December. Adults had a synchronized premigratory body mass increase in May, which suggested a negligible presence of African migrants. The average departure mass for spring migration, estimated at 316 g, would allow birds to fly non-stop to the Siberian breeding grounds in western Taymyr.  相似文献   

Little is known about the biology of waders wintering in southern Asia; this paper deals with the Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola, a species extensively studied only in western Europe. Adult Grey Plovers wintering in southeastern India underwent primary moult in autumn; the duration was estimated to be 127 days, with mean starting date 1 September and mean completion date 5 January. Some first-year Grey Plovers initiated primary moult in late winter and spring, and completed this moult the following spring. The average mass of adults on arrival in September was 200 g, fluctuated close to 220 g from October to February, and increased to 280 g near the end of May. The mass variation did not show the January peak observed in western Europe. Breeding productivity, measured as the percentage of first-year birds in winter catches, varied between 5% and 70% over six years, and showed a positive correlation with that of Dark-bellied Brent Geese Branta b. bernicla in western Europe and Curlew Sandpipers Calidris ferruginea in South Africa.  相似文献   

European Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria populations have declined across Western Europe. Changes to upland grasslands that are utilized by foraging off-duty birds may have contributed to this decline. The use of enclosed agricultural land by a stable breeding population of Golden Plovers in the South Pennines is described to examine this hypothesis. Fields contained foraging plovers from the end of February to the end of July. Off-duty incubating birds commuted to feed on fields, females during the day and males at night. During the day, adults flew from 6.6 to 7.2 km from the nest to feed, whilst at night birds commuted from 2.4 to 2.7 km. The length of time spent foraging by males was inversely dependent upon daylength. Following hatching, the use of pasture declined, although not as much as in other studies. Arable and improved fields received most use by 15 radiotagged birds, whilst the use of pasture throughout the breeding season was negatively correlated with sward height. Adult diet consisted largely of subsurface prey, particularly larval tipulids, although earthworms were an important component in March and April. The biomass of larval tipulids was strongly correlated with an index of the use of fields. The selection of fields by Golden Plovers is therefore dependent upon prey abundance and availability, and, consequently, is likely to be enhanced by summer grazing and poor drainage. These findings are discussed in the light of recent trends in pastoral management.  相似文献   

The Barn Owl Tyto alba was the most common owl killed on motorways in northeastern France. The possible causes of this mortality and the age, sex and body condition of the road-killed birds in 1991–1994 have been investigated. The number of birds killed on roads was highest in the period from early autumn to late winter, i.e. during the non-breeding period, and showed a pattern similar to that of the temporal difference between sunset, which varies with day length, and peak of traffic, the occurrence of which is constant throughout the year. An autumnal mortality peak, concomitant with the post-fledging dispersal, was mainly of immature birds, especially females. A second mortality peak in late winter was composed mainly of mature birds, with an equal proportion of males and females. From autumn to winter, there was no significant change in body mass in the different age and sex categories of birds killed on roads, except for mature males which had a significantly lower body mass in winter. From early autumn to late winter, the mean body mass of immature owls killed on motorways did not differ significantly from that of captive immatures fed ad libitum. This suggests that the immature birds were in good body condition. In contrast, the body mass of road-killed mature females was significantly lower than that of captive mature females over the same time periods. In mature males in late winter, a drop in body mass in both road-killed and captive birds suggests an endogenous seasonal phenomenon. Except for mature females, Barn Owls killed on roads in 1991–1994 were in good body condition. This does not support the idea that only birds in poor body condition were killed. We conclude that the mortality of Barn Owls on motorways in autumn and winter was probably related to the concomitance between the peak of traffic and the onset of hunting activity and the large number and dispersal of immature individuals during the same period.  相似文献   

1.  In a seasonal environment, subcutaneous energy reserves of resident animals often increase in winter and decline again in summer reflecting gradual seasonal changes in their fattening strategies. We studied changes in body reserves of wintering great tits in relation to their dominance status under two contrasting temperature regimes to see whether individuals are capable of optimizing their body mass even under extreme environmental conditions.
2.  We predicted that dominant individuals will carry a lesser amount of body reserves than subordinate great tits under mild conditions and that the body reserves of the same dominant individuals will increase and exceed the amount of reserves of subordinates under conditions of extremely low ambient temperatures, when ambient temperature dropped down to −37 °C.
3.  The results confirmed the predictions showing that dominant great tits responded to the rising risk of starvation under low temperatures by increasing their body reserves and this was done at the expense of their safety.
4.  Removal experiments revealed that lower body reserves of subordinate flock members are due to the increased intraspecific competition for food under low ambient temperatures.
5.  Our results also showed that fattening strategies of great tits may change much quicker than previously considered, reflecting an adaptive role of winter fattening which is sensitive to changes in ambient temperatures.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown negative associations between wind energy development and breeding birds, including species of conservation concern. However, the magnitude and causes of such associations remain uncertain, pending detailed ‘before‐after‐control‐intervention’ (BACI) studies. We conducted one of the most detailed such studies to date, assessing the impacts of terrestrial wind energy development on the European Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria, a species with enhanced protection under European environmental law. Disturbance activity during construction had no significant effect on Golden Plover breeding abundance or distribution. In contrast, once turbines were erected, Golden Plover abundance was significantly reduced within the wind farm (?79%) relative to the baseline, with no comparable changes in buffer or control areas. Golden Plovers were significantly displaced by up to 400 m from turbines during operation. Hatching and fledging success were not affected by proximity to turbine locations either during construction or operation. The marked decline in abundance within the wind farm during operation but not construction, together with the lack of evidence for changes in breeding success or habitat, strongly suggests the displacement of breeding adults through behavioural avoidance of turbines, rather than a response to disturbance alone. It is of critical importance that wind farms are appropriately sited to prevent negative wildlife impacts. We demonstrate the importance of detailed BACI designs for quantifying the impacts on birds, and recommend wider application of such studies to improve the evidence base surrounding wind farm impacts on birds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Noninvasive methods of measuring lipid mass in birds are widely used, but not frequently evaluated. I evaluated the ability of three noninvasive indicators of fat content (fat scores, body mass, body mass/wing chord) and regression models to predict lipid mass in two migratory songbirds previously unexamined in this context—Common Yellowthroat ( Geothlypis trichas ) and Ovenbird ( Seiurus aurocapillus ). I also examined the accuracy of these methods for Swainson's Thrushes ( Catharus ustulatus ) for comparison to a previous study. Fat score, body mass, and body mass/wing chord were highly correlated with chemically extracted lipid mass in each species. In all three species, birds with no visible subcutaneous fat possessed considerable quantities of fat, ranging from 9.8 to 19.7% of total dry body mass. Forward-selected regression models explained 69−87% of lipid mass variation, with prediction errors of 14.6−27.5%. An existing predictive model for the Swainson's Thrush overestimated lipid mass by an average of 92%. Fat score, body mass, and the regression models generated here are reliable predictors of lipid mass in two of the three migrating species examined. The accuracy of the methods, in addition to their low cost and simplicity, justifies their continued use in field studies of birds.  相似文献   

The present study describes the photoperiodic control of annual body mass changes in captive. Svalbard ptarmigan, in particular the onset of autumnal increase and midwinter decrease in fat content under natural and simulated daylight-conditions in Tromsø (69° 46 N). Autumnal fattening commences when the birds become photorefractory and presumably depends on this condition. At present it is not known if any causal relationship is involved. Under outdoor ambient temperature, body mass begins to decline in November. However, when Svalbard ptarmigan are caged indoors at higher ambient temperatures and exposed to natural or simulated annual changes in daylength, body mass remains high until February. In these birds the depletion of fat stores appears to be triggered by the increasing daylength, since body mass remained high under permanent exposure to short days throughout spring but decreased promptly following photostimulation in May. When ptarmigan caged indoors were starved in midwinter body mass fell but increased briefly upon refeeding and thereafter declined as in the control birds throughout spring. This indicates that the winter body mass profile in Svalbard ptarmigan is not merely the passive outcome of shifts in the energy expenditure associated with thermoregulation, and that a sliding set point for body mass exists and is temporally fixed at the seasonal maximum in mid winter in birds caged under indoor ambient temperatures. The possibility is discussed that the decline in body mass seen outdoors may be associated with the increased hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal activity which follows the breaking of photorefractoriness, and that this activity is sufficiently suppressed in Svalbard ptarmigan caged indoors under exposure to short days, to delay the reduction until they are photostimulated.Abbreviations BM body mass - GH growth hormone - HPG hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal system - LL continous light - NL natural light - SD short day (4 hours light per day) - SL simulated annual changes in daylength - T a ambient temperature  相似文献   

The influence of changes in the amount of locomotor activity on the annual body mass cycle was investigated in captive Svalbard ptarmigan kept indoors at thermoneutrality and exposed to seasonal changes in daylength or continuous light from the summer onwards. In both groups there was a close correlation between locomotor activity and metabolic rate. Only birds exposed to changes in daylength showed an annual cycle in locomotor activity, with low activity in autumn and mid-winter and a peak in spring. The birds permanently exposed to continuous light had a relatively low activity throughout the year with no systematical changes. Body mass began to increase in both groups in early autumn and the food intake was elevated during most of the following fattening period. It is concluded that elevated food intake is the prime factor involved in autumnal fattening in captive Svalbard ptarmigan. Body mass increased significantly faster under decreasing daylength compared with continuous light, associated with a lower activity as well as a higher food intake. The birds exposed to continuous light maintained a high body mass and a relatively low activity level during spring. In birds exposed to changing daylength, body mass fell from late February onwards, which is about 3 months later than in outdoor caged or free-living Svalbard ptarmigan. In the birds exposed to increasing daylength a fourfold increase in the amount of locomotor activity occurred from February to April. This increased activity was correlated with a negative energy balance and may be casually associated with the fall in body mass in these birds. Under outdoor conditions, elevated locomotor activity in spring may be responsible for a continuation of the decline in body mass commencing in November, despite a slight tendency for an increased food intake towards the end of this period.Abbreviations BM body mass - CE f caloric equivalent of food - EAE energy assimilation efficiency - EE energy expenditure - FI food intake - LA locomotor activity - LL continuous light - LD simulated annual changes in daylength - MEI metabolizable energy intake - MR metabolic rate - RQ respiratory quotient  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Studies of the effects of transmitters on passerines have provided mixed results, but many have revealed no negative impacts. Most such studies have been conducted during the breeding season and, as a result, little is known about the possible effects of transmitters on wintering birds. We examined the effects of transmitters on Bicknell's Thrushes (Catharus bicknelli) wintering in the Dominican Republic. We used long‐term mark‐recapture data to compare birds with radio‐transmitters (N= 5 years, 64 individuals) to birds banded, but not radio‐tagged (N= 10 years, 164 individuals). For a subset of birds in each category, we measured the change in mass between early‐winter and late‐winter and, for all birds, we calculated return rates and modeled annual survival by sex and age classes. Return rates of radio‐tagged (16%) and banded‐only individuals (17%) did not differ, and survival models including the effect of transmitter attachment were poorly supported. We also found no sex or age‐specific effects of transmitter attachment. Radio‐tagged and banded‐only birds did not differ either in the proportion of birds gaining mass during the winter or amount of mass gained. Our results indicate that attaching light‐weight transmitters (<5% of body mass) to wintering Bicknell's Thrushes did not adversely affect either body condition or annual survival.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Although breeding populations of Piping Plovers are well studied, their winter distribution is less clear. We studied the seasonal abundance of nonbreeding Piping Plovers ( Charadrius melodus ) during the winters of 2003–2004 and 2004–2005 on Little St. Simons Island (LSSI), Georgia. Our objectives were to determine the relative abundance of individuals from three breeding populations at LSSI, and identify possible differences among populations in arrival time, winter movements, or departure time. We observed up to 100 Piping Plovers during peak migration, and approximately 40 plovers wintered at LSSI. From July 2004 to May 2005, approximately 20% of the Great Lakes breeding population used LSSI. Plovers were not present at LSSI during June. All breeding populations of Piping Plovers had similar patterns of temporal occurrence on LSSI, suggesting no need for population-specific management plans at this site. Our results suggest that LSSI is among the most important wintering sites on the Atlantic coast for Piping Plovers, especially for individuals from the endangered Great Lakes population.  相似文献   

Before predictable periods of high nutritional demand and little or no intake, vertebrates store fuel mainly composed of energy-dense lipids or energy-poor but protein-rich muscle tissue. Documenting contrasts in fuel composition and storage patterns within species, or even within individuals, would greatly help to elucidate the functional significance of the variety of storage strategies demonstrated in birds. We show here that the 40-50 g mass gain of 200 g in Eurasian golden plovers (Pluvialis apricaria) in autumn in The Netherlands consists of fat only, but that the similar gain in body mass in spring consists of proteinaceous tissue (pectoral and other skeletal muscle and possibly skin tissue). That the same golden plovers store energy in autumn and store protein in spring suggests that they face energy deficits in early winter and risk protein deficits in spring, especially perhaps after arrival on the breeding grounds in late April and early May. In autumn and winter their diet consists largely of protein-rich earthworms, but upon arrival on Low Arctic and montane tundras, golden plovers tend to eat berries which are rich in sugars but notably poor in proteins. We therefore propose that the build-up of proteinaceous tissue in spring reflects a strategic storage of a nutritional resource that is likely to be in short supply somewhat later in the year.  相似文献   

Small wintering passerines adaptively modulate daily body mass acquisition as part of their energy management policy. However, whether birds optimize overnight mass loss or body mass at dawn remains poorly understood. We studied environmental correlates of individual variation in body mass at dusk, overnight mass loss and body mass at dawn in a wild population of Great Tits Parus major wintering in northern Fennoscandia. Body mass at dusk, overnight mass loss and body mass at dawn were independent of prevailing conditions despite extremely low night ambient temperatures. Body mass at dusk was higher in males than in females, and decreased throughout winter and when snowfall was higher in the previous month. Overnight mass loss increased with precipitation during the previous week and tended to be higher in mid‐winter, when nights were longest. However, birds reduced overnight mass loss with higher temperatures in the previous week and higher precipitation in the previous 2 weeks. Dawn body mass was strongly correlated with dusk body mass and overnight mass loss, and showed only mild associations with weather variables once dusk mass was accounted for. Body mass in roosting boreal Great Tits seems to be constrained by recent snowfall as the winter progresses, but otherwise appears to be mostly unaffected by previous and current temperatures, suggesting a regular use of facultative hypothermia.  相似文献   

J.S. Kirby 《Bird Study》2013,60(1):97-110
Variations in the numbers and activity of Lapwings Vanellus vanellus and Golden Plovers Pluvialis apricaria using 322 ha of lowland farmland were examined in relation to temperature, rainfall, wind speed and moonphase. The study was undertaken over two winters (1987/88 and 1988/89), with maximum counts of 4000 Lapwings and 820 Golden Plovers. Patterns of occupancy of the study area and seasonal occurrence are described. Temperature and the phase of the lunar cycle seemed to be particularly important in affecting the distribution and activity of the birds. More Lapwings occurred in the study area on the colder and on the wetter days in several months, and also around the full moon period when feeding activity was particularly prevalent. A higher proportion of Lapwings tended to feed on colder days and around the new moon period, while daytime loafing increased around the full moon period. These results support the ideas that birds need to feed more in cold conditions, when energy demands are high, and that night feeding frequently occurs during the full moon period, although the reasons for this remain unclear.  相似文献   

Small birds at high latitudes accumulate fat during the day so that they can survive long and cold winter nights. The winter fattening model suggests that birds increase their minimum (morning) mass in cold weather, build up their mass during the day, and then rely on the energy reserves so accumulated until the morning. While data from mid and high latitudes support this model, little is known about the strategies of birds inhabiting lower latitudes (< 40°N). We use an 18-year data set to investigate whether the winter fattening model holds in a mid-latitude (32°N) population of the Clamorous Reed Warbler Acrocephalus stentoreus . We show that morning mass and fat score vary as predicted by the winter fattening model. In addition, adults appear to be better adapted to long and cold winter nights than first-year birds. A long-term trend of increased body mass may be attributable to character release following reduced interspecific competition.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of time-restricted feeding on regulationof body mass and activity energy expenditure in captive winteringdunlin (Calidris alpina) held in outdoor aviaries at TomalesBay, California. In the first of two experiments, we comparedbirds under 24 h : 24 h (fasting : ad libitum feeding) foodrestriction with controls under continuous ad libitum feeding. In the second experiment, we compared birds under 24 h : 6 h: 12 h : 6 h (fasting : ad libitum : fasting : ad libitum)food restriction with birds under 24 h : 24 h food restriction.We estimated total energy expended on activities from dailymass balance using an additive model based on measures of grossenergy intake, thermoregulation, basal metabolism, and a sensitivity analysis of gross utilization efficiency and energy densityof reserve body tissue. Dunlin under 24 h : 24 h food restrictionovercompensated for body mass lost while fasting, increasingtheir body mass relative to controls fed ad libitum. Dunlinunder 24 h : 6 h : 12 h : 6 h food restriction were unable to recover body mass lost during the first fasting day. Whenallowed to feed, food-restricted birds reduced the amount ofenergy spent on being active and increased food intake andenergy storage relative to controls, but when forced to fast,they increased their activity energy expenditure. These patterns suggest winter body mass regulation consistent with the behaviorsof free-living dunlin in winter.  相似文献   

Golden plovers and Grey Plovers Pluvialis spp. all have very distinct breeding plumage rich in contrast, with a conspicuous black belly and breast bordered by a bright white fringe. Eurasian Golden Plovers are known partly to replace their breeding plumage with striped yellow feathers during incubation, different from both breeding and non-breeding plumages. In this study a similar partial breeding moult was observed in Pacific Golden Plovers and American Golden Plovers caught on the nest or collected during incubation, although the feathers did not differ clearly from those of non-breeders. This moult starts during incubation and precedes the post-breeding moult into non-breeding plumage. Because the lighter feathers reduce the contrast between the black belly and the white flanks, we suggest that during incubation the plumage characteristic that plays an important role in mate choice is no longer important; at this stage it is better for the bird to be inconspicuous. Additional information on museum skins of golden plovers and of Grey Plovers indicated that only the three golden plovers undergo this partial moult, but that Grey Plovers in general retain full breeding plumage throughout incubation. The three golden plovers also resemble each other in their generally very passive nest defence strategies. In contrast, the larger Grey Plovers actively chase and attack aerial and ground predators. Thus, a reduced conspicuousness of the body plumage during incubation is likely to benefit the golden plovers more than the Grey Plover. We suggest that nest defence behaviour, plumage characteristics and perhaps size have co-evolved as a response to different selection pressures in golden plovers and Grey Plover, but alternative hypotheses are also discussed.  相似文献   

Here I report the results of laboratory experiments on cachingbehavior of Carolina chickadees (Parus carolinensis) designedto test the following predictions from a recent dynamic optimizationmodel: under limited resources, small birds, when fat, shouldcache food instead of eating it, but they should eat insteadof caching when lean; when resources are abundant, birds shouldcache less when fat and more when lean. In addition, when resourcesare abundant the amount of time spent in foraging-related activityshould decrease with an increase in body mass. Chickadees weretested for 2 weeks in either a poor-quality environment (wherethey were given four 5-min periods per day of access to a feederfilled with sunflower seeds) or a richer environment (wherethey were given four 10-min access periods); they were thenswitched to the alternative environment for an additional 2weeks. The entire experiment lasted from October through June.Within-individual comparisons showed that birds in both thepoor and rich environments exhibited the predicted correlationsbetween the probability that a seed was cached and body massmeasured at dawn. The number of seeds already stored had a weakand variable effect on caching decisions. Time budgets changedas predicted; birds spent less time with food-related behaviorswhen their energy stores were high compared to when they werelow, and overall spent a higher fraction of their time foragingin the poor-quality environment compared to the rich environment.Two other variables also affected caching behavior: experienceand season. Individuals were more likely to cache in the poorenvironment when they had been tested in the rich environmentthe previous 2 weeks, as compared with birds started in thepoor environment. However, this was true only for tests donein the winter. In late spring, all birds stopped caching orreduced caching rates when faced with limited food availability,irrespective of previous experience. The birds harvested seedsfaster when they cached instead of eating seeds; as a result,long-term weight regulation in the poor environment was affectedby caching decisions. Birds tested in late spring lost weightin the poor environment, whereas those tested in the wintermaintained a stable weight when switched from the rich to thepoor environment. Thus, annual endogenous cues directly affectcaching decisions and indirectly influence the long-term regulationof body mass  相似文献   

Long-term data on the numbers of eggs of cod Gadus morhua callarias in ichthyoplankton and the seasonal variation of their distribution in the Gdansk Deep of the Baltic Sea are considered. The spring peak of spawning was observed for the years 1948–1954 and 1960–1964; the spring-summer peak for 1968–1977; and the summer peak for 1955–1959 and 1995–2001. Maximum egg numbers of cod were recorded from the late 1940s to the early 1950s; minimums were recorded in the late 1980s and the late 1990s. The decrease in the numbers of cod eggs in the ichthyoplankton, in general, coincided with a decrease in the proportion of spawners maturing at the beginning of the season of mass reproduction and a decrease in the oxygen content in the near-bottom layer of the Gdansk Deep. It is suggested that a shift of the spawning peak of cod from spring to summer is related to a decrease in the volume of near-bottom waters providing favorable conditions for the reproduction of this population.  相似文献   

During the late 20th Century, due to decreases in both contamination and persecution, bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) populations increased dramatically. Currently, mechanisms regulating eagle populations are not well understood. To examine potential regulating processes in the Pacific Northwest, where eagles are no longer primarily regulated by contaminants or direct persecution, we examined bald eagle reproductive success, breeding populations, winter populations, mortality, and salmon stream use. Wintering and breeding eagle populations in south-coastal British Columbia (BC) quadrupled between the early 1980s and the late 1990s, and have since stabilized. Density-dependent declines in reproduction occurred during 1986–2009, but not through changes in site quality. Mid-winter survival was crucial as most mortality occurred then, and models showed that density-dependent reductions in population growth rates were partially due to reduced survival. Wintering eagles in British Columbia fed heavily on chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) runs, and then switched to birds in late winter, when mortality was highest. Eagles tended to arrive after the peak in salmon availability at streams in BC as part of a migration associated with salmon streams from Alaska to northern Washington. Eagles were most abundant in southern BC during cold Alaskan winters and in years of high chum salmon availability. We suggest that eagle populations in the Pacific Northwest are currently partially limited by density on the breeding grounds and partially by adult mortality in late winter, likely due to reduced late winter salmon stocks forcing eagles to exploit more marginal prey supplies. Larger eagle populations have affected some local prey populations. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

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