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Henderson  Robert W. 《Oecologia》1984,62(2):234-239
Summary Approximately 1590 Hispaniolan colubrid snakes representing six genera and eight species were examined for prey remains (Alsophis cantherigerus, Antillophis parvifrons, Darlingtonia haetiana, Hypsirhynchus ferox, Ialtris dorsalis, Uromacer catesbyi, U. frenatus, and U. oxyrhynchus). The snakes were collected at many localities over a span of 80 years.Of 426 prey items, 77.9% were lizards (of which 69.6% were anoles), 19% frogs, 2.6% birds and mammals, and 0.5% other snakes. Darlingtonia was the only snake that did not exploit lizards; it fed exclusively on Eleutherodactylus frogs, including egg clutches. Disregarding Darlingtonia, there is no size class of Hispaniolan colubrids between 20–90 cm SVL that does not prey primarily on Anolis. Certain prey genera are added to, or deleted from, diets depending on snake size, but the data suggest that snake SVL alone does little to dictate what prey genera (or groups) are eaten. Shannon-Wiener values (H') indicate that Darlingtonia has the narrowest trophic niche, while Alsophis and Ialtris have the widest. Values of H' are not correlated with snake SVL, but highly significant (P<0.001) correlations exist between H' and mid-body circumference, head width, and snout width, and these characters may be indicators of trophic generalists and specialists. Anolis lizards are the most ubiquitous and conspicuous vertebrates on Hispaniola, and it is not surprising that they are widely exploited as a food source. Although as some snake species grow larger, anoles play a decreasingly important role in their diets, there is no evidence to suggest that they are ever abandoned as a food source by any Hispaniolan colubrid of any size.Secretive lizards of low vagility are eaten almost exclusively by wide ranging foragers (Alsophis, Antillophis); very active prey (Ameiva) is taken by sit-and-wait strategists (Hysirhynchus, U. frenatus). Those snakes which exploit the most prey groups are active foragers. Uromacer catesbyi exhibits both foraging modes, and predictably, eats diurnally active (anoles) and diurnally quiescent (hylid frogs) prey with almost equal frequency.Within Maglio's cantherigerus species assemblage, in which an Alsophis cantherigerus-like snake was ancestral to the other species, and in which longsnouted Uromacer are the most morphologically derived, there is an obvious trend toward trophic specialization on Hispaniola. The West Indies have provided an ideal natural laboratory for the investigation of many aspects of vertebrate ecology, and an arena in which to test theories of island biogeography. The most extensively studied West Indian vertebrates have been the lizards of the iguanid genus Anolis. Conversely, the ecology of West Indian snakes has been largely ignored. This is surprising in light of the fact that much has been written about Anolis predation, but little has been written about predators of Anolis; snakes may be important, frequent consumers of anoles.Hispaniola is physiographically and ecologically the most diverse of the Greater Antilles and, concomitantly, it has the most diverse snake fauna, including six colubrid genera containing 11 described species. It has rich frog and lizard faunas, but only two endemic mammals. Study of the diets of Hispaniola's colubrid snakes was undertaken to gain initial insights into the ecology of the snakes and to determine 1) what the snakes eat; 2) what relationships exist between snake diet and snake size as well as head and body proportions; 3) what relationships exist between snake foraging mode and prey type and size; 4) if anoles, as the most ubiquitous and conspicuous vertebrates on Hispaniola, comprise an important source of food; 5) if significant geographical differences in diet exist, expecially on satellite islands; 6) if north island and south island (sensu Williams 1961) Anolis ecomorphs are preyed upon by the same snake species in similar proportions; 7) if snakes are selective or opportunistic predators.This paper, the first in a series that will address all of the above topics, will briefly describe methods, snake species and prey genera. Prey genera are analyzed in terms of what snake taxa prey upon them, what size classes of snakes prey upon them, and prey genera diversity versus snake size and proportions.  相似文献   

The evolution of venom-delivery systems in snakes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Colubroidea represents approximately 2300 of the 2700 species of living snakes and includes all venomous taxa. Although many morphological studies of colubroid snakes have been carried over the last hundred years, the phylogenetic relationships within this group are poorly known. In this study, components of the venom-delivery system (VDS) were examined within the context of two conflicting phylogenetic hypotheses proposed in 1988 by Cadle and in 1998 by Kraus & Braun. The results suggest that several major morphological changes occurred early in colubroid evolution: a Duvernoy's gland evolved, the posterior maxillary teeth became specialized relative to the anterior maxillary teeth, and the attachment of the pterygoideus muscle moved forward to a position associated with the posterior maxillary teeth. These innovations may have allowed the great radiation of colubroid snakes that led to the Colubroidea representing such a large percentage of living snakes. More recently, three separate lineages of colubroids have independently evolved highly specialized front-fanged VDSs with large and complex venom glands, venom gland compressor muscles, and tubular fangs.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 137 , 337−354.  相似文献   

Tentacled snakes     
《Current biology : CB》2022,32(18):R939-R940

Young, B.A. 2000. The comparative morphology of the larynx in snakes. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 81 : 177–193 The larynx and glottal tube were examined in 10 specimens each of 22 snake species. Qualitative analysis through dissection and clearing and staining revealed distinct morphological variation in the cartilage and intrinsic musculature of the larynx. Quantitative analysis of nine morphometric characters revealed laryngeal sexual dimorphism in three species, significant interspecific differences in the coefficients for every morphometric feature regressed on body size, no significant intraspecific differences in the log transformed means, and poor discrimination of species using principal component analysis. The observed variations in laryngeal morphology did not correlate with the phylogeny of the species, or with habitat preferences.  相似文献   

The islands of eastern Indonesia occupy the major zone of contact and overlap between the reptile faunas of the Asian and Australo–Papuan regions. A survey of reptiles on twenty-eight islands in eastern Indonesia between 1988 and 1993 has documented several major range extensions and many new records of species on islands. The zoogeographic affinities of the snakes of Indonesian islands are re-examined in the light of both recent surveys and taxonomic research and coupled with that published previously. The major boundary in the snake fauna of Indonesia occurs between Sulawesi and the Lesser Sunda islands to the west and the northern and southern Maluku group of islands to the east; it corresponds to the major biogeographic boundary known as Weber's Line. The biogeographic affinities of the snakes of the Tanimbar islands are equivocal. The snake fauna of islands within the Lesser Sunda group indicate that separation between islands during the Pleistocene played a role in determining current assemblages and variation within species The islands of eastern Indonesia form biogeographic subregions that have relatively high levels of endemism and evidence of incipient speciation as a consequence of changes in sea-levels and climate during the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

李金荣  蓝海  黄晓军  陈远辉  吴卯斌 《蛇志》2007,19(3):202-205
长期以来,人们仅把具有沟牙和管牙的蛇视为毒蛇,然而,近年来发现游蛇科中的虎斑颈槽蛇、红脖颈槽蛇、颈棱蛇、赤链蛇等既无管牙,也无沟牙,却频频发生这类蛇咬伤人后引起中毒的事例,甚至出现被咬伤致严重出血休克死亡的事件。经深入研究后发现,这些蛇虽没有沟牙和管牙,但却具有产生毒性分泌物的毒腺—杜氏腺(Duvernoy′s gland)及皮下腺,且不同的毒腺具有不同的毒性作用,可表现为出血不止、溶血、呼吸困难、肾损害等。这类蛇与毒腺的导管有联系的上颌牙明显粗大,上颌牙与上颌骨、横骨连接牢固,毒腺里的毒液可顺着粗大的上颌牙流入伤口,因此,应视为"后毒牙类毒蛇"。  相似文献   

Parthenogenesis occurs across a variety of vertebrate taxa. Within squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes), a group for which the largest number of cases has been documented, both obligate and facultative types of parthenogenesis exists, although the obligate form in snakes appears to be restricted to a single basal species of blind snake, Indotyphlops braminus. By contrast, a number of snake species that otherwise reproduce sexually have been found capable of facultative parthenogenesis. Because the original documentation of this phenomenon was restricted to subjects held in captivity and isolated from males, facultative parthenogenesis was attributed as a captive syndrome. However, its recent discovery in nature shifts the paradigm and identifies this form of reproduction as a potentially important feature of vertebrate evolution. In light of the growing number of documented cases of parthenogenesis, it is now possible to review the phylogenetic distribution in snakes and thus identify subtle variations and commonalities that may exist through the characterization of its emerging properties. Based on our findings, we propose partitioning facultative parthenogenesis in snakes into two categories, type A and type B, based on the sex of the progeny produced, their viability, sex chromosome morphology, and ploidy, as well as their phylogenetic position. Furthermore, we introduce a hypothesis (directionality of heterogamety hypothesis) to explain the production of female‐only parthenogens in basal alethinophidian snakes and male‐only parthenogens in caenophidian (advanced) snakes.  相似文献   

Parasites profoundly influence the lives of their hosts, yet the dynamics of host–parasite interactions are poorly understood – especially in reptiles. We examined the ecological correlates of parasitism by ixodid ticks in an assemblage of 10 snake species in tropical Australia. In total, we recorded 3803 ticks on 1841 individual snakes of six species (no ticks were found on the other species). Molecular analyses confirmed the tropical reptile tick (Amblyomma fimbriatum: Ixodidae) to be the most common snake tick at our study site, with inter‐ and intraspecific variation in tick prevalence and intensity. Tick attachment sites were random on most snake species, but both male and female ticks congregated on the heads of the colubrid snake Boiga irregularis and the python Simalia amethistina. In these same species, tick loads were higher on snakes captured in woodland than in rainforest. Females of two python species (Aspidites melanocephalus and S. amethistina) had higher tick loads than did males. In B. irregularis, individuals captured in the dry season had higher tick loads than those captured in the wet season. In most parasitized snake species, larger individuals had greater tick loads. Data from snake recaptures confirmed individual tick burdens frequently varied, with little correlation between tick loads on the same snake at successive captures (except for B. irregularis). Finally, tick intensity was not correlated with (and thus, presumably did not influence) the body condition of any snake species in our study. Use of specific types of refuge sites may strongly influence tick loads on snakes in this system.  相似文献   

The volume of resealed erythrocyte ghosts formed during hypotonic hemolysis of normal human erythrocytes was measured by means of a continuous mean corpuscular volume analyzer. The final volume of resealed ghosts was 140.6 ± 15.2 fl. Strong correlations exist between the volume of ghosts and the initial mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin of the erythrocyte, and between the enlargement ratio and the mean corpuscular volume or mean corpuscular hemoglobin of the erythrocyte.  相似文献   

The primary and secondary elements of the cephalic vascular system in some sea snakes are similar to those of the generalized ophidian pattern. The three species examined in this study revealed only minor variations in vascular morphology; these variations appear to be correlated with myological differences among the three species. For example, in Hydrophis melanocephalus it appears that the depressor mandibulae artery is displaced by the cranially expanded insertion of the semi-spinalis and spinalis muscles. A preliminary hypothesis is put forth that explains the apparent constancy of the cephalic vascular system of ophidians in terms of possible constraints due to cranial kinesis.  相似文献   

Evidence that platynotan squamates (living varanoid lizards, snakes and their fossil relatives) are monophyletic is presented. Evolutionary relationships within this group are then ascertained through a cladistic analysis of 144 osteological characters. Mosasauroids (aigialosaurs and mosasaurs), a group of large marine lizards, are identified as the nearest relatives of snakes, thus resolving the long-standing problem of snake affinities. The mosasauroid–snake clade (Pythonomorpha) is corroborated by 40 derived characters, including recumbent replacement teeth, thecodonty, four or fewer premaxillary teeth, supratemporal–prootic contact, free mandibular tips, crista circumfenestralis, straight vertical splenio-angular joint, loss of posterior ramus of the coronoid, reduced basipterygoid processes, reduced interpterygoid vacuity, zygosphene–zygantral articulations, and absence of epiphyses on the axial skeleton and skull. After mosasauroids, the next closest relatives of snakes are varanids (Varanus, Saniwa and Saniwides) and lanthanotids (Lanthanotus and Cherminotus). Derived features uniting varanids and lanthanotids include nine cervical vertebrae and three or fewer pairs of sternal ribs. The varanid–lanthanotid–pythonomorph clade, here termed Thecoglossa, is supported by features such as the anteriorly positioned basal tubera, and the loss of the second epibranchial. Successive outgroups to thecoglossans are Telmasaurus, an unresolved polytomy (Estesia, Gobidermatidae and Helodermatidae), Paravaranus and Proplatynota. The ''necrosaurs'' are demonstrated to be an artificial (polyphyletic) assemblage of primitive platynotans that are not particularly closely related to each other.Snakes are presumed to have evolved from small, limbless, burrowing lizards and the inability of previous analyses to resolve the affinities of snakes has been attributed to extensive convergence among the numerous lineages of such lizards. The present study contradicts this claim, demonstrating that the problem is due instead to omission of critical fossil taxa. No modern phylogenetic analysis of squamate relationships has simultaneously included both mosasauroids and snakes: previous studies have therefore failed to identify the mosasauroid–snake association and the suite of derived characters supporting it. Mosasauroids are large aquatic animals with well-developed appendages, and none of the derived characters uniting mosasauroids and snakes is obviously correlated with miniaturization, limb reduction or fossoriality. Recognition that mosasauroids, followed by varanids and lanthanotids, are the nearest relatives of snakes will also facilitate studies of relationships within snakes, which until now have been hampered by uncertainty over the most appropriate (closely-related) lizard outgroups.  相似文献   

The origin of snakes has recently become a palaeontological 'hot potato'. Two groups of scientists have come to very different conclusions from the studying the same fossils. Are there tests capable of rejecting wither one of these alternative conclusions or will human interpretation always allow such differences of opinion?  相似文献   

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