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In the last century, coyotes (Canis latrans) have expanded their range geographically, but have also expanded their use of habitats within currently occupied regions. Because coyotes are not morphologically adapted for travel in deep snow, we studied coyote space use patterns in a deep-snow landscape to examine behavioral adaptations enabling them to use high elevations during winter. We examined the influence of snow depth, snow penetrability, canopy cover, and habitat type, as well as the rates of prey and predator track encounters, on coyote travel distance in high-elevation terrain in northwestern Wyoming, USA. We backtracked 13 radio-collared coyotes for 265.41 km during the winters of 2006–2007 and 2007–2008, and compared habitat use and movement patterns of the actual coyotes with 259.11 km of random travel paths. Coyotes used specific habitats differently than were available on the landscape. Open woodlands were used for the majority of coyote travel distance, followed by mixed conifer, and closed-stand spruce–fir. Prey track encounters peaked in closed-stand, mature Douglas fir, followed by 50- to 150-year-old lodgepole pine stands, and 0- to 40-year-old regeneration lodgepole pine stands. Snowmobile trails had the most variation between use and availability on the landscape (12.0 % use vs. 0.6 % available). Coyotes increased use of habitats with dense canopy cover as snow penetration increased and rates of rodent and red squirrel track encounters increased. Additionally, coyotes spent more time in habitats containing more tracks of ungulates. Conversely, use of habitats with less canopy cover decreased as snow depth increased, and coyotes traveled more directly in habitats with less canopy cover and lower snow penetration, suggesting coyotes used these habitats to travel. Coyotes persisted throughout the winter and effectively used resources despite deep snow conditions in a high-elevation environment.  相似文献   

The fractal dimension of road networks emerges as a measure of the complexity of road transport infrastructures. In this study, we measured fractal dimensions of both the geometric form (i.e., the layout of the roads) and structure hierarchy (i.e., the connections among roads) of the major road networks in the largest 95 U.S. metro areas. We explained the causes of the variances in these fractal dimensions, especially the one for structure hierarchy. Further, we hypothesized the impacts of these fractal dimensions on the urban built environment and validated our hypotheses using path analysis. We found that a larger geometric fractal dimension (Dg) shows a more uniform distribution of roads over the metro area, which provides the accessibility to suburban areas and incentives to low-density development. A larger structural fractal dimension (Ds) indicates the highly-connected roads (e.g., highways) tend to join to other highly-connected roads so that most roads can be reached by a small number of neighboring roads (i.e., the small-world phenomenon). As Ds increases and the small-world effect become more significant, daily vehicle miles traveled per capita (DVMT/Cap) decline. However, Ds should be kept low in order to reduce the DVMT/Cap as population size increases. We consider that the low Ds can contribute to more mixed, polycentric and more uniform on an urban area-wide basis. Overall, higher Dg and Ds of the major road network in a metro area leads to higher per capita carbon emissions of transport, and lower quality of life as population increases. In the end, we conclude that fractal dimensions can provide valuable insight into the nature of the transportation land use nexus.  相似文献   

Radio-collared coyotes (Canis latrans) were relocated every 15 min during continuous 24-h sampling periods. The data were used to estimate patterns of home-range use by coyotes. Utilization of the the home range was found to vary spatially and behaviourally. Spatial use was determined by relative amounts of time coyotes spent and amounts of distance they travelled within each are of their home ranges. Behavioural use was based on identification of three types of movement patterns that werew postulated to represent three general kinds of behaviour: (1) resting behaviour, (2) hunting or investigative behavour, and (3) ranging or traveling behaviour. Spatial and behavioural uses of the home range area were found to be interrelated; core areas in which animals spent most of their time were also used primarily for resting or hunting. In areas in which animals spent little time, coyotes exhibited primarily ranging behaviour. Use patterns were postulated to be the result of coyotes' selection of areas due to unique vegetal, faunal, or physiogfaphic characteristics. Temporal variatrions in home-range use were found and were postulated to result from seasonal and diel changes in coyote behaviour due to the annual reproductive cycle, the seasonal and diel cycle of temperature, possible cycles in prey behaviour.  相似文献   

Sterilization of wild canids is being used experimentally in many management applications. Few studies have clearly demonstrated vasectomized and tubal-ligated canids will retain pair-bonding and territorial behaviors. We tested whether territory fidelity, space use, and survival rates of surgically sterilized coyote (Canis latrans) packs were different from sham-operated coyote packs. We captured and radio-collared 30 coyotes in December 2006. Sixteen of these animals were sterilized via vasectomy or tubal ligation, and 14 were given sham-surgeries (i.e., remained intact). We monitored these animals using telemetry and visual observations through 2 breeding seasons and 1 pup-rearing season from December 2006 to March 2008. Mean pack size was not significantly different between sterile and intact coyote packs. We found no difference in home range size between sterile and intact coyotes. We found differences in home range and core area overlap between sterile and intact coyote packs in some seasons; however, this difference may have existed prior to sterilization. Home range fidelity was not significantly different between sterile and intact coyotes. All coyotes had higher residency rates during the breeding season, with no differences between sterile and intact coyotes. Survival rates were correlated with biological season, but there were no differences in survival rates between sterile and intact coyotes. We concluded that surgical sterilization of coyotes did not affect territory fidelity, survival rates, or home range maintenance.  相似文献   

城市化在快速推进社会和经济发展的同时,也造成了严重的城市热环境问题,绿地被认为是降低城市温度的有效途径.以广州市核心城区为研究区域,基于2011年6月份和9月份的Landsat-5遥感影像提取城市地表温度信息,以高分辨率影像获得城市绿地信息,运用GIS空间分析和建模方法综合分析城市绿地景观格局的降温效应.结果表明,研究...  相似文献   

蓝绿空间作为城市绿色基础设施的重要组成部分,对促进城市热环境健康、改善局地微气候具有重要作用。利用Landsat 8遥感影像、土地利用等数据,基于辐射传输方程算法、K均值聚类算法、相关性分析等方法,量化了典型的高密度中心城区--北京五环快速路以内地区的1199块1hm2以上的蓝绿空间冷岛效应的表征指标,并分析与蓝绿空间规模、形状复杂度、景观组成、环境组成、植被覆盖等要素的相关关系,还根据蓝绿空间的不同降温特性进行分类,探讨每类蓝绿空间在缓解高密度中心城区热岛效应中的独特作用、优势与机制。结果表明:(1)蓝绿空间的规模、形状复杂度、景观组成等景观要素与冷岛效应的关系显著,如总面积、绿地面积和水体面积与降温幅度、降温范围、降温服务呈显著正相关,与降温效率和降温速率呈显著负相关;周长与降温范围、降温服务呈显著正相关,与降温效率和速率呈显著负相关;周长面积比与降温幅度和降温服务呈显著负相关,与降温效率和蓝绿空间自身温度呈显著正相关,而形状指数则与降温范围和降温服务呈显著正相关。(2)蓝绿空间的环境要素与冷岛效应也存在相关关系。蓝绿空间之间会产生冷岛效应的协同与促进现象,蓝绿空间降温范围内的其他蓝绿空间的总面积与该蓝绿空间的降温幅度、降温范围、降温服务和辐射距离呈显著正相关,与蓝绿空间自身温度呈显著负相关。(3)蓝绿空间的总面积、水体面积、周长与降温幅度之间,周长面积比与降温效率之间存在阈值,为节约土地资源、保证降温效果,建议不应过多超过阈值。(4)基于蓝绿空间在降温幅度、效率、辐射距离等方面的差异,将蓝绿空间划分为4类。高密度中心城区蓝绿空间规划建设应充分评估区域降温需求,了解蓝绿空间降温现状,合理配置具有不同降温特性和优势的蓝绿空间,在土地和资金有限的情况下,充分发挥各类蓝绿空间的冷岛效应。本研究有助于政府和规划师摸清当前蓝绿空间冷岛效应的现状、问题和发展潜力,对理论和实践具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

From June to September, 2016, 100 catch basins in eight parking areas were monitored weekly for the presence of mosquito pupae in the operational area of the North Shore Mosquito Abatement District (NSMAD) located just north of Chicago, IL, U.S.A. Weekly results from these basins were compared to weekly samples taken from residential street catch basins, the most common type of catch basin treated seasonally by the NSMAD with larvicides. Over the 17 study weeks, residential street basins had a mean rate of productivity (pupae per basin‐visit) 12 times that of parking area catch basins. The two parking area sites with the highest mean rate of productivity were associated with county forest preserves. Productivity in both street and parking area basins was positively associated with the presence of three or more deciduous trees within 20 m of basins and if they were located directly adjacent to curbs. Alternatively, productivity was negatively associated with the proportion of impervious surface within 10 m of basins and weekly rainfall. Findings suggest that reduced catch basin larvicide applications may be appropriate in many parking area sites.  相似文献   

当前,我国城市化进程已由外延式的扩张逐步转变为内涵式发展.集约利用土地资源,构建“紧凑城市”变得越来越迫切.然而,集约利用土地意味着更少的土地资源承载更多的城市要素,人们对环境污染,特别是大气环境污染会变得越来越敏感,研究城市土地集约利用水平对大气污染的影响具有重要意义.本研究以南昌市中心城区为研究区,采用普通克里格插值法模拟6种主要大气污染物(PM2.5、PM10、SO2、NO2、CO、O3)浓度的空间分布,基于土地利用样本区,选择综合容积率、建筑密度、人口密度等16个土地集约利用水平相关变量,采用偏最小二乘回归与通径分析方法,定量分析土地集约利用水平对大气污染物的影响.结果表明: 土地集约利用水平相关变量与PM2.5和PM10的相关性最强,其次是O3和NO2,与SO2和CO的相关性最弱;不同土地利用样本区土地集约利用水平变量与6类主要大气污染物的相关性强弱依次为:居住区>教育区>商业区>工业区.土地集约利用水平越高,对大气污染物的影响越大,其中PM2.5与PM10的影响最大,其次是O3,NO2的影响较小.各土地利用样本区土地集约利用水平对大气污染物的直接影响、间接影响和综合影响基本相当,但总体而言,土地集约利用水平的直接影响大于间接影响,其中,居住区土地集约利用水平的综合影响最大,其次是商业区,最小的是教育区.本研究为土地集约利用对大气环境的影响研究提供了新的思路,为解决紧凑城市大气环境问题提供了一定的参考.  相似文献   

张童  陈爽  郑涛  徐丽婷  熊传合  马丽雅 《生态学报》2022,42(24):9945-9956
生态空间质量能够反映自然环境的优劣程度及其生态服务对人类社会的适宜能力。基于国土空间高质量发展理念,结合湿地生态健康快速评价法,从生境自然性、景观稳定性、环境适宜性和管理调控度等维度构建了适用于城市滨江地区的生态空间质量评价的指标体系,通过现场打分和主成分分析等方法,对长江南京段生态空间质量进行诊断。结果表明:总体上,南京滨江生态空间综合质量处于中等水平,生态斑块在土地利用类型和空间分布上具有显著差异,这与人类活动干扰密切相关。其中,生境自然性的数量等级分布均衡,斑块间具有明显的空间自相关性;景观稳定性的数量等级具有“两头高、中间低”的态势,且呈现距长江越近指标越优的分布格局;环境适宜性与管理调控度表现优良,城市化水平越高的区域,生态空间的管控水平越高。研究结果对国土空间规划和长江岸线生态廊道建设具有一定的理论与实践价值。  相似文献   

Understanding some aspects of the ecology of the house mouseMus musculus Linnaeus, 1758 in an urban area may be crucial to decide materials or strategies for pest control. The aim of this study was to examine microhabitat use byM. musculus in vacant lots in the urban area of Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina. We livetrapped M. musculus in five vacant lots in summer and autumn of 2006, and in four vacant lots in summer and autumn of 2007. Variables influencing the use and not-use of trapping stations by the house mouse by season were identified with a logistic regression.M. musculus presence was closely associated with vegetation variables. In three of four analyzed seasons, the house mouse presence was positively associated with high values of vegetation volume and negatively associated with traps located close to walls. To control mouse presence in vacant lots, it would be important to minimize habitat complexity through the maintenance of a short vegetation cover and the avoidance of the important plant species growth forM. musculus.  相似文献   

作为居住区绿地景观重要的组成要素,公共活动空间是居民最为频繁使用的空间,对提高绿地生态系统文化服务,改善人居环境与提高居民健康具有重要意义。基于居民休闲娱乐文化感知,探讨居住区绿地公共活动空间的景感生态学效应,揭示多功能绿地景观对生态系统文化服务和景感营造的影响,可为居住区绿地的景观规划与设计提供重要的参考依据。以郑州市26个居住小区80个公共活动空间为研究对象,结合景感生态学理念,基于小区绿地公共活动空间的景感特征(植被覆盖、基础设施、遮荫率、管理水平、公共活动空间面积与类型)以及内部居民休闲娱乐文化活动特征的调查分析,探讨了城市居住区绿地公共活动空间的景感效应对绿地生态系统文化服务的影响。结果表明:(1)小区绿地不同类型公共活动空间提供的景感效应存在显著差异,水体的自然属性使其景感效应更丰富,文化服务价值最高。(2)小区绿地公共活动空间面积越大,居民的心理感知越强,景感体验越丰富,文化服务价值越高,增加公共活动空间面积是构建多功能绿地景观的直接通道。(3)公共活动空间的植被覆盖营造的视感与遮荫率营造的风感生态学效应较为显著,而基础设施的触感与清洁度的视感并未存在显著影响。(4)结合小区社会经济数据的多元回归分析结果表明,由公共活动空间面积营造的多样化景感对居民活动量的贡献最大,其次为公共活动空间的类型与小区户数。运用景感生态学理论和景感营造原则,在有限的空间内通过景观设计实现了景感载体化,改善和增加了绿地生态系统服务,能够缓解城市绿地的不公平性。未来城市居住区特别是高密度居住区应尽可能设置大面积的具有多功能特征的公共活动空间,而低密度居住区在绿地面积充足的前提下,可设置大面积自然水体和增设多类型的公共活动空间,以提高景感效应。  相似文献   

An investigation of air pollution in the Tehran metropolitan area between 1992-2000 indicated that there are significant amounts of nitrate ion (NO3-), over 30 kg/ha/year, deposited as wet deposition, compared to 13 kg/ha/year in the Chitgar Parkland near the Tehran metropolitan area. The amount of NO3- in warm seasons is twofold that of cold seasons, and there was a significant difference between cold and warm seasons. Annual wet deposition of ammonia (NH3) was 10 kg/ha/year in the Chitgar Parkland.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationships between vegetation area, edge length, and mammals in the urban woods of Daejeon Metropolitan City, South Korea. The vegetation patches included in this study varied from 2.1 to 501.0?ha in size. Surveys were conducted monthly between February and October 2015, with a survey route measuring 1?km in length and 10?m width established in each forest patch. Field signs of 14 species of mammals were recorded in the 33 chosen forest patches over the course of the study period, and the number of species in each patch varied from 2 to 11. Mammal species richness was positively correlated with vegetation area, and field sign frequency was positively correlated with vegetation area and negatively correlated with edge length. The field sign frequencies of large moles Mogera robusta, Siberian chipmunks Tamias sibiricus, leopard cats Prionailurus bengalensis, Korean hares Lepus coreanus, water deer Hydropotes inermis, and wild boars Sus scrofa were positively correlated with vegetation area. Moreover, that of large moles, leopard cats, Korean hares, and water deer were negatively correlated with edge length. Remnant vegetation area and edge length are the primary determinants of mammal species richness and field sign frequency in urban woods, highlighting the importance of vegetation patch size for mammal conservation in fragmented urban landscapes.  相似文献   

The study here presented deals with the problem of the dermatophytoses in Piedmont, with regard to their etiologic and, more generally, their epidemiologic aspects. From 586 patients who presented themselves at the Dermatology Clinic of the University of Turin, for mycological examinations, between the period of March–November 1979, 100 positive cases were selected. The study was set under way with the filling in of special forms for the epidemiologic investigation and with the classification of some species of fungi which had been isolated beforehand, using the methods of Ajello, Rebell and Taplin (1, 12). From the data collected, it was ascertained that the principal etiologic agents isolated were, in order of frequency: Microsporum canis, Tricophyton rubrum, Epidermophyton floccosum and T. mentagrophytes. The subjects that were affected most by these dermatophytes were the young (babies and schoolchildren) with the location of the infections being mostly in the scalp. As regards the period of manifestation, May–June and September–October were the periods with the highest incidence. It is noteworthy that the diffusion of the principal dermatophytes could be attributed to domestic animals such as cats and dogs.  相似文献   

With the aid of an integrated GIS/RS-based approach, methods including spatial autocorrelation, semivariance, and fractal analysis were used to quantitatively characterize the patterns of recent urban heat island (UHI) in the Shanghai metropolitan area during 1997 and 2004. Results show that newly emerging bare lands along the coastal areas and on the remote islands were well vegetated or developed for fishery, and therefore had the significant cooling effect. However, with the rapid expansion of the urbanized and urbaning landscapes, the heating effect of impervious surfaces increased in proportion. Spatial scales showed that the average size of homogeneous patches dominated with the urbanized and urbanizing areas increased remarkably, so did the extent and magnitude of hot spots. Given the growing extent and magnitude of UHI on two dates, dramatic land use and cover change in urban fringes and the major satellite towns significantly exacerbated the UHI effect on regional scale. As a whole, both the extent and magnitude of UHI in Shanghai have undergone a significant increase. Further, the patterns of UHI (as indicated by LSTs) implied the existence of spatial correlation on the small and meso scales. A directional analysis of the Hausdorff–Besicovitch dimension showed that in E–S profile of the city, the spatial dependency of UHI was mainly associated with structural variance. Relatively weak spatial dependency associated with structural variance also existed in the direction of NE–SW. As computed, the structural variation accounted for approximately 50% of the total variation. Therefore, random factors also played the significant role in causing the complexity in patterns of UHI.  相似文献   

绿色空间格局变化及其驱动机理——以南京都市区为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵海霞  王淑芬  孟菲  牛铭杰  骆新燎 《生态学报》2020,40(21):7861-7872
随着城镇化进程不断推进,绿色空间在生态环境维护和生活品质提升等方面作用逐渐凸显,对区域绿色、协调、可持续发展具有重要意义。以2000—2015年土地利用类型数据为基础,运用空间分析方法,揭示南京市绿色空间格局变化的特征与规律,并从经济驱动、政府调控、社会生长力等方面构建计量经济学模型解析其演变机理。结果显示:南京都市区绿色空间集中分布在远郊区与近郊区,中心城区少量零散分布,具有明显的空间梯度特征;总体规模呈减少趋势,近郊区减少最为剧烈,远郊区次之,主要以副城、新城的边缘式蚕食、中心城区及副城内吞式收缩为主,少量的新城穿孔式收缩和廊道式切割为辅。绿色空间格局变化受多种因素的共同驱动影响,产业发展、经济增长等经济驱动力是绿色空间减少的主导作用力,需求意愿等社会生长力的作用相对并不显著,而规划政策与公共投资等政府调控反而对绿色空间保护与建设具有一定正向作用。  相似文献   

基于电子导航地图POI的北京城区绿色空间服务半径分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,电子导航地图中的兴趣点(Point of Interest,POI)在城市地理与城市生态研究方面越来越受到重视。城市绿色空间对其居民的生产生活服务作用十分重要,城市绿地系统的配置是否科学对城市生态系统服务供需情况有着重要影响。利用北京城区五环以内的POI数据,采用核函数模拟出城市居民生产生活在空间分布上强弱程度的热力图,对该区域绿色空间实体不同半径服务区内的热力特征进行耦合分析。研究表明:北京市五环以内绿色空间实体500、750 m和1000 m典型服务半径的覆盖面分别占总面积的77.99%、91.55%和97.46%,从服务供给角度表现出空间分布格局相对均匀;但在绿色空间500 m服务半径内,仅覆盖了POI热力图中极高密度区中51.19%的地区,高密度区中54.78%的地区,中密度区中66.21%的区域,从服务需求角度表现出绿色空间分布格局明显不均衡。研究认为城市绿色空间在POI热度较高区域的主要商圈、人流密集区域匹配明显不足,需要通过增加绿地或疏解POI集中程度来缓解绿色空间供需矛盾。  相似文献   

In the wild, cover is used by animals to seek shelter from the elements, protection from predators and aggressive conspecifics and as a way to reduce inter-animal communication. Rearing environments for captive raised fowl often contain open areas that are lacking in complexity and that are greatly underused. As a result, use of space within pen-type enclosures is often not uniform. This paper investigates the effect of increased environmental complexity on the use of space by broilers. The experiment consisted of three cover treatments (mesh panels, frame panels and no cover) and three group sizes (80, 110 and 140). The vertical panels, constructed of PVC piping, were positioned in pen centers, while the pen centers in the no cover treatment were left empty. It was hypothesized that the provision of vertical panels to pen centers would attract birds into the central space and would lead to a more uniform distribution of birds. Using a grid-coordinate system set up in each pen, scan samples were taken on the use of space in each pen four times per day, 3 days per week from 5 to 44 days of age. Use of space in the central region for the two cover treatments was significantly higher than for the no cover treatment (P<0.0001). The effect of cover treatment on the mean percentage of birds using the central space was influenced by age (P<0.0001) and by group size (P<0.05). Differences in the use of space between the frame and mesh treatment were only found during week 1. In the side, end and middle regions surrounding the panels, use of space was influenced by cover treatment and age (P<0.0001). Over 80% of the use of pen center occurred at the ends and sides of the panels. These results support the hypothesis that the presence of vertical panels results in a more uniform distribution of birds within the pen by increasing the number of birds using the center.  相似文献   

任婷婷  周忠学 《生态学报》2019,39(7):2353-2365
研究城市化地区农业类型转变对农业生态系统服务与人类福祉的影响,对调控都市农业发展、维持农业生态系统服务以及提升农户福祉等具有重要意义。以西安都市圈两个农业类型转变的村庄为案例,通过入户调查对村域的生态系统服务价值及人类福祉进行测算,分析农业转型下生态系统服务与人类福祉的相互影响。结果表明:(1)农业结构转型过程中,以粮食耕种为主的马家村的生态系统服务价值由2000年141.88×10~4元减少至2017年117.58×10~4元(降幅为17.13%);而以蔬菜种植为主的火箭村生态系统服务价值由727.23×10~4元增长至1753.23×10~4元(增幅达141.08%),其变化主要源于农业劳动力、农户行为及农业类型的影响。(2)不同农业类型下人类福祉差异明显,以蔬菜种植为主的火箭村人类福祉比以粮食种植为主的马家村高出89%;表明由传统粮食种植转向现代都市农业可以提高人类福祉,在各福祉指标中农业纯收入对农户福祉影响最为显著。(3)不同农业类型下生态系统服务与人类福祉的相关程度不同,但都与农产品供给呈正相关,与农业纯收入呈负相关。以传统粮食种植为主的马家村村民对生态环境的关注度较低,而转向蔬菜种植的火箭村对水质等生态环境的关注度开始提高。生态系统服务价值和农户福祉的提升与农业类型显著相关,因此,可通过政府引导农户规划农业用地类型以优化景观格局,从而维持农业生态系统服务的可持续发展。  相似文献   

长株潭城市群生态屏障研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
夏本安  王福生  侯方舟 《生态学报》2011,31(20):6231-6241
构筑城市(群)生态屏障是我国生态建设的重点之一。高速城市化进程中,城市范围、征用土地、人口数量、建设规模不断扩大,生态安全形势日益严峻,生态环境保护压力不断加大。长株潭城市群是国家"两型"社会建设试验区,生态屏障建设备受关注。在广泛开展社会调研、专项调查、专题研究、学术讨论的基础上,根据景观生态学和保护生物学的相关原理,通过对区域生态压力、需求、承载力的分析,借助RS、GIS、GPS等现代高新技术,科学区划长株潭城市群生态屏障的空间层级、结构、布局、功能区,明确了各功能区的建设方向、目标,提出了分区管理和分级保护等具体空间管治措施,规划2020年前保护建设工程项目。研究结果表明,城市群必须根据生态环境承载能力,按生态隔离组团方式科学布局城市空间,预留足够的生态基地,优先构筑稳固的生态屏障;按照主体功能区划和目标定位,严格管治和合理布局生态用地,加强部门规划统筹协调,依法严格保护森林和湿地;加强公共财政转移支付和社会融资力度,抓紧实施生态屏障工程建设,努力改善环境质量,维护区域生态平衡,努力实现资源节约、环境友好、提高城市品位和综合竞争能力的社会发展目标。研究结果可为城市生态屏障建设提供科学方法和依据,同时也可为全国其它城市(群)生态屏障建设提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

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