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While mechanobiological processes employ diverse mechanisms, at their heart are force-induced perturbations in the structure and dynamics of molecules capable of triggering subsequent events. Among the best characterized force-sensing systems are bacterial mechanosensitive channels. These channels reflect an intimate coupling of protein conformation with the mechanics of the surrounding membrane; the membrane serves as an adaptable sensor that responds to an input of applied force and converts it into an output signal, interpreted for the cell by mechanosensitive channels. The cell can exploit this information in a number of ways: ensuring cellular viability in the presence of osmotic stress and perhaps also serving as a signal transducer for membrane tension or other functions. This review focuses on the bacterial mechanosensitive channels of large (MscL) and small (MscS) conductance and their eukaryotic homologs, with an emphasis on the outstanding issues surrounding the function and mechanism of this fascinating class of molecules.  相似文献   

Rousset F 《Heredity》2002,88(5):371-380
This paper reviews and discusses what is known about the relationship between identity in state, allele frequency, inbreeding coefficients, and identity by descent in various uses of these terms. Generic definitions of inbreeding coefficients are given, as ratios of differences of probabilities of identity in state. Then some of their properties are derived from an assumption in terms of differences between distributions of coalescence times of different genes. These inbreeding coefficients give an approximate measurement of how much higher the probability of recent coalescence is for some pair of genes relative to another pair. Such a measure is in general not equivalent to identity by descent; rather, it approximates a ratio of differences of probabilities of identity by descent. These results are contrasted with some other formulas relating identity, allele frequency, and inbreeding coefficients. Additional assumptions are necessary to obtain most of them, and some of these assumptions are not always correct, for example when there is localized dispersal. Therefore, definitions based on such formulas are not always well-formulated. By contrast, the generic definitions are both well-formulated and more broadly applicable.  相似文献   

The occurrence of genital swellings was examined in adult female silvered langurs (Trachypithecus cristatus). In contrast to the exaggerated swellings found in cercopithecines and apes, genital swellings in silvered langurs are confined to the vulva and the surrounding perineum, but they may nevertheless convey information similar to that of exaggerated swellings (i.e., correlate with the receptive period and fertility). If so, genital swellings would be expected to occur most frequently in cycling females, and sexual behavior and male interest should most frequently involve females with swellings. Swellings during gestation, if they occur at all, should be most pronounced at the beginning. Swelling sizes (in three size categories) in nine adult females were examined throughout different reproductive states (cycling, pregnant, and lactating), and in relation to proceptivity, receptivity, and attractivity. Data were collected from November 2002 through March 2004 (on 500 of the 502 calendar days) at the Wildlife Conservation Society's Bronx Zoo. Female sexual behavior (proceptivity and receptivity) and male inspection (attractivity) were recorded each day for 6 hr by video camera (2,948 hr total) and analyzed as present or absent for each female day. Swellings were assessed directly (not from videotapes). In contrast to the predictions, swellings occurred significantly less frequently in cycling females (compared to pregnant females) and no regular, cyclic pattern could be detected. Some females conceived without a swelling. Female attractivity was independent of swellings but coincided with proceptive behavior. Swellings occurred most frequently in pregnant females, especially toward the end of the gestation period. Therefore, genital swellings in silvered langurs are not similar to exaggerated swellings or the smaller genital swellings that have been described for some other primates. It is currently not clear what they signal to conspecifics. Male behavior needs to be studied in more detail, and the hormonal basis for these swellings should be explored.  相似文献   

Aims As part of an initiative to improve and standardise our discharge summaries, we investigated the preferences of general practitioners (GPs) with regards to the information provided in summaries.Method Our study methods included sending a questionnaire to all GPs in our area gathering their views on what information to include in discharge summaries on first and on subsequent inpatient episodes.Results The response rate was 68%. Most GPs wanted a comprehensive first discharge summary, particularly stressing the importance of practical information. Subsequent discharge summaries could exclude case histories.Clinical implications Contrary to previous studies indicating a demand for brief reports, this survey indicates that the GPs surveyed value considerable detail in adult psychiatry discharge summaries. It is important to include these views in setting standards for the auditing process and before implementing changes.  相似文献   

Cerebral evoked potentials (EPs) in response to painful stimuli have been recorded since the 1970s. Based on the apparent relationship of the response amplitude to intensity of stimulation, these potentials are conventionally interpreted as reflecting the sensory-discriminative aspects of pain. As such, pain-EPs provide an objective measure for sensation of pain. An alternative interpretation regards the pain-EP as comprised of at least two overlapping components, one pain-specific, the other, a P300 wave. In the case of pain, the P300 may reflect the degree of discomfort or unpleasantness, thus reflecting the emotional-motivational aspect. To establish the nature of the pain-EP, mini doses of a benzodiazepine, counterbalanced with placebo, were given to 6 normal volunteers. Benzodiazepines decrease anxiety, and so diminish the emotional response to pain, but they have no analgesic effect. In all subjects, pain perception was unchanged, while the EP wave was almost completely obliterated. We conclude that the pain-EP reflects the emotional-motivational response to pain rather than the sensory-discriminative. Thus, it provides a useful neurophysiological tool for studying the emotions associated with pain.  相似文献   

The intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) and the dynamic equilibrium model (DEM) are influential theories in ecology. The IDH predicts large species numbers at intermediate levels of disturbance and the DEM predicts that the effect of disturbance depends on the level of productivity. However, various indices of diversity are considered more commonly than the predicted number of species in tests of the hypotheses. This issue reaches beyond the scientific community as the predictions of the IDH and the DEM are used in the management of national parks and reserves. In order to compare responses with disturbance among measures of biodiversity, we used two different approaches of mathematical modelling and conducted an extensive meta-analysis. Two-thirds of the surveyed studies present different results for different diversity measures. Accordingly, the meta-analysis showed a narrow range of negative quadratic regression components for richness, but not evenness. Also, the two models support the IDH and the DEM, respectively, when biodiversity is measured as species richness, but predict evenness to increase with increasing disturbance, for all levels of productivity. Consequently, studies that use compound indices of diversity should present logical arguments, a priori, to why a specific index of diversity should peak in response to disturbance.  相似文献   

Fish provide a wonderful opportunity to explore processes that shape and select cognitive ability. In this presentation, I will illustrate three aspects of work that my colleagues and I have used to investigate fish learning and memory over the last decade. First, I will discuss how comparing different populations sampled from contrasting habitats allows differences in cognitive ability to be related to the evolutionary ecology of the fish. I will use examples that have investigated how differences in learning ability between populations of the same species can arise. Here, the examples will be taken from the ubiquitous three‐spined stickleback, and a Panamanian poecilid, Brachyraphis .
The second approach has used fish cognition as a tool to quantify behaviour to enable assessment of different aspects of fish welfare. For example, the recent work investigating pain perception in trout required the use of a learning task to quantify how fish behaviour was modified after noxious stimulation. Ways in which these, and similar, processes can be used in future studies of fish welfare will be discussed.
The final part of the presentation will consider recent work that addresses the problems of releasing hatchery‐reared fish for restocking purposes. Although a common practice, most of the hatchery‐reared fish die shortly after they are released. Much of the observed mortality apparently stems from the fishes' inexperience with a variable environment. Experiments with juvenile cod and brown trout suggest that both age, and the early rearing environment, have profound effects on fish learning and behaviour. I will discuss how simple modifications to current rearing practices may have large beneficial effects on the post‐release survival of hatchery‐reared fish.  相似文献   

The artificial neural networks (ANN) are very often applied in many areas of toxicology for the solving of complex problems, such as the prediction of chemical compound properties and quantitative structure-activity relationship. The aim of this contribution is to give the basic knowledge about conception of ANN, theirs division and finally, the typical application of ANN will be discussed. Due to the diversity of architectures and adaptation algorithms, the ANNs are used in the broad spectrum of applications from the environmental processes modeling, through the optimization to quantitative structure-activity relationship (QSAR) methods. In addition, especially ANNs with Kohonen learning are very effective classification tool. The ANNs are mostly applied in cases, where the commonly used methods does not work.  相似文献   

Brassinosteroids (BRs) are a class of polyhydroxylated steroidal phytohormones in plants with similar structures to animals’ steroid hormones. Brassinosteroids regulate a wide range of physiological processes including plant growth, development and immunity. Brassinosteroid signalling and its integration with other signalling pathways have been investigated thoroughly at the molecular level.  相似文献   

The dawn of a new Proteomics era, just over a decade ago, allowed for large-scale protein profiling studies that have been applied in the identification of distinctive molecular cell signatures. Proteomics provides a powerful approach for identifying and studying these multiple molecular markers in a vast array of biological systems, whether focusing on basic biological research, diagnosis, therapeutics, or systems biology. This is a continuously expanding field that relies on the combination of different methodologies and current advances, both technological and analytical, which have led to an explosion of protein signatures and biomarker candidates. But how are these biological markers obtained? And, most importantly, what can we learn from them? Herein, we briefly overview the currently available approaches for obtaining relevant information at the proteome level, while noting the current and future roles of both traditional and modern proteomics. Moreover, we provide some considerations on how the development of powerful and robust bioinformatics tools will greatly benefit high-throughput proteomics. Such strategies are of the utmost importance in the rapidly emerging field of immunoproteomics, which may play a key role in the identification of antigens with diagnostic and/or therapeutic potential and in the development of new vaccines. Finally, we consider the present limitations in the discovery of new signatures and biomarkers and speculate on how such hurdles may be overcome, while also offering a prospect for the next few years in what could be one of the most significant strategies in translational medicine research.  相似文献   

The global database of invasive trees and shrubs has been updated, resulting in a total of 751 species (434 trees and 317 shrubs) from 90 families (Rejmánek and Richardson 2013 Divers Distrib 19:1093–1094). This database is used to assess major trends in human-assisted exchanges of dendrofloras among 15 major geographical regions. Areas most invaded by non-native trees are Pacific Islands (136 species), Southern Africa (118), Australia (116), and North America (114). Areas most invaded by non-native shrubs are North America (98), Australia (87), Pacific Islands (71), and Europe (61). The most important sources of invasive trees are Asia (122–146 species, depending on how many Eurasian species are considered to have been introduced only from Europe), Australia (81), and South America (81). The most important sources of invasive shrubs are Asia (103–118), Europe (68), and South America (54). Mean number of native geographical regions for invasive trees is 1.64, while the mean number of invaded regions by trees is 2.51. The difference is smaller for shrubs: 1.60 versus 2.11. Asia is the major source of invasive Rosaceae shrubs, as well as invasive Arecaceae and Oleaceae species. South America and Australia are major sources of invasive Fabaceae trees. North America and Europe are major sources of invasive Pinaceae. Most of the invasive Salicaceae are of Eurasian origin. The identified trends will very likely continue in this century. Because of increasing interactions with many states in Asia, even more invasive woody species will be introduced from this part of the world.  相似文献   

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