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We showed that the expression of a single protein, glycoprotein D (gD-1), specified by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) renders cells resistant to infection by HSV but not to infection by other viruses. Mouse (LMtk-) and human (HEp-2) cell lines containing the gene for gD-1 under control of the human metallothionein promoter II expressed various levels of gD-1 constitutively and could be induced to express higher levels with heavy metal ions. Radiolabeled viruses bound equally well to gD-1-expressing and control cell lines. Adsorbed viruses were unable to penetrate cells expressing sufficient levels of gD-1, based on lack of any cytopathic effects of the challenge virus and on failure to detect either the induction of viral protein synthesis or the shutoff of host protein synthesis normally mediated by a virion-associated factor. The resistance to HSV infection conferred by gD-1 expression was not absolute and depended on several variables, including the amount of gD-1 expressed, the dosage of the challenge virus, the serotype of the challenge virus, and the properties of the cells themselves. The interference activity of gD-1 is discussed in relation to the role of gD-1 in virion infectivity and its possible role in permitting escape of progeny HSV from infected cells.  相似文献   

Thirty-two specimens of brain from five patients with encephalitis suspected to be caused by herpes simplex virus, type 1 (HSV-1) were assayed for antiviral activity. Each patient received 60-80 mg/kg/day of idoxuridine (IDU) by intravenous infusion. The antiviral assay does not measure anti-HSV-1 antibodies. Biopsies of brain in every patient taken before IDU was used, and portions of several regions of the brain at autopsy were available during courses of treatment in four of the five patients. The last patient died 7 days after completing treatment. A significant concentration of IDU (833 mug/ml) was measured transiently in the cerebrospinal fluid of one patient. Meninges and brains showed inflammatory changes. Within the sensitivity of the test (larger than or equal to 6 mug/g) all specimens contained no IDU. As given, IDU does not achieve therapeutic concentrations in human brain. Further clinical use of IDU in therapy of herpes simplex virus encephalitis is not indicated.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence indicates that apoptosis can be associated with several viral infections. Here we demonstrate, that infection of monocytoid cells by Herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) resulted, in time- and dose-dependent induction of apoptosis as an exclusive cytopathic effect. The phenomenon was confirmed using four different techniques. Conversely, apoptosis was not observed in the Vero cell line. Virus yield in monocytoid cells was delayed and reduced, although well detectable, in comparison with that observed in Vero cells. Nevertheless, released virions exhibited full infecting capability. Apoptosis induced by HSV-2 was not inhibited by cycloheximide and only partially by an UV-treatment which completely abrogated infectivity. Virus-induced apoptosis was partly inhibited by indomethacin and was associated with a down-regulation of Bcl-2. A similar, but less pronounced, apoptosis-inducing effect in monocytoid cells was also observed with HSV-1 infection. Depending on the target cells, therefore, HSV could complete a cycle of infection which is characterized by apoptosis of infected cells.  相似文献   

Abortive infection of LLC-MK2 cells by Herpes simplex virus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
S Nii 《Biken journal》1972,15(1):43-47

Reproductive efficiency of herpes simplex virus type 1 has been determined in several normal and mutant human skin fibroblast lines. The mutant cell lines were derived from individuals diagnosed as having Duchenne muscular dystrophy, a disease thought to involve genetically determined membrane defects. Yields of infectious virus, determined by plaque assay on rabbit kidney cell monolayers, were consistently lower from dystrophic cells than from normal cells. The yield from dystrophic lines was 3–20% of the normal. The time course of production of infectious particles did not appear to vary between dystrophic and normal host cells. Also, the initiation of replication of the viral genome did not appear to be altered in the dystrophic lines. It is proposed that a late maturation function is involved in the lower virus productivity in dystrophic cells.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody, produced from mice immunized with a herpes simplex virus (HSV)-infected cell extract, reacts with a molecule which is present in uninfected cells and which accumulates in large amounts during HSV 2 infection. In uninfected cells this molecule is growth regulated, in that exponentially growing cells have intense nuclear immunofluorescence, whereas confluent quiescent cells have little. It has a mol. wt. of 57 000 (p57) in exponential cells, and one of 61 000 (p61) in quiescent cells. In HSV 2-infected cells, p57 accumulates and nuclear and cytoplasmic immunofluorescence increases. In uninfected cells, p57 also accumulates during heat-shock treatment, and this is associated with a new immunofluorescence throughout the cytoplasm. We suggest that HSV 2 infection induces a cellular stress response which is involved in the shut-off of host cell polypeptide synthesis.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus (HSV) glycoprotein K (gK) is thought to be intimately involved in the process by which infected cells fuse because HSV syncytial mutations frequently alter the gK (UL53) gene. Previously, we characterized gK produced in cells infected with wild-type HSV or syncytial HSV mutants and found that the glycoprotein was localized to nuclear and endoplasmic reticulum membranes and did not reach the cell surface (L. Hutchinson, C. Roop, and D. C. Johnson, J. Virol. 69:4556-4563, 1995). In this study, we have characterized a mutant HSV type 1, denoted F-gK beta, in which a lacZ gene cassette was inserted into the gK coding sequences. Since gK was found to be essential for virus replication, F-gK beta was propagated on complementing cells which can express gK. F-gK beta produced normal plaques bounded by nonfused cells when plated on complementing cells, although syncytia were observed when the cells produced smaller amounts of gK. In contrast, F-gK beta produced only microscopic plaques on Vero cells and normal human fibroblasts (which do not express gK) and these plaques were reduced by 10(2) to 10(6) in number. Further, large numbers of nonenveloped capsids accumulated in the cytoplasm of F-gK beta-infected Vero cells, virus particles did not reach the cell surface, and the few enveloped particles that were produced exhibited a reduced capacity to enter cells and initiate an infection of complementing cells. Overexpression of gK in HSV-infected cells also caused defects in virus egress, although particles accumulated in the perinuclear space and large multilamellar membranous structures juxtaposed with the nuclear envelope were observed. Together, these results demonstrate that gK regulates or facilitates egress of HSV from cells. How this property is connected to cell fusion is not clear. In this regard, gK may alter cell surface transport of viral particles or other viral components directly involved in the fusion process.  相似文献   

Highly phosphorylated proteins detectable by their ability to bind bismuth ions were localized in rabbit fibroblasts before and during infection with Herpes simplex viruses type 1 and type 2. The bismuth tartrate procedure of Locke and Huie applied to glutaraldehyde-fixed cells revealed a low level of bismuth binding in a restricted portion of the normal nucleolus in non-infected cells. From 2.5-17 hr post-infection during virus development and maturation, the phosphorylated proteins were more widespread and the intensity of reaction was augmented. Bismuth deposits were then associated with virus-modified pre-existing structures including all of the nucleolar fibrils, the more abundant interchromatin granules, reduplications of some areas of the inner nuclear membrane and the Golgi apparatus. Virus-induced structures which were stained included nuclear dense bodies, the teguments of enveloped virions and the contents of extranuclear enveloped structures devoid of capsids. Following detergent-induced destruction of membranes, staining was lost from the nuclear envelope and cytoplasmic virions, which demonstrated that the highly phosphorylated proteins were tightly bound to nuclear and viral membranes. Bismuth staining of nitrocellulose sheets containing proteins extracted from whole cells revealed no reaction in normal cells but three positive bands were found in infected cells.  相似文献   

Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) has been reported to block uptake of herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and plaque formation on arterial smooth muscle cells, suggesting a role for the bFGF receptor in HSV entry (R. J. Kaner, A. Baird, A. Mansukhani, C. Basilico, B. D. Summers, R. Z. Florkiewicz, and D. P. Hajjar, Science 248:1410-1413, 1990). We confirmed the effect of bFGF on infection of this cell type with HSV-1 and HSV-2 and found the same result with umbilical vein endothelial cells. However, bFGF does not inhibit plaque formation on any other cell type we tested. Furthermore, there is no correlation between the level of expression of the bFGF receptor and the effect of bFGF. HEp-2 and A431 cells express barely detectable levels of receptor, and yet they are fully permissive for HSV infection in a bFGF-insensitive manner. Thus, interaction of virus with the bFGF receptor is not required for infection of many cell types. In addition, infection of smooth muscle cells is not prevented by incubation of virus with an anti-bFGF antibody, arguing against the hypothesis that virion-associated bFGF acts as a bridge between virus and receptor (A. Baird, R. Z. Florkiewicz, P. A. Maher, R. J. Kaner, and D. P. Hajjar, Nature [London] 348:344-346, 1990).  相似文献   

Deoxyribonucleotide metabolism in Herpes simplex virus infected HeLa cells.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of Rolly No. 11 strain herpes simplex virus infection of HeLa cells in culture on deoxynucleotide metabolism and the level of various enzymes concerned with the biosynthesis of DNA has been investigated. Of 18 enzyme activities studied, thymidine kinase, DNA polymerase and deoxyribonuclease were markedly augmented, a finding in agreement with previous reports. Deoxycytidine kinase, ribonucleotide reductase, thymidylate kinase and deoxycytidylate deaminase activities, in contrast with previous reports, did not increase; the activities of the other enzymes studied, also did not increase. Whereas most of the radioactivity derived from [14-C] thymidine in the acid-soluble fraction of the uninfected cells was present as deoxythymidine triphosphate, that present in the infected cells was primarily in the form of deoxythymidine monophosphate. Thus, in the infected cell deoxythymidylate kinase is a rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of deoxythymidine triphosphate. A marked increase in the pools of the four naturally occurring deoxynucleoside triphosphates (dTTP, dCTP, dATP, dGTP) was found. The rate of formation of the virus-induced enzymes was determined, as were the various nucleoside triphosphate pools and the other phosphorylated derivatives of thymidine; a maximum was reached for all these csmponents between 6 to 8 h post infection. Although an apparent greater synthesis of DNA occurred in the uninefected cells, when the specific activity of the radioactive deoxythymidine triphosphate was taken into account, there was actually a greater rate of DNA synthesis in the infected cells, with the peak at 8 h post infection.  相似文献   

Adult ICR/Slc or BALB/c mice developed hydrocephalus when attenuated herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) (strain Ska) was injected intracerebrally 2 to 4 weeks earlier and then after mice were challenged with the same virus or virulent HSV-1. Initial inoculation of the Ska strain elicited acute meningitis and ependymitis with transient mild hydrocephalus. Viral antigen was seen in the meninges and subependymal areas, and the virus was titrated during the acute phase of infection. After the second virus inoculation, more prominent inflammation was evoked in the same area, and the animals developed hydrocephalus, although viral antigen and infectious virus were hardly detected. When the mice were immunosuppressed with cyclophosphamide, they ceased to develop hydrocephalus. BALB/c nude mice did not show the same pathology, even though they were treated in the same way. When irradiated mice, which had been infected with the Ska strain intracerebrally 2 weeks earlier, received syngeneic immune spleen cells, they developed hydrocephalus. The T-cell nature of the effector cells was confirmed by the elimination of the pathology after treatment of the donor cells with anti-Thy-1.2 plus complement. No hydrocephalic mice were observed after treatment of the donor cells with anti-Lyt-1.2 plus complement, which gave further evidence of the T-cell nature of the effector cells as the Lyt-1+.2+ antigen-bearing subsets. Intervals between priming and challenge virus inoculation could be more than 18 months. The presence of purified HSV-1 envelope protein was feasible for the development of the hydrocephalic animals.  相似文献   

The multivaried aspects of the herpes simplex viruses (HSV) types 1 and 2 and the infections they produce are discussed. Points emphasized are: (1) the need for considering these (and other viruses) from an evolutionary perspective; (2) the necessity of disseminating current methods for virus identification; (3) the great progress in molecular-virological aspects and in the genetics of the virus which provide new tools for epidemiological and immunological studies and define more convincingly the possible causal role of HSV-2 in cervical carcinogenesis; (4) the problems with vaccines and the therapeutic advances and failures; (5) the great psychosocial aspect of some herpetic infections and the need to be sympathetic and supportive to afflicted patients and their families; (6) the overreaction regarding HSV that currently exists among physicians, nurses, the public, and the press resulting in increased misery for those afflicted or misdiagnosed, or in poor advice or management given by some physicians pressured in part by the fear of malpractice suits. The problems then are many but the prospects for their solution are in sight as more research at all levels is being conducted today in all corners of the world on the complex herpes simplex viruses.  相似文献   

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