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The new nematode species Monhystera longivaginata sp. n. and the rare species Mononchulus nodicaudatus (Daday, 1901) collected in waterbodies of Vietnam are described. M. longivaginata sp. n. is morphologically similar to M. paludicola de Man, 1881, but differs from it in a longer and slenderer tail in females, ocelli situated closer to the anterior end of the body, the presence of a postvulval gland cell, and a longer vagina. The genus Monhystera Bastian, 1865 is revised, and several species of this genus (M. lemani Juget, 1969, M. macramphus Filipjev, 1923, M. amabilis Gagarin, 1997, M. hamata Gagarin et Nguyen Vu Thanh, 2005, and M. melnikae Gagarin et Naumova, 2010) are transferred to the genus Eumonhystera Andrássy, 1981 as E. lemani (Juget, 1969) comb. nov., E. macramphus (Filipjev, 1929) comb. nov., E. amabilis (Gagarin, 1997) comb. nov., E. hamata (Gagarin et Nguyen Vu Thanh, 2005) comb. nov., and E. melnikae (Gagarin et Naumova, 2010) comb. nov.  相似文献   

This study of freshwater bivalves of the superfamily Pisidioidea was carried out in small waterbodies and watercourses of the central part of Vologda oblast in 2000–2005. It revealed 24 species from 13 genera and 3 families. The investigated bodies of water were grouped according to the similarity of the mollusk species composition. An analysis of the distribution of ecological and biogeographical groups of Pisidioidea was also made.  相似文献   

The species composition of ostracods in the zooperiphyton was determined in 45 waterbodies and watercourses of Tyumen oblast. A total of 58 species from seven families and 22 genera of the suborder Podocopa Sars, 1866, have been found: 30 species of the family Candonidae, 13 of Cyprididae, 8 of Cyridopsidae, 3 of Ilyocyprididae, 1 of Darwinulidae, 2 of Cytherideidae, and 1 of Limnocytheridae. Of these 58 species, 32 are recorded for the first time in the region; one of them is a Mediterranean species (Stenocypris sp.) from the cooling reservoir of Tyumen Thermal Power Station 1. The distribution and biogeography of the ostracods are described.  相似文献   

An annotated list of chironomid species from some waterbodies and watercourses of Mongolia identified by an imaginal developmental stage is presented. The list includes 97 species of 39 genera and 5 subfamilies: Tanypodinae (6 species), Diamesinae (1), Prodiamesinae (2), Orthocladiinae (33), and Chironominae (55). Of all found chironomid imagos, 11 species have been earlier identified for the Mongolian fauna, the other 86 species have been registered for the first time. The largest number of species has been recorded in Lake Sangiyn-Dalai—28; in Lake Ugiy and River Ider—19 species. In the rest of the lakes, the number of recorded species varies from 18 to 10 species, and in rivers, from 13 to 2. Most of the species are boreal and widespread. The number of Paleoarctic species amounts to 44 and Holarctic species amounts to 49.  相似文献   

Cnidaria species that were earlier unknown in the waterbodies of Saratov oblast have been found in this region in the last decade. Colonies of Cordylophora caspia (Pallas, 1771) were found on stems of Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. in the basin cooler of the Balakovo nuclear power plant (Saratov water reservoir), while the freshwater jellyfish Craspedacusta sowerbii Lankaster, 1880 was found in the Saratovka River (Volgograd water reservoir). It is possible that these species penetrate into waterbodies with foreign plants or are introduced by birds. Another possibility is that their discovery is due to a more thorough examination of the waterbodies’ biota.  相似文献   

The pro- and antioxidant statuses of apparently healthy adolescent Tofalar and Evenks of both sexes has been estimated and compared to those of the newcomer Caucasian people. Both girls and boys display an activation of adaptive-compensatory response relative to Caucasian newcomers, which manifests itself as a statistically significant increase in nonenzymatic components of the antioxidant defense system.  相似文献   

The indices of the zooplankton of various waterbodies and watercourses of the Great Lakes Depression (Mongolia) are analyzed. The maximum quantity of zooplankton is registered in freshwater bodies. Irrespective of the waterbody type, the greatest number and biomass of zooplankton are recorded in the littoral zone, where communities are characterized by a high abundance of rotifers, including the indicator species of eutrophic waters. This indicates a high degree of organic load from the catchment area. In comparison with the data obtained by the end of 1970s, the zooplankton biomass decreased with a concomitant increases in the shares of rotifers and cladocerans. These changes are most pronounced in the freshwater ecosystem. The quantitative development of the zooplankton of watercourses depends on the character of the river head, the location of sampling stations along the watercourse’s channel, and the water current velocity.  相似文献   

The new species Crocodorylaimus minor sp. n. is described, and Aporcella maitai (Yeates, 1967) comb. n. is redescribed. C. minor sp. n. resembles C. dadayi (Thorne et Schwanger, 1936), but differs from it in a shorter body, shorter odontostyle, absence of vulvar papillae, slenderer tail in females, and shorter spicules. Aporcelaimellus maitai Yeates, 1967 is transfered to the genus Aporcella Andrássy, 2002, taking the name Aporcella maitai (Yeates, 1967) comb. n. Aporcelaimellus heynsi Baqri et Jairajpuri, 1968 and Aporcelaimellus glandus Botha et Heyns 1991 are synonymized under Aporcella maitai (Yeates, 1967) comb. n. Identification keys to the valid species of the genera Crocodorylaimus and Aporcella are provided.  相似文献   

F. Zaffagnini 《Chromosoma》1973,40(4):443-450
Both parasitic and free-living females of a calf strain of Strongyloides papillosus have a chromosome number of 2n=4. Both forms reproduce by diploid parthenogenesis. Oocytes of parasitic females undergo only one homeotypic maturation division without homologous chromosome pairing (mitotic parthenogenesis). Oocytes of free-living females show normal pairing and disjunction of the homologous chromosomes, but only one diploid polar body is expelled (meiotic parthenogenesis). Reconstitution of the diploid chromosome number occurs by separation of the two sister chromatids of each univalent during or after anaphase I.This investigation was supported by the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (C.N.R.) of Italy.  相似文献   

Despite free-living nematodes being present in all types of limnetic habitats including unfavorable conditions that exclude many other meiobenthic invertebrates, they received less attention than marine and terrestrial forms. Two-fifths of the nematode families, one-fifth of the nearly 1800 genera and only 7% of the about 27,000 nominal species are recorded from freshwater habitats. The Dorylaimia are the most successful in freshwater habitats with nearly two-thirds of all known freshwater nematodes belonging to this subclass. Members of the subclass Enoplia are principally marine though include some exclusively freshwater taxa with extreme endemism. The subclass Chromadoria includes half of the freshwater nematode families and members of the Monhysterida and Plectida are among the most widely reported freshwater nematodes. Studies on freshwater nematodes show extreme regional bias; those from the southern hemisphere are extremely underrepresented, especially compared to European freshwater bodies. The majority of records are from a single biogeographic region. Discussion on nematode endemism is largely premature since apart from Lake Baikal, the nematofauna of ancient lakes as centers of speciation is limited and recent discoveries show high nematode abundance and diversity in cryptic freshwater bodies, underground calcrete formations and stromatolite pools potentially with a high number of new taxa. Guest editors: E.V. Balian, C. Lèvêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

The rotifer Kellicottia bostoniensis (Rousselet, 1908), which is common in North American water-bodies, has been recorded in 13 different lakes of the European part of Russia. A morphometric analysis has been made of populations from 7 lakes. The assumption has been made that the size of the spines of K. bostoniensis in small waterbodies depends on the presence of predators. Depth-related changes in density and viscosity in deep lakes with temperature stratification can also influence this feature.  相似文献   

The differences in the bacterio- and zooplankton communities of small- and medium-sized watercourses classified on the specifics of natural processes and consequences of anthropogenic activity in the territory of Voronezh oblast are described. Soil erosion, along with contamination of surface waters by industrial and municipal sewage and pesticides, has the greatest impact. The water current velocity, contamination by organic matter and nutrients, and the extent of macrophyte overgrowth affect the quantitative and qualitative composition of plankton in local parts of the studied watercourses.  相似文献   

The species composition of zooplankton in lakes, reservoirs, and watercourses of the Great Lakes Depression (Mongolia) is examined. Its changes depending on the type of water objects and water mineralization are shown. Under changes in the climate and the economic situation in Mongolia, the species diversity in fresh waterbodies is seen to increase, which is also due to species that are indicators of eutrophication. The minimum changes in the species composition take place in highly mineralized lakes where zooplankton is characterized by the lowest species diversity. The formation of the zooplankton faunistic composition corresponds to changes that were observed earlier in reservoirs of the Volga cascade. The species composition of zooplankton in watercourses varies significantly and depends on the character of the source of a river and its length.  相似文献   

The species composition of centrohelid heliozoa (Centrohelida) in saline and brackish inland water bodies and watercourses with salinity 2.0–42.2‰ was studied in the subarid zone of Russia. Nine species (Polyplacocystis ambigua, Pterocystis foliacea, Choanocystis ebelii, Acanthocystis astrakhanensis, A. dentata, A. myriospina, A. pectinata, A. taurica, A. turfacea) are new for saline and brackish inland waters. A. astrakhanensis and A. taurica are new for the fauna of Orenburg region. The first data on centrohelidian fauna in saline rivers of Elton region were obtained. The fauna comprises Polyplacocystis ambigua, Pterocystis foliacea, A. turfacea and Choanocystis ebelii. C. ebelii is new for the protist fauna of Russia. Five species (Polyplacocystis ambigua, Pterocystis foliacea, A. pectinata, A. dentata, A. taurica) were recorded for the first time in saline and brackish waters and described as eurihaline. Morphological diagnoses of Acanthocystis dentata and A. taurica were completed.  相似文献   

The species composition and quantitative parameters of free-living nematode fauna have been studied in an area of natural oil seeps off Cape Gorevoi Utes (Middle Baikal). A total of 34 species of 17 genera, 10 families, and 8 orders have been found, 18 of them endemic to Lake Baikal. The nematode fauna of bitumen volcanoes was found to be represented by three specialized species (Monhystera naphthera Gagarin et Naumova, 2010; Eumonhystera abyssalis Gagarin et Naumova, 2010; and Eutobrilus mirandus Gagarin et Naumova, 2011). Areas of the bottom with scattered oil seeps are dominated by eurybathic species endemic to Lake Baikal. The maximal values of nematode population density and maximum proportion of nematodes in the meiozoobenthos were recorded in areas directly adjacent to oil seeps.  相似文献   

The abundance of virio-and bacterioplankton and the role of viruses in the mortality of heterotrophic bacteria have been studied in three different mire water bodies (lagg, hollow, and stream) in the Shichengskoe raised bog. The abundance of bacteria (up to 93 million cells/mL) and viruses (up to 152 million particles/mL) reached very high values. Considerable differences were found between the mire water bodies in seasonal dynamics and average values of the studied parameters. The ratio of the number of virioplankton to the number of bacterioplankton (median values from 1.3 in a hollow to 5.6 in a stream) is in low ranges of values which are available in literature sources. Viruses did not have a considerable direct effect on bacterioplankton while lysing ≤7.8% of the bacterial production.  相似文献   

Exeplified by rove beetles from Shelekhov raion of Irkutsk oblast, the impact of industrial pollution on their forest communities is demonstrated. The taxonomic composition, relictivity categories, life forms, ecological and size groups, and biotopes are revealed, the index of similarity of the rove beetle complexes from investigated sites is analyzed. The numbers of ubiquists and saprophages decrease as the distance from the source of pollution increases; the species sensitivity to anthropogenic stress at the Shelekhov site is close to the critical level.  相似文献   

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