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Synopsis The timing and spatial pattern of gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedianum, spawning were markedly affected by a temperature gradient caused by the release of hypolimnetic water from an upstream reservoir into the middle reaches of the Savannah River. During 1983 and 1984, a distinct thermal gradient occurred with the warmest temperatures at the downstream end of the 257 km study reach and the coolest temperatures at the upstream end. The occurrence of gizzard shad larvae indicated that spawning began at the sample stations farthest downstream and progressed upstream, peaking at each sample station when it warmed to approximately 19° C. The estimated difference in date of peak density of larvae between the upstream and downstream ends of the gradient was 23 days in 1983 and 35 days in 1984. Because of this pattern, densities of larvae were highest at the downstream end of the study area early in the spawning season and highest at the upstream end of the study area late in the spawning season.Photoperiod and daylength appeared unrelated to the patterns under study. Far-reaching effects of anthropogenic temperature changes on fish spawning and the distribution of larvae are probably common in rivers that receive hypolimnetic discharge.  相似文献   

In the light gradient installation, the larvae of European river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis of 0+ age, migrating downstream (downstream migrants), are distributed predominantly over the zone of dusk illumination (150–1 lx) and less so over the daylight zone (2500–150 lx) and night illumination zone (<1 lx). In 0+ larvae that passed over to the sedentary lifestyle, the photopreferendum changes: they avoid the dusk and daytime illumination and prefer nighttime illumination. Such photopreferendum is retained in later larvae of lamprey (1+ and older).  相似文献   

Lake sturgeon larval drift is not uniform in time or space and subsequent efforts to determine the relative abundance have suffered because of the lack of information during this early life history period. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the early life history of lake sturgeon, determine the extent and duration of lake sturgeon larval drift, and examine this relationship to water flow and temperature in the Upper Black River, Michigan. This study also compares the results of other studies to further evaluate the dispersion of larvae. Larval production was quantified using drift nets anchored to the stream bottom from May to June in 2000–2002. Larval drift nets captured 780 larvae in 2000; 2975 larvae in 2001; and 2041 larvae in 2002. For the 2000, 2001, and 2002 spawning season, we estimated that 7107 (95% CL: ± 1470), 17 409 (95% CL: ± 5163), and 15 820 (95% CL: ± 3168) larval lake sturgeon were produced in the Upper Black River (UBR), respectively. Catch per unit effort values of drifting larvae were greatest after peak water flows, with most larvae captured in the middle of the river channel. A mean daily water temperature above 16°C was an important environmental stimulus that influenced peak larval dispersion away from spawning sites. The results of this study suggested that natural reproduction was still occurring in the Black Lake system.  相似文献   

1. The effects of spawning coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) on the limnephilid caddisfly Ecclisomyia conspersa were evaluated by experimentally excluding salmon from the upper 14‐m stretch of a spawning channel by a wire‐meshed fence. Density, and development and growth rates, of larvae upstream of the fence (without salmon) were compared with those downstream (with salmon). 2. Larval density in the stretch with salmon declined during spawning, but increased again after spawning subsided and the carcasses of dead fish became available. In the stretch with salmon, larval density on salmon carcasses was seven to 37 times greater than on the adjacent channel substratum. The rate of larval development in the stretch with salmon was greater than that in the stretch without salmon. Two months after carcasses became available, 98% of larvae sampled from the stretch with salmon were in the fifth instar, compared to only 23% from the stretch without salmon. Body weight of E. conspersa in the stretches with and without salmon increased by an average of 3.04 and 2.38 mg, respectively, over a 6‐month period. 3. 15N values of larvae from the stretch with salmon increased following the arrival of the fish, suggesting that the larvae were feeding on salmon‐derived material, such as eggs and carcasses, which contain a high proportion of the heavier stable isotope. In contrast, 15N values of larvae from the stretch without salmon remained relatively constant throughout the experiment. The availability of salmon carcasses as a high‐quality food source late in larval development may increase survival and fecundity of E. conspersa. 4. These substantial differences were consistent with the view that they were due to the experimental exclusion of salmon and salmon carcasses from the upstream stretch, though the study was un‐replicated and thus precludes ascribing causation more definitely.  相似文献   

We conducted laboratory experiments with Volga River Russian sturgeon, Acipenser gueldenstaedtii, to develop a conceptual model of early behavior. We daily observed fish from day-0 (embryos, first life interval after hatching) to day-29 feeding larvae for preference of bright habitat and cover, swimming distance above the bottom, up- and downstream movement, and diel activity. Hatchling embryos initiated a downstream migration, which suggests that predation risk of embryos at spawning sites is high. Migration peaked on days 0–5 and ceased on day 7 (8-day migration). Migrants preferred bright, open habitat and early migrants swam-up far above the bottom (maximum daily median, 140cm) in a vertical swim tube. Post-migrant embryos did not prefer bright illumination but continued to prefer white substrate, increased use of cover habitat, and swam on the bottom. Larvae initiated feeding on day 10 after 170.6 cumulative temperature degree-days. Larvae did not migrate, weakly preferred bright illumination, preferred white substrate and open habitat, and swam near the bottom (daily median 5–78cm). The lack of a strong preference by larvae for bright illumination suggests foraging relies more on olfaction than vision for locating prey. A short migration by embryos would disperse wild sturgeon from a spawning area, but larvae did not migrate, so a second later migration by juveniles disperses young sturgeon to the sea (2-step migration). Embryo and larva body color was light tan and tail color was black. The migration, behavior, and light body color of Russian sturgeon embryos was similar to species of Acipenser and Scaphirhynchus in North America and to Acipenser in Asia that migrate after hatching as embryos. The similarity in migration style and body color among species with diverse phylogenies likely reflects convergence for common adaptations across biogeographic regions.  相似文献   

Thomson JR  Clark BD  Fingerut JT  Hart DD 《Oecologia》2004,140(3):533-542
Larval black flies often exhibit spatially aggregated distributions, and individuals within patches can potentially reduce the supply of suspended food particles to downstream neighbors by modifying local flow characteristics. We used hot-film anemometry to quantify the magnitude and spatial extent of flow modifications downstream from feeding Simulium vittatum larvae in a laboratory flume, and to determine whether temporal patterns of flow variation are related to movements of the larval feeding appendages. Mean velocity 1 mm downstream from feeding larvae was reduced by 75%, and the percent reduction in velocity diminished asymptotically with downstream distance. Reduced velocities were evident as much as 60 mm downstream from, and 3 mm to either side of, larvae. Turbulence intensity (i.e., the SD of the velocity time series) was generally higher in this region relative to control flow conditions. Three results demonstrate the major contribution of the larval feeding appendages (i.e., labral fans) to such flow modification. First, there was a minimal reduction in mean velocity 5 mm downstream from non-feeding larvae (i.e., with closed labral fans), whereas mean velocity at the same location was reduced markedly when larvae were feeding. Second, the power spectrum of the velocity time series exhibited greatest power at frequencies that corresponded to the frequency of labral fan motions. Third, fan flick times accounted for most of the variance in the velocity power spectrum. The large local flow modifications that we documented have potentially important consequences for the feeding performance and growth of individuals located within larval aggregations, and are likely to influence behavioral interactions and spacing patterns.  相似文献   

We conducted laboratory studies on the ontogenetic behavior of free embryos (first life interval after hatching) and larvae (first feeding interval) of pallid and shovelnose sturgeon. Migration styles of both species were similar for timing of migration (initiation by embryos on day 0 after hatching and cessation by larvae on days 12–13 at 236–243 cumulative temperature degree units), migration distance (about 13km), life interval when most distance was moved (embryo), and diel behavior of embryos (diurnal). However, the species differed for two behaviors: movement characteristics of embryos (peak movement rate of pallid sturgeon was only one-half the peak rate of shovelnose sturgeon, but pallid sturgeon continued the lower rate for twice as long) and diel behavior of larvae (pallid sturgeon were diurnal and shovelnose sturgeon were nocturnal). Thus, the species used different methods to move the same distance. Migrating as poorly developed embryos suggests a migration style to avoid predation at the spawning site, but moving from spawning habitat to rearing habitat before first feeding could also be important. Migrants of both species preferred bright habitat (high illumination intensity and white substrate), a behavioral preference that may characterize the migrants of many species of sturgeon. Both species were remarkably similar for swimming height above the bottom by age, and day 7 and older migrants may swim far above the bottom and move far downstream. A migration of 12 or 13 days will probably not distribute larvae throughout the population's range, so an older life interval likely initiates a second longer downstream migration (2-step migration). By day 2, individuals of both species were a black-tail phenotype (light grey body with a black-tail that moved conspicuously during swimming). Aggregation behavior suggests that black-tail is a visual signal used for group cohesion.  相似文献   

Tunas show a wide variety of life history strategies, spatial distributions and migratory behaviors, yet they share a common trait of spawning only in tropical and sub-tropical regions. The warm-water tuna species generally show significant overlap between spawning and feeding grounds, and longer spawning seasons of several months to near year-round. In contrast, the cool-water bluefin tunas migrate long distances between feeding and spawning grounds, and may spawn over periods as short as 2 months. Here, we examine the spatial distributions of tuna larvae in the world’s oceans, and examine interspecific differences in the light of adult behaviors and larval ecology. We discuss the links between larval tuna and their oceanographic environments and relate these to current knowledge of larval growth, feeding and trophodynamics, with a focus on the better-studied bluefin tunas. We show that larval tunas have moderate to fast growth rates and selective feeding habits, and thus appear to be adapted for survival in warm, oligotrophic seas. We also examine the challenges of sustainably managing species which migrate across multiple management boundaries to reach spatio-temporally restricted spawning grounds and discuss the previous and future anthropogenic impacts on tuna spawning areas.  相似文献   

A hypothesis on change in prey size selectivity in relation to illumination level was tested on the basis of data on weight and size composition of the content of the digestive tract of larvae of perch Perca fluviatilis and on zooplankton in the layer 0–6 m (Wallersee Lake, Austria). Larvae foraging in the twilight-night period had almost two times more food in the intestine than those foraging in the daytime. The size composition of perch larvae and concentration and size composition of zooplankton hardly differed in the daytime and twilight-night samples. For the first time, it is shown on field material that more intensive feeding of larvae at twilight is related to selection of significantly larger prey than in daytime feeding. In the day-time, the larvae consumed more prey but their maximum size did not exceed 0.6 of the diameter of mouth opening of the fish; at twilight it was over 0.8. In case of feeding on so large prey, not only the weight of the consumed feed increases but the time used for capture and swallowing also considerably increases. The larvae which in the period of investigation did not yet form schools, which perform the principal defensive function, were especially vulnerable for predators feeding on relatively large prey. The decrease of the part of small-sized prey at twilight is not related to their lesser availability due to a low illumination. It is assumed that feeding on energetically more valuable but less available prey is shifted to the period of low illumination when the larvae are less exposed to predation risk. The obtained results are discussed from positions of the triotroph concept (Manteifel’, 1961).  相似文献   

The feeding habits of brown trout Salmo trutta fry were studied during the critical first feeding period in a natural spawning and nursery stream. A low proportion of the fry initiated exogenous feeding before emergence from the gravel, and while having nearly 30% of the yolk sac remaining. This probably reflected low feeding motivation or limited feeding opportunities within the gravel environment. The majority of the fry started feeding after emergence, and after most or all yolk was absorbed. Some fry emerged with large amounts of yolk remaining, while others emerged after yolk exhaustion. The degree of stomach fullness revealed that feeding was more efficient after a territory had been acquired. The diets of the young fry were dominated by chironomid larvae, followed by zooplankton and Plecoptera larvae. Fry dispersing downstream and out of the nursery area were significantly smaller than resident fry, indicating displacement due to competition for territories. The majority of the downstream dispersing fry had initiated feeding, and there was at this point no evidence of starvation in any of the fry. It therefore appeared that the later emerging fry actively migrated out of the overpopulated nursery area to find available territories further downstream.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1, Microhabitats chosen by young grayling ( Thymallus thymallus L.) were investigated by electrofishing. The first feeding habitat was marginal areas where water velocity did not exceed 15 cms−1. Fry fed on drift in the first 10 cm of the water column below the surface. This location was very stable during the first weeks of growth (mid-April to mid-May). When they were 3–3.5 cm long, fry began using benthic areas and gradually moved away from the banks towards the channel.
2. A downstream migration was noted from the beginning of emergence (mid-April) to the end of May. This mainly nocturnal movement involved all fish sizes and caused a complete removal of young-of-the-year by June from the spawning tributary.  相似文献   

We studied ontogenetic behavior, migration, and wintering behavior of young Klamath River green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, in the laboratory to provide insight into likely behavior of wild sturgeon. Hatchling free embryos preferred cover but were poor swimmers and could not move farther than a few centimeters to cover. The poor swimming ability and cover preference of hatchlings suggests evolution for habitat selection of females to place eggs in habitat with cover for eggs (and hatchlings), and for egg characteristics (large, dense, and weakly adhesive) to cause rapid sinking into cover without drifting. A day or so after fish developed into larvae (first life interval feeding exogenously), day-12 larvae initiated a 12-day downstream nocturnal migration. A totally nocturnal migration is unlike other Acipenser migrants yet studied. Migrant larvae had a dark-colored body typical of other Acipenser species that migrate as larvae. Tail color was a dark black (black-tail phenotype) only during the early larva period, suggesting a morphological adaptation for migration, foraging, or both. Post-migrant larvae and early juveniles to day 84 foraged diurnally with a nocturnal activity peak. Day 110–181 juveniles moved downstream at night until water temperature decreased to about 8°C, indicating wild juveniles migrate downstream to wintering habitat. Habitat preference of month 9–10 wintering juveniles suggests wild juveniles are in deep pools with low light and some rock structure. Wintering juveniles were only active at night. Initiation and cessation of daily activity was at dusk and dawn during illumination changes of <1.0lx. This sensitivity to illumination has not been found before in sturgeons. During the first 10months of life, nocturnal activity of early life intervals is a dominant feature of migration, foraging, and wintering.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology ofBarbus holubi, B. kimberleyensis, Labeo capensis andL. umbratus was examined in a large reservoir on the Orange River, South Africa. The findings are integrated into the existing knowledge on largeBarbus andLabeo species, which coexist in most river systems in Africa and Asia.LargeBarbus spawn on gravel beds within the river channel during floods in spring or summer. In continuously flowing regulated rivers, time of spawning is governed by water temperatures. They have moderate fecundity; large eggs, incubation time of several days and the larvae are initially immobile with large yolk sacs. In the impoundment, they spawn in the inflowing regulated river withB. kimberleyensis spawning four to six weeks later than the more cold-tolerantB. holubi, the dominant largeBarbus. Survival is generally good and the juveniles disperse throughout the lake, but unseasonal release of cold water from an upstream impoundment may cause poor reproductive success.In contrast,Labeo species generally spawn on newly flooded ground, usually leaving the main river channel. Spawning may or may not be preceded by a longitudinal migration. Labeos are relatively fecund with small (30%Barbus size) eggs which hatch quickly and the larvae swim in bursts up into the water column before sinking down again.L. capensis does not require a longitudinal spawning migration and breeds throughout the lake, depending on local conditions. Large temporal variation in gonadal development within the population can result in more than one spawning. Dispersal within the lake is poor.L. umbratus uses larger inflowing tributaries for spawning thanL. capensis and its juveniles have a much greater power of dispersal. Early dependence on external feeding and undependable occurrence of conditions for spawning and juvenile feeding makes for variable reproductive success.  相似文献   

Mortality that occurs during larval dispersal as a consequence of environmental, maternal, and genetic effects and their interactions can affect annual recruitment in fish populations. We studied larval lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) drift for two consecutive nights to examine whether larvae from different females exposed to the same environmental conditions during dispersal differed in relative levels of mortality. We estimated proportional contributions of females to larval collections and relative larval loss among females as larvae dispersed downstream between two sampling sites based on genetically determined parentage. Larval collections were composed of unequal proportions of offspring from different females that spawned at upstream and downstream locations (~0.8 km apart). Hourly dispersal patterns of larvae produced from females spawning at both locations were similar, with the largest number of larvae observed during 22:00–23:00 h. Estimated relative larval loss did not differ significantly among females as larvae were sampled at two sites approximately 0.15 and 1.5 km from the last section downstream of spawning locations. High inter- and intra-female variation in larval contributions and relative larval loss between nights may be a common feature of lake sturgeon and other migratory fish species, and likely is a source of inter-annual and intra-annual variation in fish recruitment.  相似文献   

Guidelines for creating rearing substrate for sturgeon early life stages are needed for restoration programmes creating habitats for spawning and rearing of early life stages. To determine the effects of rock size on motile early life stages, experiments were conducted in artificial streams to observe the behaviour of free embryos and larvae of Kootenai River white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) relative to rock size. Most (≥90%) of the free embryos in replicate test streams with 100% gravel, 100% pebble, or 100% rubble hid under rocks, with few moving downstream. There was no difference in downstream movement of free embryos among rock treatments, therefore all rock types provided cover habitat. Similarly, in rock mixture tests, with a variable percentage of pebble, small rubble, or large rubble in different tanks, even fewer free embryos moved downstream. With increasing age, larvae increasingly used the open bottom and velocity refuges downstream of or alongside rocks of any size while drift feeding. Downstream movement of larvae in both rock regime tests was affected by rock size, with significantly reduced movement relative to increasing abundance of large rock (rubble). However, in all rock mixtures, free embryos (and later, larvae when they stopped dispersing) preferred the smallest rock size available (pebble; P = 0.0001). This suggests a strong innate preference of both life stages for small substrate that is likely related to increased survival. A rock mixture of 10% gravel (16–32 mm diameter) and 30–40% pebble (diameter, 30–60 mm) should provide adequate rearing substrate for free embryos and early‐larvae. The remaining 50–60% should be mixed rubble and boulders for spawning and egg rearing.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic behavior of Hudson River Atlantic sturgeon and Connecticut River shortnose sturgeon early life intervals were similar during laboratory observations. After hatching, free embryos were photonegative and sought cover. When embryos developed into larvae, fish left cover, were photopositive, and initiated downstream migration. Free embryos may remain at the spawning site instead of migrating downstream because the risk of predation at spawning sites is low. The two species are sympatric, but not closely related, so the similarities in innate behaviors suggest common adaptations, not phylogenetic relationship. Atlantic sturgeon migrated downstream for 12 days (peak, first 6 days), shortnose sturgeon migrated for 3 days, and year-0 juveniles of both species did not resume downstream migration. Short or long migrations of larvae may reflect different styles related to the total migratory distance from spawning sites to juvenile rearing areas. Atlantic sturgeon need to move a short distance to reach rearing areas and they had a long 1-step migration of 6–12 days. In contrast, shortnose sturgeon need to move a long distance to reach all rearing areas. This may be accomplished by a 2-step migration, of which the brief migration of larvae is only the first step. Early migrant Atlantic sturgeon were nocturnal, while late migrants were diurnal, and shortnose sturgeon were diurnal. These diel differences may also be adaptations for long (Atlantic sturgeon) or short (shortnose sturgeon) migrations. Cultured shortnose sturgeon, and possibly Atlantic sturgeon, have a dominance hierarchy with large fish dominant when competing for limited foraging space. Social behavior may be more important in the life history of wild sturgeons than is generally recognized.  相似文献   

The Rupert River is one of the largest tributaries on the east coast of James Bay. Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) is present all along the main stem where several spawning grounds have been located, four of which are major spawning grounds that have been studied at km 216, 281, 290 and 362. The total number of drifting larvae was estimated with drift nets set along transverse transects at km 212, 276, and km 287 from 2007 to 2009, and at km 361 in 2008 and 2009, using a new technique, namely, a Doppler current meter to measure water velocity within transect sub‐sections corresponding to Voronoï polygons. There was a substantial, persistent difference in the number of larvae produced by the four main spawning areas. On average, the most productive site (km 276) produced over five times more larvae than the least productive site (km 361). Average estimated numbers were 41,194 at km 212, 176,840 at km 276, 106,212 at km 287, and 30,642 at km 361. Temporal variations were of much less amplitude than spatial differences. Between 2007 and 2009, interannual variations were not significant, except at km 212, despite differences in river flow during incubation and larval drift. The number of gravid females and the quality of spawning grounds would likely be the main factors influencing the total number of larvae. Vertical distribution of larvae is variable between sites and years, and shows a slight tendency for larvae to be more surface oriented. Higher flow near the surface would partly explain larger surface drifting of larvae. Transverse distribution is uneven and often associated with the location of the spawning grounds and the river flow. Given the uneven vertical and transverse distribution of larvae, an effective sampling strategy should cover the complete water column and full river width. Where depth exceeds 3 m, at least two stacked nets are recommended. In large rivers, filtering close to 1% of total river flow should result in acceptable confidence intervals, allowing a good comparison of the number of larvae in space and time.  相似文献   

Researchers have hypothesised that influxes of pelagic zooplankton to river channels after floods and high flows are necessary for strong recruitment of some native fish species, including Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii) (Mitchell), in the Murray–Darling river system, Australia. This study investigated the composition of the diet and gut fullness of drifting Murray cod larvae weekly during two spawning seasons with contrasting flows, to determine if pelagic zooplankton comprised a greater proportion of the gut contents and guts were fuller in a high flow (2000) than in a low flow (2001) year. Gut fullness and yolk levels of 267 larvae were ranked, and prey identified to family level. Approximately 40 and 70% of individuals had been feeding in 2000 and 2001, respectively. Gut fullness increased with declining yolk reserves. Larvae in both the years had an almost exclusively benthic diet, irrespective of the flow conditions at the time. Substantial inundation of dry ground in 2000, albeit restricted to in-channel benches, anastomosing channels and oxbow lakes, did not lead to an influx of pelagic, floodplain-derived zooplankton subsequently exploited by Murray cod larvae. These results have the implications for the management of regulated temperate lowland rivers: high flows cannot automatically be assumed to be beneficial for the fish larvae of all species and their food resources, and caution should be exercised with the timing of flow releases.  相似文献   

The present paper reviews the effects of water temperature and flow on migrations, embryonic development, hatching, emergence, growth and life‐history traits in light of the ongoing climate change with emphasis on anadromous Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta. The expected climate change in the Atlantic is for milder and wetter winters, with more precipitation falling as rain and less as snow, decrease in ice‐covered periods and frequent periods with extreme weather. Overall, thermal limits for salmonids are species specific. Scope for activity and growth and optimal temperature for growth increase with temperature to an optimal point before constrain by the oxygen content of the water. The optimal temperature for growth decreases with increasing fish size and varies little among populations within species, whereas the growth efficiency may be locally adapted to the temperature conditions of the home stream during the growth season. Indirectly, temperature influences age and size at smolting through its effect on growth. Time of spawning, egg hatching and emergence of the larvae vary with temperature and selective effects on time of first feeding. Traits such as age at first maturity, longevity and fecundity decrease with increasing temperature whilst egg size increases with temperature. Water flow influences the accessibility of rivers for returning adults and speed of both upstream and downstream migration. Extremes in water flow and temperature can decrease recruitment and survival. There is reason to expect a northward movement of the thermal niche of anadromous salmonids with decreased production and population extinction in the southern part of the distribution areas, migrations earlier in the season, later spawning, younger age at smolting and sexual maturity and increased disease susceptibility and mortality. Future research challenges are summarized at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the biology of native fishes of the Murray-Darling Basin is based largely on studies conducted under hatchery conditions and on a limited number of recreationally important species. From observations that increases in water level in aquaculture ponds initiate spawning in some species, and from limited studies of wild fishes and studies in overseas floodplain river systems, a perception has emerged of the importance of flooding and the flood plain in the life cycles of Murray-Darling fishes in general. However, there is little confirmatory evidence of the use of temporary floodplain habitats by larvae, juveniles or adults. The significance of in-channel habitats, especially for rearing, has received little attention. Murray-Darling fish species can be placed into three life history modes, based mainly on spawning style and time and developmental intervals of larvae at first feeding. Fish in each group may be able to take advantage of floods if the timing is right and prey are plentiful, however, the larvae of some species are able to recruit under non-flood conditions within the main river channel. This forms the basis of the low flow recruitment hypothesis, which attempts to explain why some species spawn during the warmest months and lowest flows and how they are able to recruit under these conditions. This hypothesis is then placed in the context of the current state of knowledge of the relationships between flow and the biology of Murray-Darling fishes, specifically cues for spawning, movement and recruitment. The lack of widespread evidence for floodplain use by any life history interval of fish may be due to a paucity of study, however, there are some fundamental factors, such as the predictability of timing and duration of high flow events as well as the lack of coincidence of high flows and high temperatures in some regions of the Basin, which may be important in determining the use of floodplain habitats by fish.  相似文献   

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