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T4 RNA ligase has been shown to synthesize nucleoside and dinucleoside 5'-polyphosphates by displacement of the AMP from the E-AMP complex with polyphosphates and nucleoside diphosphates and triphosphates. Displacement of the AMP by tripolyphosphate (P3) was concentration dependent, as measured by SDS/PAGE. When the enzyme was incubated in the presence of 0.02 mm [alpha-32P] ATP, synthesis of labeled Ap4A was observed: ATP was acting as both donor (Km, microm) and acceptor (Km, mm) of AMP from the enzyme. Whereas, as previously known, ATP or dATP (but not other nucleotides) were able to form the E-AMP complex, the specificity of a compound to be acceptor of AMP from the E-AMP complex was very broad, and with Km values between 1 and 2 mm. In the presence of a low concentration (0.02 mm) of [alpha-32P] ATP (enough to form the E-AMP complex, but only marginally enough to form Ap4A) and 4 mm of the indicated nucleotides or P3, the relative rate of synthesis of the following radioactive (di)nucleotides was observed: Ap4X (from XTP, 100); Ap4dG (from dGTP, 74); Ap4G (from GTP, 49); Ap4dC (from dCTP, 23); Ap4C (from CTP, 9); Ap3A (from ADP, 5); Ap4ddA, (from ddATP, 1); p4A (from P3, 200). The enzyme also synthesized efficiently Ap3A in the presence of 1 mm ATP and 2 mm ADP. The following T4 RNA ligase donors were inhibitors of the synthesis of Ap4G: pCp > pAp > pA2'p.  相似文献   

Thermophilic viruses represent a novel source of genetic material and enzymes with great potential for use in biotechnology. We have isolated a number of thermophilic viruses from geothermal areas in Iceland, and by combining high throughput genome sequencing and state of the art bioinformatics we have identified a number of genes with potential use in biotechnology. We have also demonstrated the existence of thermostable counterparts of previously known bacteriophage enzymes. Here we describe a thermostable RNA ligase 1 from the thermophilic bacteriophage RM378 that infects the thermophilic eubacterium Rhodothermus marinus. The RM378 RNA ligase 1 has a temperature optimum of 60–64°C and it ligates both RNA and single-stranded DNA. Its thermostability and ability to work under conditions of high temperature where nucleic acid secondary structures are removed makes it an ideal enzyme for RNA ligase-mediated rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RLM-RACE), and other RNA and DNA ligation applications.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage T4 RNA ligase 2 (Rnl2) exemplifies a polynucleotide ligase family that includes the trypanosome RNA-editing ligases and putative RNA ligases encoded by eukaryotic viruses and archaea. Here we analyzed 12 individual amino acids of Rnl2 that were identified by alanine scanning as essential for strand joining. We determined structure-activity relationships via conservative substitutions and examined mutational effects on the isolated steps of ligase adenylylation and phosphodiester bond formation. The essential residues of Rnl2 are located within conserved motifs that define a superfamily of nucleotidyl transferases that act via enzyme-(lysyl-N)-NMP intermediates. Our mutagenesis results underscore a shared active site architecture in Rnl2-like ligases, DNA ligases, and mRNA capping enzymes. They also highlight two essential signature residues, Glu(34) and Asn(40), that flank the active site lysine nucleophile (Lys(35)) and are unique to the Rnl2-like ligase family.  相似文献   

Biotin and fluorescent labeling of RNA using T4 RNA ligase.   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Biotin, fluorescein, and tetramethylrhodamine derivatives of P1-(6-aminohex-1-yl)-P2-(5'-adenosine) pyrophosphate were synthesized and used as substrates with T4 RNA ligase. In the absence of ATP, the non-adenylyl portion of these substrates is transferred to the 3'-hydroxyl of an RNA acceptor to form a phosphodiester bond and the AMP portion is released. E. coli and D. melanogaster 5S RNA, yeast tRNAPhe, (Ap)3C, and (Ap)3A serve as acceptors with yields of products varying from 50 to 100%. Biotin-labeled oligonucleotides are bound selectively and quantitatively to avidin-agarose and may be eluted with 6 M guanidine hydrochloride, pH 2.5. Fluorescein and tetramethylrhodamine-labeled oligonucleotides are highly fluorescent and show no quenching due to attachment to the acceptor. The diverse structures of the appended groups and of the chain lengths and compositions of the acceptor RNAs show that T4 RNA ligase will be a useful modification reagent for the addition of various functional groups to the 3'-terminus of RNA molecules.  相似文献   

Self-complementary oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing the base analogues 2-aminopurine, 2,6-diaminopurine, N6-methyladenine, uracil, and 5-bromouracil were synthesized by a general method that allows incorporation of the analogues at specific positions. The method uses chemically synthesized partial sequences but circumvents the need for protected base analogues by incorporating their unprotected 3',5'-bisphosphate derivatives enzymatically. T4 RNA ligase was used to add the analogues to the oligodeoxyribonucleotides with yields from 54 to greater than 95 percent. Oligodeoxyribonucleotides were joined to the oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing the analogues at their 3'-termini in yields from 22 to 81 percent. The high yields obtained in these joinings suggest that RNA ligase should be of general use for the specific incorporation of other deoxyribonucleotide analogues into oligodeoxyribonucleotides. The oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing the base analogues were characterized by their mobilities during HPLC, nucleoside compositions, sequences, and thermal stabilities.  相似文献   

RNA ligase has been extensively purified by a new procedure in high yield from T4-infected Escherichia coli. The enzyme consists of a single polypeptide chain of molecular weight 47,000. It catalyzes the formation of a phosphodiester bond between a 5′-PO4-terminated oligonucleotide and a 3′-OH terminated oligonucleotide. The purified enzyme catalyzes both the intramolecular formation of single-stranded circles with longer oligonucleotides of the type pAp(Ap)nA?OH, where n is about 15 or greater and the intermolecular joining of pAp(Ap)3AOH (where the 5′-PO4-terminated oligonucleotide is short enough to prevent apposition of its 3′ and 5′ ends) to UpUpUOH when high concentrations of the 3′-OH-terminated acceptor oligonucleotide are present. Preparations of RNA ligase at all stages of purification show an unusual dependence of specific activity of the enzyme on the concentration of enzyme present in the assay. However, when care is taken to determine meaningful specific activities at each step, the ligase is found to be very stable during chromatography on various ion-exchange columns and may be purified by conventional techniques.  相似文献   

Donor activation in the T4 RNA ligase reaction   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
T4 RNA ligase catalyzes the adenylation of donor oligonucleotide substrates. These activated intermediates react with an acceptor oligonucleotide which results in phosphodiester bond formation and the concomitant release of AMP. Adenylation of the four common nucleoside 3',5'-bisphosphates as catalyzed by T4 RNA ligase in the absence of an acceptor oligonucleotide has been examined. The extents of product formation indicate that pCp is the best substrate in the reaction and pGp is the poorest. Kinetic parameters for the joining reaction between the preadenylated nucleoside 3',5'-bisphosphates, A(5')pp(5')Cp or A(5')pp(5')Gp, and a good acceptor substrate (ApApA) or a poor acceptor substrate (UpUpU) have been determined. The apparent Km values for both preadenylated donors in the joining reaction are similar, and the reaction velocity is much faster than observed in the overall joining reaction. The nonnucleotide adenylated substrate P1-(5'-adenosyl) P2-(o-nitrobenzyl) diphosphate also exhibits a similar apparent Km but reacts with a velocity 80-fold slower than the adenylated nucleoside 3',5'-bisphosphates. By use of preadenylated donors, oligonucleotide substrates can be elongated more efficiently than occurs with the nucleoside 3',5'-bisphosphates.  相似文献   

Ligation of single-stranded oligodeoxyribonucleotides by T4 RNA ligase   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Despite its unique ability to ligate single-stranded DNA molecules, T4 RNA ligase has so far seen little use in molecular biology due to long reaction times, modest yields, and apparent inability to promote ligation of long oligodeoxyribonucleotides. We describe here a set of reaction conditions which dramatically shorten the reaction time and give reproducible 40 to 60% ligation of DNA fragments of up to 40 bases in length. These improvements open promising new fields of application to T4 RNA ligase.  相似文献   

The interaction of nucleotides with T4 DNA and RNA ligases has been characterized using ultraviolet visible (UV-VIS) absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy. Both enzymes bind nucleotides with the K(d) between 0.1 and 20 microM. Nucleotide binding results in a decrease of absorbance at 260 nm due to pi-stacking with an aromatic residue, possibly phenylalanine, and causes red-shifting of the absorbance maximum due to hydrogen bonding with the exocyclic amino group. T4 DNA ligase is shown to have, besides the catalytic ATP binding site, another noncovalent nucleotide binding site. ATP bound there alters the pi-stacking of the nucleotide in the catalytic site, increasing its optical extinction. The K(d) for the noncovalent site is approximately 1000-fold higher than for the catalytic site. Nucleotides quench the protein fluorescence showing that a tryptophan residue is located in the active site of the ligase. The decrease of absorbance around 298 nm suggests that the hydrogen bonding interactions of this tryptophan residue are weakened in the ligase-nucleotide complex. The excitation/emission properties of T4 RNA ligase indicate that its ATP binding pocket is in contact with solvent, which is excluded upon binding of the nucleotide. Overall, the spectroscopic analysis reveals important similarities between T4 ligases and related nucleotidyltransferases, despite the low sequence similarity.  相似文献   

T4 RNA ligase 1 (Rnl1) is a tRNA repair enzyme that circumvents an RNA-damaging host antiviral response. Whereas the three-step reaction scheme of Rnl1 is well established, the structural basis for catalysis has only recently been appreciated as mutational and crystallographic approaches have converged. Here we performed a structure-guided alanine scan of nine conserved residues, including side chains that either contact the ATP substrate via adenine (Leu179, Val230), the 2'-OH (Glu159), or the gamma phosphate (Tyr37) or coordinate divalent metal ions at the ATP alpha phosphate (Glu159, Tyr246) or beta phosphate (Asp272, Asp273). We thereby identified Glu159 and Tyr246 as essential for RNA sealing activity in vitro and for tRNA repair in vivo. Structure-activity relationships at Glu159 and Tyr246 were clarified by conservative substitutions. Eliminating the phosphate-binding Tyr37, and the magnesium-binding Asp272 and Asp273 side chains had little impact on sealing activity in vitro or in vivo, signifying that not all atomic interactions in the active site are critical for function. Analysis of mutational effects on individual steps of the ligation pathway underscored how different functional groups come into play during the ligase-adenylylation reaction versus the subsequent steps of RNA-adenylylation and phosphodiester formation. Moreover, the requirements for sealing exogenous preformed RNA-adenylate are more stringent than are those for sealing the RNA-adenylate intermediate formed in situ during ligation of a 5'-PO4 RNA.  相似文献   

RNA ligase type 1 from bacteriophage T4 (Rnl1) is involved in countering a host defense mechanism by repairing 5'-PO4 and 3'-OH groups in tRNA(Lys). Rnl1 is widely used as a reagent in molecular biology. Although many structures for DNA ligases are available, only fragments of RNA ligases such as Rnl2 are known. We report the first crystal structure of a complete RNA ligase, Rnl1, in complex with adenosine 5'-(alpha,beta-methylenetriphosphate) (AMPcPP). The N-terminal domain is related to the equivalent region of DNA ligases and Rnl2 and binds AMPcPP but with further interactions from the additional N-terminal 70 amino acids in Rnl1 (via Tyr37 and Arg54) and the C-terminal domain (Gly269 and Asp272). The active site contains two metal ions, consistent with the two-magnesium ion catalytic mechanism. The C-terminal domain represents a new all alpha-helical fold and has a charge distribution and architecture for helix-nucleic acid groove interaction compatible with tRNA binding.  相似文献   

Equimolar addition of oligoribonucleotides with T4 RNA ligase.   总被引:16,自引:15,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
T4 induced RNA ligase will join equimolar concentrations of two oligoribonucleotides, (Ap)3C and p(Up) 5, to form a single product, (Ap)3Cp(Up) 5, in high yield. The presence of the 3' phosphate on p(Up)5 prevents the oligomer from adding to itself. The pH optimum of the reaction is about 7.5, but less of the undesirable adenylated intermediate, App(Up) 5, forms at pH 8.2. The reaction rate is a linear function of oligomer concentration from 3 micronM to 0.6 mM. The data suggest that T4 RNA ligase will be a useful enzyme for the synthesis of oligomers of defined sequence.  相似文献   

Here we report that bacteriophage T4 RNA ligase 2 (Rnl2) is an efficient catalyst of RNA ligation at a 3'-OH/5'-PO(4) nick in a double-stranded RNA or an RNA.DNA hybrid. The critical role of the template strand in approximating the reactive 3'-OH and 5'-PO(4) termini is underscored by the drastic reductions in the RNA-sealing activity of Rnl2 when the duplex substrates contain gaps or flaps instead of nicks. RNA nick joining requires ATP and a divalent cation cofactor (either Mg or Mn). Neither dATP, GTP, CTP, nor UTP can substitute for ATP. We identify by alanine scanning seven functionally important amino acids (Tyr-5, Arg-33, Lys-54, Gln-106, Asp-135, Arg-155, and Ser-170) within the N-terminal nucleotidyl-transferase domain of Rnl2 and impute specific roles for these residues based on the crystal structure of the AMP-bound enzyme. Mutational analysis of 14 conserved residues in the C-terminal domain of Rnl2 identifies 3 amino acids (Arg-266, Asp-292, and Glu-296) as essential for ligase activity. Our findings consolidate the evolutionary connections between bacteriophage Rnl2 and the RNA-editing ligases of kinetoplastid protozoa.  相似文献   

A technique for isolation of RNA-ligase of bacteriophage T4 was proposed. It is mainly based on the using of Soviet materials and sorbents and includes seven purification stages. The technique enables to isolate about 80 000 units of active enzyme from 100 g of E. coli B cells infected with the phage. T4am N82; that makes up 20% of the activity of the cell extract. The obtained preparations of RNA-ligase are homogeneous by the data of electrophoresis and practically, free of endo- and exonuclease admixtures.  相似文献   

Location of the adenylylation site in T4 RNA ligase   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The purification of the enzyme T4 RNA ligase is described from an Escherichia coli strain, KR54, in which the RNA ligase gene (g63) has been inserted into the plasmid pDR540 for inducible expression of g63 from the tac promoter. Adenylylation of the purified enzyme with [14C]rATP followed by digestion with chymotrypsin yielded an adenylylated peptide, the identity of which was determined by fast-atom-bombardment mass spectrometric analysis. The results show that the AMP residue is bound covalently to the lysine at position 99 of the RNA ligase protein sequence.  相似文献   

A method of the solid-phase enzymic synthesis of oligoribonucleotides has been suggested. The donor is fixed through its 3'-end on a water-insoluble matrix followed by the stepwise RNA ligase- and T4 polynucleotide kinase-assisted coupling of trinucleoside diphosphates in the 5'-direction. As an example, (pA)6pAox was immobilised on Biogel P-300 hydrazine and the RNA ligase-catalyzed addition of acceptor ApApA to the donor gave (Ap)9 with the 50% yield.  相似文献   

3'-O-(5'-phosphoryldeoxycytidyl) phosphorothioate and fluorescent 3'-O-(5'-phosphoryldeoxycytidyl) S-bimane phosphorothioate can be ligated to tRNA by T4 RNA ligase. They are also efficient donors for the enzymatic ligation to oligodeoxynucleotides bearing a 3'-cytidine terminus. Cytidine 3',5'-bisphosphate is also a substrate for the ligation reaction with DNA restriction fragments with a 3'-terminate cytidylic acid residue. Oligo- and polynucleotides with a 3'-phosphorothioate group react readily with electrophiles as exemplified by the reaction with monobromobimane.  相似文献   

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